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dholbachgood morning07:16
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Laneyinfinity: Good. I had no clue and didn't want to sync-and-find-out-later. Thanks for checking.07:58
infinityLaney: Turns out the irritating complexity of the patch was still required, but I refreshed it to be based on gcc-4.8 instead of 4.7 and uploaded.08:00
LaneyAssuming mitya57's gdcm works then that should smooth the path for poppler to migrate08:01
Laneyah, balls, calligra08:14
mitya57Laney: thanks for uploading xpdf!10:45
LaneyI did a grep and then noticed the stuff is already there ...10:45
LaneyI suppose the remaining issue is missing fixes to that code in poppler.10:45
mitya57Which fixes?10:46
LaneyAs in, if it gets fixes in the future10:46
Laneykeeping it in sync10:46
mitya57Yes, let's hope Poppler will have less code cleanups in future :)10:48
Laneyha hahahaha aha. yeah.10:48
Laneyanyway, should be done for now ...10:49
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tumbleweedmfisch, mitya57: welcome to MOTU :)16:18
mitya57tumbleweed: should/can I take part in MOTU meetings?16:19
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tumbleweedmitya57: MOTU meetings kind of died16:20
mitya57Hm, looks like that, yes16:21
tumbleweedif we are going to resurrect them, we'd need a reason16:22
mfischthanks tumbleweed16:22
tumbleweedand somebody to drive them for a few months16:22
Laneyget to breakin'16:23
Laneymight be a bit ancient but maybe useful16:24
mfischproper understanding of dput is useful16:24
mfischLaney: whats the general policy on DEP3 headers (adding/updating them)? I know desktop tries to do so16:25
LaneyI'd say it's a good idea and you should do it16:26
Laneybut I don't think there's a policy per se16:26
mfischfrom the ones I've seen sometimes a time machine would help16:26
mfischLaney: thanks16:27
Laneythere's a ton of old stuff16:27
Laneyit pays to consider patches when you come across them and help them along in life16:27
mfischyeah, I tried one last week and I couldn't figure out where it originated16:27
mfischLaney: what are the debian channels you hang out on in order to collaborate better?16:28
* mitya57 always uses DEP-3, and also exports QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index" to make patches cleaner16:28
LaneyI'm in loads16:29
Laneygood ones might be #debian-devel, #debian-mentors and #debian-gnome16:29
mfischthose would be good starts, thanks16:29
tumbleweedwhile we only have to follow policy, I try to follow best practices, and enforce them on sponsorees16:30
tumbleweede.g. DEP-3, DEP-5 on new packages, autopkgtests whenever possible, forward everything upstream, etc etc16:30
mfischmitya57: I've not used those flags before, I'll add it to my notes16:32
tumbleweedmfisch: I belive they are mentioned in the debian new maintainer's guide16:32
mfischfor the 2 new packages I've done, upstream has been very amenable to taking all the patches, so we dont have any.. so far16:33
mitya57mfisch: s/my notes/.bashrc/16:33
mitya57that's indeed better, didn't know about that16:35
Laneyargh cdbs argh16:50
Laneyhow can I hook into make check?16:53
tumbleweedthe answer to  "how do I ... in cdbs" is always "read the source"17:02
Laneyit's not giving me much17:02
Laneyi'm just overriding the whole target17:02
tumbleweedyou want to add something?17:03
LaneyI want to export FOO=$(mktemp -d), run the testsuite and then remove the directory17:04
LaneyI suppose I could just do it at the top level17:05
Laneyuse a fixed directory name, perhaps that's not so bad17:06
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