
kbmonkeyhello 04:32
barrydkGood morning all05:54
Kilosmorning guys06:23
Kilosand hiya maiatoday 06:23
maiatodayHi Kilos06:30
magespawngood morning07:17
magespawnbrb server restart07:24
Kiloshi Squirm magespawn 07:27
inetprogood morning07:30
Kilosmorning inetpro 07:30
magespawnGood morning Kilos inetpro07:30
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:36
magespawnhey Vince-007:38
Vince-0Maanday, yay07:39
superflymagespawn: ping07:41
superflymagespawn: im in ur town invading ur shoppes07:42
Kiloslol hi superfly 07:42
magespawncool superfly , where exactly?07:47
magespawnnot the best time for shopping in hluhluwe, end of month and pension pay outs07:53
superflymagespawn: shoprite, where are you at the moment? 07:55
magespawnat my shop07:55
superflyWhere is that? And what is it called? 07:55
magespawnG&C Net07:56
magespawnhold on a sec07:56
magespawnsuperfly: ^^07:59
magespawnjust around the corner really08:03
superflymagespawn: I see a sign, but no building? I confused. 08:13
superfly is it that building in the middle of the field? 08:14
superflyah ok08:14
magespawnthe one with the white golf08:15
Kilosthese stads japies get lost in the sticks08:16
ThatGraemeGuymorning peeps08:22
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 08:22
ThatGraemeGuyhey :)08:24
ThatGraemeGuyare you well?08:24
magespawnhey ThatGraemeGuy08:47
ThatGraemeGuy'lo :)09:10
Kiloshi nlsthzn 09:18
Kilosim still alive ty ThatGraemeGuy 09:19
Kilossorry i took so long to answer09:19
nlsthznalo uncle Kilos ... how are you feeling?!09:20
Kilosbit better than yesterday so far ty n l09:20
Kilosnlsthzn, 09:20
nlsthznas long as it is better :)09:21
nlsthznoh and guess who is using leenucks again...09:21
nlsthznme :p09:22
Kiloswhat you mean again?09:22
nlsthznnot on windows 09:22
nlsthznat the moment09:22
nlsthzncinnamon 1.8 that just came out with mint 15 is starting to become very good09:23
charl_good afternoon10:20
charl_Maaz: coffee on10:20
* Maaz starts grinding coffee10:20
Kiloshi charl_ 10:20
charl_hi Kilos 10:20
charl_are you feeling better?10:20
Kilosa bit ty10:21
charl_glad to hear10:21
charl_look well after yourself, drink some tea and eat some soup10:21
Kilosty will keep trying10:22
Symmetriagoddamn, discovering your ex has a kid and then having to track back the time frames to make sure it aint yours is kinda scary ;p10:23
Symmetriathen you realize she musta gotten knocked up a month and a half after you split up 10:23
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!10:24
charl_Maaz: thanks10:24
Maazcharl_: Sure10:24
trenderSymmetria yo man sounds like you need to rubberise more10:59
Kiloshi mazal barrydk 11:26
mazalHi oom Kilos 11:27
barrydkHi Kilos11:27
barrydk2 halo test ipad11:34
nlsthznnegative... abort abort...11:35
mazalHouston we have a problem11:36
barrydk2lol thanks11:36
mazalMaaz koffie on11:43
Maazmazal: Huh?11:43
mazalMaaz coffee on11:43
* Maaz flips the salt-timer11:43
mazalMaaz big11:43
Maazmazal: Huh?11:43
mazalMaaz huge11:43
Maazmazal: Huh?11:43
nlsthznMaaz: tea please11:43
MaazAs soon as the kettle boils nlsthzn I will pour boiling water into your cup if you have the tea bag in already11:43
mazalMaaz large11:43
MaazIn a beer mug just for you mazal11:43
mazalMaaz hurry up11:45
Maazmazal Do you wanna sit there and nag or come make your own?11:45
mazalMaaz shuus or I make your chain shorter11:46
Maazmazal: Sorry...11:46
MaazCoffee's ready for mazal!11:47
mazalMaaz dankie11:47
MaazGroot plesier mazal my vriend11:47
barrydkKilos, hoe gaan dit daar?11:48
Kilosgrieperig en daar?11:48
barrydkOh no another one11:49
barrydkIm still ok had my injection otherwise would also had it by now11:50
magespawni am neve sure about those injections11:52
barrydkI got it for a few years now and it helps a lot. You must just never get it when you have flue already11:58
barrydkI must get it every year11:58
magespawni have not had flu for years myself(touch wood), but i have never had the injection12:02
barrydkYou are very lucky. I get it 2 / 3 times a year without the injection.12:03
nlsthznbusy copying music over to a new sd card folder for folder >.< had some errors copying over earlier... hate it when manufacturers push boundaries and move beyond the limits :/12:23
charl_it seems like i might move to arch in the not-too-distant future12:29
charl_just saw this: http://manjaro.org/12:29
charl_yet another great-looking arch-based sitro12:30
nlsthzncharl_: you could have a look at some of the vids the guys from Linux Action Show have made... they switched to Arch for the week12:31
charl_Linux Action Show? ok thanks i'll google it12:31
nlsthznthey had their big round up last night so that should give a good round up of there thoughts12:32
charl_oh no, a podcast?!12:32
nlsthznmore a vodcast but also not12:32
nlsthznif you can't find it let me know :p12:32
charl_oh my goodness it's 90 mins12:32
charl_this one? http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/38086/the-arch-way-aas-s27e03/12:32
nlsthznthere are smaller vids they did through the week12:33
nlsthznbut yes the 90min way is the main one 12:33
charl_ok maybe i'll watch some of it tonight12:33
* nlsthzn is giving Olivia some love since this morning and apart from some of the typical Linux hiccups it has been very smooth... hasn't it Olivia... yes it has ...12:35
mazalUhm....I'm scared to ask12:42
barrydkLekker slaap almal. Good bye12:51
mazalCheers alls12:56
mazalHave a good evening12:56
Kiloshi SilverCode 13:20
SilverCodehi Kilos13:36
charl_nlsthzn: what is olivia?14:35
charl_afaik it means olives in italian14:35
nlsthznLinux Mint 15 "Olivia" - charl_ 14:38
charl_ah that15:24
charl_ciao all15:24
Kiloshi georgelappies 15:42
Kilosso magespawn the fly been and gone??15:49
magespawnyup he was here with the family today16:02
magespawnKilos: 16:02
Kiloswhere they gone now?16:02
Kilosdid he laugh at your small village magespawn 16:03
magespawnback to the private lodge they are staying at, we might be doing something tomorrow16:03
magespawnnah he didn't, was nice and polite about it16:04
magespawnthe second baba is very sweet16:05
magespawngotta go see y'all later16:06
magespawnhome time16:06
georgelappieshi Kilos how are you?16:34
Kilosmaintain ty georgelappies , hoping the worst flu has broken now16:39
Kiloseverything eina from all the coughing16:39
psychicisthi Kilos 18:37
Kiloshi psychicist 18:37
psychicistany meetings planned these days?18:37
Kilosour numbers are dopwn again18:37
Kilosthe 17th18:37
Kilos6 days before im 6318:38
psychicistoh wow18:38
psychicistI'm 3318:38
Kilosmy son is 3618:38
Kilosor maybe 3718:38
psychicistI have to pay respect to you for getting involved with Linux even now18:38
Kilosty im sorry i didnt find out about pcs 20 years ago18:39
psychicistmy grandparents wouldn't even touch a computer18:39
psychicistit's not that bad, they're much better these days anyway18:39
Kilosget them to satrt playing solitaire18:40
Kilospcs grow on you18:40
Kiloshi tumbleweed all good?18:41
Kiloswb SilverCode 18:42
psychicisthi SilverCode 18:43
psychicisthi Zarw 18:43
SilverCodeanyone used weechat-curses inside a tmux session before?18:43
Kilosaw maia is the weechat person18:44
SilverCodetrying to find a way to prevent the "dirty" screen the whole time18:44
SilverCodedarn annoying18:44
Kilosyou do everything on one workspace?18:46
SilverCodeif my understanding of tmux workspaces is correct, then yes18:48
Kilosaw i dunno tmux18:48
SilverCodeits like screen, but better :)18:50
Kilosim googling it to try understand18:50
Kilosim spoiled with ubuntu and lotsa workspaces18:51
SilverCodeme too, but sometimes a text based console just *feels* better :)18:54
Kilosserious geek you be18:54
trenderim spoiled with windows vista a lotsa viruses18:55
trenderi have a pet name for every virus18:55
SilverCodewouldn't say serious geek, just spend a lot of time ssh'd into multiple machines on the end ofo very slow connections, so I got used to the command line18:56
SilverCodewhich got me used to vim, which then became my primary development environment, drawing me even closer to the command line18:56
Kilosand python?18:57
Kilosi tried it and got lost18:57
SilverCodeI tried programming in python once ... I got confused18:58
SilverCodeprefer C++18:58
Kilosyou must chat to superfly about python18:58
Kiloswhen he gets back from holiday18:59
Kiloshe swears by it18:59
SilverCodeI try to stay away from python developers, they are a strange bunch :)18:59
Kiloslol no man good guys18:59
Kilosthey fix everything with it19:00
SilverCodeI work with 2 python developers, and I'm sure it has done some damage to their thought processes19:00
SilverCodeI really have tried to give python a chance though. The problem was that what normally takes me about 20 lines in C++ takes 1 line in python, which takes all the fun out of programming19:01
tumbleweedKilos: yeah19:02
SilverCodeanyhoo, brb, need to check if messing with my term settings fixed the issue19:03
SilverCodedamn :( still broken19:04
Kiloswhat os you using SilverCode ?19:05
SilverCodeKubuntu 13.0419:05
Kiloswb SilverCode 19:07
SilverCodehmm....doesn't seem to happen in screen19:07
SilverCodewell, suppose that is a start19:07
Kiloswhy you arent using quassel or konversation19:07
Kilosweechat was hard work for me19:08
SilverCodebecause I run the irc client (weechat) on my server at home in a screen/tmux session so that I can disconnect and reconnect from any PC that has ssh on it19:08
Kilosisnt that similar to using quassel clients with a bouncer19:09
SilverCodeso I can be sitting at home on irc, detach the screen session, go to work, then ssh into my server from work and re-attach the session, picking up from where I left off19:09
Kilosforgive me if i ask stupid questions19:09
SilverCodeit is kind of the same19:10
SilverCodejust more work :)19:10
trenderis this thing on ??19:11
Kiloswhat thing trender 19:12
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 19:35
Kiloswhats with the cow act19:35
ThatGraemeGuyhello :)19:35
ThatGraemeGuyfinishing off a release upgrade quickly19:36
ThatGraemeGuyand waiting for electric blankie to kick in19:36
Kiloscold hey19:36
ThatGraemeGuyand i don't usually get cold, so it must be pretty bad :-/19:39
inetprogood morning19:42
Kiloshi inetpro 19:42
inetprooops, I mean evening19:42
ThatGraemeGuygood aftermornoon19:42
inetprohi Kilos19:42
Kiloshelp silvercode fix his 13.04 kde19:42
Kilosweechat on some tux thing19:43
inetprodays are flying way to quickly these days19:43
Kilosyuou are working too hard thats why19:43
inetproKilos: hmm... doesn't feel like it though19:43
Kiloswhy you arent tired?19:43
Kilosoh my19:43
inetprofeels like there's still to much to do and woossh... the day is gone19:44
Kiloslol thats life19:44
inetprotired!? What is that?19:45
Kilosmoeg man19:45
Kilossoos ek nou is19:45
inetproI just know if I don't go sleep soon I will be tired tomorrow19:46
Kiloswell ty for coming and greeting anyway19:47
Kiloslook after yourself man19:48
inetproKilos: I'm fine thanks19:48
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:52
ThatGraemeGuyi'm alive20:03
ThatGraemeGuyaaand everything seems to be working in xbmc land20:04
ThatGraemeGuygood enough for the moment. night night all!20:04

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