
amageeHey i've recently upgraded to ubuntu 13.04 using xubuntu-desktop and now whenever I log in to an xfce or xubuntu session, I get spontaneously logged out within about 30 seconds or a few clicks. Any ideas how to debug and fix this? I'm having to resort to using unity!01:48
_Dirk_ubuntu webiste suggested that if i have 1gig of ram or less to set the permiters of separate partition for virtual memory, called the swap from 60 to 10....  my comp was a little sluggish before (video wouldskip and lag) so i did change the perimiters as suggested and my machine was almost at a standstill (barely able to open the terminal to change the settings back).....   when i changed them i just for shits changed it to 80 and 03:43
bazhangno cursing _Dirk_03:44
_Dirk_i rebooted and changed the perimeters to 95, rebooted and video doesn't lag at all... my machine runs more efficently doing the opposite of what ubuntu suggested... does anyone know why?03:44
xubuntu444i am new to the xubuntu system im trying to get my netflix to work on my comp and it wont run03:45
bazhanghttp://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/   xubuntu44403:45
bazhangpatience _Dirk_03:54
_Dirk_sorry i'm used to the ubuntu room where i guess more people hang out or, something03:55
_Dirk_i'm not finding my answer on google03:55
bullgard4_Dirk_: I do not know what "permiters" are.03:56
_Dirk_parameters... spelling03:57
bullgard4_Dirk_: Still I do not understand your problem fully. Try to tell precisely what Ubuntu suggested and how you measured sluggishness.03:59
xubuntu444google suck when you are looking up something for ubuntu04:02
bullgard4xubuntu444: hahaha04:02
_Dirk_http://paste.ubuntu.com/5724975/.... the directions i followed04:03
xubuntu444because have been looking on how to get my netflix to play on my comp for 3 days and still no success to get netflix to play04:04
xubuntu444i have tried to get it to work with the compholio thing and still nothing\04:05
_Dirk_i cant get any comedy central videos to play either... youtube works does it for u?04:05
xubuntu444yeah but i dont want to watch you tube all the time04:06
xubuntu444is there another thing like netflix besides04:07
holstein_Dirk_: nothing about your swap file size or settings with make your graphics card better, or better supported, or "faster"04:08
_Dirk_ya me niether i was just asking because i'm having sorta the same problem... everything else plays but can't watch the dailyshow (SUX!!) ... ya there is crackle, hulu, a bunch04:08
holstein_Dirk_: if you have older hardware, you might not be able to do so04:08
holsteini usually try the actual google chrome browser.. not chromium.. as a troubleshooting step.. that is the only way to get the current flash in linux04:09
_Dirk_HOLSTEIN.... ya but from what i gathered it was supposed to free up some ram to allow programs to run better...04:09
holstein_Dirk_: no.. thats not the issue you are having04:10
_Dirk_linux and flash clash... HTML%04:10
_Dirk_HOLSTEIN... well i'm not sure what is going on then, but my comp is diffinatly running better... i swtched to xubuntu in hopes of getting rid of some of the lag but it didn't work...04:11
_Dirk_sorry i should have said that i switched from ubuntu to xubuntu04:12
holstein_Dirk_: xubuntu is not going to make your hardware any faster04:12
_Dirk_i was thinking a lighter distro might help04:13
holsteinxfce and lxde can use less resources, and make things seem more responsive, but it doesnt make your hardware any different04:13
holsteinxubuntu444: netflix doesnt officially support linux or ubuntu04:14
holstein!netflix | xubuntu444 this is how you do it.. and its a hack04:14
ubottuxubuntu444 this is how you do it.. and its a hack: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop04:14
_Dirk_i even debated putting puppy or Lubuntu but those are to striped down for me04:14
holstein_Dirk_: puppy is not a distro that you install.. lubuntu still has access to the repos and the normal ubuntu user base for support04:15
bazhangvideo lag wont be helped by that04:15
_Dirk_ya i figured that out by trying it... the ubuntu room suggested it04:16
holstein_Dirk_: the graphics hardware support will not be "better" by changing DE's. or distros04:16
holstein_Dirk_: how did the vesa driver work?04:16
holstein_Dirk_: i must have missed where you linked your hardware information.. what device are you using? what operation system? 13.04? 32bit?04:17
_Dirk_i didnt mess with the versa driver, if i did i don't remember doing it... give me a minute and i'll my hardware 41104:19
holstein_Dirk_: trying a different graphics driver *will* effect the issues you are trying to address. the vesa driver is a graphics driver i use, and suggest using for troubleshooting purposes04:20
_Dirk_i used wubi to install ubuntu 12.04, upgraded to 12.10 and swithced to xubuntu desktop... http://imagebin.org/25988904:21
holstein!nvidia | _Dirk_04:22
ubottu_Dirk_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:22
holstein^^ thats what i refer to04:22
_Dirk_how do i trouble shoot and go about installing that versa driver? my graphics card stopped working so i'm using my internal graphics on my motherboard which is extremely old04:22
holstein_Dirk_: as i said, the vesa driver is installed. you just configure it04:23
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x04:23
holstein^^ thats the link with a sample xorg.conf04:24
holstein_Dirk_: you are not going to be able to solve this with software though... thats likely the issue04:24
_Dirk_i'm using my optimus s sprint phone to connect to the internet so my connection speed is rediculas slow 11m/s04:24
holstein_Dirk_: what would i do? get a better graphics card at a charity shop for cheap04:24
holsteinor, i would not have expectations of running a modern operating system on older hardware.. or i would run what operating system supports the hardware04:25
_Dirk_after i paste what is says into the gnu nano File: /etc/X11/xorg.conf      ........ what do i do next.. i pressed enter but it doesn't do anything04:29
holstein_Dirk_: this is *not* going to help you.. but this is how04:29
_Dirk_which is what? which operating system do you suggest?04:30
holstein_Dirk_: you make an xorg.conf for *your* system, and put it in place at /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:30
holstein_Dirk_: whatever operating system supports that hardware04:30
holstein_Dirk_: i dont have that hardware.. but i have machines that are newer that have hardware that is not well supported in linux04:30
holsteini do not watch youtube on them.. they either dont run X, or i use them for specific tasks that work for what they can do04:31
holstein_Dirk_: you will not download any moder operating system, from anyone that will make that machine run like a new machine04:31
_Dirk_before my video card stopped working i made flash animations but i was running windows xp... i reinstalled windows and got fed up with trying to find the drivers to get sound so i made the switch to ubuntu about 3 days ago and i love it ... i'm never going back04:33
holstein_Dirk_: cool.. then, consider the other option.. i got a card at a chartiy shop for $10 us.. works great with the newer nvidia drivers i linked above04:34
_Dirk_in 2001 this machine was top of the line... why can't i just run my machine like people did in the 90's04:34
_Dirk_ten bux is pretty cheap i can swing that04:34
holstein_Dirk_: i think if you were to install windows 2000 on there, you would find the driver support great..04:35
holsteinyou *can* run your machine like folks did in the 90's.. but you wont get to the web that we have now with it, and run all the latest whizz-bang stuff04:35
amagee-ChanServ- [#xubuntu] Welcome to #xubuntu. This channel is logged. <--- where?06:54
elfyamagee: at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com06:56
amageeah cool, thanks06:57
xubuntu328so i trust xubuntu should be fine on a samsung n145 plus 10.1" ?10:18
flux242I have xubuntu 12.04 on samsung n10. It's kinda slow10:21
xubuntu328is it an atom processor with 1gb ram?10:22
xubuntu328I'll remove everything i dont need ofc10:22
flux242xubuntu328: no, you'll still have lots of crap installed10:23
flux242like you cannot remove zeitgeist without removing catfish10:24
xubuntu328this pcf will just be used to read the news, listen to music, and chat while im on the toilet10:25
cfhowlettxubuntu328, TMI ...10:25
xubuntu328I'll see if im going to try out lubuntu too10:25
xubuntu328sry :P10:25
flux242xp works better with this hw10:26
xubuntu328it came with windows 710:26
xubuntu328this n145 p10:27
flux242xubuntu328: I've written a short article about minimal xubuntu installation.10:28
xubuntu328Would you kindly msg me it? :)10:28
flux242flux242.blogspot.com Should be the second link from the beginning10:30
xubuntu328thanks alot10:31
xubuntu328Well hdd space is no problem, its the ram and cpu usage im worrying about10:44
flux242the less processes you have running the faster the system10:44
xubuntu328and more battery time10:45
flux242that's what minimal system offers10:45
flux242battery live is pretty bad with ubuntu I must say10:45
xubuntu328Yep, i took a quick a look at the guide10:46
flux242even with all the hacks I've added10:46
xubuntu328most likely will try it10:46
xubuntu328I<ve got another much better laptop, so this is just for fun :)10:47
xubuntu328and normally i use a desktop10:47
flux242win7 works approximately 1 hour longer than ubunty with the same hw.10:49
flux242simply surfing10:49
pepijn___I created a 30gb partition on my 16gb disk for Windows 8 and am now installing xubuntu with the "alongside windows 8" opeion. what will this do with regard to disk layout?12:32
pepijn___I wanted to give another 30gb to xubuntu and have the rest for files and stuff12:32
cfhowlettpepijn___, it will install ubuntu to the new partition and, ideally, create a grub menu for you to select an OS on bootup12:33
cfhowlettpepijn___, wait, what12:33
pepijn___What I hope it's *not* doing now is resizing the windows partition or puting ubuntu in a iso file12:33
cfhowlettpepijn___, you created a 30 g partition on a 16 g disk?12:33
pepijn___missed a zero ;)12:34
pepijn___cfhowlett: what is "the new partition" in this case?12:34
cfhowlettpepijn___, ok.  but you WILL need to resize your windows partition so you can use the empty partition for ubuntu.  by default, windows owns the whole HDD.12:34
pepijn___My windows install is not default, it lives on a 3gb partition currently, with the rest of the disk unalocated12:35
cfhowlettpepijn___, you really don't like 0, do you.  OK, creating a partition from unallocated space will NOT resize your windows partition.12:36
pepijn___I know, but the point is that I did not tell xubuntu what to do. It just went ahead and did something12:37
elfythen you should have used Something Else which is the manual partition setup method12:37
pepijn___so if it created a new partition in the unalocated space, all is good12:37
pepijn___if it did something bad to my windows partition, that's not good12:38
ntzrmtthihu777gonna be a noobish question, but how can you tell if your cpu is overclocked? reason I ask is I have the cpufreq-plugin on my dash and it tops out at 2.8ghz, so I'm curious if the scaling of the cpu is due to over/undeclocking or if I can still push it harder.12:38
elfyif you used 'alongside' then it will be trying shrink as far as I know12:38
elfypepijn___: ^^12:38
pepijn___ok, i'll need to fix that :(12:38
ntzrmtthihu777pepijn___: which is why wizards should be avoided XD12:38
pepijn___nah, wizards should explain what they are going to do12:38
elfypepijn___: do NOT just turn it off12:39
pepijn___I'd rather have a wizard than do teh whole arch linux thing again12:39
pepijn___elfy: no, I'll just let it do its thing and then fix everything  :/12:39
elfypepijn___: installing from something else is easy if you understand partitions :)12:39
elfypepijn___: good :)12:39
ntzrmtthihu777iirc it does, but arch *does* have a wizard, of sorts. its not like you're compiling your distro from source XD12:40
elfysorry cfhowlett - looked like I was barging in :)12:40
ntzrmtthihu777elfy: yep, I always use something else, keeps my separate $HOME partition safe12:40
pepijn___I definitelly should have clicked something else :/12:41
elfyused to be called Manual or something like that12:44
ntzrmtthihu777pepijn___: ah well, you live and learn. count this off as a lesson. you can take a cab, but they may take a longer route for a better fair. drive yourself :D12:47
cfhowlettelfy, no worries.  always glad to have a 2nd opinion12:49
* elfy too 12:49
pepijn___itactually did install in the empty space on the disk13:26
pepijn___better than expected :)13:26
pepijn___but I'd like to shrink that space and I can't boot from the usb drive anymore13:27
elfythat's not what I expect to happen if you choose install alongside - though it suits you13:27
pepijn___Üse of uninitiated value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf.pm13:29
pepijn___that's the last message when I press ESC during the spinning thing while it boots13:29
elfyyou tried again I assume?13:30
elfyno idea I'm afraid - though it's the type of thing I'd not waste time on and just redo the image on the drive13:31
* elfy is a pragmatist 13:31
pepijn___weird, on the installed system it pops up a bedcomf window13:35
pepijn___or rather it flashes and disappears again13:36
pepijn___what is a good fs type to use for sharing stuff between windows and linux?13:44
pepijn___I hope the answer is not FAT, but maybe that's still the case13:45
elfyto share between them I'd use ntfs13:45
pepijn___ok, xubuntu can write ntfs in a stable manner nowadays?13:45
pepijn___I havn't used windows in a long time, so it used to be that ntfs was read-only or at least not very stable.13:46
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
kos_tomhas the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/1055810 been fixed ?14:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1055810 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Cannot create keyboard shortcuts" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:42
kos_tomI've just switched from Xubuntu 12.04 to 13.04, and this bug is horribly annoying.14:42
bekkskos_tom: The status of the bug (as can be seen in your link) indicates it hasnt been fixed yet.14:55
kos_tomthe problem is fixed upstream by http://git.xfce.org/xfce/libxfce4ui/commit/?id=9dfbc906f89601f145557fe6846e9ad44a8e9e22 apparently14:56
kos_tomwouldn't it be possible to backport this patch into Xubuntu packages?14:56
bekkskos_tom: You could add that as a comment to the bug, so the maintainer doesnt have to search for that again once the bug is assigned.14:57
kos_tomalso, I'm affected by a strange bug14:59
kos_tomat the graphical login prompt14:59
kos_tomif I type with the internal keyboard of the laptop, I get the proper keyboard layout (i.e french azerty for me), but when I type with the USB external keyboard, I get a wrong layout (qwerty)14:59
kos_tom*however*, as soon as I've typed *one* character with the internal laptop keyboard, then the USB external keyboard has the correct layout15:00
kos_tomok, after rebuilding the libxfce4-ui package with the patch I pointed, the first problem is fixed.15:02
kos_toman idea for the second bug?15:02
kos_tombekks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/1055810/comments/1515:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1055810 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Cannot create keyboard shortcuts" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:06
bekkskos_tom: Perfect :) That saves a lot of time for the maintainer :)15:06
kos_tombekks: I've also attached the backported patch I've done.15:08
kos_tomnow, any idea for the second problem I exposed?15:08
xubuntu087I recently switched from unity to xfce4. How can I get a zoom plugin for xfce just like ccsm provides for unity?15:19
=== Phantor is now known as PhantorGorth
je_dayHi there. I am setting up small home media server with xubuntu.  What software I should install?18:09
je_dayLNCP:  Hi there. I am setting up small home media server with xubuntu.  What software I should install?18:11
LNCPje_day: Never done home media stuff before, sorry.18:12
je_dayOk thx18:12
je_dayLNCP:  do you have any idea who is the pro there?18:13
LNCPNo. You generally just wait for someone to respond instead of questioning people directly.18:14
je_dayOK, It's my first time in this type of communities so thanks you for support.18:15
pleia2je_day: it really depends on what you're trying to do :) music? movies? audio? what outputs?18:15
pleia2the folks in #ubuntu-mythtv know a lot though, they have a whole ubuntu-based distro around it (based on 12.04)18:15
pleia2that's very tv-focused though18:15
je_daypleia2:  All kind of media but mostly movies18:16
pleia2is it connected to a tv, or just a file server serving media via dlna or something?18:16
je_daysecond type18:16
pleia2I have a "media server" but all it does is serve the media, my tv has native dlna so it can see it on the network18:17
pleia2I use mediatomb18:17
pleia2it's not great, but it works18:17
je_daygot it18:18
je_dayHow do subtitles work with it?18:18
pleia2I don't know18:18
pleia2they have a channel at #mediatomb though18:19
Sysithat's just for dlna, if you want for example windows shares you'll need samba18:19
je_dayMy xubuntu setup endend and goona restart. Thx for support. Maybe i will be back.18:20
dbbhi all - I have a really dump question.. I have a VM running and the date is out of sync by 20 hours due to downtime.. the Date and Time pref says synch automatically, but its clearlynow.. when I tried ntpdate it says "no servers can be used" and exits18:21
dbbwhat to do?18:21
dbbclearly not...18:22
pleia2dbb: the ntpdate command requires you to specify a server18:22
dbbsuggestion for a server name?18:22
pleia2could use one of the ubuntu ones, like 0.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org18:23
dbbwhy is it not synching do you think?18:23
pleia2(they are 0-3)18:23
pleia2ntp is running?18:23
dbbps aux | grep ntp     perhaps18:23
dbbyeah nothing18:23
pleia2so in order for it to keep time, you need a service running that does that18:23
pleia2the most common one is ntp18:24
pleia2(that's the package name)18:24
pleia2so if you install that, you should be good :)18:24
dbbsure .. makes sense.. I naivley thought that checking the Accesories box to auto synch would take care of it all18:24
pleia2I don't really know what that does18:24
dbbtime is one of those things on Linux that is so dense that it makes me want to just skip the whole topic18:25
dbbsudo apt-get install ntp => ntp is already at the newest version18:25
pleia2so when I select "keep syncronized with internet servers" I get a warning saying ntp is not installed18:25
pleia2you need to install it18:26
dbbdidnt I just try that above?18:26
pleia2sorry, I just read that18:26
pleia2please be patient, I'm a volunteer and I'm trying to help :(18:26
pleia2so type this: service ntp start18:26
dbbI drank coffee - I am typing fast ;-)18:27
pleia2err: sudo service ntp start18:27
dbbooohhh ahhhhh18:27
dbbwhy that was not already going.. no clue.. but that appeared to do something18:27
pleia2not sure, maybe it crashed or something?18:28
dbbyeah - fyi what I do with this VM is move it back and forth with me where I go to work18:28
dbbso its off then on on differrnt VirtualBox hosts18:28
dbbok, I'll check back on it later.. thx!18:29
pleia2sure, good luck18:29
dbbXUbuntu is working really well for me.. general thx for that too18:29
xubuntu252hello guys18:32
xubuntu252im new here18:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:33
xubuntu252im about to try for the first time xubuntu18:33
xubuntu252can i install it from a flash drive instead from a cd?18:33
pleia2yes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick18:33
xubuntu252thanks a lot18:33
xubuntu252i thought i need to convert the iso into something, thanks again18:34
xubuntu795hello one last question, where can i download usb creator directly? i just installed from an old cd ubuntu 8.04 but cannot update thats why i downloaded xubuntu iso and i need to install it from a flash drive, you send me a tutorial but the only way i found to download usb creator doesnt work for me because this version is no longer supported in repositories18:44
xubuntu795in synaptic18:44
Unit193usb-creator-gtk is the real name of the application, but if it doesn't work you can use unetbootin or dd.18:48
xubuntu795thanks ill try the other two i only found how to install the first one by synaptic or ubuntu software center and i cant access none of them18:51
xubuntu795thanks a lot it finally works good luck, bye19:01
zephyrPanicking: I just attempted to install Windows 7 onto a separate partition but somehow ended up deleting my /home partition!  Could someone please help me out?  How can I restore that partition and its data?19:30
Unit193Well, testdisk is what I'd run to for that.19:32
zephyrUnit193, run it to analyze for lost partitions?19:34
Unit193See if you can get anything out of it, yeah.  There are other options too I'd think, but prepare to be lost.19:35
zephyrugh.  So frustrating.  All my family's baby photos and videos were on there.19:35
Unit193Ouch, yeah...19:36
zephyrI just told Windows to delete a blank partition for its own installation; it cleared the entire disk, not just the partition.19:36
th0rzephyr: did windows complete the installation?19:37
zephyrth0r, no.  As soon as I saw that huge chunk of "unallocated space" I backed out of the install.19:37
zephyrIt didn't write anything to the disk19:37
zephyrAnd I never formatted or created new partitions over it.19:38
Unit193zephyr: Seems like testdisk has a higher shot, then.19:42
zephyrI have testdisk running a scan; hopefully the right one.19:44
contrapunctusHey folks. I tried running some programs using 'xfce4-terminal -e program1 -H --tab -e program2 -H'. However, when I close any of those programs, I don't get the...'input prompt'? i.e. I want to be able to hit the up arrow key and enter the same command again, but am not allowed to do that. Please help...20:17
Sysitry: -e bash programname20:19
contrapunctusSysi - Same :(20:22
zephyrSo, I'm using testdisk to attempt to recover a couple accidentally deleted partitions.  However, the partition I'm most concerned with has been listed a LOT of times, all with different start, end, and size values.  Where  do I go from here?21:56
=== psycho_oreos is now known as tuxsavvy
halawanyplease i have installed an application then i couldnt find it tell me how to find it23:17
Unit193What one?23:18
Unit193That's not a graphical program23:19
halawanyok how to run it23:20
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:22
halawanyok whats the command shoul i use to run it23:26
Unit193http://manpages.ubuntu.com/aircrack-ng Could try reading the options here.23:27
halawanythanks bro i will read the topic thanks for help :)23:29
knomehaydenbbickerton, test not working. missing support question. exiting. beep.23:52
haydenbbickerton*computer explodes*23:53

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