
TheLordOfTimeyou guys treat this like any feature request bug, right?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/118675400:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1186754 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "Use icon theme for starred icons" [Undecided,Opinion]00:06
TheLordOfTimeit came up in privmsg with someone asking if it should be marked as "wishlist" / "triaged" as a feature request00:06
infinityTheLordOfTime: The triager who decided it wasn't a bug seems a bit overzealous.00:16
infinityTheLordOfTime: jbicha made some fair points as to why this change might be a good thing (consistency, reduced complexity).00:16
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  agreed on the overzealousness we're addressing that now00:17
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  my main question was whether you'd treat it as a feature request :)00:18
TheLordOfTimeat least, as the devs.00:18
infinityTheLordOfTime: Wishlist certainly seems more valid than Opinion.00:18
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  that's what i thought, but i don't want to tweak "upstream project" statuses.00:19
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  no harm in setting the upstreams back to "new" as they were and let upstream change those bugs' statuses, right?00:19
infinityTheLordOfTime: Seems fair.00:19
infinityI'm not even sure why "opinion" exists, except to make people not feel bad by setting bugs to "invalid".00:20
TheLordOfTimei agree00:22
TheLordOfTimeTBH i think 'Opinion' should be bugcontrol only00:22
TheLordOfTimebecause i see it occasionally abused :/00:23
infinityI might start filing all my bugs as "opinion" and starting all the descriptions with "It is my opinion that..."00:23
infinityeg: "It is my opinion that this shouldn't segfault when I start it."00:23
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  objections to Wishlist/Triaged which is afaict the usual standard for feature requests in the ubuntu packages?00:25
TheLordOfTimesince i specialize in server packages, i like double checking on packages outside that specialization before messing with em :p00:25
infinityTheLordOfTime: Nope, seems fine to me.  If the desktop team or s-c hackers decide it should be something else, they can change it.00:26
TheLordOfTimeinfinity:  indeed, done btw.00:28
TheLordOfTimei'm going to go back to facedesking over the fact that nginx FTBFS on centos with the same command line options as nginx-full has in ubuntu >.<00:29
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pittiGood morning04:44
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pittislangasek: what was broken in particular about 0010-Add-back-support-for-Debian-specific-config-files.patch ? all the {time,hostname,locale}ctl commands were working, now timedated is broken (see failing autopkgtest)05:51
* pitti checks the difference05:52
slangasekpitti: missing support for /etc/default/keyboard, which is where our keyboard settings are stored05:52
pittiah, thanks05:52
slangasekpitti: hadn't seen the failing autopkgtest yet, sorry - are you going to sort that today, or should I have a look in the morning?05:52
pittislangasek: I can sort it out today05:53
pittislangasek: I'd rather restore Debian's patch and do our's as a new patch on top of it if you don't mind, for easier merging05:53
pittiand I have a proposed fix for smb's crash05:53
slangasekpitti: as you prefer.  any sign yet of mbiebl's branch being pushed to the official packaging branch?05:54
pittinot yet :(05:54
slangasekstrange that timedated would be failing, I thought the patches I changed only touched localed05:55
pittino, also src/timedate/timedated.c05:56
pittihm, I'm not sure whether Debian also uses /etc/default/keyboard; mbiebl, do you know?05:57
pittiwe did quite some work on that on the ubuntu side AFAIR05:57
slangasekI haven't checked to be sure, but I'm almost positive that's in sync with Debian06:01
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smbpitti, Moin. I will be in a state to test things (or even look at them) in a min or so07:02
pittismb: ah, the amd64 systemd build in my PPA should finish in a few mins, too :)07:02
smbheh :)07:02
pittismb: thanks for your investigations; I think I see the race condition with 0024-avoid-exit-deadlock-for-dm_cookie.patch, which also explains why it doesn't crash without that patch07:03
smbpitti, Ah ok. I did not get to a good explanation last week. There was (or is) a difference in the way that "force" was able to raise the number of childs but then I never remembered having seen messages about that07:04
pittithat patch basically keeps the worker running for a DM_COOKIE event, despite having been told to stop07:05
pittiI still don't quite understand why we need this, but you confirmed that you are still missing /dev/mapper/ devices without the patch07:06
pittiin theory, this hack of a patch shouldn't be necessary, as /etc/init/udevtrigger.conf should re-trigger all devices (for non-root partitions), and the initramfs already waits for the root partition to appear07:07
smbYeah, the missing links seem independant, but as you said in the bug report (which I am slowly reading) lets first fix the crash and then look for the rest07:07
* smb reached the bottom and prepares to boot the noisemaker07:08
pittismb: I think missing the links is exactly what that patch was supposed to fix?07:08
pittismb: https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/ppa/+build/4637729 -> done :)07:09
smbIt should, but strangely I got the missing links also when booting non-xen which most of the time did not run into the crash07:10
pittismb: but after that, perhaps we can boot your version without the patch again, and see why /etc/init/udevtrigger.conf doesn't create the missing devices07:10
smbsure we can07:11
dholbachgood morning07:16
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infinitypitti: BTW, ddebs are very close to landing now.  Could you have a chat with wgrant to nail down what you'll need to change in your mirror scripts to make ddebs.u.c love the new world order?07:36
pittiwgrant: I guess I primarily need some API to retrieve the (links to the) recent ddebs, where "recent" should mean something like "from the last day" or "from the last 6 hours"07:37
infinitypitti: I was thinking you might want to do something more clever like backtrack from current Packages/Sources and scrape (and keep a cache, so you don't keep retrying ones that don't have ddebs attached).07:38
pittiwgrant: but I guess that might actually be similar/the same one as for the static translation tarballs?07:38
pittisuch as in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/view/head:/lib/static_translations.py07:38
wgrantpitti: They're not custom uploads, so not quite the same as that07:38
pittiinfinity: yeah, or that; mapping a source plus version to a set of ddeb links then07:38
wgrantI'd either scrape from Packages or just follow getPublishedBinaries07:38
pittiwgrant: so they are part of getPublishedBinaries(), they just don't appear on archive.u.c.?07:39
infinitypitti: Well, more likely Packages than Sources, I guess, since ddebs are attached to binaries.07:39
smbpitti, Ok, I need to do more reboots for a qualified result. This first one with the ppa udev version at least had no crash and all 31 lvs of the second vg but none of the first one.07:39
wgrantpitti: Exactly07:39
wgrantpitti: They're published like normal binaries, except that they don't actually hit disk or appear in the indices.07:39
StevenKpitti: And then you can filter by .is_debug07:39
pittiok, then mapping by published ones seems fine07:40
infinitypitti: This should have the positive effect of ddebs.u.c no longer carrying cruft from PPAs, too.07:41
infinitypitti: Anyhow, we plan to do a soft transition where we upload via .changes and keep publishing tarballs to public_html, but I want the latter to go away as quickly as it can.07:42
shadeslayerinfinity: :O ... we're going to get ddebs? :O07:45
StevenKWe've had ddebs for a while? This is ddebs actually being handled properly by Soyuz rather than the hacky band-aid we've had for far too long.07:46
wgrant(but still not on archive.ubuntu.com, for space reasons)07:47
infinitypitti: To be clear, you now have space to publish ddebs for all arches, right?  You're not pruning anymore?07:47
infinitypitti: I know vorlon had a bit of a grump about retracing being completely useless on powerpc due to missing ddebs.07:48
pittiinfinity: /dev/mapper/ppa_vg-ppa  2.8T  685G  2.2T  25% /srv07:49
pittiinfinity: should be fine indeed07:49
StevenKHaha, I thought that LV name was familiar07:49
infinitypitti: Yay.  Though, I know there was also a plan to make retracers fall back to the librarian if ddebs didn't have the file, so that'll also be helpful if ddebs fills up somehow.07:49
infinityStevenK: Yeah, ddebs is germanium, all repurposed-like.07:50
infinityAnd apparently not wiped..07:50
StevenKinfinity: Change the hostname in apache, delete most of /srv, call it done?07:50
pittiinfinity: indeed, and I think that's the better mid-term solution even as we can also retrace crashes from earlier package versions07:50
pittiinfinity: but I guess we still want an actual archive for ddebs, for people who use it with apt07:51
infinitypitti: Yeah, I like the apt archive existing and, ideally, that should be "published" in a sane fashion, but a bit of shoestring and bubblegum between A and B works.07:51
infinitypitti: And absolutely, retracers being able to retrace old versions will be great.07:51
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zygagood morning07:59
pittislangasek: hm, I tried "localectl set-x11-keymap pc101 et" and that only wrote /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf, didn't change /etc/default/keyboard08:01
pittislangasek: I'm writing a complete autopkgtest now, and will fix this (also for reading)08:02
jamespage@pilot in08:04
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jamespage
jamespagemdeslaur, re bug 118422308:06
ubottubug 1184223 in openvpn (Ubuntu Raring) "CVE-2013-2061: use of non-constant-time memcmp in HMAC comparison in openvpn_decrypt" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118422308:06
jamespagewill the security team be picking up the fixes for < saucy?08:07
pittislangasek: ah, ignore me; screw you, autogenerated debian/patches/debian-changes08:10
didrockspitti: mind if I join to the complaint from past similar experiences? ;)08:12
pittismb: would you say that 11pitti1 generally improves things (maybe not completely fix it yet)?08:35
pittismb: I'm pondering an upload to re-fix timedatectl, and that crash fix08:35
pittismb: if/when you would like to debug again, perhaps we can mumble?08:36
smbpitti, So I got a few more reboots (takes a bit on that machine) but at least those are consistent and look like an improvement at least08:36
dpmmorning all. Is there an archive admin around who could upload qreator on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue ? It's been sitting there for a while, and it'd be great to have it in Ubuntu. Thanks!08:47
Laneydoko: around? Can you look at this calligra no-change rebuild log and tell me if you think it's a gcc-4.8 issue please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5728708/08:51
LaneyIt builds alright with 4.708:52
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infinityLaney: Can you crank up the verbosity on that and try again?09:11
infinityLaney: It just shows the command line and exits, that's not helpful. :P09:11
Laneyinfinity: look further up, sorry09:12
Laneyit's a parallell build09:12
Laneyline 929109:12
infinityOh, I missed the earlier exit.  It seems to cascade a few times. :/09:12
LaneyProbably would have been kinder to rebuild it without parallel=9 when sharing the log :P09:13
infinityLaney: It could be http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=5727909:18
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 57279 in c++ "[C++11] alias declaration fails to declare function types with cv-qualifiers" [Normal,Assigned]09:18
LaneyI did come across that09:18
Laneydidn't seem to be a 4.8.1 package in the usual place that I could test with though09:18
infinityOr it could be bad C++.  My C++ skills aren't stellar.09:18
infinityLaney: It's not fixed in 4.8.1 anyway, hence the milestone bump to 4.8.209:19
Laneyah, I misunderstand the last comment then09:19
Laneywould it be bad to upload a build with 4.7?09:19
infinityWouldn't be world-ending, but it would be nice if you also filed a bug in LP, mention that upstream bug that may or may not relate, and keep an eye on things.09:20
infinityWhen doko uploads a new gcc-snapshot, that should have the upstream bugfix in it (the current one is three days too old to...)09:20
LaneyThis should get us to migrating poppler, AFAICT09:22
seb128Laney, do you know why update_output.txt lists libreoffice-mysql-connector ?09:24
Laneyseb128: entangled with mysql-connector-c++09:25
seb128ah, ok09:25
seb128Laney, ok, I see they both should be fine with the uploads you did + calligra09:26
Laneyseems fine - the autohinter picks it up if you look near the end of the file09:26
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xnoxseb128: Laney: i'm looking into gdcm build failure rabbit hole, so far I am down to patching vtk to rebuild against updated python2.7....09:56
seb128xnox, did the upload Laney just did failed to build?09:56
xnoxseb128: hm. it works. =) oh well, vtk does need rebuilding anyway.09:57
LaneyI did briefly look at new vtk and bashed its rules about a bit09:58
Laneyit assumed python and tcl were in non-multiarch directories09:58
* xnox suspects my machine is polluted with local builds.10:00
Laneyxnox: http://paste.debian.net/8208 was my WIP before I stopped because mitya57 had a sponsoring request up that didn't need it10:01
Laneyfeel free to carry it on10:01
xnoxLaney: so calligra is the last one for poppler to transition?!10:04
Laneythink so10:04
hrwcan someone with core-dev permissions take http://pastebin.com/n1TLE7rU and upload libwps? fixed ftfbs10:04
infinityhrw: Sure.10:06
hrwinfinity: thx10:06
cjwatsonpitti: Re the ddebs discussion above, did anyone happen to mention that ddebs doesn't seem to be picking up saucy-proposed?10:11
cjwatsoni.e. http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/saucy-proposed/main/binary-i386/ has an elderly timestamp10:11
pittinot to me10:12
pittiooh, I know why10:12
pittitraditionally I have generated the pockets for the devel release once after opening the series only10:12
* pitti updates cronjobs10:13
pittiwe don't let the LP retracers run against saucy-proposed so far, though10:13
cjwatsonpitti: Yeah, I was trying to figure out something manually.  Thanks10:14
pitticjwatson: fixed, thanks10:14
cjwatson(I fell back to a local build, successfully)10:14
pitti(it's currently running, so it'll take some 4 hours to become effective)10:14
pittiI wish apt-ftparchive wouldn't be so abysmally slow10:15
infinityLaney: export CPP=gcc-4.7?  ITYM CC?10:15
infinityLaney: Though, I'm sure the CXX export will get what you wanted anyway.10:15
Laneyoops, but yeah10:15
Laneyit was test-built, so that's enough10:16
infinity(curious that exporting CPP=CC doesn't make something explode, but whatever)10:17
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pitticjwatson: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/saucy-proposed/main/binary-i386/ is current now, FYI10:53
pittis/current/up to date/10:53
cjwatsonpitti: Great, thanks10:54
SargunSaucy = 13.10?10:54
SargunAlmost out of letters10:56
pittiunicode has a loooot of letters left :)10:56
mlankhorstlets start with glyphs10:57
cjwatsonSargun: We reused our first initial letter five years ago10:58
maxbBut that was a bit of a special case10:59
cjwatsonSure, but nevertheless11:01
cjwatsonIt demonstrates that the universe will not end when we reuse a letter11:01
jamespageplease could someone with the right permissions11:29
jamespagemark https://code.launchpad.net/~sdeziel/ubuntu/raring/mysql-5.5/fix-for-lp1185573/+merge/16637911:29
jamespageas merged.11:29
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mdeslaurjamespage: yes, the security team will be doing them (LP: 1184223)11:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1184223 in openvpn (Ubuntu Raring) "CVE-2013-2061: use of non-constant-time memcmp in HMAC comparison in openvpn_decrypt" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118422311:38
jamespagemdeslaur, great - thanks for confirming.11:39
mdeslaurjamespage: we've rated it as "low" though, so it may take a while11:39
mdeslaurhrm, since someone has a tree, we'll sponsor that and do the others11:40
jamespagemdeslaur, great - thanks11:41
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jamespage@pilot out11:52
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cjwatsoninfinity: So, I'm getting pretty bored carrying on with merging your generalisation to all arches of the perl = TRUE stuff in r-base (see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=679180).  I agree that your version is saner, but it looks like the Debian maintainer ignored it, and since raschsampler appears to build just fine with current r-base on Debian arm* these days, I'm sort of inclined to drop the patch and ...12:42
ubottuDebian bug 679180 in r-base-core "arm* builds fail: SHLIB_LIBADD: No such file or directory" [Serious,Fixed]12:42
cjwatson... call it good.  Any thoughts12:43
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stokachuxnox: if you get a chance today could you re-upload sosreport for me?12:54
stokachuive fixed the non native thing12:55
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stokachuxnox: thanks man13:45
xnoxstokachu: =)13:47
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hallynthe sgabios package is currently in debian's NEW queue.  When it clears, will it be automatically pulled into universe?  Or does a switch need to be toggled?15:18
mlankhorstthe wiki has instructions on how to get packages in universe15:19
hrwhallyn: man requestsync15:22
hallynmlankhorst: what i saw only said "if you can, get it in through debian' but didn't say how to get it into universe from there15:22
hallynhrw: ok, thanks.  i'm not motu, but if that needs to be done i'll get it done - thanks15:23
tumbleweedhallyn: it'll be automatic (as in you don't need to ask), but will need an archive-admin to review it15:25
hallyncool, thanks.  Just need to wait on that before qemu 1.5-3 goes into saucy15:25
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cjwatsonhallyn: it's automatic15:34
cjwatsonah, tumbleweed said15:34
hallyngreat - thanks15:34
cjwatsonif it happens before DebianImportFreeze, it doesn't really require much in the way of archive admin - it goes straight past source NEW (we trust Debian ftpmasters enough for that) and binary NEW is pro-forma15:34
dholbachmfisch, congratulations! :)15:53
hrwis it normal that launchpad assumes that maintainer==uploader when package is synced from debian?15:53
hrwhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vboot-utils/0~20121212-2 lists Antonio as uploader...15:54
tumbleweedhrw: yeah, look at publishing history for the details15:55
tumbleweedthe UI never really learned about syncs15:55
hrwtumbleweed: thanks15:55
mfischthanks dholbach16:03
VersableHey, can someone help me with bzr?16:05
VersableI have copied a branch into my own bzr branch, changed a couple of files, added a recipe and pushed it into my PPA16:07
Versablebut it only build an i386 build, even though in the control file Architecture: all is specified16:09
tumbleweedVersable: you want Architecture: any16:10
Laneywhat's responsible for creating the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR?16:10
tumbleweedVersable: Architecture: all is for architecture-independant packages16:10
Versabletumbleweed: Thanks, the package might be architecture independant, I'll check before changing the control file16:11
Laneysome tests in glib now expect to be able to write there but nothing creates it apparently16:12
Versabletumbleweed: Doh! It was, thanks though ;)16:13
cjwatsonIf it really is architecture-independent, then you would only expect an i386 build (since it builds arch-indep binaries), but it would still publish for all arches16:13
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bdmurraykirkland`: did you say you could verify bug 1173209?19:05
ubottubug 1173209 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Raring) "Prompted about New Release for 13.04 again after dist-upgrade and a restart" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117320919:05
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infinitycjwatson: The r-base hack is just a hack anyway, regardless of if it's arch-specific or not, it doesn't fix the real bug, just works around it.20:41
infinitycjwatson: If the Debian maintainer's hackish workaround works as well as mine, I'm not emotionally attached to mine.20:42
infinitycjwatson: iz synced now.20:49
quadrisprohi there21:34
cjwatsoninfinity: Ta21:35
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bdmurrayrobru: would you have a look at bug 1164302?23:15
ubottubug 1164302 in webapps-greasemonkey (Ubuntu Quantal) "Firefox crash during gc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116430223:15

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