
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
OvenWerkswell i managed to built a source package and upload it to a personal PPA04:31
OvenWerksit doesn't show yet04:31
OvenWerksI guess it doen't show till it builds04:42
zequenceOvenWerks: If the upload worked, you should get a confirmation  withing a few minutes04:43
zequencewithing 10 or so04:43
zequenceand the package will appear before it's built04:44
zequenceyou can monitor the build progress in launchpad04:44
OvenWerksits there built and everything04:44
zequencefeel free to add it here https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/+archive/devel04:45
OvenWerksNow I can try it against a fresh install04:46
OvenWerksYa, when I know it works.04:46
OvenWerks Actually I will probably just do a push when its ready04:46
OvenWerksThere are some things I haven't worked out yet04:48
zequenceI'm taking another exam today. security+. I don't understand the American fascination with abbreviations. Seems like half my studies is about learning all about them04:54
zequenceI mean, learning all kinds of abbreviations. but also a little bit about what they stand for04:54
zequenceI don't learn names and terms easily, so I don't really like this kind of education. makes me feel like a parrot04:55
zequencenext exam will be a little more fun though. linux+04:58
OvenWerkszequence: ya, my wife is taking nursing and they have so many abbreviations... she sounds like she is spelling things out06:23
* OvenWerks is going to bed06:24
zequenceI passes my exam, all though it felt like I had studied the wrong book of abbreviations 11:03
astraljavaHehe, yeah I got that every time. I hardly ever managed to participate the classes, what with living some 300 km away. So I used to just read the slides, and some odd material available in the 'net. It was usually just enough to get 51% or 52% scores.11:07
zequenceastraljava: Have you done any comptia certificate exams? or any other kind of American based certs?11:24
astraljavazequence: No, I haven't.11:28
zequenceastraljava: Well, if you ever do, you'll know what it feels like to be a parrot11:29
madeinkobaiaHi all : )14:35

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