
LarsNI'm trying to get started with JuJu after watching Antonio's presentation at Texas Linux Fest.00:48
LarsNwhen I follow the getting started guide https://juju.ubuntu.com/get-started/hp-cloud/00:49
LarsNwhen I attempt to :~# juju bootstrap00:49
LarsNI get the error:  2013-06-03 00:41:35,702 ERROR Unexpected 405: '{"message": {"response" : "Not Allowed" }}'00:50
LarsNnot being a yaml guy, would I need to escape special characters encapsulated inside " " ?00:50
davecheneyLarsN: which special characters are you talking about ?01:34
LarsN! as an example.01:34
davecheneyi'm guessing that is part of a password ... ?01:35
davecheneyi prefer to pass my creds via the envirment01:35
davecheneyso export OS_USERNAME=...01:35
davecheneyrather than hard coding them in my environments.yaml01:35
davecheneythat will also probably avoid encoding issues01:36
LarsNso in the environments.yaml (since I'm already doing the exports) is it a simple password: $OS_PASSWORD01:36
LarsNor something similar?01:36
LarsNI really should sit down and read a quick start on yaml.01:37
davecheneyI reckon "!&#$#%" < is how you escape strings in yaml01:37
davecheneyno, actually it's '01:38
LarsNsingle quote.  that makes sense.01:38
LarsNI don't know why I didn't just try that.01:38
LarsNThanks davecheney01:38
AskUbuntujuju wordpress deploy using lxc | http://askubuntu.com/q/30337601:46
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jcastrom_3: fyi you're on review this week14:58
jcastronegronjl: you're on next week!14:58
m_3jcastro: ack... thanks15:01
negronjljcastro: ack15:15
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jamespageadam_g, I landed all of the MP's you raised for OpenStack charms16:51
jamespageall looks good to me16:51
jamespagem_3, ^^ adam_g will be reviewing the outstanding openstack charm related MP's16:51
jamespageI think they had more testing this cycle than in any other :-)16:52
m_3jamespage: awesome... thanks!16:56
adam_gjamespage, cool. will merge yours today. was gonna wait till you were back so they all get in together/one the same day17:08
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sinzuicharmers, does anyone have time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charms/precise/mongodb/restore-from-dump/+merge/16540818:03
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arosalesm_3, are you on point for charm reviews this week?19:16
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m_3arosales: yeah, I'm on the queue20:11
avoinem_3: fyi, I know I have added/removed then re-added Gunicorn but this time it is ready for real :P20:42
avoineto the queue20:42
m_3avoine: ok, great!20:45
arosalesm_3, did sinzui also sync up with you on the mongdb merge?20:47
arosalesre https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/charms/precise/mongodb/restore-from-dump/+merge/16540820:47
sinzuino yet20:47
m_3arosales: I saw it in the queue20:48
arosalesm_3, ah thanks. I think sinzui was just making sure someone knew it was there, which it sounds like you do.20:49
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