
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
mzanettiSaviq: good morning07:33
Saviqmzanetti, o/07:33
mzanettiSaviq: hey... take the phone and turn on the screen07:33
mzanettithen start dragging the greeter, but don't release07:34
mzanettidrag left and right continuosly07:34
Saviqmzanetti, gets stuck07:35
Saviqmzanetti, probably when you reach the DirectionalDragArea07:35
Saviqhmm no07:39
Saviqunrelated to the DDA07:39
mzanettiSaviq: sorry... had my weekly QA sync meeting07:40
Saviqmzanetti, don't be07:40
mzanettiSaviq: soo... yes.07:40
mzanettiit freezes07:40
mzanettiand actually it happens to me (as I started dogfooding) like every 20th unlock of the phone or so07:40
mzanettiand I have to plug it and restart the shell07:40
mzanettiI have taken out all the greeter content... still happens07:41
mzanettiI have also removed the animation from the background (fade in from behind), still happens07:41
mzanettiit kinda seems as when causing too fast dragging at some point the input gets lost07:42
mzanettias the indicator icons still change state (e.g. wifi signal strength)07:42
mzanettiSaviq: ^07:42
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, seems the Revealer gets confused07:42
Saviqor the whole input stack, even07:42
mzanettithat'd be bas07:43
greybackhi guys07:43
Saviqmorning greyback07:43
mzanettihey ho greyback07:43
mzanettigreyback: one for you too:07:43
mzanettigreyback: start an app07:44
mzanettigreyback: restart the shell07:44
greybackSaviq: mzanetti: greetings on this fine morning07:44
mzanettigreyback: try to open a new app07:44
greybackmzanetti: with trunk?07:44
mzanettigreyback: or image 147 (aka. the dogfooding one)07:44
* greyback gets downloading image 14707:45
Saviqmzanetti, it doesn't even feel like speed is a factor07:52
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... in my experience slow is worse than fast07:52
Saviqmzanetti, yeah I meant it happens in both cases07:52
Saviqmzanetti, it feels like some buffer overflows or something07:53
mzanettiSaviq: I have debugged it for a little while on the weekend but didn't really come to anything useful tbh07:53
Saviqmzanetti, the Revealer itself seems fine, tst_Revealer.qml doesn't show the issue07:57
Saviqmzanetti, and dropping the DirectionalDragArea doesn't help, either07:59
mzanettiSaviq: the DDA is not used when unlocking yet, is it? I think only the launcher uses it yet08:00
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, I was just afraid the interaction between them was the issue08:00
mzanettiSaviq: btw, side note: pmcgowan complained quite a bit about the DDA in the Launhcer on friday08:00
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. the fact that we've added the DDA at all08:00
Saviqmzanetti, what about?08:01
mzanettiSaviq: I guess he holds the device in the right hand, starts with the thum at the left lower corner and moves it in a sort of circular gesture towards the upper right (hope you understand what I mean)08:02
mzanettiSaviq: his finger always leaves the allowed angle and the launcher gets stuck08:02
Saviqmzanetti, possible, we simply need to tweak the values08:02
mzanettiSaviq: sergiusens on the other side really loves the current angle config08:02
Saviqmzanetti, I'm almost sure something overflows, it feels like you need to generate almost exactly the same amount of events to trigger this08:05
Saviqnot that that feeling helps much08:05
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. on manta I need to go back and forth 7-8 times to the center of the screen and back to the right edge08:06
mzanettihmm... could be, yes... what I don't really understand is that it happens only with the greeter. revealing an app from the right edge doesn't have this problem08:07
mzanettibut still when removing all the greeter content and replacing it with a black rectangle, it still happens08:07
Saviqmzanetti, I feel like it's the Revealer at fault08:08
Saviqmzanetti, at least the way the Greeter uses it must be exposing some issue in it08:08
Saviqmzanetti, it's quite a complicated beast08:09
mzanettithe revealer?08:09
Saviqmzanetti, Revealer.qml08:09
* mzanetti hammers prints into every line of revealer.qml08:10
Saviqmzanetti, oh, but it also gets stuck after 10 or so times being unlocked :/08:10
Saviqthat's bad08:10
Saviqthat's what you meant that it happens for you during normal usage08:11
SaviqI wonder why noone else dogfooding encountered that08:11
mzanettiSaviq: and then I restart the shell and get hit by the bug I reported to greyback... then I have to reboot :D08:11
mzanettiSaviq: so far everyone I told could reproduce08:11
Saviqmzanetti, yeah08:12
mzanettiSaviq: and M. Frey said he suffered from that too since a while already08:12
Saviqmzanetti, /me wonders if the buffer "drains" after time08:12
Saviqso if you only do it every minute or so08:12
Saviqit wouldn't happen08:12
Saviqbut it doesn't feel so from your experience08:12
greybackyep, 13 unlocks and now I cannot unlock08:14
greybackfresh flash08:14
Saviqis bad08:14
greybackcan't bring out the launcher either08:14
* Saviq wonders if the IFA is animated too often08:15
Saviqthat's a new thing08:15
Saviqgreyback, mzanetti got it08:17
mzanetti \o/08:18
Saviqmzanetti, drop the InputFilterArea from Greeter08:18
* mzanetti pimps his dogfood08:18
Saviqwth just happened...08:21
Saviqis it just me or has compiz just become freakishly unstable?08:21
mzanettiyeah... removing IFA gets around it indeed.08:22
greybackmzanetti: when you say "restart the shell" - how are you doing that?08:30
mzanettigreyback: usually I do a "sudo service ubuntu-session restart"08:31
Saviqmzanetti, greyback https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity/phablet.fix-greeter-stuck/+merge/16700208:31
greybackmzanetti: I see. Usually when I do that it kills the applications too, but sometimes qmlscene doesn't respect that08:31
mzanettiSaviq: btw... afaik starting today autolanding etc will be moved over to saucy. we are supposed to backport ciritical fixes to the dogfood image manually08:32
Saviqgreyback, it won't kill the apps if they're not focused (i.e. stopped)08:32
greybackSaviq: ah really08:32
Saviqgreyback, yeah, as SIGINT doesn't do anything to them08:32
Saviqthey need SIGKILL08:33
SaviqSIGTERM, rather08:33
Saviq(doesn't do anything)08:33
greybackmakes sense08:33
mzanettiSaviq: can you explain why this actually fixes it?08:34
Saviqmzanetti, the InputFilterArea doesn't update its size all the time to match with the Greeter's08:34
Saviqmzanetti, so there's no updates sent to the input stack08:34
Saviqmzanetti, and that's what was getting stuck, I believe08:35
mzanettiSaviq: oh... I see.... didn't know the greeter is resized08:35
Saviqmzanetti, it's not08:35
Saviqmzanetti, but it's moved around08:35
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. geometry changes08:35
mzanettiSaviq: ah ok...08:35
mzanettiyeah... might wel be..08:35
Saviqmzanetti, still needs fixing at the other side08:35
mzanettiSaviq: so in that case the actual bug must be inside the IFA08:35
Saviqmzanetti, yes08:35
Saviqmzanetti, but anyway we need to review our use of IFAs to not animate them, it usually is the case of "should we filter this area or not"08:36
Saviqmzanetti, regardless of how far the related gesture is08:36
greybackshould almost be an on/off thing really IMO08:36
mzanettiyeah, I agree... thats what I do in the launcher...08:37
Saviqgreyback, well, there's probably a few cases: the left / top / right edge08:37
mzanettiis >0 pixels shown, enable it fullscreen08:37
Saviqgreyback, and then the whole screen08:37
greybackSaviq: hence the "almost" :)08:37
Saviqand yeah, the launcher08:37
Saviqand the hud08:37
Saviqso yeah, there's a few, but they should have static geometry08:38
greybackmzanetti: so restarting shell, the bug I see is that the apps lens has a black preview of an app that didn't die. I can still launch apps however, and window switching is ok. What am I missing?08:42
mzanettigreyback: my scenario:08:42
mzanettiI launcher the phone app08:42
mzanettiI launch another app08:42
mzanettibring the phone app to top (app screenshot gets taken)08:43
mzanettirestart the shell08:43
mzanettistart the gallery, once its loaded, it shows the app screenshot of the phone (you can see the gallery starting up an initializing, but then overridden by the phone app screenshot)08:43
mzanettiSaviq: approved your fix... once this and and the app screenshot fix (^) is in, I vote for a new release as those are the only 2 issues I found while dogfooding through the weekend08:44
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, will do08:45
greybackHmm, another bug: open phone app at the dialer screen, left-edge swipe to show launcher - rest of screen is darkened a bit, tap a number on the dialer. Dialer gets that input event, but it shouldn't08:46
Saviqmzanetti, we might also think about increasing the angle on the Launcher08:46
Saviqmzanetti, will ping pmcgowan about this later08:46
mzanettiSaviq: yeah.. I increased it to 30 in my branch.. seems perfect for me... I wanted to ask Pat how he feels with 30°08:46
mzanettiits 10° right now08:47
Saviqyeah, probably too low08:47
mzanettiSaviq: btw... I think my launcher branch improves the overall behavior quite a bit.. might make sense if you guys start testing it08:48
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, will do08:48
mzanettiI'll push the 30 degrees there08:49
mzanettiSaviq: btw... xbmcremote should be in a usable state (in case you wanna start dogfooding too ;)08:51
greybackmzanetti: I'm really struggling to reproduce your bug. Worst I see is a flicker of the last-focused-app when launching a new app (not good tho, will look into it)09:01
Saviqfook... with every letter I type into the dash, a Chromium tab is opened <facepalm>09:02
greybackthat's insane09:05
greybackghost in the machine?09:05
Saviqgreyback, probably some scope gets confused09:06
greybackconfused or not, no scope should be able to do anything like that09:07
Saviqgreyback, actually it's the online accounts09:09
Saviqgreyback, it had (has?) problems with accessing my google account, so signon-ui did something weird09:10
greybackSaviq: very very weird09:11
mzanettigreyback: ok... I only can reproduce it in combination of the greeter bug09:11
mzanettigreyback: so open an app, say the phone-app09:11
mzanettigreyback: lock the screen, and then reproduce the hang by swiping the greeter left/right continuously09:12
mzanettigreyback: it'll get stuck, then reboot the shell and try starting another app09:12
mzanettidon't ask me how that is related...09:12
greybackOk, will try. But code-wise, before /every/ animation we request a new screenshot. They are cached however, so maybe there's a cache bug. Will see09:13
greybackthanks for digging for me09:13
mzanettigreyback: are you doing something when the animation is finished too?09:14
mzanettigreyback: so maybe its only when restarting the shell in the middle of an animation09:14
Saviqmardy, ping09:14
greybackmzanetti: nope, nothing fancy on animation finish. Just hide the screenshot09:14
greybackbut we always refresh screenshot before starting a new animation09:15
mzanettigreyback: weird thing is, while an animation is running I can see the screenshot of the correct up. only when it then sits there and should run (e.g. no screenshot at all) I see the screenshot of the app from before the restart09:15
Saviqmzanetti, I think it might be not a screenshot, but the actual app09:22
Saviqmzanetti, while the new app is painting its first frame09:23
mzanettiSaviq: should I create a new directory test/qttest/ in unity-api?09:44
greybackmzanetti: hmm, while I've still not found your exact bug, I've found something quite likely related. At least it's somewhere to start09:49
nic-doffaySaviq, I think the infographics are ready to land now. Mind giving me and updated opinion?09:49
nic-doffaySaviq, just noticed one more bug I'll chat to pete-woods about it, will get back to you when it's sorted.09:51
pstolowskisil2100: ping09:52
nic-doffaySaviq, apparently it's cool. As above if you wouldn't mind having another look at it.10:00
Saviqmzanetti, yes please10:00
Saviqnic-doffay, mzanetti was doing your review there, so I'll let him take care of it :)10:01
nic-doffaymzanetti, hold off on that... Merging trunk overwrote something.10:01
mardySaviq: pong10:09
Saviqmardy, hey, it seems signon-ui has some issues with the Ubuntu-SSO enabled Google accounts10:09
Saviqmardy, at some point every letter entered into the dash opened a tab in Chromium for me...10:09
mardySaviq: what did the tabs contain?10:10
Saviqmardy, about:blank...10:10
Saviqmardy, resolved now after a few runs of "give access" in signon-ui, but just letting you know that there are some issues like that10:11
mardySaviq: I'll check, thanks10:11
Saviqmardy, weird indeed, imagine how I felt ;)10:11
nic-doffaymzanetti, lol10:13
nic-doffayDoing one last commit for new gradients.10:14
nic-doffaymzanetti, it's ready whenever you are. Shouldn't be a lot left to look at.10:25
mzanettinic-doffay: hehe... go into your builddir and do a "make testGreeter". Seems the infographics has troubles keeping the pace :)10:30
nic-doffaymzanetti, argh forgot about the tests.10:30
mzanettinic-doffay: you're lucky... till all passing. however, I miss a test that actually waits for the animation to be completed and checks if everything is fine10:31
mzanettinic-doffay: do you think that would be worth having?10:31
nic-doffaymzanetti, elaborate on everything fine :P10:33
mzanettinic-doffay: the animation actually stops and all the final values have been reached10:34
mzanettinic-doffay: and it seems you messed up with the last merge. you reverted the change from mterry that changes the PathView to be a ListView10:34
nic-doffaymzanetti, I'll revert back to his revision.10:35
mzanettinic-doffay: the rest seems ok to me... fix that merge and we can merge it I'd say10:37
nic-doffaymzanetti, any idea what's going on with the tests?10:38
mzanettinic-doffay: ?10:38
mzanettiwhats wrong with them?10:38
nic-doffaygetting errors trying to make them.10:39
nic-doffaymzanetti, ^10:39
mzanettinic-doffay: works fine for me10:39
mzanettinic-doffay: if the error is "cannot load libunity-core-0.6.so.5" or something like that, wipe your unity_build directory and do a fresh ./build -s10:40
mzanettiI had that end of last week10:40
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
Cimiin qml, how do I write a timer to update a variable at midnight?11:09
Ciminot sure I can change the interval while running...11:11
SaviqCimi, ATM you'd need a timer to check every minute if midnight passed11:11
CimiSaviq, updating the interval?11:12
CimiSaviq, when you start the calender, it's as long as the remaining time till midnight11:12
CimiSaviq, then you trigger it and set interval of one day11:13
SaviqCimi, that's complicating too much, we'll later have an object that you will ask for signals with given resolution11:14
CimiSaviq, I'm sick btw :)11:14
SaviqCimi, and why're you happy about that? ;)11:14
CimiSaviq, not happy :)11:15
CimiSaviq, but better to mile than being sad, always11:15
nic-doffaymzanetti, is it literally only the PathView that needs to be changed back to a ListView?11:22
mzanettinic-doffay: no... I think mterry's commit did a few other small graphical changes too11:23
mzanettiSaviq: question: unity-apis will generate a library we can link at some point, right?11:24
nic-doffaymzanetti, is that revision 656?11:24
mzanettinic-doffay: don't think so11:26
mzanettinic-doffay: oh shit... it reverts more11:27
mzanettinic-doffay: also the fix that we have only 50 people in the lens11:27
nic-doffaymzanetti, which revision screwed everything?11:28
mzanettinic-doffay: I guess your last merge11:29
mzanettinic-doffay: the changes you reverted came in friday afternoon... so you messed up either friday night or today morning11:29
Saviqmzanetti, not sure about that, at least for the abstract headers I really just planned to include them as sources in the implementation11:30
mzanettiSaviq: so the actual question is, if I create a mock implementation with some launcher entries now, how will I be able to use that in the shell until the real one is done?11:31
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Saviqmzanetti, a plugin on the same path should be enough?11:32
mzanettiSaviq: plugin?11:32
Saviqmzanetti, your case might be slightly different11:33
mzanettiSaviq: so it is a lib in the end...11:33
Saviqmzanetti, for Notifications what we have is a mock implementation (a Unity.Notifications plugin) inside lp:unity-api11:34
Saviqmzanetti, but that's just minimal, one that's used to pass the tests inside lp:unity-api11:34
mzanettiSaviq: right... but in that case you don't need the header and as long as there is a plugin with that name somewhere it'll work11:35
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, the header is just convenience11:35
mzanettiSaviq: in my case I need to include a header and then still someone needs to load the actual backend and give me a pointer to it somehow11:35
Saviqmzanetti, easiest solution would be to have a separate "Launcher backend" plugin, one that will expose the list of favourites, and that we can pass to our internal launcher model11:37
mzanettiSaviq: the plugin interface is then in the unity-api repo or in ours?11:39
Saviqmzanetti, I'm starting to think the separation between "our part of the backend" and "their part of the backend" becomes difficult11:39
Saviqmzanetti, there should be just one "Unity.Launcher" plugin that does everything what we need - and the shell-facing interface would just be model, with a way to pass the list of running apps to it11:42
mzanettiSaviq: hehe... thats what we asked you in the meeting last week11:43
Saviqmzanetti, I misunderstood the question, then :/11:43
Saviqmzanetti, I don't see a reason to split it up unnecessarily11:43
mzanettiSaviq: nah... I think its fine right now... the question is just how to load the backend implementation from with in c++11:44
Saviqmzanetti, I don't think we need to, we just need to pass the list of favorites to the "launcher model"11:44
Saviqmzanetti, this way we'll be able to qml-test it easily, too11:45
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. Launcher.Model { favourites: Launcher.favorites; running: Mir.runningApps }11:46
mzanettiSaviq: so you mean the launchermodel I have in my launcher branch should be moved over to unity-apis?11:46
Saviqmzanetti, not the implementation of it, just the interface definition, with the abstract headers11:46
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods-lunch
mzanettiSaviq: huh? I don't see what that would change11:47
Saviqmzanetti, mumble?11:47
sil2100pstolowski: pong!11:57
pstolowskisil2100: heyah! how does the landing story look today?11:58
sil2100pstolowski: I just finished all the irritating tax errands so I can start soon11:59
didrockspstolowski: we'll need to disable 2 scopes though, the 2 python2 ones (launchpad and sshsearch)11:59
didrockssil2100: you will have a libunity update to do for that I guess ^12:00
didrocks(and rebuilding libunity and then unity)12:00
didrockspstolowski: we can still land them in universe though12:00
pstolowskididrocks: what's wrong with them?12:00
didrockspstolowski: we are moving away from python2 installed by default12:00
didrocksso we don't want to introduce back python2 deps12:00
pstolowskididrocks: ah, fair enough12:01
pstolowskididrocks: will let davidcalle know..12:01
didrockspstolowski: thanks, I was hunting for him, but not around :p12:01
sil2100Ah, so the decision is 'no' to those scopes in the end12:02
didrocksyep :)12:02
didrockssil2100: pstolowski: I'll let you handle the 2 rebuilds?12:02
pstolowskididrocks: I'm unclear on what that means and what needs updating in libunity?12:05
sil2100didrocks: same here - do you mean getting rid of python2 deps?12:05
sil2100In libunity?12:06
mhr3pstolowski, client-scope.json12:06
pstolowskimhr3: right..12:06
didrocksmhr3: someone following, thanks! :)12:06
didrocksso updating this one12:06
sil2100mhr3: thanks, forgot about that one12:07
didrocksand have unity rebuilt to pick the recommends frmo the new .json file12:07
sil2100pstolowski: can you scratch out a MR?12:07
pstolowskisil2100: y12:07
sil2100Thanks! I'll approve it when needed12:07
pstolowskidavidcalle: hi!12:15
davidcallepstolowski, hey :)12:19
greybackback, had power outage12:19
pstolowskidavidcalle: (13:59:53) didrocks: pstolowski: we'll need to disable 2 scopes though, the 2 python2 ones (launchpad and sshsearch)12:20
pstolowskidavidcalle: (14:00:23) didrocks: pstolowski: we can still land them in universe though12:20
pstolowskidavidcalle: (14:00:48) didrocks: pstolowski: we are moving away from python2 installed by default12:20
davidcallepstolowski, thanks for the heads up. Universe is ok until their deps move to python3 (or maybe Launchpad could end up server side).12:21
pstolowskidavidcalle: https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/libunity/disable-some-scopes/+merge/16702712:23
pstolowskisil2100: ^12:23
didrockspstolowski: you should bump debian/changelog version so that unity can build-dep on it12:24
didrockssil2100: ^12:24
pstolowskididrocks: k12:25
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
sil2100didrocks: just making sure, a bump to 7.0.0daily13.05.31ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu2 is ok, right? It certainly doesn't look beautiful when dep'ing such a version, but should be ok?12:34
didrockssil2100: should rather be 7.0.1 IMHO but that's fine as well12:35
didrockssil2100: hum, look at what's in the ppa12:36
didrockssil2100: but I guess the version is higher than 7.0.0daily13.05.31ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu212:36
greybackmzanetti: I've replied to a couple of your comments, can I get your input please https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity/refactor-wm-and-test/+merge/16652412:36
sil2100didrocks: I was wondering about bumping the micro version, but we're not really breaking the API here...12:37
didrockssil2100: micro version is not for breaking the API, it's more for adding a new capability that you depend on, which is the case here, you want to pick the latest :)12:39
sil2100didrocks: that's not what the example in the FAQ shows! ;)12:40
didrockssil2100: it's a wiki, feel free to edit it to amend it :)12:40
sil2100pstolowski: so, as I discussed with didrocks, change the version number to 7.0.1-0ubuntu1 if you can (and in configure.ac bump the version as well)12:42
sil2100pstolowski: this way it'll be indeed cleaner in the unity dependencies12:43
mzanettigreyback: answered12:43
greybackmzanetti: thanks12:43
greybackmzanetti: ok I see the value, I'll add it. Shouldn't take too long12:44
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
mzanettiSaviq: ok. now I don't see any more why I would need anything in unity-apis at all for the launcher... I would just move that header file into lp:unity/phablet and we implement all stuff in there12:51
Saviqmzanetti, thing is, ultimately we don't want the Unity.Launcher plugin to live with lp:unity/phablet12:51
mzanettioh... I see12:52
Saviqmzanetti, because we want to allow different implementations of it12:52
Saviqmzanetti, hence the need for lp:unity-api at all - a way to maintain a contract between the shell and $implementation12:52
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. the shell is supposed to be a dumb View on top of the data coming from Unity.Launcher12:53
Saviqmzanetti, and whoever implements Unity.Launcher needs to adhere to that contract12:53
Saviqmzanetti, hence the split12:53
sil2100didrocks: to get the unity libunity version bump in, I will have to first run the re-build for libunity alone, right? Since otherwise the merger won't find 7.0.1 and will bail out - the other way would be merging it in manually and re-running both libunity and unity at once12:53
Saviqmzanetti, you can live without it of course12:53
Saviqmzanetti, but you'll just have more work ahead of you12:54
didrockssil2100: exactly12:54
Saviqand by you I mean $someone who implements the Unity.Launcher plugin12:54
Saviqmzanetti, ^12:54
didrockssil2100: as you wish, check with upstream but personnally, I'm fine with a manual push to speed this up (on the unity side)12:55
mzanettiSaviq: ok... but that header that I have in there right now doesn't make any sense in there12:55
Saviqmzanetti, /me looks12:55
mzanettiSaviq: thats basically the interface between me an Wellark12:56
Saviqmzanetti, yeah12:56
Saviqmzanetti, that's not supposed to be there12:56
mzanettiok... so for now I just put that into lp:unity/phablet and create the other interface in the unity-apis. we can start with the implementation in unity/phablet until we know where it should go for real12:57
mzanettiSaviq: ^12:57
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, we can just extract the API parts later12:57
Saviqmzanetti, but yeah, just go with a simple implementation now12:58
Saviqmzanetti, simply because it will probably change substantially as we go12:58
Saviqmzanetti, and at the end when we decide it's ready to ship, we extract it12:58
Saviqmzanetti, and start enforcing the contract12:59
Saviqmzanetti, sorry if I got you confused13:02
mzanettiyou kinda did :D no worries tho.13:03
kgunnSaviq just 2 cents....we should probably enforce few weeks before Oct13:05
kgunnjust as a test to see if we're settled13:05
Saviqkgunn, way before that :)13:06
kgunnif api's still changing...that'd be troubling13:06
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kgunnSaviq cool....wasn't sure what you meant by "ready to ship"13:06
sil2100bregma: ping!13:06
Saviqkgunn, "when we decide it's ready to be enforced" more or less :)13:06
mzanettikgunn: if it compiles, ship it13:06
Saviqkgunn, so "when it works" more or less13:07
kgunnSaviq mzanetti cool13:07
kgunnSaviq mzanetti as long as "when it works" is prior to Oct minus 3 weeks ; )13:08
Saviqright ;)13:08
nic-doffaykgunn, any more info on the next task for me or should I just shout at Loic?13:09
bregmasil2100, pong13:10
kgunnnic-doffay ping loic he was ready when you are13:11
kgunnSaviq ^ nic-doffay gonna tackle openeffect13:11
Saviqkgunn, yup, great, thanks13:11
sil2100bregma: we're modifying he list of scopes in libunity and bumping the version of libunity, we'll also need to bump the dep in unity13:12
sil2100bregma: would you mind if I would merge in manually https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/unity/bump_libunity_for_scopes/+merge/167031 once the libunity version bump is in?13:13
sil2100bregma: since otherwise the merger won't let the merge in, because we would have to release the libunity new version first13:13
sil2100But with a manual merge, we can do both at once13:13
bregmasil2100, unity 7.0.1 would be a raring SRU release13:14
bregmaI think you would want to prepare a 7.1.0 release13:14
sil2100bregma: I mean libunity 7.0.113:15
sil2100bregma: since from what I see saucy has 7.0.0 with the 100scopes right now... is that incorrect?13:16
bregmaah, OK, I misread the merge13:16
* bregma rubs his eyes again13:16
sil2100bregma: once this merge (for libunity) gets in [1], I would like to merge manually the branch I pasted earlier13:20
sil2100[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/libunity/disable-some-scopes/+merge/16702713:20
didrockstedg: so, we have maybe found the source of the hang in dbus and the whole machine13:25
didrocksmhr3: ^13:25
sergiusensmzanetti: Saviq I do, less randomness going on! I'd really like some histerisys for bringing up the launcher too :-)13:25
didrockshud-service is using 2.2g13:25
didrocksso the machine is swapping13:25
didrocksand dying13:25
didrockssil2100: ^13:25
mhr3didrocks, wooooo13:25
tedgdidrocks, Ah, on Unity 7?13:25
mzanettisergiusens: what are you talking about?13:25
didrockstedg: right13:25
tedgdidrocks, Yeah.  I've got a fix on the TODO list for that.13:26
tedgdidrocks, Queries aren't getting free'd in HUD.13:26
mzanettisergiusens: ah... the revealing angle13:26
didrockstedg: can it get higher on the stack? It's blocking us for more than a month ;)13:26
sergiusensmzanetti: yeah, that :-)13:26
tedgdidrocks, Oh, I didn't realize.  I figured it wasn't a big deal because for most people HUD dies in 10 min anyway.13:27
mhr3didrocks, can't we just kill hud before each AP invocation for now?13:27
didrockstedg: or add a segfault please :p13:27
mzanettisergiusens: could you try with 30 degrees angle if you still like it?13:27
didrocksmhr3: is it possible in AP?13:27
didrockssil2100: maybe would know ^13:27
mhr3didrocks, i mean in the thing that invokes AP13:27
tedgdidrocks, I'll work on that today.  I don't think it's a big deal actually.  Sorry it was blocking you.13:27
didrocksmhr3: no, it's a black box for us13:28
didrocksmhr3: AP runs all the tests13:28
didrocksand returns13:28
didrocksso it should be the tests in a teardown doing that13:28
Saviqsergiusens, what hysteresis do you have in mind?13:28
sil2100mhr3: what do you have in mind exactly?13:28
didrockstedg: no worry, we didn't know the source of the issue, we were thinking of a dbus issue first13:28
mhr3didrocks, yea, but i meant that the machine is going to survive one AP check (the 500 tests), just kill it before that13:28
mzanettisergiusens: /usr/share/qml-phone-shell/Launcher/Launcher.qml, search for DirectionalDragArea and change "angle: 10" to "angle: 30"13:28
didrockstedg: just know, as we are on the machine when the freeze happened, we realized the issue13:29
sergiusensSaviq: some sort of acceleration and drag from the edges... to get what I mean, try and tick a checkbox in the gmail webapp13:29
mhr3didrocks, but anyway, if ted says it should be easy to fix... why bother13:29
sergiusensmzanetti: I like it how it is13:29
didrocksmhr3: the issue is that even the machine is dying and so the tests are going to take 3 hours. I think it's better to be able to kill it if needed between the tests13:29
mzanettisergiusens: I'm having some troubles too with 10°13:29
mzanettisergiusens: seems a little too restrictive to me13:30
sil2100didrocks, mhr3: between tests we can do easily, but not sure if that won't cause some AP test failures, as I noticed that sometimes HUD is a bit flacky before first usage of a newly spawned hud-service13:31
sergiusensmzanetti: I like angle 10 :-) But I may be just strange13:32
mzanettisergiusens: did you try with 30?13:32
sergiusensmzanetti: not really..one sec13:33
mzanettisergiusens: I know that 10 is great for people like you. but as we also know that 10 is too low for people like Pat, we try to find out if 30 would still be ok for people like you :P13:34
Saviqgreyback, dude, you're in a park!? :)13:34
greybackSaviq: have plumber in the house drilling, so out in bard garden13:35
Saviqmterry, can you hear us?13:35
sergiusensmzanetti: it's ok... but I think Pat is only in the _reveal the launcher_ as an independent thing.. I don'k like the launcher revealing when I'm swiping in the gallery for example, and that reduced it's chance of doing _the wrong thing_ (the wrong thing being not what I expected :-D)13:35
mterrySaviq, no13:35
nic-doffaySaviq, I have nothing to report, going to skip on the standup, waiting to hear back from Loic...13:37
Saviqnic-doffay, k13:37
mzanettilol... I like greyback's birds13:41
mzanettikatie: should it be the always the ubuntu wallpaper or the current wallpaper?13:44
sil2100didrocks, cyphermox, tedg: what's the status with the indicator stack right now? Can we switch daily-release again, or not yet?13:45
sil2100Since we'll need some indicators for saucy at least, so at least a manual re-build once the configs are switched13:46
* didrocks is interested as well about it :)13:46
katiemzanetti: I think the current wallpaper13:46
cyphermoxit would be nice to re-enable that , yes13:46
mzanettikatie: ok, thanks13:46
tedgcharles, larsu, what are your thoughts on sil2100's question?13:46
katiemzanetti, but hopefully we can get the blur and it won't need to be anything other than the ubuntu wallpaper13:46
sil2100cyphermox: I can do that in my merge I'm preparing right now13:46
cyphermoxit should already be set up for saucy13:46
sil2100cyphermox: indeed it is :) Thanks!13:47
tedgIt seems now that we have the base ido stuff we can transition softly, no?13:47
mzanettikatie: hehe, yes13:47
sil2100charles, larsu: ^13:47
cyphermoxsil2100: we really just need the ok from ted / larsu that we'd be good to re-enable the indicators after whatever it is transition that was being done..13:47
larsusil2100, tedg: I think we can switch at this point13:48
sil2100larsu: awesome, so I'll switch the stack 'on' today along with all the other transitioning stuff13:49
didrockslarsu: no change in the package list?13:49
seb128does that mean that we will have gmenumodel version of indicators landing in saucy?13:50
didrocksor tests to run?13:50
seb128is unity7 handling those fine? (we didn't get any unity landing yet in saucy)13:50
didrockssil2100: btw, meanwhile you can maybe start publish the other stack, just don't touch the HUD one for now please :)13:50
mzanettikatie, mterry: I've updated the branch and replaced the Blur with a background image: lp:~unity-team/unity/phablet-pinlock13:50
tedgseb128, They're starting to, but we now have the infrastructure to transition smoothly.13:51
mterrymzanetti, ok13:51
mzanettikatie: let me know if you need help running/testing it on the device13:51
sil2100didrocks: will do slowly, I'll merge in the unity dependency switch now that libunity's version bump is in13:51
katiemzanetti, thanks13:51
larsudidrocks: nope13:51
tedgseb128, IDO and libindicator have stable base classes.13:51
katiemzanetti, don't have a device right at this moment, but will probably ask for help a bit later13:51
larsusil2100: which indicator would even get switched over? I don't think we landed any gmenu-port in trunk..13:52
sil2100larsu: this would basically mean that current trunks of all indicator packages would start being published to ubuntu saucy daily, so whatever you have in trunks right now13:55
sil2100larsu: we have been asked during the sprint to disable that for some transitioning period or something, not really up-to-date with if everything got done now13:56
mterrymzanetti, I'd like your opinions on https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity/phablet-greeter-single-user/+merge/166296 when you have time to review13:56
larsusil2100: yeah I know, but I think we didn't land anything in the trunks - so not much would change13:56
larsusil2100: I think we will very soon though, and it'd be nice if those changes got autolanded13:57
nic-doffaySaviq, I need some pointers about what I need to do for this opening effect.14:08
Saviqnic-doffay, do you have a Nexus 10 around?14:13
nic-doffaySaviq, nope14:14
nic-doffayNot of my own at least.14:14
nic-doffaySaviq, I'll have to see if I can borrow someone else's.14:14
Saviqnic-doffay, try with jounih and / or vesar14:14
Saviqnic-doffay, thing is: if you open the preview on the phone, it's more or less fluid14:15
Saviqnic-doffay, but if you open it on the Nexus10, depending on where you open it, it's not fast enough14:16
Saviqnic-doffay, and we had an idea how to reduce it to a single ShaderEffect... Kaleo_, can you shed some light on the OpenEffect? how did we want to simplify it?14:16
Saviqnic-doffay, one thing for sure: clip: true shouldn't be needed in there14:18
Saviqnic-doffay, a combination of fragment and vertex shaders should make sure we only paint the top and bottom parts, respectively14:18
Saviqnic-doffay, that's part of where the slowness might come from - we effectively draw the surface twice, clipping both14:19
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Kaleo_nic-doffay: to summarize the issue is that it's not fast enough14:26
nic-doffayKaleo_, I'm not even aware of what the OpenEffect is atm.14:27
mzanettinic-doffay: Components/OpenEffect.qml14:27
Kaleo_nic-doffay: Saviq needs to have a hangout with you then14:28
Saviqnic-doffay, ok yeah, let's start from the beginning14:28
Saviqnic-doffay, can we do a quick hangout?14:29
sil2100In the meantime...14:29
sil2100cyphermox: could you do a deep review of the switch branch without top-approving for now?14:29
mzanettimterry: is it ok that you remove the call to showPrompt() ?14:29
sil2100cyphermox: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/switch_unity_and_deps_to_saucy/+merge/16704314:29
nic-doffaySaviq, yeah sure14:30
mzanettiah I see... you removed all the users... ok14:30
mterrymzanetti, the only users I leave in the demo mock is the guest one, which doesn't use a prompt14:30
cyphermoxsil2100: does the QA team already have the -ci stuff setup for saucy? I'm not sure14:30
mterrymzanetti, note that this branch has implications for your pinlock branch (in the sense that it will make it more likely you'll want to add a new lightdm mock for your pin case)14:31
mzanettimterry: I can still use the full mock to testsing, no?14:32
mterrymzanetti, yes and no...14:32
mterrymzanetti, full mock will still be there, but your code currently has a hard-coded 'LightDM.Greeter.authenticate("has-pin")' bit14:33
mterrymzanetti, ideally...14:33
mterrymzanetti, on startup in single-user mode, the greeter would start authenticating that single user14:34
mterrymzanetti, which would be the pin user in your test.  We can't leave that hardcoded has-pin name in the code14:34
mterrymzanetti, and we aren't showing the PIN screen in multi-user mode, which is the mode you get with the full mock14:34
mzanettimterry: I'm not sure where to call authenticate() anyways14:36
mzanettibut for testing I should be ok with calling authenticate("has-pin")14:37
mterrymzanetti, but you have that call directly in the qml code, as I recall.  Not in the test mock14:37
mterrymzanetti, you see in LoginList, where we connect to onCountChanged?  That's the startup authentication for the LoginList14:38
mzanettimterry: yes... Its in the code for testing purposes... as designers want to be able to see the lockscreen on the phone14:38
mterrymzanetti, the single user mode needs a similar logic14:38
mterrymzanetti, the designers want the demo code to use the pin, or they want to be able to look at the pin screen by manually running in a test mode?14:40
mzanettimterry: well, they want to use it somehow without knowing what a LD_LIBRARY_PATH is14:41
mterrymzanetti, maybe it makes sense to switch the default ./run -f plugin to be your (unwritten) new pin lightdm mock14:42
mterrymzanetti, instead of the full one, since our focus is really the phone anyway14:42
mterrymzanetti, I am just uncomfortable with hardcoding testing user names in the non-test code  :)14:43
mterrymzanetti, but to add your new pin lightdm mock, you'll probably want to have my branch landed14:43
mzanettimterry: sure... that has to go14:43
mzanettimterry: but I still don't know how this will work...14:44
mzanettimterry: what should I call then? authenticate() without any username?14:44
mterrymzanetti, you'll do the same thing LoginList does, but instead of authenticating with the selected user in the list, you'll authenticate with the first (really only) user in the LightDM.Users model14:45
mterrymzanetti, the LoginList has onCountChanged logic for startup purposes.   You'll just need to do a similar thing on startup in your new qml code14:46
mzanettimterry: ok14:48
mzanettimterry: your branch looks good14:48
Saviqnic-doffay, here's a very simple example of how it's used: lp:~saviq/+junk/open-transition14:51
nic-doffaySaviq, cool ta14:51
sil2100fginther: ping14:51
fginthersil2100, morning!14:52
sil2100fginther: morning!14:52
mzanettiinfographic has landed \o/14:52
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mzanettipete-woods: nic-doffay: ^14:52
nic-doffaymzanetti, ^514:52
sil2100fginther: could you take a look and give us a sign if CI is ready for a switch to saucy? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/switch_unity_and_deps_to_saucy/+merge/16704314:53
pete-woodsmzanettii: woot!14:53
pete-woodsmzanetti even!14:53
fginthersil2100, cool! I'll take a look14:55
didrockssil2100: publishing the apps stack meanwhile?14:58
sil2100didrocks: by publishing, you mean for raring? ;) I can force it if the HUD thing is under your control!15:02
didrockssil2100: from what I know, there is no big change in the HUD, but you should better check :)15:03
didrocks(like no ABI change)15:03
Saviqmzanetti, hum, so we want to release to include the greeter fix, but now infographics landed - are we sure we want them in the (probably last) release for raring?15:04
mzanettiSaviq: uh... right15:04
mzanettiSaviq: I don't see how it would break anything else... (but I guess that counts to famous last words too)15:05
Saviqmzanetti, as 147 is supposed to be the last raring thing, I'd rather branch from release 180 and cherry pick into it15:07
Saviqand we all need to move to saucy soon15:07
sil2100didrocks: all looks ok, forcing publishing of the apps stack for raring15:07
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... that makes sense... we should only cherry-pick stuff to that dogfooding image anyways15:08
Saviqmzanetti, yup15:08
didrockssil2100: thanks!15:08
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sil2100didrocks: btw. are you doing some experimenting on the QA stack right now? Since I see it was published 29 minutes ago, but it looks as if it was re-run like around 10 minutes ago again15:10
sil2100Just not published because check failed15:10
didrockssil2100: yeah, it's the one we are experimenting on until ted is fixing the HUD (as the swapping is killing the machine)15:11
sil2100didrocks: I'll also force publishing of the unity stack in a moment15:11
didrockssil2100: ok, good :)15:11
didrockssil2100: we didn't have a package list on the QA stack, so creating it :(15:11
didrockssil2100: do you mind creating the package list for unity please?15:11
didrockssil2100: listing all the binaries we need to install from this stack?15:12
didrockssil2100: there is ./daily-release/jenkins-tools/default-binaries which should help getting the biggest of it15:12
didrockssil2100: but it's ignoring all the stuff that are not installed by default, so no scope15:13
didrocksthey need to be added manually :)15:13
mterrymzanetti, when I run trunk with ./run -f, I don't see the infographic anymore.  Is there some package I need to update or something?15:14
mzanettimterry: right... that's probably a bug... didn't think of the -f when reviewing the infographics stuff15:15
mzanettimterry: basically they patched the mock plugin... seems only the non-f one15:16
mzanettipete-woods: ^15:16
pete-woodsmzanetti: we patched both I thoguht15:16
sil2100didrocks: ok!15:17
mzanettipete-woods: doesn't seem to work with the full one. I didn't investigate why15:17
sil2100didrocks: will try adding that - can I attach that to the branch/merge that's doing the saucy switch?15:17
mzanettimterry: pete-woods: oh... it works15:17
pete-woodsmzanetti: I understand why15:17
mzanettimterry: pete-woods: its only the first few users don't have any15:18
pete-woodsit's becuase the default user has no infographic data15:18
sil2100didrocks: or should I merge it in before doing the switch ;) ?15:18
Cimihow do I bind two properties?15:18
Cimiin qml15:18
mterrypete-woods, mzanetti : only empty-name and has-password have them?15:18
didrockssil2100: one merge for those is fine :)15:18
CimiI want to change a property when I change another one, and viceversa15:18
mterryah and no-password15:19
Cimiso I could use onPropertyChanged but I feel it might loop15:19
pete-woodsmterry: I think that at the time I made the fake data, you only had like 3 users15:19
sil2100didrocks: ok, thanks!15:19
pete-woodsclearly some more got added since15:19
mterrypete-woods, is there no design for "if we have no infographic data"?  Surely we are supposed to show something in that case15:20
mzanettiCimi: don't really understand the question15:20
mzanettiCimi: like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729613/15:20
mzanettiCimi: if you change "foo", "bar" and "baz" will update15:20
didrocksmzanetti: I think he wants 2 way data-bindings15:20
sil2100didrocks: in the meantime, I'm publishing the unity stack as it seems all looks fine there15:21
Cimimzanetti, I want to change currentIndex of a listview when I update a property15:21
Cimimzanetti, but I want to change15:21
didrockssil2100: sure!15:21
Cimithe property when the user changes currentIndex15:21
mzanettiCimi: right... one sec15:21
cyphermoxsil2100: good to start approving?15:21
pete-woodsmterry: that would be a question for the design team, I guess15:22
pete-woodsI'll pass it along15:22
sil2100cyphermox: you mean the cupstream2distro-config saucy-switch branch? If it looks fine to you you can approve it locally, I would wait a moment with the global one still as there are some discussions still going on15:23
sil2100cyphermox: also, I'd like fginther to take a look first if the CI is ready and well 'defined'15:23
mzanettiCimi: you should be able to use a regular binding one way (e.g.  "currentIndex: foobar")15:24
mzanettiCimi: and do the other way round with a Binding { property: foobar; value: listView.currentIndex }15:25
mzanettiCimi: it _should_ work. Altough it might cause binding loop detection warnings15:25
sil2100fginther: ^ in case you missed it ;)15:26
mzanettiCimi: instead of the Binding {} you can also use onCurrentIndexChanged. that should still work15:26
fginthersil2100, sorry, still looking, I was interrupted...15:26
sil2100fginther: no problem, there's no haste! As we're still blocked on the decision from the touch team15:26
nic-doffayHaving issues flashing the tablet. Unable to push the files. Anyone run into similar issues?15:28
nic-doffayadb root is fine.15:28
fginthersil2100, looks good. Should I top approve?15:29
nic-doffaySaviq, ? ^15:30
sil2100fginther: for now a local approve is enough, thanks! Since I dont' want to change the config before sergiusens and rsalveti give a green light15:30
sil2100fginther: but that means all the CI saucy elements are correct and ready? :)15:30
Saviqnic-doffay, what kind of issues? does it say there's not enough space maybe?15:30
Saviqnic-doffay, did you (can you) try with phablet-flash -b to wipe all the data from it?15:31
nic-doffaySaviq, not yet.15:31
fginthersil2100, yes. ci parts are good15:31
Saviqnic-doffay, it might be that there's not enough space on the device15:31
Saviqnic-doffay, and make sure you use the ppa:phablet-team/tools15:31
sergiusenssil2100: can I see the MR?15:31
sergiusenssil2100: I can approve too as soon as it's good15:32
sil2100sergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/switch_unity_and_deps_to_saucy/+merge/16704315:34
sil2100sergiusens: here it is basically15:34
sergiusenssil2100: can you add all the apps in there?15:38
sergiusenssil2100: ui-toolkit?15:38
sergiusenssil2100: we might need to just move everything15:39
sil2100sergiusens: ok, I can also migrate the rest as well15:39
sil2100Would make sense15:39
tedgsil2100, didrocks, fix in the pipeline for review.  Plus a couple others that should make autopilot happier as well.15:42
didrockstedg: thanks!15:42
sil2100tedg: awesome!15:42
sergiusenssil2100: fginther https://blueprints.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+spec/foundations-1305-saucy-migration15:43
sil2100didrocks: ^ as mentioned, I'll also transition the touch apps to saucy15:43
sergiusensdidrocks: ^^ that's the saucy bp15:43
sil2100sergiusens: thanks! Will change the task statusess15:43
didrockssergiusens: sil2100: ah, thanks! :-)15:44
didrockssil2100: hum, wait for moving stack using otto to saucy, we didn't plug it yet to saucy15:44
nic-doffaySaviq, getting this on ./run_on_device -s now... https://pastebin.canonical.com/91998/15:45
nic-doffayI've run network setup etc.15:45
nic-doffaywith -i15:45
sil2100didrocks: for instance, hud?15:45
rsalvetiolli_: sergiusens: sil2100: didrocks: so, we'll be doing saucy related work from today on, no more raring15:45
rsalvetifeel free to push whatever you can to the archive, we'll also be working on getting our customizations during this week15:46
rsalvetiso we can have a fully archive-based image asap15:46
sil2100rsalveti: that would be my understanding15:46
didrockssil2100: yep, hud for now, but we can revert back just for tomorrow on utah15:46
sil2100rsalveti: thanks115:46
Saviqnic-doffay, seems you have network issues, try restarting the device maybe and make sure it's connected15:47
olli_sil2100, does this mean we are good?15:47
nic-doffaySaviq, it's def connected!15:47
Saviqnic-doffay, try again, then, it sometimes happens15:47
didrocksrsalveti: we are blocked on the WI for pushing that to the archive, so we'll wait for this first15:47
sergiusensdidrocks: sil2100: do we have a tag for the last raring build in the branches?15:47
rsalvetididrocks: sure, just saying we're good :-)15:48
didrockssergiusens: not a tag, you have the changelog with the rev number15:48
rsalvetiraring no more15:48
didrocksrsalveti: that's an excellent news!15:48
olli_didrocks, sil2100 what does this mean for scopes?15:48
olli_jono is asking for a reliable eta15:48
didrocksolli_: that's not related, we can push the scopes in saucy if the hud doesn't depend on anything we don't have in distro15:49
didrockssil2100: mind checking that? ^15:49
didrockssil2100: that the deps for unity (only the hud-service) has no build-dep on anything we don't have in saucy15:49
didrocks(like libhybris)15:49
* sil2100 was busy regexing the config15:50
sil2100Let me scroll up15:50
sil2100didrocks, jono: give me a moment and I'll browse through the dependencies of unity and get back to you guys15:51
jonothanks sil210015:51
sil2100Since indeed, if we have all that's needed in distro (besides hud and indicators-related things), we could push the current 100scopes to saucy15:52
tedgdidrocks, We're good15:52
didrockstedg: sweet! \o/ We'll let you know soon (tomorrow at most ;))15:53
Cimimzanetti, but if I do onCurrentIndexChanged: property = ...15:53
Cimiand onPropertyChanged: currentIndex = ..15:53
Cimiit is a binding loop15:53
mzanettiCimi: not if you do this:15:53
thostr_sil2100: didrocks: "could push" does it mean we'll push today?15:53
mzanettionCurrentIndexChanged: if (property != targetVal) property = targetVal15:54
mzanettiCimi: ^15:54
didrocksthostr_: tomorrow daily release rather15:54
thostr_didrocks: for sure or is this our best guess?15:54
nic-doffaySaviq, sorted, I see it's just stubborn sometimes.15:55
Saviqnic-doffay, good15:55
mzanettinic-doffay: found a bug in infographics15:55
nic-doffaymzanetti, shoot15:56
mzanettinic-doffay: unlock the phone (swipe away the lockscreen) and then lock it again => the circles are gone15:56
didrocksthostr_: well, depends if the tests pass as usual15:56
nic-doffaymzanetti, must be a new one. pete-woods any ideas?15:56
didrocksthostr_: but it's been reviewed for NEW, we'll need help for other archive admins15:56
didrocksthostr_: and there is the question of the hud being publishable to saucy15:57
didrocksthat all deps are available in saucy15:57
Cimi    onCurrentIndexChanged: if (currentDate != currentItem.monthStart) currentDate = currentItem.monthStart15:57
Cimi    onCurrentDateChanged: if (currentIndex != __diffMonths(minimumDate, currentDate)) currentIndex =  __diffMonths(minimumDate, currentDate)15:57
didrocksso checking for libhybris, ofono and so on15:57
pete-woodsnic-doffay: I'd say that has never been tested before15:57
didrocksif this is good, we're good15:57
mzanettinic-doffay: seems rendering.. the data is still there. if I double-click the center the circles appear again, but with an opacity animation15:57
didrocksthat's why I asked sil2100 to check this15:57
thostr_didrocks: ok15:57
pete-woodsnic-doffay: which is probably why it doesn't work15:58
nic-doffaymzanetti, ok. I'll get to the bottom of it as soon as this tablet is sorted.15:58
mzanettiCimi: that should work I guess15:58
didrocksthostr_: sil2100: I see that hud is build-dep on armhf on libubuntu-platform-api1-dev15:59
didrocksso I guess that it depends on libhybris15:59
didrocksand so we need that one in distro first, which is pending from the phone fundation team (with good progress AFAIK)15:59
didrockssil2100: thostr_: olli_: jono: ^15:59
sil2100didrocks: any ETA for that to be accepted? ;/16:01
jonoman, what an interconnected set of teams and deps :-)16:01
didrockssil2100: it's a question for rsalveti16:01
didrocksjono: the issue is that everything is bound together, meaning: autopilot transition, hud transition and a new set of deps16:02
didrocksjono: nothing with backward compatibility :)16:02
didrocksthat's why I told at vUDS that we need to switch everything at the same time16:02
rsalvetididrocks: sil2100: I'm pushing libhybris later today16:02
rsalvetiso it should be available tomorrow16:02
didrocksI hoped we can relax this constrain :)16:02
didrocksrsalveti: ah excellent! so in NEW I guess?16:02
didrocksrsalveti: or did you bribe an archive admin already?16:02
sil2100It's a really big switch, so there's a lot of dependencies ;)16:03
rsalvetididrocks: I'll ping the admins :-)16:03
didrocksrsalveti: ok, I'm afraid it's not in in time for dailies16:04
didrockssil2100: what about switching tomorrow morning, after the current daily16:04
rsalvetiyeah, that would be better I guess16:04
didrockswe'll be sure that libhybris is in16:04
didrocksrebuild everything16:04
didrocksand push whatever we can16:04
sil2100didrocks: if that's fine with jono and thostr_, it's fine with me - I'll prepare all branches for the switch16:04
didrocks(all the stuff that are not build-dep on ofono)16:04
didrocksrsalveti: do you remember exactly what's dep on ofono? ^16:04
sil2100Since we also need to get the unity build-dep-change in before that16:04
sil2100I can't merge it in now because it would break all merges ;p16:05
rsalvetididrocks: there's no extra dep for ofono, it talks with android via socket16:05
jonosil2100, I am not suggesting this needs to urgently go in, my issue today was around setting accurate expectations in the community16:05
rsalvetiand we'll be cleaning that up during the following weeks, so no need to worry much now16:05
jonoso if this takes a week to go in, so be it, I just need an accurate ETA on when it will land16:06
didrocksrsalveti: I mean, what component are dependings on the ofono package I listed on the spec?16:06
rsalvetithe critical path is libhybris and libplatform-api16:06
didrocksrsalveti: just to ensure they are not part of those stacks :)16:06
rsalvetiright, they can use the one available in the archive16:06
rsalvetithere's no specifics for our ofono16:06
didrockshum, let me check the package list16:06
tedgdidrocks, as far as I'm concerned we can drop that for now.16:06
didrockstedg: it's part of the hud stack?16:07
didrocksjust interested in the dep :)16:07
rsalvetididrocks: we have packages depending on ofono, but they can pull the one from the archive16:07
katiemzanetti, hello16:07
tedgThe platform API doesn't actually *do* platform abstraction yet.  So it's not that useful.16:07
rsalvetibut it might need indeed the telepathy ofono stuff16:07
mzanettihi katie16:07
rsalvetilet me check16:07
tedgdidrocks, We have a conditional build for it.16:07
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, there were some ofono package, telepathy-* and some other…16:07
didrockstedg: ah, so if not there, ignored?16:07
katiemzanetti, I can't seem to get your unlocking branch to work16:08
tedgdidrocks, When cyphermox was getting phone builds up, he added it.16:08
rsalvetiright, I'll check the telepathy ones later today to see what are the issues there16:08
tedgdidrocks, I think we have an explicit flag, but it's all in the /debian/* directory.16:08
didrocksrsalveti: ok, mind dropping an email?16:08
mzanettikatie: ok... lets go to a less flooded channel16:08
didrockssil2100: maybe that to check and an additional flag to add ^16:08
rsalvetididrocks: sure16:08
didrocksthanks :)16:09
cyphermoxdidrocks: tedg: which?16:09
tedgcyphermox, platform-api16:09
cyphermoxfor hud16:09
=== olli_ is now known as olli
sil2100jono: ok, thanks, I did not have any accurate ETA as well, but I was expecting to do most of the work today (and hoping for a final resolve around today/tomorrow)16:15
didrockssil2100: rather tomorrow, as we need libhybris in the distro and maybe telepathy-ofono and some others16:15
didrockssil2100: read what's above ^ :)16:15
didrocksjono:  ^16:16
sil2100didrocks: yes yes, reading that up, that's a lot of people to follow ;)16:16
sil2100didrocks: ah, and I was talking about my expectations in the morning if anything right now ;)16:18
sil2100Things that I have been 'expecting' when starting my day16:18
* olli is lost... sil2100, didrocks.. iow: we will start seeing scopes (and it's dependencies/prereqs) being pushed tomorrow morning16:22
didrocksolli: *IF* libhybris and ofono deps are in distro/resolved by tomorrow, (and tests continue to pass), 100scopes will be in saucy16:23
cyphermoxofono is already in distro...16:28
didrockscyphermox: telepath-ofono is?16:29
cyphermoxyes, that too16:29
cyphermoxafaik anyway16:29
sil2100cyphermox: I checked for telepath-ofono like 0.5h ago ang I didn't see it16:29
cyphermoxit may be out of date16:30
didrockscyphermox: not out of date, it was never in distro16:30
didrockscyphermox: see the specs we discussed during UDS16:30
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cyphermoxI must be confusing with another package that did this16:31
cyphermoxbecause I swear there was a telepathy-ofono before :)16:31
didrocksI made the list in a spec of some ofono package not in distro16:31
didrocksdidn't seem to have been removed: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-ofono16:31
cyphermoxshould involve awe so that we know it's ready..16:31
cyphermoxit must be a different name16:32
cyphermoxbecause there definitely used to be a telepathy plugin for ofono16:32
rsalveticyphermox: it's not the old telepathy-ofono16:33
rsalvetiit's a new one16:33
rsalvetithat depends on telepathy-qt516:33
cyphermoxno I realize that16:33
cyphermoxanyway, that should get landed asap...16:33
rsalvetiI'll go over the ofono dependencies as soon I'm done with hybris16:36
didrocksthanks a bunch rsalveti :)16:36
mzanettiSaviq: that ninja stuff seems to cause issues :/16:38
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Saviqmzanetti, you mean that you need to build -c?16:41
mzanettiSaviq: huh?16:41
Saviqmzanetti, I'm not sure that's ninja's fault, but if you convince me that's the case we'll get rid of it16:41
Saviqmzanetti, something else, then?16:42
mzanettiSaviq: I mean that: a) on a fresh device without existing builddir it takes like ages to build16:42
Saviqmzanetti, same with make, I'd say16:42
tedgmhr3, Thoughts here?  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/dee-sync/+merge/166819/comments/36984416:42
tedgmhr3, Trying to clean up HUD loose ends :-)16:43
mzanettiSaviq: nope... make was way faster (seems like we were using all cores with make but are using only one with ninja)16:43
mzanettiSaviq: second is that it does not always reliably detect what needs to be rebuilt16:43
mhr3tedg, i clicked refresh on that tab like 30seconds before you pinged :)16:43
* tedg is happy the telepathy is working16:44
Saviqmzanetti, indeed, build:50 should have -j$NUM_JOBS16:44
mhr3tedg, commented16:47
tedgmhr3, Sure, but the other patch protects from uninitialized models.16:48
tedgmhr3, So this one just means that we don't init with no data, and then get a refresh.  Instead, we wake up once to a fully functional model.16:48
mhr3tedg, it can't give you complete protection, it's in a different process16:49
tedgmhr3, Not arguing here for protection.  I understand it doesn't do that.  I'm just saying it's a better interaction for the client process.16:49
tedgmhr3, The protection stuff is in another branch that already landed.16:50
tedgmhr3, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/dee-service-sync/+merge/16686916:50
mhr3tedg, one problem is that the client will get a non-empty model then, without it it can just connect to row signals16:51
mhr3no need to iterate over the model in the begginging16:51
Saviqmzanetti, if you can confirm ninja is giving us issues, I'm good with dropping it by default16:51
* tedg recommends pirate16:52
mzanettiSaviq: well... right now I have the second time that I manually need to wipe the builddir on the device to make it build stuff again16:52
tedgmhr3, Won't it have to wait until it gets the schema, or just set up handlers and dee takes care of that?16:52
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, that I've had, too (build -c, effectively)16:52
mhr3tedg, so my point is just that the current behavior is perfectly valid from dee pov16:53
Saviqmzanetti, but we'd need to see that make wouldn't have the same issue16:53
mhr3tedg, that you shouldn't do operations on the model while it isn't synced16:53
Saviqmzanetti, I'll try and reproduce tomorrow (it seems building trunk and then your launcher branch showed that)16:53
mhr3tedg, to make it super safe, you'd set the schema on the client side too16:54
mhr3right after you instantiate the model16:54
tedgmhr3, Hmm, didn't realize I could do that...16:54
mhr3and before it's synced16:54
tedgmhr3, Should I?16:54
mhr3you can16:54
mhr3it you know it16:54
tedgI didn't ask that.  ;-)16:54
mhr3if it never changes, do it16:54
tedgK, it doesn't.  Will do.16:55
tedgIt only changes with package versions, which dpkg will take care of for us.16:55
tedgcyphermox, This is mostly packaging, can you look at it?  https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/hud/disable-unused-tests/+merge/16707716:57
mzanettimterry: can you help me for a minute?16:58
cyphermoxtedg: awesome.16:59
cyphermoxtedg: is it normal you remove some libappindicator / indicator-* dependencies?16:59
tedgcyphermox, Normal?  We were only using them in that test.17:00
tedgcyphermox, Otherwise it's all dbus17:00
tedgThis distangles the two much better.17:00
* cyphermox runs out to get lunch17:00
mterrymzanetti, sure17:00
cyphermoxit's a really good change17:00
cyphermoxI'll be back in an hour or so17:00
tedgHave fun!17:00
nic-doffaymzanetti, I should have a patch ready shortly17:01
tedguntangles... bother.  Couldn't figure out what was wrong there :-)17:01
didrocksthomi: veebers: once you are back, first, good morning :) second! there is a mysterious None test that is run in autopilot test suite. (maybe autopilot-gtk?) it seems to run some tests and save them in None.ogv. But recordmydesktop is not exited17:03
didrocksthomi: veebers: search for "None.ogv"17:03
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didrocksthomi: veebers: please look at this run as well: Only 3 failures are listed despite the bunch of exceptions we are getting and a lot of ogv. Seems the xml generation doesn't match17:25
didrocksthomi: veebers: if you can give a look at tell me what you have found, that would be awesome :)17:25
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mzanettidandrader: thanks for the review. can you tell me why the tests fail to link against libunity-core?19:36
dandradermzanetti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730429/19:38
dandradermzanetti, maybe there's something wrong/outdated with my setup, but I don't get this with lp:unity/phablet19:39
mzanettidandrader: oh.. thats a different one than I get19:39
mzanettidandrader: but I don't understand why :/19:39
mzanettidandrader: here it looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730436/19:40
mzanettidandrader: on jenkins it passes19:40
dandradermzanetti, did you rebuilt from scratch your ../unity_build?19:43
dandradermight be worth trying it19:43
dandraderand then ./build --clean19:43
* dandrader tries it out19:44
mzanettidandrader: I just don't get why the other tests importing Unity would pass then19:45
dandradermzanetti, did you update CMakeLists.txt?19:45
dandradermzanetti,  I mean, does Launcher test need a new import path there?19:45
mzanettidandrader: yes, but its there19:46
dandradermzanetti, hmm, still the same error19:51
mzanettidandrader: yeah... same here19:51
mzanettidandrader: I don't get it... its the same libunity that all the others import too...19:53
dandradermzanetti, me neither19:54
mzanettidandrader: replied to the review19:55
=== dandrader_ is now known as dandrader
kgunnmterry: ping20:18
mterrykgunn, hi20:19

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