
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
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=== racedo` is now known as racedo
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=== dholbacj is now known as dholbach
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ubottubdrung, ScottK, Laney, micahg, barry, tumbleweed, stgraber: DMB ping14:03
bdrungreminder: meeting in one hour14:03
Laneythanks ♥14:03
tumbleweedwe haven't fixed our calendar yet?14:04
Laneylooks right to me14:13
tumbleweedit says we're having one now14:18
tumbleweedoh, no that's the one in my calendar14:18
* tumbleweed re-copies to my calendar14:18
ubottubdrung, ScottK, Laney, micahg, barry, tumbleweed, stgraber: DMB ping14:59
LaneyO HAI15:01
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Jun  3 15:01:16 2013 UTC.  The chair is Laney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:01
* stgraber waves15:01
* Laney waits for one more dmber to come out of the woodwork15:02
Laneyoh, I guess bdrung already did15:02
Laneysomeone remind me if the previous action items is current please15:02
* barry waves15:03
bdrungwe are quorate15:03
Laneyok, since nobody wants to tell me :P15:04
Laney#topic Review of previous action items15:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review of previous action items
bdrungLaney: yes, i did write a short summary. so this action item is done.15:04
Laney#subtopic bdrung to write up a short summary of sweetshark's recent sponsorship15:04
Laney#subtopic barry to conduct sweetshark ppu vote on ubuntu-dmb list15:04
Laneydone also15:04
Laneybarry: did you send feedback on the outcome?15:04
barryLaney: i did not, but i will do that15:05
Laney#action barry to send outcome of sweetshark ppu vote15:05
meetingologyACTION: barry to send outcome of sweetshark ppu vote15:05
Laney#subtopic all: review separation of ppu from membership15:05
LaneyYou probably saw that I sent this to the list and put it on http://pad.ubuntu.com/dmb-ppu-membership-proposal15:06
stgraberI saw it, I even think I read it, but I don't remember it and forgot to comment, so I guess I'll have to go through it again... sorry15:06
Laneyplease make some time to consider it and the questions I posed there15:06
LaneyI'd like to get it voted on at the next meeting15:06
Laneythe main thing is that I find the discinction between PPU with and without membership and packagesets to be confusing15:07
Laneyso I'd appreciate everyone thinking about how that should look15:07
Laney#action everyone read and amend http://pad.ubuntu.com/dmb-ppu-membership-proposal, and sign up for the implementation tasks15:08
meetingologyACTION: everyone read and amend http://pad.ubuntu.com/dmb-ppu-membership-proposal, and sign up for the implementation tasks15:08
Laney#topic Adjusting dynamic PPU to make being a DD and an Ubuntu Developer of any kind the prerequisite, instead of PPU.15:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Adjusting dynamic PPU to make being a DD and an Ubuntu Developer of any kind the prerequisite, instead of PPU.
* Laney finds the mail15:08
barryLaney: i vaguely recall responding to that particular issue ;)15:08
Laneybarry: you did!15:09
Laneyso this is an issue that the DD-PPU thing we approved a while back is maybe too restrictive15:10
Laneyit says that people have to be PPU already, but it seems eminently sensible to me that it should just be updated to say that you must be an Ubuntu Developer of any kind15:10
stgraberI believe we already abused that part of the process in the past, can't remember the specific case, but I do remember us granting extra upload rights to a non-PPU member who was in ubuntu-dev for other reasons15:11
stgraberso yeah, +115:11
micahg-workthere are already safeguards in the document about expanding permissions, so I think we're good in that regard15:11
micahg-workUploading Ubuntu Developer15:11
Laney#action laney to update DD-PPU process to say that any ubuntu-dev is eligible15:11
meetingologyACTION: laney to update DD-PPU process to say that any ubuntu-dev is eligible15:11
micahg-workwe can still special case non-uploading if we'd want, but I'd rather have the doc say uploading15:12
micahg-workor something to that extent15:12
LaneyI'll let you know when I've changed it so you can review15:12
Laneylet's do some applications15:13
* Laney checks who was first15:13
Laneyok, that's ...15:13
bdrungLaney: could the dynamic-ppu-procedure moved to a wiki page (to be more prominent)?15:13
Laneybdrung: it is already15:13
Laneythat's just the "law", but the end-user part is on ApplicationProcess iirc15:14
bdrungLaney: where?15:14
Laneymoving on15:14
Laney#topic MOTU Application - Matt Fischer15:14
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: MOTU Application - Matt Fischer
* mfisch waves15:14
Laneyhi mfisch!15:14
Laneycare to give us a quick introduction?15:14
mfischMy name is Matt Fischer, I've been working on Ubuntu now for about 18 months in my free time15:15
mfischMy day job is at Canonical, where we work on contracted work for Ubuntu15:15
mfischlike Ubuntu for Android15:15
mfischbut most of my contribs are in my free time15:15
mfischI mainly work on desktop packages15:16
mfischsince I'm most familiar with them15:16
mfischI didn't review what other intros were, so I'm out of stuff to say, but I can answer questions ;)15:16
Laneyseems fine :P15:17
Laneyhow comfortable would you say you are with ubuntu development (packaging and process) at this point?15:18
Laneyand/or do you know how & where to get help if you need it?15:18
mfischI'm very comfortable with packaging, that is what I do lots of in my free time and my work time. I am also comfortable with process15:18
mfischI usually work with a mentor (Robert Ancell) or get help from #ubuntu-desktop on desktop stuff15:19
mfischmore general stuff, I go to #ubuntu-motu15:19
mfischAs for updates and syncs, I'm familiar with the old way (debdiff), the UDD way, and the Ubuntu Desktop way15:20
Laneyso as you said, you like to work on desktop stuff - will you be applying to join the ubuntu desktop team any time soon? :-)15:20
LaneyMOTU doesn't let you upload a lot of that stuff so you might still need quite a bit of sponsorship15:20
mfischLaney: yes, I will be applying15:20
mfischI've spoken to seb about it15:20
mfischmy work tends to be bursty, as I have kids and time is scarce some evenings, but I15:21
micahg-workmfisch, do you have an interest in general universe packages, I see you're mostly doing desktop + gnome15:21
Laneyyeah I see on http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi?render=html&sponsor=*&sponsor_search=name&sponsoree=Matthew+Fischer&sponsoree_search=name  that he's sponsored you a bit15:21
mfischsorry, I'm trying to work on more desktop stuffd15:21
* Laney hands the floor over15:21
mfischmicahg-work: yes, but desktop has been a focus because its been easy for me to work with people there15:22
mfischI have a new universe package and one more on the way from debian15:22
mfischand ubuntu-accomps and friends are universe I think15:22
barrymfisch: just to follow that thread a bit, do you think motu will actually be useful for you right now, assuming you do join the desktop team?  i mean, would desktop + ppu on a handful of additional packages be enough?15:23
mfischbarry: thinking, one sec15:24
mfischbarry: Its true that I've not done many MOTU updates recently, but I still think it would be useful to me. However, my ultimate goal is probably Ubuntu desktop15:25
mfischI saw MOTU as part of the path to that15:25
barrymfisch: i don't mean to be discouraging in any way, i'm just trying to tease out what your goals are15:25
mfischbarry: Eventually I'd like both. My plan was to apply for desktop in a couple months15:25
mfischbarry: Is experience in desktop packages not applicable for motu?15:26
Laneywe certainly want people who want to help out with universe15:26
barrymfisch: oh, i do think it is definitely.  i'm just curious mostly as to why you chose the path you did (emphatically *not* implying you did anything wrong or out of order)15:27
mfischIdeally these rights can help me at my day job, but mainly I enjoy contributing15:28
barrymfisch: thanks.  i yield the floor to bdrung15:28
bdrungmfisch: do you collaborate with Debian developers?15:30
mfischbdrung: yes, I've been working with a mentor there to do some new packaging15:30
mfischbdrung: I could certainly do more15:30
Laneythe gnome team is cool ;-)15:32
Laney(if you like svn)15:32
tumbleweedif you like svn, join the python teams too :P15:32
bdrungmfisch: it's good to see new packages come through Debian.  do you plan do join the Debian gnome team?15:32
bdrungbesides svn, it's a pleasure to work with them. :)15:33
barrytumbleweed: well, maybe s/like/tolerate/ :)15:33
mfischbdrung: to be honest I've not thought about it. I probably should15:33
mfischI've used svn before, it's not that bad ;)15:33
Laneyespecially now that we're more synced on GNOME versions there are more opportunities to collaborate with them15:33
mfischcoming from Clearcase it was refreshing15:33
mfischbeing synced is a big win15:34
bdrungit reduces maintenance overhead when the package can be kept in sync.15:34
mfischyes, and makes our lives easier15:34
* bdrung yield the floor for stgraber.15:35
mfischand the users lives really15:35
stgrabermfisch: One quick (possibly tricky) question for you. So, let's say we are on the 16th of July and you wish to upload a new version of seahorse. Should you just go ahead and do it or is there a reason why you should refrain?15:35
bdrungmfisch: i encourage you to get more involved in Debian (and to try to reduce diffs)! :)15:35
mfischstgraber: hmm, I'd check the release schedule first15:36
mfischlooks like a2 is on July 18 (I dont have the schedule memorized), so maybe wait until July 19?15:37
mfischor not at all, depending on the changes15:37
mfischor better yet, discuss it in #ubuntu-desktop15:37
mfischbdrung: I think thats a good idea15:38
stgrabermfisch: right, July 16th is during alpha2. Now, how would you know whether the package will impact anything that's part of that milestone?15:38
mfischstgraber: I'm not sure if I fully understand your question, but I know what seahorse does and how it's used and can gauge the impact of a change from that15:40
mfischyou can gauge some impact by looking at dependencies if thats what you are asking15:41
stgrabermfisch: so those early milestones are opt-in, which means that depending on who participates in it, you may be clear to upload.15:41
stgrabermfisch: I was wondering how you'd check who's participating in the milestone and how to check whether the package is on their image15:41
mfischstgraber: I don't know a good way to check that actually15:43
mfischan easy way I mean15:43
stgraberok. The tool is seeded-in-ubuntu15:43
stgraberseahorse (from seahorse) is seeded in:15:43
stgraber  edubuntu: dvd15:43
stgraber  ubuntu-gnome: daily-live15:43
stgraber  ubuntu: daily-live, daily-preinstalled15:43
stgraber  ubuntukylin: daily-live15:43
stgraberthe above output shows you that you'd be fine to upload if none of those flavours take part in the milestone15:43
stgraberotherwise, you should get in touch with the appropriate flavour leads or just through #ubuntu-release15:44
mfischI was just looking at that15:44
mfischseeded-in-ubuntu seahorse15:44
mfischI figured ubuntu-dev-tools would have a useful solution15:44
stgrabernote that we now tend to add britney (proposed-migration) blocks to prevent most packages from moving from -proposed to -release, so it's likely that the upload wouldn't affect anything, however it's always better to just wait before uploading :)15:45
stgraberLaney: I'm done15:45
Laney#vote should mfisch join ~motu?15:45
meetingologyPlease vote on: should mfisch join ~motu?15:45
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)15:45
meetingology+1 received from Laney15:46
meetingology+1 received from stgraber15:46
meetingology+1 received from barry15:46
meetingology+1 received from bdrung15:46
Laneytumbleweed: ?15:46
tumbleweed+1 [ I'd really have prefered to see more endorsements but I have a fair confidence in mfisch from IRC interaction ]15:47
meetingology+1 [ I'd really have prefered to see more endorsements but I have a fair confidence in mfisch from IRC interaction ] received from tumbleweed15:47
micahg-work+1 [very impressed with no FTBFS on uploads, would have liked more endorsements as well]15:49
meetingology+1 [very impressed with no FTBFS on uploads, would have liked more endorsements as well] received from micahg-work15:49
meetingologyVoting ended on: should mfisch join ~motu?15:49
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:015:49
meetingologyMotion carried15:49
Laneymfisch: congrats, welcome to MOTU :-)15:49
mfischthanks, next time I'll get more endorsements!15:49
Laneylook forward to seeing you on #-motu15:49
stgrabermfisch: congrats!15:49
Laneyfor desktop you don't have to come back to us anyway :P15:49
Laneymoving on15:49
mfischhah, true15:49
Laney#topic MOTU application - Dmitry Shachnev15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: MOTU application - Dmitry Shachnev
Laneymitya57: it's a you15:50
Laneycan you give us a quick introduction?15:50
mitya57All of you should already know me (and, in fact, have sponsored something for me :P)15:50
mitya57So I'll start with what I achieved recently (i.e. in spring)15:50
Laneyfor the historical record, if nothing else :-)15:50
mitya57Well, one line ftr: I'm student of Moscow University, upstream for some python apps like ReText and interested in various random packages in Debuntu15:51
mitya57(continuing copy-pasting now)15:52
mitya57In this spring I did:15:52
mitya57- lots of python packages updates (docutils/sphinx, nose, pyxdg)15:52
mitya57- helped with preparing qt5 (mostly qtbase and qttranslations)15:52
mitya57- broke qt4 and fixed it15:52
mitya57- new mathjax 2.2 and woff-tools15:52
mitya57- ubuntu-packaging-guide updates15:53
mitya57- helped with (breaking the archive by) uploading the new poppler15:53
mitya57My short-term plans include:15:53
mitya57- major python-keyring update, with switching to secretstorage for secret-service backend and pygi for gnomekeyring backend15:53
mitya57- fixing the broken texlive in precise15:53
mitya57- finishing pyqt5 packaging15:53
mitya57- maybe some qt merges15:53
stgraberthanks for the introduction15:53
stgraberI'll start with a quick question because I've got to leave for another meeting in 5min, will keep reading this one though so should be able to vote (but not interact much)15:54
stgraberSo similar question to that I asked mfisch earlier on. Let's say we are on the 16th of July and you wish to upload a new version of vlc. Should you just go ahead and do it or is there a reason why you should refrain?15:54
* mitya57 checks the schedule15:55
* mitya57 checks seeded-in-ubuntu vlc15:55
mitya57it's mythbuntu only, so if the RT sets proper britney hints, I'll go ahead15:56
tumbleweedsomebody's been paying attention...15:56
stgrabermitya57: haha, you went right into the trap ;)15:56
mitya57(well, I am not interested in vlc, but if I were I would start by talking with bdrung)15:57
stgrabermitya57: it's correct that it's only seeded by mythbuntu, however do you know how often mythbuntu is actually released?15:57
mitya57I think one can't predict which flavors will participate in which milestone15:58
stgraberyou can for mythbuntu ;)15:58
mitya57bad /me15:58
mitya57I now remember that it has only LTS releases...15:58
stgrabercorrect :)15:58
stgraberso a package seeded only by mythbuntu is always fine to upload during a non-LTS cycle15:59
Laneyanyone else?16:00
micahg-workmitya57, so, you mention that there are issues with collaboration with upstreams, do you have any proposals on what MOTU could do to improve on this?16:02
mitya57that was mostly related to gnome, which is for desktop team, not for motu...16:02
mitya57but Ubuntu GNOME devs (jbicha & darkxst) have been doing nice work with collaborating recently16:03
mitya57Myself I'm planning to contribute to https://live.gnome.org/GnomeFlashback packaging16:04
mitya57(some bits already done like recent metacity upload with my patch)16:05
LaneyI imagine the GNOME situation will calm itself down as Ubuntu moves on more16:05
mitya57let's hope16:05
mitya57But I think our recent decision to ship 3.6 in R and 3.8 in S was a step back16:06
Laneyin terms of finding bugs early?16:07
mitya57In terms of collaborating, and finding bugs too16:07
Laneyah, well as I mentioned earlier it does mean that we can collaborate with the Debian GNOME team more16:08
Laneyso that's an upside from my pov16:08
mitya57that's a definite upside, yes16:08
micahg-workmitya57, are you involved with Ubuntu GNOME?16:09
mitya57micahg-work: not so much16:09
mitya57(but I use GNOME, not Unity)16:10
mitya57and sometimes fix bugs when I find them16:10
linuxCoolhello to all16:11
linuxCoolwhen will be start     Ubuntu Security?16:11
=== linuxCool is now known as demonoid_me
micahg-worklinuxCool, 20 minutes (we're still in the DMB meeting)16:12
Laneyanyone else?16:12
demonoid_meaaa ok sorry :)16:13
bdrungmitya57: are you involved in the Debian GNOME team?16:13
* Laney takes that as a no16:13
mitya57bdrung: already asked by micahg-work (in short: no)16:14
bdrunghe asked for the Ubuntu team.16:14
bdrungi recommend to get more involved in the GNOME teams, as you already collaborate nicely with Debian.16:14
mitya57bdrung: also no more than sending some patches16:14
mitya57In Debian, I'm member of two python teams, javascript team and fonts team16:15
Laney& now we will vote!16:16
Laney#vote should mitya57 join ~motu?16:16
meetingologyPlease vote on: should mitya57 join ~motu?16:16
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)16:16
Laney+1 yay16:16
meetingology+1 yay received from Laney16:16
barry+1 happily16:16
meetingology+1 happily received from barry16:16
meetingology+1 received from bdrung16:16
meetingology+1 received from stgraber16:16
meetingology+1 received from micahg-work16:16
meetingology+1 received from tumbleweed16:16
meetingologyVoting ended on: should mitya57 join ~motu?16:17
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:016:17
meetingologyMotion carried16:17
mitya57Thanks! \o/16:17
Laney#action laney to add mfisch and mitya57 to motu16:17
dholbachcongratulations mitya57!16:17
meetingologyACTION: laney to add mfisch and mitya57 to motu16:17
Laney#topic AOB16:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
mitya57hi dholbach, and thank you!16:17
Laneycan someone reply to Daniel Pocock on devel-permissions please?16:17
bdrungmitya57: congrats. one question: do you want to join the ubuntu sponsors team?16:18
mitya57bdrung: yes, I want :)16:18
bdrungnice :)16:18
bdrungLaney: i can do that if no-one else will want it16:19
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Laneydoesn't seem like anyone is scrambling16:20
Laney#action bdrung to reply to Daniel Pocock on devel-permissions16:20
meetingologyACTION: bdrung to reply to Daniel Pocock on devel-permissions16:20
Laneybe nice :P16:20
bdrungi will point to my language barrier if i am not :p16:20
Laneywiki says next chair is ScottK16:20
Laneyanything else?16:21
* barry must have missed daniel's message :/16:21
tumbleweedhrm, daniel has 0 uploads in Ubuntu16:21
tumbleweedthat makes the reply fairly easy16:21
bdrungbarry: sent today a few hours ago16:21
Laneybut if all of his stuff is in sync and in great condition, ...16:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Jun  3 16:21:51 2013 UTC.16:21
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-06-03-15.01.moin.txt16:21
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-06-03-15.01.html16:21
tumbleweedLaney: then he doesn't need upload rights :P16:21
barryLaney: thanks!16:22
* sbeattie waves16:32
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Jun  3 16:33:08 2013 UTC.  The chair is mdeslaur. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:33
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired16:33
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: wake up16:33
chrisccoulsonhi :)16:33
mdeslaurThe meeting agenda can be found at:16:33
mdeslaur[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting16:33
mdeslaur[TOPIC] Announcements16:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announcements
mdeslaurThanks to Christian Kuersteiner (ckuerste) who provided debdiffs for precise-raring for xmp (LP: #1182769)16:33
mdeslaurThanks to Christian Kuersteiner (ckuerste) who provided debdiffs for quantal for tomcat6 (LP: #1166649)16:33
mdeslaurThanks to Thomas Ward (teward) who provided debdiffs for precise-raring for nginx (LP: #1182586)16:33
mdeslaurThanks to Rohan Garg (rohangarg) who provided debdiffs for precise-raring for kde4libs (LP: #1178286)16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1182769 in xmp (Ubuntu) "Buffer Overflow in MASI loader" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118276916:33
mdeslaurYour work is very much appreciated and will keep Ubuntu users secure. Great job! :)16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1166649 in tomcat6 (Ubuntu Saucy) "Multiple open vulnerabilities in tomcat6 in quantal" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116664916:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1182586 in nginx (Ubuntu Raring) "CVE-2013-2070: nginx proxy_pass buffer overflow vulnerability" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118258616:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1178286 in kdelibs "Security advisory from KDE upstream" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117828616:33
* mdeslaur slaps ubotty16:33
mdeslaur[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report16:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report
mdeslaurI'll go first16:34
mdeslaurI'll be testing the zillion X updates this week16:34
mdeslaurand that's about it16:34
mdeslaurI'm on community too16:34
mdeslaursbeattie: you're up16:34
sbeattieI'm focusing on apparmor stuff again this week16:34
sbeattieSpecifically https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-s-appisolation-sdk16:35
sbeattieI'm currently hacking on the aa-easyprof bits16:35
sbeattiethat's pretty much it for me.16:35
sbeattietyhicks: you're up16:35
tyhicksI'm working on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-s-appisolation-dbus16:35
tyhicksThis week, I plan on having all of the work items done except for the items related to pushing everything to the archive16:36
tyhicksThere's also some minor cleanup and finishing touch type stuff that I'll end up doing to the dbus and apparmor patches16:36
tyhicksThat's it for me16:36
tyhicksjjohansen: you're up16:36
jjohansenI'm focused on apparmor stuff as well16:37
jjohansenI'm still poking around for the correct bp so I'll just skip pasting that and say, its the continuation of the ipc work16:38
mdeslaurjjohansen: I have "signals and bits for IPC" and "extended conditionals" in last weeks meeting log16:38
mdeslaurjjohansen: is it a continuation of that?16:38
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
jjohansenmdeslaur: yep16:39
jjohansenthat and I'll get the latest patchset out for more review16:40
jjohansensarnold: your up16:40
sarnoldI'm on triage on this week16:40
sarnoldI'll also be poking at trying to unbreak the boucycastle test suite, or steal portions of it, for QRT16:40
mdeslaursarnold: what's the status of your openssl updates?16:41
sarnoldI'm not sure why I've been met with such failure trying to use the test suite, but I presume it's partly my fault for not 100% grokking modern java16:41
sarnoldmdeslaur: at least saucy will need re-doing, I think there's a new version pushed into the archive in the meantime; I also need to ask your help in preparing updates for security-proposed or something to get testers first..16:42
sarnold.. at least, I think I'd really rather have feedback from users before pushing it to everyone16:42
sarnoldgranted, fedora's been using it for a few months, but perhaps their knowledge of hwat broke isn't logged in their bug report. :)16:42
mdeslaursarnold: is it in the PPA yet?16:42
sarnoldmdeslaur: no16:42
mdeslaursarnold: ok, please create a tracking bug, and make sure the bug # is in the changelog before uploading16:43
sarnoldmdeslaur: okay16:43
mdeslaursarnold: so people know where to go if there's an issue in -proposed16:43
sarnoldmdeslaur: do I then just upload to the usual ppa once that's done?16:43
mdeslaursarnold: yes, as -security, and then we'll get an AA to pocket-copy it to -proposed16:44
mdeslaur(perhaps I can already do that, need to check)16:44
sarnoldmdeslaur: cool, thanks :)16:44
mdeslaursarnold: you done?16:44
sarnoldmdeslaur: how much time do you think I should spend on trying to revive the bouncy castle tests before writing a handful of much less comprehensive tests myself?16:45
mdeslaursarnold: half a day?16:45
* mdeslaur shrugs16:45
sarnoldmdeslaur: cool, thanks. now done :)16:45
sarnoldchrisccoulson: you're up :)16:45
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: dude, wake up16:46
sbeattiemdeslaur: he's gotta finish his beer first.16:46
mdeslaurok, I'll mark down "web-y browser thingies"16:47
mdeslaur[TOPIC] Highlighted packages16:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages
mdeslaurThe Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.16:48
mdeslaurSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.16:48
chrisccoulsonoops, sorry, was just finishing up dinner ;)16:48
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: hrm, sorry about the meeting being so late for you16:48
chrisccoulsonthat's ok16:48
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: maybe we should get you to go first next time16:49
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: what are you working on this week?16:49
chrisccoulsonthis week, i'm still working on client-1303-webkit-maintenance. i've been fleshing out architecture diagrams for the last few days. hopefully they'll be in a good enough state for me to make public on google docs this week16:50
chrisccoulsonand then we'll have a good idea of what work needs to happen :)16:50
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: done?16:51
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, yeah. there aren't any updates planned this week :)16:52
mdeslauroh, good16:52
mdeslaur[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions16:52
mdeslaurDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?16:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions
mdeslaurThanks everyone!16:53
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Jun  3 16:53:17 2013 UTC.16:53
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-06-03-16.33.moin.txt16:53
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-06-03-16.33.html16:53
sbeattiemdeslaur: thanks!16:53
sarnoldthanks mdeslaur :)16:53
jjohansenthank mdeslaur16:54
demonoid_meI wanna create ubuntu LoCo Team but for my country !how can i do thath?17:03
geniidemonoid_me: #ubuntu-locoteams is probably the better place to enquire17:06
demonoid_megenii: 10x :)17:06
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