
dholbachgood morning07:16
philipballewmorning dholbach , hope all is well.07:18
dholbachhi philipballew07:20
dholbachhow are you?07:21
philipballewdholbach, hella good. Was in Texas all week, and then flex back this morning into sfo and drove around the city for a while. I listened to your new mix you put out and liked it.07:22
dholbachgreat :)07:26
* philipballew ment flew07:26
philipballewdholbach, hope you have a good day.07:26
* philipballew wonders off to nothing all night07:27
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachI love to hear comments about the music :)07:28
philipballewdholbach, it's always to know you did not waste your time and others like it.07:30
dholbachyeah, even if it's new recommendations or "hey, you could have tried this instead"07:30
philipballewdholbach, good point. As long as the criticism is constructive, it's great to get.07:31
dholbachdpm, got time for a quick call?08:15
dpmdholbach, sure, give me a minute08:15
dholbachdpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/5e22689dfa79b25c612adb6f793892a4958eee8e?hl=de08:15
dpmdholbach, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Collection (in case you closed the hangout window)08:26
dholbachthanks dpm08:26
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=== dholbacj is now known as dholbach
jcastrobah I missed phil13:25
jcastroI wonder how texas linuxfest went13:26
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dholbachhey jono13:55
jonohey dholbach13:57
dholbachhow are you doing?13:57
jonodholbach, good thanks, you?13:58
dholbachdoing well, thanks13:58
dholbachballoons, hey Nick - how are you doing?15:36
dholbachballoons, do you think you could remind me where you keep your contribution stats scripts again? :-)15:36
balloonsnot too bad for a monday.. things are starting to look up :-p15:36
balloonsthey hang out in my +junk.. https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/+junk/contribtrack15:37
dholbachgreat, thanks15:37
balloonslet me know if you need any help or something breaks with it15:45
dholbachwill do15:47
dholbachballoons, does it always re-checkout the whole branch?15:52
balloonsdholbach, that was a hack I did in order to deal with something.. I don't remember what.. ohh, I think it was bzr pull didn't always work for some reason15:53
balloonsso yes :-) probably worth properly fixing15:54
dholbachballoons, no worries, I'll check out the code and see what's happening :)15:54
dholbachmight even come up with a merge proposal :)15:54
elfyhi balloons dholbach15:54
dholbachhey elfy15:54
elfydholbach: what should people do if they find issues with the community website now? bug? tell someone?15:54
balloonsman, I forgot that was in there still.. that was ike from v 0.1 ;-p15:54
balloonselfy, file a bug :-p15:55
elfyI didn't find it :)15:55
balloonsohh.. there's no nice link at the bottom :-(15:55
mhall119elfy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-website15:55
dholbachelfy, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-website/+filebug15:56
elfybut it might be on the way to being done anyway15:56
elfynot had time to look again today15:56
elfybeen done :)15:57
elfycracking - hope everyone had a good weekend15:58
elfymhall119: I Assume that category on discourse was what you were after?15:58
mhall119elfy: yes, what's there now is perfect16:01
jonodpm, dholbach, jcastr, balloons, mhall119 will be two mins16:02
jonocall ran over that jcastro and I were on16:02
jonowe will be there soon16:02
jonodpm, dholbach, jcastr, balloons, mhall119 hangout died16:23
dholbachjono, we're still in there - need the link?16:23
dholbachjono, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/83840c5d2f72ca31fd5a106ff49167c4b6603b9516:23
dholbachah, there you are16:24
dholbachballoons, the script is still running!16:59
dholbachanyway, let's chat tomorrow16:59
balloonsdholbach, :-) It should update on progress?16:59
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
philipballewchilicuil, around?19:54
jcastrojono: I am in the hangout20:03
jcastrophilipballew: oh hey man20:03
jcastroI am about to get in to a call20:03
jcastrobut how was texas linuxfest?20:03
philipballewjcastro, hella good. Both mine and Anthony's talks were packed and got lots of people asking about the new Ubuntu features and stuff.20:04
jonojcastro, which hangout?20:04
philipballewabout 700 people seemed to be there.20:05
jonojcastro, ahh damn20:05
jcastrojono: we have our call @ the top of the hour20:05
jcastrono worries20:05
jcastrowas just lamenting this new megadeth song20:05
bkerensagood afternoon20:16
SergioMenesesbkerensa, \o20:22
bkerensaSergioMeneses: \o20:23
SergioMenesesbkerensa, how's everything ?20:25
bkerensaSergioMeneses: Great just downloading updates for my Keon and catching up on the e-mails :D20:26
SergioMenesesbkerensa, sounds kinda fun20:27
jonojcastro, hey21:26
jonocan you reddit http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/06/03/smart-scopes-update/ ?21:26
dakermhall119: take a look at this http://www.noupe.com/mobile-web-2/fries-free-framework-for-developing-android-apps-using-html-css-and-javascript-77102.html21:27
mhall119daker: interesting21:28
dakermhall119: here is the demo http://jaunesarmiento.me/fries/21:28
mhall119daker: looks nice, I especially like the animations for new pages21:33
dakermhall119: css3! this can now be easily done21:33
jonomhall119, would you mind redditing http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/06/03/smart-scopes-update/ ?21:41
mhall119jono: sure thing21:43
mhall119which subreddit?21:43
mhall119jono: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1flxr6/an_update_on_the_new_smart_scopes_for_unity/21:45
jonothanks mhall11921:45
jcastromissed it21:52
jcastrobut upvoted it!21:52
JoseeAntonioRjono: still around?21:59
jonoJoseeAntonioR, yep22:05
JoseeAntonioRjono: just wanted to let you know we now have AirBot up and running, it'll help you with questions on the Q&As, works the same as classbot (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/ClassBot)22:06
jonomhall119, around?23:50
mhall119jono: yeah, what's up?23:51
jonomhall119, can you make me an admin on the app devel community on G+?23:51
jonoI want to do some growth23:51
jonoget more folks joining up :-)23:52
mhall119jono: done23:52
jonothanks mhall11923:52
mhall1192631 members not enough? :)23:52
jonomhall119, nope :-)23:54
SergioMenesesjcastro, around?23:56
SergioMenesesjono, mhall119 \o23:56
jonoSergioMeneses, yep23:56
SergioMenesesjono, mhall119 jcastro look in the juju video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax5Un_Zxj5A there is not sound after the minute 1:27, only me?23:58
SergioMenesesplease check it23:58
jonoSergioMeneses, yeah, I get that too23:59
jonojcastro, ^23:59
SergioMenesesjono, thanks for your help23:59

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