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shadeslayerhi, I'm trying to use a private PPA in a pbuilder but I get : W: Failed to fetch https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-amd64/Packages04:07
StevenKHas that PPA had anything uploaded/copied to saucy?04:09
shadeslayerI can access https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-amd64/Packages via the browser just fine04:16
StevenKshadeslayer: Does your pbuilder use the username and password (that your browser probably remembers)?04:17
shadeslayerthis is what I have : deb https://rohangarg:myhash@private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu saucy main04:18
shadeslayerand if I paste https://rohangarg:myhash@private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu into the browser, it works as well04:18
StevenKAnd apt-transport-https is installed in the pbuilder?04:19
StevenKshadeslayer: There's some debug option involving acquire, let me see04:20
wgrantshadeslayer: Try installing ca-certificates04:23
wgrantIn the pbuilder04:23
shadeslayerthat does the trick04:23
shadeslayercan we get apt-transport-https to recommend that?04:23
wgrantshadeslayer: infinity was looking at a proper solution last week04:25
wgrantNot sure what ended up happening04:25
shadeslayeroh okay04:25
shadeslayerwgrant: what would  be a more proper solution? :P04:26
wgrantProbably recommending ca-certificates04:26
wgrantBut not sure yet04:26
CoreyHere in .us time, everyone's asleep, any of the .eu folk in early? :-)05:31
CoreyPushing a package to a PPA, MOST succeeded except for one: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/141529729/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-i386.salt_0.15.3-1quantal_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz05:31
CoreyThat.. looks like a build system error, rather than something code based.05:31
StevenKIt does, yes05:31
Corey(I have the same thing pushed to four releases, that's the only one that failed).05:32
StevenKCorey: Link me the build, rather than the log?05:32
CoreyNot sure if that should be reported or ignored.05:32
CoreyStevenK: Sure.05:32
CoreyStevenK: https://launchpad.net/~saltstack/+archive/salt-depends/+build/463737305:32
Corey(We build on salt-depends, once that's done we coordinate a multi-platform release by pushing to the stable PPA)05:33
CoreyStevenK: The "retry this build" that I see on that page is how I'd fix this, presumably?05:34
StevenKCorey: I've already so05:34
CoreyStevenK: Oh, thanks. :-)05:35
StevenKAnd the same buildd picked it up, which I was hoping to avoid05:35
wgrantStevenK: Manual it05:35
wgrantIt's been failing builds for 8 hours05:35
CoreyStevenK: I'd blame code except that the other three releases completed successfully.05:35
StevenKwgrant: Manualed05:35
StevenKCorey: Yes, the builder itself is having a sad.05:35
CoreyAhh, k.05:35
CoreyFor what it's worth, thanks for providing the service. It's appreciated.05:36
Corey(Just got another failed email)05:36
* StevenK gives it back a second time, glaring at chindi1105:36
CoreySomeone with infra access able to fail that node out of the cluster?05:36
StevenKHopefully elnath is having a good day05:36
StevenKCorey: I've kicked it out already05:36
CoreyOh, sweet.05:37
CoreyStevenK: You guys ever do a public blog post / talk about how the launchpad build system works under the hood?05:39
StevenKLots of duct tape.05:40
CoreyThe idea behind it is intriguing. :-)05:40
Corey(I'm not a developer by any stretch of the imagination, just an ops guy who found there was nobody else to build packages, so I'm more interested in the high level overview.)05:41
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lifelessCorey: its a wrapper for sbuild06:44
lifelessCorey: with a twisted scheduler and a thin shim for provisioning machines06:44
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odonyHi everyone, how coulw we solve a persistent timeout on the +activereviews page on our trunk branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp/openobject-addons/trunk/+activereviews   /cc wgrant09:15
odonye.g. oops id OOPS-9f534a33a10ce1f888d0e89f63e268a409:16
wgrantodony: You seem to have more than 600 open merges proposed into that branch09:19
wgrantIs that intentional?09:19
odonyyes and no... we'd like to process that huge backlog, but those open merges are unfortunately valid09:20
wgrantWe're unnecessarily loading the diffstat for each MP diff on that page, which usually isn't a problem, but it might be for some of your branches.09:21
odonythe thing is, trunk accumulates unprocessed merges over the years, while the stable branches are better under control09:21
odonyah, some of the mp could have incorrect target branches indeed, which could cause overly large diffstats09:22
odonyhard to say which, though09:22
odonyif there are, that should only be the odd case09:22
odonynote that we are able to access the list of merge proposals through the API without timeout, we I'd hate to have to build our own frontend for launchpad ;-)09:23
odonys/we I'd/I'd/09:23
odonywgrant: if you have a way to identify a few bad merges in the list I can quickly process them, if there's a chance this can bring the rendering time under the timeout09:26
wgrantodony: I'm investigating.09:30
wgrantodony: You have a few MPs with diffstats measuring the megabytes!09:32
wgrantOh no, misread09:32
wgrantJust hundreds of kilobytes09:32
wgrantSo that's possibly not the problem.09:33
odonywgrant: thanks for taking the time to look into it!09:34
wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/~credativ/openobject-addons/6.1-lp-1033731/+merge/158120 is fairly impressive09:34
odonyhmm, just the name suggests that it's based on the 6.1 series, so probably a wrong target, let me check09:34
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wgranthttps://code.launchpad.net/~openerp/openobject-addons/6.0/+merge/146074 and https://code.launchpad.net/~rr.clearcorp/openobject-addons/6.1-account_asset/+merge/164813 are some other winners09:39
odonywgrant: indeed, that one was a wrong target, just closed it (1.7 million lines, nice diffstat indeed)09:39
odonyclosed it, let me see these orther ones09:39
wgrantHopefully getting them off the list will quickly improve that page enough until we fix it properly.09:39
odonylet's try it :-)09:39
odonywgrant: ok I closed those 3, still getting timeout apparently. Any other with a 6.0-, 6.1- or 7.0- name prefix (or any diff with more than, say, 10k lines) that I could quickly reject?09:45
wgrantodony: https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-dev/openobject-addons/7.0-bug-1088833-nco/+merge/144434 is the only other really big one.09:47
odonywgrant: thanks. BTW we're trying to dedicate a few resources to process all those merges, so hopefully we'll offload trunk soon09:48
odonywgrant: got rid of that last one as well, but still timing out I think :-(09:51
* wgrant gets a bigger hammer09:51
* odony gets out of the way ;-)09:51
wgrantodony: smash09:58
wgrantIt should work now09:58
wgrantSlow, but working09:58
odonywgrant: woo, thanks a lot!09:58
odonywgrant: what was that last piece of magic (or ironwork), if I may ask? ;-)09:58
wgrantI'll file a bug and we can hopefully work out why it's taking so long09:59
wgrantodony: Um...09:59
wgrantIncreasing the timeout :)09:59
odonywgrant: oooh I see... is that the global LP timeout or just that of the activereviews page?09:59
wgrantJust the activereviews page10:00
wgrantIt was previously on the global default10:00
odonyodony: *phew*, I was afraid we had caused the global default to be bumped up10:01
wgrantNah, I might not do that so lightly10:01
odonythought so!10:01
odonystill, we'll get to work right away to process this huge list, thanks so much for you help!10:02
wgrantAnyway, that page was only designed to show up to a couple of hundred, but it still shouldn't be as slow as it is. Will hopefully work out what's wrong with it in the next couple of weeks and fix it.10:02
odonywgrant: great, and if you ever need anyone to create a mess of unprocessed thingies on LP (e.g. for stress-testing), just give a call ;-)10:03
wgrantodony: Bug #118694110:10
ubot5bug 1186941 in Launchpad itself "+activereviews times out showing hundreds of merge proposals" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118694110:10
odonywgrant: thanks again! subscribing to it right now10:11
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ggherdovHi all. say I want to know all packages provided by this PPA, and their version: https://launchpad.net/~mercurial-ppa  how to ?16:11
dobeyggherdov: that's not a ppa, that's a team. and it has several PPAs16:14
dobeyggherdov: so you'll have to click on the PPA listed on that page that you want more info on. If you want info on all of them at once, you could perhaps use the Launchpad API and write a script to get all the data, but it's probably not all that useful to do so16:15
ggherdovdobey: ok thanks for the clarification. So, when I did "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mercurial-ppa/releases" on my system, which one of those PPAs did I add ?16:18
ggherdovah releases probably..16:19
ggherdovand: how to list all packages offered in it ?16:19
ggherdovok it must be this https://launchpad.net/~mercurial-ppa/+archive/releases#yui_3_9_1_1_1370276653786_79 sorry for the noise16:24
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