
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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pittiGood morning04:45
darkxstpitti, hi04:49
pittihey darkxst, how are you?04:49
darkxstgood, although had a really wet weekend here!04:49
pittiheh, here too (and the week before)04:50
darkxstwe had 100mm rain04:50
darkxstpitti, so the journald stuff in gnome-session, is completely harmless, right?04:55
mlankhorstah weekend was dry here, really great :)04:56
pittidarkxst: I don't know -- but we don't ship the systemd journal bits right now05:03
darkxstpitti, it calls sd_journal_send, which seems to exist, but I am guessing that the messages just don't go anywhere?05:05
pittidarkxst: ah right, libsystemd-journal does exist; I hope that has some syslog() fallback05:06
darkxstpitti, I do not see the messages end up in syslog05:12
pittidarkxst: ah, this only adds some messages, not replace some syslog() (or even g_error) with journald, so it looks harmless to me05:17
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darkxstpitti, any thoughts on what should be done with locking (delay inhibitors) under unity?06:19
darkxstpitti, I could just revert the explicit locking in g-s-d for unity only? or should it be done properly from unity or indicator-session or something?06:28
pittidarkxst: you mean whether or not the screensaver should lock after suspend?06:31
pittiI thought I fixed that already (but in g-s-d/g-screensaver, not in unity)06:31
darkxstpitti, oh right, it wasnt working when I tested it, maybe we are missing some patch in the ppa06:36
pittidarkxst: I did that in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/3.6.1-0ubuntu5, to mirror gnome-shell's behaviour06:37
pittiso that g-s-d can be the same, and g-shell or g-screensaver do the locking06:37
pittidarkxst: I already reverted the explicit locking in g-s-d in saucy after that06:38
pittiin 3.6.4-0ubuntu1006:38
darkxstpitti, right, i see, so its really just a case of bringing back to the setting to g-c-c 3.806:49
jibelgood morning07:03
didrockssalut jibel, bon week-end?07:04
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ?07:04
didrockspitti: bonjour! ça va bien, et toi?07:04
jibelbonjour didrocks, le w.e. a été bon merci, et toi ?07:07
jibelbonjour pitti !07:07
pittididrocks: ça va bien aussie, nous avons eu un long week-end, mais il y avait beaucoup de pluie :/07:07
pittiwe went to the Alps for hiking and enjoyed some massages/sauna/whirlpool :)07:08
didrockspitti: oh, ça semble sympa. Dommage pour le temps :(07:10
didrocksje suis allé à Paris ce week-end pour un mariage, pas mal marché dans Paris (les buttes chaumond) mais au retour un peu fatigué en fait ;)07:10
didrocksJulie et moi étaient comme des loques hier soir07:11
didrocksau moins, on a eu du soleil (comme aujourd'hui à Lyon)07:11
pittididrocks: "les buttes chaumond"?07:14
didrockschaumont* en fait07:15
didrockspitti: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parc_des_Buttes-Chaumont07:15
pittithe Chaumond hills?07:15
seb128hey desktopers07:29
pittibonjour seb128, comment vas-tu ?07:29
seb128pitti, salut, ça va bien, et toi, ton long weekend était bien ?07:29
didrockssalut seb128!07:29
pittiseb128: oui, mais nous avons eu beaucoup de pluie07:30
pittiseb128: but we went hiking anyway, with good clothing :)07:30
seb128didrocks, lut ;-)07:30
pittiseb128: whirlpool, sauna, and massages were a good compensation in the afternoon, and the food there was just awesome07:30
seb128that looks like a nice program ;-)07:31
sil2100didrocks, seb128: I might be a bit less responsive this morning today, as a new month started and I will have to visit a few local authorities as always regarding taxes ;)07:31
didrockshey sil2100, how are you?07:31
seb128hey sil210007:32
sil2100Should be done real soon!07:32
didrockssil2100: ok, will you still be able to switch 100scopes to saucy distro today? :)07:32
sil2100didrocks: of course! It's just a matter of driving out somewhere for a moment07:32
didrockssil2100: great, ttyl! :)07:33
seb128Laney, good morning!08:00
Laneyhey seb12808:02
Laneygood weekend?08:02
didrockshey Laney! yeah, nice week-end, yourself?08:04
Laneysun and beer :-)08:04
Laney(and a bit of fixing libreoffice)08:04
didrockssounds a nice one then! :)08:04
Laney(but let's not talk about that :P)08:04
mlankhorstcareful, if you say libreoffice 3x, Sweetsha1k will appear in front of you08:05
Laneysounds like a nice teleportation device08:05
mlankhorstyeah but it requires an unholy mirror08:06
mlankhorstdid you bike btw this weekend?08:06
Laneyyep, probably 30 miles or so08:06
Laneygetting used to the shoes finally08:06
mlankhorstI only did 32 km here on sunday, but I also did some horseback riding outdoors.08:07
Laneyyou had nice weather too?08:08
mlankhorstYeah, the stables were 16 km away. The weather was so nice it felt like a crime to take the car, which is why I biked. :-)08:09
LaneyI hope it's still nice at 6pm tonight ;-)08:10
mlankhorstme too08:11
dpmgood mornint all08:28
dpmmorning pitti, I've got a question about apport and errors.u.c, I was wondering if you could help me. Why can I see apport crash reports for qreator, but no bugs reported against the package?08:29
dpmi.e. https://errors.ubuntu.com/?package=qreator&period=year08:29
dpmbut no bugs in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qreator08:30
dpmis it because the package is in extras?08:30
pittidpm: we don't usually file upstream bugs from apport08:30
pittidpm: if the package ships an apport hook to say that it should file those, it will, but I guess it doesn't08:30
pittidpm: also, we haven't enabled ubuntu LP crashes for saucy yet (they just go to errors.u.c.)08:31
dpmpitti, it doesn't, but I'd be interested to write one. Is there any documentation on how to write such an apport hook to file upstream bugs?08:32
pittidpm: yes, in /usr/share/doc/apport/package-hooks.txt.gz08:32
pitti"Customize the crash DB to use"08:32
pittidpm: /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_linux-nexus7.py is an example08:33
dpmpitti, excellent, thanks. On a more general note: if there is no apport bug, how does the reporting to errors.u.c work right now? Say qreator crashes in precise. I guess the user gets a pop up, they press submit and then the traceback is sent to errors.u.c?08:34
dpmargh, s/bug/hook/08:34
pittidpm: correct08:34
dpmpitti, gotcha. You said apport does not file bugs against the upstream project, but is it supposed to file a bug against the package?08:36
pittidpm: with the hook it will file bugs against upstream08:37
pittidpm: we cannot file them against packages, as that isn't in ubuntu08:42
dpmpitti, what's not in Ubuntu?08:42
pittidpm: didn't you say "the package is in extras"?08:43
dpmpitti, ah, yeah, that was the original question. That makes it clear. But on a generic note, if the package were in universe, would it be possible to file the bug against the package? And what's the policy for packages in Ubuntu, do we file bugs automatically against packages if there isn't an apport hook, or do they get sent to errors.u.c?08:45
Laneyhow do I make ps-jenkins re-run CI on a MP?08:50
pittidpm: yes, as soon as it's in ubuntu proper, the bugs against ubuntu would be created08:55
pittidpm: (sorry, talking in mumble, too)08:55
pittidpm: they always get sent to errors, and if it's an ubuntu package also to LP as distro bugs08:56
pittidpm: but we haven't enabled the latter yet (we disable it for stable releases)08:56
dpmpitti, no worries, thanks for taking the time to answer :)08:58
xclaessericotz, cool the problem when configuring the kernel is fixed :)10:02
xclaessethe missing libpango something error10:02
xclaesseseb128, there is a problem with gedit in gnome3 raring ppa: some plugins does not load because it does not have the python loader10:03
seb128xclaesse, talk to ricotz or jbicha or darkxst, they maintain the ppa packages10:03
xclaesseseb128, ok :)10:04
ricotzxclaesse, the gedit and gedit-plugins packages are copies from saucy10:10
pittididrocks: ah, still remember? bug 118559210:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1185592 in systemd (Ubuntu) "pam_systemd not enabled in saucy upgrade" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118559210:44
pittididrocks: did you happen to file a bug about this already?10:44
pittis/already/back then/10:44
pittiISTR that you did, but I cannot find it in my awesome bar10:44
ricotzseb128, hi, please take a look at https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/staging/+sourcepub/3235257/+listing-archive-extra and maybe even sponsor it10:44
ricotzpitti, hi, this might be something sru worthy https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3/+sourcepub/3240848/+listing-archive-extra10:48
Laneyi do wish you'd use the sponsor queue instead of pinging people10:48
pittiI thought that was uploaded to -proposed already10:51
pittiit was, see the referenced bug10:51
ricotzpitti, ah no, this is 3.8.2 with the ubuntu patch10:53
Laneyhmm, where's the e.u.c bucket for that?10:54
Laneyshould probably verify it10:54
asacsound setting sdoesnt display the camera name anymore ... it shows the device ID10:58
asachmm ... and gnome-screenshot always is black :) (guess because i use a dock?)10:59
pittiI use a dock too, and g-screenshot works10:59
asacseb128: ^^ known?10:59
asacthats the screenshot i took from my sound settings dialog :)10:59
asacis there anything important in the /org/gnome dconf hierarchY?11:03
asaclike data that i rather dont want to loose?11:04
asacsweems it works if i log in while its docked11:05
asaclet me see if it breaks if i log in while its undocked and dock later11:05
asac reproducibe :) ... docked: screenshot sorks, undock + screenshot works, suspend, put on the dock, unsuspend, screenshot does not work11:07
asacguess its still tryuing to screenshot the internal screen11:07
asaclet me see without suspending11:07
seb128asac, not known no11:27
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didrockspitti: I think you mean bug #1176910, isn't it?11:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1176910 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam-auth-update can fail during raring -> saucy upgrade leading you to a broken session" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117691011:39
asacseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screenshot/+bug/118696111:44
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1186961 in gnome-screenshot (Ubuntu) "gnome screenshot gets confused when dock while suspended" [Undecided,New]11:44
pittiright, thanks11:47
asacseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-online-accounts/+bug/118696311:47
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1186963 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "online account needs attention dialog does not open online account settings dialog" [Undecided,New]11:47
seb128asac, for the second one can you post a screenshot of the dialog?11:57
seb128asac, is that facebook?11:57
seb128asac, it could be due to https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/44922182517139211:57
asacseb128: not sure... if it pops up again i can do that.11:58
asaci think this dialog is not facebook specific11:58
asacso i think the bug applies whenever you have a problem with online accounts... can be wrong though11:58
asacseb128: its two google/gmail accounts having troubles.11:59
asaclet me wait till i see the dialog again11:59
asacoh i have it :)11:59
asacit was in the background11:59
asacoh no :)11:59
asaci clicked it:)12:00
asaclet me see12:00
asacseb128: attached12:03
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Laneychrisccoulson: Just remembered - found out you can buy AB:13 to take away from the bars. It's cheaper *and* you get a free cool looking Abstrakt glass!13:59
* Laney is happy now14:00
czajkowskiLaney: awww14:00
Laneylooks like https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7168/6743975937_a1a8c3c4fa.jpg14:00
Laney(as if you'd be able / want to drink that much at once :P)14:01
czajkowskiLaney: went to the Guildford beer festival on Friday night, not a big beer drinker but they had some yummy ciders there14:03
Laneyczajkowski: yay!14:03
czajkowskialthough one just smelled nice but didnt taste great, toffee cider!14:03
Laneywe'll have you joining camra in no time14:03
czajkowskiLaney: the other half is :)14:05
czajkowskiI just go for the ciders!14:05
czajkowskilovely blackcurrent one!14:05
Laneyfriend went to one in Northampton at the weekend that had a gin tent :o14:05
czajkowskithe Farnham one was a few weeks ago, that is MASSIVE! and requires people getting up at 4am to queue to get tickets which are 10 quid14:06
czajkowskiguildford one is 9 quid, and 5 back if you're a camra member14:06
Laneycant you buy them in advance?14:07
czajkowskiguildford ones online14:07
czajkowskinot the farnham one, the other half and  popey queued this year tonget the tickts for about 10 people, they rotate the queuing :)14:08
czajkowskiit's a 3 day event14:08
czajkowskiit's MASSIVE14:08
Laneynottm's one is huge14:08
Laneythey had 1000 beers last year14:08
chrisccoulsonLaney, excellent. Unfortunately, going to a bar means a trip in to birmingham for me ;)14:08
chrisccoulsonwhich is a deal breaker14:08
Laneyunfortunately and birmingham sounds quite right to me14:08
seb128chrisccoulson, you really hate Birmingham :p14:09
czajkowskiseb128: you would too if you could understand a word they said14:09
czajkowskibaffling accent!14:09
chrisccoulsonseb128, if i drive in to birmingham, there's roughly a 170% chance that somebody will drive in to my car whilst trying to park badly on the side of the street14:10
chrisccoulsonok, i made that figure up ;)14:10
Laneytry visiting new street station one day14:10
seb128czajkowski, I've been there once, it was alright, they even have sand and chairs outside with wifi in summer!14:10
czajkowskichrisccoulson: I came back from LRL one year on a bus back to birmingham airport, and a rock was thrown on the bus smashed screen had to pull in and get another bus to bring us14:10
chrisccoulsonczajkowski, ouch, that doesn't surprise me at all14:10
Laneythat once happened to our school bus14:11
Laneywas quite exciting at the time14:11
czajkowskinot happy with a massive headache from LRL and dashing back to aiport, got back ok though :)14:11
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czajkowskidekstop folks I need your help, when I change my background image on my desktop I select a background colour to go with an image, now no matter what colour I pick it ends up being back. easy way to see this is look at the images in https://plus.google.com/photos/102921374554385564572/albums/582878041973383768114:29
czajkowskisomething is over riding the background colour14:30
mlankhorstczajkowski: does it work if you set background to none?14:31
czajkowskimlankhorst: how would I do that ?14:32
mlankhorstchange it to color and gradients14:34
czajkowskihmm no option to do so14:35
mlankhorstshould be when you click 'wallpapers'14:37
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czajkowskihmm nope.14:38
czajkowskino biggie figure it must have broken some how14:39
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Laneyhmm, why is that broken?14:46
Laneymlankhorst: does it work for you?14:46
mlankhorstworksforme, afaict14:48
mlankhorstI'd need to know exact release + gpu + driver to say for sure14:48
LaneyI bet it's nautilus/compiz14:48
mlankhorstprobably compiz14:49
mlankhorsthm no compiz doesn't draw the bg14:49
seb128nautilus draws the background, likely a bug in nautilus 3.6 (I think I saw that on launchpad during the raring cycle)14:56
LaneyI remember some theme fix for 3.814:57
mitya57some recent ubuntu-themes upload should have fixed that15:04
mitya57ah, no, it still needs another fix on compiz side15:05
seb128on compiz?15:07
seb128we also don't have nautilus 3.8 in Ubuntu, it's just in the ppa so far15:07
Laneywasn't it?15:07
mitya57there is a patch for compiz in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/1159430/comments/1615:08
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1159430 in Ubuntu GNOME "Nautilus 3.7.92 breaks desktop background on Unity" [Low,Confirmed]15:08
seb128was it broken in raring?15:08
mitya57(if we are talking about the same issue)15:08
mitya57It is broken for raring-with-ppa users I suppose15:09
seb128mitya57, no, we are not, czajkowski has an issue that if you have a background image which is not fullscreen, the color on the empty areas doesn't follow the selected color in the appareance capplet15:10
Laneyit doesn't change at all for me if I select colours and gradients15:11
mitya57ok, just both issues match "nautilus draws the background" and "some theme fix" keywords...15:11
czajkowskiseb128: bingo15:11
seb128but afaik that was broken in raring as well, I think I remember reading a bug/noticing before release15:11
seb128likely a nautilus 3.6 issue15:12
seb128it never made it high on my list of issues to look at though, I didn't know anyone was using that color15:12
czajkowskiseb128: may have stopped abut 9 weeks ago as that was the last night I didnt have a black border around my image.15:13
czajkowskinot a biggie15:13
dobeyseb128: pretty sure it's broken in raring too.15:16
* Laney builds le glib15:30
Laneydesrt: so I made a libglib2.0-tests package which has /usr/share/installed-tests and /usr/lib/glib2.0/installed-tests15:34
Laneyis that what you had in mind?15:34
sil2100kenvandine: ping!15:38
kenvandinesil2100: pong15:38
sil2100kenvandine: did you see webcreds latest daily-release run? It seems there have been some build failures and the stack didn't publish15:39
sil2100kenvandine: is that a known issue? Could you take a look?15:39
kenvandineit is known15:39
kenvandinei spent my friday fighting that15:40
kenvandinedue to the switch to saucy15:40
kenvandinebuild failures because of toolchain changes15:40
kenvandinesil2100: it's quite a mess... i'm working on it15:41
sil2100kenvandine: ok, thanks ;)15:42
kenvandinejdstrand, could you please comment on bug 1180297 on the proposed workaround for facebook login with http?15:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1180297 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "Opening facebook "Success" page in external browser" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118029715:59
kenvandinejdstrand, i suspect you don't approve of that, but it really sucks that it's broken for so many people right now16:00
kenvandinejdstrand, there are branches proposed that lets it allow http16:00
mhr3larsu, ping?16:01
larsumhr3: hey16:01
mhr3larsu, hey, how is it going?16:02
larsugood, thanks :) And yourself?16:02
jasoncwarnermorning everyone16:02
kenvandinegood morning jasoncwarner16:02
mhr3larsu, good, returned from holiday last week so well relaxed :)16:03
jasoncwarnermorning kenvandine hope your back is doing better!16:03
kenvandinejasoncwarner, much :)16:03
ritz__cyphermox hi, any updates from ubuntu security on lp#1116317 ?16:03
mhr3larsu, anyway, weren't indicators at some point using keyfiles in a way where you could have multiple sections of something?16:03
mhr3or was it something else using keyfiles in this way16:04
jasoncwarnerkenvandine: glad to hear that ;)16:04
kenvandineme too :)16:05
larsumhr3: not sure what you mean by multiple sections... the indicators are using keyfiles now16:05
larsumhr3: every indicator installs a keyfile in /usr/share/unity/indicators16:06
larsuthe shell uses that to find out which indicators there are and on which bus names to find them16:06
cyphermoxritz__: I thought I had let you know some time ago, yes, Joss' patches are fine.16:07
mhr3larsu, keyfiles have [Sections] and Keys=... inside them, I wondering if you had experience with using something like [Section1] keys... [Section2] more keys16:07
mhr3larsu, in a way where Section was basically an object16:08
mhr3and 1 and 2 two instances of the same object16:08
mhr3hope it makes sense now16:08
mhr3i know i saw it used that way somewhere, just not sure where16:09
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ritz__cyphermox hmm, thanks. I must have missed this out16:12
ritz__cyphermox should I post this for SRU along with the patch16:13
cyphermoxplease do if you have time to look into it16:13
cyphermoxwe should get the ok from the sru team first though, it seems like a fairly intrusive patch16:14
cyphermoxthough it does not affect the default behavior, i expect some enterprise users to be affected16:14
larsumhr3: yes, that's exactly what we're doing (sorry for the lag, I'm in a meeting as well)16:16
larsumhr3: indicators can export different profiles (desktop, greeter, etc), and we have a section for each of them16:17
mhr3larsu, do you support any number of those profiles or just a few?16:19
larsumhr3: just a few16:19
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mhr3larsu, we need N, and basically what i'm wondering is whether doing [Category1] ... [Category2] ... is sane16:20
larsumhr3: it's possible, but a bit weird16:21
larsudesktop files uses that for actions16:21
mhr3hm, i guess that's where i saw it16:21
larsuwhat is your specific use case?16:22
mhr3want to define scope categories in the scope ini file16:22
mhr3which means defining N ids, translatable titles and icons16:23
larsuso you'd have something like "Categories=A;B;C" in the main section and then "[Category A] title=A" ...16:24
kenvandinesil2100: mind reviewing this?  https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/cupstream2distro-config/app_dep_on_webcred16:25
mhr3larsu, also a way, but i still don't like it much :)16:26
larsumhr3: ah, you'd just have the categories and iterate over them?16:27
larsuthat's a bit cleaner16:27
mhr3i guess the problem is that ini format isn't really suitable for this16:27
larsuI think they did it like this in desktop files because some libraries couldn't iterate over sections *cough*KDE*cough16:27
sil2100kenvandine: looking!16:28
kenvandinesil2100: thx16:28
sil2100kenvandine: the webbrowser app is using webcreds?16:29
Laneydesrt: test_writable now fails because nothing creates $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in the build chroot16:33
Laneywould it be bad to export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=$(mktemp -d) for the testsuite?16:46
mfischCan someone tell me what component is responsible for scanning folders, like ~/Pictures, so that they show up in the Files lens? Is it zeitgeist? the lens itself or another piece?17:00
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mhr3mfisch, locatedb17:12
mhr3zg is used too, but it doesn't scan17:12
Laney(obviously not actually mktemp -d; creating a directory under debian/)17:12
Laney(trying this)17:12
kenvandinesil2100: not that i know of17:14
kenvandinesil2100: but gallery-app and share-app do17:15
mfischmhr3: thanks, I've got 2 issues, no new files showing up and no icons, I think I know why the last one happens17:19
mhr3mfisch, does `locate foo` find the files you're searching for?17:21
mfischmhr3: looks like it'd never been run before, I bet this helps17:22
mhr3mfisch, heh, yea it should17:23
* mhr3 out17:23
* didrocks waves good evening17:31
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Laneyhrm, now the gsettings test fails in main()18:07
Laneya task for tomorrow methinks18:07
tsdgeosseb128: do you happen to know who packages poppler-data?18:16
desrtLaney: it seems semi-reasonable, i guessa18:23
mfischsil2100 or mterry does unity-lens-photos search shotwell's database of photos or can it also scan the filesystem?19:10
seb128tsdgeos, debian19:10
seb128tsdgeos, why19:10
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jasoncwarnerseb128: still around?19:22
seb128jasoncwarner, yes19:22
jasoncwarnerseb128: have time for a quick hangout with cyphermox and I?19:22
cyphermoxjasoncwarner: I can't really do hangout right now19:23
cyphermoxcan't we discuss that on IRC?19:23
seb128IRC is easier than hangout for me as well19:23
cyphermoxseb128: it's just that I'm concerned and I think given how settings and indicator for the network stuff are interdependent we need to be careful about making sure it all works nicely ;)19:24
seb128cyphermox, concerned about what?19:25
cyphermoxseb128: mostly about not getting something as messy as the current mix of nm-connection-editor and gnome-control-center19:25
cyphermoxwhich things working oddly between both, and people getting a different experience between both :)19:25
seb128cyphermox, are we speaking phone or desktop?19:26
cyphermoxwell, phone, though this affects desktop to a greater degree19:27
cyphermoxgiven that it seems to be two different groups doing the indicator and the settings, I just want to make sure everyone talks19:28
cyphermoxfor example, perhaps the indicator should eventually punt the user to a frame in the settings to setup a wifi,19:28
cyphermoxalso, there are some things we'll need to include in the settings / indicator for mobile data, I think the UI should be what asks oFono about contexts to be able to create connections with NM19:29
seb128cyphermox, two different groups ... not really, for things which have a system indicator and a setting panel we will share the backend19:29
cyphermoxfair enough19:29
seb128cyphermox, the settings panel should probably be a different qmenumodel over the same actions19:30
seb128cyphermox, e.g just slightly different views built from the model19:30
seb128so indicator-network-service will probably have the model and actions19:30
seb128and the indicator and system settings will just have a different layout of the actions19:30
seb128tedg is working on that19:30
cyphermoxin that case do you want to do a hangout tomorrow morning to complete your spreadsheet?19:32
cyphermoxI can help with specifying the backends and such19:32
seb128cyphermox, sure, did you see my email some days ago? I want to do a sync-up meeting for system settings this week, probably thursday (I need to check if that works for everyone)19:33
seb128cyphermox, but we can discuss a bit networking details tomorrow, that sounds good to me19:34
cyphermoxok, thursday is good19:34
cyphermoxI'm going to discuss what's up with 3G data with Tony a bit, just to make sure we're on the same page19:35
seb128ok, good19:35
seb128on that note I'm away for a bit19:36
mterrymfisch, you didn't get an answer for your shotwell question, did you?20:01
mfischmterry: not yet, but I'm not sure it will solve our issue20:02
mfischmterry: I'm 90% sure it pulls from shotwell's db20:02
mterrymfisch, the answer is that I *believe* it searches certain user directories like ~/Pictures but not a full scan.  I'd have to look at code to confirm20:02
mfischlol we disagree20:03
mfischI'm pulling the code now20:03
mterrymfisch, I wasn't too involved in the writing of it, just reviewed it for MIR20:03
mfischit has a picasa, fb, flickr, and shotwell scope20:04
mfischand I dont see a scan of ~/Pictures, which is really what I want, but I'll ping david calle20:04
larsuis anyone having problems with firefox on saucy? It brings my system to a halt20:28
larsuit seems to be causing a lot of disk i/o20:29
seb128larsu, wfm20:29
seb128larsu, but maybe chrisccoulson knows about some issue20:30
larsuseb128: hm, thanks20:33
* larsu uses Web in the mean time20:34
mhr3yey, achievement unlocked - my blog linked from phoronix :)20:36
seb128larsu, did you try downgrading to see if the issue goes away?20:37
seb128mhr3, you have a blog?20:38
kenvandinewhat's a blog?20:38
* kenvandine really needs to blog more often 20:38
seb128kenvandine, the stuff that people used before g+ cale I think20:38
mhr3seb128, ok, ok, the achievement was called by "granpa award" :P20:39
larsuseb128: no I havn't done much debugging yet (in the middle of hacking). I'll try more tonigh20:39
jdstrandkenvandine: I'm on holiday this week, can you ask another member of the team? perhaps mdeslaur or sarnold?20:42
jdstrandkenvandine: or if it can wait, I'll be back next week20:43
kenvandinejdstrand, sure!20:46
kenvandinejdstrand, enjoy your vacation :)20:46
kenvandinemdeslaur, could you please comment on bug 118029720:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1180297 in gnome-control-center-signon (Ubuntu) "Opening facebook "Success" page in external browser" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118029720:47
kenvandinemdeslaur, specifically about the proposed fix to allow http auth for facebook20:47
kenvandineas a work around20:47
mdeslaurkenvandine: one sec, let me look20:48
mdeslaurkenvandine: ok, commented20:54
kenvandinemdeslaur, thanks!20:55
mdeslaurkenvandine: not much we can do I guess, stoopid facebook :P20:55
kenvandineyeah :/20:55
kenvandinevery annoying20:55
kenvandinei just wanted to make sure we had some feedback from you guys before merging that :/20:55
mdeslaurkenvandine: sure, thanks for asking us20:56
seb128kenvandine, did anyone try to "ping" on the fb ticket?20:56
kenvandinei didn't really see a way20:58
seb128open another ticket? :p20:58
* kenvandine hasn't been using facebook on my phone lately (when away from my own wifi) because i know this bug exists21:00
kenvandineit should really be a higher priority...21:00
kenvandinebut i guess security isn't facebook's top concern :/21:00
seb128so the fb app does non secure connections and they don't care?21:00
kenvandineit has to21:01
kenvandinethere is a redirect in the middle of the oauth process to http21:01
thumperhi kenvandine21:01
kenvandineand then back to https21:01
kenvandinehey thumper21:01
thumperkenvandine: how do I get the friends app?21:01
thumperI must be stupid or something21:01
thumpercan't find it21:01
kenvandineapt-get install friends-app21:01
thumpergetting now21:02
kenvandineseb128, it has nothing to do with ubuntu... it's just that signon-ui enforces ssl only21:02
kenvandinethumper, np21:02
kenvandineit shows that the facebook app doesn't fail for non-ssl21:02
seb128kenvandine, just weird that they are so slow to deal with it21:02
kenvandineand it isn't the first time21:03
kenvandinelast time it was fixed in less than 2 weeks21:03
seb128kenvandine, you seem paranoid about your fb credential as well ;-)21:03
kenvandinei've had my account hijacked before!21:03
seb128well maybe I'm not because I don't put anything personal on there21:03
kenvandineand i was using the same password for twitter21:04
kenvandineshortly after my twitter account was hijacked21:04
seb128not cool21:04
kenvandinemy only real complaint was my friends having to see spam21:04
kenvandinein my feed21:04
kenvandinei need to run... see you guys later!21:05
seb128kenvandine, ttyl21:05

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