
boosaliNikTh: i get this: Error parsing proxy URL http://localhost:4001 : Bad port number.00:00
daftykinsBroUnicorn: you still want a static IP address for the server really, before you do too much more00:00
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boosaliNikTh: though in the browser it works fine00:00
HexagoniteI don't know why I get faster performance without a graphics driver...00:00
boosaliNikTh: seems like we are on the right path :)00:00
Dr_WillisHexagonite,  huh? that made no sence.00:00
Hexagonitedeactivated my graphics driver from 'Additional drivers', elementaryOS ran faster00:01
BroUnicorndaftykins: Okay! How do I do that?00:01
zillahello im trying to make a persistant live usb 12.04 pendrive and when i select no space for live boot it works however when i select any amount of space it loads for hours when selectinfg try iit00:01
BroUnicorndaftykins: If you don't mind haha00:01
Dr_WillisHexagonite,  and what video card are you using?00:01
cheffedanybody care to help me?00:01
HexagoniteAMD Radeon HD 629000:01
Dr_WillisHexagonite,  theres the open sourced drivers and then theres the proiparity drivers from amd. You are not using 'no' drivers. you are using the open sourced drivers00:02
Hexagonitewait, what?00:02
Guest20003i have intel integrated graphics and i also get better performance running without my drive installed, the open source ones work better..00:02
Dr_WillisYou use either the OPEN SOURCED drivers., or the drivers from AMD/ATI00:02
Dr_Willisopen sourced come by default.00:02
cheffednobody? :(00:03
zillaAny advice00:03
boosaliNikTh: can i use the IP of changelogs.ubuntu.com?00:03
daftykinsBroUnicorn: edit /etc/network/interfaces, pastebin it and i'll explain how00:04
Dr_Willischeffed,  try differnt wireless channels perhaps. or ask in #hardware       such issues are very rare.00:04
Dr_Willischeffed,  also check askubuntu.com   and test with some live cd's to see if any other disrtos work properly00:04
Dr_Williscould be a bug with th wireless drivers00:04
NikThboosali:  Try these commands http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=ZftPf3QZ Post back Full results .. (terminal output must set to unlimited scrolling)00:04
toneswhat's the gui way to download the newest version of Unetbootin in ubuntu?00:05
Dr_Willistones,  get it from the unetbootin homepage in your browser perhaps?00:05
Dr_Willisif it has a PPA  , add the unetbootin ppa and use the normal package manager tools would be a good way also.00:06
boosaliNikTh: how do i set the terminal to unlimited scroll?00:06
Dr_Willistones,  the pendrivelinux web site has alternatives to unetbootin also.00:06
ripplebitguys how do i end a pipe?00:06
boosaliNikTh: i get the same error from the wget u gave me: Error parsing proxy URL http://localhost:4001 : Bad port number.00:06
tonesDr_WIllis, I tried that but it won't open when downloaded00:06
boosaliNikTh: wtf?00:06
toneswhat program to use to open it?00:06
Dr_Willistones,  depends on excatly what you downloaded00:07
Dr_Willistones,  if its a executable binary.  you make it executable then run it00:07
Dr_Willisif its anb archive. you extract it00:07
tonesthat's why I was looking for the gui way, I downloaded off the unetbootin site and sourcefore00:07
NikThboosali:  do you use any program such as anon-proxy ?00:07
Dr_Willistones,  make it an executable file.. IF its an executable binary..00:08
boosaliNikTh: not that i know of...00:08
ripplebitanyone know how to end a pipe in terminal?00:08
Dr_Willisripplebit,  clarify what you mean00:08
NikThboosali:  Did you set any proxy variables ?00:08
Dr_Williscommand | pastebinit00:08
boosaliNikTh: no, but where should i check?00:08
NikThboosali:  cat .bashrc00:09
BroUnicornwait what do I need to do with paste bin?00:09
ripplebitas in: "$ cat > foo.txt" which then goes to newline00:09
ripplebitfor input00:09
ripplebitwondering how to end that00:09
BroUnicorndaftykins: What about paste bin?00:09
Dr_Willisripplebit,   no prompt? you can use ctrl-c or   ctrl-d if you made a typo00:09
Dr_Willisthats putting sdtin into that file looks like to me.00:09
daftykinsBroUnicorn: pastebin it so i can edit it for ye00:10
NikThboosali:  about terminal scrolling.. Edit > Profile Preferences > Scrolling and tick the box (unlimited)00:10
boosaliNikTh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5724586/00:10
daftykins!pastebin | BroUnicorn00:10
ubottuBroUnicorn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:10
boosaliNikTh: cool, thnx00:10
daftykinsBroUnicorn: highlight me when you're done, i gotta go make a late night snack \o/00:10
ripplebiti just used ctrl-z, but ctrl-c is probably better. thanks00:10
cheffedhey willis00:10
Dr_Willisripplebit,  ctrl-z does a totally differnt thing... ;)  bash job controll basics..00:10
tonesproperties--permissions--executable file, that works thanks00:10
cheffedhow can i change the wireless drivers/00:10
infexionI have looked this up on a bunch of different sites and I still cannot figure out how to get this to work00:11
ripplebitoh yeah im kind of new to the shell00:11
infexionon 12.04 how do you change the theme/wallpaper of the login screen?00:11
Dr_Willischeffed,  i dont know what drivers you are using. if the addational-drivers tools suggests alternatives, then try the alternatives00:11
ripplebitso ctrl-c then?00:11
NikThboosali:  Weird things.. try this.. open the .bashrc file and at the end add two lines00:11
ripplebitis ctrl-c the proper way of ending a piping input?00:11
Dr_Willisripplebit,  since ctrl-z puts the job in the background. ;) you dont want ctrl-z00:11
Dr_Willisthats not really a piping input.. its 'command output redirection'   ripplebit00:12
NikThboosali:  export HTTP_PROXY=00:12
Dr_Willisctr;-c kills the process.. ctrl-\ or ctrl-d  sends an end of file   i belive00:12
cheffedsays, this drivers is activated and already in use....shall i try removing it? will it pick up the default ubuntu wifi driver again?00:12
deltanineinfexion, i am running elementary os (12.04) and i can access the login wallpaper from dconf-editor00:12
NikThboosali:  export http_proxy=00:12
Dr_Willisripplebit,  ive NEVER used  that syntax you are using in the decades of linux ussage.  ive used it. ;)00:12
boosaliNikTh: without value?00:12
NikThboosali:  Close the terminal an open it again.. try do-release-upgrade -cd00:12
Dr_Willisripplebit,  you are just making some text file and dont want to use a text editor?00:12
NikThboosali:  yes , without value00:13
ripplebitdoes no one use that?00:13
ripplebitwhat way should i do it?00:13
Dr_Willisripplebit,  what are you TRYING to do exactly?00:13
ripplebitim trying to create a new file with input at the same time00:13
Dr_Willisripplebit,  echo00:13
Dr_Willisripplebit,  echo  'stuff for the file' > file.txt00:13
Dr_Willisis about alli ever use..00:13
ripplebitah brilliant, thanks for that xP00:14
Dr_Willisi dont see why you would do things your way.00:14
BroUnicorndaftykins: http://pastebin.com/1DSkJNF900:14
Dr_Willislook up bash output redirection in the various bash guides for other ways00:14
ripplebitwill do00:15
BroUnicorndaftykins: Wait, for safety I should figure out static ip on my own probably >.< shouldn't I? Or does it matter haha00:15
NikThboosali:  where did you get this proxy.. I don't understand.. :)00:16
boosaliNikTh: now i have intresting output, with -cd i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5724601/ but with -c i get now this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5724603/00:17
boosaliNikTh: my guess is becasue the development file is bad...00:17
boosaliI"ll try to remove it...00:17
Slikehi, i just installed ubuntu next to windows 8 on my uefi-based laptop. ubuntu boots fine if i select the target in the bios options, not directly00:18
didachay alguien00:18
Slikeis there a way to make it find a workable grub directly?00:18
NikThboosali:  Also you can try  set | grep -i prox and post back the results... and apt-cache policy anon-proxy00:18
boosaliNikTh: I removed all the files there, now it says i have upgrade available!!!00:18
NikThOk boosali.. now do.. sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade first.. then do-release-upgrade -cd00:19
daftykinsBroUnicorn: lemme just show you the format00:20
boosaliNikTh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5724611/00:20
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NikThboosali:  Also the results of  : set | grep -i prox and : apt-cache policy anon-proxy would be interesting00:20
daftykinsBroUnicorn: http://pastebin.com/PVgXULdt00:21
boosaliNikTh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5724616/00:21
NikThOk.. boosali now you are OK I think.. first do : sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , then do-releace-upgrade -cd then follow the instructions here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/203301/how-to-safely-upgrade-from-an-older-ubuntu-version-to-a-newer00:22
boosaliNikTh: You Are AWESOME!!!!00:22
NikThboosali:  You see ? You see that anon-proxy is intalled ? This program "played" with the proxy settings.. and corrupted them..00:22
boosaliNikTh:i dont know this program... is it safe to remove it?00:23
NikThboosali:  Ok.. have a nice upgrade procedure.. :-)00:23
NikThboosali:  This program is not installed by default.. and Yes it is safe to remove it.. I don't know how been installed.. but is not installed by default.00:23
BroUnicorndaftykins: Okay, but what did that do?00:23
BroUnicorndaftykins: If you don't mind me asking, line by line00:24
boosaliNikTh: thank you man!! i have been hitting my head against the wall with this thing!!!00:24
daftykinsBroUnicorn: sec00:24
daftykinsBroUnicorn: do you understand IP addressing and DHCP?00:24
NikThboosali:  now the wall broke :P00:25
BroUnicornI somewhat understand IP addressing, and I do not understand DHCP00:25
boosaliNikTh: more like you opened the door next to me... :) lol...00:25
daftykinsBroUnicorn: DHCP is that your computers and devices get an IP address and network settings automatically from your router when you connect to the network00:26
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NikThNow I have to go.. to another channel because I have my own problems with unity-next project :)  Glad to help boosali.00:26
daftykinsBroUnicorn: problem is, if there's a power cut or you turn your router off and on, your server's IP address might change. if you have the SSH port forwarded to a static IP of say,, that computer might not be at that address anymore the next day, so the port won't be forwarded and wont' work00:26
boosaliNikTh: GOOD LUCK man!!00:27
daftykinsBroUnicorn: so those edits to the file configure the network interface eth0 to have a static IP (e.g. you'd put 'address' to make it always .100)00:27
daftykinsBroUnicorn: sound ok?00:27
NikThboosali:  :-)00:27
daftykinsBroUnicorn: you need to have entered numbers that work for your network00:27
BroUnicorndaftykins: Right00:28
regorianeris there a possibility to disable the default respawn limit of upstart? let me explain why i need this ... the default is 10times within 5seconds, but if for any reason two programs crash at the same time (one has the connection to a bus and the other one is connecting as a client) and the respawn of the bus connector takes too long, the client will never open again because 10times tried to start and upstart is doing this really fast00:28
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daftykinsBroUnicorn: it's also best to change the DHCP configuration on your router, so for example if it was set to give IPs out in the 'pool' of -, you'd want to change that to - 50, with the server being something greater than .50 so that they don't overlap00:30
BroUnicornOkay sweet so I have to do some router stuff00:36
daftykinsBroUnicorn: yep00:37
daftykinsBroUnicorn: after you edit that interfaces file, restarting would be easiest to 'apply' it. i've gotta get to sleep now, so ttfn!00:37
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BroUnicornOkay, so how do I get to the interfaces file one last time?00:38
BroUnicornAnd thanks for all the help00:38
daftykinsBroUnicorn: it's in /etc/network/interfaces00:39
daftykinsBroUnicorn: no problem :) enjoy it!00:39
HexagoniteThe Verge wrote about Ubuntu!00:41
BroUnicornHow do I get my router ip?00:42
jribBroUnicorn: the ip for your router on your local ip or the external ip that your isp provides?00:44
BroUnicornjrib: I found it, so never mind on that one, but how do I restart an ubuntu server from CLI?00:44
jribBroUnicorn: sudo reboot00:44
BroUnicornjrib: sweet00:46
BroUnicornI just changed my interface file to have a static ip address00:47
BroUnicorncan I now access the server from anywhere outside of the local network?00:48
Dr_Willistry it and see00:48
jribBroUnicorn: whether you have a static ip or not wouldn't affect your ability to reach it00:48
BroUnicornjrib: Oh, okay00:48
BroUnicornjrib: Then what is the purpose of a static ip?00:48
Dr_Willisthe port forwarding rules will break if it changes ip00:49
Dr_Willisplus it makes it easier to find the server on the internal lan .00:49
jribBroUnicorn: the purpose is so it doesn't change00:49
BroUnicornOh, okay00:49
BroUnicornjrib: So how do I make it accessible from outside of the local network?00:50
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn,  thats what the port forwarding on the router was for.00:50
Dr_Willisssh into the ip of your router.. it forwards to the pc00:50
BroUnicornAh, okay00:51
BroUnicornso how do I port forward?00:51
BroUnicornI didn't see that part of the conversation00:51
Dr_Willisyou wull have to look at your routers settings and docs00:51
Dr_WillisI twas definatly mentioned earlier.00:51
m15kHi. I mounted a backup and want to chroot it to reinstall grub bootloader. But I got a "permission denied". The partition is mounted as exec. Any ideas why I can't get into chroot?00:51
* wombledom peeks in and sniffs o.o00:52
dooglusI just got a new laptop.  its touchpad has the buttons underneath the touchpad, rather than below it.  is there some way to configure the software to work with it properly?00:52
BroUnicornWell I'm inside of the router and I'm searching for port forwarding :)00:52
dooglus('under' as in 'closer to the earth's core', not as in 'closer to my belly button')00:52
* wombledom scampers over to BroUnicorn and noses00:52
BroUnicornwombledom: huh?00:53
wombledomyap :I00:53
ShariffI have 2 network interfaces: lo and eth0 .. lo is defined in /etc/network/interfaces, but eth0 is not. If it is not defined there (to have a dynamic or static address) where would it be defined?00:54
BroUnicornDr_Willis: Okay so I found the page. what do I put as the inbound port?00:55
BroUnicornand the type?.. and private IP address and Private port hahaha00:55
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn,  you were the one that decided to change ports earlier to the non-default ssh ones.. so i dont know what ports you used.00:56
BroUnicornI know what port I used- which do I put that number into?00:56
jpmhaccording to nm-tool my dns servers are, and yet when I do a dig it tells me that the server is - this is an issue since the 206 set are opendns and I need to use them00:56
BroUnicornDo I put that number for both the inbound and the private port?00:56
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn,  err.. both00:57
Dr_WillisUNLess you want to forward port 3333 to 22  line i mentioned earlier..00:57
BroUnicornOh right00:57
BroUnicornI'm starting to understand it haha00:57
BroUnicornfor private IP address do I route it to the IP address of the server?00:57
Dr_Williswhat other ip do you think you could use? ;)00:58
Dr_Willisthats why we went through the whole 'static' ip stuff00:58
BroUnicornhmm, didn't work01:00
BroUnicornam I supposed to ssh into the router's ip address with no username?01:00
Dr_Willisthe router redirects any connections on tha tport - to the PC.01:00
Dr_Willisso you ssh to the box same as you would on the local network. but using the routers ip01:00
Dr_Willisssh bubba@yourip01:01
Dr_WillisAND since YOU decided to chagne the port.. YOU MUST tell it what PORT to use..01:01
ruckus_hass anyone installed the latest release on a macbook pro01:01
BroUnicornwell it's refusing so I messed up somewhere haha01:01
BroUnicornmaybe I'm using the wrong router IP01:02
BroUnicornit says my router's ip address is
BroUnicornis that the one I try to ssh into?01:02
Dr_Willisthats your INTERNAL ip.01:02
Dr_WillisNOT your external ip.01:02
BroUnicornOkay, how do I find the external?01:02
Dr_Willisgo to a web site that shows it.. or look in your rotuer settings01:03
dominic_how can i install 13.04 on my 12.04 without losing anything01:03
dominic_using a dvd01:03
Dr_Willisdominic_,  do a upgrade.. or backup everything imporntant.01:03
Dr_Willisand try the upgrade feature of the dvd/installer. I think it had one.01:03
dominic_i use the backup of ubuntu01:03
Dr_WillisI backup stuff to external usb and cloud - that i find critical.01:04
Dr_Willisi rarely do full system backups01:04
BroUnicornDang. That didn't work either haha.01:04
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn,  and what ssh client.command are you using?01:05
BroUnicornterminal on OSX01:05
BroUnicorn"ssh username@externalip -p##01:05
Dr_Willissince you are allready in the lan.. it may get confused..   i ssh in from my cellphone. ;)01:06
ruckus_has anyone  installed on a wiped out macbook pr01:06
TaZeRsorry i smash macbooks and any mac products on sight01:08
TaZeRive been to jail a number times for that01:08
TaZeRand ive never regretted it01:08
ruckus_lol but that isn't helping me lol01:08
TaZeRi simply tell the police macintosh company is the worst and i am non violent only against mac01:09
ShariffAfter having installed xbmcbuntu (rather than xbmc on windows) the sound seems soft. I have already set it to max with the + key, but is there a way to increase the volume even further?01:09
jpmhruckus_: I only run on Macs as laptops - the hardware is so much better than the same priced non-mac - the install is trivial01:10
Dr_Willisif i recall right Shariff  xbmc has its own voulme setting, and the system/puse audio also has its own setting (that i set to be like at 75%)01:10
ruckus_i have a macbook pr 6,201:10
Shariffpuse audio? That will give me something to google on :)01:10
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions01:10
ruckus_would like to go back to ubuntu01:11
Dr_Willisi just install xbmc on top of ubuntu normally01:11
ShariffAahh Excellent, thanks!01:11
jpmhruckus_: so what is the issue01:11
ShariffDr_Willis:  I tried that, but had issues with getting it to work properly.. i'm using some old hrdware :)01:11
ruckus_haven't tried it yet, i just heard it will screw up the laptop01:11
Dr_WillisShariff,  cant say ive really had any issues.. You may want to check out Openelec if you need a stand alone xbmc machine01:12
ShariffDr_Willis: Thanks will do!01:12
ShariffBtw.. if eth0 is not defined in /etc/network/interfaces where would it be defined (for instance to set it static or dynamic?01:12
Dr_WillisShariff,  i run xbmc on my raspberry pi ;)01:12
Dr_WillisShariff,  you might want to check out plex also  its a neat spinoff of xbmc01:12
ShariffNice :)01:12
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
ShariffWill do!01:12
Dr_Willisits auto-confgured - by network manager - so it dosent have to be defined01:12
jpmhruckus_: no idea by what you mean there - it installs and runs so you have first wuality hardware running a better os01:13
ShariffDr_Willis: ànd if I want to define it? :) or better yet.. change it to static01:13
ruckus_ so i should just suck it up and install then? latest release will run fine as well?01:13
Dr_Willisnetwork manager can do that.. i never bother ;)01:13
Dr_Willismy router handles it01:13
ShariffDr_Willis: my router sucks in that specifically.. so how do I access network manager if all I have is xbmc as x-client01:14
Dr_Willisrun it from a differnt desktop perhaps? or use the nm-* cli tools01:14
tonesDr_WIllis are you a network administrator?01:14
ShariffDr_Willis: Thanks a lot!01:15
Dr_Willisnope - i just mess with a home lan01:15
Dr_Willisdown to very few pcs on the lan these days01:15
Dr_WillisIhave been playing with xbmc/raspberrypi/plex and my android upnp clients lately01:15
jpmhruckus_: I use xubuntu since the lack of reliability of unity is an issue and I decided to switch before they took the gnome cgoice from me - I am running 12.4 as a LTS01:18
Dr_WillisUnity works very well for me. ;)01:18
ruckus_on a macbook pro Dr?01:19
Dr_WillisYou can still get gnome in ubuntu.01:19
Dr_WillisI dont own any mac hardware.. got rid of it all. what little i had.01:19
ruckus_i don't think dual booting is an option01:19
ruckus_well i thought i wanted one01:19
ruckus_now i miss ubuntu01:19
jpmhruckus_: I have not considered dual boot - so no idea01:20
Dr_Willisid rather use the $$ and buy 2 pcs then have    a mac. :)01:20
TaZeRhey i have a weird bug on ubuntu01:20
FloodBot1TaZeR: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
mbhatnagstrange kind of bug01:20
jpmhruckus_: you will not regret the upgrade to the better hardware - it just feels good - its like driving a jaguar rather than a ford - same engine, but feel and finish01:22
TaZeRi think smeone infected me with something01:22
TaZeRthey told me to write this weird shit into my xchat01:22
TaZeRi dont know why i did it01:22
TaZeRbut after that i started to spam that weird shit every 5 minutes01:22
Dr_WillisTaZeR,  close xchat delete your .xchat* dirs to reset it01:22
jpmhTaZeR: who is that someone you refer to01:23
Dr_Willissee #xchat for more help perhaps.01:23
TaZeRit was in one of those xdcc channels where they give u the free downloads of movies01:23
TaZeRthey said i can get better speeds01:23
TaZeRif i typed it in01:23
Dr_Willissounds like you know better now..01:23
TaZeRyea im only gonna download off torrents now01:24
Dr_Williserr.. learn to not type in 'random stuff' people tell you...01:24
jpmhruckus_: also remember it is a mac so if you do want tp go back you just step into the store and they reload for you01:25
Dr_Willispastebin what you 'typed' and show it to the people in #xchat perhaps. and show us the pastebin..01:25
soy_el_pulpoget the Dr some evidence!!01:25
Dr_Willisor just whipe out all your xchat stuff and start clean..01:26
Dr_Willisassuming it wasent somthing really weird that affected your whole /home/username dir01:26
ruckus_good point01:27
ruckus_lol thanks jp01:27
darkapphey is there a torrent download for the new ubuntu?01:28
Dr_Willisnew? which new?01:28
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Raring, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:28
jpmhruckus_: np - you will love the quality of the hw - lenovo is as good but costs more01:28
ubottuRaring can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/desktop/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/server/ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696901:28
darkappDr_Willis: 13.0401:28
FlynsarmyMy ext4 drive isn't mounting an dmesg is giving me "EXT4-fs (sdi1): no journal found". how can I fix this without losing data? A forum suggested 'tune2fs -j /dev/xxx' however the j parameter is for ext3 according to the manual01:28
TaZeRsudo su01:29
TaZeRi thought i was in my terminal01:29
darkappur username is spankme?01:29
Dr_Williserr.. use 'sudo -i' not 'sudo su'01:29
* darkapp smels a troll01:29
TaZeRi mean its not my password01:30
TaZeRits nothing01:30
TaZeRi was just joking01:30
TaZeRplease dont hack me01:30
darkappDr_Willis: what -i do?01:30
TaZeRthen i will killl you01:30
* jpmh finds troll smell getting sronger01:30
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darkappwow 2.5mb per a seond on the ubutu torrent download01:30
Dr_Willisdarkapp,  gives you a root shell the proper way01:30
TaZeRjpmh if ur troll smell gets too strong the troll just might find ya and stomp on ya with his giant troll foot01:30
TaZeRwhat u wanna do is cover  urself in troll urine01:31
Ben64TaZeR: stop01:31
TaZeRthen we wont be able to smell ya comin01:31
Flynsarmycan i safely use tune2fs -j on an ext4 drive?01:31
TaZeRben64 u tell to stop again im gonna eat your liver you understand me01:31
jpmhTaZeR: ty for the proof - you are now blocked for me01:31
TaZeRjpmh i doubt anyone has ever blocked me i am way too entertaining01:32
TaZeRso cut off ur bullshit u french fried mother fucker01:32
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!01:35
Flynsarmyanyone able to tell me how to fix an ext4 filesystem with no journal found?01:35
darkappsry i dont know01:36
tohuwFlynsarmy: read through this, I was able to mount an ext4 system with an unusable journal with a similar method: http://computer-forensics.sans.org/blog/2011/06/14/digital-forensics-mounting-dirty-ext4-filesystems01:38
Flynsarmytohuw: yea just beat you to it :) got it mounted, 3 files get IO errors but luckily i have backups of those01:39
megamanx1978How do I shrink my windows partition to make my home partition bigger after ubuntu is already installed?01:39
Ben64megamanx1978: you need to do that from a livecd or usb01:39
tohuwFlynsarmy: nice.01:40
kairosI'm having problems with my sound. Root can play sounds, and I've added myself to the audio group, but it's still not working01:40
Ben64kairos: root can play sounds? why are you using root?01:40
tohuwmegamanx1978: is Ubuntu on a separate logical partition from Windows?01:40
kairosBen64: To see if it was my user or the sound card that's the problem01:40
megamanx1978Ben64 That helps but I need more info01:40
Ben64megamanx1978: like what?01:41
tohuwmegamanx1978: (meaning, you didn't install with Wubi or inside Windows)01:41
megamanx1978Ubuntu is not inside windows I am duel booting01:41
kairosBen64: And by root I meant running sudo aplay <sound>01:41
tohuwmegamanx1978: Install and try gparted. Back up Windows first, read the man page to understand the ramifications and possible risks of shrinking a partition, etc.01:42
megamanx1978Let me make a screenshot with gparted01:42
tohuwmegamanx1978: http://www.gparted.org/display-doc.php?name=help-manual&lang=C#gparted-resize-partition01:43
megamanx1978Here is my partition setup http://imagebin.org/25988001:47
tohuwmegamanx1978: Read the link I provided. In general, you should back up, shrink Windows, grow home01:49
megamanx1978Can that be done with a seperate logical linux partiton like in my setup I just pasted?01:51
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
tohuwmegamanx1978: Yes. Free space is free space; any logical partition can consume it. Physically speaking, it may require partition restructuring of all the linux extended partitions, but it should work. If you experience trouble after reading the manual and giving it a go, come on back and let us know what went wrong.01:52
heraclitusWhat is a polyline parse error?01:54
ParadoxGuitaristSo I'm trying to package a .deb for a proprietary app for debian-based users. I was planning on putting manuals in /usr/share/doc/Behringer/X32 the app in /usr/bin/  Icon for the app in /usr/share/icons/Behringer/scalable/ and .desktop file in /usr/share/applications. I know that will work for the Fedora package I made all those paths will be fine, but I'm not familiar with compatibility in Ubuntu. Does that all sound right to 01:54
nathansuchyI just found a really cool package called irssi it allows you to use irc from the command line :)01:55
gordonjcpnathansuchy: no, really?01:55
megamanx1978Thank you01:55
gordonjcpobviously not quite figured it out yet, eh01:55
jpmhI want to use open dns as my dns servers - nm-tool say that they are my primary and secondary - yjey should be set automatically - yet opendns is not what i get - help please01:56
kairosI'm having problems with my sound. I can hear it with sudo aplay <sound>, but aplay <sound> doesn't. I've added myself to the audio group, but still no luck.01:56
budmangHey guys I have an ubuntu 12.04 server install(and a usb server  install stick) for some reason the system stopped booting.. I get grub(though it doesnt auto select any boot any more I have to manully select).02:06
budmangWill resuce mode help at all?02:06
budmangshoudl I do the bootrepair optino?02:06
fellayaboyhey when using openvpn, can you use the same client.key & client.crt if your not using it one the original one you used it on02:09
mintI am back and unable to shrink the windows partition02:11
ParadoxGuitaristis /usr/share/applicatons/ the standard for .desktop files in Ubuntu02:13
trismParadoxGuitarist: yes02:13
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ParadoxGuitaristThanks trism: Just want to be sure /usr/share/docs/ is valid as well.02:14
trismParadoxGuitarist: /usr/share/doc/02:14
megamanx1978tohum I am unable to shrink the windows partition02:14
ParadoxGuitaristperfect, thanks trism02:15
budmangI have an ubuntu 12.04 server CD(but LIVECD doesnt seem to be an option.. OR try...02:17
UNIXgodbudmang: shutup and hack02:18
kairosI'm having problems with my sound. I can hear it with sudo aplay <sound>, but aplay <sound> doesn't. I've added myself to the audio group, but still no luck.02:19
kairosAlso it's not muted02:19
BlueProtomanI can't log in to Ubuntu 13.04; when I try, I get a blank screen excpt for a frozen cursor!  Also, my wi-fi doesn't work, I can only use ethernet.   I can log in via terminal, though.  Any tips?02:20
megamanx1978I already have ubuntu installed and want to shrink my windows partition to make my home partition bigger but I am unable to shrink my windows partition it says " min size 950000 max size 950000".02:22
Dr_Williswhat windows version megamanx1978 ?02:28
Dr_Willisand how are you trying to shrink the partition?02:28
megamanx1978with gparted02:28
Dr_Williswell windows has the ability to resize its own partions while running windows.  gpartd may need the windows partion to be defragged/scandisked.02:29
megamanx1978I think win7 is on a primary partition02:29
Dr_Willisyou may want to check the disk layout and see how many primary/extended/logical partitions you have also.02:29
Dr_Willisi found windows much faster at resizeing its own partions then gparted is.02:30
megamanx1978How about I show you my partition table02:31
Dr_Willisscreenshot of the gparted screen is one way. or pastebin the 'sudo fdisk -l' output. or 'sudo parted -l' (i think)02:31
=== brittnee_ is now known as brittnee
Dr_Willisyou want to shrink sda1 ?02:32
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
Dr_Willisyour sda7 is way huge for just /   ;)    i would doubt if / ever gets over 50gb for most people.02:33
=== falon is now known as Falon
Dr_Williswindows should be able to reisze sda1 while in windows. gparted may not like somthing with the filesystem. note the (!) by its entry02:34
megamanx1978I want to use the extra space for a bigger home02:34
Dr_Willisyou could always setup spare space on sda7 for your users to use .  or shrink sda7 and enlarge sda602:35
Dr_Willisgparted may want the windows partion to be 'checked, and defragged'02:35
megamanx1978So what is the windows way?02:36
Dr_Willisenlargeinbg sda6 to the left.. will mean you will need to remove/readd swap. expand sda2 (the extended) THEN expand sda6 in th extended partition02:36
Dr_Williswindows disk maager tool has a resize option02:36
arowanaHi all02:37
Dr_Willisfor your simple layout - in the future you may want to use all Primary partions, since you are only using 4 partitions.02:37
arowanaiPod connected in USB Disk Mode, any way to format HDD02:38
arowanaiPod shows HDD failure02:38
megamanx1978Can you give me a link to the windows disk manager tool?02:38
mojtabaHi, could you please let me know why when I change the directory to my external HDD and  use find, it is not working. but when I am in my home directory it is working!02:39
wilee-nileemegamanx1978, http://pcsupport.about.com/od/windows7/ht/disk-management-windows-7.htm02:39
Dr_Willisnot really.. its right there on the   Computer->manage icon, disk manager02:39
Dr_Willis##windows may  have some other ideas also.02:40
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P02:41
Dr_Willisdepending on how full your windows hd is.. it may take some time to defrag/resize also02:42
Falonhow do i let ubuntu update to 13.04? it said when i finished installing i could but it wouldnt let me I then restarted machine and now i got no updates or option to upgrade02:45
megamanx1978Thank you Dr willis and wilee let me reboot and try that and I will come back later02:46
Falonhello padawan02:46
Dr_Williswhat release are you on now Falon ?02:46
Falon12.10 i believe02:47
pawanwanna upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1002:47
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.02:47
pawani am on 9.0402:47
Dr_Willispawan,  using that old of an release.. it would be better to do a clean install of a newer reelase02:47
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:47
Dr_Willisthose have both been EOL fo rseveral years now02:47
Dr_Willisdownload/burn/put on USB a new iso of a newer release and do a clean install would be the 'best' way02:48
Dr_Willisotherwise you are looking at a lot of time updateing from one release to the next.02:48
Dr_Willisand like 5x the download sizes02:48
pawani dont want to burn02:48
pawanwanna do it online02:49
pawanfrom ubuntu servers02:49
Dr_Willis!eol | pawan02:49
ubottupawan: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:49
BlueProtomanI can't log in to Ubuntu 13.04; when I try, I get a blank screen excpt for a frozen cursor!  Also, my wi-fi doesn't work, I can only use ethernet.   Everything was fine before I reinstalled!  I can log in via terminal, though.  Any tips?02:49
Dr_Willischeck the EOL factid for upgradeing from a EOL rlease.. good luck.. you will need it.02:49
FalonPawan i newb to this. But I followed simple instructions to create a USB installer. off the ubuntu website02:49
Dr_Willisu[gradeing from one EOL reelase to another EOL rlease.. is a bit pointless02:49
Falonim sure you will be able to do it to02:49
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120402:50
Falonis there a command to get the update started?02:50
Dr_WillisYou will need to do some reading at the !EOL factoid if you want to upgrade to 9.1002:51
pawani try02:51
pawani want to go from 9.04 to 9.10 ....02:51
Dr_Willisand 9.10 is no longer supported either..02:51
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0402:51
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.02:51
Dr_Willisneither is 11.0402:51
FalonDownloading 13.04 img now should be done in about 3min do i just click on it to start update?02:53
Dr_Willis.img ? you mean a .iso?02:53
Falonhmm bellieves so02:54
Dr_WillisYou cant just upgrade  a 9.0X release straight to 13.04  you MUST go one release to the next..02:54
Dr_WillisOR you can go one LTS release to the NEXT..02:54
Falonubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.img yes02:54
Dr_Willis.img? err.. its .iso last i looked02:54
Falon im not on 9.04 im 12.0402:54
Dr_Willisok. ;) it was the other guy on 9.x02:55
Dr_WillisI think ifyou mount the iso it will ask you to upgrade.. but im no tsure02:55
Falonhmm not sure how to mount img in linux erm ubuntu02:56
Dr_Willisdouble click and see?02:56
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:56
Falonwaiting for it to finish downloading02:56
Dr_Willisi tend to do clean installs. ;)02:57
Falonbtw ty for the help02:57
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
Falonbasically got this decent deal off ebay for this laptop/netbook with touchscreen 12.1" touchscreen as a parts or repair. found out the hdd couldnt be installed with a 2.5 drive so had to specially order a 1.8 drive for it. but in the mean time i had a 80gb external usb drive laying around though ill see if i can install windows to it.03:00
FalonNOPE! windows wont let you install to a USB base drive.03:00
Dr_WillisNope it wont03:00
Falonso im like fine i got my copy of ubuntu on 8gb flash03:00
Falonbooted it up fine and dandy03:00
Falonthen i said well lets see if it installs to my 80gb lol and it did no problem03:01
Faloneven touch screen works03:01
Dr_Willisyou could have used 'dd' to image the usb to hd. ;) and cloned the syste,03:01
Falondont know what dd is03:02
FalonI am surprised how quick and smooth playing mp3's & mp4's are on ubuntu03:03
BaD_CrCdd/ddrescue has saved my tail numerous times03:03
Falonlast time i played with a linux based system was like Redhat 4. something03:03
FalonI have a rack server just sitting around i might dump Ubuntu server on and see what i can do with it for while03:04
BaD_CrCubuntu has come a long way since i started using it around 5.0403:04
Dr_WillisMy 'rack' server. is a small stack of raspberry pis ;P03:04
Falonmuch more newb friendly03:04
Dr_Willisthat goes for linux in general. ;)03:05
Dr_Willisno longer having to recompile the kernel to get cd-burners working03:05
Faloni have a dell power edge or something 3 blades each running 2X 2.0ghz xeon cpus 2gb ram each (too cheap to get more) and 120gb hds03:06
BaD_CrCmy 'rack' is a very old dell laptop. :) as a matter of fact, i'm installing MinimalCD on it right now and will be configuring it as my LAN cache server.03:06
WeThePeopleis it possible to opena  .dat file?03:06
Dr_Willis .dat dosent really tell us what sort of file it is03:06
BaD_CrCWeThePeople: what is it from?03:06
Dr_Willisfile foo.dat    may give a clue03:06
WeThePeopleidk what program created it03:06
Dr_Willisthen where did it come from? and what is it supposed to be?03:07
malimbarQuestion about grub - I just installed ubuntu a second time on a new HD, but it boots into the old hard drive automatically. How do I fix that?03:07
Falonand if you dont know what its from why would you want to open it?03:07
BaD_CrC"less file.dat" might work if it's text. or else it'll jumble the screen.03:07
Dr_Willismalimbar,  tell the bios to boot the other hd.03:07
Falonyes change boot order in bios03:07
malimbarDr_Willis, UEFI doesn't see the second hard drive in the boot options. Wait, let me try that again just in case.03:07
malimbarI'll be back :)03:08
Falonthis new laptop/netbook is prity nice i think03:08
BaD_CrCoohh, i forgot how old this laptop really was. 32-bit, core duo, 1.6ghz, 1gb ram max. this should be fun.03:09
WeThePeopledr_willis, its a data file03:09
Falonits playing a movie downloading file streaming a netflix ep playing a song  and im chatting while surfing the web.03:09
BlueProtomanI can't log in to Ubuntu 13.04; when I try, I get a blank screen excpt for a frozen cursor!  Also, my wi-fi doesn't work, I can only use ethernet.   I can log in via terminal, though.  Any tips?03:09
Dr_WillisWeThePeople,  that tells us very little other then 'its some binary file some app uses'03:09
WeThePeopledr_willis, its lists geo IP locations03:10
bazhang!ot | Falon03:10
ubottuFalon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:10
Dr_WillisWeThePeople,  and you dont know what app made it? or what its used for? but you want to edit it?03:10
WeThePeopledr_willis, just want to view it03:11
Dr_Williscat file | more03:11
Dr_Willis:) but if its binary data. it wont show much03:11
Dr_Willisvi has a binary mode also03:11
BlueProtomanI can't log in to Ubuntu 13.04; when I try, I get a blank screen excpt for a frozen cursor!  Also, my wi-fi doesn't work, I can only use ethernet.   I can log in via terminal, though.  Any tips?03:11
Dr_WillisBlueProtoman,  install some other desktop to use, untill you figure out whats got unity/compiz confused   perhaps.03:12
Dr_Willisalso it would be a good test to see if for example lubuntu works03:12
Dr_Willisif all the desktops fail - that would point to a driver/X issue03:13
Dr_Willisif they work. that wuld point to a compiz/unity issue03:13
BlueProtomanI'll try xmonad and lxde.03:13
BlueProtomanI just have to install them first.03:14
malimbarthanks! it worked03:14
aladdinheyyo nice people. why closing a terminal shuts down an application (providing the application is launched from the terminal?)03:14
Dr_Willisaladdin,  depenmds on the app. and how you closed the terminal03:14
Dr_Willisparent closes.. closes the children in most cases03:15
aladdinDr_Willis: I have only 2 options - Cancel and Close Terminal03:15
Dr_Willisor you could for example use  'gedit &' from the terminal and use  the 'exit' command03:15
Falonok tried to mount that image of 13.04 but it doesnt seem to do anything should there be a  cd  or some new drive open up in computer so that i can try to install/update?03:15
Dr_Willisthat closes  the terminal and should leave gedit running03:15
Dr_Willisbash job control basics -> http://web.mit.edu/gnu/doc/html/features_5.html03:16
tonesdo ubuntu irc people ever get together in real life?03:16
aladdinThe thing is I can type anything that executes03:16
Dr_Williswhats this 'real life' of which you speak?03:16
Dr_Willisaladdin,  give us more specific details03:17
toneswhere humans eat and drink food and make sounds with vocal chords03:17
BaD_CrCDr_Willis: yes, but that terminal is the controlling session for that bash shell. close the terminal, any tasks related to it will die.... unless you use screen or dtach.03:17
aladdinsorry, I mean't i cannot type anything that executes. It is like typing on the blank text editor03:17
bazhangtones, in #ubuntu-offtopic is where we talk about that03:18
Ben64aladdin: which application, how are you launching it?03:18
Dr_WillisBaD_CrC,   you can use & and exit, but it can also depend on the app you laucnhed..  the point is to not just use the CLOSE button03:19
aladdinben64: e.g. google-chrome from terminal03:19
Ben64aladdin: if you start the application with an "&" at the end, you can exit the terminal and keep it running03:19
BlueProtomanDr_Willis: Lxde actually works!  However, I can't seem to use my monitor's full resolution; I gwt 1024*768 when I should get 1366*1768.03:19
Dr_Willisaladdin,  'google-chrome &'  then 'exit'  dont just hit the close button03:19
BlueProtomanPlus, I still don't have wi-fi.03:19
aladdinahha, let me try03:20
Dr_WillisBlueProtoman,  my first guess - you dont have the proper video drivers going03:20
mojtabaHi, could you please let me know why when I change the directory to my external HDD and use find, it is not working. but when I am in my home directory it is working!03:20
Falonok tried to mount that image of 13.04 but it doesnt seem to do anything should there be a  cd  or some new drive open up in computer so that i can try to install/update?03:20
Dr_Willismojtaba,  clarify what you mean..    with specific errors03:20
aladdinThank Ben64 and DrWillis03:21
BlueProtomanDr_Willis, that's the problem I was originally trying to solve.  Can I PM you?03:21
mojtabaDr_Willis: I typed cd /media/myHDD03:21
mojtabaand then find . -iname *jpg03:21
Dr_WillisBlueProtoman,  the extent of my video driver skills is installing nvidia-current  mainly...03:21
BlueProtomanWhat about wi-fi drivers?03:21
mojtababut it did not work, and when I came back to home directory with cd ~, it worked!03:21
Dr_Willisi bought wifi-dongles that work out of the box. :) on amazon.03:22
Dr_Willisplug and play and away i go.. $1503:22
Dr_Willisor i plug one in and use that addational-drivers tool03:22
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BlueProtomanBut my wi-fi worked fine yesteday!03:22
Dr_Willistry an older kernel from the grub menus03:22
BlueProtomanIt wirjed fine with 13.04, too!  I did not upgrade, just reinstalled.03:23
Dr_Willistry installing an older kernel perhaps.03:23
Dr_Willisverify that it works with the live cd also.. it could be some odd hardware glitz03:24
BlueProtomanBut I had the same damned krnel before I reinstalled!  And yes, it did work fine with a live usb!03:24
Dr_Williscompare what modules are in use on the live cd vs the installed system03:24
Dr_Willisboot one that works.. look at lsmod output. and kernel version, and what drivers are in use03:25
Falonhow do i access or use update-manager 1:0.174.303:26
Falonubuntu seems to hide things it seems03:26
BlueProtomanAnd how will this help me if I know that 13.04 works on my laptop?03:27
WeThePeopledr_willis, strings file.dat works03:27
Dr_Willis_cick the dash type 'update' and it shows the icons for the update manager tools03:27
WeThePeoplestrings fie.dat03:27
Dr_Willis_WeThePeople:  old skool. ;)03:27
Dr_Willis_Falon:  you could always  just do a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' at any time03:28
Falonlol i just started copying over the img to the flash drive replacing the old 12.04 with the 13.04 vrsn figured id restart lapy with it in and see if it wants to install or update03:29
Falonthat and i have no idea how to do sudo aptget03:30
bazhangFalon, he just typed out the exact command for you03:30
Dr_Willis_to update all packages.. i just gave you the exact commands03:30
Falon<-- newb to all things linus basicaly when i played with linux it had no GUI it was txt based03:30
Falonive been a windows man for quit a while03:30
bazhangFalon, and you cannot just drag and drop the img to the usb03:31
Dr_Willis_!manual | Falon03:31
ubottuFalon: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:31
bazhang!apt-get | Falon have a read03:31
ubottuFalon have a read: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)03:31
Falonhow does one launch a program that says its installed but has no icon to launch it say such as Terminal03:37
Falonagian ubuntu seems to hide things03:37
aeon-ltdFalon: what is it called?03:37
Falonprobly afraid we will derp them up03:38
bazhangctrl alt t03:38
FalonTy bAZHANG03:38
bazhangFalon, it hides nothing. learn the proper names for thing03:38
bazhanggnome-terminal in this case, iirc03:38
aeon-ltddoes alt-f2 still activate the launcher?03:38
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Dr_Willis_Falon:  hides what things? not everything has a GUI.03:42
Dr_Willis_!info gvim03:42
ubottuPackage gvim does not exist in raring03:42
Dr_Willis_hello world.03:43
Dr_Willis_please state the nature of your ubutu support question.03:44
Falonbazhang, was right though is all, i need to learn proper names03:44
Falonim used to windows03:44
Faloncmd and stuff wont work on ubuntu03:44
Dr_Willis_windows hides quite a bit..03:44
Dr_Willis_cmd and stuff? linux has a better 'shell'  then windows has ever had.03:44
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
Falonis it possible to play windows based games on ubuntu? say like MMO's World of warcraft or Star wars The old republic03:46
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:46
bazhang!appdb | Falon check here03:46
ubottuFalon check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help03:46
Xenochhello, I have an FTP setup question if anyone can help03:46
Dr_Willis_Steam has recently been ported to linux with many linux native games also.03:47
soy_el_pulpohi, have you guys tried to install firefox/mozilla sync?03:47
Dr_Willis_Xenoch:  give us details.. but you will also be reccomeded to not use ftp. but use ssh/sftp/scp instead ;)03:47
soy_el_pulpoany success?03:48
Dr_Willis_soy_el_pulpo:  firefox syncs here last i tried it.. dident have to install anything special03:48
adam_ganyone know why my fresh 13.04 install does not let me save recently unlocked gpg keys in my keyring, so i do not have to re-enter password? my gpg agent seems to be working, but not saving my password for session03:48
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis_: I have my own apache2 instance, so I understood I do not need the full server...03:48
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis_: I am following this guide: https://docs.services.mozilla.com/howtos/run-sync.html03:49
Dr_Willis_soy_el_pulpo:  never tried it. i just use the default firefox sync feature.03:49
Falonis there script addons for Xchat? like mIRC?03:49
bazhang!ask | nightwolf_03:49
ubottunightwolf_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:49
Dr_Willis_Falon:  once you learn how Scriptable xchat is.. you realize how poor mIRC is.03:49
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis_: ah ok... https://services.mozilla.com/status/ says it is having issues03:50
Xenochok, I have installed vsftpd on my ubuntu 13.04 Virtual server, I have never messed around with the FTP backend before, using a more secure method would definitely be better. I would like to use filezilla to access my virtual development server, and using filezilla throws the error: 500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_cmd, this may be due to not having my ssh/sftp system setup. Has anyone ran across this issue that can point me in the right direct03:50
Dr_Willis_Falon:  the xchat homepage has dozens of scripts in differnt languages for your needs03:50
bazhangFalon, yes, the xchat webpage has them, and #xchat has a channel here03:50
Falonthanks will check it out03:50
Dr_Willis_soy_el_pulpo:  the more you need it working.. ;)03:50
Dr_Willis_Falon:  why do you really need any scripts? ;)03:50
Faloni like to chat on irc03:51
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis_: sure... I have to read a bit more...03:51
Dr_Willis_and you need a script for what exactly Falon ?03:51
Dr_Willis_I dont use any scripts at all on xchat.03:51
Falonis nice to do stupid things like spam system info or mp3s playing atm or ascii text art03:51
Dr_Willis_well.. thats one way to get booted from this channel. ;P03:51
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis_: if the guys over #sync cannot help me I will schedule an appointment with the DR, lol03:51
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis_: maybe on your bag of tricks have something that may help me03:52
Falonyeh I did not intend to do that here03:52
Dr_Willis_Falon:  if you want the most 'scriptable' clients. that would most likely be irssi and weechat.03:52
* Dr_Willis_ tends to use weechat03:52
Falonhmm never heard of them will check them out03:52
=== Dr_Willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis
soy_el_pulpoXenoch: for what you want the FTP? it is not very secure....03:53
malimbarok, weird. UEFI doesn't see the new hard drive as an option (so I cahn't change boot priority), but if I select boot options at startup I can select it manually03:54
malimbarhelp would be appreciated03:54
XenochI am failing to undestand the diference between sFTP and FTP essentially, I would like an online virtual server that is secrure against standard port scans etc for working on small personal projects (nothing overly sensitive). Secure is better obviously, but I have no idea on where to start, is vsftpd a good thing to use or is there better? I am working on learning PHP and brushing up my portfolio in looking for a job in software dev.03:55
soy_el_pulpoXenoch: for example: I want to backup my laptop files on something like dropbox (without dropbox) so I use "OwnCloud" server and client over https or vpn...03:55
Dr_Willistried installing/running boot-repair malimbar ?03:55
Dr_Williscould be grub isent configured totally correct for the bios to notice the hd03:55
malimbarDr_Willis, boot-repair? nope03:55
XenochI have a group of us that are working a on a few fun apps03:55
malimbarI don't see how it can be a grub problem, as this happens before grub is loaded03:56
soy_el_pulpoXenoch: FTP is plain text transfers. sFTP uses a security/encryption layer03:56
XenochI am gettting a 500 OOPS: priv_sock_get_cmd from filezilla, and was wondering if attempting to login with my username/pass for ubuntu without setting up sFTP on vsftpd might be causing that issue03:56
Dr_Willismalimbar:  its mentioned at the !fixgrub wiki page03:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:56
Dr_WillisXenoch:  err.. sftp is handled by ssh. ftp is vsftpd..03:57
Dr_Willisat least i dont think vfsftp does 'sftp'03:57
BroUnicornDr_Willis: Hey Dr. Willy! I'm still having issues getting it working03:57
Xenochwell that clears it up, ok, so what program/ package would be best for the sftp on ubuntu 13.0403:57
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn:  'getting it working'  - assume people on this channel have the attention span of a newt.. i have no idea what your origitnal issue was.03:58
soy_el_pulpoXenoch: but if you are doing development, some kind of version control system will be better for that?03:58
Dr_WillisXenoch:  ssh does sftp as far as i know. the normal ssh server/service does it03:58
malimbarDr_Willis, alright, off to try this :)03:58
BroUnicornDr_Willis: my bad :P trying to get my server ssh'able from outside of the local network03:58
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis: using scp?03:59
XenochI have git setup on the server as well (abot to try setting that up as a repository, but dont I need an FTP system as well or will git handle al of that?03:59
alex57Hello. Can I get some help here about my installation not working after an update ?03:59
soy_el_pulpoXenoch: ins't github open for people to use it?03:59
XenochI want a more private system, and I want to learn the ins and outs of github04:00
soy_el_pulpoXenoch: have you seen this one?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git04:01
nightwolf_ok I will try disks04:01
Xenochso github will handle all of my file transfers to my serve,r thanks guys, I am out04:02
FalonThis is probly gonna sound stupid, but what is the difrence between the OS and the Kernal? I thought they were the same for linux?04:02
Dr_Williskernel = foundation of your house..04:02
Dr_WillisOS - is the whole house. ;P04:02
Falonahh thanks for the easy to understand image04:02
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis: bathroom = garbage collection system?04:02
=== _BJfreeman is now known as BJfreeman
Dr_Willisbathroom = where flash belongs.. ;P04:03
Dr_Willisyou 'have' to use it at times..but it 'stinks'04:03
soy_el_pulpoDr_Willis: ther eis no solution for Flash, jut to flush it04:03
BroUnicornWhen trying to ssh into my server across the internet, is this the ip I need to use? http://www.findmyrouter.net04:03
Falonapparently its updating the kernal atm04:04
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn:  is it the same as --> [BroUnicorn] (~mcclainre@
Falondidnt think i could do that and still use the ubuntu figured id have to go into some kind of setupscreen restart few times then be in the new 13.0404:04
BroUnicornDr_Willis: How did you get my name? 0.o04:05
Dr_Willis--> /whois nick04:05
BroUnicornokay, so I should use that ip address?04:05
ihtiRasHi.... !04:05
BroUnicornI need to change my real name :(04:05
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn:  are they the same ip?04:05
BroUnicornDr_Willis: Yes.04:06
ihtiRasGood Morning Channel04:06
Falonis evening here04:06
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn:  there ya go then. seems its the ip to me04:06
Dr_Willisand it CAN change depending on your isp04:06
ihtiRasThx Falon04:06
ihtiRasFrom ?04:06
Falon-5:00 GMT eastern time zone04:07
ihtiRashi soy_el_pulpo welcome04:07
bazhang!ot | Falon ihtiRas04:07
ubottuFalon ihtiRas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:07
alex57I updated from a fine working 12.04 LTS to 12.10 on an old computer and now I can only boot in recovery mode, startx fails. If I try to boot normally I end up with a screen that changes between black, purple and light purple. What can I do to get the GUI back ?04:07
ScrivenerHey all! \o/ How's it going?04:08
bazhangihtiRas, this is NOT the chat channel04:08
ScrivenerJust got back from Texas Linux Fest.04:08
FalonMy update is done it wishes me to restart I shall be back if everything went well. :P04:08
ihtiRasbazhang What Channel ?04:08
ScrivenerSo the good thing is I figured out the cause of choppy animations in Unity on a GTX 560ti (refresh rate too low), but now I've got a question I figure someone on here might've encountered before.04:08
ScrivenerIs a fullscreen app following my workspace switching intended, or is that a bug?04:09
ihtiRasI went for the first time04:09
bazhangihtiRas, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat NOT here04:09
=== brittnee is now known as bananaboner
ScrivenerFor example, I can have Firefox in fullscreen on a workspace, and if I Super-S to go to the switcher, hover over a workspace, and Super-S again to select it..04:09
ScrivenerThe Firefox window moves with me.04:10
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
ScrivenerSo I basically can't use that as a method to switch workspaces.04:10
ScrivenerAs long as there is a fullscreen app in the workspace I'm coming from.04:10
ScrivenerIt's not a giant problem since I can always Ctrl-Alt-Arrowkey, but it made me wonder whether that was working as intended or not.04:10
=== bananaboner is now known as godhatesfags
=== falon is now known as Falon
Falonok back04:13
Falonbut cant tell if im runing 13.04 now04:13
bazhang!version | Falon04:14
ubottuFalon: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »04:14
alex57please help: startx won't start04:15
FalonI dont get it said i updated downloaded and installed stuff but im still at04:15
FalonDistributor ID:Ubuntu04:15
FalonDescription:Ubuntu 12.1004:15
FloodBot1Falon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:15
default_don,t tic of the flood bot04:16
default_of i mean off04:16
BroUnicornDr_Willis: I keep getting connection refused. Should I post a paste bin of my interfaces and my sshd config?04:17
Jordan_UFalon: Please don't paste more than one line into the channel. If you need to show us more than one line of output post it to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com and give us a link.04:17
FalonOk apparently it had to upgrade software first now it will upgrade to 13.0404:18
BroUnicornCan anyone help me? I cannot ssh into my computer unless I'm on LAN04:18
BroUnicornnot computer, but server*04:18
BroUnicornwell, computer server04:18
Ben64BroUnicorn: you probably need to forward ports04:19
pero_phi, is this possible to download only 10KB of file with wget?04:19
Falonack quick question about ubuntu upgrades? does it wipe data say files you store on the drive to do so  or are documents pics and music safe?04:19
=== DOME is now known as MINTDOME
default_how it work with ssh other wise for your set up04:20
BroUnicornBen64: I've tried to but I'm unsure if I did it correctly on my router. It's a Belkin, FYI04:20
malimbarDr_Willis: finished the boot-repair off of a usb stick. rebooted, The boot options were the old HD, the DVD drive, and one called "NA". I figured the NA was the new HD without a name, chose that. Now my computer wont' even go past POST04:20
malimbarwon't beep04:20
Ben64BroUnicorn: ssh is port 22 tcp, you need to know the ip address04:20
BroUnicornI changed my port04:20
default_maybe foward ports04:20
BroUnicornwhich ip address?04:20
BroUnicornthe server local ip address?04:20
Ben64BroUnicorn: http://portforward.com/04:21
BroUnicornBen64: Thank you04:22
MINTDOMEHello I been trying to install adobe flash playes and the command cp -r /usr/*/usr keeps on giving me usr/bin and usr/bin are the same file04:22
BroUnicornBen64: I don't know if my /etc/ssh/sshd_config04:22
BroUnicornfile is correct*04:22
BroUnicornor if my /etc/network/interfaces file is correct04:22
MINTDOMEhow to do i overwrite and copy the files04:22
Ben64MINTDOME: thats not how to install adobe, and are you on mint?04:24
MINTDOMEBen no Gnome 1204:25
Ben64what is gnome 12?04:25
bazhangMINTDOME, is this in a ubuntu-based system?04:26
MINTDOMEyes how do chk the version in terminal04:26
malimbaralright, in the process of trying to fix UEFI's boot process, I apparently ruined it to the point that my computer won't POST. Any recommendations? (I used boot-repair off a USB drive, stupidly set up the boot order to point to one called "NA", and now my pc won't even POST)04:26
bazhangMINTDOME, mint? bt? or what04:26
MINTDOMElinux 1204:27
dooglusI just installed ubuntu on a new laptop and can't get the touchpad working well.  can someone help please?04:27
malimbardooglus: what is it doing exactly?04:27
MINTDOMEit didnt have xchat preinstalled i just installed from synaptic04:28
cfhowlettmalimbar, I seem to recall some kind of physical reset option but that means removing the cover and closing a circuit with a paper clip or similar.  Don't have the link though04:28
dooglusmalimbar: it doesn't have any buttons, just a large touch area.  you 'click' by pressing on the touch area, which makes it click, like there's a button under the touch surface.04:28
MINTDOMEthe read me on Adobe Flash Player said to copy the usr files and when i  use the command04:28
MINTDOMEit say all the files are the same04:29
dooglusmalimbar: that makes double-click and drag impossible, since I can't hold down the 'button' without touching the touch surface, which then means I can't move the cursor04:29
Ben64MINTDOME: you're likely to break stuff by doing that04:29
aladdinsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:29
MINTDOMEBen so what im suppose to do im not sure thats y im here been searching forums no luck04:29
aladdinAnybody what it is?04:29
Ben64MINTDOME: and you still haven't said what system you're running... if its ubuntu you should be able to get the flash player from the software center04:29
cfhowlettaladdin, the codecs for multimedia that are not installed by default .. .mp3 and similar04:30
dooglusmalimbar: does that make sense?04:30
MINTDOMEI have software manager not center04:30
malimbardooglus: double click and drag drags... windows?04:30
aladdincfhowlett: cool, thanks. is it safe  to install?04:30
malimbarsimilar to alt+drag?04:30
=== Tylerjd|Away is now known as Tylerjd
cfhowlettaladdin, it is.04:31
Ben64MINTDOME: ok, so what are you running? linux mint? backtrack? fuduntu? something else?04:31
aladdincfhowlett, okay04:31
dooglusmalimbar: double-click selects words, double-click and drag selects multiple words; but forget that - even single-click and drag doesn't work - because to drag I have to keep a finger on the touch area, which stops the other finger from dragging04:31
cfhowlettaladdin, safe.  stuff can't be installed by default due to legal/licensing.  pay  attention there are a couple of "enter" required during the font installation04:32
dooglusI guess https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/365952 is the same issue - but that says it has been fixed... and it hasn't04:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365952 in XOrg-Driver-Synaptics "Touchpad is sensitive over physical button area" [Wishlist,Confirmed]04:32
MINTDOMEben  64:3.2.0-43-generic GNU/Linux04:32
bazhang!version | MINTDOME04:33
ubottuMINTDOME: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »04:33
malimbardooglus: I'm not exactly sure how you'd want to change the behavior, but I would first guess it is a driver problem. Which laptop are you using?04:34
MINTDOMELinux Mint 12  first time using this04:34
bazhang!mintsupport | MINTDOME04:35
ubottuMINTDOME: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:35
MINTDOMEhow do i do that04:35
dooglusmalimbar: I want to be able to select text by clicking at the start of it, and dragging to the end of it.  it's an asus laptop04:35
dooglusmalimbar: sorry, acer.  acer v5-571-683004:36
malimbardooglus: and you click with a tap. So tap then drag should act like click + drag. I think I got you now04:36
dooglusmalimbar: it's what I think is called a 'clickpad' - a touchpad with no buttons, but which physically clicks when you press on it04:37
dooglusmalimbar: I click by pressing the touchpad harder until it clicks04:37
dooglusmalimbar: not tap-to-click, but an actual hardware click04:37
dooglusif I'd noticed the touchpad didn't have buttons I wouldn't have bought it.  I guess I'll take it back and exchange it tomorrow04:38
malimbardooglus: in lue of a driver change, I bet there is a way to enable that in settings04:38
dooglusjust wondered if there's a software fix04:38
malimbardooglus: but I currently don't have an ubuntu install (if you payed attention I got my own computer problem to fix :)), so I can't find it for you04:38
dooglusthere's no way of holding the button down without touching the touch surface - so then when I try to drag, it sees that as a 2-finger touch, and tries to scroll or something04:38
dooglusmalimbar: what's your problem?04:39
malimbardooglus: said it when I first entered, broke the BIOS when trying to fix the boot-order on UEFI. Now it won't even POST. Looking up online how to reset that04:40
dooglusmalimbar: ugh.  this is the first UEFI laptop I've seen.  getting it to boot and install ubuntu was trivial though04:42
paddyi wish there was a way to run Ubuntu 10.04 on my hardware :P04:42
paddythe other features that came along the way are too advanced04:42
malimbardooglus: oh, it used to work fine. I just installed a new HD though that UEFI wasn't recognizing as an option for boot-order04:43
paddy"it sees that as a 2-finger touch" etc.04:43
Ben64paddy: 12.04 works fine04:43
paddyit works, but fine is something else :P04:43
Ben64just turn off unity and it's just as fast if not faster than 10.0404:43
paddyi am stuck in the year 200904:43
paddyah, true04:43
paddyi could try Unity204:44
malimbardooglus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop - have you tried putting two fingers on the clickpad when you click?04:44
BroUnicornhey what port am I forwarding for ssh04:44
BroUnicornI'm trying to make it accessible worldwide04:44
paddyBroUnicorn: have a "cat" at /etc/services04:44
Ben64BroUnicorn: 22 unless you changed it04:44
YokoBRguys, anybody having trouble with ati hybrid graphics?04:45
BroUnicornand if I changed it just the number I changed it to?04:45
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn:  this is why we suggested sticking to the defaults04:45
malimbardooglus: as in, click, and hold that click while the othe finger moves04:45
paddyBroUnicorn: but it is wise to use something like fail2ban then too when you open your ssh to the public04:45
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn:  if your router has a 'dmz' setting you could just set it in the dmz and all ports on it will be open, as if it was directly connected to the internet04:45
BroUnicornDr_Willis: I'll just change it back04:46
BroUnicornDr_Willis: Okay, I enabled the local IP address of the server in DMZ04:48
BroUnicornNow should it be accessible?04:48
BroUnicornI still cannot connect. This is a paste bin of my interfaces file and my sshd_config file04:51
Ben64BroUnicorn: which port is ssh running on? and what external ip?04:51
BroUnicornand you mean my router ip?04:51
Ben64like how are you checking if it's working or not04:52
BroUnicornI'm doing "ssh username@externalip"04:53
Ben64which is....04:53
Ben64then your router isn't set up properly04:54
BroUnicornWhy is that?04:54
Ben64because all the ports are being blocked04:55
BroUnicornI had enabled DMZ and had the ports going correctly04:55
Ben64well something isn't right04:56
BroUnicornin my Interfaces file I have this… http://pastebin.com/Ugj1H0JA04:56
BroUnicornare the gateway and name server supposed to be my external router ip address?04:57
Ben64external? no.04:59
jacksonkaNo, the gateway is04:59
jacksonkaip address
jacksonkaor 25505:01
Ben64jacksonka: use a pastebin for multi-line stuff05:01
jacksonkathe namesever can be caching or top level05:02
jacksonkacommonly servers use caching nameservers for dns queries05:03
jacksonkahope this helps05:03
jacksonkaOh BroUnicorn your public address is given by your provider generally ipv405:06
jacksonkaThis address is a public address on the internet.  The gateway is your local area network is probably or or
Mint /nick your_favorite_Mint Dome05:09
Ben64jacksonka: most of what you're saying is irrelevant...05:09
jacksonkaThere is what is called the lan or local area network gateway to the wan wide area network.  The gateway ties the two together through NAT network address translation.05:09
Ben64just stop05:09
jacksonkaJust thought that would help.05:10
Ben64none of that matters, and he hasn't spoken for over 12 minutes05:10
jacksonkaMaybe he got his question anwered.05:11
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn:  you are testing this ssh from INSIDE the lan? or from a phone or other pc.. outside the lan?05:19
Dr_WillisBroUnicorn:  and you did restart the ssh service after altering its configs?05:20
=== administrator is now known as Guest86172
JoeyJoeJoI'm using an old laptop as a wifi access point. Does anyone know of a web interface I can use to configure it? Is it possible to use OpenWRT's LuCI on ubuntu?05:21
Ben64almost assuredly not. why not just buy an access point? would use like 1/100th the power05:22
=== Mint is now known as MintDome
jacksonkaSmart Joey so check this link http://lifehacker.com/5369381/turn-your-windows-7-pc-into-a-wireless-hotspot05:25
jacksonkaYou will save money doing what you are considering05:25
jacksonkaThis gives you mobile ad hoc wifi access05:26
jacksonkaI have set up all kinds of networks.05:26
Ben64this is #ubuntu, not ##windows05:26
jacksonkayou can do it in windows or ubuntu 12+05:27
jacksonkaHere is a link for ubuntu http://tumutanzi.com/archives/819505:28
jacksonkaIn fact with that laptop you can run both wifi and bluetooth for devices.05:30
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing05:32
=== aaron is now known as Aaron
malimbarresetting the bios by removing the cmos battery didn't work. Any other ideas to get into the UEFI if the computer won't even post?05:35
Ben64have you tried the #hardware channel? doesn't count as an ubuntu issue if you can't get to ubuntu :)05:35
malimbarBen64: thanks, I'll do that05:35
jacksonkaSounds like memory.05:36
Whiskey`Wonkaanyone familure with lm-sensors? ive got some kinda module issue and on random boots the cpu fan does not work so i want ot control the fan manualy05:36
=== Mint is now known as MintDome
Whiskey`WonkaMintDome: are you sugesting that the ubuntu spawned not working fans should not be handled here?05:37
Dr_Willisor he misstyped a /j #channelname ;)05:39
aladdinwould you recommend installing firewall and how please :)05:39
Ben64!ufw | aladdin05:39
ubottualaddin: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.05:39
Dr_Willisaladdin:  what are you firewalling ?05:39
tbharathI am unable to access my hard disk, I am using ubuntu 13.04  and the error is http://pastie.org/799540805:40
aladdinwhat do you mean? myself05:40
Ben64tbharath: it gives you the solution in the error message05:41
malimbarHello! I ran myself into a problem after installing a new HD. The UEFI didn't recognize it as a valid option for boot order (I could boot into it manually by the temp boot option). I then ran repair-boot off an ubuntu liveUSB stick. In the UEFI II got a new option for a HD labeled "NA". I figured that was the unnamed new HD I put in, so I (like an idiot) selected that. Now my comptue rwon't POST05:41
Dr_Willisaladdin:  and what are you blocking by this firewall? are you runing any services?05:41
malimbarwoh, it didn't tell me I can't post it that time. Woo05:41
jacksonkatbharath: msb05:41
jacksonkamaster boot record is the issue05:41
Dr_Williswindows mindset -  'a firewall is needed by default'  -  Linux mindset -  you may not need a firewall at all.05:41
Ben64malimbar: then choose a different option?05:42
tbharathBen64, I have done that but no change05:42
aladdini see what you mean. just running through youtube tutorial: '9 things u should do after installing ubuntu'. do you it is not necessary till you run any service?05:42
malimbarBen64: it oh damn, I posted it in #ubuntu, meant for ##hardware. Sorry05:42
Ben64malimbar: yeah i figured. ##hardware might need you to be registered to talk05:42
Dr_Williswonder if you removed the hds - if the pc would boot.05:43
malimbarBen64: thanks. I'll figure tha tout in a second05:43
lotuspsychjemorning guys05:43
aladdinthank u, will try it anyway05:43
lotuspsychjeare there oovoo alternatives for ubuntu, or does empathy can simulate this aswell?05:45
aladdindr.willis: by 'built-in' do you mean 'installed'?05:46
lotuspsychjei found some online cloud service that could broadcast on oovoo network, but maybe a package can do it too?05:46
Whiskey`Wonkaso no ideas on how to get working cpu fan controls?05:47
Dr_Willisif it works at one bootup. but not the next.. somthing seems very weird.05:48
Dr_Willisor did  i missread the issue?05:48
jacksonkaWhat is the best chat server for Ubuntu server 12.04?  Currently,  I am deploying hybrid7-ircd.05:48
Ben64aladdin: it's probably not necessary to have a firewall at all05:48
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: you can tune fan control from bios and maybe psensor can tune some stuff05:48
Dr_Willisjacksonka:  best would depend on your need.. you may not want to use IRC at all. dependng on what you need to do05:49
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: sadly no, this bios has zero fan controls available05:49
lotuspsychje!info psensor | Whiskey`Wonka05:49
ubottuWhiskey`Wonka: psensor (source: psensor): display graphs for monitoring hardware temperature. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 56 kB, installed size 392 kB05:49
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: what motherboard you got?05:49
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: and the issue is purely with the OS. the fans work fine one boot, not at all on the next. when it DOES work its onyl for about a hour, then the poof no more fan05:49
jacksonkaI require several chat rooms for support, sales etc. in an SMB environment with small group of employees and contractors.05:49
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: you saying ubuntu shuts down your fan control?05:50
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: im saying its broken. what or why, i do not know.05:51
Dr_Willisjacksonka:  on a local lan? or over the internet?05:51
Whiskey`Wonkai know 12.x works better and windows works fine.05:51
abhi Hi there everyone :} I have recently installed ubuntu 13.04. Can anyone please tell me how to install all kali tools in my ubuntu 13.04 ?05:51
Dr_Willis!info kali05:51
ubottukali (source: kali): Draw tilings, frieze patterns, and so on. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-12 (raring), package size 45 kB, installed size 143 kB05:51
jacksonkaI am currently deploying hybrid7-ircd over ssl on the public internet but can't get hybserv up.05:52
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: mobo brand plz?05:52
Dr_Willisapt-get supports wildcards. or use the saearch feature of synaotic or the other pakage manbagers05:52
Whiskey`WonkaSatellite P74505:52
aladdinben64: thanks05:52
Whiskey`WonkaIntel i5 cpu05:52
jacksonkaI had to recompile via debian pkg rules and add ssl manually.05:53
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: check ##hardware aswell if your toshiba model have overheating problems overall05:54
Whiskey`Wonkalocalhost: It doesnt.05:54
abhikali tools for ubuntu 13.04 please...05:54
Whiskey`WonkaThat was one of the first things i checked05:54
Whiskey`Wonkaand as i said, running windows the fan works fine05:55
Whiskey`Wonkasensors doesnt see what my sensor chip is05:55
Dr_Willisabhi:  if they are in the repositories. use apt-gets wildcards, or the synaptics search feture to select/install what you want05:55
jacksonkaWhiskey Wonka:  I had this problem and you can find the culprit by ps and determining which process is hogging processor band with start killing process one at a time until the fan problem is gone.05:55
TheUsD_Owncloud issues:   Server replied: Service Temporarily Unavailable.... Can gain access to HTTP but response  is: Failed to connect to database05:55
lotuspsychje!info xsensors | Whiskey`Wonka05:56
ubottuWhiskey`Wonka: xsensors (source: xsensors): hardware health information viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.70-2 (raring), package size 17 kB, installed size 115 kB05:56
Whiskey`Wonkajacksonka: wrong, i know what is causing high cpu use, that is NOT the issue!05:56
Scrivenerabhi, the easiest way to do this would be to use Kali linux05:56
Scrivenerabhi, if you want them all configured like you would normally05:56
* Dr_Willis has no idea 'which' kali hes refering to..05:56
ScrivenerIf you still want to use them but be running Ubuntu primarily, set up Kali Linux in a virtual machine.05:57
ScrivenerVirtualBox is a good choice for this.05:57
ScrivenerIn my setup, I run Kali Linux in a virtual machine, and a couple of targets in two other virtual machines.05:57
Whiskey`Wonkajacksonka: BTW wht is causing high cpu use is ME using the laptop for things (google earth, RF modling, minecraft, etc)05:57
ScrivenerFor my lab. Soon I'll just have Kali on a laptop and run targets in VMs on Ubuntu.05:57
Scrivenerabhi, this way, you can still utilize Ubuntu, but you have Kali in another window anytime you need it.05:58
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: maybe this can help also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168611805:58
Scrivenerabhi, if you need help with setting up a VM in VirtualBox on Ubuntu, I can help you05:58
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: yes i have that, yes i can watch the temp rise, doesnt help me turn the fan on05:58
jacksonkaYou can modify options in opengl which may reduce cpu bandwidth usage Whiskey Wonka.05:59
Whiskey`Wonkajacksonka: honestly thats a bandaid and wont help /at all/06:00
Whiskey`Wonkathe cpu will overheat just watching flash. the cpu fan is NOT coming on AT ALL.06:00
Whiskey`Wonkathe only working solution right now is to lock the cpu speed at 800 mhz06:01
Whiskey`Wonkasorry was that part not clear when i said /cpu fan not working, broken, need to set it speed manualy/06:01
TheUsD_does anyone know what the command is to restart owncloud service?06:01
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: is your bios flash up-to-date?06:01
jacksonkaSo you change the multiplier Whiskey Wonka06:01
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: that was the 2nd thing i did. it helped a little but that is subjective06:02
abhiSir i have followed the instructions in the link " http://linuxg.net/add-the-needed-repositories-for-kali-linux/ " . But still was unable to see the packages list in synaptic. Please help...06:02
Whiskey`Wonkajacksonka: no i set the cpu gov to conservitive06:02
TheUsD_whiskey'wonka: lower multiplier, the MHZ clock, and voltage.06:02
TheUsD_whiskey'wonka: voltage will greatly help temp.06:03
lotuspsychjeabhi: Dr_Willis showed you the kali package trigger06:03
jacksonkabus band times multiplier is total bandwidth.06:03
Dr_Willisabhi:  done a sudo apt-get update after adding repos?  and it shows the new repos?06:03
Whiskey`WonkaTheUsD: No, ill fix the fan or i will dump ubuntu as a viable OS06:03
Whiskey`WonkaTheUsD: this is PURELY a ubuntu issue06:03
Whiskey`Wonkanamely a 12.10 and newer issue. 12.04 WORKS06:04
jacksonkaIts a combination of chipset and kernel configuration Whiskey Wonka.06:04
TheUsD_"the only working solution right now is to lock the cpu speed at 800 mhz" comment sounded like you were asking how to lower CPU temp.06:04
abhiyes i have done sudo apt-get update after adding repos.06:04
jacksonkaDo you know the chipset for your Toshiba 745?06:05
Whiskey`WonkaTheUsD: no, sorry read the back log. the issue is non working cpu fan06:05
Whiskey`Wonkajacksonka: which these things have many06:06
TheUsD_whiskey'wonka: I read that, sorry I took it as a physically broken fan :p06:06
ajnrHi , Can any one help me out for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/118660506:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1186605 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "12.04 ubuntu shutdown hangs " [Undecided,New]06:06
energizerMy gedit terminal box doesnt have a prompt in it. Help?06:06
TheUsD_does anyone know what the command is to restart owncloud service?06:07
Dr_Willisenergizer:  so its working just no  foo@bar$  ?06:07
energizerDr_Willis: no it doesnt work06:08
Dr_WillisTheUsD_:  try sudo service ow<tab>  ? the tab compltion may give a clue.06:08
TheUsD_Dr_Willis: thanks, will try.06:08
lotuspsychje!info acpi | Whiskey`Wonka06:08
ubottuWhiskey`Wonka: acpi (source: acpi): displays information on ACPI devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-1 (raring), package size 12 kB, installed size 69 kB (Only available for i386; ia64; amd64; mips; mipsel)06:08
=== BadLarry- is now known as BadLarry
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: yes i have that, what would you like from it06:10
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:10
Whiskey`Wonkahahaha nvm. ALL it shows is Battery 0: Unknown, 100%06:10
ScrivenerIs the #ubuntu channel logged?06:11
ScrivenerIf so, I may post a private conversation between abhi and I just for the sake of adding to searchable solutions...?06:11
walltenderubuntu 12.04, refusing to shutdown, modem manager signal caught shutdown, even though I uninstalled modem manager, it's still there.06:11
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: yea, so nothing useful is shown with each option06:12
ajnrhi my ubuntu 12.04 hangs while shut down , plz help me out to sort the problem. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/118660506:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1186605 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "12.04 ubuntu shutdown hangs " [Undecided,New]06:12
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: did you read that first forum i pasted, there seems to be a trick to edit grub with 'acpi=linux' or something06:13
=== Lutzee is now known as Guest56292
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: maybe latest kernel could fix aswell?06:14
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: Adding the line acpi_osi="Linux" at boot solved the issue for me. Now running at about 50 C idle. (forum)06:15
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: i think ive tried that grub line (ive tried a few from google)06:15
Whiskey`Wonkaall i want ot do do is turn the fan speed to some arbitry number, why is tht so blasted hard to do??06:16
Dr_Willisdue to some kernel/hardware bug sounds like.06:17
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2536/my-toshibas-fans-do-not-work-automatically06:17
energizerDr_Willis: fyi looks like gedit terminal may have been white-text white-background fixed by disabling "use theme colors" in dconfeditor06:17
Dr_Willisenergizer:  someone in here last week had a white on white theme with gnome-terminal also.06:18
Dr_Willisi always set gnome-termnal to use green on black and ignore themes. ;)06:18
cfenixhi everyone, fresh installation 12.04 (compiz preinstalled by default) and i can't activate any compiz effects.. (the system is running fine, i have graphics acceleration and i can play Nexuiz)06:18
area51pilotWillis :)06:19
Dr_Williswell night all...06:20
cfenixand i can make the compiz effects run by "compiz --replace" but that's only effective until i restart the computer06:20
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lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: i also read there might be troubles, when not having the correct graphics driver, doublecheck your logs aswell06:22
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/294012/laptop-fan-speed-abnormally-high-after-installing-13-04-unity-doesnt-load-afte06:23
Fudgehi I am watching a review on Vinux based on precise but dont know what the guy is saying or what language it is, is any multi lingual wiling to look, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMqEYdo5wXw06:23
abhiWhy my torrent client " Transmission " downloads so slow as compared to other bittorrent clients like bitcomet in windows7 ? Please help...06:24
lotuspsychjeabhi: torrent speeds are not manipulated by transmission06:25
lotuspsychjeabhi: its all about your torrent sources/peers06:25
cfenixabhi: did you check the seeds?06:25
lotuspsychjeWhiskey`Wonka: http://askubuntu.com/questions/279956/laptop-overheating06:26
cfenixok so, my Compiz effects are not working on 12.04 (the system works fine even for 3D gaming)06:27
cfenixcan somebody help me out with that?06:27
abhiyes i checked the speed. I can download much faster from ftp and others but speed slow in transmission. Any idea ?06:28
ioioioioiohow does one change their keyring password in 13.04 if they dont know it06:28
walltenderubuntu 12.04, refusing to shutdown, modem manager signal caught shutdown, even though I uninstalled modem manager, it's still there. It's reported as a bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/modemmanager/+bug/893248. To me it's not just long time, it halt, never shutdown.06:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 869635 in wpasupplicant (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #893248 long delay at shutdown/reboot - network-manager doesn't close correctly" [High,Fix released]06:29
lotuspsychjeabhi: ftp and torrents work different, that has nothing to do with transmission06:29
Whiskey`Wonkalotuspsychje: are you sugesting that the fan is dirty?06:31
BroUnicornI need some Ubuntu server help06:31
lotuspsychjeBroUnicorn: #ubuntu-server06:31
ioioioioiois it correct to assume deleting login from pasword and keys will let me make a new login keyring password06:32
cfenixWhiskey`Wonka: i thought this might help, http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_5?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=pci+fan+controller&sprefix=PCI+F%2Caps%2C28606:32
Whiskey`Wonkacfenix: hey you shome me how to install that into a laptop and ill look at it06:33
cfenixwalltender: i'm sorry, got late to the conversation, but i'm pretty sure is a work around to it06:34
Whiskey`Wonkaok running sensors-detect has changed the output of sensors, last time it did not (have done some kernel updates since then)06:35
Whiskey`Wonkanope still getting /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed06:36
cfenixWhiskey`Wonka: sorry i got late to the conversation, but i'm sure there's a work around to it06:36
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:36
Whiskey`Wonkacfenix: im sure there is too06:36
Whiskey`Wonkacfenix: id /like/ to just set the cpu fan speed and be done with it till someone figures out whats wrong in the kernel06:37
Whiskey`Wonkabut that looks to be a non option but i have not figured out why06:37
Whiskey`WonkaWISH i had this issue http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1598380.html06:38
walltendercfenix: Tried most solutions, not working.06:40
BroUnicornI keep getting a "connection refused" response when trying to ssh into my server06:40
aladdinhow to quit an application from the terminal please?06:41
cfenixwalltender: i haven't really dig into the issue since i have a new installation, but i start thinking that it might be an issue with the hardware itself, or the kernel being to new for it06:41
diz_Childsomething about visual basic06:43
walltendercfenix: I wouldn't think so, since it's an old installation for a year, and didn't have any problem until recently. I may or may not update the software. I believe not. I was wondering what system changes may cause the problem?06:44
erpoMy hard drive died and I restored my home directory from a backup. Now my GNOME desktop doesn't look right. The time is showing in 24 hour mode (i.e. 00:43) instead of the 12 hour mode it used to be in (i.e. 12:43am). Also, I don't see any desktop icons.06:44
cfenixWhiskey`wonka: have you tried downgrading the kernel?06:44
Jordan_Uerpo: How did you make / restore the backup?06:44
erpoJordan_U: I had an image of my old hard drive. I mounted it on /mnt and did a cp -a /mnt/home/erpo /home/erpo.06:45
aladdinhow to quit an application from the terminal please?06:45
cfenixwalltender: did you update the system? that's what i'm thinking, maybe a new version of files or kernel06:45
Whiskey`Wonkacfenix: that leads to other issues and i did not notice it fixing it. Yes running a older release seems to solve it (or i didnt notice it and the other os's just work)06:45
tbharathI am unable to access my hard disk, I am using ubuntu 13.04  and the error is http://pastie.org/799540806:46
walltendercfenix: No. Not update system. Only some packages.06:46
Jordan_Uerpo: How old was the backup?06:47
erpotbharath: "Windows is hibernated, refused to mount."06:47
erpoJordan_U: A couple of days.06:47
lotuspsychjetbharath: i would try to recover data on partition and reformat it06:47
erpotbharath: Oh good lord no, don't do that!06:48
erpotbharath: Reboot into windows, and then shut down normally. That should fix it.06:48
tbharatherpo, any other solution , I shut down windows normally06:48
erpotbharath: It says you hibernated windows.06:48
IdleOnetbharath: it seems that windows didn't shutdown cleanly, boot back in to windows and then shutdown.06:49
tbharathIdleOne, ok06:51
Jordan_Uerpo: So did you re-install Ubuntu and then copy over the backed up home directory or was your root partition on a drive that didn't fail?06:51
erpoJordan_U: I reinstalled Ubuntu on a new hard drive and copied over the backed up home directory.06:52
Jordan_Uerpo: OK. Make sure that your newly installed user has the same UID as the old user did.06:53
erpoJordan_U: They're both 1000. We're good.06:53
giuseppe_how can i set by terminal the program that i want start at startup?06:54
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Jordan_Uerpo: I wonder if it's related to some configuration depending on packages not yet installed or similar then, though I wouldn't expect the symptoms you're seeing from that. Why did you re-install at all? Why not just copy over the entire old installation via dd?06:55
wayne7Do Dell and Hewlett Packard/Compaq edit and customise their bios/cmos chips on the system board so that different operating systems cannot be installed on the computers they sell?06:56
erpoJordan_U: The old installation was on a 500GB HDD and the new installation is on a 3TB HDD. Since the standard PC disklabel can't support partitions larger than 2TB, I had to us a GPT disklabel on the new HDD, which meant GRUB had to do some special gymnastics to boot from it. A fresh install of Ubuntu took care of that for me.06:57
erpo*had to use06:57
erpoJordan_U: Maybe we can narrow this down. Any idea where GNOME stores which applications are included in its launcher?06:58
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
Jordan_Uerpo: Are you using GNOME's launcher (GNOME Shell or fallback), or Unity's launcher?06:59
erpoJordan_U: GNOME. I did an apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop, logged out, and logged in using the GNOME session option.07:00
erpoJordan_U: Unity works fine, but I still prefer GNOME.07:00
Jordan_Uerpo: Were you logged in when you copied the files over?07:01
erpoJordan_U: I was logged in using a Unity session.07:02
Jordan_Uerpo: (Logged into a GNOME session as the same user that was being restored)07:02
erpoJordan_U: I was logged in using a Unity session as the same user that was being restored.07:02
Jordan_Uerpo: As Unity is just the shell, that's still a GNOME session.07:02
erpoJordan_U: Maybe that's what did it. I'll try creating a second user and using that account to do the restore.07:03
Jordan_Uerpo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2127540 suggests that that can make unexpected things happen.07:03
earchi, is there anyway to see if hardware acceleration is active?07:03
erpoJordan_U: Thanks for the suggestion! I'm going to test it out now and we'll see what happens.07:05
Jordan_Uerpo: You're welcome.07:05
WeThePeoplewhere can i get some more screenlets at07:12
joakoHow can I enable window titlebars? For E.g. I open Firefox and it is full screen without any titebar or maximise button.07:13
Dude100hey hi. . . . In UBUNTU can any one tell me how to get front jack working to hear music from handfree. . . . ??07:19
Ali3nat0rHi, I use gnome panel in 1210 and accidentally added a launcher to the top bar, normally to remove it you right click with alt + windows key, but my keyboard doesn't have a windows key. So is there either a way to bind the winkey to something else or remove launchers without using the winkey?07:20
Dude100hey hi. . . . In UBUNTU can any one tell me how to get front jack working to hear music from handsfree. . . . ??07:20
WeThePeopledude100, are you talking about using headphones?07:21
WeThePeoplewhat distro you using07:21
WeThePeopledude100, what distro?07:22
WeThePeoplewhat version of linux07:22
IdleOneWeThePeople: "hey hi. . . . In UBUNTU can "07:22
WeThePeopledo a uname -a in terminal07:24
Dude100wait checking07:24
Dude100version showing07:24
WeThePeopledude100, i mean do a lsb_release -a07:24
WeThePeopledude100, do this lsb_release -a07:25
Dude100No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 12.10 Release:12.10 Codename:quantal07:26
Dude100hey hi. . . . In UBUNTU can any one tell me how to get front jack working to hear music from handsfree. . . . ??07:28
Dude100hey hi. . . . In UBUNTU can any one tell me how to get front jack working to hear music from handsfree. . . . ??07:29
melow01I'm trying to use the find command but I need to omit a directory. find -iname foo /media/ -prune07:29
Dude100hello any one plzz help07:30
Dude100. . . . ?????07:30
marvxhello everyone07:31
marvxi have trouble with my ubuntu....i get no sound in games07:31
marvxbut in system and browser07:31
marvxany help appreciated07:31
Dude100anyone help07:31
marvxim on 13.0407:32
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/07:32
marvxpls help...i get no sound in games but in browser and flash n system....im on 13.0407:33
Dude100hey hi. . . . In UBUNTU can any one tell me how to get front jack working to hear music from handsfree. . . . ??07:33
marvxcheck your audiio settings07:34
marvxi needed to edit the alsa-base-conf to get it to work07:34
soulslayer hey there guys i successfully installed quake3-arena but there is no sound i attempt the bootmisc init script but obviously its obsolete07:34
soulslayeri tried the LD_PRELOAD trick which does not wokrs too07:34
soulslayercan someone provide any guidelines to resolve that sound problem ?07:34
cfenixDude100: i think you need to check the cables from your audio card to those ports..07:35
soulslayerDude100, check your sound configuration via the gnome-control-center -> sound07:35
soulslayerso  . no one here played quake3 ? :D07:36
cfenixDude100: there is different types of sound cards.. most of them handle the switch physically (as soon you plug in a cable it interrupts the other output signal for example)07:39
cfenixsoulslayer: i did, but a long time ago, and it worked out of the box xD07:40
soulslayeryeah when /dev/dsp was available07:41
nrdbI have a mdadm setup to email me.   I just noticed that a 'rebuild' happened, but I didn't get an email telling me something was up... I ran an 'mdadm --monitor --scan --test' and that did send the emails...  I noticed that mdadm has been started with the '--syslog' option, will this stop emails?07:44
cfenixsoulslayer: you should try OpenArena, it uses the same packages from QuakeIII07:45
cfenixsoulslayer: a good alternative would be Nexuiz whish  reminds me of Unreal Tournament golden edition (old version)07:47
Dude100hello i m learner of ubuntu07:47
doctor_denniswelcome to IRC07:47
Dude100how to do well in this n grasp???07:47
doctor_dennisWhat's that?07:47
soulslayeri want to play with some windoze friends07:47
soulslayerhave unstopbale desire to left them with negative result07:48
doctor_dennisGet that out of here07:48
doctor_dennisno windoze snoozers here07:48
cfenixhahahaha... i think he meant that he wanna kick some windows users ass07:49
soulslayerokay i found some solution ... with the padsp script07:49
soulslayerbut it cand load the pulsedsp so lib07:49
soulslayerERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pulseaudio/libpulsedsp.so'07:51
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soulslayerany ideas around this one ?07:51
moi__sudo apt-get instal (paket)07:57
moi__chad up07:59
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ajnrhi my ubuntu 12.04 hangs while shut down , plz help me out to sort the problem. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/118660508:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1186605 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) "12.04 ubuntu shutdown hangs" [Undecided,New]08:07
icerootajnr: what is the timestap to look at your syslog?08:09
ajnriceroot, I dint get you sir08:10
lapioncan anyone tell me where I can find archived repositories ?08:10
ajnriceroot, I was trying last 24 hrs08:10
iceroot!eol | lapion (somehwere is the eol upgrade link)08:11
ubottulapion (somehwere is the eol upgrade link): End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:11
icerootlapion: deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse08:11
lapionthanks iceroot08:12
aladdinplz need help. i did wget .deb08:13
aladdinnow, how to install it please?08:13
icerootajnr: which deb?08:13
icerootajnr: sorry wrong nick08:13
llutzaladdin: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb08:13
icerootaladdin: which deb? is it not in the repros?08:13
aladdiniceroot: don't think so, it virtual box08:14
ajnriceroot, ubuntu 12.0408:14
aladdinit is08:14
icerootaladdin: virtualbox is in the repos08:14
aladdinllutz: is that what i type?08:14
iceroot     4.2.10-dfsg-0ubuntu2 008:14
iceroot        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring/multiverse amd64 Packages08:14
lucas-argsudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose08:15
aladdiniceroot: hmm, by repos you mean i can install it without downloading08:15
llutzaladdin: sudo apt-get install virtualbox08:15
icerootaladdin: apt-get will download it for you. you should always use software from the repos when it is in there08:15
iceroot!repo | aladdin08:15
ubottualaddin: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.08:15
icerootaladdin: you can also use the software center to install it08:16
aladdin12.02.4 lts is my ubuntu08:16
icerootaladdin: by using the repos you will get security updates and you can be sure that the software is designed for your ubuntu version with all the dependencies08:16
iceroot!info virtualbox precise08:16
iceroot!info virtualbox-ose precise08:16
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.3 (precise), package size 15448 kB, installed size 45860 kB08:16
ubottuvirtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox): transitional package for virtualbox. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.3 (precise), package size 21 kB, installed size 118 kB08:16
icerootaladdin: sudo apt-get install virtualbox08:17
aladdiniceroot: could not locate08:17
icerootaladdin: sudo apt-get update08:17
aladdinsorry, did a space inbetween which is unnecessary08:17
icerootis there a way to list the dependencies with ubottu?08:18
Seveasiceroot: nope.08:19
Seveasbut you can use apt-cache in your terminal: apt-cache depends package_goes_here08:19
icerootSeveas: i want it for another ubuntu release :)08:19
aladdinthank you. but how to install the downloaded file from the terminal e.g.?08:19
icerootSeveas: so i guess packages.ubuntu.com is what i want08:20
Seveasiceroot: yeah08:20
icerootaladdin: 1. dont install that deb, 2. sudo dpkg -i file.deb08:20
icerootaladdin: vbox does have an own repository for ubuntu08:20
aladdinok, 1. i did not. 2. cool, this is what i wanted, awesome08:21
ceephaxhello, i have a newbie question and am struggling to find the answer on google.  I have a headless server which i just installed a program on as 'root' and am trying to access that program under my other user but cannot? what do i need to do to make that program available to all users?08:22
absoloot5ywhat server is it?08:23
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aladdinwhat is name of the offtopic ubuntu chat?08:32
funnyboy243I'll come back to that later.08:32
funnyboy243Wow, I never heard anyone say anything like that before! And I thought Mindy talked different! Wow :O .08:32
histoaladdin: /j #ubuntu-offtopic08:34
funnyboy243Do you have to take a big shit right now?08:35
histo!language | funnyboy24308:35
aladdinhisto: thanks08:35
ubottufunnyboy243: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:35
funnyboy243Can you speak any foreign languages? Like Crapanese.08:35
histofunnyboy243: do you have a ubuntu based question?08:35
funnyboy243Did you know that my brain was sucked up by Mindy's ass for several months?! Luckily, my good friend got my brain back or otherwise I'd still be crapping in teh torletz at a random school bathroom.08:35
histo!ops | funnyboy24308:36
ubottufunnyboy243: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!08:36
funnyboy243Is that from Pentium44 gt tcc error undefined symbol libc csu init?08:36
walltender It's such a pain in the ass that I am not able to shutdown my laptop. Where could I look for the causes? There's no shutdown log.08:36
funnyboy243You're kidding. it is? What are you talking about?! You can't download a person! Has there ever been shutdown log?08:36
histowalltender: what happens when you try and shutdown?08:37
funnyboy243That's what she said! :P .08:37
basiclaserhey guys, I ran the Tor browser bundle, vidalia boots up and connects successfully, but then i get no patched firefox window popping up. How can I get the browser to appear?08:37
funnyboy243You've got my full attention. How far up? Why do you want it?08:37
elkyfunnyboy243, do you intend on sounding like a person rather than a bot at some point?08:38
funnyboy243Can you speak any foreign languages? Like Crapanese.08:38
minimecwalltender: Why shouldn't you be able to do so?08:38
funnyboy243We should talk more about tomw1 and by will not work me mean!08:38
Seveasbasiclaser: why don't you ask in #tor? :)08:39
walltenderhisto: Before it says modem-manager caught signal shutdown. Then I uninstalled that model-manager. Now it only halts with my_username login: cursor, halts there forever.08:39
histowalltender: have you taken a look at /var/log/messages ???08:39
Seveaswalltender: 'caught signal shutdown' doesn't mean it prevented the shutdown :)08:39
funnyboy240:-) Do you have any conditions I should know about? Like Ass Burgers?08:39
Seveaswalltender: looks like there's an acpi bug08:39
funnyboy240When is walltender looks like there not an acpi bug?08:39
Seveaselky: he's back.08:39
funnyboy240Are they exactly the same?08:40
minimecwalltender: Could you once try to shutdown the system with a terminal commadn? 'sudo shutdown -h now' ...08:40
funnyboy240Do you still use gcc in debian? Right now? Can you speak any foreign languages? Like Crapanese.08:40
Seveaswalltender: try a newer version of Ubuntu08:40
funnyboy240Tell me more.08:40
histo!ops > funnyboy24008:40
ubottufunnyboy240, please see my private message08:40
funnyboy240That is a very original thought.08:40
Seveas!ops | get rid of this fucker please.08:40
minimecops! funnyboy24008:40
walltenderhisto:  /var/log/messages doesn't exit.08:40
funnyboy240Your polite style is very nice. I will mention that to Mindy.08:40
histo!language | Seveas08:40
ubottuSeveas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:41
funnyboy240Have you ever been to Europe?08:41
elkyoh joy.08:41
funnyboy240Yikes! We have never talked about it before.08:41
histowalltender: It should exist double check again in /var/log08:41
funnyboy240When do you think Mindy's Ass will take over the world?08:41
walltendermindstorm: Tried sudo shutdown -h now before, it halts, but I could try it in a moment again.08:41
funnyboy240Once more? By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?08:41
Seveaselky: do you plan to do anything about this?08:42
funnyboy240Have you ever been to Europe?08:42
elkyyes, but he decided to send me photos which messed with my focus08:42
Seveasheh, anything good? :)08:42
histoelky: it was a 94MB photo08:43
elkyhisto, yes, many times.08:43
Seveaswalltender: I've had this happen on some ubuntu releases. Try a newer Ubuntu version.08:43
histoelky: was it an actual picture?  wth is 94mb?08:43
elkyi'm not stupid enough to find out08:44
walltenderhipitihop: messages doesn't exit under /var/log, many log files doesn't exist under /var/log as specified https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles08:44
walltenderSeveas: Nice solution, sounds just like buy a new laptop solution.08:44
Seveaswalltender: in recent versions of Ubuntu all is logged to /var/log/syslog08:44
Seveaswalltender: buy a new laptop costs money. Upgrade ubuntu doesn't and means using a more recent kernel, which is less likely to contain this acpi bug.08:45
Seveason my optiplex 780 12.04 wouldn't shutdown, 12.10 and 13.04 do.08:45
histoSeveas: I would investigate power management issues08:46
Seveashisto: I wouldn't start investigating before upgrading. Good chance that someone else already investigated and fixed the issue :)08:46
walltenderSeveas: It's not a new installation of ubuntu, I used it for a year. I suspect that it might be caused by I disable some module in "sudo bum" or through another application which I don't remeber.08:49
Seveaswalltender: ah, then why didn't you say that at first?08:50
walltenderSeveas: I just recalled when I surfed the net.08:52
histoelky: oh boy now he's in #debian08:52
elkyhisto, staff are allegedly looking into it08:53
llutzmission accomplished! troll got attention08:53
Seveaswalltender: then try recalling what you did and undo it :-)08:55
walltenderSeveas: Very funny. Is there a system log for that?08:56
histowalltender: have you looked at your .bash_history08:57
llutz"history | less"08:57
walltenderhisto: I did through bum and another software which I am looking for. Not through command.08:58
kimir_I cannot start software center on ubuntu 13.04. Here is termintal output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5725457/08:58
MonkeyDustkimir_  try gksudo software-center08:59
SeveasMonkeyDust: that shouldn't be needed, software-center runs fine as ordinary user08:59
histokimir_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get ugprade09:00
Seveaswalltender: no, there's no log that logs absolutely everything you do.09:00
kimir_MonkeyDust: Same thing happens09:00
MonkeyDustkimir_  sudo apt-get -f install, maybe09:01
kimir_histo: Upgrades gedit and metacity :D09:01
MonkeyDustkimir_  what's the output of cat /etc/issue ?09:02
kimir_MonkeyDust: still crashes09:02
kimir_MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l09:02
MonkeyDustkimir_  my guess: some local server has issues, so try a different server09:03
kimir_MonkeyDust: What do you mean09:03
=== red_ is now known as redliondj
histokimir_: what package do you need to install?09:10
histokimir_: and did you enable any 3rd party repositories?09:11
kimir_histo: I don't need to install any package. I just noticed it when I opened latest virtualbox .deb . I ended up installing it manually with dpkg :/ But thought issue could be annoying in future09:11
kimir_histo: Does this include ppas? I use gnome, 0ad, wine and bumblebee09:12
libpenguinis ubuntu 13.04 stable ?? or should i stay with ubuntu 12.10 for the time being ?09:13
nugrohoubuntu linux release every month refreshed frequently09:14
histokimir_: Yeah I would try disabling your ppas09:14
histonugroho: no09:14
histo!releases > nugroho09:14
ubottunugroho, please see my private message09:14
Seveaslibpenguin: 13.04 is fine09:15
kimir_histo: Wouldn't that break my gnome shell?09:15
kevinusheri hav acces to webpage google and other but I am unable to download packages please sous ubuntu giv me a solution09:15
MonkeyDustkevinusher  what ubuntu version and what happens when you try?09:15
walltenderWill some one take a look at this, I seem to have disable some of the modules which now prevents me to shut down my machine: http://postimg.org/gallery/2miz1zpe/dfe5c337/09:16
histokimir_: no not if you are done installing software from said repos09:16
nugroholinux kernel in ubuntu like other fedora or linux same version but maybe stable09:16
kevinusherMonkey dust:11.1009:17
histonugroho: what?09:17
Seveaswalltender: do you have any idea what you're doing? Why the hell are you disabling system services?09:17
histo!lts | nugroho09:17
ubottunugroho: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)09:17
MonkeyDustkevinusher  you can't download, because 11.10 is !eol, dead09:17
MonkeyDust!eolupgrades | kevinusher09:17
ubottukevinusher: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:17
histo!eol | kevinusher09:17
Seveaswalltender: also, mint support in #linuxmint, mint is not Ubuntu.09:17
nugrohowell when linux kernel start up the version string show stability of ubuntu the protocol to other linux09:18
MonkeyDustnugroho  what is your own language?09:19
walltenderSeveas: Ubuntu is the parent? I believer there's guru here.09:19
nugrohothis is from semarang indonesia but i also install ubuntu09:19
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia09:19
nugrohoussually my solaris also new with ubuntu09:20
histowalltender: /j #linuxmint09:20
Seveaswalltender: yes, and the gurus in here support Ubuntu, not mint.09:21
nugrohoin wireless like wifi or bluetooth ubuntu very smooth solaris still work with console09:21
walltenderhisto: I have mint channel opened too.09:22
solancerhow can I write to a file and escape the system variables?09:22
nugrohowhen ubuntu start up linux kernel access the hardware system but gsm card with hsdpa or lte or in sum like lts detected in recent release09:22
histowalltender: Okay your question has nothing to do with ubuntu.09:22
solancerfor instance I want to echo "PATH=$HOME/.jruby/bin" >> .bashrc09:22
histosolancer: what?09:22
histosolancer: remove the quotes09:23
histosolancer: or possibly with \09:23
Seveassolancer: use single quotes instead of double, that way $HOME doesn't get interpolated09:23
nugrohokernel linux ussually in english language but in desktop i prefer francaise but launching application translate with lancer09:23
solancerhisto, nope tried both din't work09:24
MonkeyDustnugroho  it's very hard to read what you write09:24
solancerSeveas, that din't work either09:24
Seveasnugroho: english is clearly not your native language, perhaps visiting a channel using your native language will get you help faster. As is, I find it rather difficult to understand what you say.09:24
histo!fr | nugroho09:24
ubottunugroho: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:24
nugrohoubuntu access to drive or local disk ussually by reading the block sector of the disk but kernel linux not knew about this09:25
libpenguinSeveas: which is better - updated old os like 12.04 or 12.10 up to date or latest os release like 13.04 ? and what to go for - latest release like 13.04 or its lateset daily build on the day of downloading the os ?09:26
flux242solancer: escape $. Like echo \$PATH09:26
* Vai morning all =)09:26
nugrohomy native language is indonesian but knew a little english ussally read linux kernel message but write with vi09:26
Seveaslibpenguin: I would go for 13.04, not daily dev builds09:26
libpenguinSeveas: why ? and what about updated old os or latest release ?09:27
Seveasbecause newer releases fix bugs :)09:27
nugrohoubuntu linux with old version of minix is very long ago but linux kernel not knew much with minix09:27
MonkeyDustlibpenguin  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff09:28
Seveasnugroho: this is a support channel. Do you have an Ubuntu problem you need help with?09:28
cyphasehow can i scan my root filesystem, specifically /etc, for all files and changes that weren't put there by a package? i.e. all changes made by me or a configuration program09:28
MonkeyDustcyphase  btrfs can do that with snapshots, not sure how to do it with ext409:29
Crosanthi could somebody have a look into this problem? http://askubuntu.com/questions/236209/installing-12-10-installer-doesnt-see-harddrive09:30
libpenguinMonkeyDust hmm...but long support also means fixed bugs and lateset stuff being integrated via updates09:30
nugrohowell ubuntu linux also work and distribute with android phone maybe released from google corporation09:30
MonkeyDustlibpenguin  decide what you prefer!09:30
libpenguinMonkeyDust: i am not an expert...you suggest and tell what you think as better09:31
histo!touch | nugroho09:31
ubottunugroho: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:31
cyphaseMonkeyDust, there's no tool that can do it by looking at which packages put which files where and comparing the file in the package with the file in /etc?09:31
histocyphase: you could hash the files and compare them to the originals provided by the packages09:32
cyphasehisto, i know. is there already a tool that does that?09:32
llutzcyphase: debsums09:32
flux242cyphase: by sorting by date I suppose. But this is exactly what I'm currently trying to figure out. What if I use some sort of a overlayfs and mount rootfs as readonly09:33
nugrohoinformation in ubuntu linux is good with gui interface not in console but will meet linux kernel again09:33
AktiffHi i have one cuestion  i install office on wine and works well but i dont know how to put a shortcut on unity bar can anybody hep me?09:33
histoAktiff: create a office.desktop that launches wine ~/.wine/drive_c/path/to/office.exe09:34
llutzcyphase: but event that won't do what you need, because some of the files in /etc were created using post-/preinst scripts and not listed with md5-sums in package information09:34
histoAktiff: try in #wine-hq09:34
Aktiffoh ok i go here   and check this thank you09:34
flux242so just after the clean install I switch to an overlayfs and every single change in the rootfs will be stored in overlay09:35
nugrohoubuntu multimedia like xine or madplayer or mpg123 able to launch multimedia file09:35
flux242ok, maybe only /etc should go to the overlayfs09:36
nugrohofedora or redhat unable to play multimedia file but ubuntu while download application mpg123 or madplayer sound very good09:36
MonkeyDustcyphase  not that i know of09:37
Aktiffhisto  i  dont know how to make a .desktop09:37
Aktiffand on wine hq no are anybody09:37
ioioioioioHi, I deleted the login keyring in 13.04 because I could not get it to accept my pw as I had to go through some legth to change my root pw after forgetting it -- what are the consequences of doing this? (it seems to have solved the problem of the neverending pop up window)09:37
cyphasellutz, thanks, debsums -es does what i want, though of course you're right that not all files in /etc are straight from the .deb, or even in the .deb at all09:37
Aktiffi read one tuto but i am a litle newon ubuntu  and dont know if thatsteps are safe09:38
ioioioioiothe keyring just stores locally encrypted saved passwords, right?09:38
cyphasenow to get the list of all those files..09:38
histoAktiff: http://askubuntu.com/questions/137151/how-does-one-create-a-custom-application-launcher-for-wine-installed-apps/193076#19307609:39
cyphaseis there a way to get all the files (in a subdirectory) that are provided by a deb package (or at least, their path is a path in a deb package)?09:40
ubuntu_newbiehi all.  can anyone help with ubuntu usb install?09:40
cfhowlettubuntu_newbie, sure ... details09:40
ubuntu_newbiei am having problems with persistence09:40
ubottuubuntu_newbie,: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:40
jribcyphase: sure, use apt-file.  But why do you want this?09:40
cfhowlettubuntu_newbie, see the link for persistence09:41
jribcyphase: (or dpkg -S if the package is installed)09:41
ubuntu_newbiei want to run from the usb stick,but be able to retain settings on next use09:41
cfhowlettubuntu_newbie, exactly.  read the link ... full tutorial09:41
nugrohoubuntu linux maybe england but no sound hardware device in linux kernel but mpg123 is work alternative is madplayer09:41
histoubuntu_newbie: yeah the persistence link will explain how to do it.09:42
ubuntu_newbieok, i will check this, but i think i have already looked at this one09:42
nugrohowell ubuntu kernel when to be seen in console the version string ussually still under four play the fantastic four movie09:44
ashfallen0I'm having an issue where an external WD Mybook 2tb is mounted on reboot when plugged into usb 2.0 socket, but not when plugged into a NEC pcie usb 3.0 socket09:49
ashfallen0google-fu is weak on this subject09:49
ashfallen0I should say that a usb 3.0 docking station on the same card gets mounted properly.09:49
nugrohoubuntu linux in england but percentage in other like fedora or redhat maybe still big09:50
MonkeyDustnugroho  please keep the channel clear for ubuntu support questions09:51
cfhowlettnugroho, not sure what you're doing, but it's not ubuntu support.  stop please09:52
cyphasejrib, i want to find all changes made to config files compared to the default file provided by the package the file belongs to. if it doesn't belong to any package, i want to know that too, so at least i know which files i need to be aware of09:52
nugrohoin james bond movie ubuntu linux with processor speed above a thousand09:53
cfhowlett!ot|nugroho,   please continue this discussion in the off-topic channel09:54
ubottunugroho,   please continue this discussion in the off-topic channel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:54
flux242nugroho it's a bot, ban it09:55
nugrohoubuntu linux size now around dvd disc not a bot but ok to be called with it09:55
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cfhowlettnugroho is a smart bot???09:56
=== Guest80742 is now known as koramati
energizerI would like to dowload and read from Google Play Books.  Im thinking there might be a script out there that just screencaptures each page in the book. Thoughts?09:56
nugrohoubuntu linux irc or networking modul need ethernet or smart card but gsm link or hsdpa link later explained09:58
MonkeyDustnugroho  me tarzan you jane09:58
somsip!ops | nugroho is probably a markov-chain bot09:58
ubottunugroho is probably a markov-chain bot: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!09:58
cfhowlettmike, greetins09:58
=== mike is now known as Guest72185
Guest72185/dev/mixer not found09:58
Guest72185had problems with internal mic and messed up the whole sound system:(09:59
koramatiDear All09:59
koramatii had a great problem , i am unable to install any thing .10:00
ubottukoramati,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:00
joeytwid1le_Can I use the network applet from a window manager which isn't Unity?  Or is there some other panel docking applet I should use?10:01
Guest72185how to reinitialize /dev/mixer?10:01
koramatii am in ubuntu 13.04 and trying to install mutt and some other packages like unity .But see ing some error like10:02
koramatiUnable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?10:02
minimeckoramati: Can you do 'sudo apt-get update' in a terminal?10:02
koramatii am sure my machine is fully updated and upgradeed10:02
koramatiMinimec:sure let me try again10:03
cfhowlettkoramati, yeh, seen it myself.  most recently, the package had expired pgp keys or something, so wasn't updated...10:04
jman074so i did an update last night and now in my terminal it has ~$ after my directory how do i fix this10:04
bekksjman074: Change to another directory, rather than your home directory.10:04
jman074im so confused bekks that is the directory ive always used and now it has that and all my files are gone :(10:05
joeytwid1le_Guest72185: you might try service pulseaudio restart10:05
jman074it won't let me do a $ pcsc_scan10:06
koramaticfhowlett ,minime :just i completed update and upgrade.but still seeing same messagwe10:06
joeytwid1le_mmm i will try nm-applet later then10:06
koramatii feel some thing wrong my update settings or something10:06
snadgeis there a discussion or faq as to why ubuntu doesn't include NFS by default?10:06
cfhowlettkoramati, did you localize your sources?  i.e. change them from ubuntu central mirrors?10:07
koramaticould you please suggest me10:07
minimeckoramati: What you can try is to delete all the repository lists and refetch them with sudo apt-get update... The command would be 'sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf'10:07
snadgei can understand that its not a commonly utilised feature on the majority of desktop systems.. but it can't be for size reasons, there must be some other consideration that i'm missing10:07
koramatiminimec: sure i will do now10:08
snadgemy googlefu only seems to return documents on how to set up nfs on ubuntu10:08
koramatiminimec :the cmd is not succeed , no such files or directory10:09
energizerI'm looking for a function that will send a keystroke to my browser. I know that xsendkeys exists, but i cant find it.10:10
minimeckoramati: Can you check that again? I don't believe that... ;)10:11
Mori__Can Unity and Gnome start at the same time?10:12
Mori__my screen seams like that!!!10:12
=== cipher is now known as Guest53468
Guest53468Hey guys is there any software to test neural network models10:19
koramatiminimec : same message .10:21
cacjest tu ktos ?10:23
minimeckoramati: The reason why I am sceptical is, that with each 'sudo apt-get update' you are updating these lists. If the /var/lib/apt/lists is empty, you do have a problem. Can you once 'ls /var/lib/apt/lists' or open it with the GUI file manager. You should also have an additional folder in there...10:25
koramatiminimec:i can see one folder (partial)10:31
=== klixaK is now known as Guest44150
minimeckoramati: Ok. That is good. Now 'sudo apt-get update' once. The the lists folder should be populated with files like 'security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_restricted_i18n_Index' or so.10:33
aladdinneed help on xchat irc usage please. What is the name of the channel or how to search for that channel (I tried /list channelName which does not filter alphabetically and joined few channels which are empty)10:36
Ben64!alis | aladdin10:36
ubottualaddin: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:37
=== claymore is now known as Guest24154
x-s4nd3rEverybody shut the fuck for a minute10:39
x-s4nd3rI'm x-s4nd3r.10:39
x-s4nd3rI have hacked picasa.google.com, microsoft.com, linux.com..etc10:39
gordonjcp!ops | x-s4nd3r10:39
ubottux-s4nd3r: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!10:39
x-s4nd3rgordonjcp, today is a fine day.10:40
deletethy any one can help my whit this 00e0d80994c2 i need translate to ip but nothing10:40
x-s4nd3rdeletet, i'm a hacker.10:40
x-s4nd3ra very supernatural hacker.10:40
gordonjcpdeletet: that's got too many digits for an IP address, looks more like a MAC address10:40
koramatiminimec :i am unable to see that10:40
gordonjcpelky: ty10:40
deletetgordonjcp i know is a mac adrees but i need to convert to ip10:41
gordonjcpdeletet: okay, what exactly are you trying to do?10:41
Guest24154Hi all i'm looking to install a distro of linux to my pc, i'm tossing up between Linuxmint and Ubuntu, I'll be looking to play games and am strongly dependant on using my network file storage for all my media.  Can anyone suggest either out of the two?10:41
Ben64deletet: you can't convert mac to ip10:41
gordonjcpGuest24154: they're both pretty much the same10:41
gordonjcpdeletet: is this a device that's already on the network?10:42
Ben64Guest24154: mint is not supported here10:42
Guest24154so i can depend on ubuntu respositories while on mint?, gordonjcp ??10:42
Guest24154i understand :)10:42
gordonjcpGuest24154: no10:42
minimeckoramati: So you say after 'sudo apt-get update' the /var/lib/apt/lists folder is empty, with only the partial folder in it. Can you chekc waht's in that partial folder?10:42
deletetgordonjcp no is my ups  and i need to configure but i dont know the ip adrees10:42
gordonjcpdeletet: well, you can't directly find the IP address like that10:43
gordonjcpdeletet: do you know if it's using DHCP?10:43
deleteti know theat 00e0d8  is 172.1710:43
koramatiminimec:lists folder have some content but i did find that which you asked me to see10:43
gordonjcpdeletet: the MAC address doesn't directly map to an IP address10:43
Ben64deletet: uh, thats not how mac addresses work10:43
deletetbut the rest i try from hecadecimal to decimal but seems theat is not the ip theat i need10:43
minimeckoramati: Or simply try to empty that partial folder once too with 'sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ * -vf' and do 'sudo apt-get update again'10:44
gordonjcpdeletet: do you own a car?  You know how the VIN plate is stamped onto the bodywork but the number plate just screws on?10:44
koramatithis is available in partial folder10:45
gordonjcpdeletet: the MAC address is like the VIN plate for the machine, the IP address is like its registration number10:45
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ioioioioioHi, I deleted the login keyring in 13.04 because I could not get it to accept my pw as I had to go through some legth to change my root pw after forgetting it -- what are the consequences of doing this? (it seems to have solved the problem of the neverending pop up window)10:45
gordonjcpdeletet: if you check the manual for your UPS it'll tell you what the default settings are10:47
deletetgordonjcp the def are 00e0d8=172.17 and 0994c2 is the rest of the ip theat i cant find10:48
koramatiminimec: i deleted the contenet from partial folder and given update10:48
gordonjcpdeletet: no, the MAC address does *not* contain the IP address10:49
koramatinow nothing is available under partila10:49
gordonjcpdeletet: you can't take the MAC address and work out what the IP address is like that10:49
glosoliIf I have Ubuntu laptop which  has it's data encryped, and login is protected by password, is there really any way to make sure that whoever takes that computer would not be able to crack be password and gain access to the data inside it ?10:49
minimeckoramati: Ok. Again I hope you get some file in the 'lists' folder now. Otherwise we will change the repo server you are using.10:49
Ben64deletet: you might be able to find it using nmap10:50
koramatihow i can change the repo server10:50
gordonjcpdeletet: the easiest thing would be to check the manual for the UPS, reset it to its factory defaults, and go from there10:50
Jordan_Uglosoli: Use a secure passphrase.10:50
minimeckoramati: So you 'lists' folder is still empty?10:50
koramatiminimec: list folder have some contenet10:51
glosoliJordan_U: and unless they know that passphrase they will not be able to gain access to data even by taking hdd out of the computer and connecting it somewhere else ?10:51
MonkeyDustglosoli  that's the purpose of encryption, yes10:52
minimeckoramati: That is good! So it loaded the new lists. Try sudo apt-get upgrade. See if there are some new packages.10:52
Jordan_Uglosoli: Correct.10:52
glosoliThanks for the answer10:52
Fuzzlesid i have amds grphics driver from their site when my kernal gets updated will the graphics crash?10:52
Ben64Fuzzles: possible10:52
FuzzlesBen64, how would i stop this?10:52
Ben64to have installed it from the software center10:53
MonkeyDustFuzzles  install it from the repos, not from the website10:53
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, how do i do that?10:53
MonkeyDustFuzzles  with apt-get install or the software center10:54
koramatiminimec:no new packages10:54
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, so how would i install the one from their site through software centre?10:54
Ben64Fuzzles: its not the one from their site10:55
MonkeyDustFuzzles  you don't, the one from the website does not work on your pc10:55
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minimeckoramati: Can you install some packages now, like 'sudo apt-get install rar' (rar is small compression software)10:55
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, it does im using it its the only driver i could find to work with steam10:55
FloodBot1Anil-Bafila: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:55
marianneGood morning! Can anyone recommend a good ebook reader?10:56
MonkeyDustFuzzles  meybe the one from the repos does10:56
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, how would i get the repos for that one?10:56
MonkeyDustFuzzles  use either the one from the website, or the one from the repos, decide which you want10:57
cfhowlettmarianne, claibre10:57
lotuspsychje!info calibre | marianne10:58
ubottumarianne: calibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.18+dfsg1-1bzr (raring), package size 16349 kB, installed size 33414 kB10:58
koramatiminimec:same message10:58
marianneubottu: can I bring over my nook books to it?10:58
ubottumarianne: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:58
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, yeesh.  thanks.  I didn't even notice my typo.10:58
lotuspsychjemarianne: for pdf magazines you can use mupdf, very lightweight10:59
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: np mate, i didnt came on packagename myself until you named it :p10:59
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, i am using the one from their site atm but i want the repo one so it dont crash on updating kernel and see if it works with steam10:59
MonkWitDaFunkWhat is steam users?11:00
MonkeyDustFuzzles  then delete the one you don't want and install the one from the repos11:00
lotuspsychjemarianne: you mean import your ebook list?11:00
BluesKaj_Hey all11:00
minimeckoramati: Ok. It looks like not all the packages list are loaded correctly.11:00
mariannelotuspsychje: thanks. I see I have calbre installed already, guess i just need to figure out how to move my books over11:00
ioioioioioHi, I deleted the login keyring in 13.04 because I could not get it to accept my pw as I had to go through some legth to change my root pw after forgetting it -- what are the consequences of doing this? (it seems to have solved the problem of the neverending pop up window)11:00
ubottuMonkWitDaFunk,: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.11:00
AaiiitHi, all.  Been using Ubunut for a couple of months now.  One thing that bothers and I don't seem to be able to fix myself.   The audiolevel is not the same across applications.    Rhythmbox (my audioplayer)  does not follow my system settings audio level.   Anyone knows how to fix that?11:00
Fuzzlesmonkey when you say repos is that under additional drivers?11:00
mariannelotuspsychje: yes, I have a few that are must have's on the beautiful new monitor11:01
MonkeyDustFuzzles  not sure11:01
mariannelotuspsychje: I guess i can still read them online11:01
lotuspsychjemarianne: if you make a new folder in nautilus and bigger the size of the ebooks, its pretty neat to open11:01
minimeckoramati: Let's create a new repository list. First we backup the old list: 'sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup'11:01
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, what drivers do you mean from repo then?11:02
minimeckoramati: Now we create a new sources.list with this http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/11:02
lotuspsychjemarianne: bigger the icon size of the .pub and .pdf files11:02
mariannelotuspsychje: I guess I'm just a bit lost on how to pull the files over. Right now I have the nook reader on my iMac and it's crap... opens sometimes, sometimes not11:04
MonkeyDustFuzzles  what was your initial question?11:04
lotuspsychjemarianne: just import your ebook collection on usb stick, then copy them all to nautilus they will be ready to open with calibre11:05
cfhowlettmarianne, be aware that amazon's cloud reader works perfectly on linux.  don't know about nook ...11:06
mariannelotuspsychje: Ok,coolio. That should be easy. Or I could always download the windows nook reader and run it in wine...right?11:06
Fuzzlesis there a way to get the opensource drivers from 13.04 into 12.04?11:06
lotuspsychjemarianne: calibre will run smoother in my opinion11:06
MonkWitDaFunkI have ati radeon graphics i am sure and i have not seen proprietary graphics drivers for my card yet maybe i will find them now11:07
MonkeyDustFuzzles  use the !backports11:07
minimecFuzzles: As they are part of the kernel, no. But maybe you can use the kernel of Ubuntu 13.04. It should be in the repos. Now it's , I think11:07
mariannelotuspsychje: Ok, going to work on it a bit, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!11:08
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, are the backports under pre-release in undate manager?11:08
lotuspsychjemarianne: any time11:08
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:09
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lotuspsychjeare there oovoo alternatives for ubuntu?11:10
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, are backports safe?11:10
MonkWitDaFunk!pre-released updates11:10
MonkeyDustFuzzles  i'm sure someone else can help better11:11
FuzzlesMonkWitDaFunk, what are pre-released updates?11:12
MonkWitDaFunkI googled: pre-released updates site:ubuntu.com11:14
MonkWitDaFunkThe only proprietary drivers i ever found were for nvidia and broadcom11:15
SteveBellhi all, is there any way to make a OSX journaled formatted harddrive writable in ubuntu?11:16
FuzzlesMonkeyDust, so im better off using the one from their site and just uninstall it when updating kernal, then reinstall driver11:17
SteveBellwant to use a 2TB harddrive (that I used on OS X) on a ubuntu machine I'M not setting up as my media center11:18
MonkWitDaFunkHi stevebell, i thought only uefi capable bios was the only way to boot a disk larger than a T11:19
SteveBellit'S an external harddisk not the bootdisk11:19
SteveBellit's the disk with all my media going to be used in xbmc. but that#s not working cause somehow it's not writeable. maybe due to the OSX journaled formatting? MonkWitDaFunk11:20
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: Thats wrong.11:20
toStringi can't find a shell executable xmlrpc client11:21
lotuspsychjeSteveBell: maybe this can help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10387352/accessing-osx-files-and-folders-from-ubuntu-12-0411:21
toStringi'm on kubuntu and looking for xmlrpc on muon returns just library11:22
bekkstoString: I guess there's an xmlrpc library, which can be used.11:22
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toStringbekks, can't find any generic libraries11:23
SteveBellpuh lotuspsychje that's basically what I need but I have no clue how to disable journaling in os x without deformatting the drive and loosing all the data. that would be my last resort. but not to keen on copying 2TB for one day.11:23
bekks!info libxmlrpc11:23
ubottuPackage libxmlrpc does not exist in raring11:23
toStringjust specific ones for php, lua and ocaml11:23
aelinoeahello, does people have much experience installing ubuntu 12.04lst after windows 7 and it working well?11:24
bekkstoString: So you need a library for being used with what exactly?11:24
dekissis it very hard to configure network card so I can connect to internet from ubuntu server?11:24
cfhowlettaelinoea, installed it without issue and it's been working fine11:24
dekisswill you help me? :)11:24
dekissI plan to install ubuntu server11:24
bekksdekiss: It is very easy.11:24
dekiss:) oh cmon really? :D11:24
dekissok im going to do it right now11:25
mariannelotuspsychje: I have managed to download a set of test books, I have one that says it's DRM protected, won't let me open or convert... hummm any ideas11:25
lotuspsychjeSteveBell: you cant axs the drive by default?11:25
dekissI have very little linux experience11:25
bekksdekiss: Configuring the network takes about two minutes.11:25
toStringi've a bash script that makes checks towards a rtorrent installation, and it needs an xmlrpc executable11:25
bekkstoString: There is no xmlrpc executable out there.11:25
lotuspsychjemarianne: drm protection is a way to protect content you need to buy first11:25
aelinoeacfhowlett: did you change the size of the windows 7 partition?11:25
toStringok, it seems i found it now11:25
SteveBellsorry I know computer basics but never heard of axs = access? As I said I can access the drive, also play movies but not write on it and writing seems neccessary to make use of the drive in xbmc11:26
lotuspsychjemarianne: try some free ebooks from archive.org or something11:26
cfhowlettaelinoea, originally, I set up my Dell as a triple boot: osx, Win 7 and ubuntu 10.04.  later dropped OSX and had 10.04 and win 7.  I repartitioned with gparted11:27
lotuspsychjeSteveBell: ah you want to use the driver permantly on ubuntu11:27
SteveBelly netbook should be always on with that ex hdd connected. will be my xbmc media center11:27
lotuspsychjeSteveBell: seems like the recommend to disable journaling from inside the mac: http://superuser.com/questions/84446/how-to-mount-a-hfs-partition-in-ubuntu-as-read-write11:28
cfhowlettarunakk, holo?  um ... greetings?11:29
cfhowlettabsolootly, help?  no details?  no way.11:30
soulspireIs the a casual chat for ubuntu?11:32
thecodeischaosna this is hardcore only11:32
ubottusoulspire,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:32
SteveBelllotuspsychje: thanks so much for that link. sounds rather easy. will report back11:32
thecodeischaosi have "ubuntu" tatooed on my forehead11:32
lotuspsychjeSteveBell: np mate11:32
xGeekhello all, does any one has a link to download ubuntu 13.04 backgrounds ?11:32
thecodeischaosgirls love it11:33
lotuspsychjethecodeischaos: :p11:33
histoxGeek: wallbase.cc11:33
minimecxGeek: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntu-wallpaper&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names11:33
lotuspsychjexGeek: deviantart would be great aswell11:33
xGeekthanks guys11:33
mariannelotuspsychje: free ones work fine, as do some of the ones I purchased, just not this one. I guess I can read it online still, so all is not lost and I saved the file to my HD so I have a back up if needed11:36
lotuspsychjemarianne: did you buy ebooks with drm protection that you cant open with calibre?11:37
mariannelotuspsychje: yes, just one that I've found so far. Game of Thrones bundle.11:37
lotuspsychjemarianne: well i dont think we can discuss removing drm protections in this channel :p11:38
Myrttimarianne: drm'd adobe digital edition books will not open with calibre. They might work with Adobe Digital Editions programme for Windows if you run it through wine. or just read them with the online things. You can still use calibre to move even the drm'd books to the device you have11:38
Myrttiyou just can't read them with calibre11:38
* cfhowlett is happy to hear it wasn't Twilight ...11:39
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marianneMyrtti: I'll give that a try. I still have my nook reader on my iMac where I can read it11:39
aelinoeacfhowlett: ok, thanks11:41
energizerhow do i refer to the 'enter' key in the command line (xdotool)11:41
lotuspsychjexGeek: dont forget to check on user desktops to get new ideas: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=ubuntu+desktop&offset=2411:41
mariannelotuspsychje: yup, the web version works fine, like I thought it would11:41
lotuspsychje!yay | marianne11:42
ubottumarianne: Glad you made it! :-)11:42
MonkeyDustenergizer  in the old days, it was chr$13, maybe it's similar these days11:42
energizerMonkeyDust doesnt look like it11:43
energizerany idea where to look?11:43
SteveBelllotuspsychje: ok, I managed to deactivate journaling via the terminal on OS X. 10.8 no longer allows that via diskutility. when I'm now trying to write on that disk in ubuntu I get the error msg that files can't be copied, the target has write protection11:44
MonkeyDustenergizer  look for "carriage return" or "line feed", example: http://forums.devshed.com/coldfusion-development-84/chr-10-and-chr-13t-610273.html11:44
lotuspsychjeSteveBell: can you transfer files from one to another hd?11:45
energizerMonkeyDust: got it. it was KP_Enter. i wonder what KP stands for?11:45
MonkeyDustKP = Key Press, i guess11:45
energizercool tnx11:45
xGeeklotuspsychje, yeah i've archlinux with cinnamon and i like ubuntu's wallapapers :D11:45
SteveBelllotuspsychje:  not sure I understand the question. but y, that's what I'm trying to do11:46
lotuspsychjexGeek: you should try ubuntu 13.04 its rocketfast11:46
lotuspsychjeSteveBell: sorry mate, is there any way you can transfer your data from the mac to another hd? then reformat your 2TB?11:47
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crazysmokeris there someone with UEFI skills?11:47
xGeeklotuspsychje, archlinux is , for sure, faster ;)11:47
aLeSDhi all11:47
aLeSDcould you suggest me a video editor ?11:47
cfhowlettaLeSD, openshot11:48
lotuspsychjexGeek: you should see my 13.04 64bit on ssd running :p11:48
MonkeyDustmy 13.04 is FAST11:48
SteveBelllotuspsychje: if that'S the last resort that's possible. I have a backup with another 2tb drive. so can reformat and copy back all files from the backup.11:48
crazysmokermy win 8 is also fast but i want Ubuntu on my HP envy sleekbook 6 !! dont know how ..11:49
yggdrasilwhats up11:49
lotuspsychjeSteveBell: re-ask your problem in here once in a while, many experts will might know a trick on another time11:49
yggdrasilcan somone help me get a macbook pro (older) to boot off a usb stick with ubuntu live cd ?11:49
yggdrasilive tried everything11:49
crazysmokerbootcamp ?11:49
SteveBelllotuspsychje: ok will do thanks so far for your help11:50
yggdrasilwell it has crashed hard drive..11:50
ubottuyggdrasil,: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages11:50
MonkeyDustcrazysmoker  windows is fast when it is new, after a while, it starts slowing down11:50
lotuspsychjecrazysmoker: what holds you to install ubuntu on that envy?11:51
xGeeklotuspsychje, ubuntu is very fast i know but i like build my own system that's why i use arch :))11:51
aLeSDwhich prograqm to resize a video resolution ?11:51
crazysmokerit is the fucking UEFI !!!11:51
lotuspsychje!xrandr | aLeSD11:51
ubottuaLeSD: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1211:51
lotuspsychjecrazysmoker: cool down mate11:52
gordonjcpUEFI rocks11:52
gordonjcpeverything should use UEFI11:52
crazysmokeri have to use windows for Ableton live but i cant install ubuntu without deleting win11:52
gordonjcpcrazysmoker: you can shrink your Windows partition11:52
crazysmokerand my magazine saysi could destroy my laptop..11:52
SerelijahAs a noob, am I supposed to fail to immediately understand Linux's terminal?11:53
Prostetniccrazysmoker, your mag is high on crack. mind you back up everything.11:53
lotuspsychje!bash | Serelijah11:53
ubottuSerelijah: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:53
ProstetnicSerelijah, don't use it to begin with, then start small11:54
thecodeischaosthe terminal is easy to use. its just learning the commands11:54
crazysmokercan someone reffer me to a good guide ?? and is there a difference between the models?11:54
lotuspsychjethecodeischaos: i agree with you11:54
thecodeischaosactually using the terminal is just typing and pressing enter....11:54
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SerelijahWhat I'm doing here is trying to learn what I can from a live CD... that does not have a GUI.11:55
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lotuspsychje!uefi | crazysmoker11:55
ubottucrazysmoker: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:55
=== Taylr0x is now known as Taylz
Prostetnicthecodeischaos, the terminal is easier than you initially expect but the learning curve is the wrong way round for a beginner, its a wall that quickly tapers away, rather than a gentle slope that gets steeper and steeper for a gui.11:56
cfhowlettSerelijah, yes.  that's why you use the software center until your skills develop for more specialized tasks.11:57
cfhowlettorion_, greetings11:57
TaylzCan anyone recommend a good free extracting program for .tar and .rar files please?11:57
lotuspsychje!info rar | Taylz11:58
ubottuTaylz: rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:4.2.0-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 611 kB, installed size 1273 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)11:58
crazysmokerok i know what uefi is but i read a lot of problems if i trie to instal linux with uefi/secure boot and i have to reinstall windows .. is this right??11:59
Taylzubottu: Many thanks for the info! Didn'r realise you could do that. How do you install it? Simply put archiver in software manager?11:59
ubottuTaylz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:59
lotuspsychjeTaylz: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install rar11:59
orion_I have a problem to install Ubuntu. Can anyone help me?11:59
ubottuorion_,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:59
Taylzlotuspsychje: Many thanks for your help. Will give it a go now.11:59
cfhowlettcrazysmoker, suggestion:  install virtualbox for windows.  then install ubuntu to the virtualbox.  develop your skills and learn.  convert to a dual boot once you know more.12:00
crazysmokeri have ubuntu skills i am running many distros since years but never with this new BIOS replacement ..12:00
crazysmokerand virtualbox with ubuntu doesnt work on win8 dont know ^^ its the first time i have a computer newer than 2009 ^^12:01
cfhowlettcrazysmoker, understood.  for what it's worth, the uefi/laptop brick issue was a very hot bug and was "fixed" with the latest kernel ...12:02
orion_After choosing the wifi network I want to connect, an error stops me: ubi-partman failed with exit code 141.12:02
crazysmokercfhowlett, try direct mention..12:02
Taylzlotuspsychje: I have installed rar but fail to see how I use it / extract from the file?12:02
crazysmokerok so i can easy trie to install it in dualboot without deleting win8 ?? thats a goooooood news :-)12:02
lotuspsychjeTaylz: right mouse your .rar archive/ extract here12:03
crazysmoker@Taylz trie 7zip its great for all archives :)12:03
SerelijahCan the live CD non-graphical version really do much?12:03
orion_Ubottu help me12:04
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:04
cfhowlettSerelijah, do much of what?  what are you trying to accomplish12:04
Taylzlotuspsychje: I have tried that and it doesnt seem to work12:04
cfhowlettmusic, greetings12:04
Taylzcrazysmoker: I normally do use that but I'm on a KUbuntu desktop at the moment and 7zip doesnt appear to be available on here/software centre/terminal install.12:04
lotuspsychje!info p7zip-full | Taylz12:04
ubottuTaylz: p7zip-full (source: p7zip): 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.20.1~dfsg.1-4 (raring), package size 1560 kB, installed size 3847 kB12:04
orion_After choosing the wifi network I want to connect, an error stops me: ubi-partman failed with exit code 141.12:04
lotuspsychjeTaylz: you can install it same way i showed from terminal12:05
MonkeyDustorion_  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149841712:05
cfhowlettcrazysmoker, that I know of, NO dual boot installation should require you to first delete windows.  In fact, the preference is to install windows prior to ubuntu.12:05
lotuspsychjei never liked those dualboots12:06
crazysmokerok cool so now i tried this an report here if it works or fail ;) and yo uhave to help me if i brick something ^^12:06
musicam trying to get my laptop up to speed w/ 12.04  - only question is - my os is currently windows 7 64-bit should I use 64 bit ubuntu and how will this change the setup?12:06
Taylzlotuspsychje: I have now installed p7zip the way you said. How do I run / use it? Because when I just right click and extract it fails to extract the file.12:07
SerelijahMy biggest problem would probably be that I have no idea how to do anything with terminal-only Linux..12:07
cfhowlettmusic, if your system can run 64 bit (as it does) then install it.  changes to set up?  you mean the dual boot arrangement?12:07
MonkeyDustSerelijah  that's how we all started12:07
lotuspsychjeTaylz: right mouse your archive and 'open with' 7zip12:07
orion_Thank you.12:08
ubottumusic,: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:08
musicthank you I will take a look this am12:08
lotuspsychjemusic: or you could singleboot ubuntu 64bit and loose windows once and for good12:09
cfhowlettmusic, best of luck.  I've got win 7 and ubuntustudio 12.04 on my dell since 2009.12:09
AktiffHello  i have one cuestion i have install cromium and can get hardware aceleration but in firefox i dont have and the cpu goes high and i want to use firefox but dont know how to force the hardware aceleration and what configs must to do12:11
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hshello , how can i change unity-greeter logo position ?12:12
bmxscott1993got a problem trying to run tor on ubuntu 13.04 and getting this message Another Vidalia process is possibly already running. If there really is not another Vidalia process running, you can choose to continue anyway.12:12
bmxscott1993Would you like to continue starting Vidalia?12:12
lotuspsychjehs: you mean changing background on login window?12:13
musicis anyone else running 12.04 in Ubuntu or have most people switched to 13.0412:14
hsbmxscott1993 , lotuspsychje , no the lightdm unity-greeter logo.12:14
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mangomusic: i'm  running 12:04. but i just got it yesterday12:14
mangoi don't know if I count for much12:15
musicyeah I like it alot12:15
bmxscott1993i tryed sorting it out but is say this as well Vidalia was unable to save your Advanced settings.12:15
bmxscott1993ControlSocket path doesn't exist.12:15
hsbmxscott1993 are you trying to install tor or tor-browser12:15
auronandacemango: depends on your needs, 12.04 has 5 years of support12:16
lotuspsychjemusic: ive got 13.04 64bit on ssd and its rocketfast12:16
hsbmxscott1993 goto terminal : sudo chown $USER -Rv ~/.tor-browser/12:16
hsbmxscott1993 then restart your ubuntu then re run it.12:16
cfhowlettmusic, I only run LTS ... fewer headaches that way.  Still have and still love 12.0412:16
Aktiffhello can anybody help me?12:17
lotuspsychje!ask | Aktiff12:17
MonkeyDustAktiff  start with a question12:17
ubottuAktiff: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:17
ubottuAktiff,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:17
hslotuspsychje , ive changed the logo of unity-greeter , /usr/share/unity-greeter/logo.png , but half of the new logo is under the screen rosulotion , i need to change the position.12:18
bmxscott1993im getting this in chown: cannot access ‘/home/scott/.tor-browser/’: No such file or directory12:18
bmxscott1993failed to change ownership of ‘/home/scott/.tor-browser/’ to12:18
bmxscott1993that what im getting12:18
AktiffOk i will say you again maybe not are in the chatroom when i say it i have hardware aceleration on chromium and all works fine but i dont have it  on fire fox and i am firefox user, i dont know how to enable here or how to force in chromium it goes good in the first use12:18
hsbmxscott1993 , have you added the tor PPA ?12:19
bmxscott1993il try that12:19
hsbmxscott1993 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/tor12:20
hsbmxscott1993 sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get install tor-browser12:20
MonkeyDustbmxscott1993  if that ppa ruins your system, you cannot come here for help12:20
bmxscott1993is that ok More info: https://launchpad.net/~upubuntu-com/+archive/tor12:21
bmxscott1993Press [ENTER] to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding it12:21
bmxscott1993gpg: keyring `/tmp/tmp4pqi9t/secring.gpg' created12:21
bmxscott1993gpg: keyring `/tmp/tmp4pqi9t/pubring.gpg' created12:21
bmxscott1993gpg: requesting key E06E6293 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com12:21
bmxscott1993gpg: /tmp/tmp4pqi9t/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created12:21
bmxscott1993gpg: key E06E6293: public key "Launchpad PPA for upubuntu.com" imported12:21
FloodBot1bmxscott1993: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:21
bmxscott1993gpg: Total number processed: 112:21
bmxscott1993gpg:               imported: 1  (RSA: 1)12:21
hsbmxscott1993 then : sudo chown $USER -Rv ~/.tor-browser/12:21
hsbmx dont flood. use pastbin12:21
bmxscott1993ok floodbot12:21
Aktiffor can anybody help me to install a chromium last stable version by ppa?12:21
MonkeyDustAktiff  not by ppa12:22
hsaktiff , your using ubuntu 13.04 ?12:22
bmxscott1993it giving me this scott@computer:~$ sudo apt-get install tor-browser12:22
bmxscott1993Reading package lists... Done12:22
bmxscott1993Building dependency tree12:22
bmxscott1993Reading state information... Done12:22
bmxscott1993E: Unable to locate package tor-browser12:22
FloodBot1bmxscott1993: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:22
bmxscott1993scott@computer:~$ sudo chown $USER -Rv ~/.tor-browser/12:22
MonkeyDustbmxscott1993  please stop that pasting in the channel12:22
bmxscott1993ok ip going to us paste thing12:22
MonkeyDustbmxscott1993  ppa's are not supported in the channel12:22
Aktiff12.04 i see the lastest version for ubuntu are 25but i know now are 27 stable12:22
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hsbmx , did you do sudo apt-get update , first ?12:23
Aktiffor help to force hardware aceleration on firefox in chromium works good12:23
MonkeyDustAktiff Chroumium in 13.04 is also 2512:23
hsaktiff , you can goto ubuntu software center , and search for chromium12:23
bmxscott1993it giving me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5725932/12:24
MonkeyDustbmxscott1993  better contact the maintainer of the ppa12:24
hsbmx, did you do sudo apt-get update ?12:24
hsbmxscott1993, did you do sudo apt-get update ?12:25
MonkeyDustbmxscott1993  why use a ppa? tor is in the repos12:25
Aktiffi dont like to use an outdated browser and dont like to use chrome because have a flash embebed and dont work well, I think  is beter use firefox because are always upto date but in firefox dont works hardware acleration and in chrome and chromium works well12:26
docprenticefrankenstein junior12:26
makarahi. What's wrong with this script? It doesn't handle case-sensitivity http://pastebin.com/s8nUv2gR12:26
bmxscott1993it updateing12:26
hsbmxscott1993,  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/tor64 , and do the update again.12:26
trickyhi guys12:27
hsbmx , after the update , use : sudo apt-get install tor-browser12:27
hstricky , hi12:27
bmxscott1993it working now just intalling the browser12:28
bmxscott1993thank for the help12:28
hsbmxscott1993 then : sudo chown $USER -Rv ~/.tor-browser/12:28
Jordan_Umakara: You need to quote or escape the globs, and you should already always be using quotes around variables in bash.12:28
SerelijahI have no idea how to find anything with the terminal...12:28
MonkeyDustSerelijah  use find or locate12:29
fellayaboyhey if you just bootup into tty1 cli and you plug in an external hard drive...will it automatically mount like it does when your in X12:29
trickyanybody knows how transport files from andoid to linux?12:29
Prostetnicmakara, is bash matching the wildcard pattern *before* passing it to locate?12:29
MonkeyDustSerelijah  e.g.: locate fstab12:29
fellayaboyi mean will a external hard drive mount in tty1 cli12:29
makaraJordan_U, haven't heard of globs. Can you send type the locate line here please?12:30
someone235what is the name of the software that you can mount & repair partitions?12:30
lotuspsychjetricky: ive copyd files from samsung tablet in DCIM folder and copy all pictures then paste in nautilus12:31
someone235that comes with Ubuntu live cd12:31
Jordan_Umakara: locate --ignore-case "/home/mar/*$1*"12:31
zykotick9fellayaboy: i highly doubt it.12:31
fellayaboyso how would i do that..how can i mount it and get it workign12:31
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | someone23512:31
ubottusomeone235: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 516 kB, installed size 1201 kB12:31
auronandace!mount | fellayaboy12:32
ubottufellayaboy: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:32
zykotick9fellayaboy: manually use mount, or create an fstab entry for the drive.12:32
SerelijahI don't even know what software Linux has, how should I start anyway?12:32
Jordan_Umakara: Globs are patterns used for matching files in bash, and bash expands (unquoted/escaped) globs before passing them on to any command. For example, 'echo /home/mar/*$1*' will probably list files, even though the echo command itself knows nothing about files or globs.12:32
auronandace!manual | Serelijah12:33
ProstetnicJordan_U, makara,  +112:33
ubottuSerelijah: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:33
makaraJordan_U, thx very much12:33
hshow to change unity-greeter logo position ?12:33
mangowooo! it took a couple reformats but i finally got eclipse on ubuntu^^12:33
fellayaboythanks zykotick912:34
Jordan_Umakara: You're welcome. I highly recommend reading through http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls and asking questions in #bash to learn good practices in bash.12:34
makaraJordan_U, the attitude in the bash channel leaves much to be desired :)12:35
hshow to change unity-greeter logo position ?12:36
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BluesKaj_makara, well, geeks with few social graces and atitude makes for an unpleasant experience there , altho they can be halpful at times12:37
zykotick9BluesKaj_: "very helpful" sometimes!12:37
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lotuspsychjehs: seems like its hardcoded, source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/301190/how-to-change-unity-greeter-logo-position-on-ubuntu-13-0412:38
Jano_yes, it is12:38
Akishonacan anyone knows from where i can download apks12:39
Jano_android apps?12:39
cfhowlettdocprentice, amazon app store12:40
cfhowlettJano_, and google play12:40
Jano_legally from developers website and not... from some unnamed crack sites :(12:40
Akishonajano: yes12:41
walltenderWill some one take a look at this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/303115/track-down-failure-to-shut-down12:41
=== joey is now known as Guest41965
Jano_from google play you cant get apk, you must download app and then copy it to sd card using total commander for android12:41
cfhowlettJano_, google play is "safe".  amazon app store and xda developers are generally safe12:41
Jano_yes, i know i develop some apps :D12:41
lotuspsychjeis there a way to make the email notification indicator play a sound by getting new mail?12:42
cfhowlettJano_, I get apks from amazon all the time and then airdroid to install12:42
hslotuspsychje , can you give me some hints , how to do so ?12:42
krovis (U)EFI neccesary to use?12:42
ubottukrov,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:42
lotuspsychjehs: sorry mate, didnt find any tricks12:43
SerelijahWait a second, was it a bad idea to try to start with command-line?12:43
lotuspsychjeSerelijah: someone sugested starting to start gui, and then learn commandline bit by bit12:44
zykotick9Serelijah: i'd guess most ubuntu users rarely use terminal...  certainly NOT the easiest to start with.12:44
gordonjcpSerelijah: depends what you're trying to do12:44
gordonjcpSerelijah: if you're running a server, you probably want to start getting used to using CLI for everything12:44
Jano_no it isnt easyiest but there are many anuals on internet you only need how to use "nano" and "man"12:45
gordonjcpSerelijah: using the CLI is not an end in itself, it's just a tool that makes some things easier12:45
krovcfhowlett: i know its replacement. but why use it? the only thing i know is that is support for higher hardrive, and i dont know what other purposes it have12:45
gordonjcpkrov: you can use UEFI if your hardware supports it12:45
gordonjcpeverything should use UEFI12:45
gordonjcpthe BIOS needs to die12:45
mangois anyone familiar with 'RailsInstaller; for windows or mac? is there something similar for ubuntu?12:46
gordonjcpactually, OpenBoot > UEFI but no-one can understand12:46
krovgordonjcp: i think it support it cus i choose Boot in UEFI12:46
lotuspsychjemango: whats the purpose of that program?12:46
zykotick9gordonjcp: ya, because microsoft controlling all hardware is a good thing </sarcasm>12:46
gordonjcpzykotick9: how does Microsoft control "all hardware"?12:46
gordonjcpMicrosoft have nothing much to do with UEFI12:47
gordonjcpall the Intel Macs are UEFI, for example; no Microsoft there12:47
Jordan_Ukrov: UEFI is not needed for drives larger than 2 TiB, just GPT (unless you want to boot Windows). But Pretty much all PC boot firmware sold today defaults to UEFI.12:47
mangolotuspsychje: well it installs ruby, rails, heroku.(i think) just a convenient bundle of stuff for developing rails apps on your system12:47
zykotick9gordonjcp: only MS can give you secure boot keys...  they also dictate the entire process.12:47
gordonjcpzykotick9: anyone can generate secure boot keys12:47
mangolotuspsychje: instead of doing it one at a time12:47
gordonjcpzykotick9: you just need to configure UEFI to use them12:47
Jano_mango: it is needed to run ruby its simple12:47
gordonjcpzykotick9: or, disable secure boot12:47
jpmhnm-tool says nmy dns servers are, and 10.1;.10,1 - yet when I do a dig it says z# and seems NOT to bhe using the 206... - the system is set to get dns from dhcp which should give the first 2.  What is happening here ?12:48
zykotick9gordonjcp: MS needs to sign those keys... <i'm done>12:48
gordonjcpzykotick9: no, MS does *not* need to sign those keys12:48
Jordan_Ugordonjcp: zykotick9: Please move non-support discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.12:48
lotuspsychjemango: something like this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RubyOnRails12:48
mangoubuntu probably comes with SSH, right away right?12:48
gordonjcpzykotick9: someone with access to the UEFI CA does12:48
gordonjcpmango: ssh client yes, ssh server no12:48
mangolotuspsychje: hey thanks alot!  i'm gonna dig through this12:49
krovgordonjcp: but would UEFI make hardware work better than before BIOS, then stuff was limited?12:49
lotuspsychjemango: np mate12:49
alketHi, I am using ubuntu 13.04. I can't delete files or rename them in home directory, I used chmod -R 777 /user but it is not working ? I don't know what happened that they become Read-only ? Thank you!12:49
gordonjcpkrov: once the system is booted it makes no difference12:49
gordonjcpalket: is the filesystem mounted read-only?12:50
SerelijahShould I actually *install* Ubuntu/any distro through virtualbox, trying to dualboot, or just wiping and replacing the original OS?12:50
gordonjcpSerelijah: again, depends what you're trying to do12:50
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krovgordonjcp: sounds like UEFI just of time then?12:50
alketgordonjcp: I don't know, It worked fine yesterday. Today in startup it showed that /tmp needs to be fixed and I pressed F12:50
SerelijahFigure out how to use Linux for the sake of future reference12:51
zykotick9alket: read-only filesystem perhaps?  type "mount" is / or /home (rw,...)  or (ro,...)?12:51
gordonjcpalket: sounds like it may be mounted read only12:51
alketgordonjcp: /dev/sda6 already mounted or / busy12:52
gordonjcpSerelijah: well dual-boot will give you better performance, running in a VM will give you the flexibility to easily create and destroy "clean" environments when you break it12:52
adamkMonkWitDaFunk: What model video card do you have?12:52
gordonjcpalket: what does "mount | grep sda6" say?12:52
alketgordonjcp: /dev/sda6 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)12:52
gordonjcpokay, so it *is* read-write12:53
zykotick9gordonjcp: verify alket doesn't have a separate /home12:53
MonkWitDaFunkI have both ati and nvidia. I also have a 256mb card that is onboard an asus12:53
gordonjcpalket: and /home is on the same partition?12:53
gordonjcpzykotick9: yes12:53
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
gordonjcpalket: does "mount | grep home" say anything?12:53
alketgordonjcp: no12:54
alketIt used to work fine12:54
gordonjcphave you rebooted since it asked to fix /tmp?12:54
adamkMonkWitDaFunk: Above you were commenting on the lack of proprietary drivers for your ATI video card.  Not all ATI video cards are supported with the current proprietary driver, which is why I was asking.12:54
zykotick9MonkWitDaFunk: fyi, you can't run both proprietary ATI and nvidia at the same time...12:54
MonkWitDaFunkI am assuming you get better results off looking at the screen and using glxgears with open source drivers compared to proprietary on an ati card12:56
gordonjcpright, got to go and deliver stuff, ttyl12:56
alketgordonjcp: no other folders12:56
MonkWitDaFunkMy single board computer that has the ati card was built in 201212:56
adamkMonkWitDaFunk: First, glxgears isn't a benchmark.  Second, the proprietary drivers generally give better 3D performance.12:57
MonkWitDaFunkReally? Is it a guarantee proprietary drivers should be adopted for your graphics?12:58
adamkMonkWitDaFunk: Not at all. Personally, I prefer the open source drivers. They do everything I need, they are enabled by default, and cause less problems for me.12:59
zykotick9adamk: nice!  :)12:59
walltenderWhere is the user specific power save settings file in linux?13:00
MonkWitDaFunkWell my only single board computer right now looks best with windows 8. I have to find the pre release offerings that ati can give ubuntu13:01
Lamagóáóíòîâîäû áëå\13:03
MonkWitDaFunkThe default installation for the latest LTS in ky single board computer has been said to look bad13:03
jpmhnm-tool says nmy dns servers are, and 10.1;.10,1 - yet when I do a dig it says z# and seems NOT to bhe using the 206... - the system is set to get dns from dhcp which should give the first 2.  What is happening here ?13:04
MonkWitDaFunkI really like ubuntu 12.04 on my computer with on board nvidia very much.13:06
adamkjpmh: Check /etc/resolv.conf13:07
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zykotick9adamk: revsolv.conf is deprecated, those settings are in /etc/networks/interfaces now i believe13:09
adamkzykotick9: /etc/resolv.conf is certainly not completely deprecated. It is very clearly being used by dig.13:10
Jordan_Uadamk: zykotick9: It's not "deprecated" in that tools don't read from /etc/resolv.conf, but Ubuntu's /etc/resolv.conf points to localhost by default, so looking there won't be very enlightening.13:11
adamkJordan_U: It explains to jpmh why dig was looking at :-)13:12
Jordan_U!resolvconf | adamk zykotick913:12
ubottuadamk zykotick9: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution13:12
zykotick9Jordan_U: but making changes to resolv.conf will be overwritten by N-M, making it rather useless.13:13
adamkYes, I know how it works :-)13:13
adamkdnsmasq runs locally, and uses the DNS settings from NetworkManager as it's forwarder.13:13
cfhowletttheos, greetings13:15
theosi just upgraded to 12.04 and unity bar is not hiding.13:15
theosis there a solution?13:17
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
mangowooo! ubuntu is cureing my development woes!13:19
carpediembabyhi, my camera doesn't work anymore. when i try with cheese, i get a black screen and when i try with guvcview, it says make sure it is connected. the camera is integrated13:22
carpediembabycould someone help, please?13:22
krovare there other purposes to use UEFI? than the size limitation?13:22
MonkeyDust!uefi | start here13:23
ubottustart here: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:23
zykotick9krov: UEFI has NOTHING to do with partition size limitation!  that's GPT you need for that.13:23
krovzykotick9: so what's the other advantages to using UEFI?13:24
zykotick9krov: do you currently have UEFI hardware?13:24
MonkeyDustkrov  it's a security thing13:24
krovzykotick9: i dont know but, i have boot choices for legacy and UEFI13:25
zykotick9krov: then you have UEFI hardware.  it's up to you then.  but there aren't really "advantages" as far as i'm concerned.13:25
jpmhadamk: I agree but WHY is resolv.comf and the system usnig when nowhere do I spec this and tell it to get from DHCP13:26
hshow to make my own bootloader on plymouth  ?13:27
ShalokShalomWhere to drop my bootloader, when i wish to set a dualboot with win8? GPT13:28
daneshello, I installed motion and I was changing settings in the configuration script but I messed it up and couldn't get it back to work. I uninstalled motion and deleted the configuration file and then reinstalled it but it didnt generate  back the config file /etc/motion/motion.conf is there any command to create back the configuration files?13:30
danesI mean configuration file, not script13:31
=== fernando is now known as Guest22433
vboohMay be you should purge package of 'motion'.13:31
zykotick9danes: when you want to remove config files, use purge instead of manually deleting them.13:31
anonymoushey zykotick913:32
anonymousyou them call13:32
mangohow do i add rails to ubuntu path?13:32
ubottupath is The $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables13:32
anonymousubuntu payh13:32
anonymous   !path13:32
daneszykotick9: thanks for the advise, is it possible to rebuild the config file then?13:32
mangothanks guys, i'm trying13:33
vboohHello, everyone. Please, tell me, there is a way to save permanently settings for /sys? For example, save setting for /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler . /etc/rc.local is deprecated, as far as I know. Option 'elevator' for kernel is not accepted for my case.13:33
zykotick9danes: there is some way to manually tell apt to reinstall the config file(s) but i don't know what it is.  you could try reinstalling it, then properly purging it, then reinstalling again - hopefully that "might" work.  or research the reinstall config option.13:34
anonymouslee dae woo13:36
anonymousgoing to lee dea wo13:36
=== djoudi is now known as djbin
ShariffHow can I alter network configuration without the networkmanager tool. I cannot use it, because I don't load gnome or anything (XBMCbuntu) and the pre-NM files seems not to be used..13:37
ShalokShalomWhere to drop my bootloader, when i wish to set a dualboot with win8? GPT13:37
vboohShariff: /etc/network/interfaces13:39
MasterBlindanybody can help me how to connect IP in irc, i'm using hosting ubuntu, and get message "* Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)" I'm already config the ip and port, what's wrong?13:40
christarasHello. I have an issue with unity. I installed fglrx. It didn't work and so i removed it from terminal. Now unity is reacting strangely. Although buttons are skinned unity top and side panels are missing.13:40
vboohShalokShalom: If you use MBR, you can erase bootloader on HDD called 'sda' this way:13:42
vboohdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1 count=51213:42
ShalokShalomnot MBR13:43
ShalokShalomU mean, i have to erease my sda? O.O13:44
Shariffvbooh: Yeah, I tried that, but eth0 is not defined there and the interface is up and running13:44
Shariffvbooh: So it must be managed/stored elsewhere13:44
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zykotick9Shariff: i hear (never used it myself, successfully) that there is some terminal based way to control N-M, but i doubt you'll find config files for it...  good luck.13:46
Shariffzykotick9: Thanks! :D I will figure it out.. somehow :)13:47
vboohShalokShalom: No, just first 512 bytes. I am not sure, if this solution is accepted for GPT.13:47
vboohShariff: Networkmanager is deleted and is not running?13:48
SharkWoofi need to add stuff to a powerpoint but somehow libre office seems to open it in full-screen i dont know why but the powerpoint was made in 2003 powerpoint13:49
Shariffvbooh: Well I'm sure it is. but XBMCbuntu uses a different X-client.. the XBMC interface.. So I cannot access the normal interface.. as such I cannot reach networkmanager.. as far as I know now :)13:49
natsukaofor those people which are in Canada: http://dpaste.com/120847213:50
pii3hi i installed x11vnc and i have two monitor how can i choose only one of them to display via remote connection ?13:51
himanshu_linuxhi , I am using 13.04 .. whenever i start my system, i get a error message "usb_modeswitch_dispatcher crashed " .. I not able to use my Usb Modem ..  Please help ..  i have seacrhed , i am not able to find solution for this ...13:51
Hans11Want to expot a ssl certificate to another server but it is not valid13:51
ubottudonny49: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:52
SharkWoofi need to add stuff to a powerpoint but somehow libre office seems to open it in full-screen i dont know why but the powerpoint was made in 2003 powerpoint13:53
SharkWoof!it | donny4913:53
ubottudonny49: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:53
donny49ok, tanks'13:53
pii3hi i installed x11vnc and i have two monitor how can i choose only one of them to display via remote connection ?13:53
compdocpii3, did you follow the instructions of some website to install, or how did you install?13:54
pii3i just apt-get install x11vnc13:54
pii3and then connect via ssh and execute x11vnc and connect from a vnc client13:54
pii3no special setting , i did google but cannot find anythign13:55
vboohShariff: I am not familiar with XBMCbuntu and XBMC. I suspect, this feature is related to XMBC, no to Ubuntu, so you should search info about XBMC.13:55
SharkWoofi need to add stuff to a powerpoint but somehow libre office seems to open it in full-screen i dont know why but the powerpoint was made in 2003 powerpoint13:56
Shariffvbooh: Yeah, I guess so too :) Thanks for the help though :D13:56
vboohhimanshu_linux: If you want stability, you should try at first Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, it is much more suitable for novices.13:57
mangowhen adding a directory to path, should you append the PATH line in .profile? or simply add a new line?14:00
jribmango: see the existing example for ~/bin in ~/.profile14:00
mangojrib: hey jrib. oh i think i get it now.14:02
mangojrib: so i guess i but it line at the very bottom? outside all the if blocks14:02
rotten777anyone awake?14:03
jribmango: right, but the ~/bin example is an if block14:03
anonymoushelp plz14:03
jribanonymous: start by asking an actual question14:03
rotten777I'm having an issue creating a local repo... I've run the apt-mirror command and it downloaded the 95gb+ to the local drive, but it seems like parts of the mirror are missing when running `apt-get update`14:03
zykotick9re ~/bin, the directory must exist at login for it to be included in PATH14:03
mangodumb question, but is double-clicking at all necessary in ubuntu?14:04
jribmango: define "necessary"?  You can use double click to perform certain actions.  But you can perform those same actions in other ways I guess14:05
mangojrib: it just seemed like every time i opened a aprogram, it would open twice. I guess i'm double clicking the wrong cases14:06
MonkeyDustmango  open nautilus, files, preferences, behaviour14:07
A1ReconLast night i had a problem with brasero. It was not copying CDs. Then I installed k3b. k3b also did not work; it left a black patch in the middle of my screen and just did not load. But then I tried brasero again and it worked! :) Im just saying because if anyone else has problems they can implement this...14:07
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A1ReconIs there a way to know when ubuntu was installed on a particular PC?14:20
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
JuJuBeeMy sd card from my phone stopped working.  When I plug into my laptop, I get this in syslog.... http://pastebin.com/UF6p5ZPp  Any suggestions or is the sd card dead?14:21
mangoi think i see now. I think rails was added to the path, except for my git folder. is that normal?14:23
th0rA1recon: timestamps in /usr/sbin?14:23
zykotick9A1Recon: i'd check /var/log/apt/history.log for first entry.  timestamps in /usr/sbin certainly don't work for me?14:25
himanshu_linuxhi , i am getting usb modeswitch crash evertime i start my system . And because of this i am not able to connect my usb modem...  screenshot of crash http://imagebin.org/259945 pls help .. ]14:27
anonymousi'm com plz14:27
pii3no special setting , i did google but cannot find anythign14:27
pii3hi i installed x11vnc and i have two monitor how can i choose only one of them to display via remote connection ?14:28
nadegePopularity test : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuSMH9RP91I14:30
=== Subo1978_ is now known as Subo1978
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aladdinhow many GBs does Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS occupy?14:34
aladdinand how to view the memory usage?14:34
aladdinplz plz plz14:35
minimecaladdin: 3-4GB, 350MB footprint, something like that fo unity, I would say14:36
theosi just upgraded to 12.04 and unity bar is not hiding. is there a solution?14:36
=== CaptainObvious is now known as Guest21408
zykotick9minimec: 5GB+ actually, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements14:37
aladdini know it says 4.5 for Ubuntu and another few for files, but I think it occupies like 80GB (viewed from Benchmark)14:38
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
minimeczykotick9: Yeah, but just after installation you will not have these 5GB filled up with data...14:40
zykotick9minimec: so canonical is lieing?  why would they do that?14:40
aladdinhow to force shut down the app?14:41
minimeczykotick9: No. They just want to give you space for your own data... maybe... ;)14:41
Whiskey`Wonkaok so part of my issue might be that there is no coretemp-isa-0000 listed in the config file and sensors returns nothing but cpu temps, no fan speed, core voltage, etc14:41
k1l_aladdin: a regular desktop is about 10GB for system. but depends on how much programs you install14:42
aladdink1l_,  how to view the memory usage from terminal14:44
aladdinor from another place?14:44
k1l_aladdin: with memory you mean disk usage or ram usage?14:44
cfhowlettaladdin, I've got ubuntustudio + medibuntu and restricted extras.  My /home has a separate partition.  My system uses about 6.5 gigs14:44
k1l_aladdin: for disk usage see: "df -h"14:45
aladdink1l_, disk usage14:45
k1l_aladdin: or start the systemmonitor if you prefer gui14:46
aladdink1l_, actually 30GB with restricted extras :)14:47
=== elixir__ is now known as elixir
aladdink1l_, thank u14:47
k1l_aladdin: with integrated /home, which contains your personal data14:48
aladdink1l_, any advice for installing windows8 via virtualbox?14:48
majorlazerhow can i configure VPNC not to route all default routes?  I get logged out of my ssh!  i only need the vpn for a php script - how can I set up this?14:49
keesjHi, I am trying to download the 13.04 version of ubuntu (64 bits) but the website still make me download the lts version14:50
keesjis there a direct link for the iso download ?14:50
majorlazeri just want to set a simple route that my php script can use - nothing else.  using vpnc and earthvpn.14:50
=== darkk is now known as Guest38990
majorlazerkeesj: which?14:51
Ogham_ubuntu 13.04 server edition does not have the kernel module for my jmicron (jme) ethernet adapter - but the desktop install doess..14:53
Ogham_how should I fix this?14:53
bekksOgham_: Use the desktop kernel, e.g.14:54
majorlazerkeesj: try this http://releases.ubuntu.com/raring/14:54
majorlazerhow can i add a simple route to vpnc instead of everything?  i get logged out of ssh when i start the client now.  anyone have experience with vpnc?14:55
Ogham_bekks: Can I choose to use the desktop kernel during installation to gain network, or choose it to be installed so I have network after reboot?14:56
bekksOgham_: No, you cant. You could just install the desktop, and remove unwanted apps afterwards.14:57
Ogham_bekks: omg that is crazy!14:57
Ogham_bekks: So there is no way for me to install server edition on this hardware with net connection?14:57
bekksOgham_: The server edition is just another deafult set of software to be installed.14:58
keesjfound http://releases.ubuntu.com/raring/14:58
Ogham_bekks: I just don't get why ethernet adapter support is _less_ on the server kernel!??14:58
Ogham_Surely there must be some sensible way to do this?14:59
pii3How can i setup vino to display only one monitor when connecting from remote desktop client ?14:59
bekksOgham_: Which kernel version did you have when installing the server edition?14:59
Ogham_The minor was .19 I believe14:59
bekksAnd the rest? :)15:00
=== DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
pii3How can i setup vino to display only one monitor when connecting from remote desktop client ?15:00
Ogham_3.8.0-23 I think.. I'd have to reboot to double check - but pretty certain :)15:00
Ogham_-19 not -2315:00
somsipOgham_:  uname -a will tell you what you're running15:01
Ogham_somsip: this was during an attemted server installation with no network support a moment ago15:01
Ogham_bekks: There was no jme module, modprobe jme a no go :/15:01
Ogham_yet this desktop kernel 3.8.0-23 has it!?15:02
somsipOgham_: you implied you had to reboot to check the kernel release. Maybe I misunderstood15:02
tellyhi i just had fullspeed download from for /lib/apt/methods/http ?? what was that? why wouldit download debian stuff?15:02
bekksOgham_: So -19 doesnt have it, while -23 has.15:02
Ogham_bekks: apparently!?15:02
WulongHello. How do I add a program to start at login in Ubuntu 13.04?15:02
pii3any help?15:02
w30 /j #linuxhelp15:02
Ogham_its just plain strange...15:02
bekksOgham_: So its a generic problem, not a server edition one. I have to look up something for you, just a second.15:03
Ogham_bekks: I think we have misunderstood, the desktop install has worked from release.. but the server installer does not support this ethernet adapter at all15:03
Ogham_bekks: so generic kernel has always had support, but the server one doesn't15:04
Ogham_I'm just lost as to how to proceed with a server install15:04
pilsahi ... is there a quick way to uninstall asian and arabic fonts from openoffice? or only one by one?15:04
bekksOgham_: Using 13.04 aka raring, there is no server edition anymore - at least not on cdimages.ubuntu.com15:05
zykotick9Ogham_: you could try the mini.iso perhaps (it's a text based net-install, with option in tasksel to install server)?15:06
Ogham_bekks: Is this not it here?15:07
Ogham_zykotick9: Is that a hybrid .iso I can use from usb?15:07
zykotick9Ogham_: yes.15:07
Ogham_zykotick9: I'll give it a whirl, cheers :)15:08
Ogham_What happened to alternate btw?15:08
Ogham_(on 13.04)15:08
bekksOgham_: With 13.04, alternate is gone.15:08
Ogham_bekks: do you know why that is?15:08
Ogham_bekks: what I should ask, is what replaces it? :)15:09
bekksOgham_: The mini.iso15:10
Ogham_bekks: aha :D15:10
Ogham_Righto.. guessing that will support my jme ethernet like the desktop edition...15:10
Ogham_still don't get why the server edition has no support though..15:10
adamk_Ogham_, Open a bug report.15:11
Ogham_adamk_: Yup!15:11
Ogham_bekks, zykotick9, thanks for the help :)15:11
TROLLMaxhi docmur15:11
=== sun is now known as Guest52045
adamk_Ogham_, Personally, I can't think of any reason why it would have been intentionally omitted, so I'm guessing it's a simple mistake.15:13
lafcadioqualcuno riesce a capirmi?15:14
Ogham_adamk_: Yes, thats what makes it so odd! I'll install this mini.iso, have a browse about and get it reported15:14
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:14
Ogham_One more question! Is there a checksum for mini.iso somewhere?15:15
Ogham_nothing here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/15:15
docmurI have a wireless card running the ath9k chipset, when I try to upload files to my server I'm getting a MAX speed of 1.5MB/s.  The server is wired into the router.  I wondering how to tell if the problem is the card, Linux or the router15:16
demoniohi all is it possible start ubuntu in terminal mode?15:16
zykotick9!text | demonio15:16
ubottudemonio: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:16
zykotick9demonio: alternatively, disable your DM service.15:16
Ogham_ah sorry, found it :)15:17
TROLLMaxdocmur: b, g or n mode?15:17
aladdinhow to install hexchat plz?15:17
EaglemanHow can i remove a folder names -C ?15:17
aladdinfrom the terminal?15:17
TheUsDHello, having an issue with owncloud server.  Clients can connect to server via program and http: but both receive erros:  clients connecting via sync program receive: server replied: service Temporarily Unavailable15:18
docmurIEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"869"   Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.417 GHz,  is what iwconfig gives me, how else do I tell?15:18
TheUsDHttp clients receive: failed to connect to database15:18
EaglemanHow can i remove a folder named -C ?15:18
aladdinEagleman, try sudo rm -C15:18
Eaglemanaladdin, its an unvalid option15:19
jribEagleman: rmdir -- -C15:19
Eaglemanthanks jrib15:19
docmurThis is the dmesg on my card: http://pastebin.com/sN61fPis15:20
demoniothanks zykotick915:20
noob680hi. if i have win7 and ubuntu installed on my comp and i get a virus/malware/etc in windows, can i still use ubuntu and access my data?15:20
TROLLMaxdocmur: my router is on mode b and I get 1.8 mbs on LAN have you tried to switch it to n mode.15:21
gustav_Any fun games?15:21
demonioanother think zykotick9 how can i setup all startup program?15:21
zykotick9demonio: ?  sorry i wouldn't know...15:21
aladdinEagleman, sorry, yep u got the answer ;)15:21
Eaglemanaladdin, yeh i shouldt have made a folder named -C :)15:22
demoniozykotick9: ok15:22
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aladdinEagleman, where was the directory anyway?15:25
aladdinjrib, why '--'?15:26
Eaglemanaladdin, i made it when trying to untar something with the -C option, i guess i did something wrong15:26
=== mike is now known as Guest89213
esx2How can I rename several files from "foo - bar.baz" to "bar - foo.baz"?15:27
phong_hi everyone in the house15:28
aladdinEagleman, ok, rmdir normally removes the directory providing there are no files in that directory.15:28
aladdinhi phong_ !15:29
Eaglemanaladdin, not when you want to delete a directory called -C, try it out :P15:29
julian-delphikiesx2, i would get the file names, split each line on " ", and then rename them.15:29
julian-delphikiEagleman, rmdir \-C15:30
julian-delphikii'd guess15:30
julian-delphikiput quotes around it.15:30
Eaglemanquotes didnt work to, anyway it was solved 10 minutes aigo15:30
julian-delphikiah ok15:30
=== picca_ is now known as picca
aladdinEagleman, i can't even make one by mkdir -C15:32
Eaglemanaladdin, try touch -- -C15:32
esx2What I need is a command to rename a directory full of files name like "title - author.epub" to "author - title.epub"15:32
Eaglemanit wasnt a folder but a file15:32
adamk_aladdin, mkdir ./-C && rmdir ./-C15:33
SullaneCan anyone help me with an installation of AMD Catalyst?15:34
aladdinadamk, ohho okay gotcha15:34
esx2There are also spaces in both the author and title.15:34
aladdinadamk, thanks15:34
aladdinEagleman, okay, this is strange to my understand :)15:35
aladdinadamk, why use "&&" in between? ]15:35
kostkonaladdin, you concatenate commands that way15:36
Ogham_bekks, zykotick9, adamk_, mini.iso does not have the jmicron (jme) module either!?!?!!!15:36
t_rakowskiany one knows if multi touch screen is supported by ubuntu ?15:36
zykotick9Ogham_: sorry.  that sucks.  best of luck.15:38
Ogham_zykotick9: you can say that again! Considering the desktop install does have it! Cheers :)15:38
adamk_Sullane, What problem are you having?15:39
=== Neo is now known as Guest36104
=== Guest36104 is now known as pearler
SullaneCan anyone help me with a driver installation?15:42
csst0111I just installed GParted but doesn't let me use most options ( like 'check' I want to use on /home partition )15:42
adamk_Sullane, Again, what problem are you having?15:43
SullaneI was told on the AMD website to use this command:15:43
Sullanesh ./ati-driver-installer-x86.x86_64.run15:44
aladdinkostkon, making great sense. thanks :)15:44
Sullanebut I keep getting this error15:44
Sullanesh ./ati-driver-installer-x86.x86_64.run15:44
docmurOkay so I tried forcing my router into N only mode and my wireless card couldn't connect,  so I ran sudo lshw -C network and this is the details of my wireless card.  http://pastebin.com/0SsuzRTc,  it supports N.  SO now I'm stuck if I should just go get a new wireless card or not, I can't run a wired connection to the router like I would like, also the wireless card doesn't support dual band15:44
Ari-YangSullane, fglrx drivers are horrible.15:44
adamk_Sullane, Is there some reason you are not using the version packaged by/for Ubuntu?15:44
Sullaneoops wrong copy paste15:44
Ari-Yang@ Sullane https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Installing_upstream_drivers_directly_from_AMD.27s_website15:45
SullaneI don't know but I just downloaded Ubuntu today15:45
Ari-YangSullane, open source drivers are better15:45
adamk_Sullane, What video card do you have?15:45
Sullaneand ever since then my laptop has been hotter so I'm assuming it's using the better of my graphics cards (switchable graphics)15:45
Ari-Yangthe default, again, the amd/ati proprietary ones aren't good at all.15:45
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SullaneRadeon HD 7xxx I believe15:45
Sullanecan't figure out where to check15:46
Ari-YangSullane, that link will help you....15:46
Ari-YangI just linked15:46
Sullanealso have some integrated graphics card in here too15:46
OerHekslspci | grep -i VGA15:46
adamk_Sullane, Depending on your specific laptop, you may only be able to use the integrated GPU.  Switchable graphics is hit-or-miss.15:46
SullaneI am now checking out that website. Thank you15:46
SullaneEh so there is no fix for it?15:47
=== picca_ is now known as picca
adamk_Sullane, As I said, it's hit-or-miss.  Install the drivers the proper way and see if they work.15:48
Ari-Yangbut I'm telling you, don't expect it to be great15:48
Ari-Yangfglrx is horrible =/15:48
cheebs_Hello guys, I'm trying to fix a problem I'm having with my Elantech Touchpad.   I have the synaptics driver installed, but my device identifier looks like "PS/2 Elantech Touchpad", and I think it's being recognized as a 2-button mouse instead of a touchpad..15:49
SullaneSorry for being pretty ignorant here. I've never used linux before15:49
Sullanedon't really understand anything. even the terminal stuff15:50
Ari-Yangyou're not being ignorant at all...15:50
adamk_And fglrx isn't as horrible as some make it out to be :-)15:50
Ari-Yangwell then just google for terminal ubuntu commands15:50
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:50
SullaneYeah I have no clue what fglrx is in the first place :P15:50
adamk_Sullane, fglrx is the proprietary driver AMD develops.15:51
Ari-YangSullane, http://gyazo.com/bbcb6b1dba1a4cb5a63ee30dcfb7b69215:51
Ari-Yangwhat adamk_ said15:51
Sullaneso should I just use the x.org thing?15:51
Ari-Yangwhich is default15:51
Ari-YangSullane, go to software sources and go to the 'Additional Drivers' tab15:52
adamk_Sullane, Entirely up to you. If you are able to do what you want with the current drivers, then there isn't much reason to change, is there?15:52
Ari-Yangdoes yours look like mine?15:52
SullaneI changed to the second option earlier15:52
Sullanebut I didn't really know what I was doing15:52
Ari-YangSullane, I suggest you try the proprietary drivers, if you don't like it, simply switch back.15:53
Ari-Yanginstalling it will take a few min.15:53
Sullanemy computer hasn't been so heated up when I was using windows so I figured something was wrong with the grpahics15:53
Ari-Yangtook me 8min to install flgrx on my laptop, then I just switched back to open source because I got loads of tearing lol15:53
criciao XD15:55
* cri caffè time15:55
TheStefan12345Hell loo!15:59
noob680hi. if i have win7 and ubuntu installed on my comp and i get a virus/malware/etc in windows, can i still use ubuntu and access my data?15:59
cYanidehey i'm on 12.04 and i need gtk+-3.0 >= 3.6.0 but version of GTK+ is 3.4 right now16:00
cYanideneed it to build rhythmbox16:00
Sullanehaving a bit of trouble with the download but heh16:00
cYanideany clue how to do this?16:00
Sullaneer installation, but I'll figure it out16:01
TheStefan12345man, this is THE ugly font! I'm using mIRC…16:01
Ari-Yang@ noob680 there are antiviruses for ubuntu16:01
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:01
noob680will i be able to reinstall win7 without changing ubuntu install? or do i have to backup data then reinstall both?16:02
quem"It seems the Chicago Sun-Times is counting on its remaining employees to become mobile photographers. After laying off its entire 28-person photography staff yesterday, the newspaper has announced mandatory training for remaining employees on 'iPhone photography basics'."16:02
bazhang!ot | quem16:02
ubottuquem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:02
quembazhang: yeah.. wrong channel, i just realised.16:03
SullaneOh yay I finally got the installation to work. Thanks16:05
jacklkSullane: gaygaygaygaygayagaygaygaygaygaygaygaygaygaygaygay16:08
walltender Help !!! http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/77945/what-prevents-my-system-from-shutting-down16:09
Ari-Yanghow do I set the cpu governor in terminal?16:13
YokoBRhey guys, i have two files on /var/www that i can't chmod'em. i've tryied to stop apache, but didn't worked16:13
Ari-YangI know that cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu?/cpufreq/scaling_governor displays what the governor is set to, but how do I change it again?16:14
noob680hi. if i have a dual boot setup with win7 64bit and ubuntu and my windows gets infected with a virus/malware/etc, can i reinstall windows only without altering the ubuntu install and my data? or do i have to backup data then reinstall both win7 and ubuntu?16:14
adamk_If you know what you are doing, you can reinstall windows without touching the Ubuntu partition.16:16
adamk_noob680, However, you might also be able to just use an antivirus program on linux to scan the windows partition.16:16
MonkeyDustnoob680  did you install ubuntu inside windows, with wubi?16:17
adamk_Oh, good point...  I always forget about wubi.16:17
MonkeyDustadamk_  know thyne enemy!16:18
Ari-YangI used WUBI to make the ubuntu usb installer16:18
noob680its actually just a hypothetical. i am building a desktop that i want to install dual boot with grub. i have a remote job where i might have to browse malicious websites. i have to use windows and a special software so i can't work in ubuntu. so im just wondering16:19
python|piis it safe to set up ssh on another port other than 22 or is port 22 the magic of encryption and not the ssh program.16:19
adamk_noob680, My suggestion would be to setup Windows in a virtual machine.  That way you can sandbox it easily, take a snapshot of a clean version, and easily restore from the snapshot.16:20
jribpython|pi: it's safe if you want to do that16:20
Ruiseartpython|pi:  You can set any port for ssh.16:21
noob680adamk_, ok i think i will. never done that before. is it pretty involved? does my comp performance suffer much?16:21
jribaladdin: -- tells the command that what comes after is not a switch for the program and should be taken literally16:21
fayehas anyone successfully set up softimage 2014 or any other on ubuntu 13.04 or any other?16:22
adamk_noob680, Depends on how good the computer is, and the version of Windows you go with.  I frequently run Adobe CS in Vista via VirtualBox and vmware player without real issues.16:22
MonkeyDustfaye  any other on any other, that's rather vague16:22
lasindiHi all, how do I disable compiz in Ubuntu 13.04? I have an application in Wine that I think isn't drawing widgets properly because of it and I want to try a non-3D window manager.16:22
adamk_lasindi, Install openbox and select it on the login screen.16:23
fayei'm sorry. what i mean is i'm trying to install autodesk softimage 2014 on ubuntu 13.04 and want to know if anyone has done so. but if nobody has, i would also be glad to know of anyone that has set up any softimage on any ubuntu16:23
lasindiadamk_, okay, so there isn't just a one-liner I can use without relogging in? I have to install a new window manager?16:24
MonkeyDust!find softimage16:24
ubottuPackage/file softimage does not exist in raring16:24
auronandacefaye: sounds like windows software, ask in #winehq16:24
adamk_lasindi, Actually, you might be able to just disable compositing via ccsm...16:24
noob680adamk_, i have an amd 4.2ghz quad core/8gb ram and want to use win7 64bit. so do i install win7 and ubuntu and grub then setup virtual machine? or i install virtual machine from the beginning16:24
fayeno. i'm trying to install autodesk 2014 linux x64 version16:25
docmurI have a wirless card that is I think 2 years old.  When ever I try to  transfer files to my server I get a TOPS speed of 1.5MB/s.   I thought  the issue might be the router (EA3500) so I turned off mixed mode and  enabled N only mode, the card couldn't even connect to the wirelss.  Now  the card runs the ATH9k chipset and supports 802.11 (a)b/g/n, but clearly16:25
docmur isn't workng N mode.  So my options try  to fix this card or just buy a  new one, any ideas?16:25
adamk_noob680, You install Ubuntu (grub will be installed by default).  Setup the entire hard disk to use Ubuntu (assuming there is nothing else on it already).  Then install vmware player or virtualbox and use one of those to create a Windows 7 VM.16:25
adamk_noob680, Make sure your CPU supports hardware virtualization, and that it's enabled in the BIOS...16:26
adamk_noob680, Oh wait, actually, I believe all 64-bit AMD CPUs support that these days.16:26
fayeMonkeyDust: what do you mean "!find softimage"?16:26
MonkeyDustfaye  is that autodesk homestyler?16:26
python|piI don't see any way to restart my ssh service ssh isn't in /etc/init.d/ ubuntu 12.1016:27
fayeno. autodesk softimage 2014 is available for 64 bit linux, but only supported for redhat and fedora16:27
noob680adamk_, ok cool. hope its not easy to mess up doing that. so the virtual machine will have all the functionality of a regular windows install?16:27
hedinI have installed "virtual machine host" and virtual machine manager on 2 ubuntu-12.04 desktop computers, they are on the same network and I have installed a VM on one of them, then when I try to migrate the VM, I get access denied, I suspect it's because /var/lib/libvirt/images is owned by root:root on both systems, instead of libvirtd or something like that... Any suggestions?16:27
nrdbhow can I change the window move button from the <alt> key to the <window> key?16:27
fayeits the same for maya 2014 and mudbox 2014 (redhat/fedora only) but i was able to easily write up scripts to install both of them16:28
noob680adamk_, so i dont have to bother to enable in BIOS then?16:28
nrdbor something else from the <alt> key?16:28
Ari-Yangis there any advantage of setting diff cpu cores to diff governors?16:28
sssstavris there a way to install OSX on ubuntu with a CPU that does not support VT?16:28
Ari-Yanglike setting core 1 to ondemand and setting core 4 to conservative?16:28
adamk_noob680, Not really sure...  The hardware will support the necessary features, but they could be turned off in the BIOS, I guess.  That would strike me as odd...  Possible but odd.  Unless you are doing something with 3D acceleration, I don't see any reason why Windows in a VM wouldn't work for you.16:29
noob680adamk_, ok, sounds good. thanks for your advice! wish me luck!16:29
fayeMonkeyDust: what do you mean "!find softimage"?16:30
DartoperI'm having Win7/Ubuntu dual boot issues16:30
auronandacenoob680: virtualisation features of a cpu usually need to be activated in the bios first16:30
Dartoperanyone have experience with that?16:30
kostkonnoob680, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vmx16:30
kostkonnoob680, is it an intel cpu?16:31
noob680kostkon, no its amd16:31
kostkonnoob680, then cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep svm16:31
noob680kostkon, sry idk what that means16:32
kostkonnoob680, if you see that cpu flag it highlighted after you give the command, it means it's already on16:32
kostkonminus it*16:33
Ari-Yangis there any advantage of setting diff cpu cores to diff governors? for e.g. setting cpu core 1 to performance and setting core 2 to ondemand16:33
noob680kostkon, oh ok. thx i'll write that down. i actually havent even setup my comp yet :P16:33
fayeanybody: what is "!find" ?16:33
kostkonnoob680, ok16:34
noob680just wondering, can i setup my comp first with a regular win7 install and ubuntu with grub then setup a virtual machine thing separately?16:35
fayemaybe a better question, does anybody know somewhere i might be able to find anyone that could help me set up any linux version of autodesk softimage on any version of ubuntu?16:36
lasindiWow, okay disabling compositing really screwed up Unity.16:37
BluesKaj_noob680, virtul machine runs a sa guest OS on a hostr OS , it's not a separate partition , if that's what you mean.16:38
lasindiadamk_, when I did it I had to disable a bunch of other things and I ended up with a blank screen. I guess Ubuntu doesn't have any other window manager besides compiz as a fallback (installed by default)?16:38
* BluesKaj_ cleans crumbs out of the KB16:38
adamk_lasindi, I honestly don't know what other window managers Ubuntu installs by default, if any :-)16:39
noob680BluesKaj_, not necessarily. i just have a bunch of hardware that i fear might have driver issues if i dont install a regular version of windows so i want a win7 64bit/ubuntu with grub setup but i would like to try using a virtual machine thing too16:39
adamk_noob680, FYI, but vmware player and virtualbox support USB passthrough, so any USB devices can be used directly by the VM.  PCI devices are another matter entirely.16:41
BluesKaj_noob680, I'm running W7 on VirtualBox with guest additions on Kubuntu host ...quite seemless between OSs16:42
BluesKaj_err seamless16:42
fayeanybody, please? i need it for school and i cant get fedora to run on my computer :(16:43
BluesKaj_pci drivers like nvidia graphics can't be instralled on VB , noob680 , VB supplies it's own driver16:43
BluesKaj_faye, join #fedora16:44
fayebut i dont have fedora16:44
BluesKaj_they will tell you to installit , faye16:44
BluesKaj_how to16:45
fayei have ubuntu and thats why i need help. if fedora would run on my laptop i could setup softimage but it wont and i have everything else already set up with ubuntu16:45
noob680what exactly do i need to setup the virtual machine? i have a usb stick with win7 on it that i was going to install with. this comp doesnt have an optical drive. i can setup virtual machine with this win7 usb stick that was meant for a regular install?16:45
Green_Geeky_Dude<- puts head in hands and goes for a coffee16:45
fayehonestly what i want is to be able to use debian, but it wont work on my laptop either, but thats not my issue right now. i just want to be able to use softimage so i dont fail my classes16:46
BluesKaj_faye, then setup a partition for fedora with gparted live media , burn the fedora image to media and install fedora on the new partition16:47
adamk_faye, If no one here is familiar with softimage, no one can really advise you on it.16:48
BluesKaj_noob680, that should work16:48
noob680BluesKaj_, cool thanks!16:48
fayeBluesKaj_ i dont have a lot of space to do something like that. i'd have to reformat my whole computer because of how i set up my partitions 3 years ago, and i dont want to lose my files either16:49
Znooseyfaye, have you tried this: http://www.getsetdata.com/finally-softimage-running-on-ubuntu/16:49
BluesKaj_noob680, don't forget to download the guest additions iso image for VB drivers and access to ubuntu folders16:49
fayeadamk_ i know you're right, but theres so many ppl here i hoped maybe someone was familiar and just hadnt spoke up16:50
lasindiadamk_, Do you know any simple way to disable compositing that won't cause all kinds of problems? I think you're right that's what I want, but doing it through ccsm basically made my computer unusable.16:50
fayeZnoosey i saw that on google, but i always get error 403 when trying to look at it16:50
noob680BluesKaj_, ok...man i hope this isnt something that is easily messed up while trying....i am a noob after all16:50
adamk_lasindi, All I can suggest is installing another window manager.16:50
Strulker_Greetings. The Ubntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander is already stable? Is update daily?16:57
DJonesStrulker_: Its not released until October, so not stable, quite likely to have breakages, best channel to ask is in #ubuntu+116:58
Strulker_DJones: Ok. Thank you. So, I'll choose Mint 15 KDE until then.16:59
docmurDoes the DWA-182 work on Ubuntu16:59
Strulker_Whos is using 13.04?16:59
fayei am17:00
frikingnot me. 12.04 LTS17:00
Strulker_Anybody is using ubuntu 13.04?17:00
fayeStrulker_ i am17:01
Strulker_faye: So, what do you thing about it?17:01
fayeStrulker_ i think its pretty buggy and crashes a bit, gnome runs slower than in previous version, driver issues for hp tm2_2050us still arent fixed, and login screen crashes occasionally, but ubuntu base is updated frequently, and it seems to run a little better after each update17:02
Strulker_I already liked Ubuntu. No offense, but, I do not want anymore because its a little unstable. A beautiful O.S. When became most Stable I'll choose it.17:04
Strulker_Good luck guys.17:04
SullaneIs there a way to revert all changes on Ubuntu from command line?17:05
Sullanemy GUI is not showing up... and I am not good enough at this stuff to do anything from command line17:05
Strulker_Sullane: I suppose that you have to reinsert the live cd and reinstall.17:05
fayeStrulker_ if you want more stable try lts version?17:05
Sullaneit's not booting from the live CD17:05
Sullanedon't know how to get to bios17:05
Strulker_faye: Ok. Maybe in the next year so.17:06
seronisSullane:  bios on computers i have owned has been F1 F2 F8 F10 or the 'delete' key17:06
SullaneI even tried to put windows in my computer just to get it to boot from disk17:06
seronisjust randomly push all 5 as its booting17:06
Strulker_Sullane: Press 'esc'17:06
fayeStrulker_ or rather, if you have well tested hardware, try debian, since ubuntu is deabian unstable fork by canonical17:06
SullaneOh it hit bios. no clue which button it was though17:07
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Strulker_faye: I know. I like Mint KDE. Its debian / ubuntu based and pretty stable and beautiful, funtional. I have Slack - kde in dual boot. I like try lots O.S.17:08
fayeStrulker_ lol i was about to say if you're good with computers, slackware is as beautiful and stable as you make it :P17:09
Strulker_faye: Yes. I know. I liked since installed. A complete and stable system.17:10
fayeStrulker_ i never tried mint, but i read good things about it. only problems i have with slackware are kde default instead of gnome and have to compile everything myself. no time for that now. or maybe just too lazy hehe17:11
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Strulker_faye: You must try. Know them. KDE isn't hard or complex. Its complete. Personable and very fast.17:13
Strulker_faye: Mint too..17:13
SullaneUbuntu's not detecting any screens on my computer D: no GUI17:14
Strulker_faye: Good luck. I have to go.17:15
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
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Crosanti have installed ubuntu 13.04 but i cant move my mouse or even use my keyboard17:18
fayeSullane you have tty? if so, try "DISPLAY=:0 startx"?17:19
Guest2158i have a Fujitsu Esprimo v5545 i think it is a Radeon graphics adapter on it but no proprietary driver show up in the list17:19
Sullaneand that didn't work17:19
fayea virtual terminal prompt. black screen and white text?17:20
Guest2158grapgics is slow and i need a proper driver17:20
adamk_Guest2158, what's the output of 'lspci | grep -i vga'?17:20
fayeoh. sry.17:20
Sullanei downloaded the amd catalyst thing and ever since then ubuntu hasn't shown me a gui17:20
Guest2158adamk: VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV610/M72-S [Mobility Radeon HD 2400]17:21
FerverHello, could someone help me? Following a Shift in 13.04 he can not start my session. I enter my pwd, black screen, a moment and return to the page log17:21
fayeoh. i can't really help... i avoid ati graphics cards like the plague17:21
Guest2158adamk_: VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV610/M72-S [Mobility Radeon HD 2400]17:21
Crosanti have installed ubuntu 13.04 but i cant move my mouse or even use my keyboard17:22
adamk_Guest2158, AMD dropped support for that GPU from their latest proprietary drivers. You can either use the open source drivers that are installed by default (what I would recommend) or you can use the legacy drivers from AMD, which require downgrading all of Xorg.  There is a PPA for the latter option.17:23
qwebirc87524IMPORTANT question: if i install ubuntu on UEFI Laptop with windows 8 in Dualboot. Where to Install the Bootloader? in SDA, SDA2(win8 loader) or create another EFI Partition?17:26
earcHi, I just installed ubuntu dual booting with windows and it all went fine, except i can't see my 1TB drive. When i do fdisk -l i get this: http://pastebin.com/JyJ570fx17:27
DarkAceLaptopwhy does the flash player play sounds a second on behind?17:27
adamk_earc, What do you mean it doesn't see your 1TB drive?  It's clearly listed there in fdisk.17:28
earcadamk_, i dont see it in the file explorer17:29
sharpieNeed fix for blacksreen with mouse after login.17:33
earcadamk_, it gives that GPT message17:33
c2tarunHi friends, my room-mate purchased a new ACER laptop today. Laptop don't have any operating system. I created 4 partitions and installed Ubuntu 13.04 in second partition. Installation went successfully. But on rebooting I am getting message "Operating System Not found". I tried to boot in by live CD and install grub, still its not working.17:33
c2tarunCan anyone please help me?17:33
IdleOnec2tarun: you are installing grub to /dev/sda17:34
c2tarunIdleOne, yup I mounted /dev/sda2 (it has linux) to /mnt and then I executed "sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda17:35
c2tarunIdleOne, do you think installing Ubuntu 12.04.2 will be any different?17:36
MikeChelenanyone know how i can install deprecated High Contrast Inverse theme? http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/gnome_3/quantal/main/base/gnome-accessibility-themes17:36
IdleOnec2tarun: give this a try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:36
adamk_earc, Sorry, I know nothing about gpt. I was just pointing out that the 1TB drive is showing up :-)17:39
ks_how do I start gnome gui on remote machine without logging in? I've googled and found something about non-interactive mode. All I need is my remote machine to run Firefox without me logging in through xrdp.17:40
Guest2158adamk_: i fell out due to bad inet connection i think. have you got my message?17:40
c2tarunIdleOne, I just formatted the pendrive and make it bootable for Ubuntu 12.04, can I use this to fix boot problem of 13.04?17:40
adamk_Guest2158, AMD dropped support for that GPU from their latest proprietary drivers. You can either use the open source drivers that are installed by default (what I would recommend) or you can use the legacy drivers from AMD, which require downgrading all of Xorg.  There is a PPA for the latter option.17:41
Guest2158what is the clutter regarding downgrading?17:41
shotcallerhow can i backup code on an ubuntu server?17:42
IdleOnec2tarun: I am not sure about that, it might work.17:43
adamk_Guest2158, I don't understand that question...  "clutter"?17:43
Guest2158will it b ring trouble?17:43
Guest2158what are the disadvantages?17:44
adamk_Guest2158, It might, I guess.  I've never done it. I know there are a number of people who have downgraded Xorg and happily use the legacy version of fglrx, though.17:44
gh1234shotcaller: depends, you could mirror your harddrive or just copy the files manually to another place or use tools like rsync... What exactly do you want to backup and how often? ;)17:45
Guest2158where do i find a proper guide for this?17:45
shotcallergh1234, i want to backup a cakephp project once17:46
rampage73shotcaller, you could also use something like OwnCloud. Kind of like ubuntuone but runs on your servers and clients.17:46
adamk_Guest2158, https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx17:47
adamk_Guest2158, Don't ask me for help if you run into problems :-)17:47
gh1234shotcaller: Well the easiest way would be to download your files using FTP and create a backup of your Database (assuming you use mysql you can create a backup using mysqldump)17:47
Guest2158adamk_: ok thanks17:48
cheebs_Hey guys, I'm having some trouble with my Elantech Touchpad.  It seems to be recognized only as a PS/2 Mouse.  I have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed as well as tpconfig.  My xorg.conf is empty.  What steps should I take first to try and solve this?17:50
giuseppe1hi all i don't know how but my keylayout is changed and if i type sudo loadkeys it i don't solve any recommend?17:53
jribgiuseppe1: you want to change your layout in X?17:53
krovnwhat does a swap have for function inside a extended partition?17:53
giuseppe1jrib: i want my layout in italy17:54
RalliasBesides language-pack-en-base and linux, what do I need to install extra on a debootstrap-created system to make it bootable?17:54
mehrdad4allhi again17:57
mehrdad4alli am new with ubuntu and need help...17:57
seronis!ask | mehrdad4all17:58
ubottumehrdad4all: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:58
MonkeyDustmehrdad4all  let's hear it17:59
c2tarunIdleOne, its done, problem was with efi boot. I found help here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:59
mehrdad4allmy fan is always on in ubuntu 13.04, what should i do?17:59
mehrdad4allit works well in windows17:59
m0nk3yjoe How to I permanantly disable a service in Ubuntu from starting up?  Like chkconfig17:59
nicekiwi_my remote server is online, but i cant ssh into it or ping it, ubuntu 12.04 64bit, what could cause that??18:00
ShariffWhere does NetworkManager store the information about network connections - it is not /etc/networking/interfaces18:00
Ralliasm0nk3yjoe, update-rc.d18:00
MonkeyDustm0nk3yjoe  use Startup Applications18:01
m0nk3yjoeRallias, Update-rc.d doesnt seem to work as Ubuntu has moved from Init scripts to upstart18:01
mehrdad4allMonkeyDust: do you have any idea?18:02
m0nk3yjoeI'm looking for the CLI way. =) Like chkconfig on RHEL18:02
m0nk3yjoeI used it before but can't seem to find the right answer via Google18:02
RalliasFrom my googling, it looks like "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/service.override"18:03
mehrdad4allmy laptop is dell 1555 with radeon 4570 graphic card18:03
IdleOnec2tarun: happy you got it sorted :)18:03
RalliasSo like disable mysql, do "echo 'manual' > /etc/init/mysql.override"18:03
BeltechsHi Im using 10.04 i seem to have hosed the mail box. Im working with a cron.php file if I run as root it appears to work but no email. if I run as user I get a permissions error. When can I find, or get Verbose from running cron.php as root?18:05
MonkeyDustmehrdad4all  no idea18:06
MonkeyDust!10.04 | Beltechs18:07
ubottuBeltechs: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.18:07
mehrdad4allMonkeyDust: right now cpu and grahic card's temperature is 79 and 8718:08
linuxtechDid you try looking in syslog?18:08
Beltechshands face18:08
MonkeyDustmehrdad4all  no idea, needless to highlight me18:08
raidghostWhat tool do you recommand for record typos (like if you want to put everything that happends during a install of something into whathappend-during-install.txt ?18:09
Beltechsso u recommend I do the upgrade script? every 10.04 that I tried it on broke... twas easier just to reinstall 10.04...18:09
raidghostSo if the installer says error something, its possible to take a look in the .txt file.18:10
jacksonkaI am Running Ubuntu 12.04 on HPM110g6 on static ip address assigned by provider.  I would like to install Jabber2 starttls on port 5222 with MYSQL database.  Has anyone done something like this before?18:11
MonkeyDustBeltechs  backup and fresh install18:12
swhi. how can I restore all the /etc/pam.d/common-* config files to their defaults?18:12
jacksonkaI am Running Ubuntu 12.04 on HPM110g6 on static ip address assigned by provider.  I would like to install Jabber2 starttls on port 5222 with MYSQL database.  Has anyone done something like this before?18:12
jacksonkaSteps I have completed.18:12
jacksonka1) sudo apt-get install jabberd218:12
jacksonka2)  ?18:12
FloodBot1jacksonka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:13
swor, can someone paste them?18:13
Beltechsthen I should install 12.04server? Im really learning to get away from the gui.... I started learning in the gui...18:13
ThinkT510Beltechs: 10.04 is still supported on the server18:14
MonkeyDustBeltechs  but if you plan to fresh install, might as well install 12.04, it's newer18:14
MonkeyDustthe next LTS wil be 14.0418:16
Beltechswell when i bumped into the end of life for desktop 2 weeks ago... I thought about 12.04 because I didnt know when I would run into eol for another distro18:16
jacksonkaIs Ubuntu a tech channel?18:16
MonkeyDustjacksonka  support channel18:16
ThinkT510jacksonka: this is a support channel18:17
Beltechsso I should build a LAMP 12.04 and back up and restore mysql databases and www from the 10.04 server to the new 12.04. Does this sound like the correct procedure or am I looking at something like migration script?18:18
jacksonkak.  yes18:18
MonkeyDustBeltechs  there's also #ubuntu-server18:18
jacksonkaOk I will add #Ubuntu server18:19
m0nk3yjoeRallias, Thanks I now understand more about upstart!  =)18:19
beharhi, I've  installed ubuntu on my system, but It was not possible to install grub, now I have booted with a live cd and want to install it also I am using Windows 8 so I want to dualboot it18:21
lunaphytehi.  how can i [from a shell] list installed packages and include information [e.g. the name] of the repository from which they came?18:21
ThinkT510!uefi | behar18:21
ubottubehar: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:21
lunaphytemore specifically, i'd like to list all installed packages from "non-default" repositories18:22
blues_question: installing an intel nic card into my ubuntu server that i'd like to dedicate to handling traffic between another box that acts as a storage box.  I'll have 2 nics in the system.  Setup the network facing nic as  and the nic for storage traffic as  Storage box has 2 nics as well, network facing is and nic for storage share is  Question is, how do i make sure that18:22
blues_NFS traffic is routed across that dedicated link?18:22
blues_the storage box and the ubuntu server are connected directly, no switch... their network facing ports feed into switch18:23
lunaphyteblues_: just use the desired ip address.18:24
m0nk3yjoeI disabled cups in upstart but I still see /usr/sbin/cups-browsed  Anyone know what that is?18:24
lunaphyteblues_: if, from, you talk to, then traffic will use the link between those two interfaces.18:25
m0nk3yjoeUggghhh  never mind.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/amd64/cups-browsed18:26
blues_lunaphyte : yeah, after i wrote that out i had a "duh" moment18:26
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=== jinie_ is now known as jinie
CNF_Hi! I've a folder containing 200 text files which I want to rename to *.txt (adding file extention). I'm not able to understand how to perform the operation with rename command18:29
CNF_Can anyone guide me on the same?18:30
MonkeyDustCNF_  it's with for blah in etc, better ask in #bash18:30
MonkeyDustCNF_  it's called "bulk rename"18:30
CNF_"it's with for blah in etc"?18:31
lunaphytehe's asking about the rename command...18:31
CNF_Yes, bulk rename18:31
MonkeyDustCNF_  it's bash syntax "for ... in ... do ...",  but better ask the people in #bash18:32
CNF_Okay, thanks18:32
lunaphytee.g. rename * *.txt18:32
lunaphytebut that's assuming you're using the actual rename command.18:32
lunaphyteif you're not, and you want to do it manually with a shell script, then yes, you'll need to use a loop18:33
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CNF_lunaphyte:  I checked manual for rename, it gives examples like -  rename 's/\.bak$//' *.bak , rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' * ... etc. man rename18:34
th0rCNF_: don't know if it is applicable, but there is a bulk rename built into Thunar in xfce18:36
lunaphyteCNF_: right.18:40
CNF_thor_: Yes, thanks18:42
=== Heisenberg is now known as Guest32106
fwaokdamy icons in the launcher are all greyed out except for my documents icon... how can i fix this?18:50
=== Neo_ is now known as pearler
Freefall_is anyone out there willing to troubleshoot a little problem of mine for LTC18:53
Freefall_i am a reasonable man18:55
Freefall_i make 20 bucks an hour18:55
ThinkT510Freefall_: if i knew how to help you i would18:55
th0rFreefall_: you would stand a better chance if you told us what you want18:55
Freefall_well, i need my sapphire 6850 recognised18:56
Freefall_..on snow leopard18:56
ThinkT510Freefall_: thats got nothing to do with ubuntu18:56
Freefall_i use ubuntu primarily18:56
ThinkT510Freefall_: and how is that at all relevant?18:58
Freefall_well you guys know the code18:59
Freefall_help me help you18:59
adamk_Errr...  Snow Leopard has nothing to do with Ubuntu...  Not even remotely similar.18:59
Freefall_guess someone else will get the LTC i offer after all19:00
Freefall_have a good one19:00
Matthew_MooreDose anyone how to get the Compiz-plugins-extra package in 13.04?  Its synaptic it only give me a dummy package19:01
Mertuse software sources and enable universe19:01
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Matthew_Mooreuniverse for compiz-extra?  ok i try it19:02
modernbobis it still possible to do a distro upgrade through apt-get and not sump your current setup or is this a bad idea19:03
dequeuedAll I have is an old Ubuntu 9 install CD, and I need use it to recover some files off an ancient laptop19:03
dequeuedit only has 128M of ram and can't boot the gui19:03
Matthew_MooreIts already enabled. thats not the answer.  :/19:03
ThinkT510dequeued: i'd use partedmagic livecd19:04
dequeuedI'm trying to boot into single user mode, but, I need to be able to access the usb subsystem so I can mount a hard drive and image it19:04
dequeuedThinkT510, I acutally can't do that19:04
mertokay then try sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-*19:04
dequeuedI don't have access to any blank CDs where I am, so I can only boot off of this one ubuntu install cd19:04
dequeuedand the computer in question has no ethernet card19:04
ThinkT510dequeued: too old to boot from usb too?19:05
lorkbeen having an issue w/ Libreoffice in Precise -- I open a document, LO immediately closes.  Any help?19:05
dequeuedIt's from 200019:05
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dequeuedBut its hard drive is only 8G so I can just image it onto a jumpdrive19:05
dequeuedwhat service do I start so that I can mount a usb hard drive19:05
cnuwhich one is better, Hadoop with Hive or Hadoop with Mongodb or Hadoop with HBase. My requirement is i want to do some analytics over big data and come out with graphs.19:07
Dr_willisthats sort of 'vague' requirements. :) if both can do that job.19:07
mert@Matthew_Moore, i have just installed them into my 13.04 amd64 today... (4hrs ago)19:08
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datasmithHi - How do I get the number of pacakages that need to be updated?19:08
Dr_willisif you login at the console. it shows that info. via a script from somthing in /etc/  i forget the name of the command however.19:09
cnuMy system has Intel Pentium Dual core running at 2GHz. I've installed ubuntu 13.04 two days back. I'm feeling slow response from system. when i click on icon on launch bar it takes some 15 seconds to open...19:10
MonkeyDustcnu  install preload, for a start19:11
datasmithDr-willis - login at console?  Do you mean open a terminal?19:12
Dr_willisdatasmith,  console = alt-ctrl-f1 through f619:12
Dr_willisbut it might do it for a login shell also.19:12
Dr_willisxterm -ls19:12
Dr_willislook at the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/19:12
Dr_willisone of those give a summary of any packages that need uodated19:13
MonkeyDustcnu  here's more: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5727095/19:13
datasmithoh ok, When I logon, it simply prints the OS version and prints documentation URL.19:13
Dr_willisthen you most likely dont have any updates avail19:14
datasmithah, that may be right, I just did an update.19:14
Dr_willisif you are that worried about it. do a 'sudo apt-get update'  'sudo apt-get upgrade' and see19:14
MonkeyDustcnu  oh, and remove brltty, it's for blind people19:14
Matthew_MooreMert?  how did you do it?  i have the PLugins-main.  compiz config-settings,  but the extra-plugins  only gives me a dummy package.  i have Universe enables and all that.  what did you do diffrent?19:14
Dr_willisupdate does NOT upgrade. ;)19:14
datasmithok, But I wanted to know the number of pacakages available, before actually doing an upgrade.19:15
Dr_willisit  will tell you when you start the upgrade. you then say yes, or no to continue19:15
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Dr_willisit will also give you size estimates19:16
datasmithoh okay, thanks.  Now for me (since I just completed upgrade); it says 0 upgaded, 0newly installed.....19:17
Dr_willisi just tend to update/upgrade about once a week.19:18
Dr_willisbut the system automatically mentios updates also - if i forget19:18
datasmithThanks thanks for the /etc/motd.d path.19:19
datasmithIt has a file called 90-updates-available, that when executed tell me what I need to know.19:20
Dr_willislook in that file..19:20
Dr_willisit shows the actual command used. ;)19:20
datasmithexecutes /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available.19:21
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Dr_willisand i belive thats a perl script. (or python)19:23
Dr_willisif you want to see the real code thats doing the work19:23
datasmithNow, I can pipe the output of that command to notify-send and get a neat noticifaction while logon.19:23
Dr_willisbut the update manager basiucally does that automatically...19:25
datasmithYes, but I am trying to use a new window manager i3; which does not start up update-manager once in a week.19:25
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datasmithbtw, I read the motd.d script, looks like it is using /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check19:27
datasmithNever knew such a command existed :)19:28
datasmith/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable to be accurate.19:28
zephyrPanicking: I just attempted to install Windows 7 onto a separate partition but somehow ended up deleting my /home partition!  Could someone please help me out?  How can I restore that partition and its data?19:29
AmgineQuery: Why does ubuntu server 12.10 take 10.5 minutes every time I do anything with apt-get?19:36
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MonkeyDustAmgine  depends on what it does19:41
Amgineupdate, install19:42
MonkeyDust and what does it do, during those 10 minutes?19:44
RarrikinsIs there a command like `reboot` for shutting down other than `shutdown -h now`?19:45
MonkeyDustRarrikins  sudo init 6 reboots19:46
MonkeyDustwithout the word 'reboots'19:47
AmgineNo clue, MonkeyDust; it displays the first connection it's making, and waits there for 10.5 minutes, then suddonly works furiously for the last seconds.19:47
Rarrikinsth0r: Thaks.19:47
ubottuOltre: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:49
starbuckhi guys, i messed up my useraccount, deleted a few groups it belonged to, so what are the standard groups belonging to the default user in ubuntu 13.04???19:50
ThinkT510starbuck: 4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare)19:51
_Bauerhmm my mouse right click is suddenly stuck - xev right click events (button 3) normally, but I cant get right click menu show up anywhere, in terminal sometimes right click opens new window... familiar symptoms?19:51
zehexxis ubuntu using bash or c sheel?19:51
zehexxi don't now about it19:51
ThinkT510!dash | zehexx19:51
ubottuzehexx: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash19:51
starbuckThinkT510: thx a lot!!!19:51
zehexxhow to check what we use?19:52
_Bauerit seems its not only right click, even normal left click menu opening does not show the menu19:52
_Bauerwhat can cause it? how to check?19:52
ThinkT510zehexx: echo $SHELL19:52
Slikehi, i installed ubuntu next to windows 8. replacing an opensuse install19:53
Slikei can boot ubuntu via the uefi boot override19:53
zehexxThinkT510 echo $SHELL can't process19:53
Slikehow do i fix my system to get grub at start up19:53
jribzehexx: ubuntu's default shell for users is bash.  But /bin/sh is a symlink to dash by default (for scripts for example)19:53
ThinkT510zehexx: says /bin/bash for me19:54
zehexxThinkT510 i'm sorry ,just now its can, i just wrong type19:54
MonkeyDustSlike  esc during boot to get the grub menu19:54
zehexxresult is /bin/bash19:54
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zehexxjrib thx..19:55
APVHello, just got Zyxel NSA310, how can I connect to it?19:56
zehexxcan help me about - or -- what is that in program  help?19:56
jribzehexx: what is your question?19:56
MonkeyDustAPV  wifi or etherent?19:56
zehexxdefine of - and --, what we call it in programming? example -h or --help in unix?19:57
APVMonkeyDust, it's NAS server AFAIK19:57
zehexxseronis arguments,ok thx, i thinking about it, ..19:58
MonkeyDustAPV  with ubuntu server version?19:58
SlikeMonkeyDust: /boot/efi is located at /dev/sda5, but it seems like there's some link missing between that and the bootup location (with some grub emergency environment, i guess from opensuse)19:58
APVMonkeyDust, I don't know, I've just turned it on and plugged to laptop with lan cable.19:58
APVIt haven't mounted or anything.19:59
MonkeyDust!details | APV19:59
ubottuAPV: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:59
zehexxis arguments is argv in programming?19:59
MonkeyDustSlike  i'm not too familiar with (u)efi, i'm sure someone else can help better20:00
seroniszehexx: yes.  anything you type after a program name gets passed to it as the argv elements20:00
seroniszehexx: by convention you use a single dash to represent a series of single letter flags, and you use a double dash to represent a named option20:01
infexionI have dual screens in ubuntu and I cannot get my primary screen to keep the top bar on it instead of the secondary bar. It stays for one session but if I logout and log back in it moves to the secondary screen.20:01
infexionI have to load Nvidia-settings each time to tell it I want it to be primary20:01
zehexxseronis thx sir, i try to learning it,.20:01
infexionis there any know fix for this?20:01
zehexxwhat is basic command in bash ,for manage our system safe?20:02
seroniszehexx: be more specific20:03
infexionubuntu 12.04 btw20:03
bekkszehexx: There is no "basic command" that "manage your system safe".20:03
gbjkAnyone know how to tell whether a machine was installed using alternate or server image?20:03
MonkeyDustzehexx  sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade for the latest security updates and bug fixes20:03
MonkeyDustzehexx  and sudo ufw enable20:04
zehexxsuch as for close no important port20:04
ThinkT510zehexx: if you want to learn bash then better ask in #bash20:04
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zehexxand to now what's port is running now?20:04
Bauer1how can I check what is causing sluggish opening of the Unity "start" menu? after a week+ of uptime, it becomes very slow, barely usable, slower than it was in win 720:05
zehexxsummary for security our system?20:06
Bauer1perhaps there is some setting to make more of that Unity dashboard stored in ram? (I have 8gb ram, atm about 5gb free)20:06
seroniszehexx:  if you want to set up a firewall google for  'ufw configuration'20:06
seronisi dont use it so cant be more specific20:06
APVIs there some sort of command to see to what I'm connected to (wifi, remote storage disc, etc)?20:07
MonkeyDustzehexx  what i just said (see up)20:07
zehexxall thx,.i thinking about20:08
bekksAPV: You can use commands like ifconfig, lspci, lsusb, mount, etc.20:08
ZoohouseI'm having issues with manually installing Tails (linux distro) onto a USB stick, for Linux (Ubuntu) I get the following error: bash: /dev/sdb: Permission denied. I've tried adding sudo to the argument with no success. I've double checked my iso path and it checks out.. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. Input & output: http://pastebin.com/pKuDSvRZ20:09
APVbekks, will try, thanks.20:10
ks_Can I enable autologin for Gnome on Ubuntu 13?20:11
ndroHi. Ubunru 13.04 can't mount secondary partition as rw help thanks20:11
MonkeyDustks_  system settings, user accounts20:12
seronisZoohouse:  http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/237689-50-burn-image#903843920:12
zehexxif i want set ufw in GUI, i have open it, but how set it ===>i want to reject All incoming and outgoing ,but not for "xchat" and "firefox(http)"20:13
ks_MonkeyDust: tried that both icons are disabled (i'm connecting to remote pc via xrdc)20:13
adamk_Zoohouse, When redirecting in bash, the redirection happens as the user, even when using sudo.20:13
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ndrosudo mount -t ext4 -o remount, rw /dev/sdd2 /media/ubuntu/Apps sets it ro20:13
Ben64adamk_: what are you trying to do20:14
Ben64ndro: no space between remount, and rw20:14
adamk_Ben64, ...    Nothing... I answered a question.20:14
Ben64adamk_: oh20:15
ndroI didn't put any space nen6420:15
Ben64you just did...  sudo mount -t ext4 -o remount, rw /dev/sdd2 /media/ubuntu/Apps sets it ro20:15
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ndroNot in the terminal20:15
Ben64then why put a space here20:16
Ben64anyway the partition could have errors, you should use fsck20:16
ndroI'm writing on a note 2.. screen too small and I misstype sorry20:16
Zoohouseseronis, adamk_ thanks20:16
seronisZoohouse:  solved?20:16
ks_is this a true statement? "You can't start a GUI app on boot because it needs to be attached to a graphical session, the graphical session is only setup after you login. "20:16
MonkeyDustks_  X needs to be loaded, first20:17
adamk_ks_, More or less, but you can setup your display manager to autologin, and your x session to automatically start an app.20:17
ks_so my assumption is that once my remote pc is rebooted it is waiting for someone to login in order for apps like Firefox to load their default page20:17
adamk_ks_, Unless your display manager is set to autologin a user, your assumption is correct.20:18
ks_adamk_: I tried to edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf with no effect20:18
MonkeyDustks_  try     ssh -Y user@ip "set of graphical commands"20:19
ndroShould I unmount before using fsck, Ben64?20:19
Dr_willisks_,  you could setup vnc to run a 'hidden' desktop' at boot time.20:19
Dr_willisX forwarding like with the ssh stuff. does not need a visible X desktop20:19
zehexxif i want set ufw in GUI, i have open it, but how set it ===>i want to reject All incoming and outgoing ,but not for "xchat" and "firefox(http)"20:20
adamk_ks_, Maybe you should explain to us what you are trying to do...20:20
ks_Dr_willis:  I'm not very proficient in linux, so that is very general to me20:20
MonkeyDustks_  you're a beginner and start with something advanced, does not make sense20:21
ks_adamk_:  I want remote Ubuntu with Gnome to start Firefox upon reboot20:21
ks_MonkeyDust:  yeah, I love challenges :)20:22
Dr_willisks_,  clarify what you want to do over the remote? why are you running a browser remotely?20:22
ndroReformated and it still mounts as ro20:23
Dr_willisrunning a browser remotely will be very sluggish.20:23
ks_Dr_willis:  we are trying to do a load test for the website (as well as Selenium framework)20:23
Ben64ndro: you formatted?20:23
ndroBen64 yes as ext420:24
Ben64so you had no data on it?20:24
cotdayumWhat is the service name for the touchpad on ubuntu ?20:24
ndroUbuntu seems to handle fat32 better than ext20:24
ks_Dr_willis: so the idea is to start remote instance with just Firefox and then ramp up the number of instances20:24
ndroBen64 no20:24
Ben64ext2,3,4 are native filesystems for linux20:25
Dr_willisks_,  look into vnc and freenx if you want a full remote 'desktop' or ssh and X forwarding..20:25
ndroAnd it won20:25
ndroWont write on it20:25
Dr_willisyou will need to give firefox a special no-remote option i recall if ssh x forwaerding it.20:25
Ben64ndro: you're doing something wrong. pastebin the output of "mount"20:25
zehexxok,thx. don't answer my question is not important.20:26
ndroThat would be an empty pastebin20:26
ks_Dr_willis:  we actually don't need any feedback from remote instance at all, just make sure that it opens up our website in Firefox20:26
Ben64ndro: why20:26
ndroBen64 it doesnt output anythong20:26
Ben64yes it does20:26
ndroJust jumps to new line20:26
Ben64"mount" by itself shows all mounted filesystems20:27
k1l_ndro: "mount" should list your mounted devices20:27
k1l_ndro: if there comes nothing there is alot wrong at your system20:27
ks_Dr_willis: adamk_:  MonkeyDust: we are able to achieve that with Windows instance, but it is twice more expensive20:27
ndroI thought when I ask it to remount silly me20:27
TheUsD_Hello, having an issue with owncloud server.  Clients can connect to server via program and http: but both receive erros:  clients connecting via sync program receive: server replied: service Temporarily Unavailable20:30
TheUsD_Http clients receive: failed to connect to database20:30
ndro-pcBen64: http://pastebin.com/LYvTj5MA20:33
Dr_willisks_,  you could have the vnc desktop on the remote open 1000 firefox's if you wanted.. but i really dont think this is the proper way to be testing things.20:34
ndro-pcBen64: The partition I'm talking about is the last one in there, formatted it so it lost it's label.20:35
ks_Dr_willis: if it is possible to encapsulate all logic inside the instance, that would be great. Perhaps I need to dig on one of your advice to 'setup vnc to run a 'hidden' desktop' at boot time'20:36
Dr_willisks_,  why does it have to be firefox?20:37
gdoteofthis is a sort of weird request i guess.. but is it possible to run ubuntu in greyscale?20:38
ks_Dr_willis: we have written some FF extension to test page functions20:38
gdoteofor 16bit colors or something?20:38
Dr_willisks_,  so.. why does it have to be a remote instance at all?20:38
Dr_willisgdoteof,  ages ago you could alter the xorg.conf to set the bitdepth.. but not done that in ages..20:39
gdoteofmy buddy's wife is doing fieldwork in a remote 3rd world place and wants to make her netbook as unattractive as possible and seems convinced running it in black and wite would be the best thing to do20:39
Dr_willisback in the days of when 256 color desktops were fancy. ;)20:39
Curs0rHi all. I'm having a weird issue with the netboot kernel/initrd for 13.04 amd64. The 32bit netboot supports my keyboard just fine. The amd64 does not. Anything I can do about it?20:39
Dr_willisput hello kitty stickers all over the netbook.20:39
ks_Dr_willis: in theory you could imitate some load on your local workstation, but only so much20:40
gdoteofsimilarly, if anyone knows of a modern standalone wordprocessor that can store to usb/sd card without the use of a computer that would be even more valuable20:40
ndro-pcBen64: any idea? :(20:40
gdoteofDr_willis: i currently have DefaultDepth 2420:40
gdoteofif i change that defaultdepth to 120:40
gdoteofwould that be what i want?20:41
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Dr_willisgdoteof,  'without the use of a computer' - Err..  You plugging it into your bellybutton?20:41
Dr_willisgdoteof,  try it and see20:41
Dr_willissilly experiments are silly. ;)20:41
gdoteofDr_willis: ?  what do you mean?  i mean like a standalone wordprocessor20:41
gdoteofthat has an SD card slot20:41
gdoteofjust like my digital piano has20:42
gdoteofi can save to sd card without a computer20:42
Dr_willisgdoteof,   like a typewriter that has a sd card slot?20:42
gdoteofDr_willis: exactly like that20:42
gdoteofwith or without actually using paper20:42
Dr_willisgood luck finding one of those these days...20:42
Dr_willisseen them like in the 1990's ;) but not to sd.. floppy20:42
* ks_ has digital piano too - Kawai 20:42
Dr_willislow end android phone/tablet20:42
gdoteofya.. i spent a while trying.. found the alphasmart dana.. an old palm-os thing that can take upto a 1gb sd card20:43
gdoteofnot ideal, but one is OTW20:43
ndro-pcDr_willis, do you know if gnome has any invert colors feature?20:43
Curs0rComponents being cheap these days you could probably slap together a word processor station of sorts with a mini-itx board and a stripped down distro20:43
Dr_willisndro-pc,  theres those compiz plugins to invert colors.20:43
gdoteofndro-pc: in compiz you can set filters that will do negatives.. but i can't get the whole screen to go.. just the managed windows20:43
gdoteofthe icon bar and menu stay "normal"20:44
Curs0rhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/ anyway, I'm botting the kernel and initrd from here with ipxe and the installer says no to my keyboard, though the i686 version has no problem with said keyboard. Fun anomaly.20:46
Curs0rOr booting when botting fails20:46
ndro-pc:( not only ubuntu mounts my partition as ro, android does too20:47
Ben64ndro-pc: your pastebin doesn't work20:50
Ben64ndro-pc: and how are you getting a hard drive into an android20:50
ndro-pcBen64: I mentioned earlier, it's a flash drive. a memory card.20:51
ndro-pcand I created 3 partitions on it. first a fat32, which both do fine with, the second is an ext4, which both have trouble writing on.20:52
anticomhi all20:52
anticomi'm having issues with connecting to wifi since my last updates20:53
anticomthe wifi networks are shown but i'm unable to connect to my wifi20:53
anticoma promt for the right password is showing up like every 5 minutes20:53
anticomand ifconfig is showing no more wlan020:53
anticomi got no clue what to do20:53
bekksanticom: Which ubuntu are you on exactly? And which interfaces are shown using "sudo ifconfig -a"?20:54
MonkeyDustanticom  password or WEP key ?20:54
ndro-pcBen64: any idea? :(20:55
Ben64ndro-pc: it's mounted rw20:55
ndro-pcBen64: I can't write on it...20:55
Ben64you need permission then20:55
ndro-pcBen64: with Nautilus or whatever the filemanager in unity is called20:55
daftykinsanticom: maybe it's asking for the keyring password?20:56
anticombekks: http://pastebin.com/ZdRiefg920:56
Ben64ndro-pc: because your user doesn't own it20:56
anticomMonkeyDust: nope, WPA220:56
anticomdaftykins: nop20:56
ndro-pcBen64: will sudo nautilus do it then?20:56
bekksanticom: So you have a eth1 now, instead of wlan0.20:56
ndro-pcBen64: the fat32 works fine though.20:56
Ben64ndro-pc: don't do sudo nautilus20:57
ndro-pcBen64: is there any runas option in ubuntu then?20:57
Ben64ndro-pc: sudo chown -R <your user> /media/whatever_it_is_called20:57
Curs0rHrmm, ipxe booting vbox from the amd64 netboot kernel has no trouble with the keyboard... it just doesn't like my motherboard I suppose. Oh well I'll try it again and see what happens :)20:58
Curs0rWish me luck20:58
MonkeyDustndro-pc  gksudo nautilus basically turns your pc into a windows machine, nobody wants that20:58
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ndro-pcoh yay it works, thanks Ben64 mate.20:59
ndro-pcMonkeyDust: Except that microsoft has a bigger market share than canonical, what's wrong with windows?21:00
MonkeyDustndro-pc  heineken beer has a greater market share than trippel westmalle, yet i prefer the latter21:01
ndro-pcMonkeyDust: I personally had no issues with it? Even though I only use it for gaming..21:01
Curs0rNope, it turns off the numlock light and just does not respond once the installer is loaded21:01
ks_Dr_willis: I think I've got a strategy now - can write a startup script that opens VNC or xrdp session to local machine21:02
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RarrikinsHow do I set Oracle Java to not run in browsers for all users? The Java control panel doesn't seem to be able to figure out that root is an administrator.21:03
ndro-pcMonkeyDust: If game developers would build for ubuntu, there would be no windows, unfourtunately most of them target the os with the most users, taking no risks.21:03
daftykinsndro-pc: the purpose if this channel isn't for discussion really, it's for ubuntu support21:04
mig irc://irc.diaper.dk:6667/snak121:04
Curs0rOr lack thereof21:04
ndro-pcdaftykins: sorry21:04
daftykinsndro-pc: it's cool, just giving you a heads up21:04
=== BroUnicorn is now known as cppCzar
ripplebitis rails better than django for web apps?21:13
cppCzarI need help ssh'ing to my server cross the internet21:21
DayofswordscppCzar: in what way?21:21
cppCzarDayofswords: I need help setting up my static ip address and port forwarding21:21
DayofswordscppCzar: static public(akak outward facing) IP?21:22
cppCzarDayofswords: yes21:23
DayofswordscppCzar: Only your ISP can set your public IP to a static one, normally they do that for business class internet service. what you can do is setup a dynamic DNA service like no-ip to give your ip a constant domain name so you use it instead of it's IP.21:24
cppCzarDayofswords: Okay! sounds good. How do we do that?21:25
JC_any LTSP professionals in here?21:25
bekks!anyone | JC_21:25
ubottuJC_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:25
JC_Good afternoon, anyone here to assisit with a resolution issue, HP t510 thin clients, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server on HP ML110 G7, was working fine till delivered to clinet now when connecting LG TV's using DVI to HDMI it experiences resolution error21:26
JC_I have tried the various XSERVER=via | XSERVER=vesa, X_MODE_0 | XRANDR_MODE_0 most of these configuration options result in a non-bootable thin client with Fatal Server Error: invalid argument for -config21:26
JC_This exact setup was working at my office, it only gave this problem when delivered and it's the EXACT same devices the only difference at the client is the networking cables21:26
JC_All we are trying to achieve is web kiosks,21:27
DayofswordscppCzar: http://www.noip.com/ sign up for an account, make a domain (you get 5 free subdomains) then follow this to install the client  (which just checks your ip every hour or so to see if it changed ) http://www.noip.com/support/knowledgebase/installing-the-linux-dynamic-update-client/21:29
cppCzarDayofswords: Do I perform this on the server?21:30
cppCzaror on a computer on the wireless network21:30
DayofswordscppCzar: any computer on the network should work.21:30
arm1ehelp please. iPhone only shows up with a couple of songs in rhythm box and banshee21:32
fowlis there an alternative to synaptic ?21:33
Seveasfowl: apt-get, aptitude, software-center21:33
arm1eterminal output says invalid track ID21:33
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MMloshHello  I was used to seeing the next -dev release on http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/<package> , but now I don't. The source package is there, but the binary one is not.   Does anyone know what is going on?  (I am sorry, I don't know how to ask a search engine. I am pretty sure it's known)21:36
Brinsonhaha, so I stupidly picked lubuntu nexus7 from the gdm menu, and of course it doesn't work on my desktop...but now its the default....can someone point me to a command line way to change the deffault gdm desktop?21:37
Brinson2anyone know how to reset unity to default when I can't get to the login screen?21:40
brainpaidd#Jcuber ?21:48
Mukhthar_Ahmedhello all, ubuntu 12.04lts mysql server 5.5 my-small.cnf not working, suggestions please21:51
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: Define "not working" first, please.21:51
bekks!details | Mukhthar_Ahmed21:51
ubottuMukhthar_Ahmed: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:51
brainpaiddubottu: he had given all reasons21:52
ubottubrainpaidd: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:52
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks :Job failed to start21:52
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: When doing what?21:52
brainpaiddWhen he starting :s21:53
bekksbrainpaidd: Personally, I do know about three different ways to start a service.21:53
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : copied /usr/share/doc../my-small.cnf  /etc/mysql/my.cnf then /etc/init.d/mysql start21:53
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: Is mysqld already running?21:53
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks: nope21:54
brainpaidd 21:54
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: please pastebin the output of the following commands: uname -a; sudo lsof -i | grep mysql21:55
fowlsynaptic has been repeatdly crashing21:56
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks: Linux vps 2.6.32-042stab076.8 #1 SMP Tue May 14 20:38:14 MSK 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux21:56
fowlor rather, freezing21:56
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: Please use a pastebin service for the second command.21:56
zephyrSo, I'm using testdisk to attempt to recover a couple accidentally deleted partitions.  However, the partition I'm most concerned with has been listed a LOT of times, all with different start, end, and size values.  Where  do I go from here?21:56
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : okay :)21:57
bekkszephyr: Create an image of the disk, and use the image for further investigation.21:57
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : the second command "sudo lsof -i | grep mysql"  returns nothing21:58
zephyrbekks, I'm not familiar with imaging a disk, nor do I have the storage space for an exact copy.  is dd the tool?21:58
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: And whats the output of "lsb_release -a"?21:58
bekkszephyr: Yes.21:59
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : ubuntu 12.04.2 lts21:59
bekkszephyr: Whatever you try - without having an image - may damage your lost partitions even more.21:59
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: Please pastebin the exact, full output to a pastebin.21:59
zephyrbekks, unfortunately, at this point, I don't really have other options.21:59
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks sure22:00
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: And where's the pastebin url? :)22:01
Ari-Yangis there any advantage of setting diff cpu cores to diff governors? for e.g. setting cpu core 1 to performance and setting core 2 to ondemand22:01
bekksAri-Yang: No, most likely, your CPU will not allow it.22:02
zephyrbekks, the partitions were deleted by a Windows installer.  Meant to clear just one partition but deleted the entire HDD instead.  Aborted the installation, didn't format, and rebooted to a live disc.22:02
Ari-Yangah, okay22:02
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks: http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=iHakKx9922:02
Ari-Yanghow do I set the governor in terminal?22:02
brainpaiddI had a website that based in Linux. I really want to know what distro using my server. How to learn this? Thanks very much.22:03
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: You could try to start mysqld directly, with your config, to see the errors.22:04
bekksbrainpaidd: "lsb_release -a"22:04
brainpaiddbekks: thanks i'll try to command it tomorrow22:05
=== Darkchaos2 is now known as Mephisto
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Loshkizephyr: http://forum.cgsecurity.org/phpBB3/testdisk-what-do-i-do-now-t1412.html talks about checking partitions by listing the data. Can you do something like that?22:07
zephyrLoshki, reading through it now.22:08
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks: please check this seems to be innodb error, but i want to use myisam http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=ckxnnh1w22:08
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: You config contains something that makes it impossible to start with the existing data.22:09
zephyrLoshki, from what one of the commenters mentionecd, the multiple partitions it found may just be remnants of OLD partitions that are long gone.  So should I just go through each one, attempt to list the files, until I find the right one to restore?22:10
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Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks: i will backup data with mysql dump and then try to restart with new config22:11
zephyrhttp://pastebin.com/rgaycK5U <-- what testdisk is telling me after a Deep Scan.22:15
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zephyrDon't know what to do now because it says those can't be recovered and doesn't appear to list the correct partitions anyway22:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:17
zephyrOkay, I can SEE the files on the partition I want to restore in testdisk... now what? lol22:21
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : deleted all the database but still the same, mysql job failed to start. Any tips to debug22:24
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: start mysqld manually, and check the new config for differences against the old config.22:25
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : :)  doing the same22:26
deadweaselhttp://scottlinux.com/2013/06/02/use-google-authenticator-for-two-factor-ssh-authentication-in-linux/   <-- followed these instructions.  ssh localhost does not ask for Verification: code..  ideas?22:26
deadweasel12.04 x6422:26
Dr_willisdoes it work for non localhost?22:28
deadweasellet me grab the other box, will test.22:28
MucapHow do I erase all data on my Hard Disk with Linux Ubuntu22:29
Dr_willisthats cute how it prints out a Barcode thing on the console ;)22:29
MucapJust wipe it completely22:29
Dr_willisMucap,  gparted and delete/reformat is one way.22:29
MucapDr_willis I didn't think about that, lol22:29
Dr_willisor dd  if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdXX bs=4M22:29
Dr_willisthen theres various secure deletion tools.. that are for the truely paranoid.22:29
Dr_willisif its a 'sdd' there may be better ways22:30
MucapCBA, I just want it erased22:30
Dr_willisdd will zero it out totally.. but im assumin gyou will want to use it afterwards for some other os?22:30
MucapDr_willis yes22:30
Dr_willismay as well use gparted then22:31
MucapDr_willis wouldn't "sudo rm -rd / --no-preserve-root" work too22:31
Dr_willisthat will take forever..22:31
Dr_willisyou are deleteing the  / you are using?22:31
Dr_willisthats.. weird..22:31
MucapDr_willis just got told that would work so22:31
bekksMucap: ouch.22:32
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Dr_williswhats the END goal here?22:32
MucapI just need to clean it out, selling my computer and the buyer might as well get a clean HDD22:32
Dr_willisa new empty ext4 for a clean install?22:32
Dr_willisor you want some other filesystem?22:32
bekksMucap: Then rm will not help you in any way. It takes about a few minutes to restore your files.22:32
bekksMucap: Use dd to write zeros to the entire disk.22:32
Dr_willisyou still have to partion/reformat after using dd - to get a useable disk..22:33
Dr_willisunless you are going to leave that to the other guy22:33
MucapWow this was way more complicated than imagined22:34
Dr_willisits not complex at all...22:34
Dr_willisreformat it to the FS and partion layout you want.22:34
MucapAll I wanted to do was erasing my HDD so it wouldn't boot into anything unless a OS was installed22:34
Dr_willisthe dd from zero will leave a Totally Unallocated Unpartioned unformated HD.22:34
MucapWhich the buyer will know how to do, plug in disk, BIOS or USB something22:34
Mucaphow was the dd22:34
Dr_willisyou will then have to partion and format it to whatver fs you want to use.22:35
Mucapwhat was the command again22:35
Dr_willisor dd  if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdXX bs=4M22:35
Mucapmany thanks22:35
Dr_williswhere is /dev/sda or sdb or sd whatever...22:35
Dr_willisdont get that wrong. or you can erase the wrong drive22:35
Dr_willisgparted live cd. can do all this..  worth having in your pc toolbox.22:36
bekksMucap: Its no rocket science to find some results "how to restore data after rm" in google ;) Obscurity is no security.22:36
Dr_willisbekks,  but changing your ssh port.. is uber secure right? ;P22:36
Mucapmight as well use gparted since it's installed22:36
bekksDr_willis: Yeah, it is :)22:36
MucapGoodbye Ubuntu, you've been a good friend for a long time <322:37
SeveasDr_willis: you have no idea how many brute force "let's scan the internet" scans that prevents...22:37
Seveasit's not added security, but it helps against logspam :)22:38
Dr_willisLog Jam? i aint no lumberjack!22:38
deadweaselDr_willis: I do not get verification prompt from another device on internal network.22:39
jribdeadweasel: are you using ssh keys?22:40
DayofswordsMucap: you had trouble just dd'ing the drive? It's easy, just boot live CD, sudo su, dd if=/dev/zero/ of=/dev/sda22:40
Dr_willisDayofswords,  aparently hes trying to destroy the / he is currently booted from.. ;)22:41
jribdeadweasel: and you get logged in without being asked for verification or password?22:41
bekksMucap: And dont forget to set a reasonable sized bs= parameter, unless you want to wait ages.22:41
Mucapi never used linux like this22:41
Mucapso all im just trying to do is make my computer boot into nothing22:41
deadweasel18:26:33 < deadweasel> http://scottlinux.com/2013/06/02/use-google-authenticator-for-two-factor-ssh-authentication-in-linux/   <-- followed these instructions.  ssh  localhost does not ask for Verification: code..  ideas?22:41
jribI read this...22:41
Dr_willisMucap,  if you zero the hd. thers nothing to boot..22:42
deadweaselseems like somethhing important is missing from instructions22:42
jribdeadweasel: and you get logged in without being asked for verification or password?22:42
MucapDr_willis I see but it will also erase what im booted on22:42
deadweaselno, trying to add a third field, google authenticator code.22:42
Dr_willisMucap,  thats what you sort of said you were wanting to do....22:42
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)22:42
deadweaseljrib, gotta run for grub (food).  brb.22:43
jribdeadweasel: I'm trying to understand what you mean by "ssh localhost does not ask for verification code".  What exactly happens when you « ssh localhost »?22:43
MucapDr_willis I said that I'm booted on the only HDD connected to my PC with my Linux, and I want to erase everything on that so there's literally nothing to boot into when I turn on my PC22:43
Dr_willisMucap,  so you want to delete the HD you are booted from. correct?22:43
MucapDr_willis exactly22:44
Dr_willisMucap,  and the dd command we gave will do that.. it will basically make your os self destruct22:44
scott_purcella network secured with WPA2 Personal.  Nothing was changed on the router.  It connects with no problem to my unsecured "guest" network.  It connects with no problem to other WPA2 Personal networks.  Other systems connect with no problems to my primary home network.  I've rebooted the router and the system.  Any ideas?22:44
toneswill gparted zero a hard drive?22:44
Dr_willisMucap,  a cleaner way would be to use a live cd.. and dd the disk in question22:44
scott_purcelloops... sorry for the incomplete post...22:44
MucapDr_willis then why do people still tell me I should do other ways lol22:44
Dr_willistheres gparted live cd, and the system-rescue cd can have other tools for the same task22:45
Dr_willisMucap,  because theres always a dozen ways to do ANYTHING22:45
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : I could make it run but the memory size is 28mb, is it possible to get it use low memory, I read on lowendbox, their mysql is using 5 to 6mb22:45
MucapDr_willis once I wrecked it I won't be using the PC anymore so it wouldn't matter22:45
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: So how much RAM do you have in your VPS?22:45
Dr_willisthat dd command will make the disk unbootable in about 5 sec.. then the rest of the time will be eraseing all the actual data on the drive22:45
wickedis there any ubuntu server channel on freenode you guys know about?22:46
scott_purcellSometime in the past week, my ubuntu 12.10 laptop stopped connecting to my primary home wifi network (secured with WPA2 personal).22:46
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : 256Mb22:46
daftykinswicked: you can ask away here22:46
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: So 10% is too much for mysql? I guess then you have to ask those guys from lowendbox about how they did it to use even less.22:46
scott_purcellNothing was changed on the router.  Other systems still connect to the network I'm having problems with. I can connect to my unsecured guest network -- and to other networks.22:47
wickeddaftykins: ok tks, just wonder if it exist or not22:47
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks: they have posted their my.cnf file but that does not work, i guess those were mysql 5.1 or so22:47
daftykinswicked: ja #ubuntu-server22:48
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks: wat is the optimum memory usage if 10% is higher22:48
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: I never even heard of that "lowendbox", so I cant help you any further with htat.22:48
wickeddaftykins: tks :)22:49
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks never mind abt lowendbox22:49
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: The last time I used a server with so little RAM, thats almost a decade ago.22:49
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks: as u can recall, wat would be the optimum memory usage if 10% is higher22:50
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: The optimum memory usage depends on the amount of data in your database.22:50
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : I understand, this is a wordpress site for testing only. traffic equal to zero22:51
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: Traffic is irrelevant, amount of data is.22:51
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : that makes sense, I am able to understand better now22:52
Mukhthar_Ahmedbekks : Thanks for all the help :)22:54
zehexxsir, what different between child process and parent ?in ubuntu?22:54
=== Shubuntu is now known as Guest964
bekksMukhthar_Ahmed: You're welcome. :)22:56
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
BlackDalekWhat is the command line program which shows which apps/processes are consuming all the memory on my computer?22:57
zehexxand ; in windows py can compile to pyc ,how to compile py to pyc in ubuntu??22:57
zehexxblackdalek type top on terminal22:57
bekksBlackDalek: ps, top22:57
zehexxand ; in windows py can compile to pyc ,how to compile py to pyc in ubuntu??22:58
Dr_willispython works the same way as far as i know zehexx22:59
Dr_willis foo.py gets compiuled to .pyc when its ran if i rember my pyuthon 10122:59
GeodesicalHey, Does anyone know how to play Steam games in 12.04 LTS?22:59
ulkeshDr_willis: You're correct22:59
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.22:59
Dr_willisGeodesical,  install steam.. play gamez22:59
zehexxdr_willis thx,sir. , i will try it23:00
Dr_willisI dident think one had to worry about python compiling to .pyc - it auto-magically handled it. ;)23:00
deadweaseljrib: so if I setup google authenticator, it should ask for a verification code.  I follow the supplied instructs and nothing happens.23:01
Ari-Yanghow come my cpu governor on its own switched to performance when it was set to conservative?23:01
zehexxdr_willis thx .,23:01
soy_el_pulpoDr_willis, remeber yesterday a guy, brounicorn or something like that? he had an issue with accessing his ssh server from the outside. ..23:04
BlackDalekI can't find system requirements (memory) for Ubuntu 13.04 anywhere on ubuntu web site... can someone point me to relevant page?23:04
Dr_willissoy_el_pulpo,  yes.23:04
GeodesicalIt allows me to open Steam, but when I attempt to play the game, it never goes past the valve copyright pageSteam23:04
soy_el_pulpoDr_willis: I am looking for him, yesterday I helped him23:05
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Dr_willissoy_el_pulpo,  well memoserv can leve him a message.. but i bet he wouldent notice the message notice if he comes back23:06
zehexxcan we try php in localhost without install external server?23:06
Dr_willistheres some sort of php-cli package i thought23:06
usr13BlackDalek: What do you have?23:06
Dr_willis!info php-cli23:06
ubottuPackage php-cli does not exist in raring23:06
soy_el_pulpoOk, he did everything fine, just to let ppl know, his isp is blocking access23:06
=== falon is now known as Falon
usr13BlackDalek: What CPU?  How much RAM?  What size disk?23:07
zehexxdr_willis thx,will try it23:07
Dr_willismoar is always better ;P23:07
soy_el_pulpoIt is clear wireless,  a wimax provider23:07
ulkesh!info php5-cli23:07
ubottuphp5-cli (source: php5): command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.4.9-4ubuntu2 (raring), package size 2612 kB, installed size 8116 kB23:07
Dr_willissoy_el_pulpo,  heh.. thats amuseing..23:07
Dr_willissoy_el_pulpo,  but he did try with a non-standard port for ssh23:08
=== Serano is now known as [ELeG]Serano
zehexxin my system its can't sir, -->php5-cli: command not found23:08
soy_el_pulpoYup, but we check that and got him standard,  port fw ok on his wifi router, but the modem is the problem23:09
ulkeshzehexx: sudo apt-get install php5-cli23:09
Dr_williszehexx,  that may not be the right name. i dont do much codeing23:09
Dr_williszehexx,  apt has a search feature. ;)23:09
ulkeshDr_willis: i just checked raring, php5-cli is right, he just has to install it23:09
zehexxubuntu 10.0423:09
ulkeshnevermind :)23:09
Dr_willisulkesh,  people like to leave out details ;P23:10
ulkeshDr_willis: true :)23:10
Ari-Yanghow do I set cpu governor in terminal?23:10
zehexxdr_willis,ulkesh,thx, i will learn it23:10
usr13zehexx: 10.04 is EOL23:10
soy_el_pulpoDr_willis: I will keep and eye open if he shows up to let him know, also he can talk to his isp to open it...23:11
ulkeshzehexx: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/php5-cli23:11
zehexxulkesh thx, but for this time my connection is low speed fior download,23:12
zehexx*...low speed for download,23:12
usr13zehexx: Oh, it's 10.04 server?23:13
Deet_is it possible to install a command line only version of ubuntu via floppy disk to a computer designed for windoze 95?23:13
somsipDeet_: yes - use the minimal install23:13
usr13Deet_: Probably not23:13
Dr_willisDeet_,  move the hd to a differnt pc..  install.. or use a net-boot type install.23:14
brewmaster619I have a dual-boot (Win8/Ubuntu 13.04). I want to have most of my home directories (user directories in Win) point to the same place. Since Windows has a hard time with ext4, I figured I could put symlinks in my Ubuntu home directory and point to the appropriate one in Windows. It seems to work. But how do I change the symlink icon to match the old icon, for example the Music folder icon?23:14
Dr_willisor install to a usb flash.. boot it.. image it to the real hd.23:14
zehexxuser13 no23:14
usr13Deet_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies  Hummmmm.....23:14
ajidhthello all23:15
usr13!10.04 | zehexx23:15
ubottuzehexx: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.23:15
Dr_willisbrewmaster619,  used to be able to right click on the folder. properties. then the top left Icon image IS A BUTTON you click to change the icon.. it was easy to overlook.. but im not sure if that still works in the latest ubuntu/gnomes23:15
brewmaster619Deet_: there are distros out that just for that, probably not Ubuntu-derivatives23:15
Dr_willisDeet_,  what are the system specs?23:16
usr13brewmaster619: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WithFloppies23:16
brewmaster619still works, but how do you know what the old icon was located?  I was smart enough to rename the old Music folder, but clicking the icon doesn't tell you where the current ocon is.23:16
Deet_Dr_willis: it's a panisonic notebook from waaaaaay back, has 120mb of ram23:16
Dr_willisbrewmaster619,  try the locate command perhaps? theres dozens of identically named icons depending on the theme for the differnt icons23:16
brewmaster619It IS easy to overlook, I think it was a couple of years before I knew that was actually a button.23:17
usr13Deet_: What CPU?    What size disk?23:17
ajidhtsaya dari indonesia23:17
Deet_Dr_willis: unsure on the harddrive, i haven't booted in a while23:17
brewmaster619But I can't tell what the old icon was named.23:17
Dr_willisDeet_,  120mb? eww.. You might want to look into the puppy linux viarants for  very very very low end hardware ;)23:17
BlackDalekusr13, the machine is an AMD Athlon 64 3700+, 1Gb ram, 500gb disk... but what are minimum system requirements to run Ubuntu 13.04? that is what I am looking for.23:17
usr13Dr_willis: He said he just wants CLI23:17
Dr_willisDeet_,  tiny core linux = 35mb also. :) if you just want a ssh/terminal machine23:17
Dr_willispuppy can do cli23:18
usr13BlackDalek: Sky is the limit for you  :)23:18
Dr_willis120mb of ram. is pushing the limits of most things id imagine.23:18
Deet_Dr_willis: had the decimal in the wrong spot, 12mb of ram, 80486 processor23:18
Dr_willisDeet_,  freedos and  a serial terminal.. ;P23:18
ulkeshBlackDalek: for server: https://help.ubuntu.com/13.04/serverguide/preparing-to-install.html    not sure about desktop yet23:19
usr13BlackDalek: In other words, take your choice:  Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu etc.23:19
Deet_Dr_willis: i think i might just keep it around for the lulz23:19
Dr_willisDeet_,  there MIGHT be some disrtos out like puppy that can still work on a 48623:19
brewmaster619Deet_: I remember installing Red Hat on cheap 386 40mhz boards back in the day, but then most people had dialup modems then, too.23:19
Deet_Dr_willis:  ok, i might peek around a bit.23:19
Deet_brewmaster619: this has a dial up modem/ethernet port in a pcmcia card :P23:20
brewmaster619Yeah, baby....23:20
brewmaster619I ran a BBS for 10 years, I know what you're talking about .  :)23:21
Deet_yeah i don't really know why i keep it around. nostalgia i suppose23:21
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
usr13Deet_: http://slackware.com/install/sysreq.php23:22
ubuntivHello, I want to connect to my PC using ssh from a remote location using the internet, what IP should I enter when I try to connect?23:22
BlackDalekDoes unity on 13.04 have some over-inflated memory requirements to run properly? Should I be having problems with 1Gb ram? I am currently experiencing 50% or higher memory usage with no apps running and 85% to 100% memory usage when Firefox is running... If left running, the machine freezes or crashes with kernel panic.23:22
brewmaster619On my Icon thing, I think I can find the Music icon, but is there an easier way to figure out at least the current Icon's size, rather than by trial and error?23:22
Deet_usr13: yeah....i have a 5th of the required ram :P23:23
usr13ubuntiv: We can't tell you what IP to use.23:23
ulkeshDeet_: maybe debian for it?  http://www.debian.org/distrib/archive23:23
ubuntivHow can I find the IP i should be using?23:23
ubuntivAnd how is it possible to connect to my PC which has its own local IP in the local network?23:24
usr13Deet_: You said "120mb of ram"23:24
usr13Deet_: Was that an error?23:24
soy_el_pulpoUbuntiv, try whatismyip.com23:24
brewmaster619ubuntive: people usually have a dynamic DNS servoce somewhere, so their system sends out a  packet to the dns provider every so often, the servoces notes the IP, and you just use your registered dns name (that you pay for) to access your system.23:25
usr13Deet_: For CLI, you should be fine.23:25
nelson_after installing lubuntu i only have lines23:25
ubuntivI mean if my PC is and my External IP is ###.###.100.123 , what should I type as the IP? should I include the local address too?23:25
Deet_usr13: yes it was, i later corrected that to 1223:25
usr13ubuntiv: Depends on how your router is set up. (What ports do you have forwarded?23:25
ubuntivSo, I need port forwarding? I never used that thing..23:26
Deet_ulkesh: i see the first releases for Debian at on floppy, this might prove interesting23:26
brewmaster619Your router has to forward a port to your server23:26
usr13Deet_: 12M RAM?  wow.  Ok.  I think you have a paperwieght on your hands.23:26
ubuntivLet's say I'd like to host port 20 for SSH23:26
Deet_usr13:  LOL i had besirc running on it until the network card quit23:27
usr13ubuntiv: Then forward port 22 to 20 on that IP23:27
ulkeshDeet_: Debian also used to have a net-install based on booting to a floppy and connecting to the internet...was pretty fun back then :)23:27
ubuntivwhy 22??23:27
gordonjcpulkesh: installing over NFS23:27
brewmaster619you enter the IP of the router, when the router sees incoming traffic on that port (like 80) it forwards all of that type of traffic to the internal IP you specify, i.e. your server.23:27
usr13ubuntiv: or forward port 20 to 22 on that IP23:27
Deet_ulkesh: would it work with a pcmcia nic?23:27
usr13ubuntiv: Well, it's up to you what port you use.  (Try one your ISP does not block.)23:28
nelson_can someone help me23:28
ubuntivAha, so ISP blocks IPs.. I can see now..23:28
ulkeshDeet_: honestly i couldn't tell you, i haven't done that in a good 10-12 years23:28
usr13ubuntiv: (You can tell sshd to listen on a non-standard port if you need to.)23:28
usr13ubuntiv: nmap23:28
swex_hello all23:28
ubuntivBut what if my IP is shared with others?23:28
Deet_okay, this outta be fun. i'll be back with it, or when it starts spitting magic smoke23:28
Deet_thanks guys23:28
ulkeshDeet_: good luck!!23:29
usr13ubuntiv: nmap -p 22 ###.###.100.12323:29
ubuntivI mean maybe several costumers share the same IP provided by ISP, isn't that true?23:29
usr13ubuntiv: Yes23:29
ubuntivSo how would I receive traffic that is meant to reach my router, not somebody else's router?23:29
brewmaster619ubuntiv: your server has it's own IP within your network; it can't be duplicated.  from outside everything from your net looks like it came from the router's external IP.23:29
usr13ubuntiv: What do you need to do?  (What is your end goal?)23:29
brewmaster619ubuntiv:  No, nobody shaes the IP.23:30
ubuntivI need to connect to my home PC from Work using SSH.23:30
usr13brewmaster619: But what he is saying is that [more-than-likely] a lot of his neighbors share that IP.23:30
usr13brewmaster619: Yes they do.23:30
brewmaster619Not unless his ISP also uses NAT.23:31
usr13brewmaster619: many do.23:31
ubuntivWhat is NAT?23:31
NoskcajI'm making a PC Case based on Ubuntu. what colour(s) should i make it23:31
ubuntivSorry but I'm a little n00b but interested in learning..23:31
usr13ubuntiv: network address tranlation / IP Masquerading23:31
ubuntivAha, ok usr1323:31
brewmaster619what the router uses so your provider hands you one IP, but internally, you have 2 or 100 computers behond your router.23:31
ubuntivSo, in that case, which is more than likely, what should I do to connect to my router not somebody else's router?23:32
usr13ubuntiv: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_DNS23:32
brewmaster619each with their own IP internally in your network, but from the outside, they only see the router's external IP; The router has two IPs (at least), the outside-facing one, and the inside facing one.23:33
brewmaster619good call, usr1323:33
usr13ubuntiv: You can use a service like  http://www.dnsdynamic.org/23:33
ubuntivwill that mean that I have to put some port-forwarding into the ISPs main router??23:34
brewmaster619correction, what I said "they" I meant anyone else outside your network.23:34
ubuntivis there any free service?23:34
ulkeshubuntiv: who is your ISP?23:34
ubuntivEarthlink, Iraq23:35
usr13ubuntiv: Yes23:35
ulkeshubuntiv: do you have a modem connected to a phone line (i assume phone, given earthlink)?  and do you have a router connected to that modem?23:35
usr13ubuntiv: I don't know about Iraq23:35
BlackDalekI found this here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements  but what is listed there as being recommended minimum requirements is not reflected in the experience I am having with a system of double that capacity... IS that page simply wrong?23:36
brewmaster619most ISPs don't like incoming connections (they charge businesses lots of money for that), but usually don't mind "personal use" connections.23:36
usr13ubuntiv: Do you really need ssh?  or can you just use something like teamviewer?23:36
ubuntivulkesh: No it is a wireless connection, I have a D-Link wireless router connected to a NanoStation which is connected wirelessly to a transmission station23:36
gordonjcpusr13: o_O23:37
gordonjcpusr13: the two things are not even vaguely similar23:37
usr13ubuntiv: wireless bridge (in other words...)23:37
usr13gordonjcp: Did I say that they were?23:37
ubuntivusr13: I need to control the deep internals of my system, but what is teamviewer?23:37
gordonjcpteamviewer is for Windows, anyway23:37
usr13gordonjcp: teamviewer is corss platform.23:38
usr13ubuntiv: it is a vnc type app23:38
ubuntivNO WINDOWS! Sorry but I'm allergic to MS stuff23:38
gordonjcpusr13: never much saw the point in VNC23:38
usr13ubuntiv: me too23:38
ubuntivI think it IS possible to use VNC for an SSH like control??23:38
brewmaster619Teamviewer: For Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad and Android.23:38
brewmaster619per their web site23:39
gordonjcpubuntiv: so anyway what you need to do is determine how you connect to the Internet23:39
erpoWhen I restored from backup, I found that I had no icons on my gnome 3.6 desktop and the right-click desktop context menu didn't work. I was able to fix this with the tweak tool, but now I'm concerned that my backup was incomplete. In which file is the "have file manager handle the desktop" preference stored?23:39
usr13ubuntiv: Your choice.23:39
gordonjcpubuntiv: you've got a wireless link back to some remote site?23:39
ubuntivgordonjcp: yes, and that is the confusing part23:39
brewmaster619I've not used it, but what23:39
gordonjcpubuntiv: okay23:40
brewmaster619s wrong with VNC?23:40
ubuntu22can anyone help me to get skype video calling to work in 12.04?  My camera works in skype 'options' where i can select the device, it properly displays the camera feed and I can see myself, but I cannot select the 'video button' while in a skype call.23:40
gordonjcpubuntiv: talk me through it23:40
usr13gordonjcp: He already told us how he connects to the internet.  (wireless bridge)23:40
ulkeshubuntiv: I see, then the only thing I'd suggest, is that if you have an internet address assigned to the wireless router (the external facing IP), then you can port forward with that router (assuming it has port forward capability)...if so, then i suggest port forwarding port external 2222 to internal 22 on the internal IP of the server you want to ssh (i would never open 22, it's security-thru-obscurity that nmap can easily get around23:40
ulkesh, but still)...if it's not an internet-address, then your only hope would be a upnp-based solution which might be what that teamviewer is, and that's assuming upnp is enabled in your router and the router to the outside world23:40
ubuntivgordonjcp: I don't really understand how I'm actually connected! isn't there an online tracing tool that shows me the entire path through which I'm reaching the internet?23:41
gordonjcp... Susie the Cat says hi23:42
usr13gordonjcp: What is all that?23:42
gordonjcpsorry folks23:42
gordonjcpubuntiv: traceroute, maybe?23:42
gordonjcpusr13: cat on keyboard23:42
ubuntivwelcome, Susie! gordonjcp: how to use traceroute, or what is it anyway?!23:43
gordonjcpubuntiv: pastebin your PC's IP address, and the output of "traceroute"23:43
usr13ubuntiv: All you need to know is your outside IP.  See ipchicken.com23:43
gordonjcpubuntiv: traceroute uses a clever little trick to ping each host on the way to the outside world23:44
bityif you don't have access to the router, you can make a reverse ssh tunnel, if you have access to a public server23:44
ubuntivwhat does represent?23:44
bitygoogle dns servers23:44
gordonjcpubuntiv: google DNS23:44
gordonjcpit's a handy fixed known endpoint23:45
bity8.8.8.8 is another23:45
ubuntivI'm now installing traceroute, I'll try it and see what happens23:45
BlackDalekwhy are the memory requirements for light-weight GUIs such as lxde or xfce claimed to be the same for memory hogs like unity?23:45
usr13bity: routerS  (there are several...)23:46
ubuntu22can anyone help me to get skype video calling to work in 12.04?  My camera works in skype 'options' where i can select the device, it properly displays the camera feed and I can see myself, but I cannot select the 'video button' while in a skype call.23:46
bityi dont think that matters23:46
usr13ubuntiv: Each bridge and AP is more-than-likey a NAT router.  So....23:46
gordonjcpBlackDalek: because "lightweight" is a myth23:46
gordonjcpusr13: not really, no23:46
usr13gordonjcp: Oh?23:46
gordonjcpusr13: they *might* be configured that way23:46
gordonjcpthey're far more likely to be configured as bridges23:47
gordonjcpusr13: I'm working across a couple of hops of Ubiquiti Nanobridge right now23:47
bityusr13, if you can ssh out to a public server, the reverse path works through the same tunnel, or am i wrong?23:47
gordonjcpubuntiv: I'm going to PM you a link to an image on my server23:47
ubuntivafter I performed "traceroute" I'm now having a list of 15 different IPs , some start with the local 192.168 stuff23:47
usr13gordonjcp: Yes, they more-than-likely are configured that way.23:48
gordonjcpubuntiv: when you hit it, I'll be able to see your public IP address23:48
ulkeshgordonjcp: he can just get his public ip by going to whatismyip.com  the question is, is his wireless router the endpoint terminating that IP23:48
ubuntivI did, I could see the wrecked car, too :P23:48
usr13gordonjcp: They are more than likely AP mode (if there is more than one connection).23:49
gordonjcpusr13: yup23:49
usr13gordonjcp: Yea, me too.  Multiple APs and bridges.23:49
gordonjcpusr13: but in AP mode they are not necessarily doing NAT23:49
gordonjcphttp://lovesthepython.org/cluanie-sm.jpg <- here is the link, in case anyone was curious23:49
usr13gordonjcp: Not necessarily but most likely.23:50
gordonjcplovesthepython.org/cluanie.jpg < Massive 2.5M high-res version23:50
gordonjcpusr13: no, doing NAT makes no sense in that application23:50
usr13gordonjcp: Yes it does, but this is completely off topic.23:51
ubuntivSo, how can I make use of traceroute output?23:51
ulkeshubuntiv: do you have access to the wireless router config? (web interface ,etc?)23:51
gordonjcpusr13: no, you'd do NAT in your provisioning server23:51
gordonjcpyou *could* do NAT in the AP but that's ghetto as all hell23:52
ubuntivI can access my router, it is right beside me, too :)23:52
ulkeshubuntiv: then if you can get into the router config, there should be a status page showing the IP address...if it matches what you see on whatismyip.com then you can simply do port forwarding there23:52
usr13gordonjcp: If the sysop wants to, each AP on the network can do NAT, and if he is at all security minded, they all will.23:53
gordonjcpusr13: no no no no no23:53
gordonjcpa million no23:53
gordonjcpabsolutely not23:53
gordonjcpusr13: you've got no way to control provisioning then23:53
usr13gordonjcp: Ok, I see that you do not see any advantages to it but if you had very many APs on a network, you would.23:54
gordonjcpno, you wouldn't23:54
gordonjcpnot unless you basically didn't care about who had access23:54
ubuntivulkesh: YES! it is the same IP23:54
ubuntivSo I can simply use the port forwarding and that's it?23:55
ulkeshubuntiv: then check the port forward settings...then i suggest port forwarding port 2222 (or some other arbitrary upper port ( greater than 1024) to your internal IP of the server you want to ssh to on its port 2223:55
ulkeshubuntiv: yes, i believe so23:55
ubuntu22can anyone help me to get skype video calling to work in 12.04?  My camera works in skype 'options' where i can select the device, it properly displays the camera feed and I can see myself, but I cannot select the 'video button' while in a skype call.23:55
ulkeshubuntiv: then once you port forward, you'll probably want to set up dynamic dns (dyndns.org) and put in a client on your computer or if your router can be configured for it....that way if your IP changes, you can still get to the server via dynamic dns23:57
rypervencheubuntu22: in a terminal type "skype -version" for me23:58
ubuntu22rypervenche, Skype
ulkeshubuntiv: also, from the outside you will ssh to whatever you set your external port in the port forward page (so if you take my suggestion, if your dynamic dns is foo.bar, you'll ssh to foo.bar on port 2222)23:58

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