
dholbachgood morning07:16
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demonoid_meI wanna create ubuntu LoCo Team but for my country !how can i do thath?17:07
coolbhavidemonoid_me, which area?17:09
coolbhavior which country?17:09
coolbhavidemonoid_me, please check if your area has a team on the loco directory loco.ubuntu.com 17:10
coolbhaviif not, please read: http://loco.ubuntu.com/about-loco/setup/17:11
demonoid_mecoolbhavi: I checked and there is no17:11
coolbhavidemonoid_me, any team which is near to your area is listed there?17:12
geniiPossibly Romania or Turkey17:13
demonoid_mecoolbhavi: сорръ I do not understand 17:14
demonoid_mecoolbhavi: ъоу17:14
demonoid_mecoolbhavi: you17:14
coolbhavigenii, thanks! 17:15
coolbhavidemonoid_me, then please read the link I gave 17:15
mhall119demonoid_me: you can always start a loco team for your country17:16
coolbhavito start off with a loco team creation17:16
demonoid_mecoolbhavi: Romania and Turkey are neighbors17:16
coolbhavimhall119, :-)17:16
mhall119coolbhavi: I guess I should read the scrollback before I post :)17:17
demonoid_memhall119: 10x :) 17:17
coolbhavimhall119, heh np :)17:17
demonoid_me10x to all :) 17:18
geniidemonoid_me: You may want to get to know your Ubuntu neighbours in Turkey and Romania as well, they may have some advice or other help specific to your region.17:20
coolbhavigenii, +117:20
demonoid_megenii: yes :) 17:22
demonoid_megenii, +217:22
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