
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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pittiGood morning04:45
shadeslayermorning pitti :)05:22
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jibelgood morning07:03
DanChapmanmorning jibel07:12
jibelHey DanChapman07:23
asachi mmrazik12:57
asac14:53 < asac> mmrazik: hello12:57
asac14:54 < asac> mmrazik: tried to figure if there is an easy way to reuse your upstream CI testrs for our daily image testing12:57
asac14:54 < asac> mmrazik: any idea if you could provide a wrapper that gives me something like:12:57
asac14:54 < asac> autopilot list-stacks12:57
asac14:54 < asac> autopilot list-suites STACK112:57
asac14:54 < asac> autopilot run-suite SUITE1 && echo success12:57
mmrazikasac: regarding the autopilot "list-stacks" -- would that really help? You would still need to to have a list of "packages" you are intersted in12:58
mmrazikand if you have such list then it is usually just autopilot run $package12:58
asacwait :)12:58
asacautopilot list-stacks12:58
asacautopilot install-stack-deps STACK112:58
asacautopilot list-suites12:58
mmrazikasac: so what the first command returns?12:58
mmraziki.e. list-stacks12:59
asacoh ... that might be different12:59
asacall i want is getting a list of all i can run12:59
asacthought it was grouped by stacks because of:12:59
asacfor example12:59
* mmrazik is thinking12:59
asacso ultiamtely, i dont care ... autopilot list-packages and autopilot install-deps PACKAGE and autopilot run12:59
asacwould certainly do the trick as well :)13:00
mmrazikasac: we probably can create a simple script on top of cupstream2distro-config which would search your apt cache and look for everything -autopilot13:00
mmrazikits probably not so much for autopilot13:01
mmrazikautopilot is just a tool for running the tests. How you group them or if you package them is a bit unrelated task13:01
mmrazikasac: btw. when it comes to daily testing -- I asked om26er (who is in touch with paul larson) to make sure all the upstream tests are running daily on the devices13:02
mmrazikunfortunately we need paul (who seems to be sick) as the upstream jenkins doesn't have any devices hooked up13:02
asacmmrazik: wait... i want all daily images testsing (images produced on cdimage.ubuntu.com) to run on the same place13:03
asacor at least feed into the same dashboard13:03
asacusing the same inputs13:03
asaci believe we need to get this bulk integrated into reports.qa.ubuntu.com13:03
mmrazikthats why we are not starting this on the upstream jenkins13:03
mmrazikand ack on reports.qa.ubuntu.com13:04
asacso i have more "custom testsuites" that are not easy to map into runlists (e.g. utah) stuff13:04
asacso i am trying to push for a simple bulk import API...13:04
asaccurrently i hoped i could tell them to just run command X and get a list of commands that will then be test suites and i can get a simple report giving me a fail or success for each test suite13:05
asacwith a log that i can then use to go deeper13:05
asacso i am looking how to do that best for autopilot tests13:05
asacso i guess all it would take would be a canonical place where we maintain the list of autopilot packages13:06
asacand then i could just do apt-get install autopilot-package13:06
asacand autopilot run $autopilot_package13:06
mmrazikasac: yup. Either a database (canonical place with the list) or some heuristics (looking for packages like "^.*-autopilot$")13:06
mmrazikasac: yes13:06
mmrazikasac: in general we pacakge the tests in $packagename-autopilot13:06
mmrazikand then you just do s/-/_/g on package_name (bacause autopilot naming) and do "autopilot run $package"13:07
mmrazikso e.g. apt-get install ubuntu-calc-app && autopilot run ubuntu_calc_app13:08
asacmmrazik: who would be one maintaining a simple list of packages?13:08
asaci believe its useful anyway to have such list13:08
mmrazikasac: I just realized the information is already (at least partially) in lp:cupstream2distro-config13:09
mmrazikasac: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro-config/trunk/view/head:/stacks/head/apps.cfg13:10
mmrazikasac: look for "test_suite"13:10
mmrazikasac: thats what we append to "autopilot run"13:10
mmrazikasac: the corresponding autopilot package is just ${project_name}-autopilot13:10
asacbut that doesnt give me the package name afaik13:10
asacalso replaceing _ with -13:10
asacmmrazik: so who would write such a simple warpper :)13:11
mmrazikasac: nope... the package names can have "-" in the name... its just the python modules where it is not allowed and we need to replace13:11
asacautopilot list-packages BZR_URL :)13:11
mmrazikasac: so share-app-autopilot13:11
mmrazikis the package13:11
mmrazikI don't like this to be in autopilot TBH13:11
mmrazikI can write a small wrapper that would be part of lp:cupstream2distro-config13:11
mmrazikas its manipulating the information there anyway13:12
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stgraberknome, balloons: RT ticket opened for the CSS update14:44
balloonsstgraber, ty :-)14:46
stgraberknome, balloons: change has been rolled out to production.15:12
* balloons looks15:12
balloonsfirst glance looks good :-)15:13
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
SergioMeneseshi everybody!17:00
balloonshowdy SergioMeneses17:14
knomestgraber, \o/17:25
phillwballoons: can you have a look at what time you can run the session so far allocated to you, thanks. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy17:26
phillwSergioMeneses: ditto for you and the laptop team, please :D17:26
SergioMenesesballoons, phillw \o17:44
SergioMenesessorry I was having lunch17:44
phillwSergioMeneses: food is always good :D17:45
SergioMenesesI'll send email about our (laptop) session, I dont know if I can do it because of work but I think Carla or Prime can17:45
SergioMenesesphillw, totally agree :D17:45
phillwSergioMeneses: thanks, it's scheduled 24th June - 30th June, so it is pretty flexible as to people being able to be tutor(s) UTC is not that important as it would also be nice to have some sessions at 'normal' time for people elsewhere in the world :)17:48
SergioMenesesphillw, sounds good17:48
phillwJonathan is doing the Virtual Box at 02:00 UTC :D17:49
balloonsphillw, I'll try and pencil mine in, yes18:14
phillwballoons: thanks, the clock is ticking and I've promised 2 weeks warning so it goes out on calendar and UBW so the most people get to know of these.18:18
phillws/UBW/Ubuntu weekly News18:24
phillwalso, the ubuntu beginners team :)18:33
SergioMenesesok I'll be back soon18:39
phillwkewel, there has been a section added for following up SRU requests via bug reports :D18:52
balloonsafternoon Letozaf_19:10
balloonsready for tomorrow? Up for something interesting?19:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 1116774 in Ubuntu Autopilot Tests "Test Needed: Ubiquity (Automated Image Installs)" [Undecided,New]19:10
Letozaf_balloons, hello ;D19:11
Letozaf_balloons, I was re-doing the screenshot test19:12
balloonsLetozaf_, ahh19:12
Letozaf_balloons, but that bug looks interesting :D19:13
Letozaf_balloons, I must take a better look at it19:14
Letozaf_balloons, I am re-doing the screenshot test after looking at the  fileroller test and it's working out quit nicely19:14
balloonsLetozaf_, excellent19:15
balloonsnice to have a set of "finished" working testcases isn't it19:15
Letozaf_balloons, yeah!19:15
Letozaf_balloons, also screenshot will be finished, there are just a couple of things that do not work but I think we will be able to fix them19:16
Letozaf_balloons, mmm that bug is bugging me :D19:16
Letozaf_balloons, looks interesting19:16
balloonsLetozaf_, lol.. sorry..19:18
balloonsbut yea, we should be able to finally achieve automated ubiquity installs via the UI :-p19:18
Letozaf_balloons, great19:19
Letozaf_balloons, but are you going to work on this tomorrow at the hackfest ?19:19
balloonsLetozaf_, I'm hoping some folks with take this up.. I might not be able to hack on it myself19:20
Letozaf_balloons, well I will certainly try :)19:20
Letozaf_balloons, looks fun19:20
balloonsit should be :-)19:20
Letozaf_balloons, must the live CD be Sacy ?19:22
Letozaf_sorry Saucy19:22
balloonsLetozaf_, shouldn't matter19:23
Letozaf_balloons, ok otherwise I would have had to sync the ISO19:25
balloonsahh.. yea, no worries there19:25
* Letozaf_ had to sync the ISO al the same :(19:40
balloonsdid raring fail?19:40
Letozaf_balloons, no I already had already over written the Raring ISO with Saucy, so I am syncing it to have it updated19:43
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam | Hackfest June 4th: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Hackfest/20130604
balloonsso SergioMeneses chilicuil if your around.. I was talking to phillw about format for the classroom sessions20:02
balloonslet me just copy/paste back what I was saying :-p20:02
balloonsessentially I want to avoid really long session logs or videos of the sessions for people to have to parse20:03
balloonsinstead; it would be good to get the instructors to prepare a nice wiki page and add in pics or short videos to help if needed / desired. That way several things can happen20:03
balloons1) They can re-use the content for teaching the session again next cycle if needed20:03
balloons2) Other folks who can't make it to the session can still get the content and learn :-)20:04
balloons3) It should keep sessions short; most should only take 30 mins.. That will help respect people's time and keep things moving (in case of back to back sessions) without losing everyone :-)20:04
balloons4) Our wiki area gets more hands-on knowledge and updated content!20:05
* SergioMeneses is back with coffee20:06
SergioMeneseshi balloons ....omg you writes a lot, take it easy20:07
balloonsSergioMeneses, lol.. coffee should help with that!20:07
balloonsSergioMeneses, how have you been?20:07
balloonsnew job, everything going well yes?20:08
SergioMenesesballoons, the new job is interesting  :) learning a lot and having good time :D20:08
SergioMenesesbut these days is full networking20:08
phillwSergioMeneses: balloons sorry. I was just discussing the re-format I did on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy to get the initial, basic things people need to know done before we do the more advanced stuff :)20:09
SergioMenesesabut the classroom-session, it is a good idea. +10020:09
SergioMenesesphillw, balloons but we might make a guide-line20:10
SergioMenesesI dont see the problem20:10
* SergioMeneses is working on Audacity testcase20:10
balloonsok. so how about a simple page for instructors on how to run there session?20:10
balloonsdoes that work? I'll detail my thoughts and recommendations..20:11
phillwballoons: I use the link embedded, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom20:11
SergioMenesesand why do we work on our documentation, making it better?20:11
balloonsphillw, yes.. sorry, I meant not how to run the session, but how to prep for it20:11
SergioMenesesmaybe get new content and add pics20:12
balloonsmeaning everything I wrote above about properly ensuring the content is usable and preserved beyond the classroom session20:12
balloonsNoskcaj, hello20:12
phillwballoons: chat about it with others who know the subject and are enthusiastic is the *best* way to prepare.20:12
Noskcajmorning balloons20:12
SergioMenesesif I have to work on a session about testcases (by instance) mi first reference will be the oficial wikipage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/20:13
SergioMeneseswhy dont make it better?20:13
balloonsphillw, good advice.. Let's just make a small page linked off https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy.. Let me fill it in briefly20:13
SergioMenesesinstead of make another wikis20:13
SergioMenesesNoskcaj, \o20:14
balloonsSergioMeneses, exactly.. whatever you present, make sure it's in the wiki20:14
balloonsif it's already a part of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/.. great! If the wiki is missing something, fill it in20:14
balloonsif your talking about something new, well.. make a wiki page for it, link it in properly and then use it :-)20:14
phillwballoons: but, I cerainly give a HUGE +1 that the tutors ensure the wiki areas of the subjects they have covered are fully updated with the new information and take into account questions asked. Improving wiki pages for such things are really helped by having other people ask questions that is not there on the wiki :)20:15
SergioMenesesballoons, I'm cant see the point about the new classroom wikis thing20:15
* SergioMeneses is losing something20:15
phillwSergioMeneses: things change each release, it is important that wiki pages are also updated.20:16
balloonsSergioMeneses, yes.. let's be specific20:16
balloonsNoskcaj, we're talking about how the classroom sessions should run20:16
phillwSergioMeneses: balloons I believe there is talk of a new system to register hardware?20:16
SergioMenesesphilipballew, that is perfect but this wikipage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy will redirect to this wiki (by instance) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ContributingTestcases/20:17
balloonsphillw, yes indeed.. if it ever gets up20:17
balloonsSergioMeneses,let's say your talking about contributing a new manual testcase20:17
Noskcajon the topic of wiki pages, Testdrive doesn't really have a page. Most screenshots are old too.20:17
balloonsyou simply prepare what you want to say, and leverage the wiki as much as possible. Make sure all your instructional detail is documented in the existing pages20:18
phillwSergioMeneses: please read "This area is for setting up and coordinating classroom sessions, please read Classroomfor details of the classroom sessions. If you either wish to help out on classroom sessions, or want to request a new one, please contact us." :)20:18
balloonsSergioMeneses, therefore odds are you don't need to add much if anything to the existing pages20:18
balloonsnow another example is Noskcaj .. The wiki pages for testdrive are old, and in general a bit off. For his session, I'd request he update the wiki page for testdrive.. fix it up and link it in properly. Then just use that for the session20:19
balloonsthat way his content is there for everyone -- even if they miss the session20:19
Noskcajballoons, ok20:19
SergioMenesesballoons, it's ok20:20
balloonsso SergioMeneses does that make sense?20:20
phillwballoons: Found the email!20:21
phillwI have found a seemingly-relevant wiki page at20:21
phillw  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/VirtualBox20:21
phillwbut it is rather old (2009).  Is updating it worth doing?  Having a wiki20:21
phillwpage with some pretty screen captures on it for people to look at during20:21
phillwa one hour classroom session sounds wise, to me...20:21
phillwballoons: is that an example of what you mean?20:21
SergioMenesesballoons, yes! it does20:21
Letozaf_balloons, :( when I run ./run_ubiquity I get "Ubiquity is already running" and when I run ./autopilot run ubiquity I get "./autopilot: 2: .: Can't open /var/log/installer/autopilot"   :'(20:22
Letozaf_balloons, I am running Saucy amd64 Desktop live20:22
balloonsNoskcaj, phillw, SergioMeneses https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Instructors20:26
balloonsso I started to try and put what I was trying to say there.. feel free to update20:26
balloonsLetozaf_, ok.. did you boot to the live cd?20:26
SergioMenesesballoons, perfect20:26
balloonsand did you start ubiquity before executing the commands?20:26
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:27
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:27
balloonsok, don't start ubiquity before executing stuff :-)20:27
balloonsit will be started by the script20:27
Letozaf_balloons, oh! fine :D20:28
Letozaf_balloons, :p20:28
Noskcajballoons, on a related topic, if you see either of the testdrive devs cn you try and get them to make you a admin for testdrive. both of them are too busy with life stuff this cycle so getting stuff approved is a pain20:28
balloonsphillw, that's a judgement call on updating versus replacing.. in general, redirects if needed are seen as the right way to do it20:28
balloonsNoskcaj, I would encourage you to simply keep committing.. If you keep hacking on it for several months and a backlog starts, they should consider adding yourself / others to the project20:29
balloonsit's obviously up to them.. in the same way, you don't become an admin on ubuntu-manual-tests after 1 commit :-)20:29
Noskcajballoons, ok. now i just wait for hoawrd so we can finish kylin. and i'm a manual testcase admin after no commits20:30
balloonsNoskcaj, do keep me informed though.. If your unable to get things in and we're halfway through the cycle, I'll definitely help get things moving20:30
balloonsI don't think it will come to that though20:31
balloonsNoskcaj, you got in because you were grandfathered on the team :-p20:31
Noskcajoh yeah. i need to do more towards getting testcases made20:31
balloonsI made the old testcase admins team the owners.. I can remove you though.. haha20:31
balloonsseriously though, you did work on it before it went to launchpad, so that's why20:32
Letozaf_balloons, ok so now when I run  ./run_ubiquity ubiquity starts, but when I run (in another terminal) ./autopilot run ubiquity I get "sudo: autopilot command not found" do I have to run sudo apt-get install python.autopilot ?20:33
Letozaf_balloons, sorry python-autopilot20:33
balloonsLetozaf_, I was wondering that myself20:34
balloonsyou might need to do so20:34
Letozaf_balloons, I can try :p20:34
balloonsyes, do it20:34
Letozaf_balloons, strange sudo apt-get install python-autopilot gives me "E:unable to locate package python-autopilot" is the ppa needed ?20:37
phillwI've sent a quick email on classrooms the attached file from Jonathan sets out clearly to himself what he is going to cover and will allow a flowing session20:37
balloonsLetozaf_, strange!20:38
balloonsyea, it's not in main20:38
balloonsand by default the livecd only has main turned on20:39
balloonsgo to software sources and turn everything on20:39
balloonsupdate and then you can install20:39
balloonsyou'll need the ppa anyway though, for 1.320:39
balloonsso you could skip that and just use the ppa20:39
Letozaf_balloons, ok fine thanks20:39
balloonsLetozaf_, feel free to comment on the bug whatever snafus you ran into to run it :-)20:43
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:43
balloonssnafus is a fun word20:43
balloonsk I think I've said enough on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Instructors20:46
balloonsphillw, thanks for sending the mail20:46
Letozaf_balloons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/573063320:49
Letozaf_balloons, :p20:49
balloonshmm.. is it a 1.2 test?20:49
Letozaf_balloons, mmm maybe so I have to unistall autopilot 1.3 and put 1.2 on, right ?20:50
Letozaf_balloons, let me check20:50
balloonswell, you could do a quick conversion20:50
balloonsshould be REALLY simple20:50
balloonslet's look at the testcase20:51
Letozaf_balloons, :D right! ok :p20:51
phillwI'm just 'playing' with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy to have the pre-requisites there, along with updating the instructions to have them! (apt in a browser no longer works).20:53
phillwballoons: I'm assuming that for Section 3, they will have to have bzr installed and know the basics?20:56
phillw(manual and automated test cases).20:56
balloonsLetozaf_, sorry what's the branch?21:01
balloonsI've lost it.. perhaps you got it running already21:01
balloonsjust have to swap to the 1.3 style of launching21:01
Letozaf_balloons, the branch is lp:~xnox/ubiquity/autopilot21:02
Letozaf_balloons, I think I did something wrong it's not working21:02
balloonsLetozaf_, sadly I can't look at it personally atm21:03
Letozaf_balloons, I will try again21:03
balloonsok http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubiquity/autopilot/view/head:/autopilot/ubiquity/tests/test_welcome.py21:04
balloonsthis is 1.3 looks like21:04
Letozaf_balloons, it's getting late, I will look at this tomorrow mean while this is the error I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730716 and this is the changes I made http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730721/   probably I'm tired tomorrow I will be fresher to look at it :D21:17
Letozaf_balloons, night I will surly be back tomorrow for this21:18
phillwballoons: does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy/Section3 make sense as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy#Section_321:23
xnoxballoons: running "autopilot" normally will not work.21:24
phillwI need someone else other than myself to check if what are depended on if further sessions will result in people not having the stuff they need installed!21:24
xnoxballoons: one needs to launch autopilot from a wrapper script in that branch & also launch ubiquity via the other wrapper script.21:25
xnoxballoons: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubiquity/autopilot/view/head:/autopilot/README21:25
xnoxballoons: Letozaf_ is not idling here21:26
balloonsxnox, ahh. I remember running autopilot from the branch, but that didn't seem to work21:30
balloonsyea, she's off.. We're doing our hackfest tomorrow, so this was just bonus in advance of that21:30
balloonsI'll really be digging in and looking at it then.. We should have a working testcase by the end of the day21:30
balloonswe start early, 1200 UTC, so you should be around :-)21:31
balloonsphillw, I think that's covering things nicely21:32
balloonssanity check looks ok to me too :-)21:32
balloonsxnox, so to confirm though, you made autopilot changes that need to merge with autopilot upstream correct?21:33
phillwI'll go ask the classroom team then! They are very good letting me know if I have missed a step out!21:33
xnoxballoons: no.21:36
xnoxballoons: there is integration required between ubiquity & autopilot. Both need to be run as root with exactly the same DBUS environmental variables.21:37
xnoxballoons: thus the two wrapper scripts. ./run_ubiquity starts ubiquity as root with a fresh session dbus ./autopilot launches autopilot as root with the same dbus and takes the PID of the running ubiquity.21:37
balloonsxnox, ok lol.. well I went from confused to understanding to confused again :-) So there's ubiquity changes only in order for this to work.. you then also use the testcase to pass the pid to ubiquity21:38
balloonsxnox, got it21:38
xnoxballoons: thus to run the test case one would open 2 terminals: start ./run_ubiquity in one, and then in another run all tests ./autopilot run ubiquity21:38
balloonsright right..21:39
xnoxor to list tests ./autopilot list ubiquity21:39
balloonsbah.. I guess I'll just reconfirm this now21:41
Noskcajdo we still need https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsingDevelopmentReleases ? Shouldn't it be a /QATeam/ page?21:46
balloonsNoskcaj, you could sunset that page and add a redirect to the new page you make under the QATeam21:47
Noskcajballoons, ok.21:47
balloonsthat's probably what I would do21:47
balloonsNoskcaj, for example we are linking to that page from http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/quality/.. so it will help there as well21:49
balloonsall the old links we have won't break with a redirect :-)21:49
Noskcajballoons, i just looked at the sub-pages, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsingDevelopmentReleases/OtherWays and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsingDevelopmentReleases/FixingProblems are huge21:49
balloonsNoskcaj, hmm21:50
Noskcajancient, but huge21:50
balloonsyea, the trouble is that that whole subsection is actually what I'd like to have on our wiki21:51
balloonsnamely, how to run the development releases in more detail :-)21:51
balloonsthe trouble is that it's old and needs updated and organized21:51
balloonsgood stuff in there though21:52
balloonsI didn't know about some of the those pages Noskcaj21:52
* SergioMeneses is reading qa mails21:53
balloonsgiven everything I think we need to sunset all those pages and migrate https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsingDevelopmentReleases specifically to a "testdrive" page as that's what we've been using it for21:54
balloonswe still need a page about running the development release though that testdrive should naturally link off of :-)21:54
SergioMenesesomg this is amazing http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/quality/21:55
balloonsohh my.. some mistakes I see ;-)21:57
phillwballoons: hmm, a perfectly valid point from -classroom. Let us do a session on using 'manual' test cases before we go all advanced into writing them and using / writing auto test cases? It just needs a new section for 'writing test cases' and moving those sessions there.  They are good at pointing things out :D Your thoughts?22:00
Noskcajhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Testdrive is what i have so far, i'll finish it tomorrow. then i'll start on the rest of that old page22:00
balloonsNoskcaj, thanks.. I can help you if needed.. Don't forget to add our header to the page and then link it in properly22:01
balloonsit's going to be an entire new subsection off of /Activities22:01
balloonsshould be fun22:01
balloonsmany thanks for doing this!22:01
Noskcajyep. no problem. is QATeam/Testdrive where you want this?22:01
balloonsNoskcaj, works for me mate :-)22:01
balloonsI envision a page from here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities22:02
Noskcaji'll file yet another bug in testdrive then go to school22:02
balloonsa link I should say on that page which links to a page on "running the development relese"22:02
balloonsfrom that page, we'll link to your new testdrive page22:02
balloonsand from the iso testing pages, etc22:02
phillwget the text in 1st! we can do links and make it 'look pretty' later :D22:03
phillwballoons: I can set up diverts, headers up later as per not having 404 errors on wiki pages :)22:09
balloonsperfect, that would be great philipballew22:11
balloonserr phillw autocomplete22:11
phillwballoons: I;m suree he used to it now! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy/ (note the new Section 5)... That okay with you?22:18
balloonslooks good22:20
balloonsthat makes sense sure22:20
balloonsyou don't need bzr for anything else22:20
phillwballoons: it is always a good idea to get a pair of eyes from outside of our own team, who is knowledgeable and used to classroom sessions, I do defer to her experience; she is a star :)22:23
phillwIt does make more sense and looks a lot tidier :D22:24
phillwI'll go edit to remove UTC after each time, as it is in the header :D22:26

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