
DeltaHeavyHey, I have an Ubuntu VM running on a Windows 7 host. I unplugged my drive containing Virtual Box and my '.vdi' virtual drive file for Ubuntu. Now when I try to log into Ubuntu I get the following error: Failed to load session "ubuntu"      And gives me a button that says "Log Out". The whole background is black and the pop up looks unthemed. From that point I"m at the login screen again, and within ~10 seconds, or after logging 00:06
DeltaHeavyhow to fox this?00:06
ubuntivitiy* is actually ubuntiv, but thrown out due to network issue00:06
* ubuntivitiy is actually ubuntiv, but thrown out due to network issue00:06
ulkeshubuntivitiy: what's the last thing you saw from me?00:07
zephyrIs there a simple way to remove Unity and return to the older Gnome?00:07
ubuntivitiyulkesh: I asked you about if DNS was necessary, and saw nothing after that00:07
DeltaHeavyzephyr: There's a "GNOME2 Fallback Mode" IIRC, which is what you probably want.00:07
ubuntu22can anyone help me to get skype video calling to work in 12.04?  My camera works in skype 'options' where i can select the device, it properly displays the camera feed and I can see myself, but I cannot select the 'video button' while in a skype call.  Using the newest version btw..00:07
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I reduce the size of many photos in Command line?00:07
ulkeshubuntivitiy: it's not necessary, but it means you'd have to know your IP address (and have a static IP)00:07
zephyrDeltaHeavy, is Gnome no longer being developed?00:07
DeltaHeavyzephyr: It is, in the form of GNOME 3 which is pretty different than GNOME 2. I'm not a fan of it. MATE is a fork of the GNOME 2 project which is still being developed.00:08
ubuntivitiyulkesh: or even when the IP is not static, I simply have to know what it became and connect to it, right?00:08
ulkeshubuntivitiy: yes, correct00:08
zephyrmojtaba, http://www.howtogeek.com/109369/how-to-quickly-resize-convert-modify-images-from-the-linux-terminal/00:08
gordonjcpubuntivitiy: hi00:09
gordonjcpubuntivitiy: you pinged out00:09
zephyrDeltaHeavy, gotcha, thanks!00:09
mojtabazephyr: Thanks00:09
gordonjcpubuntivitiy: so it looks like you just set up port forwarding on your router as normal and you're golden00:09
ubuntivitiyhi, gordonjcp . It appeared for me as if the channel went suddenly silent!00:09
ubuntivitiyThat's what I plan to do inshallah.. Wish me luck :)00:10
DeltaHeavyUgh...why is my Ubuntu dead T_T I need it to work00:10
ulkeshubuntivitiy: there's software for dyndns.org that will auto-update the dns every so often...some routers actually have this built-in to their firmware and can be configured via the web interface as well00:10
ubuntivitiyulkesh: what should it be called in the router menus?00:11
ulkeshubuntivitiy: what should what be called? (time to be specific :) )00:11
ubuntivitiythe software feature built-in into router firmware :)00:12
DeltaHeavyHey, I have an Ubuntu VM running on a Windows 7 host. I unplugged my drive containing Virtual Box and my '.vdi' virtual drive file for Ubuntu. Now when I try to log into Ubuntu I get the following error: Failed to load session "ubuntu"      And gives me a button that says "Log Out". The whole background is black and the pop up looks unthemed. From that point I"m at the login screen again,  after logging in I get the same error. A00:12
ulkeshubuntivitiy: i would expect you'd see something like "Dynamic DNS" as a menu option...if you don't, you'd simply have to download some software onto a computer in your network and have it run all the time...there is a daemon for linux for dyndns.org as well00:12
ubuntivitiyI feel I'm being thrown away again!00:12
DeltaHeavyubuntivitiy: I believe the daemon ulkesh is talking about is 'ddclient'00:13
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: yeah that sounds familiar (haven't run it in some time)00:13
DeltaHeavyubuntivitiy: Are you trying to yeild the same results as a static external address?00:13
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: well he's trying to get ssh inbound, but i suggested dynamic dns as well to help (once his port forward is done)00:13
ubuntivitiyulkesh: I remember seeing a "dynamic DNS" in my router, but not sure where to find it :/00:14
ulkeshubuntivitiy: i'm sorry, i won't know00:14
DeltaHeavyulkesh: What's the make/model of the router?00:14
ulkeshubuntivitiy: i'd google your router name/type and dynamic dns to see if you can get a screenshot of your web config00:14
DeltaHeavyI've never heard of a router offering dynamic DNS services.00:15
ubuntivitiyjust did so, ulkesh , loading a related page :_00:15
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: a dlink something :) don't really know, i was just trying to help him verify his router terminates his internet address so he could at least work on port forwarding for ssh00:15
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: my netgear N750 does00:15
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: it is just a client, not a service00:15
DeltaHeavyYeah, before port forwarding SSH I suggest you worry about actually accessing your home network. Gotta do them both so w/e.00:16
ubuntivitiyfound it :)00:16
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: but it allows you not to have to install it on a machine on the network00:16
DeltaHeavyulkesh: You still need a server for a client, that's what I'd call a service :p00:16
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: well they go hand-in-hand :)00:16
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: yes, i told him dyndns.org00:16
ubuntivitiyand it has already an entry for dyndns.org00:16
DeltaHeavyYeah, I suggest dyndns.org00:16
DeltaHeavyubuntivitiy: If you need a deamon to update your entry I suggest ddclient. Really easy to install and is configured via TUI.00:17
ulkeshubuntivitiy: sweet, so go to dyndns.org and set up a free account (gives you one hostname i believe), then configure your router00:17
comradzillatrying to get some stuff done on python, but windows is being a bitch00:17
comradzillaabout to figure out how to dual boot w/ ubuntu and win700:17
DeltaHeavycomradzilla: What's Windows doing?00:17
comradzillai need to use pip to install pycurl00:17
comradzillaand i need distribute to use pip00:18
DeltaHeavycomradzilla: I suggest a VM for development. A lot easy to manage than 2 native installations IMO.00:18
comradzillajust to run one script00:18
comradzillavm? virtual manager?00:18
comradzillai'm green, speak engrish please :)00:18
DeltaHeavycomradzilla: Virtual Machine. I suggest VirtualBox for Windows.00:18
comradzillaokay thank you00:19
DeltaHeavyHey, I have an Ubuntu VM running on a Windows 7 host. I unplugged my drive containing Virtual Box and my '.vdi' virtual drive file for Ubuntu. Now when I try to log into Ubuntu I get the following error: Failed to load session "ubuntu"      And gives me a button that says "Log Out". The whole background is black and the pop up looks unthemed. From that point I"m at the login screen again,  after logging in I get the same error. A00:19
DeltaHeavycomradzilla: No problem.00:19
daftykinsulkesh: dyndns stopped doing free sadly. noip is best now00:19
ubuntivitiyI'll put the Dynamic DNS issue away for now, I'll just try to get a successful SSH connection from outside my network, if done successfully, then I can care for the DNS stuff.. Thanks ulkesh , gordonjcp , and everyone else who helped me in this issue00:19
ulkeshubuntivitiy: most welcome, good luck!00:19
ulkeshdaftykins: really? dang, i've had an account for at least 10 years so i dunno anymore :)00:19
comradzillais virtual box free?00:20
ulkeshcomradzilla: yes00:20
DeltaHeavycomradzilla: Yes00:20
=== talueses is now known as _unknown
ubuntivitiyThanks ulkesh , http://www.dnsdynamic.org/ can replace dyndns,org, right?00:20
daftykinsulkesh: yeah they seem to honour existing ones, although i got an email the other day saying they now require monthly login to keep free accounts going =/ not even client updates are enough to keep your account00:20
ulkeshubuntivitiy: don't know, check to see what your router can configure to00:20
DeltaHeavyubuntivitiy: Looks like their client was made for Windows.00:21
ulkeshdaftykins: hmm, well if they're cheap enough i don't mind paying, but it better be like $3/mo/host :)00:21
DeltaHeavyYeah, dyndns isn't a lot of money to shell out, especially if you're buying annually.00:21
ubuntivitiydlinkddns.com is provided on my router00:21
comradzillaVirtualBox 4.2.12 for Windows hosts  x86/amd64 <--- that's what i need correct?00:21
AwwSo does something like "774897664 bytes (775 MB) copied, 110.046 s, 7.0 MB/s00:22
Aww" mean dd is done copying?00:22
DeltaHeavyubuntivitiy: I'd say that may be the best route to go00:22
ulkeshDeltaHeavy: cool, thanks00:22
DeltaHeavyAww: Yep00:22
daftykinsAww: if it returned to the prompt yes00:22
DeltaHeavyulkesh: np00:22
AwwOkay, it just did thanks :D00:22
ulkeshubuntivitiy: honestly, conceptually i think you're set, just figure out what's easiest for you for dynamic dns...it really doesn't matter what service it is as long as it's easy for you and works00:22
ubuntivitiyGood, DeltaHeavy . Thanks00:22
nogalhey, i'm having an issue with ubuntu specifically. No other distro seems to have this issue... I set my TTY to run in VGA mode, which works perfectly, but every time I reload X and then drop back to a TTY my vertical resoltion goes bonkers and I've got to run dpkg-reconfigure console-setup again in order to reset the value to show correctly. After dpkg-reconfigure it seems to update initfrms but it isn't persistent. Any ideas?00:22
ubuntu22can anyone help me to get skype video calling to work in 12.04?  My camera works in skype 'options' where i can select the device, it properly displays the camera feed and I can see myself, but I cannot select the 'video button' while in a skype call.  Using the newest version btw..00:23
ubuntivitiyI gotta go sleep now, Thanks again and good night everybode00:23
ulkeshubuntivitiy: g'nite00:23
DeltaHeavyNight, I'm going to give up on my issue for the time being and punch out till later. Thanks to anybody who read my question!00:23
* ubuntivitiy is feeling happy to be in such a nice IRC channel00:23
=== walid is now known as Bakkar
ulkeshubuntivitiy: it's a pay-it-forward thing :)  we all got help at some point, and still need help from time to time as well00:24
comradzillaya, you're all very helpful00:24
comradzillathanks guys00:24
daftykinscan someone get me my chocolate from the kitchen? this sofa is seriously comfy...00:25
ulkeshdaftykins: time to build a robot with some arduino/raspberry pi :)00:25
daftykinsone that can navigate stairs00:25
ubuntvulkesh: of course :) In the future, if I see someone asking about DDNS and stuff I can explain to them what I learned today :))00:26
ulkeshdaftykins: hell yes!00:26
nogalShould I try editing my grub settings? Would that pull through?00:26
ulkeshubuntv: awesome, thanks and again good luck!00:26
=== ubuntv is now known as ubuntiv
ks_any idea where log is being written if I use 'log_end_msg 0' in my startup script?00:26
nogalks_: probably in /var/log/?00:27
ks_nogal:  apparently, but nothing there00:28
deckardhello. I have a question regarding volume. I see i can raise the volume above 100%, what does this mean?00:30
nogalis it a bug in dpkg-configure, should I try working with initramfs manually instead?00:31
=== omichalek is now known as bng
ulkeshnight all, time to prepare for some Game of Thrones :)00:32
bnghi all, can you help me, please? my unity lost window decorations and the desktop is barely usable :/00:33
Znooseyopen a terminal, then find the pid of compiz and kill it00:34
Znooseyit should restart again and things will be fine00:34
bngZnoosey: it now happens after each reboot, but I will try it00:34
Znooseyit used to happen to me all the time00:35
Znooseythere was some patches a while back that made it better00:35
Znooseybut it still crashes from time to time00:35
Falonis there a game like the old wArcraft i believe it was called freecraft or something for ubuntu?00:35
nogalugh got kicked offline...00:36
bngZnoosey: like "killall compiz"?00:36
bngthat doesnt help00:36
nogalanyway, i'm still having this issue with my TTY windows where each time I load X it seems to update my console data to use far too much vertical space than my montitor will allow. I can run dpkg-reconfigure console-setup which temporarily alleviates the problem, but every time I load X it screws up again00:37
bngZnoosey: I'm on 13.4, using intel graphics, I have been installing some packages and also installed some nvidia driver by accident (stupid I suppose...), then I uninstalled it again00:38
Znooseybng, that is the only solution i have found... that or rebooting :/ but as rebooting does that to your computer it might just mess it up more00:38
bngZnoosey: the problem appeared only after I booted up again00:39
bngthanks for the tip Znoosey00:39
ubuntu22bng, ps -A | grep -i compiz then kill with kill <pid>00:39
bngubuntu22: it's already killed it seems, that doesnt return anything00:40
comradzillaokay, i just got virtualbox00:41
comradzillaany tips to make ubuntu and easy installation?00:41
bngI can move some of the windows for wxample terminal, but no windows have the window decoration00:41
bngand I have no unity panel also00:42
bngI've just learned that there is not process with unity in it's name running, when I run "unity" in terminal it gives me some errors00:44
bngst. like" compiz (opengl) - fatal: glxquerry... is null for screen 000:45
=== Guest24881 is now known as Logan_
ubuntu22can anyone help me to get skype video calling to work in 12.04?  My camera works in skype 'options' where i can select the device, it properly displays the camera feed and I can see myself, but I cannot select the 'video button' while in a skype call.  Using the newest version btw..00:47
bngis there maybe a package I should reinstall? I am on intel graphics00:47
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest5998
=== Guest5998 is now known as Logan_
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest36164
nogali really hope i didn't just break grub00:49
nogalgonna reboot and see if i solved my issue myself here00:49
bnglightdm is the login screen or is it something with window management?00:51
nogalugh well that didn't go as planned00:55
bngshould I maybe sudo dkpg-reconfigure some packages? the last time I had an issue like this was several releases back... :/00:55
deadlyninjaubuntu 13.04, kernel 3.8.0-23-generic  im trying to add a bitmap to an array built with mdadm. mdadm accepts my command, then when i look at /proc/mdstat the bitmap information seems wrong and i get error messages in dmesg00:56
deadlyninjaheres the kernel error: http://pastebin.com/aqHJXhhY00:57
taqutorKnock knock.00:57
taqutorKnock knock.00:57
deadlyninjaand heres the /proc/mdstat  http://pastebin.com/YmAV8arK00:57
mood629No! Am I in trouble now?! http://i.imgur.com/7uICLJ8.png00:59
mood629How is this possible? I've been using Ubuntu for a week and installed nothing out of the repository!00:59
deadlyninjaperhaps its a false positive01:00
nogalsudo vim grub01:01
nogalwrong terminal sorry01:01
ks_can I imitate login to local desktop in a startup script?01:01
mood629deadlyninja: Perhaps?!01:02
ks_at the moment I have rdesktop -u ubuntu -p abc localhost in /etc/init.d/parallelSession start, but looks like it doesn't kick in at all.01:02
deadlyninjamood629: why dont you check01:03
MelRayubuntu server 12.04 I don't see my dns entries in /etc/bind/named.conf or any others...but dig local shows the domain and ip associated. Would it be storing the live file some where else?01:03
mood629deadlyninja: What are you talking about? Shut up if you can't help, retard.01:03
deadlyninjamood629: what is your problem. i cant check it for you01:03
madpropsanybody there01:06
madpropsso strange when all channels stop having activity01:06
brewmaster619a little01:06
ks_madprops: only bots are here01:06
TheUsD_Hello, having an issue with owncloud server.  Clients can connect to server via program and http. both receive erros.  clients connecting via sync program receive: server replied: service Temporarily Unavailable01:06
TheUsD_Http clients receive: failed to connect to database01:06
bngI'm not a bot, and if anybody could help me with my unity, that would be great! :)01:08
madpropsnone of them knew they were robots01:09
* Dr_willis likes FemBots01:10
carpediembabyhi, has someone been able to make skype work on ubuntu 13.04?01:11
carpediembabyit crashes for me whenever i try to make audio or video calls01:11
Dr_williscarpediembaby,  i recall there being some tweaks and fix's and work arounds mentioned from time to time. askubuntu.com may have a list of them01:11
paul__did you install the NVIDIA card?01:11
paul__When you install the NVIDIA drivers for ubuntu 13.04 it causes Skype to crash01:12
paul__This is a possible cause01:12
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
ks_skype is crap01:13
* ks_ uses really secure chat software01:13
paul__personally I prefer the new Google Hangouts, seems to work very well with Ubuntu01:13
bngand fuck nvidia too01:14
paul__Install Chrome and the Hangouts extension01:14
HexagoniteDoes LogMeIn work on Ubuntu?01:15
Dr_willistheir website dosent mention linux.01:16
HexagoniteI meant accessing someone else's machine?01:16
HexagoniteI don't want to go back to Windows. :(01:17
Dr_willistheres other remote access methods then  'logmein'01:17
Dr_willisso details of what you want to do.. will help us help you01:17
HexagoniteI'll just try logging in then01:17
paul__ubuntu has remote desktop, and SSH access, if you enable them01:18
bngregarding my unity screwup, the graphics recovery option from boot menu under kernel 3.8 is not able to repair my problem01:18
Dr_willisvnc, ssh, teamviewer,   others i bet i never have used... ;)01:18
python|piIf I ssh to localhost (if that's a good idea) does that mean my whole system is encrypted or only that ssh session i that shell?01:19
ks_haha bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory01:19
madpropsmind sharing the name01:19
madpropsoh that came out late, ks_ I was refering to your secure chat software01:20
Dr_willispython|pi,  encryptd in what way?  ssh uses encryption for its data..01:20
python|piall of my internet traffic Dr_willis01:20
ks_madprops: Jitsi01:20
Dr_willispython|pi,  you doing a ssh tunnel? or what?01:20
paul__Jitsi has potential, but it's buggy01:20
python|pibrowser and everything I type Dr_willis be it browser, messengers etc01:20
paul__pidgin with OTR is better for text chat01:21
python|pino just ssh to localhost does that create a streaming loop to my 192.168.*.*?01:21
ks_paul__: that could work too01:21
Dr_willispython|pi,  i dont see what you are gaining by doing that.01:21
paul__xchat also has OTR01:21
bngguys, can I do sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop, will that achieve anything, I really don't want to reinstall now01:22
paul__you have to install it from the repos though01:22
python|pithanks Dr_willis01:22
Dr_willisbng,   i doubt if that would fix much of anyuthing..   clarify what the actual issue is.01:22
bngDr_willis: my unity panels are gone, the window decorations too and unity/compiz seems not to load due to some errors01:23
bngDr_willis: I accidentally installed nvidia driver, even though I have no nvidia card, I am on intel graphics, i uninstalled it then01:24
Dr_willisbng,  id install some alternative desktop to use, while you work in fixing unity/compiz. ive seen  Unitycompiz get all confused by video drivers that ARE working and just fail to load.   also test with a newly made user. see if he has the same issue01:24
HexagoniteThis rude guy PMed me for not running Linux.01:24
Dr_willisbng,  double check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file also. you really shouldent need one on intel01:25
paul__maybe purge the NVIDIA drivers?01:25
bngpaul__: will try01:26
bngDr_willis: it shouldn't be there at all?01:26
Dr_willisbng,  i dont have one on my intel ssytems.. rename it if it exists01:26
python|pi<fishedhoo> Thank you to nigger01:28
python|pi<fishedhoo> You one of them smart niggers01:28
somsippython|pi: stop witht he racist comments01:29
Dr_willispython|pi,  learn to use the /ignore command01:29
bngthere is no xorg.conf, but I just discovered I still had some nvidia packages installed (!)01:29
bngrebooting now01:29
python|piI think its funny Dr_willis I'm flattered01:29
Hexagonitefishedhoo is trolling people. :(01:29
Dr_willispython|pi,  keep it up and the ops may boot you instead..01:29
bngHexagonite: me too01:29
somsipHexagonite: report to the ops01:29
python|piand not even cloaked Hexagonite01:29
Dr_willisthere is the #ubuntu-ops channel for reporting things i  belive01:30
quortethHey, if i want to find all instances of '70' in a file, i try grep '70' myfile, and it responds 'Binary file final_merged.sam matches', how can i make it work like normal?01:32
bngDr_willis, paul__ , so now I got the window decorations back, after purging nvidia-common and nvidia-304-updates, but there are still no unity panels01:35
=== Inoperable is now known as Inoperabled
Dr_willissee if a new user works.01:37
Dr_willistheres some unity reset command. but forget what it was called01:38
python|pioh it's not a prob Dr_willis I'm not even surprised at the childishness.  I have a soul with girth01:38
bngDr_willis: nothing with unity in its name is running, and killall compiz just destroyed the decorations again, restarting again01:39
zehexxsir,in ubuntu can we learn about assembly?,and what we use to it?01:39
Dr_williswell compiz is what handles the window decoration ;)01:39
Dr_williszehexx,  theres assembly language tools in the repos01:39
bngDr_willis: well somebody here mentioned killikng it, or maybe it was unity01:40
Dr_willisrestarting unity may be a better idea ;) if it still takes that argument01:40
zehexx*we use to do it?01:40
Dr_willisunity --restart  or unity --reset01:40
Dr_williszehexx,  the gcc tools can do assembly, and theres more then one assemblyer i recall.01:40
Dr_willisassembly language is rarely used these days :)01:41
Dr_willishttp://asm.sourceforge.net/ the Linux Assembly website!01:42
zehexxin repo i have search with keyword assembly but not result. if gcc can do it, so? our processor type its can effect?01:44
zehexxdr_willis thx for link, i will try to check it01:44
zehexxin terminal bash can we check what is our processor type?01:50
somsipzehexx: cat /proc/cpuinfo01:50
zehexxsuch as x86?01:50
syntroPihow would i add online accounts in gnome shell? i get a window which tells me to enter contact information with a finish and cancel button but nowhere to write my account into????01:53
zehexxsomsip thx, i have read it, but i not found word x86, or similiar with it01:54
syntroPignome is still mostly: broken01:54
zehexxjust some word and number info01:55
somsipzehexx: uname -a then01:56
somsipzehexx: strictly speaking that tells you what kernel you are running, but it would normally match the capabilities of the CPU01:56
syntroPidoes anyone got empathy working yet?01:57
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off
bngDr_willis: so I created a new account and it has unity rnning alright... should I delete some of my .config files or similar?01:57
bngDr_willis: any hint which?01:58
nogalugh.... i can't find a fix for this problem and it only happens in ubuntu, no other distro.01:58
zehexxand how to view cpu register as graphic just now how its work01:58
nogalstill can't get my TTY windows to appear correctly01:58
zehexxand how to view cpu register as graphic just to know how its work01:59
nogalteh only thing that remotely works is reconfiguring the console data, but once I reload X it sets it back to it's broken appearance02:00
nogalanyone have any other ideas?02:00
nogalif I set grub to vga mode, it takes away all visual to the TTY02:01
nogalfishedhoo: why are you PMing me about drugs?02:02
nogal22:01 <fishedhoo> Idea. First stop doing drugs02:03
nogal22:02 <nogal> excuse me?02:03
nogal22:02 <fishedhoo> You seen it. Punks like you smoke that bong02:03
nogal^^ wtf is that about02:03
nogaldon't PM me.02:03
FloodBot1nogal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:03
cjbirkno one cares02:03
=== Shubuntu is now known as Guest29774
nogali'd figure someone in #ubuntu would know why a ubuntu specific problem happened02:04
ripplebitguys when i try a copy i get this returned: "cp: omitting directory './site/site'".  what am i doing wrong?02:04
ripplebitcommand i run is "cp ./site/site ./app/site"02:05
Gumbyripplebit: cp -r02:05
ripplebitwhat's the -r for?02:05
somsipnogal: please report any abuse in #ubuntu-ops02:05
Gumbyman cp will tell you everything you want to know02:05
Gumbyand a whole lot more02:05
cong<fishedhoo> Idea. First stop doing drugs02:05
nogalsomsip: thank you.02:06
somsip!ops - we have a problem with fishedhoo pm'ing users.02:06
ubottusomsip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:06
somsip!ops | we have a problem with fishedhoo pm'ing users.02:06
ubottuwe have a problem with fishedhoo pm'ing users.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!02:06
FloodBot1somsip: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
somsipnogal: I'll put a general call out as it seems to be a ongoing problem02:06
DeltaHeavyHey, I have an Ubuntu VM running on a Windows 7 host. I unplugged my drive containing Virtual Box and my '.vdi' virtual drive file for Ubuntu. Now when I try to log into Ubuntu I get the following error: Failed to load session "ubuntu"      And gives me a button that says "Log Out". The whole background is black and the pop up looks unthemed. From that point I"m at the login screen again,  after logging in I get the same error. A02:07
GumbyDeltaHeavy: the vdi is now missing/unavailable and you are wondering why you are seeing issues?02:08
DeltaHeavyGumby: No, the .vdi is there and Ubuntu boots, but after logging in I get that issue.02:08
GumbyDeltaHeavy: so you plugged the physical drive back in at some point then?02:09
GumbyDeltaHeavy: before starting the Ubuntu VM?02:09
DeltaHeavyGumby: Yes, I can boot the VM so the .vdi is there.02:09
DeltaHeavyI'm not even sure if this is what caused the problem, as the VM runs, I just can't log into Ubuntu.02:09
Gumbyperhaps the /home partition isnt mounting02:10
bngDr_willis: after backing the whole .config, I have the desktop back, thank you!02:10
DeltaHeavyGumby: Lemme check02:10
bngDr_willis: i'll have to just restoring selectively now02:10
DeltaHeavyGumby: Naw, /home/ is mounted.02:11
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
GumbyDeltaHeavy: and you can write to it?  and it contains ubuntu ?02:11
GumbyI assume the session "ubuntu" is the username?02:11
DeltaHeavyGumby: I can read and write in /home/. And my username is not 'ubuntu'.02:12
Gumbyare there any other desktops/sessions to choose from at login?02:12
Gumbysounds like something went wrong during an install or upgrade or something02:13
DeltaHeavyGumby: Ah, changing my session from 'Default' to 'Unity' worked! Thanks!02:13
Gumbycool, I wonder if thats a bug02:14
ripplebitguys how do i recursively remove a dir?02:14
DeltaHeavyGumby: Personally, I'd doubt it. Sounds like just some vbox / hardware combination quirck02:14
DeltaHeavyripplebit: rm -r <dir>02:14
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
Mathiasi'm having some weird problems with my sound card, the headphone connection is appearing and disappering a couple of times a second. the card is a "Audio device: Intel Corporation C600/X79 series chipset High Definition Audio Controller (rev 06)"02:17
skuftoddly quiet02:23
skuftso odd, using exact same settings one irc client can't connect to the znc and the other can.02:23
Mathiasskuft: same computer?02:26
syntroPican someone help me setting up ubuntu online accounts?02:27
MathiassyntroPi: struggling with facebook?02:28
syntroPiMathias, all of them: i try using empathy and adding accounts results in UOA empty formular with [Cancel] and [Finish] button? where would i add my account info??02:29
aladdinhow do u view a file once you locate it on the terminal please?02:29
Dr_willisaladdin,  what kind of file?02:30
Dr_willisprogramtouse  filena,e02:30
Mathiasaladdin: editing in the terminal? nano is probably the easiest way. just viewing? then just "more /path/to/file"02:31
Dr_willisassuming its a text file.02:32
aladdinDr_willis,  a .log file02:32
aladdinMathias, let me try that out, cheers02:32
Dr_williscat fool.log02:32
aladdinDr_willis, l o l02:32
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
linux_is_my_herohelp, I can't seem to get my printer drivers to work :-(02:34
syntroPiis there a config file for empathy accounts somewhere?02:35
aladdinwhat is the difference between more and cat command plz?02:37
Dr_willisman more02:37
Dr_willismore is a pager. like 'less'02:37
Dr_williscat just spits it out02:37
Dr_williscat /var/log/bigfile02:38
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I change the size of pictures in a directory and its subdirectory? (I am newbie. :P)02:38
Dr_willismore /var/log/bigfile02:38
Dr_willismojtaba,  lots of pictures you mean?02:38
mojtabaDr_Willis: Yes, I want to use command line.02:38
aladdinDr_willis, another question, how do u quit blank terminal once you prompted the command cat?02:39
aladdinDr_willis, thank for the previous :)02:40
mojtabaAny idea?02:40
aleza84anyone has any idea about Usb digital tv ??02:41
silareIs there a way to make the Unity panel at the top (appmenu, clock) have a different font than the rest of the OS?02:41
mojtabaDr_Willis: Do you know what should I do?02:42
silareWhat about spacing the indicators out more? I keep missing because I suck at using mice.02:42
aleza84http://paste.ubuntu.com/5728100/ can anyone help me to identify if this device has been detected well or not¡?02:43
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I change the size of pictures in a directory and its subdirectory? (I am newbie. :P)02:43
silaremojtaba: Which *buntu? Ubuntu with Unity?02:44
silareAnd welcome. =]02:44
mojtabasilare: Yes02:45
mojtabaI want to use command line02:45
silaremojtaba: Ohh. you mean resize , not change display size?02:45
mojtabasilare: Yes, I have lots of pictures and would like to change their sizes.02:45
mojtabaAny idea?02:48
Dr_willisimagemagick cli tools02:49
Dr_willis!info imagemagick02:49
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 8: (raring), package size 188 kB, installed size 440 kB02:49
=== Guest36164 is now known as Logan_
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest23811
angelazouI created a user using --disabled-password02:50
mojtabaDr_willis: I know that I should use convert, but the problem is that I do not know how to combine it with for loop.02:51
angelazoubut now I'm asked the password, what is it?02:51
Dr_willismojtaba,  i always end  up having to google for examples02:51
Dr_willisi would think that would disable the user from logging in..02:53
fellayaboyis there a way to start screen in a certain directoy02:53
Dr_williswhat command did you use exactly angelazou ?02:53
Matthew_Moorei have a weird problem. i am dual booting Win7 and ubutnu 13.04.   after i use 13.04  and reboot back into win7 My windows audio dose not work.  i have to pop out my cmos battery to fix it. its definatly Ubuntu triggering this. i can reproduce it at will. what the heck is causing it?02:53
Dr_willisfellayaboy,  check the screen man pages? or its startup script feature? there shoul dbe a way02:53
angelazoudr_willis: sudo adduser --system  --shell /bin/bash  --gecos 'git version control'   --group --disabled-password --home /home/git git02:54
paul__angelazou: Why not go to "User accounts" and create a user and enable "automatic login"02:56
paul__to me that seems far easier than the command line route02:56
angelazoupaul__because I'm on a server not a desktop02:56
paul__ah got ya02:56
paul__that would certainly explain it hehe02:57
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
Dr_willisso.. you think --disabled-password will let you auto login?02:57
angelazoudr_willis: I'm following a setup02:58
Dr_willisangelazou,  well i dont get what you are trying to do..02:58
angelazouI have only a blurry idea of what I'm doing, so please02:59
Dr_willis              Like --disabled-login, but logins are still possible for example02:59
Dr_willis              through SSH RSA keys, but not using password authentication.02:59
angelazouif you know what is the password, just let me know02:59
Dr_willisIt dosent let you auto login.. it disables where you can use a password02:59
angelazouwell, that makes no sense02:59
Dr_willisso you MUST use the keys.02:59
angelazouwhy does it still prompt password when I do sudo02:59
Dr_willisi dont get what you think it should be doing.. it makes sence to me02:59
angelazouwhat key dr_willis?02:59
Dr_willisthe ssh key.02:59
angelazoupassphrase for the ssh key?03:00
Dr_willisi imagine you have effectively disabled sudo for that user03:00
Chris_W_this may be stupidly dumb of me, but once you run 'apt-get update' how do you know what/if any packages are ready for upgrading without running 'apt-get upgrade' ?03:00
paul__are you trying to disable the user password, or the sudo password?03:00
angelazoulike I said, I'm just following this setup http://silas.sewell.org/blog/2011/01/08/setup-gitolite-on-ubuntu/03:00
angelazouI really don't have a precise idea of what that was03:01
Dr_willisso later it wants you to do somthing as git and sudo?03:01
Dr_willis--disabled-password  sounds to me like it disables using the normal login: method as that user.03:02
Dr_willisyou can only ssh in and auth via allready made keys03:02
Dr_willis the server channels may know more about this.03:02
niocoraHow terribly terrible would it be to use drivers from nvidia's website?03:03
Dr_willisthis site specifically mentions git user, and that option -- --disabled-password      http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/56765/creating-an-user-without-a-password03:04
Dr_willisniocora,  if the repos work. its best to use them.03:04
Dr_willisif they dont.. well..    the ones from nvidia.com may or may not work03:04
Dr_willisthere are ppas with newer nvidia drivers also03:04
niocoraDr_willis: I don't think they are. They killed unity.03:05
Dr_willisniocora,  ive seen unity get confused when the drivers are working. ;()03:05
niocoraWell I get no bars with unity.03:05
Dr_willisniocora,  tried making a new user see if unity works for them yet? as a test.03:05
Dr_willisniocora,  way too common a problem.. seen it happen  when my video drivers were in fact working correctly03:06
Chris_W_this may be stupidly dumb of me, but once you run 'apt-get update' how do you know what/if any packages are ready for upgrading without running 'apt-get upgrade' ?03:06
Dr_willisChris_W_,  i just run the apt-get upgrade and look..03:06
niocoraMy drivers are working (I think)03:06
Dr_willistheres that motd line/script that can show the # that can be updated. but not details03:07
niocoraI'll try making a new user account.03:07
harlinggoany indonesian here03:08
Chris_W_Dr_willis: i just thought that seemed a little silly, to have to run the program again, just to see that there aren't any updates.03:09
harlinggogimana nih03:10
Dr_willistheres that command in the motd/stuff that can give a summary03:10
harlinggogw nyasaarrrrr03:10
=== alex_ is now known as Altek
testing_Dr_willis: It's niocora, I created a new user and unity works, but I want to use my old user account. Any ideas?03:11
Dr_willisclean out your old users settings files.  rename .config as a start03:12
FloodBot1harlinggo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:12
Dr_willisaskubuntu.com also has some info on resetting/.cleaning out compiz/unity configs as to what ones you may want to keep03:12
soy_el_pulpoDr_willis: hi, is there an esasy way to change my apt.sources from a mirror back to the another one rather than editing the file manually? sometimes ubuntu has this nice little scripts that make people life easier. thanks03:16
Galraithhey guys we have ubuntu 12.04 installed, we are using vsfptd and we can log in read, pull off the server and copy but we are unable to write.03:16
Dr_willissoy_el_pulpo,  there used to be a mirror-select tool. or theres various sed/awk commands that can alter the sources.list03:16
soy_el_pulpoDr_willis: thanks, will follow your lead...03:17
Dr_willissome other hits may give better answers.. i just searched quickly there03:18
Dr_willis!find apt-spy03:19
=== Guest29774 is now known as Shubuntu
ubottuFile apt-spy found in fish03:19
=== Shubuntu is now known as Guest1740
=== Guest1740 is now known as Shubuntu
Dr_willisUse sed to replace mirrors in sources.list03:20
Dr_willissudo sed -i -e 's#us.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror.math.ucdavis.edu#g' /etc/apt/sources.list03:20
Ponch0Hello, I just extracted a .tgz file, how do I go about installing it now?03:20
Shubuntuhey guys anyone using ubuntu 13.4 here?03:20
somsipPonch0: what is in the tgz file? A script or source code? What are you installing exactly?03:21
=== Shubuntu is now known as Guest48593
Dr_willisPonch0,  totally depends on whats in it.03:21
soy_el_pulpoDr_willis: thanks again, will add it to my bag of tricks ;-)03:21
Ponch0it's arduino 1.0.5 ide03:21
Ponch0for the arduino uno r3.03:21
Guest48593anyone using ubuntu 13.04 having toruble connecting to facebook chat in browser?03:22
somsipPonch0: http://blog.markloiseau.com/2012/05/install-arduino-ubuntu/03:22
Ponch0somsip: Thanks!03:22
Mathiasoh btw, possible to get ubuntu to forcefully mount stuff? it hangs for no reason at all at boot (if i choose manual recovery and just runs "mount -a" it works without problems)03:22
somsipPonch0: np03:22
Ponch0somsip: does it matter i'm on 13.04?03:23
somsipPonch0: unlikely - structure of the tgz will be the same03:24
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
Guest48593i've tried clearing cache, using different browsers, changing dns, switching between flash and gnash, no luck03:25
RyanXMdoes anyone know an alternative to fantastical? http://flexibits.com/fantastical03:26
Ponch0somsip: allll righty, thanks again.03:26
* Baahtti blinks03:28
somsipharlinggo: you test is clealy working. Now stop please.03:28
HexagoniteHow do you make pulseaudio to restart?03:28
Galraithhey guys we have ubuntu 12.04 installed, we are using vsfptd and we can log in read, pull off the server and copy but we are unable to write. we diddnt have access before we commented out "chroot_local_user =  yes"  is their somehow we have to set the write permissions to be able to do this?03:29
Shubuntuanyone using ubuntu 13.04 having toruble connecting to facebook chat in browser?03:30
Shubuntui've tried clearing cache, using different browsers, changing dns, switching between flash and gnash, no luck03:30
Hexagonitedid the chat work before 13.04?03:32
brewmaster619Hexagonite:  I think its pulseaudio -k03:32
ShubuntuHexagonite: yes on 12.04 it worked fine03:33
niocoraHallelujah praise the lord and pass the ammunition! Unity works again!03:33
brewmaster619how all the gnome, Unity et all works is voodoo to me03:34
Shubuntuit connects at first, then a few seconds later it's disconnected and says can't connect, try again03:34
brewmaster619and of course sometimes it doesn't work.03:35
Hexagoniteprobably a problem with Facebook's side.03:35
jerry_Hi anyone know how to install minecraft03:36
niocorajerry_: Buy a full account.03:36
brewmaster619did you download the jar file?03:37
niocoraInstall java from the software center.03:37
jerry_oh thanks is that all03:37
brewmaster619don't forget to mark the file as executable03:37
regorianerjerry_: dooooooooont do this, better invest time for programming and do productive stuff :D03:37
niocoraRight-Click the file and open with java, not archive opener.03:38
niocoraBut yeah, mark as executable.03:38
* niocora prefers Magic Launcher for HD textures and/or mods.03:39
jerry_Can you install mods on it or what i got the jar file and marked it??03:39
Dr_willisi always start java apps via the cli. or a custom launcher03:39
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
niocorajerry_: The default mojang .jar is pretty basic.03:40
niocoraNo inbuilt mod support.03:40
* downttttttt 03:40
brewmaster619I want to learn how to play, I'm away from my family for the next 7 months, and my daughters both play...03:41
Hexagoniteis there anything new with the daily build of 13.10?03:41
jerry_maybe we can set up a server or something03:41
somsipbrewmaster619: then download the jar, save it somewhere, and 'java -jar minecreaft.jar' and that will get you started03:41
sgo11hi, urgent please. ubuntu 12.10. my laptop wireless is working yesterday. Today, when I boot to ubuntu, it shows "hardware disabled". but the wireless led light is on. it's not disabled. can anyone please help? thanks.03:42
niocoraUh-oh. Unity is using nemo/muffin/whatever cinnamon uses as the desktop controller.03:42
niocoraI installed cinnamon to use while unity took its holiday, but now my right-click menu is cinnamons.03:43
jerry_does anyone here have cydia on there ipod or iphone03:44
brewmaster619the 13.10 images, the website says you don't have to "change your computer at all".  are they live CDs or what?03:45
Dr_willisthe desktop cds are live cds'' yes03:45
jerry_I removed windows all the way03:46
Shubuntujerry_: living in a windowless house now?03:46
brewmaster619ha ha03:46
jerry_no lmao03:47
niocoraIf I just uninstall al the cinnamon stuff will that fix it?03:47
Dr_willisniocora,  we have no idea.. we dont make or support cinnimon03:48
Dr_willistry it and see03:48
sgo11can anyone help? my wireless is set to hardware disabled in ubuntu 12.10. Aireplane Mode is ON and can not set to off. what's going on here?03:48
brewmaster619I can't get rid of windows yet, I'm trying to figure out the best way to merge my home folder with my windows folder on my dual boot machine03:48
Dr_willismount your windows home to  some location in  your users home directory03:49
brewmaster619wespee_: edit connections?03:49
Dr_willisor access it via /media/username/somthing03:49
jerry_yeah thats what i did03:49
brewmaster619I wish I could hard-link to ntfs, but I guess symlonks will work too03:50
Dr_willisyou can symlink to the mountpoint03:50
brewmaster619it would cut down on redundant files, and havin g to reboot beasue you left something under that other operating system03:51
Shubuntusgo11: did you try turning your wifi on and off physically?03:51
Shubuntubrewmaster619: never leave files on os dependent places03:51
sgo11Shubuntu, I tried. but physically is just FN+KeyboardKey. I don't think it's working in ubuntu. I tried that. the wireless light is always on. never off.03:52
Shubuntubrewmaster619: as a rule of thumb, always separate data from os files as much as possible03:52
sgo11Shubuntu, I also tired sudo rfkill unblock all. it doesn't work. it seems that fixes some laptop's problem. it just happens suddently.03:52
brewmaster619I got one symlink working fine, as a test, though I want to make the icon the same as it wouldn't have been if it wasn't a symlink (the Music directory)03:52
Shubuntusgo11: do sudo htop in your terminal and see what's running that relates to your wifi03:53
brewmaster619easy in linux, not so easy in windoze  :)03:53
sgo11Shubuntu, running htop. but how to check which one is related to my wifi? thanks.03:53
Shubuntubrewmaster619: read what i said03:53
Shubuntusgo11: F4, and then check keywords, like wifi, interface, network, ...03:54
sgo11Shubuntu, I can only see two "NetworkManager" is running by root. one is PID 915 and another one is PID 926. nothing else.03:55
Shubuntusgo11: try bringing your network manager up from the right corner of your horizontal tray then03:56
Shubuntusee if you can turn your wifi on03:57
sgo11Shubuntu, that way I tried many times. does not work. Airplan mode is on. Can not switch to OFF. Wireless can not switch to ON.03:57
sgo11Shubuntu, sudo rfkill list all shows "soft blocked: no. hard blocked: yes". but my wireless light is on.03:58
Dr_willisif theres windows on that machine at all.. try booting to windows and turn on wireless there. then reboot back to linux03:58
Shubuntuok go to start >> settings >> system settings03:59
XHEART24Hi everyone. If I have Ubuntu 12.04 (which works great!) why I can not upgrade to 13.04? what is needed to do the upgrade?03:59
Shubuntusee if under network you see your device03:59
=== jack is now known as Guest78720
sgo11Shubuntu, I read this thread: http://askubuntu.com/questions/139036/how-do-i-fix-a-wireless-is-disabled-by-hardware-switch-error it says using sudo rfkill unblock all. but it doesn't work for me. let me check system settings.04:00
brewmaster619I had a similar problem, with wifi, I had others as well, so i got a new HD and re-installed from scratch, other than some UEFI/SecureBoot issues no problems.04:00
ShubuntuXHEART24: did you try googling "upgrade distribution ubuntu 12.04 to 13.04"04:00
sgo11Shubuntu, no. I only see wired. no wireless device....04:00
XHEART24yes and the atempts i did nit let me04:01
sgo11Shubuntu, sorry. wait. I did this in wrong PC>04:02
brewmaster619I happened to have a USB wifi dongle, and that worked, but I couldn't not get the built-in wifi to work.04:02
Shubuntubbl afk04:02
sgo11Shubuntu, sorry, I did this in wrong PC. since my laptop can not get to network, I am using another PC now. And Yeah, my laptop shows "Wireless" Device in system settings --> Network. what to do next? thanks.04:03
Shubuntusgo11: open the device and see if you can turn it on and off, sorry gotta go out for a bit bbl04:04
sgo11Shubuntu, I tried that many times in GUI. it won't work. OK. ttyl.04:04
walltenderWill some one help on this http://postimg.org/image/rs29na4tj/0fcc47f8/?04:08
walltenderIt OS refuses to shutdown afterwards.04:09
walltenderIt OS refuses to shutdown afterwards.04:09
somsip!mint | walltender04:10
ubottuwalltender: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:10
sgo11hi, I think my problem is related to unclean shutdown and required modules can not be loaded after unclean shutdown. something like it. can anyone help? unclean shutdown can not be avoided. because my ubuntu has this problem. I have to use sudo shutdown -h now to shutdown laptop. This is fine to me. but the wireless problem never happens until today.04:11
brewmaster619how did ubottu know it was mint?  it has OCR?04:11
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
walltenderMint is ubuntu. Don't get envy because it put on a different dress.04:13
somsipwalltender: Mint is mint. It doesn't work the same. It's not supported here.04:14
walltendersomsip: Mint is the brother and sister. Why not give you bro a help?04:16
somsipwalltender: Because it is not supported here.04:17
somsipwalltender: if someone wants to help you in private chat, they can. Simple as that04:18
=== [ELeG]Serano is now known as Serano
=== iam126 is now known as decentrality
Galraithhey guys we have ubuntu 12.04 installed, we are using vsfptd and we can log in read, pull off the server and copy but we are unable to write. we diddnt have access before we commented out "chroot_local_user =  yes"  is their somehow we have to set the write permissions to be able to do this?04:22
DroidMGDI'm new to ubuntu and haven't used linux in decades. Anyone have some good links to basic linux training?04:22
somsip!mnanual | DroidMGD maybe?04:22
somsip!manual | DroidMGD04:22
ubottuDroidMGD: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:22
brewmaster619does anyone know an easy way to tell where the actual icon file is for a current icon in nautilus?  If you click the icon in properties, it just gives you the option to change it, but defaults to the directory the file or directory is in.04:24
DroidMGDubottu: thanks. I'll start there.04:24
ubottuDroidMGD: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:24
=== yeily_ is now known as yeily
mike00how do i switch from booting into windoe manager verses booting into console?04:51
somsip!textmode | mike0004:51
somsip!text | mike0004:51
ubottumike00: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:51
somsipmike00: does that help?04:51
mike00no, i mean chaning the run levels, so it boots into it automatically without any manual intervention.04:52
=== guy is now known as Guest32658
somsipmike00: aha - http://askubuntu.com/questions/16371/how-do-i-disable-x-at-boot-time-so-that-the-system-boots-in-text-mode04:53
mike00somsip: ok great!04:54
somsipmike00: np04:54
vltori am having ptoblems with updating ubuntu.  i get an "Error broken count >0"04:56
somsipvltor: where do you get this?04:59
vltorwhen i try and do an update04:59
somsipvltor: in a terminal , when you run apt-get update?04:59
vltorno i am using update manager05:00
IdleOnevltor: open a terminal and run: sudo apt-get -f install05:00
IdleOne-f will try to fix any broken packages05:01
somsipvltor: what version of ubuntu and have you recently upgrade versions, or used any PPAs05:01
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
vltorim running 12.0405:03
vltori did a "sudo apt-get -f install" and got an error05:04
IdleOnewhat was the error?05:04
vltorshould i paste here or?05:04
IdleOneuse pastebin05:05
ripplebitguys how do i change the number of spaces for a tab from 8 to 4 in the terminal?05:06
somsipvltor: No apport report written because the error message indicates a disk full error05:07
somsipripplebit: in what use case do you need tabs in terminal? Are you editing?05:07
ripplebityeah using nano, maybe its nano settings or something05:08
somsipripplebit: it will be. I expect a nano.conf somewhere05:08
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
somsipripplebit: http://www.electrictoolbox.com/setting-tab-size-in-nano/05:09
ripplebitthanks somsip05:09
somsipripplebit: np05:09
vltorsomsip how can i tell what is taking upp all the space05:09
somsipvltor: do df -h first05:10
jony_easyriderhow can I view if it's installed correctly my usb attached webcam?05:12
somsipvltor: so / is full. I'd check /boot (for old linux images) /var/log (for big logfiles). After that you might need to dig about a bit more05:13
somsipjony_easyrider: dmesg will give you the messages for the webcam, but running something that access the cam, like cheese, might be the easiest way05:14
mike00ok so i have a .xession that loads my window manager and needed apps, works great on ubuntu server, now i need the same to happen in ubuntu desktop, how do i get it to loads the window manager i specific in .xession?05:19
somsipmike00: IIRC it depends on what WM you want to run. Does anything here help you? http://is.gd/g5f5CO05:21
mike00somsip: i was on that page, i just dont understand fully what its saying to do in regards for my problem =(05:23
somsipmike00: what WM will you be starting?05:23
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
somsipmike00: so .xsession should contain the bash shebang and exec matchbox-window-manager?05:26
mike00yeah. matchbox-window-manager &05:26
mike00works in ubuntu server05:26
somsipmike00: do you have any other WMs installed on the desktop?05:26
mike00on my desktop.. its a desktop05:27
mike00so yeah the default05:27
somsipmike00: that doesn't answer the question. A server usually has no WM installed, so the xsession will get run if plain old xserver is install. A desktop usually has a default WM05:27
dirk__i'm having a problem when i boot up ubuntu... can some one take a look and tell me if they know whats going on http://imagebin.org/26003805:27
mike00which are you referring to?05:28
mike00on the server, no. on the desktop yes.05:28
somsipmike00: what WM is on the desktop now05:28
mike00whatever default is05:28
somsipmike00: how did you install matchbox wm?05:29
mike00just with apt-get install05:30
somsipmike00: when you first try to log into the desktop, can you choose the default session from some dropdown menu?05:30
mike00not sure what you are asking.05:31
mike00everything works as default, my .xessions is pretty much ignored.05:31
somsipmike00: I don't use a standard GUI so I may not be able to help. IIRC you need to change the login to 'password required' if it is not already set like that. That will make a login screen show when you boot, and first go into X. Then you can choose which WM to run. And you'd choose matchbox. But I'm really not sure here so you may need other help05:32
dirk__maybe another time...05:33
dirk__ill check back tomorrow... maybe i'll get some help then... take it easy dudes... it's late anyway05:34
Dr_willismatchbox has always been a very weird window manager/desktop ;)05:42
quick-Hi i am getting a segmentation fault while my code is being executed.Can anybody please tell me where the core is dumped in 12.10 ?05:44
quick-Hi i am getting a segmentation fault while my code is being executed.Can anybody please tell me where the core is dumped in 12.10 ? I am using g++ and i already checked /var/crash .05:44
Dr_willisnormally in the current working directory i thought quick- .05:44
Dr_willisits possible coredumps are disabled also. i cant recall seeing one in ages on ubuntu.05:45
mike00somsip: booting into text mode, fixes it all and make it work =D05:46
quick-Dr_willis: It's not there in the current working directory. How can i enable it if you remember ? :)05:46
Dr_willisquick-,  no idea. askubuntu.com may know05:46
quick-Dr_willis: Thank you for the headsup. I ll check :)05:46
Dr_willisif they are disabled.. i cant recall ever seeing anything that coredumped/segfaulted  making one in ubuntu.. that i ca05:46
Dr_willisthat i can recall in a loooong time05:47
Dr_willismatchbox made a entry in the Login screen session manager list here mike0005:48
somsipDr_willis: just checking - so what I said about needing to enable 'Login required' and chose matchbox WM from the session dropdown was basically correct?05:50
Dr_willisYou select it at the login screen correct.05:50
Dr_willisor just Logout.. and select matchbox. ;)05:51
Dr_willislet me just say that.. well.. matchbox - is not very useable it seems  :)05:51
somsipDr_willis: k - long time since I've used gdm and never seen lightdm. Not sure why the user didn't have a dropdown for the session though...05:51
mike00its only used to launch a browser window, its not a usable desktop.05:51
Dr_willisit runs. it runs apps.. but i sure cant  say its very functional05:51
somsipmike00: yeah - you're doing a kiosk thing05:52
somsipmike00: yeah - you're doing a kiosk thing?05:52
Dr_willismatchbox was supposed to be a embeded device desktop ages ago.05:52
mike00Dr_willis: id idnt know where was a place to select window manager, but i needed it to autologin anyways.05:52
mike00somsip: yes.05:52
Dr_willisonce you select the desktop on the login screen it rembers05:52
Dr_willisor you edit the .dmrc file05:52
somsipmike00: Dr_willis is more up to date than me on how the login works now, so I'll leave you with him05:52
Dr_williswhich is what lightdm reads/saves05:52
mike00whats different between lightdm and nodm?05:52
Dr_willisif you need a tiny window manager for a koisk. you may want to use jwm.05:52
Dr_willis!info nodm05:53
ubottunodm (source: nodm): automatic display manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.11-1.3ubuntu1 (raring), package size 31 kB, installed size 123 kB (Only available for linux-any)05:53
Dr_willisnever used nodm. so no idea05:53
mike00im using that to autologin. :: shrug ::05:53
Dr_willislightdm is the default login session manager.  theres a little gear/icon next to the users name to select the session05:53
Dr_willisI definatly recall there being some Koisk-focused disrtos out there that   did most all the work for you. ;)05:54
energizerIm new to all this, and I'm trying to figure out how to interpret the readings from the System Load Indicator bar. It's got all these various readings and i dont know what they mean.05:54
mike00Dr_willis: yeah - i dont need to lock controls down just needed it to boot up into a full screen browser, got it working =D05:55
Dr_willis.dmrc for matchbox looks like this (2 lines)05:56
SerelijahIs rm- rf/ abolished?05:56
mike00ahhh niice! good to know.05:57
Dr_willisSerelijah,  its been disabled/nutered for some time now.. ;)05:57
SerelijahWHY WAS I BORN SO LATE!?05:57
Mathiasi think i fixed the stupid audio output error :D (it helped switching the front panel audio from HD to AC97) although, i still have the mount problem05:58
SerelijahBut, how easy is it to create a terrible, terrible failure with command-line Linux nowadays?05:59
somsipSerelijah: what support need are you trying to address in doing that?05:59
MathiasSerelijah: it's still easy :P05:59
Dr_willisSerelijah,  with root all things are possible.06:00
* Mathias gets the poking stick06:00
* Mathias pokes /bin/mount06:00
Dr_williscarefull.. you will put someones eye out.06:01
=== Dr_willis is now known as Dr_Wlls
Dr_WllsSee! you got both my i's06:01
SerelijahHow much less of a man should I be feeling if I have no Linux/Unix experience?06:02
Dr_WllsSerelijah,  the chicks dig guys that know how to use linux.06:02
Mathiasimo? extremely :>06:02
Dr_Wllsyou could always make up for it by claiming to be a  'power gamer' or a  top MMORPG player ;P06:03
Mathiasor overclock your system to 8 GHz06:03
=== Dr_Wlls is now known as Dr_Willis
Mathiasyou might need some liquid nitrogen for it, but it'll be worth it06:03
SerelijahIMO it's more fun to have the nitrogen flood the house and the overclock be unfettered and free. (kaboom)06:05
clctojust get some non conducting liquid and submerge your whole computer in it06:06
Mathiasmineral oil?06:07
Dr_Willisliquid hydrogen06:08
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SerelijahSo yeah, is virtualbox my best option if I have no idea or experience how to go through all that partition crap?06:09
Dr_Willisvirtualbox is handy for testing out linux in windows.06:10
Dr_Willisim running Lubuntu in  vbox right now06:10
Dr_Willis#1 vbox tip.. Read its manual.06:10
Mathiasi'm going the opposite way, windows in a vm :P06:10
mchl_When I installed ubuntu 12.04 dual boot, the installer did all the partitions for me06:11
Mathiasalthough, the installer might need some tuning with the swap-partition06:11
SerelijahI would still like to keep my options open because I haven't experienced enough to choose a distro.06:13
NikThHello everybody.06:13
cfhowlettSerelijah, best?  It's certainly better than the live boot option.  As far as choosing a distro?  There are dozens.  Choose one.  Try it out for a reasonable time: 30 days at least IMO.  If you're unsatisfied, try a different one.06:14
cfhowlettNikTh, greetings06:14
Serelijahcfhowlett: You meant try one in vbox, yes?06:14
NikThAny way to upload a pdf document on Launchpad PPA ? It is a magazine and we want to share via PPA because Ubuntu Software Center has a problem right now. Will not accept any pdf documents (I don't know why).06:15
mchl_You could try ubuntu then install different desktop environments06:15
cfhowlettSerelijah, exactly.  remember that it will run slower in this settings, however.06:15
cfhowlettNikTh, not sure pdf can load to LP but you certainly put your doc in Ubuntu One and then place a link06:15
Dr_Williszip it? ;)06:16
Galraithhey guys we have ubuntu 12.04 installed, we are using vsfptd and we can log in read, pull off the server and copy but we are unable to write. we diddnt have access before we commented out "chroot_local_user =  yes"  is their somehow we have to set the write permissions to be able to do this? anyone know what we are missing?06:16
NikThcfhowlett:  It would be better if the user has a PPA enabled in his/her system and receive all updates through USC . We have already a page , and we already upload the magazine to USC(3 times) but know.. it has a problem - something (the USC I mean).06:17
NikThDr_Willis:  zip it ? (this was for my question ? sorry I didn't understood )06:19
NikThLP accept only source code.. etc (change.sources files.. etc). I searched the Web for Laucnhpad and  another format like .pdf , but to no avail. Do not search the Web for an answer, I have already done that :)06:20
Dr_Willisif it dosent like a pdf file.. zip the pdf and see if it likes that.06:21
NikThBut I cannot understand why the message of the fail (to upload to USC directly) included something like "....use a PPA..."06:22
Dr_Williswonder if it likes .tex or other  type docs06:22
SerelijahWhat's the quickest/most common way to accidentally destroy a PC with command line?06:22
CoreySerelijah: Uhhh....06:23
NikThDr_Willis:  do you know the way to upload another format execpt of the source.changes file ? I know only the dput command and source.changes file..06:23
CoreySerelijah: Depends upon how willfully stupid the user is being?06:24
NikThSerelijah:  Several commands exist for such "job".06:24
CoreyI'd argue dd is up there, as is rm.06:24
CoreySerelijah: But can you define "destroy" a bit better? We talking physical damage?06:25
CoreyIf so, the old school X configuration would do it.06:25
histoSerelijah: dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/of/hard/drive06:25
NikThYeah..yeah.. command line power-users... :P06:26
SerelijahI'm talking "manage to screw up with only a few commands to destroy everything that's *on* the hard drive"06:26
CoreySerelijah: dd or rm, then.06:26
Coreyhisto: /dev/zero beats /dev/random in your example.06:27
NikThSearch the Web Serelijah.. place the apppropriate key words on google and your  "friend" will find an answer for you :)06:27
Coreyhisto: It's orders of magnitude faster.06:27
Serelijahwhat did dd do again?06:27
cfhowlettSerelijah, if you have a virtualbox, just restore to an earlier, working point.06:27
CoreySerelijah: block level copying.06:27
histoCorey: I would disagree with you that it's orders of magnitude faster. The write speed of the drive is going to be the slow down in the situation. I would also use a block size higher than the default of 51206:28
histoSerelijah: dd writes data to block devices.06:28
Coreyhisto: I just ran a test. It's ~10x bigger from /dev/zero than /dev/random. :-)06:29
histoCorey: what's 10x bigger?06:29
Coreyhisto: In ten seconds, /dev/random spat out 100MB of data, /dev/zero spat out 1.7GB06:30
CoreySame machine, same load profile, run sequentially.06:30
Mathias/dev/urandom <306:30
CoreySo I'm off, apparently in this case /dev/zero is 17x faster. :-)06:30
Dr_Willisso start 10 dd sessions from /dev/random! :)06:30
histoWell eitherway will accomplish the same distruction06:30
CoreyMathias: Sorry, this was /dev/urandom. :-)06:31
Dr_Willisis /dev/urandom faster or slower? ;)06:31
Coreyhisto: Point is, "spitting out 0's" is a lot faster than random number generation.06:31
histoCorey: spitting out 0's vs. random is not the bottleneck in the issue.06:32
Coreyhisto: What do you propose is the cause of this discrepency, then?06:32
histoCorey: What are you outputting to?06:32
samuraibsdHas anyone successfully gotten a wiimote to pair with VBA?06:32
Coreyhisto: In this case, "cat /dev/(urandom|zero) > file"06:33
Coreyhisto: Forgive me for not wanting to play with dd at this hour. :-)06:33
Coreyhisto: But try it yourself and see. I'd be curious / surprised if you couldn't replicate my results.06:34
Coreyhisto: I'm going to bed now, feel free to PM me. :-)06:35
anonymousanyone know a good reference guide to help me with cli commands?06:40
Dr_Willistons of them online anonymous06:40
Dr_Willislook for the Oreially 'useing bash' book if you can find it06:40
anonymousthought i would ask if anyone had any good recommendations. :p06:40
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro06:40
Dr_Willislook at delicious.com see what gets the most votes/tags ;)06:40
anonymousthanks :D06:41
Dr_Willisand read read read...06:41
anonymouswill do :D cheers (y)06:41
Dr_Willisthat Oreially books are  most likely the top guides for learning bash.06:41
samuraibsd   Best advice I can give: Don't use one.  Just spend tons of time in the terminal and Google it when you need to do something you don't know how to.  Fastest way to learn, IMO06:41
Dr_Willisand they got tons of others06:41
Dr_Willisdont just google specific commands.. read that book.. learn the underlaying prinicples.. then the actual commands  will come to you as you use them, ;P06:42
Dr_Willisamazing how much bash 'fundamentals' are easy to overlook.06:42
anonymousyeah i got real confused with the apt-get install. i just used sofware center.06:42
Dr_Williscommand -option argument06:43
samuraibsdapt-get should be low on your list of stuff06:43
Dr_Willisrathe stright forward. ;)06:43
Dr_Willisapt-get install gamename06:43
Dr_Willisis about as simple as it gets. other then 'ls' and 'cd'  ;P06:43
samuraibsdI remember Rochester.edu having one somewhere...I remember it being quite good06:44
samuraibsd(A guide, that is)06:44
anonymousthose i understand from using those in windows.06:44
histoanonymous: what's confusing about apt-get install somepackage06:44
Dr_Willisa lot of colleges and i recall  Intels (or was it ibms) site having some decent docs also at one time06:44
samuraibsdhisto: For one, finding out what the package is actually called06:45
samuraibsdDr_Willis: It was IBM, I believe06:45
histosamuraibsd: anonymous apt-cache search something06:45
samuraibsdI wonder if that's still up...06:45
anonymousi was trying to do it for java and eclipse06:45
samuraibsdhisto: I meant for a newbie.  It's not the most obvious thing unless you either Google it or use man pages (Does apt-get even have a man page?)06:45
anonymoushisto: with my knowledge of linux i wouldnt of even known that command..06:46
phil00I upgraded Ubuntu 12.04 to 13.04 (Now a Kubuntu install, I don't know why..) and some resolutions are not available for my intel hd 2000 graphics. The resolution I used to be with on 12.04 is no longer available. Someone that could help me with this plz?06:46
Mathiassamuraibsd: apt-get has multiple man-pages iirc06:46
samuraibsdMathias: I wouldn't know.  I've never actually bothered looking at them.  But man pages are overlooked far too often.06:47
samuraibsdI figured out most of the term stuff before I actually knew what man pages were :P06:47
anonymousman pages - manual pages?06:47
samuraibsdYup.  In terminal, just type "man <program>" (without the punctuation)06:48
somsipanonymous: yes - try 'man man'06:48
Mathiasman date :P06:48
samuraibsdtry man woman06:48
anonymousexample: man java06:48
histophil00: are you booting with nomodeset?06:48
samuraibsdNo manual entry for woman06:48
histoanonymous: apt-cache search java && apt-cache search eclipse06:49
samuraibsdBut seriously, nobody in here has gotten (or knows how to get) a wiimote working?  I got it to show up with wmgui, but I can't make my emulator actually see it.06:50
phil00histo: no idea06:50
histosamuraibsd: does the emulator support that type of input?06:50
anonymoushisto: i've done it now, but those were things i had trouble with.06:50
histophil00: grep nomodeset /etc/default/grub06:50
phil00okay, just a sec06:51
samuraibsdNot sure.  It seems to on Windows, but the Linux version seems to be missing a number of features, and it's been difficult to find out which ones06:51
samuraibsdThat was to histo, forgot to tab06:51
phil00it's not returning a thing06:51
histosamuraibsd: Have you tried looking for support from that app specifically?  Since you've confirmed it works with other apps?06:51
histophil00: okay then you aren't.  Does xrandr   show higher resolutions available?06:52
samuraibsdhisto: Used all my Google-fu on this one and haven't been able to find much.  There's instructions for using the acc/gyro to control the mouse, and there's some stuff about IR support, but I'm only interested in the buttons, and nobody seems to care about that bit.06:52
marvxhi all06:52
histosamuraibsd: http://askubuntu.com/search?q=wiimote06:53
marvxi have problem that i got sound in system and flash but not in games like eg. motorbike06:53
phil00histo: it shows the same resolutions I can access from the display dialog, and yes I have higher resolutions than that which I want06:53
phil001680x1050 1440x900, but I'm missing 1280x768 for example06:54
histophil00: does your monitor support those resolutions?06:54
mike00anyone suggest a lightweight browser besides  Chromium?06:54
phil00yes, I used those before upgrading from 12.04 (to 13.04)06:54
phil00and it's the one I use on Windows06:54
samuraibsdhisto: Yeah, but it just keeps directing me to WiiCan, which seems to be abandoned06:54
samuraibsdmike00: Epiphany06:54
histophil00: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63681/how-can-i-make-xrandr-customization-permanent06:55
SerelijahWhat' s a good purpose for a stack of blank CDs?06:55
marvxhelp anyone?06:55
histoSerelijah: put them in the microwave and watch the cool lightening show06:55
phil00histo: okay, I'll try that06:55
histomarvx: midori06:55
cfhowlettSerelijah, ask AOL.com ...06:55
Mathiasrun 200kV trough them06:55
samuraibsdSerelijah: +1 on what histo said.  It looks sick.06:56
Mathias*blam* top layer is gone06:56
histo!info midori | marvx06:56
ubottumarvx: midori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1 (raring), package size 1104 kB, installed size 3408 kB06:56
marvxin browser and system its working fine06:56
histo!info midori | mike0006:56
ubottumike00: midori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1 (raring), package size 1104 kB, installed size 3408 kB06:56
histomarvx: sorry wrong erson06:56
marvxbut i have no sound in games ubottu and histo06:56
eoned_i need help06:56
histo!sound > marvx06:57
anonymouswhat web browser you guys like using?06:57
ubottumarvx, please see my private message06:57
histo!ask | eoned_06:57
ubottueoned_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:57
histoanonymous: w3m06:57
histoanonymous: and midori or chromium if I need full featured06:57
marvxdont see any pn ubottu06:57
anonymouscause im used to using chrome on my desktop pc, so ive stuck with chromium.06:57
marvxwhere do i see it in the irc clent06:57
histo!sound | marvx06:57
eoned_how i can record video in vlc?06:57
ubottumarvx: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:57
histoeoned_: have you tried asking in the vlc channel?06:58
histo!alis > eoned_06:58
ubottueoned_, please see my private message06:58
eoned_yes - no answer06:58
marvxubottu it seems that you arent reading my msg entirely......i have sound in system, media, flash and browser, but NOT in games like motorbike06:58
ubottumarvx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:58
histoeoned_: select view > advanced controls06:59
histoeoned_: http://askubuntu.com/search?q=vlc+record06:59
eoned_i mean in CLI06:59
histoeoned_: you'd probably have to man vlc ... I don't have it installed on this box.06:59
eoned_please - help me - dont send me to the man.. i can do it  myself...07:01
histoeoned_: what do you want to record video from?07:03
eoned_i have UDP stream that i recevie with this command vlc -vvv udp://@
eoned_histo, now i want to record id..07:06
histoeoned_: http://www.maketecheasier.com/mastering-vlc-via-the-command-line-linux/2012/05/3107:06
eoned_histo, are you a bot?07:07
HexagoniteWhat driver should I install with an AMD Radeon HD 6290? the proprietary drivers affect performance quite a lot07:09
samuraibsdHexagonite: My 6850 seems to work best with the open source drivers.07:11
Hexagonitewhich open source drivers?07:11
intokHi, running 13.04 64 bit on a Toshiba laptop, having a weird networking issue, I can connect via ethernet and wifi, but the connection only works in fits, I.E. it'll work for a few seconds-minutes at a time then wont send or receive any data, but won't actually disconnect from the network, even the router shows that it is in fact still connected, but it wont move anything. LSHW = http://pastebin.com/CXg1hSGc07:12
=== flux242_ is now known as flux242
phil00_histo: thank you very much for your help, it worked. I successfully added 1280x768 resolution following the procedure :)07:12
samuraibsdWhichever the default ones were.  It's on my other machine, which I don't have with me at the moment.07:13
samuraibsdhisto: WiiCan seems to not work, even with the 13.04 specific package07:14
Hexagonitedefault ones? without activating a driver from 'Additional drivers'?07:14
samuraibsdHexagonite: Yup.  I didn't do anything to my GPU drivers after trying to get fglrx to work and having it be awful.07:15
samuraibsdJust went back to the defaults07:15
param_when i logon to my ubuntu machine, and open webchat.freenode.net    captcha image doesnot come up, what might be issue07:17
samuraibsdAnd now I can't seem to uninstall WiiCan...07:23
=== mike is now known as Guest94724
param_can;t see captcha on my ubuntu systems on chrome and firefox07:25
cfhowlettparam_, I'd guess java or flash ... Did it ever work?  Did it suddenly stop working?07:26
param_yes it was working 2 days back07:26
purplehzhey guys i have access to a remote ubuntu server through ssh07:26
param_suddenly today captcha is not coming up07:26
purplehzbut it has started to freeze07:27
purplehzhow do i debug this?07:27
purplehzis there some log somewhere over what happened to make it freeze?07:27
samuraibsdWell, that didn't work...07:31
samuraibsdIssue seems to be with uinput not loading07:31
=== mike_ is now known as Guest33288
wbill_heavy 107:38
connectind1any firewall alert app for ubuntu?07:43
somsipconnectind1: what exactly do you want it to do?07:43
connectind1i want one of those windows firewall block alert07:44
connectind1why ubuntu doesn't come with such app07:44
hd5770man cant get this to boot on my pc07:44
somsipconnectind1: you're using a desktop computer and you want something to popup if anyone tries to access your computer over the internet?07:44
salahHi, any tips why Ubuntu uses like 10 seconds to turn on screens? 10 secs after touching a button/mouse, the first monitor turns on. After 5 more seconds, monitor 2 turns on. Any ideas?07:45
somsipsalah: is it different with other OSes?07:45
salahsomsip, yes, Windows (or even Arch Linux) uses like 1-2 seconds07:45
samuraibsdGot it working07:45
samuraibsdAlthough it's a bit more involved than I wish it were07:46
somsipconnectind1: try this - not sure if it will suit your needs though http://gufw.org/07:46
connectind1who else in here  got such notification system installed07:46
somsipsalah: nah - no real idea. My decent monitor takes 1-2 secs and my cheap one take 3-5, so just thought i'd ask the obvious question07:46
Laiquendiconnectind1: I have GUFW and you can somehow enable it to alert you07:47
histosalah: is the computer hibernating or sleeping?07:47
connectind1Laiquendi , how to do that?07:47
histo!details | hd577007:47
ubottuhd5770: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:47
tozenconnectind1: which system?07:47
salahhisto, nothing of these, just locking the screen because of the security rules here07:47
Laiquendiconnectind1: the problem is - I don't remember ;) But I did this some time ago, so it's doable.07:48
connectind1tozen , firewall alert system07:48
masuranHey everyone07:48
masuranAnyone with experience using cgroups?07:49
histo!anyone | masuran07:49
ubottumasuran: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:49
masuranI have fresh 12.04 server install with libcgroup1 / cgroup-bin and I'm missing the memory subsystem. cat /proc/cgroups shows no sign of the memory subsystem and I can mount my cgroups only with the cpu subsystem07:50
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intokanyone got networking experience?07:58
masuranintok: What's your question? :)07:59
connectind1who know how to make this work07:59
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connectind1i can't find notify-send in sofware center08:00
somsip!find notify-send08:00
ubottuFile notify-send found in arkose, libnotify-bin08:00
masuranconnectind1: try opening a terminal and running sudo apt-get install notify-send08:00
somsipconnectind1: so I'd suggest installing libnotify-bin08:00
connectind1how to run the script on the website?08:01
connectind1i tought the latest ubuntu come with default notification system08:01
somsipconnectind1: 1- read the instructions on the website. 2 - follow them08:01
connectind1will notify-send confict with the default08:02
intokmasuran what on earth is causing my laptop to be able to hold a connection with the router both via ethernet jack or wifi, but constantly not be able to move any data at all. the desktop system connected via ethernet to the same router has no problem with maintaining a connection at full speed. there is nothing on the router eating up any of the bandwidth.08:02
masuranintok: What do you mean "not be able to move any data at all". Can't reach any websites, can't get mail? ....08:03
histointok: dns issues?08:03
intokmasuran connections even to the update servers via synaptic time out from the laptop via either connection type, but the desktop connects fine at full speed.08:03
histointok: try ping google.com    vs.  doing a ping
connectind1somsip , nothing appear after followed the instruction08:03
somsipconnectind1: have you experienced an event that should show the popup?08:04
connectind1should the script end with special extension08:04
intokmasuran as in it'll connect to a server move a small amount of data at full speed, then just stop and refuse to move anymore past that point for as much as 20 mins before allowing any connection to actually complete08:05
somsipconnectind1: no, but it does need to be executable - chmod +x scriptname08:05
masuranintok: Do you have the same issue with wireless and wire? Did you try only one of the two and not both at the same time?08:06
intokmasuran yeah, I've tried both individually and both at the same time/ pings to are actually stable in the low 302s, but I was able to get it to pull 700Mb of files from the repos before it conked out before08:09
masuranintok: strange issue. Can't offer more advice than: try to update/upgrade your system and drivers08:09
aladdinheyya. I need a little word of encouragement because I had so much to learn and so much to fix lately on Ubuntu which kinda discouraged me a bit to use it. But I learned a lot - heck. Masters of Ubuntu?!08:10
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vitimitihi o/08:11
freddofrogI've been trying to get a copy of 12.04.2 installed as a paravirt domU under xen but it keeps crashing... I've been doing a bit of googling and also some experiments with other distros (13.04 and centos 6.x) and it seems that there is a problem with the particular kernel and ramdisk for 12.04.2 ... has anyone else had this problem? if so did you fix it and how?08:11
intokmasuran histoand now it dies, left ping going while I connected to a fairly heavy site imgur, since I can keep poking the connection by hitting page down08:11
intokhisto *08:11
auronandacealaddin: what are you trying to do?08:12
intokpings to are now intermittent sometimes unable to connect sometimes in the low 30's sometimes in the mid 650's...08:13
aladdinauronandace, I don't where I am going with Ubuntu, but they say programming is a lot easier on Linux than on any other os. So my plan was to finish off learning python and maybe some other web prog. language and get a job.08:14
auronandacealaddin: plenty of help in #python08:14
aladdinauronandace, great idea. I should prob learn to narrow down my speciality to python :). cheers cheers cheers!08:16
histointok: and you are sure this behavior does not happen on other boxes on the network?08:17
intok histo I'm able to talk you you aren't I? This box is connected to the same router, the ping test was done on the laptop via ethernet with the wireless disabled08:18
histointok: Try on another box. You may find it's your router or ISP.08:18
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intok histo have tested it on the desktop, absolutly no issues, full speed, up and down, consistent pings, everything just works as it's supposed to08:20
histointok: Try a different port on the router with the laptop then. Do some basic troubleshooting and try and eliminate the problem.08:20
intok histo already did, ruled out the cable and the port, tried all 4 ports and 6 cables, the desktop connection, the laptop doesn via ethernet or wifi08:23
intok histo tried cat5, 5e and cat6 cables, the ones I started with where cat608:25
ilivI'm looking at this USN http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1844-1/ and reading referenced CVE description and it says "If there is a target configured and listening"08:26
ilivon the network, a remote attacker can corrupt heap memory08:26
histointok: What version of ubuntu are you running? And do you have any sort of firewall rules etc..?08:26
ilivwell, I'm not sure what is meant by "if there is a target configured" in this context08:27
ilivdoes anyone have an idea?08:27
Dr_Willistarget = the system they are trying to attack is my guess08:28
intokhisto 13.04 64 bit08:28
intokhisto laptop's LSHW http://pastebin.com/CXg1hSGc08:29
ilivDr_Willis, yeah, but "configured"? They make it sound as if there have to be special actions taken for a target system to be configured.08:29
jykae_Hey o/ Can I configure Thunderbird to work with Office 365?08:29
ilivor is taht just me?08:29
Dr_Willis'a potental target is miss-configured to allow the attack to work' ? perhaps08:30
paramcaptcha not coming up on my ubuntu machine,  how to fix it08:30
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somsipparam: what browser?08:31
paramfirefox and chrome08:31
Dr_Williscould be an issue with their server also.08:31
paramits working fine on my windows08:31
somsipparam: in chrome, press F12, select the Network tab, refresh the page. Any errors?08:31
somsipparam: and remind me of the URL08:32
parami m trying to login to webchat.freenode.net only08:32
paramok let me switch to ubuntu and try , it big issue swtiching from ubuntu to windows again and again for small issue08:33
Dr_Willisone of the reasons i keep vbox+lubuntu handy ;)08:33
jykae_whopsie :)08:33
Dr_Willisrecaptacha is working here it seems.. lubuntu 13.04 firefox08:35
Dr_WillisVboxYep. worked here.08:35
paramno re captacha also not working08:35
somsipparam: then do what I've asked to give us more information08:36
paramit was working fine yesterday, suddenly this issue cam08:36
paramis there any other way to connect to this channel other that webchat.freenode.net08:36
somsipparam: install an IRC client - xchat, irssi, wechat08:37
paramthese clients work on proxy setting too ?08:37
somsipparam: not sure - you would have to check them yourself08:37
parami installed xchat, but couldn't connect it, proxy issue were there08:38
paramok let me give another try08:38
Dr_Willismakes me wonder if the proxy may be causing the captua issues08:38
paramno proxy wont be causing this i hope. because i was on the same proxy for the last 2 weeks and this issue never came08:39
stesindHI, anyone who got a network brigde working with network manager?08:41
statlparam: did you set up your proxy correctly in xchat's settings?08:43
palassoHi, I have a Windows 7 and an Ubuntu 13.04 and I'd like the ubuntu machine to share the desktop (remote desktop over the internet) to windows 7 (ubuntu as the server, windows as the client). I managed to do that with VNC as showed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY75u6TthH4 It's working great but I can't share the sound. Is there a way to share the sound from the ubuntu machine to the windows machine?08:44
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somsippalasso: found a surprising hack for this ;-) "If you plug an 3.5 mm aux cable into the microphone and headphone jacks then leave skype calling in the background and view the computer over VNC you will have audio."08:47
somsippalasso: and a possible real solution though not sure how this fits with VNC http://is.gd/wX9s1l08:48
palassosomsip, or if I can change the skype settings on skype to use as mic the sound instead of searching for a cable... thnx for the tip somsip :) Though I'd be interested to a solution used on desktop sharing (maybe it'd work better)08:49
palassothe second solution you're suggesting prolly wouldn't work because the client is windows and I don't think it is compatible with PulseAudio functionalities...08:50
somsippalasso: yeah, I realised that after but there is a chance you could find something Pulse related for Windows.08:51
palassosomsip, I just read the second answer and they point to wikipedia on a comparison article (which I already checked out) which supposedly has a VNC client with sound support... But I didn't find any :P08:52
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somsippalasso: yup - dead ends on all searches I do, including the official VNCServer page saying a responding 'no'. there are forks, but I'm finding nothing that supports this, except alternative protocals (Pulse) and OSX08:55
somsip*forks of VNC08:56
palassoI was thinking to use RDP instead of VNC but I don't know if it'd work well... (I've found clients that support RDP and sound)08:56
somsippalasso: you seem to be researching fine. So in the absence of easy solution, I'm doing some work for a bit :)08:57
palassothnx somsip :)08:58
darrynhi guys. im running ubuntu 13.04 and can't find the proxy profiles that are in gnome 2... (im in gnome 3) any idea how to manually configure proxy profiles? I take my work laptop home with me and manually setting proxies is not ideal every time i switch between work and home09:00
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palassoWell either a voice call or RTP or this http://www.radscan.com/nas.html might help09:00
aladdingreat, I am installing Windows 8 through Virtual Box, let's see would it be like.09:02
aladdinanyone experienced sluggishness of xchat while connecting to the server?09:04
paramhey somsip    http://paste.openstack.org/show/38026/  thats my network error09:07
parami am getting some error in re captcha javascript09:07
histoaladdin: I use weechat here09:07
paramits getting failed09:07
histoaladdin: I though you wanted to learn cli?09:08
paramsomsip you there ?09:08
somsipparam: that's why I told you to check the developer console in Chrome ages ago.09:08
paramyes, now what to do09:09
paramhow to fix this now09:09
somsipparam: what happens when you try to access that file directly?09:09
somsipparam: oh wait for goodness sake. I have to type and have other things to do too09:09
paramits not opening up09:09
paramyes i am waiting :)09:10
somsipparam: what error09:10
paramthe page didnt open, it was saying check proxy settings go to settings advanced settings and all09:10
paramit shows like could not open the webpage09:11
aladdinhisto, cli?09:11
omkar__hi can anyone help me with tape issue09:11
auronandacealaddin: commandline interface09:11
somsipparam: is your proxy blocking access?09:12
parambut i am able to open other sites09:12
paramwhy it would block a certain link09:12
somsipparam: do they all use that js file?09:12
paramhmmn,,, that i dont know09:12
somsipparam: so if your proxy has decided to block www.google.com/recaptcha/api/js/recaptcha.ajax.js you have your answer09:13
aladdinhisto, hmm I don't remember mentioning it. Firstly, I want to master one programming language at least I guess to land a job09:13
paramyes, how to by pass proxy for this link then09:13
somsipparam: no idea09:13
paramsame proxy i am using in windows too09:13
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parambut here its working fine09:14
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aladdinhisto, windows is just in case I need to work on office09:14
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histoaladdin: libre office can open and edit office documents09:17
aladdinhisto, cool, can I install Photoshop in Ubuntu or does Ubuntu have an alternative?09:20
histoaladdin: I believe you can run certain versions of photoshop with wine; however, I would use an open source alternative like gimp09:20
histoaladdin: http://alternativeto.net/  is a wealth of information about alternatives09:21
mhrHello I gave a command to loop and create a directory every random seconds in background, on a remote machine. Then after that I closed the ssh session to that remote client. Now I can't stop the background process. and jobs wont show the jobs.09:21
somsipmhr: how did you run it to keep it runnin gafter disconnect?09:21
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mhrsomsip, i gave it to run in background with &09:22
somsipmhr: so when you disconnected, it died09:22
mhrsomsip, them I logged out from that remote machine09:23
mhrno I can see its running and keep on creatinf directory09:23
johnmmhr: look for the job using "ps -ef", once you identify which one it is, you can kill it by typing "kill <pid>", where <pid> is the process ID of the job from ps.09:23
johnmsomsip: background jobs can be disowned and become children of init.09:24
mhrwhile sleep $(($RANDOM % 10)); do mkdir dir-$RANDOM ;sleep 0.1; done &09:25
somsipjohnm: the OP didn't say he had used disown. If he did, I agree with what you say09:25
mhrthat was the command I gave09:25
johnmsomsip: even if he didn't, it seems pretty clear that what he said meant it was still running :)09:25
mhrjohnm, but i cant see the exact process09:25
param_somsip :) i fixed it...... thanks a ton . i am on ubuntu now09:26
param_hey 1 have 1 more issue09:26
mhras it is a sequence of processes09:26
somsipjohnm: I try to get people to be clear about what they've done. But it doesn't matter if he's getting sorted out09:26
johnmmhr: It's likely under a "bash" process since you're using bash builtins. It'll of course be owned by you, it'll probably be the one with the highest time on CPU as well.09:27
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mhrcant find that process exactly09:30
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mhrjohnm, how can I check exactly that its the exact process as its still creating the directories09:31
johnmmhr: unless you're capable of catching the process specifically as it writes the directory, you need to identify it based on owner, process name and process time. It should be reasonably easy to spot given I suspect you have very few bash processes running that are owned by the user you logged in as. Unless of course thats root, and you run everything as shell jobs ;)09:33
somsipmhr: if you get very lost and need to check the process before you kill it, this *might* help https://github.com/nelhage/reptyr09:34
param___facing issue with localhost. need to change my localhost settings09:38
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=== Abbas- is now known as Abbas5
tsunamieI remeber there is a way to setup a unbuntu box to overwrite data for a file that I delete using the standard tools. However I fotgot how to do it09:40
jribtsunamie: shred?09:41
tsunamiegoogle giving me custom delete tools for wiping partitions. I just want files I delete to be over written09:41
tsunamiejrib - does'nt that wipe entire partitions?09:41
jribtsunamie: no, but make sure you read the man page09:41
mhrnarrowing on the bash command I figured out one and killed the process, and BINGO! that was the same process that was the one. thanks johnm and somsip09:41
somsipmhr: glad you got it sorted09:42
VictorCLwhat does -print does ?09:42
somsipVictorCL: in what context?09:42
VictorCLI have made this script for a cronjob to delete old backup files09:43
VictorCL0 2 * * *  find /backup/DB_autoaula* -type f -mtime +3 -exec rm -f {} \; -print09:43
VictorCLdont know if the -print is needed since is a cronjob09:43
cruachanHello, I'm having issues with Ubuntu 13.04 connecting to a Belkin wifi router.  All my other wifi connections check out.  Is this a good place to ask?09:44
somsipVictorCL: it looks a bit strange, but I'm no expert on find.09:44
VictorCLsomsip it works fine when I execut it09:45
somsipVictorCL: thoguh normally I'd have the -print0 before the -exec, so that might be why it looks strange09:45
jribVictorCL: I would just use -delete in this case09:46
somsipVictorCL: print outputs the full filename to stdout, and I believe -exec will pick up that filenamne and parse it through rm -f09:46
VictorCLit works so I will just leave it like that :P09:47
jribVictorCL: what's your question?09:47
VictorCLmy question was "what does -print" does and if is needed since is a cronjob09:48
VictorCLI trid t o google for "linux -print" and there is nothing09:48
jribVictorCL: print prints the filename, you don't need it09:48
VictorCLlinux "-print" neither09:48
somsipVictorCL: it's part of the find command09:48
somsip16:46 < somsip> VictorCL: print outputs the full filename to stdout, and I believe -exec will  pick up that filenamne and parse it through rm -f09:49
jrib(unless you want to print the filename)09:49
somsipjrib: good point09:49
VictorCLso is needed then09:49
param___can anyone guide me how to use a VM In ubuntu machine09:50
jribVictorCL: no.  Unless you want to print the name for some reason (for example you want the name to show up in logs)09:50
VictorCLjrib ok09:50
VictorCLthanks :)09:50
cruachananyone give me some help troubleshooting a wifi issue?09:52
sienezhi all! I have in mind the following setting: the computer gets started and boots ubuntu. then I want to login remotely. Is this possible and how? Thanks!09:54
aladdinparam___, do this /j #virtualbox09:55
jribsienez: you want to use ssh or graphical?09:55
sienezjrib, graphical is prefered09:56
jrib!vnc | sienez09:56
ubottusienez: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX09:56
sienezjrib, yes, I use vnc already. but it's only active when I'm logged in already, no?09:56
jribsienez: see the wiki; there are various options09:56
sienezjrib, will do, thanks!09:57
NoskcajWhat would be the best colour for an Ubuntu PC?09:59
jribNoskcaj: colour?  That's largely up to you10:00
sienezand another thing: where can I set the default kernel version for booting. i.e. I don't want to boot into the latest version but some older version by default10:00
Noskcajjrib, Maybe you saw this on PlanetUbuntu. I'm not sure if Orange is still Ubuntu's main colour. maybe i'll just make the case based on Xubuntu instead10:01
jrib!grub | sienez10:01
ubottusienez: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:01
MMloshHello  I was used to seeing the next -dev release on http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/<package> , but now I don't. The source package is there, but the binary one is not.   Does anyone know what is going on?  (I am sorry, I don't know how to ask a search engine. I am pretty sure it's known)10:04
MMloshThere seem to be saucy installation media, so why I am seeing an empty package list?10:05
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Guest36217hi all10:06
Guest36217got a question about my nvidia10:07
Guest36217You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. please edit your X configuration file (just run`nvidia-xconfg` as root), and restart the X server10:08
cruachanneed some help with a wifi connection - anyone give me a hand?10:10
Guest36217You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. please edit your X configuration file (just run`nvidia-xconfg` as root), and restart the X server. any solution?10:11
Michael__hi guys im a dev and I just need to find out how big a certain browser window is right now10:15
ak77apt-get doesn't want to update me to firefox version (i have added ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next)10:15
Michael__I know theres a way to do like an overlay that shows it but cant remember how to turn it on10:15
Michael__(shows it when resizing the window)10:15
jribMichael__: use developer tools in chromium or firebug in firefox?10:16
Michael__no I want to know the browser window size so I can communicate it to our testers like10:17
Michael__"Does not display currently in browser window smaller than XYZ"10:17
Michael__which takes more into account than just the viewport size10:17
jribMichael__: right, don't the tools I mentioned tell you that?10:17
jribMichael__: you want the physical window size including toolbars and such?10:17
Michael__nope, developer tools are just for working with the page. This is menus, borders, etc etc10:17
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jribMichael__: you can use xwininfo10:18
Michael__tis just the kind of way you have to communicate such things with these people10:18
Michael__ooer, that sounds perfect10:18
Michael__ill check it out thanks10:18
Michael__thanks so much10:18
dayaany way to make ubuntu 10.04 iso from scratch using 3.0 kernel10:22
auronandacedaya: that wouldn't be supported10:24
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DJonesdaya: Desktop or server, Desktop is no longer supported, but there are tools to remaster the iso10:24
DJones!remaster | daya10:24
ubottudaya: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility10:24
Guest36217hey guys10:24
Guest36217got a qusetion10:24
Guest36217i just updated my ubuntu to 13.0410:25
dayaDJones: I am searching for server,10:25
Guest36217now i cant run my dual monitor and no x server10:25
Guest36217You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. please edit your X configuration file (just run`nvidia-xconfg` as root), and restart the X server.10:25
DJonesdaya: Have a look at the links ubottu gave, hopefully that will get you started10:25
dayaDJones: thanks :)10:26
DJonesdaya: It may be worth asking the question in #ubuntu-server to see whether its possible to use the 3.0 kernel before you go too far down the way though10:26
Guest36217@Djones do you the solution?10:27
dayaDJones: hmm, ok10:27
ActionParsnipGuest36217: which version did you upgrade from?10:27
Guest3621711 i guess10:27
DJonesGuest36217: Sorry, I've not used nvidia on 13.0410:28
ActionParsnipGuest36217: there is no ubuntu 1110:28
ActionParsnipGuest36217: was it 11.10?10:28
Guest36217i dont remember that10:28
ActionParsnipGuest36217: was it 12.10?10:28
Guest36217but worked fine10:28
ActionParsnipGuest36217: ok that's cool10:28
ActionParsnipGuest36217: if you uninstall then reinstall the driver it will probably work10:29
eexphi, i just install 12.04 on dell xps 14 using live usb disk, all seems ok, but reboot, it show blank screen and nothing else. anyone can help?10:29
ActionParsnipGuest36217: just so you know, 13.04 is EOL before 12.1010:29
eexpi use legacy mode.10:30
ActionParsnipGuest36217: are you using nouveau driver now? and were you using it before?10:31
eexpno one use dell xps 14?10:31
Guest36217on 12.10, nVidia X Server10:32
Guest36217but here i have the same, with errors10:32
aladdinActionParsnip, what is EOL?10:32
ak77apt-get doesn't want to update me to the firefox-next version (22 at the moment)  I have added ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next using add-apt-repository10:33
DJonesaladdin: EOL is End of Life, the date when an Ubuntu version stops being supported10:33
DJones!eol | aladdin10:33
ubottualaddin: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:33
HexagoniteNeed help, I upgraded to 13.04 and Soundcloud doesn't work. (I don't know why)10:33
Guest3621713.04 sux completely10:33
brainwashak77: did you run "apt-get update"? what's the output of "apt-cache policy firefox"?10:38
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ak77brainwash: I did apt-get update, cache policy firefox outputs just versions 20 and 710:48
brainwashak77: and 7? which release of ubuntu are you actually using?10:50
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brainwashthe firefox-next ppa offers packages for 12.04 or higher10:52
ThinkT510no idea why you'd need a firefox ppa, firefox is in the repos and it gets updated regularly10:53
spacedusthow could i make a bootable usb drive with Ubuntu 13.04 ? i tryed using Unetbootin but it doesn't works it won't copy over the files10:54
spacedustis there some other method ?10:54
ThinkT510spacedust: dd10:54
spacedustThinkT510: just dd it to a partition that is marked bootable ?10:55
brainwashThinkT510: he asked about the current beta release of firefox10:55
spacedustdont i need a bootloader on /dev/sdb ?10:55
sienezI have in my /etc/default/grub GRUB_DEFAULT="2>Ubuntu, with Linux 3.2.0-24-generic" however it does not go into the submenu, but it only marks it. How can I boot the older kernel automatically?10:55
ThinkT510spacedust: no, just dd it to the whole usb (not a partition)10:55
spacedustThinkT510: well yeah but then my 8gb usb is unusable10:56
spacedustbut heck ill try it :)10:56
ThinkT510spacedust: sorry, i thought you just wanted to install from usb (just make a live usb)10:57
ak77brainwash: oneiric10:57
ThinkT510!pm | spacedust10:57
ubottuspacedust: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:57
brainwashak77: looks like you should update to precise :)10:57
ThinkT510ak77: 11.10 is no longer supported10:57
spacedustThinkT510 what about this method : http://www.sysresccd.org/Howto_install-usb-stick ?10:58
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param_when i run localhost on my browser, the page gets downloaded instead of showing something on browser, working with magento installation11:01
sienezhow can I boot into an older kernel version with grub?11:01
mariannegood morning.. I'm having trouble installing java. I'm using 12.04 64 bit...downloaded the rpm and attempted to use alien to do the install11:01
sienezthe version is hidden under the submenu with older versions11:01
sienezusing "2>..." does not enter the submenu, it only marks it11:01
marianneI'm getting a file not found error. I've tried all different 'paths' to the file and nothing11:01
DJones!java | marianne Why are using alien for an rpm, the links from Ubottu gives details on how to install java safely, rpm's aren't supported in this channel,11:02
ubottumarianne Why are using alien for an rpm, the links from Ubottu gives details on how to install java safely, rpm's aren't supported in this channel,: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:02
jribmarianne: you shouldn't use rpms or alien11:03
ThinkT510!java | marianne11:03
ubottumarianne: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.11:03
mariannejrib: thanks... the bot caught it11:04
mariannejrib:it's a Monday :-(11:04
VictorCLwhen I make modifications to logrotate .. should I restart the service or how does it work for the changes to be applied?11:07
bekksVictorCL: You have to reload the service at least.11:07
spacedustshould i select download updates while installing ?11:07
sagardo anybody have experience on  DELL R720 with ubuntu 10.04 LTS?11:07
bekks!anyone | sagar11:07
ubottusagar: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:07
ThinkT510sagar: 10.04 is only supported on server now11:08
VictorCLbekks how do I reload the service?11:08
sagarYes, 10.04.4 LTS is supported on Server. But, 10.04 LTS is not supported in DELL R720 by default11:09
bekksVictorCL: service name reload11:09
ThinkT510sagar: you need to give the specs for us to have any idea11:10
VictorCLYou don't. logrotate is being run from cron, it's not a daemon.11:10
sagarThinkT510 : I need to upgrade kernel 2.6 of ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS to 3.0 to support DELL R720. But, only online installation is supported with netboot_iso.11:11
ak77brainwash: doing just that. thank you.11:11
bekkssagar: Why dont you use 12.04 then?11:11
ThinkT510sagar: then why haven't you tried 12.04?11:11
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:12
sagarbekks : We are using 10.04 LTS in our production environment with some applications compiled to run on that. So, migrating directly to 12.04 is not possible as of now.11:12
Ben64stuff that runs on 10.04 will likely work on 12.0411:13
ThinkT510sagar: well running 10.04 with a 3.0 kernel isn't supported11:13
bekkssagar: Then you will be setting up the first production server with 12.04 :)11:13
dayaThinkT510: We can install 3.0 kernel in 10.04 isn't it?11:13
bekksdaya: There is no 3.x kernel for 10.04 in the repos.11:14
ThinkT510daya: you can but there wouldn't be much point in using an lts with an unsupported kernel11:14
dayaThinkT510: hmm, sagar, ?11:14
ThinkT510daya: you'd have to completely maintain the kernel yourself11:14
sagarbekks : I will for sure do with 12.04 in future. But, I will need to take care of running production Systems. I am in need of 10.04 existing environment to work with DELL R720.11:14
=== Shubuntu_ is now known as Shubuntu
bekkssagar: If you need a 3.x kernel for doing so - it isnt supported.11:15
Ben64sagar: sounds like its time to upgrade11:15
sagarThinkT510 : I followed this link http://devops.rackspace.com/using-a-custom-kernel-with-cloud-servers.html11:15
sagarIt says yes11:15
=== Shubuntu is now known as Guest84921
bekkssagar: It is possible, but not supported.11:15
sagarBut, only netboot_iso i.e online installation is possible11:15
Ben64it'd also be much easier to just install 12.0411:16
jribbekks: there is a 3.0 kernel from oneiric (linux-image-generic-lts-backport-oneiric), but I agree sagar should just use 12.0411:16
sagarbekks : hmm... I thought with the cloud work on that part. It is supported. :(11:16
=== Guest84921 is now known as Shubuntu
bekkssagar: Supported by rackspace - not by ubuntu.11:16
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dayaThinkT510: there might be some way  on creating 10.04 iso using 3.0 kernel, though its not supported, am i right?11:17
bekksdaya: Yes.11:17
ThinkT510daya: yes11:17
sagarbekks : So, you mean. I have no options for 10.04 LTS to support DEll R720.11:17
ThinkT510daya: why you would do that for a production system is beyond me11:18
Ben6410.04 is over 3 years old. why not upgrade?11:18
bekkssagar: Correct. If you want your production environment to be supported by Ubuntu, use 12.04.11:18
bekksBen64: Because its receiving updates until 2015.11:18
jribsagar: I think what we are telling you is that your *best* option is to use 12.04.  You can certainly work something out to stick with 10.04 but it will likely be harder and cause you more headaches11:18
bekksBut yes, time to upgrade to 12.04 now.11:18
Ben64bekks: doesn't mean it should be used11:18
bekksBen64: Not necessarily.11:19
Ben64why anyone would install 10.04 now is beyond me11:19
bekksBen64: Because it is still supported.11:19
Ben64bekks: read what i said again11:19
bekksBen64: Same for you.11:20
histobekks: 12.04 is LTS also11:20
Ben64a fresh install, there is no reason to use 10.0411:20
bekkshisto: I know. And 10.04 is LTS also.11:20
bekksBen64: Do you know his environment? How can you tell "there is no need to"?11:20
sagarjrib : Agreed, time is the only constraint. And, the sad part was I started with rackspace link and said yes it can be done :(11:20
Ben64bekks: because there is no need to11:20
jribsagar: are you sure that there are issues running your software on 12.04?11:21
histosagar: what is the problem you are experiencing?11:21
sagarNow, I have already invited headaches on that part11:21
ironhalikI've just installed my new Nvidia card, and installed nvidia-313-updates package for it. lightdm starts, guest account works ok, but on my account, there's no unity panels or dash (there are windows secorations - title bar, taskbar on terminal etc). Any advice?11:21
bekksBen64: Its pointless to discuss with people like you who only take care of having the latest version.11:21
Ben64bekks: you just seem to like arguing about dumb stuff11:21
jriblet's calm down, I'm not even sure what you guys are arguing about11:21
histoironhalik: fix your account settings or resolution possibly?11:21
dayajrib: sagar has build his product using 10.04, and runs in it smoothly,  have a larger dependency and library problem in 12.04,11:21
ThinkT510bekks: lts releases overlap so you have a little time to transition to the next one11:21
bekksBen64: I dont like to argue, I dont like to discuss with you. EOD.11:22
bekksThinkT510: Yeah, about three years time.11:22
sagarjrib : No, we are in process of doing that within few months of time. But, we have an immediate requirement to do that for DELL R720 Support which requires updated kernel as pointed by rackspace.11:22
ironhalikhisto: Yeah, probably, but I have no idea where to start11:22
* ActionParsnip points out Wikipedia use Lucid server :)11:23
ironhalikwhat was the command to reset unity settings (I use ccsm for some custom stuff)11:23
ThinkT510sagar: if you do that then you just simply cannot get support here11:23
sagarhisto : problem is I will need to integrate 10.04 libraries and our applications which runs well with 10.04 LTS to run with new kernel 3.0.11:23
histosagar: have you checked in backports?11:23
histo!backports | sagar11:23
ubottusagar: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:23
ThinkT510sagar: your requirements don't change the rules of this channel11:23
histosagar: I believe the kernel team also has a ppa11:23
jribsagar: so why don't you follow the rackspace instructions and deal with them?  Just keep in mind you should be making the transition to 12.04 as soon as you can.  If you can get an install, there is a 3.0 kernel in the repos provided by the linux-image-server-lts-backport-oneiric package11:23
sagarhisto : yes, I am trying with that backports.11:25
sagarubotto : thanks, I will do if that helps11:25
jriblinux-image-server-lts-backport-oneiric should just be in main11:25
jribyeah, lucid-updates/main and lucid-security/main11:26
histojrib: yeah but i'm sure they have some reason as to why not.  They did it with precise... Quantal went more than main11:26
sagarJrib : They are not entertaining comments. I thought, I will get some idea in this pool,thats why.11:26
jribhisto: as to why not what?11:26
jribsagar: well I think basically, the consensus is that ideally you would install 12.04.  You said that's not possible for a few months because of things beyond your control.  So you're stuck with installing 10.04 and upgrading as soon as possible. To install 10.04, you'll likely have to spin your own install disc.  If you can get an install with the older kernel however, you can then just use the 3.0 kernel by11:30
jribinstalling the lts-backport package I mentioned.  That's my summary anyway11:30
=== StephdeChine is now known as worm
Krambiorixhi, i try to connect to my server via nautilus (ssh) but i get the error : ssh program unexpectedly exited.... What can i do?11:43
Kartagis!find ssh-import-id11:44
ubottuFound: ssh-import-id11:44
ThinkT510Krambiorix: use ssh in a terminal11:44
KrambiorixThinkT510, yes?11:44
KrambiorixThinkT510, i did and i got connected11:44
histoKrambiorix: if you ssh://some.server  in nautilus it should open a sftp window11:46
Krambiorixhisto, same error11:47
Krambiorixi remember from the last time that i had to remove some certificates or something....11:48
histoKrambiorix: check in your ~/.ssh11:49
Krambiorixhisto, should i remove known_hosts?11:50
hd5770why will ubuntu not boot at tall fon my system ive usb and wbuiu windows bases installer and all seem to hit some error or a nother11:50
histoKrambiorix: When you use the terminal to ssh into the remote box are you using password or key based login?11:50
cfhowletthd5770, wubi?  wubi is no longer supported and will be allowed to die.  did you md5sum check your iso?11:51
histo!wubi | hd577011:51
ubottuhd5770: Wubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug11:51
Krambiorixhisto, passw11:51
histoKrambiorix: try sftp some.server  in terminal and see if it works11:51
histoKrambiorix: also are you using the same username on your system and the remote one?11:51
Krambiorixhisto, yes11:52
histoKrambiorix: yes to which?11:52
zekoZekohow long does a kernel build take these days? (2500MHz athlon x2)11:52
hd57708d72e2db7e72e13813731eab37a14d26 *ubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64.iso11:53
Krambiorixhisto, sft some.server works  and ssh root@some.server works11:53
Krambiorixhisto, also i use the same username11:53
cfhowletthd5770, so ... is that a match or what?11:53
vonlansahi there. anyone has some spare minutes to help a n00b? I just installed Ubuntu 12.04LTS (64 bit) and I'm unable to connect to wireless [seems to me like a driver problem]. I already checked that the device is neither hard- nor software blocked...11:53
histoKrambiorix: why are you ssh'ng as root?11:53
Krambiorixhisto, it's a test server11:54
hd5770i dunno how i check11:54
histoKrambiorix: are you sftp'ng as root@some.server also?11:54
ubottuhd5770,: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:54
Krambiorixhisto yes11:54
histoKrambiorix: well nautilus is not running as root11:54
histoKrambiorix: so it's trying Krambiorix@some.server11:54
zekoZekonot if you connect to sftp://user@host/11:55
zekoZekoin nautilus (via gvfs)11:55
Krambiorixhisto,  i use the "connect to server" in nautilus11:55
histoKrambiorix: ^^^^^^11:55
hd5770andf the md5 sum for the iso image i have that is www. ?? ?11:55
histoKrambiorix: can you pastebin the error you are getting or paste a screenshot of it to imagebin11:55
Krambiorixhisto, zekoZeko so i can input the username11:55
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Raring, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:55
zekoZekoKrambiorix: yes, you have to, otherwise it defaults to your local username11:56
zekoZekoKrambiorix: and if that doesn't work on the server, it will fail to connect.11:56
histoKrambiorix: also I would check the auth.log on your server when you try and connect11:56
zekoZekocheck log on server11:56
hd5770Its a mach11:56
hd5770so its a lame old out dated Wubi installer failing me here11:57
cfhowletthd5770, quite possibly.11:57
zekoZekowhy wubi at all?11:57
hd5770and the usb install hits a fail to cant find boot image and drops me to a boot>11:57
zekoZekojust make a netinstall cd or usb stick11:57
KrambiorixzekoZeko, histo http://imagebin.org/26006311:58
zekoZekooh ok11:58
zekoZekobut ssh root@server and sftp root@server work?11:58
KrambiorixzekoZeko, yes11:59
hd5770my CD's are to small11:59
zekoZekoyou can try from command line11:59
zekoZekogvfs-mount sftp://root@server/11:59
cfhowletthd5770, CD?  try usb11:59
hd5770and i only have onecomputer so a net install would fail all so #ubuntu11:59
vonlansaanyone has a minute or two to help me, please? I just installed Ubuntu 12.04LTS (64 bit) and I'm unable to connect to wireless. I already checked that the device is neither hard- nor software blocked... but now I'm stuck  =((11:59
zekoZekoit might give you more info on why it's failing11:59
histovonlansa: what chipset?11:59
KrambiorixzekoZeko, histo , in auth.log::  Failed password for root from XX.XX.XXX.X port 40162 ssh2  -> but i use the correct one11:59
* cfhowlett ... bets on realtek12:00
vonlansahisto: chipset?12:00
vonlansaits a HP eliteBook 8470p with intel core i712:00
histovonlansa: lspci | grep Network12:00
zekoZekoKrambiorix: if command line works (sftp) really try gvfs-mount, please, it should show more info.12:00
KrambiorixzekoZeko, gvfs-mount:  same error (Error mounting location: ssh program unexpectedly exited)12:01
vonlansaNetwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43228 802.11a/b/g/n12:01
cfhowlettvonlansa, can you get a hardwire connection?12:01
zekoZekoKrambiorix: i'll check what exactly gvfs runs, just a sec.12:01
repozitorthere is no linux source at "/usr/src/linux"12:02
histo!bcm | vonlansa12:02
ubottuvonlansa: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:02
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:02
histovonlansa: basically you need firmware for broadcom cards12:02
repozitori need to install tun/tap, but get this error during ./configure12:02
vonlansaI can't test with ethernet, cause I'm at work and ethernet is blocked12:02
zekoZekoKrambiorix: mine runs this: /usr/bin/ssh -oForwardX11 no -oForwardAgent no -oClearAllForwardings yes -oProtocol 2 -oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes -l b -s xx.xx.xx.xx sftp12:02
histo!offline | vonlansa12:02
ubottuvonlansa: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD12:02
zekoZekoKrambiorix: try running this from command line12:02
cfhowlettvonlansa, that bites ...12:03
repozitorany hope?12:03
zekoZekoKrambiorix: also change -l b to -l root and xx.xx.xx.xx to your server name (i used the ip address, but you use what you need)12:03
maocheiacan anyone tell-me where i can download  the libappmenu.so file for ubuntu 13.0412:03
vonlansaok, I will try. thx for help. I will be back later if it doesnt work. THX so much!12:04
historepozitor: Why are you compiling from source?12:04
zekoZekoKrambiorix: when this works, it will also work in nautilus12:04
KrambiorixzekoZeko, thanks but: command-line line 0: Missing yes/no argument12:04
repozitorhisto, because of this package does not exist on ubuntu repositoury12:04
historepozitor: what package is that?12:05
zekoZekoKrambiorix: indeed...12:05
zekoZekoKrambiorix: let me check why, this shows up in ps output12:05
repozitorhisto, TUN/TAP12:06
historepozitor: sudo modprobe tun12:06
hd5770this sucks12:06
repozitorwhat is modprobe in this context?12:07
historepozitor: there is also tunctl12:07
zekoZekoKrambiorix: sorry i can't be of more help ATM, gotta go.12:07
repozitormodeprobe : command not found12:08
repozitorinstall modeprobe from apt-get ?12:08
KrambiorixzekoZeko, ok thanks!12:08
historepozitor: http://askubuntu.com/questions/219304/check-support-of-universal-tun-tap-device-on-ubuntu-12-0412:08
historepozitor: no just read the above12:08
zekoZekoKrambiorix: don't worry about this last error, i also see it if i try to run ssh manually, but it works under gvfs so this is not your problem.12:09
hd5770i creat a usb live boot stick12:09
hd5770but when i boot it says cant find boot img12:09
hd5770and drops me to boot> , to find image12:10
maocheiaplz can anyone share "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so"12:10
KrambiorixzekoZeko, okay ,thanks again12:10
hd5770no maocheia cant get it to boot12:10
cfhowletthd5770, img?  are you installing on a mac?12:10
histohd5770: how did you create said usb stick?12:11
hd5770histo meny way all ways the same out come12:12
repozitorwhere are these files?12:12
repozitorag_iptd ...12:12
hd5770histo im using Universal-USB-Installer- right now12:12
hd5770but have tryed this be for12:13
repozitorhisto, ^_^12:13
hd5770histo ive used unetbootin-windows-583 (1) meny time saame out come12:13
cfhowletthd5770, img files are used for macs.  ISO are used for intel pc's ...12:14
historepozitor: What is it you are trying to accomplish overall?12:14
histo!usb | hd5770 follow these instructions12:14
ubottuhd5770 follow these instructions: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:14
repozitorinstalling tun/tap on my ubuntu12:14
historepozitor: for what?12:14
hd5770cfhowlett> im not a mac im windows the iso is used to make the usb stick witch then drops me to a shell from boot saying it cant find the img12:15
repozitorit have long story12:15
hd5770histo i have meny time same error12:15
maocheiahd5770: are you trying to create  a bootable usb with ubuntu 13.04??12:15
hd5770cant find boot img12:15
repozitorhisto, i want to do this tutorial12:15
hd5770maocheia yes12:15
hd5770and 13.1012:15
hd5770and 12.0412:15
hd5770all same error casnt find boot img12:16
maocheia hd5770: i had the same problem last week. use 12.04 instead12:16
hd5770nooo ilikey the newest one12:16
historepozitor: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/lxc.html12:16
cfhowletthd5770, why?12:16
hd5770coz its newer?12:17
cfhowlett!LTS|hd5770, why?12:17
ubottuhd5770, why?: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)12:17
maocheia hd5770: i used lili http://www.linuxliveusb.com/12:17
blodiakneed help, I've got this message if I do airodump-ng mon0 Interface mon0:12:17
blodiakioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) failed: No such device12:17
histohd5770: Please follwo the instructions from ubottu for creating your usb stick.12:18
histoblodiak: did you create mon0?12:18
histoblodiak: airmon-ng start wlan0   should create mon0 for you12:19
hd5770histo No i have all rdy they dont work12:19
hd5770maocheia im trying your way now12:19
histoblodiak: assuming wlan0 is the wifi interface you want to use.12:19
hd5770nice intgerface :)12:19
histohd5770: then why are you using some non standard tool to create the usb stick?12:19
maocheiai dont know why maybe its because the replacemente of bios (UEFI)12:19
hd5770histo see maocheia12:20
histohd5770: are you using 64bit versions of ubuntu?12:20
blodiakI did first of all airmon-ng start eth0112:20
histohd5770: Then uefi is not the issue12:20
blodiakI did first of all airmon-ng start eth112:20
hd5770i hope this works maocheia12:21
histoblodiak: why are you trying to put a wired interface into monitor mode?12:21
linuHi all...i am trying to enable netgears wifi in my embeeded device,i have compiled corresponding wifi drivers and firmwares for that device eventhought wlan0 is not detected what i will do further...12:21
StarOnDhello everyone I am having difficulty installing tilemill on ubuntu 13.04 http://pastebin.com/4KeYadUT can someone help me?12:21
hd5770damn StarOnD whats all that12:22
hd5770linu did you boot it12:23
StarOnDhd5778, that's the log file which contains the errors the installation. I am sorry that I was not clear12:23
bekksStarOnD: So how do you try to install? Whats the command you are using?12:23
linuyes i have boot it..12:23
blodiakif I do airmon-ng only eth1 appear12:23
histo!search tilemill12:24
histoblodiak: What are you trying to accomplish with aircrack?12:24
CaTeGoReQuestion: where can pull chan logs b4 asking my main question?12:24
cfhowlettaircrack isn't supported her12:24
Pici!logs | CaTeGoRe12:24
ubottuCaTeGoRe: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.12:25
blodiakI don't know just want to test my wifi12:25
histoblodiak: Well you can't get there trying to put your wired interface (eth0) into monitor mode.12:25
blodiakwhats the right process??? please12:25
cfhowlettblodiak, still not supported on this channel.  sorry.12:25
histo!alis | blodiak12:25
ubottublodiak: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:25
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
histoblodiak: try /j #kali-linux12:26
blodiakok thank ya12:27
StarOnDbekks I did a clone from github + npm install mocha. I think its working now !!! http://pastebin.com/b1hDaEc912:28
linudo i need to cross compile the firmware12:30
bekksStarOnD: What are you talking about? :)12:30
Guest64599hi all how to kill instance of nginx in ubuntu12:31
cfhowlettGuest64599, kill -9 the PID12:32
StarOnDI am sorry if I have confused you guys. I tried to install tilmill from github using this repository >> https://github.com/mapbox/tilemill then I did npm install mocha (which worked) and then npm test ( which is failing )12:33
exnori'm having trouble accessing my ntfs-mounted drives over the network (from a windows machine)12:33
exnori've edited my fstab appropriately, and the drive has equivalent of 77712:34
linui am using ubuntu OS in my host..so copied the ubuntu  /lib/firmware/       content  htc_7010.fw , htc_9271.fw  firmwares to my embedded device, but no improvement and i compiled driver as a module and updated to kernel using modprobe but not getting wlan012:35
=== acidflash__ is now known as acidflash
bekksexnor: And which trouble do you have?12:35
exnorbekks: i'm getting permission denied from the windows machine12:35
exnor(i've shared a bunch of folders)12:35
bekksexnor: So you mounted ntfs filesystems and shared them - how?12:35
linui am using device Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0846:9030 NetGear, Inc.12:36
exnorbekks: i have entries in fstab which auto mount the drive at boot12:37
bekksexnor: So how did you share them, so windows would be able to access your shares?12:37
exnorbekks: and i've shared them via the ubuntu gui - right clicking and setting sharing options (allowing guests etc too)12:37
carpediembabyhi, i am trying to setup my graphics card but i messed it up i think. I appear to have two graphics cards (from lspci, i see: Intel graphics controller, and Nvidia NVS 3100M). so i downloaded the installer from nvidia site but now my machine is running at 800x600 resolution and unity doesn't work at all.12:37
exnorbekks:  i can access them just fine on the local machine12:37
hd5770error no config file found12:38
hd5770no default or UI config found12:38
bekksexnor: On a local machine, there are no shares necessary. :)12:38
exnorbekks: yeah i'm just saying there are no permission issues locally12:38
carpediembabyi also tried restoring the x11 config file but it doesnt appear to change anything12:38
bekks!samba | exnor12:38
ubottuexnor: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:38
exnorbekks: yes, i'm using samba12:39
exnorbekks: i believe it comes with ubuntu desktop12:39
bekksexnor: Hmm, no. :)12:39
exnorthe shares are visible to the windows machine12:39
exnorbut when you try to access the shared folders, you get access denied12:39
bekksexnor: So which share options are effective on you shares?12:39
exnorno options are effective, it doesn't work.  If you mean which options I have checked: all of them (share this folder, allow others to create and delete files, guest access)12:40
exnorbekks: it's also worth noting if I share files on my local (ext3/4?) filesystem, those are accessible just fine, so it isn't smb12:41
hd5770histo ?12:41
bekksexnor: I'd forget about that gui mess, and use a samba server.12:41
exnorbekks: oh, I assumed it was a gui for samba12:41
bekksexnor: It isnt.12:42
exnorbekks: i've heard that cifs-utils is superior to samba12:42
b14d3Hi, I'm having a problem after upgrading MySQL over the weekend. I can see that mysql-server-core-5.5 is installed, but when mysql-server-5.5 tries to upgrade it says that it has an unmet dependency on mysql-server-core-5.5. Not really sure where to begin.12:42
linucan any suggest me to solve above mention issue please?12:43
bekksexnor: Yes, but it is still referred to as "samba". Its described in the article.12:43
exnorah right ok12:43
exnori'll check out those docs you pasted12:44
=== safridzal is now known as gathotkaca
ccha2hi I want to load fuse module "sudo modprobe fuse", but it doesn't and no error message12:47
yugandharHi, I am unable to login remote host as i am getting "Permission denied, please try again."12:47
yugandharpls help me asap12:47
bekksyugandhar: Login in - how?12:47
ccha2nothing for "lsmod | grep fuse"12:47
yugandharbekks :  ssh <username>@<ip address of the server>12:48
bekksyugandhar: Then your password is wrong.12:48
bekksyugandhar: do you try to login as root, btw?12:48
yugandharI was able to login with same credentials in the morning12:48
DusteD Greetings, I'd like to do an apt-get upgrade, however, I see a few packages on the list where I'd like apt-get or a similar tool to display the currently installed versions and the versions which will be installed if I do the upgrade.12:49
DusteDI was wondering if this was possible?12:49
carpediembabyi recovered my previous xconfig settings. but i still don't see anything on the desktop except the mouse. can anyone help me figure out this mess i've created?12:49
minimecccha2: 'sudo apg-get install fuse'12:49
bekksyugandhar: And now, the credentials are invalid. Check wether you have caps lock enabled, etc.12:49
yugandharwhile login, it is giving " debug1: Server host key: ECDSA 01:04:b9:a6:1e:3e:74:35:f2:fa:f0:09:a6:33:fb:cd12:50
yugandharThe authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.12:50
yugandharECDSA key fingerprint is 01:04:b9:a6:1e:3e:74:35:f2:fa:f0:09:a6:33:fb:cd.12:50
yugandharAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)12:50
FloodBot1yugandhar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
BluesKajHiyas all12:51
b14d3Alright I've found out some information about my MySQL update problem, it looks like it needs 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 but mysql-server-core just updated to 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.
blodiakneed help for aircrack-ng12:54
Aravind_geekwhy gnome-system-monitor shows different mem use when run as admin?12:55
ccha2minimec: on lucid12:55
yugandharbekks : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729213/12:56
Aravind_geeknormal user 160mb and 305 mb in root12:56
ccha2I have fuse-utils and libfuse2 installed but there is no package named fuse12:56
ccha2for lucid12:57
yugandharbekks : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729213/ .. Please check it12:59
minimecccha2: ok. "sudo apt-get install fuse-utils"13:00
maocheiaplz can anyone share "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so"13:00
ccha2minimec: installed13:00
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ccha2minimec: already installed13:01
minimecccha2: I use fuse with djmount here. That is working ok.13:01
minimecccha2: 'here' is a 12.04 installation...13:02
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heri0nfor some reason i can't open some websites.. (gmail/facebook) but most work fine.. any idea why that might be? i'm using chromium on ubuntu 13.04 and tried firefox as well.. i can open facebook in firefox and the gmail page but it won't log in13:03
ccha2minimec: sudo modprobe fuse there is no error message13:04
ThinkT510ccha2: you realise that modprobe either loads or unloads a module (depends if the module is already loaded or not)13:05
arctusheri0n: did you check dns? try ping gmail.com . If it is unable to resolve try changing your DNS-Server13:06
heri0nyes it pings fine13:06
ccha2if I try another fake module I got error13:06
ccha2sudo modprobe fuse113:06
ccha2FATAL: Module fuse1 not found.13:06
cfhowlettheri0n, you're on the work network?13:06
ThinkT510ccha2: no output means it worked13:07
heri0ncfhowlett: ? im on my home network?13:07
ThinkT510ccha2: lsmod | grep -i fuse13:07
cfhowlettheri0n, gotcha.  sounds like confused DNS13:07
heri0ni tried using the opendns as my secondary.. ?13:08
ThinkT510ccha2: do the modprobe again, you probably unloaded it13:08
ccha2I loaded it and nothing form lsmod13:09
ccha2something removed it each time before I check it with lsmod ?13:10
zedsixFirst time Ubuntu user here, looking at installing a minimal ubuntu install (LTS), can someone direct me the link to download the file?13:11
ThinkT510!mini | zedsix13:11
ubottuzedsix: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:11
zedsixPerfect! thank you ubottu13:12
zedsixSorry, I dont get these release names.13:12
zedsixI want a stable release of Ubuntu13:13
zedsixwth is a "Raring Ringtail"13:13
heri0ni do nslookup accounts.google.com and i get13:13
heri0nNon-authoritative answer:13:13
heri0naccounts.google.comcanonical name = accounts.l.google.com.13:13
FloodBot1heri0n: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:13
ThinkT510zedsix: raring is 13.0413:13
ThinkT510zedsix: the latest lts is precise: 12.0413:13
minimecccha2: Do you have a /dev/fuse device? I don't have anything 'fuse' in lsmod, but I have a /dev/fuse device...13:13
zedsixThank you.13:13
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ccha2minimec: yes I have the device13:19
ccha2crw-rw-rw- 1 root fuse 10, 229 2013-06-03 14:44 /dev/fuse13:19
minimecccha2: So I guess 'fuse' is running...13:19
ccha2but why I don't see it with lsmod ?13:21
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adamkccha2: It's likely built into the kernel.13:26
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adamkccha2: CONFIG_FUSE_FS=y13:27
ccha2oh not as module13:27
ccha2yes that's it13:28
ggherdovHi all. How do I check what version of a package <pkg> apt-get *would* install if I run "apt-getb install <pkg>"  ?13:33
jribggherdov: apt-cache policy PACKAGE13:34
ggherdovjrib: thanks13:35
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HanHi, is there still an active apt-get mirror with natty somewhere?13:37
jribHan: natty is no longer supported, why do you want a mirror for it?13:38
BluesKaj!natty | Han13:38
ubottuHan: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on 2012-10-28, see http://ubottu.com/y/natty for details.13:38
cfhowlettHan, natty?13:38
HanIt's a production machine...13:38
jribHan: so you're running an unsupported release on a production machine?  I'd urge you to upgrade as soon as possible13:38
cfhowlettHan, production machines maybe should not be running non-supported OS?  Just sayin' ...13:38
HanPlease... I know it's no longer supported.13:38
auronandaceHan: then you should've upgraded when you had the chance13:38
HanI didn't work here at the time.13:39
cfhowlettHan, so if/when the non-supported OS breaks, you'll be blamed for not upgrading, right?13:39
yugandharHi, Can any one give the solution to my problem, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729213/ .13:40
yugandharstill i am waiting for that13:40
jribHan: there should be mirrors available so that you can bring the system up to date and upgrade, see ubottu about !eolupgrades13:40
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:40
berryciderspideranyone know anything about EPSG:27700?13:40
Hanjrib, thanks, that's a useful suggestion.13:41
jribyugandhar: that will happen the first time you ssh to a machine.  If you want to be secure then you need to verify the fingerprint through some other means13:42
yugandharJrib: if i give "yes" here, i could not able to login the machine with error permission denied , public key passwd13:44
jribyugandhar: give yes and show pastebin13:44
yugandharjirib : ok13:46
yugandharJrib: pls check this link : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729319/13:48
jribyugandhar: this means you input the wrong password for the noc user on the server13:49
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nogalHey guys, I'm having this issue which seems to be unique to Ubuntu. My TTY resolution is defaulting to double the vertical resolution that it should be, and if I run dpkg-reconfigure console-setup i can set it to the correct vga mode to have it render correctly. Problem is that these changes are not persistent and when I reload X and drop back to a TTY, it seems that it gets reconfigured back to the un-viewable resolution. If I try adding in a vga flag or grub_13:56
yugandharJrib: I just login the server with same credentials directly on the server. But the problem is from remotely13:56
yugandharJirib : debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password  through remotely13:58
ronaldshey, can someone please make desktop entry, for shutting down ubuntu desktop, so I could be able to make tint2 entry for kiosk type desktop pc, who runs xubuntu with openbox13:58
ronaldsin other words I need shutdown.desktop file, that can shutdown pc13:59
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jribyugandhar: show successful login when you do "ssh noc@localhost" on the server13:59
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yugandharJirib : yes14:00
yugandharJrib: I guess, the problem is with "ECDSA"14:01
jribyugandhar: why?  You're not using keys right.  You're using password login14:01
yugandharJrib: yes14:02
notbryantronalds: http://pastebin.com/nNaT8BES that's a start...14:02
jribyugandhar: on the, you can login by typing "ssh noc@localhost"?14:02
yugandharif we get RSA instead of ECDSA, we are able to login the server through remotely14:02
jribyugandhar: you just said you weren't using keys14:02
ronaldsnotbryant, thanks, now make it work with openbox session14:03
notbryantin what way would that not work with openbox?14:03
notbryantyou'd have to add a special entry to the sudoers file, but I don't see how the DE has anything to do with it14:04
ronaldsexecuting entry wouldn't shutdown the pc14:04
sienezmy touchpad is very shaky14:04
yugandharJirib : I am able to login using ssh noc@localhost on the server14:04
jribyugandhar: by inputting a password and not using keys?14:04
sienezwhen I put the finger on it, the mouse pointer jumps around on about 1 square cm14:04
nogalnotbryant: the DE doesn't have anything to do with it, your file should work fine.14:05
yugandhari am not using any keys, but it is asking while login to the server14:05
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sienezIt worked well with older version of ubuntu. anyone know help?14:05
jribyugandhar: what do you mean by "it is asking"?14:05
jribyugandhar: anyway, do you *want* to use keys?14:05
MrokiiHello. Does anybody know a possible reason for Qt 4 Designer starting in German on Ubuntu 13.04? While I am in Germany I've set my system language to British-English.14:05
jribyugandhar: i'm talking about keys for login here, not about the server's host key14:07
jribMrokii: pastebin output of « env; locale »14:07
OliverJAshis there a shortcut for "go to end of line" like cmd+right or cmd+left on OS X?14:08
jribOliverJAsh: ctrl-e in readline14:08
nogalOliverJAsh: $ in vim14:08
OliverJAshwhat about things like html inputs?14:08
jribOliverJAsh: did you try ctrl-e?14:08
notbryantMrokii: I have no idea, but can't you change it in the preferences?14:09
OliverJAshjrib: no luck with ctrl+e in html inputs14:09
OliverJAshon os x you can do cmd+left or cmd+right everywhere, like inputs or in an IDE14:09
OliverJAshterminal is ctrl+e etc14:10
Mrokiinotbryant: There is some reference to a language selection (via Tools/...) but I can't find that in Qt Designers settings window.14:10
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Mrokiijrib: http://pastebin.com/Ue9a85bZ14:10
OliverJAshany way to configure something like cmd+left or cmd+right?14:11
jribOliverJAsh: I've probably enabled the emacs-style shortcuts then.  I thought that may also be default14:11
OliverJAshjrib: so you can do ctrl+e everywhere?14:11
OliverJAshi can do it in terminal14:11
otak_OliverJAsh: don't you have an 'End' key14:12
jribOliverJAsh: yes, you can enable emacs-style shortcuts in all gtk inputs (you can see a list in /usr/share/themes/Emacs/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc)14:12
arminso are there plans to adopt systemd? i'm using arch with systemd right now and after trying to get used to it all i can say is that it really annoys the shit out of me.14:12
OliverJAshotak_: i don't unfortatunely.14:12
nogalMrokii: http://www.qtforum.org/article/27543/qt-designer-language-solved.html14:12
Crosanti have installed the daily ubuntu amd64 iso but i cant use my mouse or keyboard so i cant login or switch to a tty any sugestions?14:13
amcsi_workthere are some window that dodge, before I click x on them, lol14:13
amcsi_workhow do I fix this?14:13
jribMrokii: well there are still some german settings there, though it seems like menu items should be english14:13
Mrokiinogal: Thanks, I'll try that.14:13
amcsi_workbefore clicking x to close the window, the window minimizes, so my click either hits the desktop, or another window's x if I'm unlucky14:13
jribOliverJAsh: do you want to enable the emacs-style shortcuts?  You could also just pick some out and add them yourself I suppose14:14
Mrokiijrib: Yes, I know about the German settings. But none of these are about the language itself, just about how formats for date and such are handle.d14:14
jribOliverJAsh: also, there may be some default shortcut key (other than "end") that I'm not aware of to take you to the end of line14:14
OliverJAshperhaps the easiest thing for me to do would be to map cmd+left to home and cmd+right to end?14:15
jribMrokii: to troubleshoot, I would suggest changing all those settings to english and then starting the program from the same terminal (where you can verify the environment).  See if the behavior persists14:15
OliverJAshi would prefer those shortcuts over emcas14:15
Mrokiijrib: Okay, thanks.14:15
gustav_Since I upgraded the xorg-intel driver, it came to be upgraded from the repo, X keeps starting in "low graphics mode," and I don't want it to. Help?14:15
Crosanti have installed the daily ubuntu amd64 iso but i cant use my mouse or keyboard so i cant login or switch to a tty... any sugestions?14:16
SonikkuAmericaCrosant: Have you attached an external mouse and keyboard?14:16
sienezhaving problems with my touchpad. when I leave my finger on it, the mouse pointer shakes like crazy. How can I fix that?14:17
Crosantyeah its a pc14:17
SonikkuAmericaCrosant: Sounds like you're in a bind then... did the mouse and keyboard work off Live media?14:17
gustav_Since I upgraded the xorg-intel driver, it came to be upgraded from the repo, X keeps starting in "low graphics mode," and I don't want it to. Help?14:17
jribgustav_: no need to repeat after just 2 minutes14:18
CrosantSonikkuAmerica: yeah they have worked while trying the live system and installing14:18
SonikkuAmericaCrosant: Try booting the Live image again and selecting "Reinstall Ubuntu."14:18
nogalspeaking of repeating, anyone have any idea on the TTY resolution issue?14:18
SonikkuAmericaCrosant: It'll keep your files, settings and programs, but clear system settings.14:19
nogalor should I just switch over to another distro?14:19
nogalit seems to only happen in ubuntu14:19
jribnogal: no one knows what you mean when you say "the TTY resolution issue"; you should actually repeat your question (once you wait a reasonable amount of time)14:19
nogalHey guys, I'm having this issue which seems to be unique to Ubuntu. My TTY resolution is defaulting to double the vertical resolution that it should be, and if I run dpkg-reconfigure console-setup i can set it to the correct vga mode to have it render correctly. Problem is that these changes are not persistent and when I reload X and drop back to a TTY, it seems that it gets reconfigured back to the un-viewable resolution. If I try adding in a vga flag or grub_14:19
nogaljrib: ^14:19
CrosantSonikkuAmerica: i'll try with a stable 13.04 iso and tell you wether it worked or not14:19
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jribnogal: you get cut off at "vga flag or grub_"14:20
yugandharJrib: Here you can see that  it is asking while login to the host http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729423/14:20
nogalvga flag or  grub_gfxmode to my /etc/default/grub then it doesn't seem to call my video driver at all (while in a TTY) -- anyone  know what is causing this issue or a way I can make the console-setup changes persistent?14:20
jribyugandhar: so say "yes"14:20
jribnogal: you ran "update-grub" after making your changes in /etc/default/grub?14:21
nogaljrib: grub, grub2, and initramfs.14:21
jribnogal: why do you say "grub" and "grub2"?14:21
nogaljrib: but yeah by standard editing /grub wouldn't do anything unless you run update-grub214:21
nogaljrib: but yeah by standard editing /grub wouldn't do anything unless you run update-grub*14:22
yugandharJrib: After saying yes, it is giving permission denied error "http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729431/"14:24
fa3bukn2I have question14:24
jribyugandhar: pastebin the same thing where you run "ssh noc@localhost" on the server itself14:24
ggherdovhow do I look for a package in a specifici repo/PPA ? my situation is that I am looking for <pkg>, ubuntu is proposing me <pkg> from the ubuntu.com repo, but I suspect that also a PPA I have is offering <pkg>, and at a newer version. SO I'd like to query the to sources individually and wee what each one has. How to ?14:24
fa3bukn2It is ubuntu 14?14:24
damageHELP!! Ubutu 12.04. GUI will not stgart. X-0.log says no screens found.14:25
elixirHi, how can I install glade, gtk3 based on my ubuntu 12.10?14:26
yugandharJrib: But there difference, There is ECDSA in remote access, RSA in local access14:26
jribyugandhar: that's fine, show me14:26
adamkdamage: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.14:26
jribnogal: why do you say "grub" and "grub2"?  What did you mean by that?  Do you have grub 1 installed?14:27
damageWill take me a bit to get it from the other machine and paste it in. I will do that now. Give me a few mins.14:27
elixirPlease help, I'm not sure about how to get gtk3 based one glade, its urgent and really imp.14:27
jribelixir: what do you want to do?14:28
nogaljrib: no, but update-grub is just an alias for update-grub2, so I ran update-grub2 just to be sure.14:28
jribnogal: does console-setup even ask you any resolution questions?14:28
jribnogal: ok14:28
elixirjrib: design in glade (dont need glade to develop\)14:28
jribelixir: what about it?  Glade is in the repositories14:28
nogaljrib: console-setup does not ask any resolution settings, but it allows me to set the proper vga mode.14:29
jribnogal: by doing what?  Or just by running it and doing nothing?14:29
nogaljrib: which in turn fixes the vertical resolution/line count14:29
nogaljrib: by selecting vga mode14:29
elixirjrib: I just need to install glade(gtk3 based) on my distro, will 'sudo apt-get install glade' install the gtk3 based glade?14:29
nogaljrib: i've got to run through and select VGA which fixes it, updates initramfs, and then it's perfect14:30
jrib!info glade14:30
ubottuglade (source: glade): GTK+ User Interface Builder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.14.2-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 113 kB, installed size 1795 kB14:30
jribnogal: I see14:30
nogaljrib: then I either reboot or load X again, and the next time I return to a TTY it's all broken again.14:30
jrib!tty | nogal14:30
ubottunogal: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution14:30
jribnogal: did you setup grub the way it's described in that link?14:30
nogaljrib: no, that's deprecated.14:31
nogaljrib: shouldn't it be in /etc/default/grub ?14:31
jribnogal: it does discuss /etc/default/grub14:31
jrib(step 3)14:32
nogaljrib: ah sorry about that14:32
jribnogal: see as how the last edit was in 2011 it still may be deprecated though...14:32
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nogaljrib: I thought the current was GRUB_GFXMODE=HorizxVertxBit14:33
nogaljrib: i'll give it a shot though14:33
jribnogal: that's what it looks like in my current /etc/default/grub too14:33
nogaljrib: gfxmode or gfxpayload?14:34
jribnogal: GRUB_GFXMODE14:34
jribnogal: can you check /etc/default/console-setup and make sure it has the changes you made when you did dpkg-reconfigure recorded in there?14:35
SonikkuAmericaCrosant: Did it work?14:35
nogaljrib: i just added the payload line and updated grub14:36
carrierI had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once.14:36
nogallet me check14:36
nogaljrib: yes console-setup changes are recorded.14:36
nogaljrib: i'm going to reboot real quick14:36
sienezhaving problems with my touchpad. when I leave my finger on it, the mouse pointer shakes like crazy. How can I fix that? it occured after upgrade to 13.04, before that it was fine. using lenovo thinkpad14:38
CrosantSonikkuAmerica: still installing14:38
anonymousim off, night everyone :p14:38
SonikkuAmericaCrosant: OK14:38
jrib!synaptics | sienez14:38
ubottusienez: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad14:38
jribsienez: you can try playing with those settings.  I don't have anything more specific to offer.  Also check bugs.ubuntu.com for similar stories14:38
sienezjrib, I installed it but could not get anything useful from it. i'll look at the wiki you gave me14:39
nogaljrib: yeah that method did the same exact thing as every other grub method i've tried here, it seems to not load my video driver in a TTY at all, but X still works fine14:41
jribnogal: what video card do you have and what drivers are you using?14:41
nogaljrib: I'd much rather have TTY and no access to X than X and no access to TTY lol14:41
jribnogal: you have heard of terminal emulators right? ;)14:42
aboudreaulthow can I know the run level of  machine?14:42
aboudreaultI have a machine that rc.local is not executed.14:42
jribaboudreault: it's 2, but you can use « runlevel ».  Why do you want to know?14:42
jribaboudreault: how do you know rc.local is not being executed?  What's in rc.local?14:43
aboudreaultok, that what I tought, it's 2.14:43
nogaljrib: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G94M [GeForce 9800M GTS] (rev a1)14:43
aboudreaultIt fact, nothing in my rc2.d is executed. not sure why14:43
nogaljrib: and as per the drivers... for some reason jockey will not load..... that's an interresting problem.14:43
jribnogal: might try "jockey-text"14:44
jribnogal: or check /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:44
nogaljrib: jockey-text has no man page, only output is searching for frivers14:44
aboudreaultjrib, any idea why?14:44
jribnogal: one more thing, if you get back to the situation where you do have a tty but need to do the "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" to "fix" it, what happens if instead you just run "setupcon"14:45
ActionParsnipnogal: try just installing the vidia-current package14:45
jribaboudreault: how do you know rc.local is not being executed?  What's in rc.local?14:45
nogaljrib: ActionParsnip [    28.901] (II) Loading /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules/nvidia_drv.so14:45
aboudreaultjrib, nothing is executed in my rc*.d directory. rc.local included.14:45
aboudreaultjrib, I know it, I tested it.14:45
jribaboudreault: ok, how do you know this...?14:46
aboudreaultjrib, I know it, I tested it.14:46
jribaboudreault: ok, how did you test it?14:46
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nogalActionParsnip: and I have the driver installed, just in case14:46
aboudreaultI tested it by adding a command there. and also that nothing (apache2 included) is started.14:46
nogaljrib: dropping to TTY and trying setupcon14:47
nogaljrib: never mind I have to fix my grub settings first14:47
jribnogal: did apache2 ever start?14:47
nogaljrib: apache2?14:48
jman074i updated my computer the other night, when it was finished everthing seemed to be factory reset and all my files in my temp and download folders are gone. any way to recover them?14:48
w30 /j #linux14:48
jribnogal: erm, wrong nick14:48
jribaboudreault: did apache2 ever start?14:49
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aboudreaultjrib, no net on boot14:50
aboudreaultit works if I execute the init.d/apache2 manually14:51
jman074 i updated my computer the other night, when it was finished everthing seemed to be factory reset and all my files in my temp and download folders are gone. any way to recover them?14:52
CrosantSonikkuAmerica: 13.04 seem to work14:53
jribaboudreault: what changes have you made to init other than adding lines to rc.local?  And can you pastebin rc.local as well as the output from « ls -l /etc/init/rc* »?14:54
SonikkuAmericaCrosant: Excellent! Enjoy!14:54
Crosantthank you14:54
aboudreaultjrib, sure...14:54
aboudreaultjrib, http://bpaste.net/show/GOyQV7m10NW7Ojv92yvj/14:56
nogaljrib: setupcon seems to just load what i've already set up in dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, just by a single command.14:57
jribnogal: and then your tty is in a "good" state?14:57
nogaljrib: i'ts helpful now that I don't have to go through everything, but it still isn't displaying correctly by default14:57
nogaljrib: until i load X again14:57
gustav_Since I upgraded the xorg-intel driver, it came to be upgraded from the repo, X keeps starting in "low graphics mode," and I don't want it to. Help?14:58
jribaboudreault: have you made any changes to init other than adding lines to rc.local?14:58
aboudreaultjrib, no.14:58
jribaboudreault: what's the point of ifdown and ifup in there?14:59
aboudreaultjrib, to test the rc.local script simply.  I was wondering why my apache2 was not starting.14:59
aboudreaultjrib, tested the ifdown eth0 only ... and nothing neither15:00
CrosantI get some trace errors at startup15:01
blob4000i'm at work and every mac and windows machine can log into gmail, but our two ubuntu machines cannot. anyone else experiencing this?15:03
ActionParsnipblob4000: do you mean to collect email via Thunderbird?15:03
blob4000i mean signing into gmail.com in either firefox or chrome15:03
somsip_blob4000: do you connect through a proxy?15:04
blob4000neither works, only on the15:04
blob4000all in the same LAN15:04
ActionParsnipblob4000: can you ping gmail.com ?15:04
blob40001 sec15:04
blob4000i can also ping accounts.google.com15:04
somsip_blob4000: offhand thought - can you connect to any other sites that force https?15:05
blob4000i'll try to think of one15:05
ActionParsnipsomsip_: nice15:05
nogaljrib: i tried a little bit of hackery to fix this mess, hopefully this'll work... rebooting to test15:05
somsip_ActionParsnip: someone had this earlier, but through a proxy...15:05
somsip_blob4000: facebook15:06
blob4000facebook signs in, but seems to slow right down in checking inbox, for example15:07
somsip_blob4000: if it lets you in, it maybe isn't an SSL issue then. Worth a punt15:07
captinehi all.  I am needing some direction in terms of where to check what is causing my laptop to completely lock up and require a hard reboot.  Happened about 4 times today.  Running ubuntu 13.0415:07
blob4000just stumped because it's both ubuntu systems, but not others15:08
blob4000did latest updates, on 13.04 and 12.0415:08
ronaldsI can't seem to make shutdown menu entry in xubuntu, running openbox, and also this entry doesn't seem to run from tint15:08
jribaboudreault: so if you remove/comment ifdown, ifup, and apache2 start, you don't end up with a /tmp/ms_tmp directory after boot?15:08
ronaldsbut I really need that shutdown button, for this kiosk type pc I am making15:09
claudiain italiano?15:09
hernialguien español15:09
hernisoy el pulpoi15:09
hernite la aguantas?15:09
FloodBot1herni: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:09
carrierhey what do you guys think of the Linux+ certification?15:10
claudiadov'è il sito per scrivere in italiano?questo è quello in inglese15:10
jrib!ot | carrier15:10
ubottucarrier: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:10
somsip_blob4000: some decent ideas on this one, but still focussing on the https idea http://is.gd/h3FHcL15:10
jrib!it | claudia15:10
ubottuclaudia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:10
blob4000thanks somsip_15:10
ubottuFor information on how to play Unreal Tournament, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games/Native/UnrealTournament - for Unreal Tournament 2004, see !ut2k415:10
SonikkuAmerica^ (Wait...)15:10
jribnogal: yeah, I guess you can work out some kludge.  You might try searching for setupcon not being executed at boot to try to get more information.  I'm not sure exactly how it should be working15:11
jimi_Prior to upgarding to 13.04, my corporate wifi  login worked. Now I am getting "unable to get local issuer certificate"15:11
carrieractually i do have a support question too jrib.  how do you get right-click to work on the touchpad?  do you have to install a separate driver?15:11
jribaboudreault: also change "mkdir" to "/bin/mkdir"15:12
jribcarrier: I don't know offhand.  On mine it works if I use two fingers15:12
SonikkuAmericacarrier: What kind of touchpad is it?15:12
carrierthe built-in one15:14
johnsmithWhen I try to sync my android phone with rythmbox, it crashes. Anyone know how to fix?15:14
blob4000somsip_: i'll give it some time and try again (re: gmail / facebook not working)15:14
somsip_blob4000: best of luck15:15
SonikkuAmericacarrier: [ lspci ] should list what brand it is in the PCI device list15:15
manucashi there15:15
SonikkuAmericacarrier: Or maybe not15:15
gustav_Since I upgraded the xorg-intel driver, it came to be upgraded from the repo, X keeps starting in "low graphics mode," and I don't want it to. Actually, I'm not sure what it means, because I can start X as usual (the login manager has changed) with all colours and play games with optirun as usual, although I think the framerate is lower than usual, missing about 100 fps. Help?15:16
manucasI am trying to link my executable to a shared library.I have checked with ldd my executable and it didn't find two libraries. Now I have updated the $LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviromnment variable and ldd says that it is all ok.. the problem is that I still get: error while loading shared libraries: mylib.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:16
manucasI have checked the permissions and they are ok.. I don't really know what else should I check15:16
carrierwell i'm more interested in your opinion of Linux+ and since you're helpful here but not in offtopic I'm inclined to ask here.15:16
SonikkuAmerica!ot | carrier, it's offtopic here15:17
ubottucarrier, it's offtopic here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:17
johnsmithAnyone know how to make my phone sync with rythmbox?15:17
purplehzhey guys how do i debug a remote ubuntu server through ssh?15:17
purplehzit keeps crashed and i have no idea why15:17
purplehzit's like vanilla 10.04 with an apache server on it15:17
purplehznothing fancy on it15:17
Freeaqingmehi folks. I'm looking for a description/explanation of the software version numbers. More specifically, I have this version number '5.3.10-1ubuntu3', and wonder what the 1 means in front of 'ubuntu'15:20
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ronaldsI have edited visudo, so everyone could exit computer without sudo, I even made entry for shutdown15:28
ronaldsbut I can't launch that entry from tint215:28
ronaldsI can't find the damn  reason15:29
gustav_Since I upgraded the xorg-intel driver, it came to be upgraded from the repo, X keeps starting in "low graphics mode," and I don't want it to. Actually, I'm not sure what it means, because I can start X as usual (the login manager has changed) with all colours and play games with optirun as usual, although I think the framerate is lower than usual, missing about 100 fps. Help?15:31
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
ggherdovhow do I look for a package in a specifici repo/PPA ? my situation is that I am looking for <pkg>, ubuntu is proposing me <pkg> from the ubuntu.com repo, but I suspect that also a PPA I have is offering <pkg>, and at a newer version. SO I'd like to query the to sources individually and wee what each one has. How to ?15:38
ggherdovthe two* sources15:38
ggherdovand see*15:38
somsip_!ppa | ggherdov15:40
ubottuggherdov: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:40
somsip_ggherdov: so the official line is not to use PPAs15:40
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jessica9898hello, i don't have my usbkey now and i dont have any empty cd, but i want to install new os to my laptop. Maybe there are some software like "wubi" on linux ?15:43
Freeaqingmejessica9898, you could take a look at debootstrap15:44
ggherdovsomsip_: I know it's risky. I would also like to know how to search a PPA, tho.15:44
Freeaqingmeit may be a bit technical though, not sure if there's anything else < jessica989815:44
theadminjessica9898: sudo apt-get install grml-rescueboot and simply place your ISO file to /boot/grml/, then sudo update-grub15:44
theadminjessica9898: That'll let you boot the ISO directly, good enough?15:45
jessica9898i think so , ok i try this :)15:46
MonkeyDustggherdov  contact the maintainer, he can tell you how15:46
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Crosantis there a command to force screen detection?15:47
gustav_Since I upgraded the xorg-intel driver, it came to be upgraded from the repo, X keeps starting in "low graphics mode," and I don't want it to. Actually, I'm not sure what it means, because I can start X as usual (the login manager has changed) with all colours and play games with optirun as usual, although I think the framerate is lower than usual, missing about 100 fps. Help?15:47
ggherdovMonkeyDust: ah ok. So there is no way to tell apt-cache to limit its searches to a specific PPA? do I understand correctly ?15:48
theadminggherdov: Uh, if there are multiple packages with the same name, it'll display them all methinks15:49
theadminggherdov: Either way, APT will always install the latest package version. So if the latest is in the PPA, it'll install that15:49
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate15:49
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/appendix-preseed.html - See also !cloning15:50
theadminAminosAmigos: Please PM (/msg) the bot if you wish to find information for yourself, don't flood the channel15:50
damageHELP!! Ubutu 12.04. GUI will not stgart. X-0.log says no screens found.15:50
damageHave log file ready, How do I send it?15:51
boohI have 2 screens and the bar at left with icons appears on the secondary screen instead of the primary.15:51
DJones!paste | damage15:51
ubottudamage: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:51
=== multiply is now known as Multiply
rupertIs there a tool for converting .img files to .dmg files? I know of the other way around, but I changed some things in the .img and now I need to convert back to .dmg15:53
theadminrupert: The OS X disk utility can, me thinks... I don't know anything for Ubuntu though15:53
boohI have 2 screens and the bar at left with icons appears on the secondary screen instead of the primary.  I would like to have it on the primary...15:53
ruperttheadmin: unfortunately I don't have osx yet, thats the whole issue :P (Trying to install OSX on VMWare ESXi)15:54
theadminbooh: System Settings -> Displays -> Launcher placement15:55
damageOK, pasted log file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729709/15:55
damageThe error is no screens found.15:55
Crosanthow do i get my 2 screen detected?15:56
adamkdamage: The error seems pretty clear...  The nvidia kernel module is older than the nvidia Xorg driver.15:56
adamkdamage: Err... Othe rway, actually.  The kernel module is newer.15:56
damageSorry guys. Long time in the IT field, but new at the really geeky Linux stuff.15:57
damageCan you direct me to an article that will tell me hot to update it?15:57
gray--is there another non-cobbler recommended deployment method for many many ubuntu servers?15:58
damageOK, so I need to update my nVidia driver? How can I do that from the CLI?15:58
=== MartinS is now known as Guest91974
Deasok i give up, how do you setup virtualhosts in apache to use two different domains?15:59
Fieldythere are a large number of documents about just that15:59
Deasindeed but they doesnt work.15:59
johnsmithAnyone know how to use rythmbox to sync with my android phone without crashing?16:00
dnmtnkhi, i have a problem. i use ubuntu 13.04.  i use virtualenv and pip. my problem is http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729727/16:00
dzuphello amin 12.04 over xfce but my tv on hdim in intel sound motherboard is not working in this tv, pulseaudio said "conexion denied"?16:00
RonWhoCaresIs there a program which is able to FTP using the SSH protocol16:00
floogyDeas, did you look into your logs under /var/logs/apache2, or where ever you put them?16:01
damage@adamk Can you direct me to an article that will tell me what I need to do?16:01
dzupets formulate this question again, my sound over a hdmi is not working on 12.04/xfce...16:01
theadminRonWhoCares: Uh, SFTP? FileZilla is one client which can do it16:01
theadminRonWhoCares: You can also simply use scp from the commandline16:01
johnsmithAnyone know how to use rhythmbox to sync with my android phone without crashing?16:02
MonkeyDustRonWhoCares  rsync also goes over ssh16:02
adamkdamage: I imagine it depends on how you installed the driver in the first place. I don't have much experience with the proprietary nvidia drivers.16:02
floogyDeas, this is a fine documentation: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/vhosts/name-based.html16:02
RonWhoCaresI am getting the file off the server and moving it onto the computer I am using day to day.  I did know of scp.      Thanks for telling me Filexzilla16:02
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theadminRonWhoCares: Ubuntu's built-in file manager, Nautilus, can do that too16:03
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damageOK, so the issue that that the kernel got updated, and I need to update the nvidia driver to a newer version. Is that correct? And is there a way to set a default video driver from the cli?16:04
gustav_Since I upgraded the xorg-intel driver, it came to be upgraded from the repo, X keeps starting in "low graphics mode," and I don't want it to. Actually, I'm not sure what it means, because I can start X as usual (the login manager has changed) with all colours and play games with optirun as usual, although I think the framerate is lower than usual, missing about 100 fps. One additional problem is that xrandr doesn't detect or show the other-than-LVDS-outputs I16:05
dzuplet's try this again, my ac'97 intel i5 have no sound over hdmi, itry pulse audio but say "access denied" even if i use sudo,any ideas?16:05
dnmtnkhi, i have problem i'm using ubuntu server 13.04 virtualenv and pip. my error "error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1" help me16:05
adamkdamage: The problem isn't that the kernel got updated.  The nvidia kernel module got updated.16:06
cowboybkityou can download and install with source code16:06
dzuplet's try this again, my ac'97 intel i5 have no sound over hdmi, itry pulse audio but say "access denied" even if i use sudo, this is 12.05/xfce laptop ...any ideas?16:06
adamkdamage: I suggest removing the driver completely and reinstalling it. If you installed the driver through the normal ubuntu repo, you should be able to use apt-get to remove it and reinstall.16:06
johnsmithAnyone know how to use rhythmbox to sync with my android phone without crashing?16:06
damageI installed a thrid-party driver through the "Additional Drivers" tool.16:07
adamkdamage: Then you can remove it via apt-get16:08
chrisbuchholzHey guys. Is it possible to give a user who does not have sudo rights, rights to one command which requires sudo, and execute this command without requiring password?16:08
damage@adamk OK, found the shell command remove it. I will try that.16:09
MonkeyDustchrisbuchholz  add the users to sudoers and then use this syntax, e.g.     username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get,/sbin/shutdown16:10
chrisbuchholzMonkeyDust: thanks, will give it a shot16:10
cowboybkithave ever seen "how i met your mother" yet?16:10
cowboybkithave you ever seen "how i met your mother" yet?16:10
dnmtnkhi, i have problem i'm using ubuntu server 13.04 virtualenv and pip. my error "error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1"16:10
MonkeyDustcowboybkit  wrong channel16:10
cowboybkit@dnmtnk: try with source code16:11
jman074computer updated the other night now all my files are gone! is there anyway to recover them16:11
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ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel16:11
MonkeyDustjman074  how can files be deleted by an update?16:12
neighborsI'm VNCd into my Ubuntu desktop but some of the keys don't work as expected16:12
neighborsfor example in a terminal emulator the 4 on the number pad outputs "D" instead of 416:12
neighborsand in other applications such as firefox it has the effect of "Shift+Left Arrow"16:13
johnsmithAnyone know how to use rhythmbox to sync with my android phone without crashing?16:13
jman074monkeydust that is a great question that i do not know the answer to!lol the i used the update manager went to sleep restarted comp when i woke up and it was like it was factory reset all my temp files bookmarks and download folder was empty16:13
jman074anything that wasn't on my external was gone except for any applications ive installed they are still on the comp and thats it16:14
m1chaeldoes RedoBackup work on EFI/Windows8 ?16:14
chrisbuchholzMonkeyDust: should i add user to sudoers group?16:14
smadamranyone have knowledge on the file encodings for newly created files via logrotate?16:15
MonkeyDustchrisbuchholz  use visudo16:16
bekkssmadamr: thats a responsibility of the application that creates the log. logrotate does not write any contents to the file.16:16
damage@adamk Just remove nvenio driver from command line and rebooted. Typed: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current, and hoping for the best16:16
chrisbuchholzMonkeyDust: i have used visudo, but im asking what you meant by add user to sudoers, because i have done what you said (adding the line entry) and it still doesnt work16:17
smadamrbekks: I see. so logrotate would create a charset=binary, empty file, then it's up to the application to write properly encoded chars to the new file16:17
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jman074monkeydust any ideals16:18
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Shubuntuguys i cannot ping chat.facebook.com, i tried changing dns, and no changes, i did mtr --report chat.facebook.com and it returns empty16:20
MonkeyDustjman074  no idea what may have happened16:20
Shubuntui can resolve the host ip, but that's abotu it16:20
jman074ive never seen anything like it16:21
jman074it even cleaned my trash out.16:21
MonkeyDustchrisbuchholz  here's some reading http://askubuntu.com/questions/7477/how-can-i-add-a-new-user-as-sudoer-using-the-command-line16:21
damageadamk: Looks like the nvidia driver reinstall worked, but GUI still not starting.16:23
chrisbuchholzMonkeyDust: i have added this with visudo, but smplr can still not run start and stop: smplr-encoder   (root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/start,/sbin/stop16:23
imbezoljman074: was everything that's missing in your home dir?16:23
linuxyuseri uninstalled the ubuntu-minimal16:24
damageadamk: Error in xorg.0.log: "Faile to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module"16:24
linuxyuserand now my ubuntu is broken :(16:24
imbezoljman074: perhaps your home dir is moved? or it was encrypted before and not now?16:24
imbezoljman074: or other way around?16:24
IdleOnelinuxyuser: broken how?16:24
jman074imbezol: yup16:24
linuxyuserIdleOne: apt-get is broken16:24
adamkdamage: Pastebin the output of 'dmesg'16:25
Joschiiciao belli16:25
IdleOnelinuxyuser: describing something as 'broken' is not enough information to help you fix it.16:25
jman074i tried looking for the files else where but no luck16:25
imbezoljman074: run "mount | grep ecryptfs"16:25
imbezoljman074: is your homedir mounted as an encrypted fs?16:25
jman074not sure16:26
jman074nothing happens with mount command16:26
linuxyuserwhen i try to install anything, the message is: the packet dmd is "very bad"   sorry is a translation :)16:27
linuxyuserthe packet is damaged16:27
imbezoljman074: what's the output of "ls -al /home/.ecryptfs" ?16:27
linuxyuserbut, it works, the problem begins when i uninstalled the android-minimal16:27
IdleOnelinuxyuser: try sudo apt-get -f install16:28
IdleOnelinuxyuser: -f will try to fix any broken packages16:28
linuxyuserIdleOne: it fails16:28
jman074cannot access no such file or dirc16:28
linuxyuser"E: El paquete dmd necesita ser reinstalado, pero no se encuentra un archivo para éste.16:28
imbezoljman074: hm.. doesn't sound like that's the issue then16:29
linuxyuserdmd packet must be reinstalled, but doesn't found  a file for this16:29
linuxyuserIdleOne: that is the message translated16:29
damageadamk: OK, give me a few mins.16:29
SonikkuAmerica(The package dmd needs to be reinstalled, but the archive could not be found.)16:29
IdleOnelinuxyuser: what does dmd do, do you know?16:30
linuxyuseris a D language compiler16:30
linuxyuserIdleOne: but dmd compiler works ok16:31
linuxyuserIdleOne: the problem was to uninstall ubuntu-minimal, which is the ubuntu base system16:31
IdleOnelinuxyuser: try reinstalling ubuntu-minimal16:32
nullby7ehow can i build custom kernel?16:32
nullby7eunder ubuntu:)16:32
damageadamk: OK, just pasted it to: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729839/16:32
ActionPa1snip!kernel | nullby7e16:32
ubottunullby7e: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)16:32
linuxyuserIdleOne: i can install anything16:32
linuxyuserIdleOne: it has removed a lot of files16:33
adamkdamage: If you look at that output yourself, you'll see that it's having the same problem.16:33
linuxyuserIdleOne: i traced the apt-get and:16:33
linuxyusera lot of this16:33
linuxyuserstat64("/var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_i18n_Translation-es%5fES", 0xbfa68fd0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)16:34
linuxyuserstat64("/var/lib/apt/lists/dl.google.com_linux_chrome_deb_dists_stable_main_i18n_Translation-es%5fES.gz", 0xbfa68fd0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)16:34
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=== noTch is now known as Guest54984
damageadamk: Looking at it. I am not being lazy, just new at this. What does the line that I am looking for say?16:35
Guest54984need some help about graphic card and vga, emergency.16:35
IdleOnelinuxyuser: I am not sure how to help you, perhaps someone in #ubuntu-es will be able16:35
Guest54984*vga driver16:35
SomeoneWeirdso for some reason, all of a sudden, when i alt-tab, i'm not seeing any of my terminals even though i have about 15 open16:36
SomeoneWeirdi've restarted and I still can't see them16:36
gordonjcp!ask | Guest5498416:36
SomeoneWeirdany suggestions?16:36
ubottuGuest54984: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:36
damageadamk: Do you mean: "init: failsafe-x main process (1487) terminated with status 1"16:36
linuxyuserIdleOne: tx16:37
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trismdamage: pastebin: dkms status;16:39
SomeoneWeirdanyone? this is starting to get /really/ annoying16:39
Guest54984i have no display when im on login screen, and now running with recovery, i had a problem with 13.04 driver for dual monitor and resolution, just changed my driver on additional drivers, and now i cant see anything on main boot, plus i have a problem with X Server Settings, “You do not appear to be using the nvidia x server”16:40
damagetrism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729839/16:40
trismdamage: that's dmesg, I want to see if the nvidia kernel driver is built for your kernel16:40
damagetrism: Ahh, got it. Sorry. Give me a min to get it.16:41
fluidsubuntu is shit16:41
IdleOne!language > fluids16:41
ubottufluids, please see my private message16:41
ChrisSchi all16:42
ChrisScmy ubuntu suddenly boots into initramfs16:42
nmittalChrisSc: you setup software RAID?16:42
ChrisScalthough i can continue boot with "exit", i want to know why this happens16:42
ChrisScnmittal: nope16:42
ChrisScunfortunatly I do not see a error message...16:42
nmittalChrisSc: hardware ?16:43
Guest54984i have no display when im on login screen, and now running with recovery, i had a problem with 13.04 driver for dual monitor and resolution, just changed my driver on additional drivers, and now i cant see anything on main boot, plus i have a problem with X Server Settings, “You do not appear to be using the nvidia x server”16:43
ChrisScno raid, 2 hdd, ubuntu boots from usb316:43
Guest54984any solution??!16:43
gustav_Since I upgraded the xorg-intel driver, it came to be upgraded from the repo, X keeps starting in "low graphics mode," and I don't want it to. Actually, I'm not sure what it means, because I can start X as usual (the login manager has changed) with all colours and play games with optirun as usual, although I think the framerate is lower than usual, missing about 100 fps. One additional problem is that xrandr doesn't detect or show the other-than-LVDS-outputs I16:43
ChrisScthe two hdd are mounted with fstab16:43
nmittalChrisSc: i've only seen that error when ubuntu tries to boot before the device is ready (happens often with RAID)16:43
ChrisScnmittal: hmm, can this be due to the usb-stick as well?16:44
ActionPa1snipgustav_: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue16:44
nmittalChrisSc: and while you are typing exit.. the device becomes available and boots16:44
geniinmittal: Sometimes also happens if not ext2/3/4 and fs driver not there immediately16:44
gustav_ActionPa1snip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729887/16:45
nmittalChrisSc: possible.. becoz USB systems may not be up16:45
ActionPa1snipgustav_: its only one line, so you dodn'y have to pastebin ;)16:45
nmittalChrisSc: try enabling USB in bios if thats an option for you16:45
ActionPa1snipgustav_: are you using a PPA for the driver?16:45
ChrisScstrange thing is that this has not happended before16:45
gustav_ActionPa1snip: Two lines actually.16:45
gustav_ActionPa1snip: I think so.16:45
geniiChrisSc: Might want to make sure you have usbstorage driver specified in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules   and then do the sudo update-initramfs -u16:45
ChrisScsystem worked fine for a few weeks16:46
ChrisScgenii: how can i be sure of this?16:46
ActionPa1snipgustav_: one line from /etc/issue is blank, so doesn't count :)16:46
nmittalChrisSc: yeah its erratic as its a race condition16:46
Fuzzlesin ubuntu 12.04 if im using amd grpahics driver form their site will it crash if kernel gets upgraded16:46
ActionPa1snipgustav_: what is the output of:  apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel16:46
gustav_ActionPa1snip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729894/16:47
ActionPa1snipgustav_: you are using a ppa known to be unstable and extremely experimental16:48
ActionPa1snipgustav_: what did you expect16:48
gustav_ActionPa1snip: Oh, it's not the only option?16:48
RonWhoCaresWhat is the command to update Ubuntu from within Terminal ?16:48
ChrisScgenii: or to be more precise: what do I have to add to the modules-file?16:48
ActionPa1snipgustav_: well, no. The Intel driver is in the default install16:48
elisa87how can I install this package ? http://packages.debian.org/sid/libprotobuf-dev16:48
gustav_ActionPa1snip: And nvidia?16:48
ActionPa1snipgustav_: you can see (In your own paste) that the package is available from the official ubuntu repos16:48
ChrisScRonWhoCares: sudo apte-get update | sudo apt-get upgrade16:49
theadminRonWhoCares: Update packages? sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. To the next release? sudo do-release-upgrade16:49
ActionPa1snipgustav_: nvidia drivers are in the repos too16:49
ActionPa1snipgustav_: the PPA will also upgrade your X server to an experimental version too16:49
gustav_ActionPa1snip: I see. The nvidia drivers are the same version too.16:49
gustav_Oh, wait, no.16:50
ActionPa1snipgustav_: we cannot support PPA packages. I suggest you contact the guys but I expect they will simply point you to the warnings on the PPA page16:50
damagetrism: OK.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/5729900/16:50
gustav_ActionPa1snip: Does Optimus work without this PPA?16:50
ActionPa1snipgustav_: no idea, i don't use crappy optimus but I'd imagine it would. Not 100% sure. Optimus is a dirty hack16:51
ActionPa1snipthe sooner optimus is canned as a cludge, the better16:51
gustav_ActionPa1snip: Maybe you mean bumblebee, Optimus is the nVidia hardware.16:51
ActionPa1snipgustav_: bumblebee is the software in Linux to support optimus16:51
gustav_ActionPa1snip: Optimus works in Windows AFAIK.16:52
ActionPa1snipgustav_: yes, because Nvidia only provide support for that platform16:52
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ActionPa1snipgustav_: if nvidia supported Linux with it as well, it would work16:52
geniiChrisSc: Will either be: usb-storage      or: usb_storage    ( I forget which ) ... by itself on a line in the file16:52
gustav_ActionPa1snip: The latest stable version of their driver supports Linux. But it requires very late versions of X.org etc.16:52
trismdamage: ahh you have a whole bunch of versions, would start with: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current-updates nvidia-experimental-310; (assuming you still wanted to use nvidia-current)16:52
adamkI heard that the latest beta drivers do support optimus these days.16:53
ActionPa1snipgustav_: what windows does is of very little bearing to Linux, it is a completely different OS with different support16:53
gustav_ActionPa1snip: I mean, contains support for Optimus on Linux.16:53
gustav_ActionPa1snip: Do you multiboot to Windows?16:53
ChrisScgenii: found it, thanks. Is usbcore, ext3, ext2 neccessary as well?16:53
ActionPa1snipgustav_: no, pure Ubuntu and some others. I only touch Windows for work16:53
trismdamage: then: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current; and then I would reboot and see what happens16:53
damagetrisim: I would like to get back to a public domain standard driver, just to get the gui running again, and then I will install via additional drivers tool.16:54
geniiChrisSc: No, those are standard already16:54
gustav_ActionPa1snip: I find my Intel chip is too poor for 3D in even say TF2, so I'm voting for Optimus support, which is the hardware I own.16:54
ChrisScgenii: okay, thanks, will give it a try16:54
geniiChrisSc: Also loading the usb-storage will automatically modprobe in the usbcore, etc16:54
damagetrisim: I will try that.16:54
ActionPa1snipgustav_: what's next? An ARM CPU and an i7 cpu, to save power?16:54
fowlmy ubuntu came with some "node" binary, what the heck is it, if not nodejs? thanks16:54
gustav_ActionPa1snip: i7 is partly a RISC processor.16:54
ActionPa1snipgustav_: I would have gone for a non-sany/ivy bridge CPU and got an nvidia GPU on its own. no switching rubbish, simpler16:55
gustav_ActionPa1snip: CISC instructions picked apart into RISC instructions and then run.16:55
damagetrisim: what is the irc command to view just your output?16:55
gustav_ActionPa1snip: I have Ivy Bridge, this thing is built in.16:55
m1chaeldoes RedoBackup work on EFI/Windows8 ?16:55
trismdamage: /lastlog trism16:55
ChrisScgenii: unfortunatly that didn't change anything...16:55
ActionPa1snipdamage: you could wget the log and grep it  (one solution)16:55
ActionPa1snipgustav_: exactly, if I was building a gaming rig I'd be avoiding those things16:56
gustav_ActionPa1snip: Ok. :/16:56
fowlmy ubuntu came with some "node" binary, what the heck is it, if not nodejs? thanks16:56
ActionPa1snipgustav_: we cannot support packages from PPAs here. I suggest you contact the PPA maintainer16:56
gustav_ActionPa1snip: Can I remove the PPA and not break my X config, I'm not sure what removing it will do, like will it clear all my working configs?16:56
ActionPa1snipgustav_: it will roll back if you use ppa-purge but I am unsure of results16:57
mouthwashmy card reader stopped working. (just blinks on and off) can anybody help me pls?16:57
geniiChrisSc: Might want to set some rootdelay option too16:58
chrisbuchholzHow can i stop a service without making an error out of it if its not running? Something like "stop if running". Right now, i deplay via beanstalk, and if the service is not running, it returns an error exit code and beanstalks email me about it, which i dont want because i dont care if its not running, i just want to start the service16:58
trismdamage: after purging you may want to check: dkms status; again to make sure you got them all16:58
damagetrisim: Is there a command to see what nvidia drivers i have installed?16:59
trismdamage: dpkg -l 'nvidia*'; should give you that16:59
ChrisScgenii: where can I find the log of the boot? maybe theres sth that points to my error17:00
damagetrisim; thank you. Working on purge now.17:00
demonoid_meHow can i create LoCo Team for Bulgaria??17:01
trismdamage: might want to use tab when completing my name, you have an extra i in there17:01
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damagetrisim: Been a windows guy for 20 years. Linux admin is still new to me.17:01
trismdamage: alot of people end up with multiple versions installed for some reason, tends to cause a few issues17:02
demonoid_meI wanna create ubuntu LoCo Team but for my country !how can i do thath?17:02
geniiChrisSc: Usually /var/log/boot.log  and in same dir some other files like syslog, kernlog17:03
geniikern.log rather17:03
damagetrism: sorry about that. And yes, I have a lot of nvidia stuff. I am purging it all.17:03
trismdamage: you can leave nvidia-common, that's fine17:04
damagetrism: Have a bunch of nvidia-settomg enteries, different versions, I guess?17:05
andrebhow can i see what version of ntp my server is using17:07
trismdamage: yeah, there is one for each version17:07
OiCoryI just tried the xubuntu channel but got no responses. So anyway,  I just installed xubuntu while using a pci wireless card. My network says connected but i have no lan or internet access17:07
Iceman_Bcan I use Ubuntu as a VPN server?17:07
Iceman_Bbecause corporate forewall ~_~17:08
damagetrism: OK, got everything but the nvidia-setting things uninstalled. Reboot now?17:08
gustav_What's the CLI command for the Startup Disk Creator?17:08
trismdamage: check: dkms status; one more time and make sure the nvidia-current is installed for your current kernel17:08
trismdamage: and then yeah, reboot17:08
OiCorySupposedly there is a bug with the rt2800 drivers and i need to recompile the source?17:08
damagetrism: Too late. Rebooted. Will check when it comes back up.17:09
exnorhmm, any idea one one uses cifs to share files over a windows network?17:10
damagetrism: Wow. Low-graphics mode. Should I work from here, or just go back to CLI?17:10
gordonjcp!samba | exnor17:11
ubottuexnor: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:11
trismdamage: yeah low graphics mode probably means it still isn't working, head back over to one of the ttys and check dkms status17:11
trismdamage: if that looks fine, check lsmod to see if the nvidia module is loaded, and if not: sudo modprobe nvidia;17:11
damagetrism: Did a dkms status. No nVida enteries. Will try lsmod now.17:12
trismdamage: ahh, if no nvidia entries: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current; I think you may have purged too many17:13
damagetrism: OK, will try that now.17:13
trismdamage: if that seems to install fine: sudo stop lightdm; sudo modprobe nvidia-current; sudo start lightdm; and see what happens17:14
damagetrism: Installing nvidia-current now.17:14
damagetrism: When Windows screws up like this, you just format and reinstall. I am happy that Linux can actually be fixed17:15
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linuxyuseri have klogd running17:16
linuxyuserbut i don't see my printk()17:16
gustav_How do I make an USB key with Ubuntu 12.10? usb-creator-gtk crashes.17:17
theadmingustav_: Why 12.10? It's not going to be supported for too long, why not 13.04 or 12.04?17:18
theadmingustav_: Either way, you can just use dd: sudo dd if=Downloads/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdz (where /dev/sdz is your USB stick)17:19
gustav_theadmin: I'm running 12.10 and I know it to be stable.17:19
DJonestheadmin: the EOL of 12.10 is actually longer than 13.0417:19
gustav_theadmin: Ah.17:19
ernalveHello. I upgraded from 12.04 to ubuntu 12.10 some weeks ago and lost my internet connection. It's a known issue with Atheros card. For a while, I could use internet on windows on the same computer while I did some research and tried the solutions posted on the web. Unluckily, none of them worked and I even lost internet while on windows. Now I'm running the 11.04 live cd and the internet works just fine... Would it be ok to dow17:19
theadminDJones: Oh, prrf... Yes, indeed17:19
ernalvenload and install 13.04 directly? Won't I lose my files? Thanks a lot17:19
theadminDJones: Still though, you want latest software - you use the regular branch, you want stability - you use the LTS branch, well normally17:19
damagetrism: YOU ARE DA MAN!!! Got my desktop back. I still have some reconfiguration to do. But I have not seen my GUI in a couple of days.17:20
trismdamage: excellent17:20
SonikkuAmericaernalve: If you're coming from an earlier *buntu version, no17:20
DJonestheadmin: Just something you may find useful info, I asked the question about upgrades from 12.10, basically if a 12.10 user doesn't upgrade to 13.04 and subsequently 13.10, the plan is to offer direct upgrades from 12.10 to 14.0417:20
damagetrism: Going to reboot, just to confirm that it will start automatically.17:21
theadminernalve: You can do a weird upgrade using the Ubuntu installer. Go to manual partitioning and mark your earlier / partition with it's current filesystem and do *not* mark it for formatting. That'll do a proper reinstall preserving /home and /usr/local/17:21
DJonestheadmin: Agreed about LTS being for people who want stability17:21
SonikkuAmericaernalve, theadmin: There's also the "Upgrade Ubuntu $OLDERVERSION to Ubuntu $NEWERVERSION" selectable from the installer.17:22
marchitosHello! i am on ubunut 13.04. After an update i cannot write songs anymore to my ipod.17:22
theadminSonikkuAmerica: Oh? That is of new17:22
damageadamk: Thank you for your help too, Adam.17:22
SonikkuAmericatheadmin: Starting with 12.04 LTS17:22
marchitosthe ipod is mounted but the write is denied17:22
fowlwow fucking gay channel17:22
theadminSonikkuAmerica: Oh, huh...17:23
fowlcan you fags hear me or not17:23
SonikkuAmerica!language | fowl17:23
ubottufowl: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:23
damagetrism: Started with no problem. Can you reccomend a source to lean about diagnosing ubuntu startup issues?17:23
ernalvetheadmin and Sonikku: Ok, I'm going to burn the 13.04 cd and try this. THanks a lot17:23
damagetrism: WOW, when it booted this time, I even got my app wall back.17:24
Guest10303hi all , is ther a good pkg to open .aml17:26
Guest10303i havent found one yet googling17:26
PiciGuest10303: What type of file is that?17:26
Guest10303aspci maching language17:27
damageThanks all. I am outa here.17:28
ChrisScgenii: adding rootdelay=90 seems to help, thank you very much!17:28
geniiChrisSc: You're welcome :)17:28
vitimitihi o/17:31
juniourhi ubuntu xx.xx17:32
juniourcan any one help me with uptime17:32
adamk_join ##freebsd17:33
juniouranyone here ?17:34
adamk_juniour, Just ask your question.  If someone can answer, they will.17:34
melow01there are 1694 people here, i think17:35
juniourhow to alter uptime without reboot17:35
bazhang!details | juniour17:35
ubottujuniour: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:35
bekksjuniour: There is no way to alter the uptime.17:35
juniourbekks haaaaaaaa17:35
juniourbekks every thing is instructed to machine and machine can't do anything without of himself, and it can be altered i think17:36
th0rNow that's deep17:37
bekksjuniour: You you know it better - be free to tell us a solution :)17:37
juniourbeeks i have an idea , it does't mean i can solve it17:38
killerhow can i set location of local server other than /var/www17:38
phillyjjuniour: what do you need to use it for?17:40
juniourphillyj i nedd to learn just17:41
juniourkiller just locate httpd.conf and search for directory and assign dir as you want and restart apache17:42
flux242does anybody know what file system is used with the persistent live images for the persistent part? Overlayfs or something else?17:43
grimetonflux242: boot a live cd, run "mount"17:44
flux242I don't have one17:44
streulmasomeone is running Ubuntu on Mac ?17:44
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flux242And my internet is capped, I'm not going to dl images17:44
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:45
SonikkuAmericastreulma: ^ it can be done17:45
streulmayes I know17:46
grimetonstreulma: i am, and DO NOT download the images that are tagged with "mac"17:46
grimetonstreulma: download a normal image and boot from it17:46
grimetonstreulma: the "mac" tagged images only work with bootcamp17:46
grimetonstreulma: and the untagged work via efi17:46
killersudo firefox17:48
SonikkuAmericakiller: Why would you run firefox as root?!17:48
grimetonkiller: funny how you can trigger meta questions, isn't it?17:49
private_metayeah, very funny17:49
nmittalhello ppl.. just installed 13.04 desktop and want to setup multiple monitors. I have installed the proprietory nvidia drivers but when i add the other monitors.. all i see is a 'X' for a mouse pointer... no background no launcher.. etc17:50
nmittalhas anyone had any luck with Ubuntu and multiple monitors?17:51
grimetonnmittal: i guess it works as it always did: you have to tell the x-server where to put the second desktop (left of, right of, ...) and tell it that it should be one single desktop17:52
nmittalgrimeton, i am using nvidia-settings-manager and i have done the left of.. etc so the mouse moves from one monitor to another as expected.. but the cursor changes to a "X"17:54
nmittaland I have no launchers on the other monitors17:54
grimetonnmittal: did you restart X? maybe the desktop/window manager hasn't noticed the change yet?17:55
nmittalgrimeton.. yes17:55
grimetonnmittal: maybe you have to tell the wm to use the other space too?17:55
grimetontried to drag a window to the other screen?17:55
nmittalgrimeton, i dont think we can drag windows across x-screens17:56
grimetonnmittal: i do17:58
nmittalgrimeton, do you have Nvidia?17:58
grimetonnmittal: back in the day when i used linux on the desktop i had, yes17:58
grimetonnmittal: and it worked17:58
=== stochasm- is now known as stochasm
* Gnea can drag windows from one x-screen to another across multiple displays17:59
nmittalgrimeton, this is something else.. it seems there is no window manager on the other 2 x-screens17:59
nmittalgrimeton, just on this one17:59
Gneanmittal: what window manager are you using? and have you tried to change any other settings in the nvidia config?18:00
grimetonnmittal: this sounds to me that either the x config is broken OR that the window manager didn't notice the change18:00
grimetonboth is possible too18:01
streulmashould I run 13.04 or 12.04, is 13.04 not with bugs?18:01
nmittalGnea, grimeton can you pls look at my xorg.conf file.. http://fpaste.org/16297/70282478/18:01
Gneastreulma: well 12.04 is LTS18:01
streulmaUbuntu 13.04, there I can't hange the wallpaper color18:02
nmittalGnea, grimeton i have had this issue everytime i have tried to install Ubuntu18:02
Gneanmittal: are you using twinview or separate X screen?18:02
nmittalGnea, I have 4 monitors.. 2 monitors are on 1 x screen and use twinview.. the other two monitors have their own x screens18:03
Gneanmittal: complicated. what happens if they're all using twinview?18:04
nmittalGnea, twinview is only for 2 monitors rt?18:04
Gneanmittal: I'm just asking... what happens?18:04
nmittalGnea, will try now18:04
Gneanmittal: well I"m guessing you have 2 dual-head nvidia cards18:04
melow01Is it possible to setup my work email in Ubuntu? My work is using some sort of Outlook server.18:04
Gneamelow01: try thunderbird18:05
melow01Gnea, cool. do you know of any tutorials out there? Or should I just try the help menu?18:06
ArlieSHi Folks, I'm having no luck on the ubuntu forums, and can't seem to figure out where and how to submit a bug18:06
stabyouHi all, may i ask you a question about my hp probook 4730s18:07
nmittalGnea, nothing same problem with twinview18:07
gordonjcp!ask | stabyou18:07
ubottustabyou: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:07
stabyouhas anyone witness a problem with battery charging in ubuntu 13.04?18:08
nmittalGnea, yes I have a dual head nvidia card18:08
ArlieSSo question 1 - I want to submit a bug, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs isn't helping18:08
bassshello, how can i disable black screen when i close my laptop's lid ?18:09
IdleOneArlieS: what problem are you having submitting the bug?18:09
ArlieSubuntu-bug expects me to know what package is involved18:09
ArlieSonce I finally figured out I was suppsoed to use that ;-)18:09
IdleOneArlieS: it helps if you know the specific package but if you don't we might be able to narrow it down. What seems to be the issue?18:09
ArlieSThe issue is that I have a piece of crap running on my system and it keeps oming back - usr/lib/libunity-webapps/unity-webapps-context-daemon Amazon www.amazon.com icon://amazon-store [Invalid UTF-8] ubuntu-amazon-default.desktop - and if there's any way to disable it, it's not documented anywhere i can find18:10
juniourhi can i get ubuntu docs????18:10
basssi tried doing so by accessing my power settings but its not getting through18:10
phillyjjuniour: whats ubuntu docs?18:10
IdleOne!adlens | ArlieS18:11
ubottuArlieS: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ18:11
juniourphillyj document of ubuntu18:11
phillyjman pages?18:11
stabyoudoes anyone have problems with the battery charging with ubuntu 13.04?18:11
ArlieSThank you ubottu18:11
juniourphillyj see like this http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.1/Deployment_Guide/18:12
ArlieSIt's showing up as an icon in the bar on the left of my screen, and a running process18:12
ArlieSnot just in "Ubuntu software center" which i don't use18:12
=== red_ is now known as redliondj
phillyjjuniour: like this: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/18:13
trismArlieS: for hiding the .desktop files for the apps in unity-webapps-common, I copied them to ~/.local/share/applications/ and added: OnlyShowIn=18:14
ArlieSTy ubottu - the article by Mark Shuttleworth says the icon in the dash - and presumably the constantly running process - is indeed intentional18:14
trismArlieS: it would be nice if they were in a separate package that was easy to remove though18:14
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klemaxHello, after logining as root, i got that : "System information disabled due to load higher than 1.0"18:15
juniourphillyj have you seen the link i given to you18:15
klemaxis there a way to change the value of it?18:15
klemaxmaybe load higher than 4.0 would be better.18:15
ArlieSremoved untiy-lens-shopping - still have the unwanted proecss running ;-) checking trism's suggestion now18:16
juniouris any thigexist like this for ubuntu, http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.1/Deployment_Guide/18:17
ArlieSapologies to all for my lousy typing by the way18:17
phillyjjuniour: i think you can find the installation docs at https://help.ubuntu.com/18:17
DJones!manual | juniour18:17
ubottujuniour: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:17
usr13juniour: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam18:17
usr13juniour: https://help.ubuntu.com18:17
usr13juniour: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntu-docs18:18
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dirk_do you have to reformat the entire c drive to take off windows xp if ubuntu and xp are installed side by side?18:20
usr13dirk_: Can you re-phrase  your question?18:20
MonkeyDustdirk_  use live cd or usb, run gparted, delete windows18:20
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geniiMonkeyDust: Assuming they didn't wubi install.18:21
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bazhangdirk_, thats a wubi install18:21
usr13dirk_: dirk_ As MonkeyDust points out, the installation process makes provision for resizing or deleting any partition you want.18:21
[SLB]is there an undo command for the last apt-get install run?18:22
dirk_i have ubuntu and xp installed side by side on my c drive... i can uninstall easy by going into windows and going into add/remove programs but ubuntu doesn't give that process a option... so if i wanted to take windows off my c drive would i need to format the drive... yes i used wubi to install ubuntu18:23
usr13dirk_: But I do not think we have a clear idea of what it is you really want to do.18:23
dirk_take window off completely without reinstalling ubuntu18:23
_BauerHow do I keep Empathy always online on Google Talk? its not receiving messages, and does not connect until I actually open the Contact List18:23
MonkeyDustdirk_  you installed ubuntu inside windows, that was not a good idea18:23
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usr13dirk_: Are you on a dual boot system?  (or wubi)?18:24
ArlieShmm - beginning to wonder whether I ened to get rid of the unity lens entirely, since apparantly it's not intended to soleyl access my local system, and I now have to take special precautions to make it do so18:25
ArlieSI use web browsers when I want to access off my local system, strange as that may seem to canonical designers18:25
IdleOnedirk_: you would need to migrate your ubuntu/wubi install to a dedicated partition, then format the partition with windows on it. it will be much simpler to just do a clean install with an Ubuntu Live CD/USB18:25
dirk_MONKEYDUST... ya i know... i have problem booting ubuntu everytime because it says it can't find the boot module (or grub) it gives me lines of lines of errors before i type exit and it finially loads ubuntu... i made a wubi usb  so i believe they are dual boot but i used wubi to install18:26
IdleOneArlieS: this isn't a complaint channel, if you have a specific issue with Ubuntu please ask the questions.18:26
MonkeyDustdirk_  wubi was a pseudo-install, it complicates things18:26
ShapeShifter499I just got a new (well 2010 model) iPod Shuffle and it doesn't sync with rhythmbox, it says "Do you want to initialize your iPod?"  the Model selection box is grayed out. Any ideas?18:27
MonkeyDustdirk_  that's why everybody cheered when wubi was removed from the ubuntu iso18:27
dirk_well i need to get the ubuntu iso and make a usb installation and reinstall then correct?18:27
jrib[SLB]: no18:27
usr13dirk_:  If you are dual boot, I would suggest gparted liveCD.  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php  And just shrink the MS windows partition(s) down to very small size.  (Otherwize, you'll need to re-configure your fstab file and some other config stuff, which in the long run, backing up /home/ and re-install would be easier.18:27
[SLB]ah ok, thanks18:27
ArlieS@Idle - that would eb for recommendations for alternate window managers then ;-)18:28
[SLB]glad i saved the list of packages installed so i can now do a simple remove18:28
ArlieSand the big question - can I run ubuntu without unity and thereby miss these features, or do i need to go to a difefrent distro18:28
bazhang!notunity | ArlieS18:29
ubottuArlieS: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.18:29
usr13ArlieS: You can install other Desktop Evnironments.  i.e.  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop18:29
zehexxwhat is very basic knowledge to learning how cpu is work?18:29
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auronandacezehexx: that is beyond the scope of this channel18:30
dirk_i have g-parted.... why would i need a gparted live cd?18:30
melow01Gnea, wow... I'm super impressed by Thunderbird. All I had to do was insert my name/email/password and the whole thing configured itself!18:30
auronandacezehexx: this channel just deals with ubuntu support issues18:30
geniizehexx: If you ask in the channel ##hardware someone there may have more useful information18:31
ArlieS@ubottu and usr13 - thanks. Do you know whetehr the stuff that's bugging me is all part of unity, or will I need to apt-get rm ohter things?18:31
phillyjzehexx: might want to join one of the many pc forums out there on the net18:31
usr13dirk_: Because you can not resize mounted partitions.18:31
zehexxbut i want only to know if in ubuntu how it happend?,such us cpu monitor with graphical viewer to learning it18:31
usr13ArlieS: You'll just need to try and see.18:32
dirk_can i unmount it and resize it that way?18:32
zehexxnot spesific,but generally18:32
usr13dirk_: Use live CD18:32
usr13dirk_: short answer:  No18:32
bazhangusr13, he's using wubi, not a dual boot18:33
dirk_check this out http://imagebin.org/26003818:33
usr13dirk_: If you are using wubi, you will need to do a fresh Ubuntu install.18:33
dirk_so i should format c drive entirely, partitions and all and reinstall18:34
geniiusr13: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi  might be useful, with some hand-holding. They probably have to shrink the windows partition if there's only sda1 for instance, then make another one to migrate the wubi to and run the instructions. Then gparted to finally absorb the original sda118:35
usr13dirk_: The install  process provides you with options to delete all existing partitions and start from fresh.  Just boot the install CD or USB.  You'll see.18:35
dirk_ya id say i'd need some handholding on that for sure18:35
aimeeWhen in doubt: DUCT TAPE jk, I was using WUBI for my pc originally, but I had so many problems, I bought a second hard disk drive and put ubuntu on that.  Really fixed a lot of problems18:35
usr13genii: I don't know about that, but sounds like fresh install would be easier.18:36
ArlieSFor what it's worth, I started with wubi, and found it didn't deal well with updates to packages; eventually had to reinstall as a seperate partition18:37
usr13dirk_: genii Fresh Ubuntu install is easy.18:37
ArlieSwubi's a great way to try ubuntu; wouldn't want to use it long term18:37
usr13ArlieS: I do not recommend wubi18:37
ArlieScan also try it by running directly from instal media. I do that when It gives me a loaner PC ;-)18:38
ArlieSIt = Information Technology dept18:38
usr13ArlieS: A great way to try ubuntu is http://www.ubuntu.com/tour/en/18:38
ArlieSanyway, than I ran off on tangent.18:38
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geniidirk_: The recommendation to just do a proper install is the shortest and simplest. You might want to put anything you want to save from in your wubi install onto a usb stick or such beforehand however.18:39
usr13ArlieS: ... or live CD or USB  (wubi is not something I consider all that useful).18:39
ArlieSbye and thanks folks.18:40
TibasHello, I install the ubuntu in my pc, but I partitioned the hdd before it, but when i start my pc, for my surprise the ubuntu not mount the windows partition and my all data it is in lost partition.18:40
usr13Tibas: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub18:40
dirk_one more thing.... my video lagged really badly.... my graphics card went out and i'm using the really old one on the mother board (virtually useless its so old) reading up i found a ubuntu page saying that to change the perimeters of swappy from 60 to 10... does anyone know what i'm talking about if so i'll continue18:40
bazhangdirk_, changing swap wont make your video card any better18:41
usr13dirk_: Just do a fresh install, worry about details later.  If you need a new video card, get one later.18:41
dirk_yes i know... i was trying to free up some ram to make everything run a bit smoother18:42
usr13dirk_: How much RAM do you have?18:42
dirk_1 gig....18:42
usr13dirk_: No problem.18:42
BluesKajdirk_, are you sure your video card is borked ? did you test it on a different OS or pc ?18:43
usr13dirk_: If it is a desltop PC, you should invest in a video card.18:43
dirk_ok so i'll continue... so i changed the swap to 10 as suggested and my comp was barely useable.... BLUE..... yes it works fine on windows XP no lag18:43
kaddihi guys. I'm trying to compile something on ubuntu and it says: Error: class,struct,union or type Z_U4 not defined  /usr/include/zconf.h:409: I was wondering if you could help me understand what it is complaining about and what I may have to fix to get it to run18:43
dirk_i am looking to get one thru ebay or a friend on payday18:43
kaddiit seems to be a problem with a class provided by ubuntu?18:44
dirk_ok continuing ....  so i changed it to 10 and my comp was almost unusable... so i changed it back... but just curious i set it up to 88 (completely opposite of the sites suggestion) and my video doesn't lag at all anymore and my system runs alot better... does that make any sense to anyone?18:45
frinknetI'm having SSH issues with www-data. I'm trying to setup rsa keys to connect remote. I've created a test user to see if I can replicate and discovered that if I create a user via adduser —system it doesn't work but if I create a regular user I can use rsa keys just fine. Does anyone know where the conf is that forces these settings?18:46
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Picifrinknet: Perhaps because system users may not have home directories configured. Make sure that yours does and that their prper ssh keys are in ~/.ssh/18:49
jdolesFiles /vmlinuz /initrd.img and /libnss3.so exist. Can I safely delete those?18:50
frinknetPici: I am generating a test user —with a /home/dir —with chmod 700 ~/.ssh —with chmod 640 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys —with known good key. (since I can delete the user and regenerate without adduser —system and it works) The problem is that I need to ssh in as a system user18:53
trismkaddi: might help to add what specifically you are trying to compile, since that is defined in the ubuntu zlib1g-dev package18:54
kadditrism: it's a proprietary software, that i know to compile on ubuntu in the past and that compiles fine on current red hat releases18:54
Picifrinknet: Where have you put the ssh keys for www-data?18:55
geniijdoles: Did you do some command like grub-install or update-grub using the root directory as the destination instead of the /boot directory?18:55
trismkaddi: yeah that doesn't help at all, did you build your own zlib?18:55
jdolesgenii: can't remember.18:56
kadditrism: that's why I'm a bit lost... it's failing on a ubuntu library, when compiling my program.. so obviously it's needing it, but i seem to be using the wrong version?! :s I18:56
geniijdoles: Do you have vmlinuz files in /boot ?18:56
jdolesgenii: yes18:57
frinknetPici: let's get the test user working first. Then we can prove it's only a problem with www-data. See the following:18:57
dirk_STUPID QUESTION>>>>>>  what happens if you trying installing 64 bit iso on a 32 bit system....18:57
frinknetsudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" asdf18:57
ShapeShifter499how would I block a package update from another repo?18:57
trismkaddi: which ubuntu version are you on?18:57
ShapeShifter499I would like rhythmbox packages to only come from the ubuntu repo18:57
kadditrism i guess my real question is under which conditions can z_u4 be undefined on ubuntu. I'm running 12.10, 64bit18:58
jdoleskaddi: this is the wrong channel.18:58
jdoleskaddi: you need development support, which cannot be found here.18:58
kaddijdoles: which one would be better?18:58
OerHeksdirk_, you will get an error like"unsupported archtecture"18:59
jdoleskaddi: in my experience there are no development channels for Ubuntu specifically that tell you anything you want to know.18:59
trismkaddi: there should be no conditions, at least in raring it is defined explicitly (#define Z_U4 unsigned) for amd64 anyway18:59
jdoleskaddi: my advice: pay someone to fix it or learn how to do it yourself.18:59
kaddijdoles: i'm trying to learn...19:00
jdoleskaddi: if you are trying to learn, then you should lift the covers of the systems you are depending on.19:00
kaddiwhole point of asking here, was so I would better understand19:00
Nerpdoes anyone happen to have a good guide on setting up your own apt repo?19:00
frinknet sudo adduser --disabled-password --system --gecos "" asdf19:00
frinknetsudo su asdf -c 'mkdir -m700 ~/.ssh'19:00
frinknetcat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | sudo su asdf -c 'cat > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'19:00
frinknetsudo su asdf -c 'chmod 640 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'19:00
dirk_what is the difference between alternate and desktop installs?19:00
frinknetWithout the —system this creates a user I can access remote however when I use —system I cannot19:00
jdoleskaddi: you will not get anyone to say anything useful development wise here.19:00
FloodBot1frinknet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:00
kaddiany suggestions on where i could get info on zconf then?19:01
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dirk_nevermind i googled it...19:03
jribfrinknet: can you just « ls -ld /var/www/.ssh /var/www/.ssh/* »?19:04
jribfrinknet: can you just pastebin what I asked?19:06
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guanidenerecently switched to xubuntu from ubuntu. having theme problem. How do I make the toolbar background colour match that of menubar?  link to image showing  thi problem - http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-06042013-123153am.php (i need all in gray for that theme)19:07
frinknetjrib: patience please19:07
jribfrinknet: sure thing19:08
frinknetjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730334/19:08
jribfrinknet: getent passwd www-data19:08
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frinknetjrib: www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh19:09
jribfrinknet: if you do the same for systest you should see /bin/false as the shell and that's why he can't login (that's not the case for www-data though)19:10
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frinknetjrib:okay give me a minute to prove your theory...19:11
geniijdoles: The /vmlinuz files can be safely deleted, the ones in /boot are what's actually being used19:12
jdolesgenii: What about the other files?19:12
geniijdoles: vmlinuz-old same thing19:13
ShapeShifter499I found out19:13
dirk_should i go with 12.04 or 12.10?19:14
jribdirk_: you should choose between 12.04 (LTS) or 13.0419:14
VogAfternoon Gents, I'm having a strange issue with trying to boot off of a Live CD (13.10) and the mouse not being detected. Have already made sure legacy support is on in the bios and tested the mouse for functionality.19:14
MonkeyDustdirk_  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff19:14
Vogsorry I meant 13.0419:14
dirk_i don't think i have the PAE or whatever it's called CPU to run 12.0419:15
dirk_sorry 13.0419:15
jribdirk_: what cpu do you have?19:15
jdolesdirk_: really old CPUs have PAE.19:15
frinknetjrib: Both users have the same settings in regard to shells but regtest works and systest doesn't19:15
frinknetsystest:x:110:65534:Test System User,,,:/home/systest:/bin/bash19:15
frinknetregtest:x:1006:1007:Test Regular User,,,:/home/regtest:/bin/bash19:15
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info19:15
ozzy_i love ubuntu19:15
jribfrinknet: that's not default behavior for adduser19:15
jribfrinknet: what ubuntu version?19:16
frinknetjrib: correct - I changed it with chsh to show that your hypothesis was incorrect.19:16
jribfrinknet: that just means you likely don't have the keys setup correctly19:16
dirk_JRIB   http://imagebin.org/26010819:16
jribdirk_: 13.04 should work fine.  You'll see from the live cd anyway19:17
frinknetjrib: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS19:18
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dirk_what do you mean you'll see??? it wont let me install if my system requirements aren't enough?19:18
jribdirk_: the install cd is actually also a live cd so you'll be running ubuntu off the cd before you even start the install process19:19
jribfrinknet: there's nothing by default that will prevent www-data from logging in if you give it an ssh key19:20
dirk_is there a difference between installing ubuntu and running the xubuntu desktop and installing the xubuntu iso?19:20
jribdirk_: ubuntu comes with the unity desktop by default; xubuntu comes with xfce19:21
frinknetjrib: this is a machine I have inherited that has has some "security tweaks" done19:21
jribfrinknet: ah, well that's a different story. Pastebin /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:21
carrieri was thinking of buying ubuntu: unleashed (book on amazon)19:22
clctodirk_: yes, after you install xubuntu-desktop you will still have all the unity packages19:22
carrieris there any giant pdf or something i can get for free instead of forking over $30?19:22
jribfrinknet: also check what groups those two users you created (the regular and system) are in19:22
clctocarrier: what?19:22
bazhang!manual | carrier19:22
ubottucarrier: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:22
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clctocarrier: we dont talk about piracy here19:23
bazhangclcto, that was not a request for piracy19:23
carrierThank you bazhang for understanding the question.19:23
frinknetjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730398/19:23
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jribfrinknet: nothing interesting that I can see19:24
clctook, "i was thinking about buying X, is there a pdf instead" kind of sounds like it19:24
frinknetjrib: Groups19:24
frinknetregtest : regtest19:24
frinknetsystest : nogroup19:24
bazhangclcto, and there is, and its legal and free19:25
carrierthat's exactly what i was looking for19:25
jribfrinknet: anything in /etc/hosts.{allow,deny}?19:25
jribfrinknet: also /var/log/auth.log on the server might give hints19:26
dirk_clcto.... xubuntu is lighter so i may get better performance out of my machine....  so with that said is it the same or equal to running the xubuntu desktop  or just installing the xubuntu iso? sorry if my question seems stupid19:26
frinknetjrib: nothing interesting in /etc/hosts - just the usual19:27
clctodirk_: not particularly19:27
jribfrinknet: you mean /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow?19:27
OerHekscarrier, besides unleashed, there are 71 issues now of fullcirclemamgazine > http://fullcirclemagazine.org/19:27
clctodirk_: i think you could uninstall ubunutu-desktop after anywyas19:28
jribfrinknet: although I guess you can't restrict based on user there19:28
uuiieHi all19:29
carrierOerHeks yea the unleashed book is 850+ pages and the ubuntu manual is only 100+19:30
carrieri was looking for something i could read cover to cover like a novel and then be freakin' awesome at linux19:30
clctocarrier: if you are having a specific problem just ask, here or in google19:30
OerHekscarrier problem with books, those get outdated.19:31
elixirHi, how can I install glade-(gtk+ 3) on my ubuntu 12.10, I get an option to install glade-(gtk+ 2) from software center but dont know what for gtk+ 3?19:31
clctocarrier: and ubuntu != linux19:31
OerHekscarrier learning ubuntu is using the internet, i guess. hang in here and you will read many problems and solutions with documentation & stuff19:32
frinknetjrib: nothing from there. I've tried adding the —group flag to the generation of systest this gives unique groups for both. I've chsh -s /bin/bash systest - so we can prove it's not a shell issue19:35
nogalSo, I found the bug in Ubuntu that causes it to not render the TTY appropriately. It comes without uvesafb.conf setup, simply manually configure this file, append uvesafb to the blacklist and kernel modules, change udev to allow alteration of the framebuffor and then add the user priveleges to the group.19:36
trismelixir: glade is gtk3, glade-gtk2 is gtk219:36
BluesKajcarrier, books on linux can be very helpful , but hands on use teaches best19:36
guanidenerecently switched to xubuntu from ubuntu. having theme problem. How do I make the toolbar background colour match that of menubar?  link to image showing  thi problem - http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-06042013-123153am.php (i need all in gray for that theme)19:36
nogalanyway, i'm out.19:36
NikThhello everybody.19:37
carrierBluesKaj I find that to be true but the hands on method has failed me for Ubuntu every time19:38
BluesKajcarrier, failed for you , how ?19:38
MonkeyDustthe book "ubuntu linux toolbox" is still very useful19:38
carrierhit an error, or some other dead end and i can't get around it, then i remember i have windows that i don't need to google for 30 minutes to 2 hours every time i want to do something19:39
NikThQUESTION: What is the difference between Lubuntu flavor and lubuntu-pacakge inside Ubuntu vanilla. Regard to support. We know that Lubuntu is not an LTS version, but lubuntu-package inside Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is ?19:39
carrierso i need the combo-play19:39
frinknetjrib: In addition I've tried moving the UID to something above 1000 - still systest isn't allowed while regtest is… Can you repeat this on your box with a different result?19:39
SpartanF32Antarctica people19:39
MonkeyDustcarrier  I have the same problem with widows: have to google 2 hours to find a solution that takes me 5 secs in linux19:39
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carrierlol MonkeyDust did your highschool/elementary school have linux machines only19:40
SpartanF32MonkeyDust, what kind of problem?19:40
SpartanF32hallo Dricus19:41
SpartanF32hallo carif19:41
SpartanF32hallo carrier19:41
Ben64carrier: give an example of something you were trying to do and had to google for 2hrs?19:41
Ben64SpartanF32: stop that, this is not a chat channel19:41
bazhang!ot | SpartanF3219:41
ubottuSpartanF32: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:41
BluesKajcarrier, well pehaps a few vists to this channel would have helped you fix your problems rather than turning to windows for relief :)19:41
MonkeyDustcarrier  pc's didnt exist when i was that age19:41
carrierBen64, since you're picking a fight, right click.  that's right.  brand new asus and right click didn't work.19:42
carrierforums unhelpful, and nothing but butt-hurt in here.19:42
Ben64who says i'm fighting?19:42
carriernever did get that right click working19:42
carrieranyway later thanks for the links.19:42
cloneGhello I would like to secure an ubuntu 12.04 desktop and I found this: http://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-secure-ubuntu-1204-lts-server-part-1-basics19:42
MonkeyDustcloneG  start with sudo ufw enable, it enables the firewall, iptables19:43
cloneGMonkeyDust: it is for secure an ubuntu 12.04 server...which of those actions should i follow and which not?19:43
cloneGMonkeyDust: I already enabled UFW firewall it is the first step in the guide...19:43
MonkeyDustcloneG  tip: there's also #ubuntu-server19:44
cloneGMonkeyDust: but the next step its kind of useless...sshd??19:44
MonkeyDustcloneG  depends on the services you want to use19:44
cloneGMonkeyDust: I am not running a server I am just using that guide to secure my desktop...19:44
MonkeyDustcloneG  then why do you read a server page?19:45
cloneGMonkeyDust: because it says how to secure ubuntu 12.04 and that is my system...moreover it seems there will not be another lts ubuntu version thats why I would like to start preparing mine to last longer19:46
jockey4herhow do you move the taskbar from the side to someplace else?19:46
MonkeyDustcloneG  1) linux is safe          2) the next lts will be 14.0419:46
apm1i have a rootkit on 13.04 according to chkrootkit19:46
MonkeyDustcloneG  what are you afraid of?19:46
apm1Searching for Suckit rootkit...Warning: /sbin/init INFECTED19:47
cloneGMonkeyDust: oh! thats good news19:47
MonkeyDustcloneG  and after that: 16.04, 18.04 etc19:47
cloneGMonkeyDust: I give up then? there is nothing in that guide that could be handy?19:47
apm1MonkeyDust, take that back "linux is safe" i have a rootkit here bro :p19:47
MonkeyDustok: "rootkits are unsafe" :p19:48
apm1what the hell am i supposed to do if my init is infected ?19:48
DJonesapm1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155533019:49
cloneGMonkeyDust: I saw some terrible hacking using unupdated java vulnerability to take control of the whole system...an ubuntu was the victim19:49
uuiieHi all, I am new to xchat would someone help plz?19:49
MonkeyDustcloneG  source?19:49
DJonesapm1: Looking at that link, its a false positive (although that forum post is very old)19:49
cloneGMonkeyDust: source: BBC, and the hacker was using the webcam!19:49
apm1DJones, yeah i figured its a false positive too , since they mostly are :p19:50
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
MonkeyDustcloneG  never read aything about it in any linux blog or newssite19:50
uuiieI am using xchat on ubuntu anyone would help ?19:50
tobyjones8uuiie, I might be able to lend a hand19:51
uuiiethanks tobyjones819:51
tobyjones8what's the problem?19:51
uuiieI am quite new to xchat, where to start from?19:51
syntroPiis there any possibility to use empathy without ubuntu online accounts since the later is badly broken/unusable atm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/116027219:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1160272 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Cannot add IM account (empty setup dialog)" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:52
mojtabaHi, I found that by booting up the system to recovery mode and running commands: mount -o rw,remount / and passwd username, we can change the password. Is there any way to prevent it happening? (Suppose you have lost your laptop. :( )19:52
tobyjones8so judging by the fact that you're using this irc channel right now19:52
uuiiewhat to do in it? i have used yahoo messanger a lot but this is quite different19:52
tobyjones8read that19:52
uuiieYes I read that and so connected to #ubuntu19:53
MonkeyDustmojtaba  invent a secure password19:53
tobyjones8but what do you want to know?19:53
MonkeyDustmojtaba  so they have to know the password in order to change it?19:53
mojtabaMonkeyDust: No.19:53
ubuntivityHi everyone, I'm connecting through empathy for the first time.19:53
uuiiefirst thing the guide is using xchat-gnome while I am using simple xchat19:54
uuiiecan I convert xchat simple in to xchat-gnome?19:54
ubuntivityWhat advantages will this give me in comparison to webchat.freenode.net? beside the visual advantage?19:54
tobyjones8do you not use gnome?19:54
uuiieI am on Ubuntu 12.0419:54
tobyjones8ubuntivity, it doesn't require a browser all the time19:54
mojtabaIs there any idea about it?19:55
ubuntivityOn webchat, if someone mentioned my name it appeared in red, now nothing indicates my name was mentioned :/19:55
tobyjones8so you should be able to do sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome19:55
ubuntivityOr is there a way to activate that?19:55
tobyjones8if I'm not mistaken19:55
tobyjones8I'm not sure, ubuntivity19:56
tobyjones8I don't use empathy19:56
tiduxhow well does Ubuntu work on the Asus Transformer series?19:56
tiduxLTS if possible, 13.04 if necessary19:56
uuiiehmmm thats right, so I think first I need to uninstall xchat simple and then install xchat-gnome, right?19:56
syntroPimojtaba, you never need to enter a password in that recovery mode at all? (eg. for other superuser account)?19:56
tobyjones8does ubuntu work at all on the transformers?19:56
ubuntivityDoes anyone use Empathy for IRC?19:56
tobyjones8no, I'm using mirc atm19:56
housermmmm eog cannot display a simple 55Kx700 pixels image19:56
cloneGMonkeyDust: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-2268915819:56
tiduxtobyjones8: I've seen pictures of Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 working on a TF20119:56
syntroPiubuntivity, i tried but the account setup dialogue appears totally empty on my new install... :-/19:56
houser(eog:15328): Gtk-WARNING **: drawing failure for widget `GtkDrawingArea': invalid value (typically too big) for the size of the input (surface, pattern, etc.)19:57
mojtabasyntroPi: If you enter recovery mode there is an option which lets you to enter as a rooot19:57
cloneGMonkeyDust: notice that the victim is using ubuntu19:57
tiduxI know Asus has released bootloader unlocks for some of the transformers19:57
tobyjones8not sure if they have 12.04 yet19:57
tobyjones8oh, it appears they do19:57
syntroPimojtaba, maybe you want to encrypt your home partition then?19:57
meLonsudo sdparm --clear=STANDBY /dev/sdh -S  Is there an alternative to this for older external drives?  Does hdparm have something like this?19:57
tobyjones8there's a table detailing what works and what doesn't19:57
tiduxthe "need to copy over binaries from Android" bit worries me19:58
tiduxI don't like blobs19:58
mojtabasyntroPi: I have seen that at the installation time the ubuntu asks about encrypting home folder, but I did not choose it at that time. How can I do that now?19:58
jhutchins_wkmojtaba: You can set a password for grub.19:59
uuiietobeyjones8, one last thing plz, how to add you in list to contact you again?19:59
tiduxlooks like that's the older TF20119:59
tiduxI was really hoping for TF300 or newer19:59
mojtabajhutchins_wk: How can I do that?19:59
tobyjones8uuiie, you may add me on skype19:59
tobyjones8feel free to pm me for my skype nick19:59
jhutchins_wkmojtaba: Don't know off the top of my head but I'm sure it's in the grub manpages.19:59
syntroPimojtaba, not quite sure how, but id bet there is a way to do that (with backup before ofc). Since i never done that maybe someone else would be of better help though20:00
mojtabajhutchins_wk: thanks20:00
tobyjones8tidux, what tf do you have?20:00
uuiieok thank you. Will contact you very soon.20:00
tiduxjust thinking about getting one as a nice GNU/Linux ARM system20:00
tiduxsince my x86 laptop is getting a bit old and clunky20:00
jhutchins_wkmojtaba: Of course, if they have physical access to the device it's pretty hard to prevent access.   You can set the BIOS password so they can't boot to alternate media, but they can always yank the drive and mount it on another system.20:01
tobyjones8go for a nexus 720:01
tobyjones8in that case20:01
tobyjones8and grab an otg cable, usb hub, keyboard and mouse20:01
tiduxfuck everything about that20:01
tobyjones8not as elegant, but you do save a lot of cash20:01
tobyjones8and still Asus ;)20:02
tiduxI want a real laptop20:02
tobyjones8why? I love my n7...20:02
tobyjones8Fair enough20:02
mlindsay_crazy question, I got a intel software raided windows install that won't boot.  If I use a ubuntu live cd on that computer, will it see the NTFS raid?20:02
mojtabajhutchins_wk: Can they remove the BIOS password by removing the battery inside?20:02
tiduxtoo small, too slow, too little battery life compared to a docked Transformer20:02
tobyjones8moj, it's possible depending on your mobo20:02
tobyjones8I find it to be fast enough20:02
tiduxand you either need an unusable 7" keyboard or carry around a full sized one20:03
tiduxwhich is just pants on head retarded20:03
gordonjcpmojtaba: generally you need to do a clever thing to the EEPROM that holds the password20:03
gordonjcpmojtaba: beyond that I will not elaborate20:03
mojtabagordonjcp: Do you have any suggestion?20:03
tobyjones8mlindsay_ not sure20:03
tiduxalright, time for more research20:03
tobyjones8try this, mlindsay_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount%20Windows%20Raid%200%20Volumes%20Howto20:04
tobyjones8I'm off for now, I got an exam tomorrow20:04
tobyjones8it sucks20:04
gordonjcpmojtaba: suffice it to say that most PCs are highly resistant to casual tampering with BIOS passwords20:04
tobyjones8I'll catch you guys later20:04
ahalversonmlndsay_: apparently no, according to this article http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83365320:04
syntroPimojtaba, if you are able to read german or use google translate here is a description which may be helpfull http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/ecryptfs/Einrichten#Homeverzeichnis-umstellen20:05
gordonjcpmojtaba: there are very few machines that cannot be de-passworded given access to an arduino, some datasheets, and a couple of hundred quid's worth of high-end hot air rework equipment20:05
ahalversonmlindsay_: unless your a power user20:05
ubuntu01anyone can help with this? broken package dependencies http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730512/ (whatever I try to install I get some broken deps)20:06
mojtabaThanks all20:06
k1lubuntu01: you have some PPAs active?20:07
ahalversonubuntu01: try "sudo apt-get -f install"20:07
Ratchetthello everyone20:07
RatchettI have some questions regarding Windows 8 and Grub220:08
RatchettBoth operating systems boot currently, but I have to go into the BIOS and select Windows Boot Manager to boot to windows and ubuntu to boot to ubuntu20:08
ubuntu01k1l: not sure, how to check?20:08
RatchettI can't seem to get them to both show up in the Grub220:08
mlindsay_Does it matter if its a intel raid vs a windows raid?20:08
syntroPianyone able to use empathy on raring? im unable to setup any online accounts   since the dialogue is broken https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/116027220:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1160272 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Cannot add IM account (empty setup dialog)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:09
RatchettI tried manually putting Windows 8 in the grub and it comes up with my entry, but my entry says /efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi doesn't exist20:09
geniiubuntu01: I'd suggest: sudo rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/* && sudo rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*        ..don't worry on the second if it can't remove the dir called partial.  Then: sudo apt-get update       ...then try to install build-essential again20:09
k1lubuntu01: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d"  lists the PPAs20:09
ubuntu01k1l: google talk, google chrome and opera .list20:10
k1lubuntu01: can you show a "sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get upgrade" in a pastebin?20:11
neyderhi there, i'm in a project to install ubuntu in all school in the area, but it has to be personalized with desktop interface (XFCE similar to windows UX) , localized educational content and some graphics of marketing20:12
neyderi was making that with UCK20:12
neydersorry, i was doing //spanish speaker20:13
Ratchettanyone know?20:13
syntroPineyder, have you read of http://edubuntu.org/download ?20:13
ubuntu01k1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730532/20:13
neydersyntroPi, Don't like edubuntu at all, -cause unity it's not intented to be flawslessly with old PC P4/512RAM20:14
k1lubuntu01: i would suggest a "sudo apt-get -f install"20:15
ozzy_How Many Stars in the Universe?20:15
ahalversonneyder: xubuntu should be good, and you can install ltsp for thin clients20:15
neyderahalverson, yep, i'm making a distro xubuntu bassed, but wan't to create a new desktop profile other than xubuntu's default,20:16
adam_mNot so much issues with the os, as issues making a live usb, with the usb disk creator. Seems like it fails to make it each time that ive tried, though im not entirely sure why. All im trying to do is make a ubuntu usb on a 4gb flash drive20:17
ubuntu01k1l: doesn't help :(20:17
ahalversonneyder: so you want a desktop eviroment similar to xfce20:18
neyderahalverson, no, i want XCFE to look windows like, and be the default after creating removing users (not just one time personalized)20:19
noTchE: Unable to locate package nvidia20:19
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ahalversonneyder: oooooh20:19
k1lubuntu01: try a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (this will not bring you a new ubuntu version)20:19
Guest85490E: Unable to locate package nvidia any solution?20:19
jribfrinknet: www-data works for me as soon as I add a key to authorized_keys20:20
Jordan_Uneyder: Why is looking like Windows a requirement?20:20
geniiGuest85490: Try nvidia-current20:20
jribfrinknet: see what happens if you remove the user from nogroup20:20
neyderahalverson, o mean Windows familiar, but it's not important, cause xubuntu's default profile is well enough20:20
ubuntu01k1l: nothing, no errors :(20:20
jribfrinknet: just to double check, the sshd_config you posted was from the server right?20:20
ahalversonneyder: try http://www.pcworld.com/article/2028896/how-to-make-ubuntu-linux-look-like-windows-7.html20:20
Guest85490genii E: Package 'nvidia-current' has no installation candidate20:20
k1lubuntu01: ok, than mybe some of the package guys knows something20:21
geniiGuest85490: Make sure you have the restricted repositories enabled, then do sudo apt-get update, then try again20:21
Guest85490genii come in private20:22
neyderahalverson, windows like 'cause most of teacher only know Windows and they have a very tall learning curve with technology. And i don't think it should look exactly like windows but familiar, so bottom menu and so on20:22
geniiGuest85490: No. This is my policy. Public help only.20:22
ahalversonneyder: the most windows-like desktop enviroment i know is kde20:22
genii!repos | Guest8549020:23
ubottuGuest85490: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.20:23
Guest85490Genii: theres no additional driver on softwares & update also20:23
addy2503Does anybody know if 13.04 freezes a lot? I have 12.04 but it freezes absolutely tons(all ending in a force restart). I'm hoping that upgrading to 13.04 will fix the problem. If not, how can I stop it from freezing all the time?20:23
DayofswordsYou can get XFCE to be a lot like windows.20:23
Jordan_Uneyder: I'm glad that you're not going for something that looks exactly like Windows, I always find it odd that people think that that will make things easier for users rather than confusing them (or tricking them, which is bad).20:23
geniiGuest85490: See the links provided by ubottu to make sure you have the extra repositories like restricted and multiverse set up first.20:23
Guest85490in progress20:24
Jordan_Uneyder: For very old machines LUbuntu might be a better fit, and if I recall correctly it has a launcher menu at the bottom left by default.20:24
neyderJordan_U, I agree20:24
jribfrinknet: what does /var/log/auth.log look like on the server?20:25
ahalversongtg, see you around20:25
yousafgrimton you there? :)20:25
yousafgrimeton *20:25
neyderJordan_U, LXDE is less usable with newbies and old teacher (digital gap is a mess) and XFCE i lightweigt and useable20:26
Tibassorry for incovenient, but i need a urgent help, I lost my all data and aprtitions20:26
yousafso I got an odd problem20:26
yousafI have installed ubuntu on a virtual machine20:26
yousafits actually a bitnami lamp stack... but I don't know the URL of the server20:27
yousafas in the actual webserver ip20:27
TibasA one person gave me a tip of "how to recover", but can't solve this problem20:27
jribfrinknet: even without changing shell I still login and see motd as a system user (but I get kicked right out because shell is /bin/false)20:27
jribfrinknet: and once I change shell I can login and get a shell prompt20:28
Jordan_UTibas: Lost in what sense? Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and "sudo blkid"?20:28
TibasJordan in this moment I into log on linux with a live cd20:29
neyderso , here is my question: How to make a new default profile bassed in xubuntu?20:29
TibasI cannot log on the windows or linux.20:29
ubuntu01k1l: changed mirrors, got some updates, I hope it will fix it ;-)  (local mirror probably broken, not synced)20:30
Guest85490<genii> <ubottu> i had a problem with my Nvidia X Server Settings, “You do not appear to be using the nvidia x server”, next i changed my driver on Softwares & Updates to Xorg, now theres no driver at my Additional Drivers tab, no display for main boot and im running IRC by Recovery20:30
frinknetjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5730586/20:31
Guest85490the problem comes when i upgraded to 13.04 <genii> <ubottu>20:32
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Jordan_UTibas: That's fine. You can run commands and use pastebin from a LiveCD.20:32
Guest85490 i had a problem with my Nvidia X Server Settings, “You do not appear to be using the nvidia x server”, next i changed my driver on Softwares & Updates to Xorg, now theres no driver at my Additional Drivers tab, no display for main boot and im running IRC by Recovery, Any Solution?20:34
jribfrinknet: hmm.  in line 8, "remote ip" is the ip for the client machine you are attempting to connect with?20:35
jribfrinknet: you didn't make changes to sshd_config and forget to restart the ssh service perhaps?20:36
Jordan_UTibas: Do you need help figuring out how to pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" and "sudo blkid"?20:37
frinknetjrib: yes20:38
frinknetjrib: I've been able to login after all of these things20:39
jribfrinknet: whan do you mean?20:39
frinknetjrib: systest logged in. I've been futzing with it so much I'm not sure what I did so I'm going to recreate the user and trace my steps20:39
jribfrinknet: haha20:40
jribfrinknet: let me know once you find out20:40
mercury00Sorry for the nature of the question, but I'm really trying: what would be the best channel for questions about NFS?20:41
clctomercury00: this should be fine if you are using ubuntu20:42
clctomercury00: but there is also #nfs20:42
mercury00Ah, didn't know there was #nfs, thanks (the ubuntu wiki only lists #ubuntu-* channels it seems)20:43
catcherThere's a bugfix for emacs in a new version that I want: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs23/23.3+1-1ubuntu9.2    How can I get this version without breaking my usual Update Manager updates for emacs?20:43
mercury00I'll try that first and come back if it's ubuntu specific then20:43
clctomercury00: its not very populated20:47
mercury00Maybe I'll repeat myself in this channel then:20:48
mercury00I have a strange issue that I can't seem to find anyone else having anywhere. I've set up and been running an NFS server for a while, using nfsv4, and idmapd, and server and clients are using openldap for user identity stuff.20:49
mercury00Anyway, everything works ok, mounts mount ok, users use stuff ok. But, when looking at file permissions, although the users are all listed properly, no groups show up. All files belong to nogroup.20:49
mercury00I've read pages and pages about idmapd and permissions, but none of it seems to apply as all the users map just fine. Any insights?20:49
jambeyHey I need someone to take my survey.  If you have a free 30 seconds please fill it out.   http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/J6FVF3D20:50
lawltoadanyone have problems with firefox not being able to load any apges20:50
clctojambey: no spam here20:51
clctomercury00: what fs is the nfs system?20:51
mercury00catcher: I'll get better details, but you should be able to add the precise-propsed repo, and then configure it to *only* use the emacs package from that repo20:51
mercury00clcto: good q, let me check,20:51
Dr_williscatcher,  find a ppa that has the newer emacs in it - would be the normal way to keep up with the latest versions.20:52
Dr_williscatcher,  its possible it may be in the backports repos also.20:52
catcherDr_willis, What if I wanted to go back to the non-ppa, would I be able to just remove the PPA source and update as normal?20:52
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:53
Dr_willisthats what the ppa-purge command is all about. ;)20:53
catchercool, makes sense.20:53
mercury00clcto: my filesystem is XFS for the NFS mount20:54
frinknetjrib: I've traced down the error. It is a user error but it's not entirely obvious. See:20:54
frinknetLines 4-6 never actually run as the user because the user has a shell set to /bin/false - in the future ask the user if they "sudo su username -c whoami" what do they see...?20:54
catcherHow long is the turnaround for this type of thing to go into the stable packages? This was released on 05/1620:54
mercury00(I'd rather use ext4, but too late now)20:55
jribfrinknet: I see20:55
jrib!sru |  catcher20:56
ubottucatcher: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates20:56
Dr_williscatcher,  that updated version may never get in the default repos , untill the next release. thats why theres the backports and other pps's  ubuntu dosent really change versions  on a release unless theres a big reason.20:56
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.20:56
catchergood to know, thanks very much for the info.  Any organized way to look for the PPA with the right build, or do I just google for it?20:57
Dr_willistheres a ppa search site20:57
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:57
mustmodifywhat would be the effect of `sudo apt-get remove linux-headers` ?20:58
mustmodifyand or removing linux-image-server20:58
mustmodifyor linux-server20:58
mustmodifybecause one of those is causing apt-get to feel conflicted.20:58
Seveasmustmodify: then you wouldn't get kernel updates anymore. Why not fix the real problem and leave those packages alone?20:59
jribfrinknet: still doesn't explain why www-data doesn't work though?21:00
mustmodifySeveas: The 'real problem' is that I stupidly followed some directions I saw because I thought my daughter would be thrilled to see ponies on my terminal when she comes in to visit: http://terse.tk/ponysay/21:00
soverI'm trying to get ubuntu running on a ug-802 android stick.  Could anyone direct me to where I could look for some support?21:00
frinknetjrib: I think this was a user error as well. I retraced my steps and have www-data working now21:00
jribmustmodify: thanks, I haven't added to the quotes file in a while21:01
mustmodifyso I tried to install stuff and it required other stuff and now there are two copies of linux-image-server installed.21:01
mustmodifyjrib: yeah, that one's pretty good.21:01
mustmodifyNot sure I could have improved on it if I'd tried.21:01
mustmodifyOther than leaving out references to my daughter.21:02
=== DouglasK is now known as DouglasKAway
mustmodifyAnyway, I think I can resolve it but uninstalling one of them... but just wanted to know if they accidentally both got removed what chaos would ensue.21:02
Seveasmustmodify: well, you won't get kernel updates until you reinstall them, other than that it's fine21:03
jribmustmodify: I'd suggest pastebinning the message you're getting from apt-get about conflicts21:03
AprelRunning an Intel i5-2500 at full load at 80 degrees C. Is that a safe temp?21:04
azombHi people21:04
clctoAprel: thats a little high. cpus should be around 60. is that a desktop or laptop?21:06
OerHeksAprel,   idle around 40C and stress at 85C is not unusual. >> http://communities.intel.com/thread/2966821:06
azombIs there a way to control an external soundcard's volume via keyboard shortcuts21:07
OerHeksclcto for amd i would think so21:07
clctoazomb: external as in usb?21:08
Aprelclcto, OerHeks: desktop. lm-sensors gives temps 76-79degC. sensors calls 80.0C "high" and 98.0C "critical", but I don't know if "high" means "don't run at this"21:08
azombits's a x-fi go pro by creative21:08
clctoazomb: does it show up in alsamixer? if so you should be able to create a shortcut for amixer [+-=]<level>21:09
Aprelbeen running folding@home, just wanna make sure heat dispersion is ok21:09
OerHeksAprel i assume those values are correct set by your bios, @98 your cpu will start to shutdown as a safety measure.21:10
Dricusanyone know why my ubuntu doesnt come out of sleep mode, or when i 'lock screen' it cant get out of it and i need to restart21:10
catcherDr_willis, I see a package with the version I want here, is there a url I can add to my sources here? http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/main/proposed/emacs2321:11
azombI'll try that. I'm using pulse audio and my volume keys work only for the internal realtek speakers. I'll try alsamixer... thanks clcto :)21:11
MonkeyDustDricus  do you have sufficient swap? may be related to that21:11
repozitorhow add emulated interfaces into briged network?21:11
repozitorbr# interfaces21:11
clctoazomb: prolly have to change default sound card21:12
repozitorany idea?21:13
azombclcto: do you know the best way to do that?21:13
MonkeyDustDricus  keep it in the channel please21:13
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AprelOerHeks: yeah, the fan really starts kicking in to keep things just under 80C. Your link suggests that's an ok operating temp. Does Intel publish safe op temps? The datasheet for the processor was unfortunately unreadable to me...21:14
kostkonazomb, better use the pacmd commands to control the volume and not directly through alsa21:14
OerHeksAprel, i could not find those specs on http://ark.intel.com/products/52210/Intel-Core-i5-2500K-Processor-6M-Cache-up-to-3_70-GHz therefore i assume the bios sets it automaticly21:15
kostkonazomb, sorry, i meant pactl21:15
jimmthear about that joke where the package told the package manager the package was now obsolete, and shouldn't be used?21:16
jimmtit was self-deprecating humor21:16
azombkostkon: Thanks but I just booted into linux for the first time yesterday. What are the pactl commands and how can I alter them?21:17
AprelOerHeks: ah I see. Kinda high default for an average processor (not i5, which I know should prolly tolerate higher temps). Could the BIOS intelligently assigns high temp thresholds based on how the processor identifies itself?21:18
OerHeksAorel yes, it can21:19
kostkonazomb, for a start give:  "man pactl"  in the terminal without the quotes21:19
azombkostkon, cool did that21:20
kostkonazomb, you could set your x-fi as the default device and then control it with your keyboard volume keys. does your keyboard have volume keys?21:20
Draxelisdoes anyone use nod32?21:21
azombkostkon, yeh it does21:21
kostkonazomb, what happens when you press them21:21
kostkonazomb, are you using your onboard at all or just your x-fi for everything21:22
AprelOerHeks: k, everything seems to be working ok then. Thanks for the info.21:22
azombkostkon,It turns the volume down but doesn't effect the volume through the external sound card.. xi fi for pretty much everything21:23
iderikIf I upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04, what will happen to my precious configs and scripts?21:23
jribiderik: nothing because even if something unexpected were to occur, you have backups21:23
kostkonazomb, you are on ubuntu right? then open your sound prefs and set your x-fi as the default card, i mean select it in the output tab21:24
OerHeksAprel have fun21:24
lessenthi all...21:25
azombkostkon, i'm using xubuntu21:25
kostkonazomb, oh21:25
lessenti cant open any video on youtube.. why is that? i use ubuntu, mint and xp ( invirtualbox).. youtube doesnt work any os on my pc..21:26
Draxelisdoes anyone use nod32?21:26
iderikCrashed, did anyone asnwer my question? :)21:26
kostkonazomb, i think xubuntu uses pulseaudio by default. to make sure, does the command:  "ps -A | grep pulse"  produce any output21:26
azombkostkon, i thought it would be close to ubuntu since it's based on it so i came here :\21:26
Draxeliseset antivirus?21:26
kostkonazomb, yeah np. if yes, then you could install the pulseuadio volume control utility and set your xfi as the default device from there.21:27
MonkeyDust!av | Draxelis21:28
ubottuDraxelis: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:28
mac_good evening all.. (newb) i have a big question over sharing fodlers.. to be  exact with the problem .. i have comp-comp connection with LAN cable.. both computers have internet, great.. now, the question is, how to make windows xp to share folders to linux ubuntu 12.04 lts and back.. can someone please help me over that?21:28
DraxelisMonkeyDust,  I know. But I still have eset licenses21:28
Draxelisi use it on win and on ubuntu21:28
Jordan_Ulessent: What happens when you try to watch a youtube video?21:28
azombkostkon, command not found21:29
Draxelisbut this new ubuntu 13.04 has many problems. a lot of stuff doesnt work on it ;/21:29
kostkonazomb, just:  ps -A | grep pulse21:29
Draxelispersonally for me 13.04 is worse than 12.1021:29
ubottumiciu86: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:29
DayofswordsDraxelis: use something else then?21:29
MonkeyDustDraxelis  eset is not GPL, so i guess you cannot use it in linux21:29
azombkostkon, it worked. I messed up a space21:30
lessentJordan_U: I tried to use vpn server.. and it works when i use vpn server.. but it doesnt work on my normal connection.. now vpn doesnt work too and i dont play youtube21:30
DraxelisDayofswords, i'm not going to jump the ship. just saying that it's worse for some reason. I had many issues. Hope they will be sorted on the coming releases.21:30
azombkostkon, it says pulseaudio21:30
MonkeyDustDraxelis  no rants please21:31
kostkonazomb, try installing the utility ive mentioned, in the terminal like this:  sudo apt-get install pavucontrol21:31
DraxelisMonkeyDust,  why can'tt use it? not all soft needs to be gpl to use it on linux21:31
DayofswordsDraxelis: I use Xubuntu and everything is fine for me, but I'm on the LTS.21:31
DraxelisLTS is all good21:31
Draxelisi'm talking about 13.0421:31
MonkeyDustDraxelis  i guess it's beyond this channel21:31
Draxeliseven 12.10 is all good ;)21:31
KjellWhen I start my pc I do not have an internet connection and have to wait 60s to get into the desktop. Then I need to start the network-manager service to get internet.21:32
azombkostkon, should i test it now?21:32
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MonkeyDustDraxelis  maybe the people in ##linux can help you with this eset and GPL issue21:33
Draxelislook: skype issues, chrome probs, this new nautilus crashes in certain circumstances21:33
kostkonazomb, if you have already set it as the default device yes21:33
mac_any1 copy?21:33
MonkeyDustDraxelis  i have no issue with all that21:33
Draxelisthat's why I say that I personally have these problems21:34
asdefeUbuntu stuck at splash screen 5 dot screen21:34
hello_world_newbDraxelis: can u tell me what problem are you facing with eset ?21:34
Draxelisdue to hardware21:34
takeyourhatoffWhy do I get this: http://pastebin.com/Fm7kuRNX every time I use apt-get?21:34
AprelDoes ubuntu have any software to manually increase my cpu fan speed?21:34
azombkostkon, I didn't do that21:34
Draxelishello_world_newb,  I can't install it in 13.04. it asks SU password21:34
Jordan_UMonkeyDust: Completely aside from eset, there is no requirement that software run on GNU/Linux be GPL or even Free/Open Source.21:34
Draxelisi don't have su password, only sudo :)21:35
Jordan_U!pm | lessent21:35
ubottulessent: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:35
asdefeUbuntu stuck at splash screen 5 dot screen. it wont go beyond it21:35
KjellWhen I start my pc I do not have an internet connection and have to wait 60s to get into the desktop. Then I need to start the network-manager service to get internet.21:36
azombkostkon, pulse audio doesn't give me the option to set it to default21:36
Draxelishello_world_newb,  any idea how to overcome this? When it asks for SU, i type in my password and authentication fails as you would expect21:36
th0rDraxelis: I believe the church of ubuntu has declared su persona non grata. But if I remember correctly you can still install it from the repos21:37
hello_world_newbit has the solution21:37
MonkeyDustasdefe  caps21:37
genii!ask | asdefe21:37
ubottuasdefe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:37
kostkonazomb, hmm yeah21:37
lessenthi all, is there anyone who doesnt watch anythion on youtube? cuz i have 2 os on my hd and youtube doesnt work any os on my pc..21:37
azombkostkon, no worry21:38
Jordan_Ulessent: What happens when you try to watch a youtube video?21:38
kostkonazomb, in the output devices tab, press the tick button that says set as fallback21:38
KjellWhen I start my pc I do not have an internet connection and have to wait 60s to get into the desktop. Then I need to start the network-manager service to get internet.21:38
lessentJordan_U: it shows me black screen21:38
mac_good evening all.. (newb) i have a big question over sharing fodlers.. to be  exact with the problem .. i have comp-comp connection with LAN cable.. both computers have internet, great.. now, the question is, how to make windows xp to share folders to linux ubuntu 12.04 lts and back.. can someone please help me over that?21:38
jrib!samba | mac_21:39
ubottumac_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:39
hello_world_newbDraxelis, got it ?21:39
Draxelishello_world_newb, this page doesnt have a solution to the problem. Problem is that nod32 asks ROOT (su) password, but I don't have it. Ubuntu asks only for "sudo"21:39
mac_jrib yes.. thanku but it does not shown on win xp21:40
Jordan_Ulessent: Do other flash videos work? Does youtube work via html5? ( http://youtube.com/html5 )21:40
Draxelishello_world_newb,  authentication fails21:40
MonkeyDustmac_  gigolo manages different types of networks, try it21:40
azombkostkon, I've done that before but it doesn't work. Could it be the lack of a driver?21:40
hello_world_newbi guess you can use your sudo password21:40
Draxelishello_world_newb,  i used. says "su: authentication failed"21:41
lessentJordan_U: no... all flash doesnt work.. html5 doesnt work too21:41
kostkonazomb, what do you mean?21:41
Draxelishello_world_newb,  i think nod32 is not compatible with 13.04 ;/21:42
lessenti also installed chromioum.. but it doesnt work too, Jordan_U:21:42
hello_world_newbwell it says it is21:42
KjellWhen I start my pc I do not have an internet connection and have to wait 60s to get into the desktop. Then I need to start the network-manager service to get internet.21:42
hello_world_newblet me check give me a min21:42
lil_dangermy laptop is not burning cds or dvds but can read them fine21:42
Draxelisok ;)21:43
lil_dangeri already tried to use different programs to burn21:43
lil_dangerany ideas??21:43
azombkostkon, when I hit set as fallback I can hear through the card, but by hardware volume keys only affect the volume level of the built in audio even though it's not in use?21:43
Jordan_Ulessent: Can you play videos in any video player? Do you at least hear sound when you "play" youtube or other flash videos?21:44
kostkonazomb, :/21:44
hello_world_newbDraxelis, well are u using eset smart security or nod32 antivirus ?21:44
NadjaI'm about to switch from FreeBSD to Ubuntu as my router OS. The box connects to the INET via PPPoE and is an accesspoint. What I cannot get to work is bridging between the wlan and the lan. I can ping and stuff, but large packets seem to "hang". Anyone has any ideas what could be the problem?21:44
Draxelishello_world_newb,  nod32 because only that is available for linux21:44
azombkostkon, :(21:44
codephobichow do you set up default directories to look through, for the desktop wallpaper settings tool?21:44
Draxelisnod32 version 421:44
codephobicI'm using Ubuntu 13.04, btw.21:45
housercodephobic, nice...is it fast?21:45
azombkostkon, I have a newer version of xubuntu ready to install to maybe fix the problem, so I guess it's come to that21:46
lessentJordan_U: yes it works for "vimeo", "rt.com/on-air/"21:46
kostkonazomb, you could check this post first:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/137421/volume-keys-are-working-in-unity-but-not-in-xfce421:46
SonikkuAmericaNadja: A network issue at the very least... are packets hanging in FreeBSD?21:47
Jordan_Ulessent: "it" works as in audio, or does video work with vimeo also?21:47
lessent"audio" and "video" work on vimeo.. Jordan_U:21:48
azombkostkon, that seems like it'll work, thanks21:48
codephobichouser, hi yeah much more responsive than 12.10.21:48
kostkonazomb, np21:48
NadjaSonikku: Absolutely not. Bridging and being accesspoint works flawlessly in FreeBSD. Is it possible to debug why packets seem to get lost?21:48
=== jimmt is now known as Hadclaw
codephobicquite a dramatic improvement. I'd gotten used to the heavy feel of ubuntu since 11.04/unity ... this is the first version that's actually been 'nice' to use.21:49
houserim still on 121021:49
SonikkuAmericaNadja: I'm not sure... maybe the people in #ubuntu-server might now about this.21:49
houseri considered changing for  a while21:50
SonikkuAmericahouser: Changing?21:50
hello_world_newbDraxelis, i am downloading it and will try to install it lets see if i face any prob21:50
NadjaSonikku: Ah, I'll try and ask them then. Thank you :o)21:50
Draxelishello_world_newb,  cool,  thanks21:50
houserSonikkuAmerica, to 130421:50
DraxelisMaybe my permission are messed up?21:50
SonikkuAmericahouser: Oh21:50
mac_sow, gigolo is installed..21:51
houserSonikkuAmerica, also im a bit unhappy with the crash rate21:51
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houserSonikkuAmerica, my machine crashes on avg. once a day21:51
houserSonikkuAmerica, but i think also thats partly skypes fault21:51
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houseralthough ubuntu is also doing weird stuff often :/21:52
kostkonhouser, that's definitely not normal. even with skype21:52
SonikkuAmericahouser: It might be. I've heard of problems with it21:52
kostkonhouser, you mean crashing completely, or just getting the crash report popup?21:52
houserkostkon, completely...have to do hard reset21:52
kostkonhouser, it could be a hardware prob, possibly ram?21:53
houseryeah...im gonne go for 1304 and see if it helps21:53
kostkonhouser, you can do the memtest, although you;ll need to leave your pc on overnight to allow it to finish21:54
houseranother thing that annoys me about ubuntu is that its not consistent with active window always being on top :(21:54
hello_world_newbDraxelis, well for me it asked sudo password21:54
lessentaudio and video works for vimeo Jordan_U:21:54
ubuntu101I'm having trouble setting up transmission web interface. When i start downloading it gives me an error "permssion denied ~/Downloads/downloadfilename" even though chmod 770 the folder any know what it might be?21:54
Draxelishello_world_newb,  so installation works?21:54
hello_world_newbDraxelis,  and it worked21:54
Draxelisso, what could be the problem? ;/21:55
hello_world_newbDraxelis, well i set the permission to execute the file21:55
Draxelisi did as well21:55
Draxelisthen it asked for pass?21:56
hello_world_newbDraxelis, yep21:56
codephobichouser, I'd wait for 13.10 to come out, to be honest.21:56
comradzillai've never installed ubuntu before and i'm quite new.  I have virtual box installed and i want to install ubuntu that way21:56
DraxelisI type the pass i use for loggin in21:56
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comradzillai have the ubuntu iso, what do i do from here? :)21:56
Draxelisand it gives "su: authentication failed"21:56
hello_world_newbDraxelis, it wont work21:56
codephobicalthough 13.04 is much faster and more robust in operation, than 12.10, I get a lot of "kernal panics" when booting into it.21:57
hello_world_newbDraxelis, sudo password are different21:57
housercodemaniac, why?21:57
housercodephobic, ^21:57
codephobicbut that might be due to conflicts with virtualbox, as I have a bunch of headless vms running on boot too.21:57
Draxelishello_world_newb,  but why it works for you and not for me?21:57
Draxeliswhat's the difference?21:57
codephobichouser, I haven't really looked into the nitty gritty, I just see the code go by, with "kernal panic" chatter and trace procedures and such ...21:58
hello_world_newbDraxelis, based on your installation user password and sudo password can be different21:58
housercodemaniac, in 1304?21:58
codephobicI'm more interested in getting on with my dev work than looking at the gubbins of ubuntu21:58
codephobichouser, yes 13.0421:58
housercodepal, i thought it was very stqble21:59
codephobicmy on-board graphics chip is outdated and no longer supported by ati, but that's an Xorg (or whatever it's called) issue...21:59
Draxelishello_world_newb, I've installed ubuntu many times and it seems I did the regular steps. dont know why I'm having problems now. any ideas how to solve this? or should I just abandon the idea? hello_world_newb21:59
codephobichouser, in operation yes it is stable... I have tonnes of stuff running within it.21:59
th0rDraxelis: have you tried to install su?22:00
codephobicbut boot time is dicey ... frequent kernal panics, which force me to reboot.22:00
hello_world_newbDraxelis, well you can set a su password22:00
Draxeliscan I set su password temporarily as I read that it's not safe to have su?22:00
jribDraxelis: why do you want to?22:01
Draxelisto install this damn nod32 antivirus22:01
zykotick9Draxelis: if you "really" need root, try "sudo -i"22:02
jribDraxelis: well first of all, you should use sudo, not su (see ubottu).  Second of all, why do you want to install an antivirus?22:02
jrib!sudo | Draxelis22:02
ubottuDraxelis: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:02
Draxelisjrib, antivirus is quite useful, especially if you dual boot or email to windows users22:03
Draxelishello_world_newb,  any way to run this nod32.linux with su privileges?22:03
jribDraxelis: you aren't reading what we say22:03
Draxelisif I du22:04
zykotick9!noroot > hello_world_newb22:04
ubottuhello_world_newb, please see my private message22:04
Draxelissu *username* it works22:04
FloodBot1Draxelis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:04
jribDraxelis: stop and read what we are telling you about su and sudo22:04
=== MartinS is now known as Guest31979
Draxelisjrib,  I know about su and sudo. I read an article about it :)22:05
newbie|4quiero saber algo como puedo desactivar el autoarranque de un modem 3g desde ubuntu22:05
zykotick9!es | newbie|422:05
ubottunewbie|4: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:05
jribDraxelis: ok, then you know not to use "su" to gain root access22:05
Draxelisjrib,  so how do i install this nod32 ?:))22:05
adam_gis there any glue between seahorse and gpg-agent required to have my gpg passphrase cached for my session? my 13.04 fresh install seems unable/unwilling to save my passphrase after first prompt.22:05
jribDraxelis: If they provide repositories for your ubuntu version, use the repositories.  if it's a .deb, double click on it22:06
Draxelisit's different22:06
Draxelisanyway, doesnt matter22:06
Draxelisi have too many probs with 13.04 :(22:07
hello_world_newbDraxelis, well thats funny i have none22:07
Draxelisi guess it depends on hardware22:07
thomasfustonAloha, is it possible, that evolution destroys emails?22:07
hello_world_newbgive me a min22:07
Draxelis12.10 was good22:07
jribDraxelis: what's your question?22:07
Draxelisjrib, What fast and accurate commercial antivirus would you recommend for ubuntu?22:08
hello_world_newbDraxelis, if antivirus is important22:08
jrib!antivirus | Draxelis22:09
ubottuDraxelis: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus22:09
KyouReeus4nfoapt-get install clamav22:09
Draxelisjrib,  hehe, you didnt read what i said earlier :))22:09
MonkeyDustclamtk is the GUI for it22:09
jribDraxelis: I did.  The link recommends several22:09
Draxelishello_world_newb,  yep it's important22:09
dthormanSo I am having some issues using socket.io on the stock AWS ubuntu 12.04LTS AMI does anyone know where I might go to get support for that? It seems like it is having issues connecting a simple websockets client to a simple websockets server. What is weird is that it works just fine on a normal install or on an Ubuntu 12.04 linode22:09
Draxelisjrib,  ye but they are basic22:09
jribDraxelis: I don't know what that means22:10
Draxelisdetection rate is much worse22:10
hello_world_newbDraxelis, well give me minute to figure out an alternative method22:10
thomasfustonI opened a email from an account and evolution wasnt able to show the content of the email, this happend with several emails, after i checkt, it wasnt possible to open them on the web interface either!22:10
Draxelishello_world_newb,  ok cool. Maybe I'll end up reinstalling ubuntu one day :)22:10
geniiDraxelis: For commercial paid linux av scanner, Kaspersky22:11
geniiDraxelis: AVG also makes a linux paid version22:11
Draxeliskaspersky is slowing down pc alot isnt it, genii ? I used eset coz it's super light22:11
geniiDraxelis: You can have good, or you can have fast. Not both22:12
Draxelisgenii,  eset detection rate is very good;)22:12
Draxelisgenii,  http://www.virusbtn.com/vb100/RAP/RAP-quadrant-Oct12-Apr13-12.jpg22:12
* chalcedony smiles22:13
OerHeksif eset detects something, it is good?22:13
hello_world_newbDraxelis, are you able to do a sudo su22:13
k1lhello_world_newb: :/22:14
zykotick9hello_world_newb: DON'T suggest "sudo su" - it's WRONG22:14
chalcedonygenerally figured with a firewall, linux doesn't get many infections period22:14
jrib!sudo | hello_world_newb22:14
ubottuhello_world_newb: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:14
k1lhello_world_newb: dont suggest that here. you were given the root botcommand before22:14
mariannehello, any one know if there is a 'room' where you can talk about linux certifications?22:14
jribhello_world_newb: please don't recommend "sudo su".  Use "sudo -i" if you really need a root prompt22:14
hello_world_newbi think its temp...22:14
Draxelissudo -i?22:15
Draxelishow to do it?22:15
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MonkeyDustat this point, i miss ikonia22:15
hello_world_newbjrib, can sudo -i be suggested ?22:17
chalcedonyi'm looking for some advice about my husband's computer- he has ubuntu 12.04. my friend suggested that he might do better if he upgrades to 13.04 than trying to get the printer, scanner, and sound to work on 12.10 - that there might be more drivers for it, true?22:17
Draxelisyou know what's cool about eset? that it counts only computers and not OSs per license. so basically one license can cover  windows, macosx, linux  and some stuff in virtual box22:17
zykotick9hello_world_newb: fyi, if you "need" a root prompt in ubuntu = you're doing something wrong ;)22:17
Dr_willischalcedony,  test with a 13.04 live dvd22:17
lasindiWhen I connect to another computer using Remmina, the top menu panel shadow still appears over the screen from the remote computer. Is there a way to stop the shadow from appearing?22:17
k1lDraxelis: could you stop that eset commercial and stick to ubuntu support questions?22:17
Dr_willischalcedony,  it may depend on the exact printer and scanner22:18
Draxelisk1l,  :D22:18
mariannechalcedony: what kind of printer does he use?22:18
Draxelisk1l,  more people use eset, the better will be support on linux22:18
k1lDraxelis: that is not a topic for this ubuntu support channel.22:18
Draxelisk1l,  anyway. you should try it lol. :))22:19
chalcedonymarianne we have a brother MFC-J6710DW and the scanner is a Memorex 48u flatbed scanner (separate)22:19
chalcedonyDr_willis, lovely to see you, thank you22:19
mariannechalcedony: have you looked at 'additional drivers'? The guys here helped me get my HP running and get my video card working better with additional drivers22:20
kostkonchalcedony, 13.04 has only 9 months of support. before thinking about upgrading, you could install the hardware enablement stuck that offers a new kernel and thus support for newer hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:20
mariannechalcedony: go to the dash and type in additional drivers, then open and run it... be sure the printer is turned on and connected, and it might 'discover' it22:21
chalcedonymarianne, cool thanks!22:21
mariannechalcedony: there is also a lot of info out there... just google your printer brand and include that it's running ubuntu 12.04 in the search22:22
chalcedonymarianne, been trying for months with the brother printer. id suggest buying ANYTHING other than brother, it interfaces badly22:23
chalcedonyif for instance you want to run it wired, it will erase your wireless settings and password, and to change back to wireless you have to re-enter manually on their screen22:24
chalcedonythey have no live support for Linux22:25
chalcedonyemail support doesnt know one linux distro from another22:25
mariannechalcedony: try here   http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/faq_prn.html22:25
chalcedonybeen there22:25
mariannechalcedony: well poo.... worth a try22:26
chalcedonythanks :)22:26
=== milind is now known as abyss42
chalcedonylots of great errors there, marianne thanks!22:27
mariannechalcedony: what sound card does he have?22:27
chalcedonymarianne, do you remember the command line command to find out?22:28
mariannechalcedony: not off hand.... I suck at command line ...22:28
chalcedonyah i'm ssh'd to his box22:29
mariannechalcedony: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iTlJ8BfqXUjaHO__TEdlkvuqB1WLOkGaudngc5SFLMI/edit    I'm assuming you've been here?22:32
chalcedonymarianne, cool guide! thank you :)22:33
ncmcxxis there a a way to get a desktop that looks like chrome os?22:34
chalcedonyi'm looking for anything that seems like sound card - tried  lspci, lshw and lsubs22:35
ncmcxxskin ubuntu to look something like this http://images.wikia.com/en.linux/images/6/66/Chrome_OS_21.0.1172_Aura_Dev.png22:35
UTF-8how are you?22:36
ur0pli installed fglrx, then i installed generic, then i installed CCC, then i install fglrx again, and now unity does not start when i load start22:36
ur0plbetter than i could be i guess22:37
UTF-8problem with unity22:37
UTF-8have you got the reboot22:38
chalcedonymarianne, still here?22:38
ur0plreboot lots22:38
UTF-8i think that if you have save a copy of SO, better choice is to reinstall all22:40
ur0plis dmesg or sometihng supposed to say why unity does not automatically start?22:41
UTF-8what version of linux?22:42
QuestI have connected wired dsl on eth0, how can I make my laptop a hotspot so that my phone and one other laptop can share the internet from my laptop?22:42
Yud_Zrochow to I set my hdmi to duplicate the screen to my tv and not extend it? Note: Nvidia card22:42
ur0pli type in unity, and it says another window manager is already running on screen22:43
ur0plcompiz says that22:43
k1lur0pl: that is not how you start unity22:43
ur0plk1l, please enlighten me22:43
k1lur0pl: use "sudo restart lightdm" but this will shutdown the x-server and show the loginscreen again22:44
k1lur0pl: if unity doesnt start see the .xsession-errors in the user /home for details22:45
hello_world_newbur0pl: check this out - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer-updates/+bug/106919922:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068404 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (openSUSE) "duplicate for #1069199 Low graphics mode in muxless hybrid ATI/Intel GPU systems after fglrx upgrade" [Critical,In progress]22:46
k1lur0pl: make sure you have the headers insatlled22:47
UTF-8ur0pl, have you done?22:47
OiCoryHey guys, I'm trying to install Seamonkey and I followed all of the instructions in 3 different tuts, but it will not work22:49
abc_haroldhey, i've got a brand new ubuntu server set up. anyone got any ideas for projects?22:49
ur0plrestart lightdm works, but it does not have unity with the left hand panel, that is what unity is right22:49
OiCoryabc_harold: minecraft server, LAMP stack, and personal dropbox client is always healpful and learning intensive22:49
c_smithabc_harold: you might get more help with that with a social channel, as that is not a support question.22:50
abc_haroldok thanks guys22:50
UTF-8bye guys22:50
ur0plunity is that thing with the panel on the levft right22:51
ur0pli dont have that22:51
g0tohi there22:51
SonikkuAmericaur0pl: You have Ubuntu, without any letters in front of it, right?22:51
g0toanyone know how could I apply the patch mentioned in the first post of this bug? -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeroc-ice/+bug/106754522:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1067545 in zeroc-ice (Ubuntu) "Ice C++ Applications not building under (K)Ubuntu 12.10" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:52
OiCorySo I extracted seamonkey into my /opt and created a symlink from /opt/seamonkey to /usr/local/bin/seamonkey but it doesnt work22:52
Dr_willisOiCory,  make a script that cd's to the  seamonkey directory, then runs the binary. there miught be a script in the package that does that allready22:52
OiCoryok holdon22:53
dario_does anyone know why in xubuntu the script rfkill block bluetooth is runned before that it need?22:53
ur0pli have regular ubuntu, right22:54
SonikkuAmericaur0pl: And you use fglrx right?22:54
dario_goodnight guys, i leave the chat ;)22:55
g0tobye, dario_22:55
ur0pli'm going to uninstall everything and see what is up22:55
OiCoryDr_willis: I'm not very good at scripting... Would a .sh file with the commands "cd /opt.seamonkey*/seamonkey && ./seamonkey" work?22:56
Dr_willisuse the full and proper paths.22:57
Dr_willisone command per line22:57
Dr_williscd /path/to/the/app22:58
Dr_willis./theapp &22:58
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
todd_hello anyone? I have trouble with Ubuntu after update cause my wifi stop working.22:58
Dr_willisthere might be some seamonkey 'run' script allready in the seamonkey package.22:58
c_smithOiCory: generally you want to use full paths even when you're doing a script, easier to read after the though.22:58
OiCoryDr_willis: There is, it is called 'seamonkey' I am trying to run it.22:58
OiCoryc_smith: Ok, fixed it but it just opens a blank terminal logged in as root22:59
c_smithOiCory: that might point to a problem with the script they wrote.23:00
loiuashd12.04: What setting/settings manager can change the window resize from the simple outline to actually show the window's content?23:00
mercury00oicory: btw in a script I've found it's safer to use pushd than cd,23:01
loiuashdSpecifically I want this for testing responsive websites during development.23:01
=== Motoservo_ is now known as Motoservo
OiCoryc_smith: Ok, hold on, I jsut physically went into the file and ran 'seamonkey' through gui file browser and it gives me this error "Failed to execute process /opt/seamonkey2/seamonkey/seamonkey (no such file or directory"23:01
mercury00oicory: depending on how the script is called and how it exits23:01
mercury00iocory: is seamonkey executable? I haven't seen your previous conversation but thought I'd ask23:02
c_smithOiCory: that points to either  it calling the seamonkey executable wrong, or like mercury00 said, the executable isn't actually marked as executable.23:03
mercury00oicory: is /that/ seamonkey file a symlink to a nonexistant file?23:03
mercury00iocory: I'd 1) make sure you can ls that exact file name (caps, extension, etc), and if so, ls -Flah that file to see if it's a symlink or something, or in the terminal just run 'file /path/to/seamonkey' and see what it says about the file23:05
OiCorymercury00 & c_smith : It is executable, I just used chmod a+x /opt/seamonkey and they physical file is in /opt/seamonkey the symlink is in /usr/local/bin23:05
mercury00iocory: file will say either it's a symlink, a script, or a binary executable23:05
mercury00iocory: ah.23:06
OiCoryactually there isnt a symlink in /usr/local/bin23:06
OiCoryshould I make one23:06
mercury00Anyone an NFS/idmapd expert?23:07
mercury00iocory: if you like, so that seamonkey is in the path. IE, if you type 'which seamonkey' on the terminal now, what does it say?23:07
Dr_willisonce you figure out what command in  /opt/seamonkey/ works. you make a script  in /usr/local/bin to cd to that dir, and run that command23:07
OiCorymercury00: typing "which seamonkey" results in nothing23:08
mercury00iocory: oh yeah, what dr_willis says, make a script because the rest of the seamonkey files may want to be in the current working directory when called23:08
Dr_willisid check askubuntu.com to seeif they got some info on setting up seamonkey23:09
OiCoryall the executable files in the folder give the same error, that the file or folder isnt found23:09
MelRayWNDR4500 dual band router..getting static ip's next week so I can run my own services. I will use one in my router configuration, but am unsure how I will point the other 4 back to services I want to run on the server? like ftp, mail,apache23:09
mercury00iocory: yes so, currently seamonkey is not in the path, so placing a script in /usr/local/bin will change that. again, I'd suggest using pushd when changing the working directory in a script23:09
mercury00melray: will you install dd-wrt or other such open firmware?23:10
Dr_willisOiCory,  you may want to ask in #seamonkey if it exists23:10
OiCorymercury00: so the script should look like #!/bin/sh23:10
OiCorypushd /opt/seamonkey2/seamonkey23:10
MelRaymercury00: I had not planned on it, though had looked on open router23:10
OiCory./seamonkey &    ?23:10
mercury00melray: it's pretty simple in something like dd-wrt, but fine in other router software too, just suggesting dd-wrt because it's extremely customizable and has so many possbile features,23:11
* Dr_willis noticed in the seamonkey archives theres a 'run-mozilla.sh' 23:11
Dr_willisso THATS what you run23:11
OiCoryDr_willis: btw there is not #seamonkey23:12
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:12
MelRaymercury00: So what kind of risk is there in flashing my firmware over to use it? I assume the usual you could really bork your router if you don't follow the directions?23:12
mercury00oicory: ah, right, seamonkey needs to set up all kinds of env and profile stuff, so I think something like run-mozilla.sh does that23:12
mercury00melray: anyway, you're basically just looking for port forwarding.23:13
GabbozMelRay, just don't flash over wifi and if you have a UPC, plug the devices into that to avoid power failure.23:13
OiCorymercury00 dr_willis: ok so I go to /opt/seamonkey and run it?23:13
Dr_willisOiCory,  try it and see.. i said earlier theres most likely a script you run...23:13
MelRaymercury00: Got ya..thanks...you too Gabboz23:13
mercury00melray: yes,  you can totally brick the router, so if you do the firmware update, be sure to carefully read the readme's twice.23:13
Dr_willisLots of SeaMonkey developers and users also gather on IRC in the #seamonkey channel on irc.mozilla.org23:14
Dr_willisfrom the seamonkey homepage/docs...23:14
GabbozMelRay, to add.. DD isn't for everyone.. for many TomatoUSB is a great alternative(based on DD) that has a simpler interface.23:14
mercury00melray: I updated my 3700 and it was actually extremely easy.  I just used the router's own tool, reset, and was done.23:14
tonesDr_Willis are you a developer?23:14
mercury00melray: but having said that, I did my homework and made sure I had exactly the right firmware files, and also I crossed my fingers.23:15
MelRaymercury00: Ahh like backing up the firmware to an earlier version...23:15
ur0plthe panel on the left does not show up when i start my window maanger, the onyl one thing i can think of is to reinstall ubuntu, but i do not want to do that... i rather fix the problem rather than run from it23:15
OiCorymy parents randomly decided to bust up in my appartment. lol brb,23:15
GabbozMelRay, another thing, hit the search engines and reference your router and DD/tomato and read up on potential pitfalls others may have experienced with flashing.23:16
mercury00melray: yes, all the router's I've used have a built in way to upgrade the bios from for example a file downloaded from the manufacturers web site,23:16
mercury00melray: anyway, what I do on my own network is tell my router the MAC address of my server, and assign it a static ip from the router side, then, set up all the port forwarding to that ip address23:17
ur0pli dont want to reinstall ubuntu whenever i have a problem23:17
DS-labsWhat's the problem?23:17
mercury00melray: everthing that goes to my ip on those ports only see that server23:17
tonesur0pl, you can make a disk image23:18
MelRayAhhh now I get it...makes sense..23:18
SonikkuAmericaelky: You're still in operator mode...23:18
MelRayI put in a second nic...I ran a dual homed box many years back...23:18
ur0pltones, what do you mean?23:18
DS-labsany apache2 experts in here?23:19
mercury00ds-labs: possibly23:19
tonesur0pl, a program like Clonezilla can act as a quick system restore, and reset your system in just a few minutes23:20
mercury00ur0pl: the panel on the left should be in , what, the view menu I think? You are using nautilus?23:20
tonesthere are others23:20
DS-labsvhost question if anyone knows a lot about those I'd like to ask for a PM :)23:20
mercury00DS-labs: ah, is it for sensitive info, or just to not spam the channel?23:21
mercury00ds-labs: because usually, otherwise, it's fine to ask in this channel23:21
DS-labsboth :)23:21
DS-labsI don't want to spam the channel with my questions23:21
MelRaymercury00:: Have you ever played with Zentyal? It is pretty cool..runs on a 12.04 ubuntu server setup...they just added a web interface to setup the different services...pretty fun to do in vmware workstation...23:21
MelRayDS-labs:: Use pastebin23:22
ur0plwhat is the program, the command line name for that program that allows you to pick sources and what source packages, i need that so i can install additional drivers of fglrx23:24
MelRayur0pl:: Ummm apt-get?23:24
MelRayur0pl:: You need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list to add the repos23:25
ur0plin the control panel23:25
ur0plsystem settings23:25
ur0plwhat is the name of that, how do i load that from CUI23:26
DS-labsur0pl you mean sudo add-apt PPA23:26
DS-labsooh software sources23:26
RudeViperDoes anyone here have any experience in setting up a NAS on Ubuntu Sever? I'm having trouble getting the data drives set up.23:26
ur0plthere is one that says "Software & Updates"23:26
ur0pli need to load that via CUI23:26
th0rRudeViper: you will get better answers if you ask better questions23:27
RudeViperI would if I knew what to ask. Thats why I was specific with the first part of the question....23:28
RudeViperI'll explain the problem....23:28
flx1rc1what NAS device u got?23:29
RudeViperI'm using a computer for the nas23:30
flx1rc1what os does that computer have?23:30
flx1rc1so your just setting up a network share23:30
RudeViperyes - but I can't seem to access the data portion of the drive23:31
RudeViperI have a 500 gb hd partitioned to 35 gb for the os and the rest for data - I have been following the directions @ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hFw1YnH9s-1Y9M4VPLgPOOjm1iH6PJOHefg5NhGC4oA/edit?pli=123:31
RudeViperI have added a 1tb also and that one I can access - but not the rest of the 500gb23:31
Archguywhat command will give me this sort of an output for the partitions: http://pastie.org/8002673 ?23:31
GabbozRudeViper, you mean you cant access because of permission?23:34
MelRayGotta run thanks everyone for the help!23:34
Archguynot exactly actually df doesn't give me exactly that sort of output, I don't see labels or type23:34
flx1rc1RudeViper, prolly your samba config is not all setup23:34
RudeViperI am not sure - It either doesn't show up - or when I rebooted now it just says can't caccess disc0123:35
flx1rc1df -T for type23:35
zykotick9Archguy: i've never seen that exact output, so not sure.  but "sudo blkid" will show labels... good luck.23:35
RudeViperI'm sorry - I typed that wrong - it says can't mount the drive23:36
th0rRudeViper: have you installed samba? Have you installed swat? Have you defined shares for both shared partitions?23:36
ur0pli'm reinstalling ubuntu. this is getting as bad as windows23:36
th0rRudeViper: have you defined samba users, and given them samba passwords?23:37
RudeVipersamba yes - suat - wasn't in the instructions - and shares worked for the 1tb drive but not the other one23:37
facmedhello guys, I'm trying yo configure an auto-start script using crontab, but for some reaseon doesn't work23:37
facmedsomeone can help me? pls23:37
RudeViperincidently - the drive I can't access is on the same physical drive as the os23:38
facmedthis is my crontab script:23:38
facmedI installed freenet only to see her contrab line; and copy it23:38
flx1rc1RudeViper: u should spend some time on samba setup tutorial or something, make sure the partition you want to share is mounted somwhere on your file system and make sure that location is in a share section in your samba config23:38
facmedbut still doen't run the script after reboot23:39
facmedif I run "/home/facmed/.scripts/run.sh" it work fine23:39
RudeViperActually I have never seen a samba setup tutorial - I was following a set of instructions I posted above - but I'll go look for one23:40
RudeViperBut even if I don't find the answer - this won't be the place I look again23:40
flx1rc1lol ok23:40
facmedno one ;_;23:43
flx1rc1facmed: ive never tried that @reboot thing in my crontab23:43
flx1rc1ive used initd23:44
facmedbut i don't want to run my script in root mode23:45
flx1rc1init is the first process that starts in user mode after reboot, initd can launch other processes basically you can add a boot-up script i think htats what youre trying to do23:45
facmedonly normal user23:45
facmedit is hard to learn?23:45
flx1rc1only for some23:46
flx1rc1read this23:46
facmedok, thanks23:48
facmedjust one more question23:48
facmedthis is my script23:48
OiCoryok I'm back23:48
facmedCan I run this by init.d without problems?23:48
flx1rc1only 1 way to find out23:48
=== lonewolf is now known as Guest31001
OiCoryOk, so I am trying to install Seamonkey, I extracted it to /opt/seamonkey, created a symlink in /usr/loca/bin and tried to run 'run-mozilla.sh' but it says cannot execute23:54
Jordan_UOiCory: Please don't paraphrase error messages. What is the exact text of the error message?23:55
jribOiCory: is there a reason you don't just use firefox (and benefit from repository updates)23:55
jriboh wait I'm thinking of iceweasel23:56
OiCoryi didnt paraphrase. it says "run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute."23:56
OiCoryjrib: yea I want it because it is a webdesign suite23:56
flx1rc1, eh is your sh script executable?23:57
flx1rc1chmod +x ?23:57
SuperLagbeat me to it23:57
OiCoryflx1rc1: yup,23:57
SuperLagls -l23:57
SuperLagput the perms here23:57
OiCorySuperLag: -rwxr-xr-x  1 cory cory     8915 Jun  3 19:1523:58
SuperLagsure enough.23:58
jribOiCory: is there a reason you don't use one of the PPAs at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeaMonkey ?23:58
flx1rc1you could also try to source it23:58
flx1rc1. run-mozilla.sh23:58
SuperLagflx1rc1: what's the difference?23:59
OiCoryjrib: I tried to install it via package manager by adding ppa:bratherlui/seamonkey23:59
flx1rc1SuperLag: between what23:59
OiCoryjrib: And it doesnt show even after apt-get update23:59
jribOiCory: what ubuntu version are you using?23:59

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