
ryanakcaDoes a package automatically get removed from Ubuntu after it gets removed from Debian testing/unstable, or do I need to do something on the Kubuntu side to get mcdp cleared out?00:49
ryanakca(following http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=709909 )00:49
ubottuDebian bug 709909 in ftp.debian.org "RM: mcdp -- ROM; completely unusable" [Normal,Open]00:49
ahoneybunDarkwing: ping02:04
ScottKryanakca: It's semi-automatic, so usually no unless there are Ubuntu specific changes in it, then it tends not to get removed.02:24
valorieSo, what if they get really desperate and reset their modem to get a new hostname?02:44
valorie 106 [00:40] <pleia2> You can try: /mode +b *!*@*-example.com02:44
valorie 107 [00:41] <pleia2> But be careful - this will ban everyone coming from the exmaple.com service provider02:44
valorie 108 [00:41] <pleia2> and honestly this ban should only be put in place in emergencies and should be accompanied by joining #freenode and reporting that there is a user who is evading bans02:44
valorieoh good lord, sorry03:06
valoriewas reading irc classes and fixing my kate doc with relevant stuffs03:07
valoriedunno how it got pasted here instead03:07
ryanakcaScottK: Alright, thanks.03:07
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soeegood morning06:09
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shadeslayerany oppositions to adding libkolab and libkgapi as build depends to kdepim-runtime?10:12
shadeslayerapparently we had those, but they got lost in the merge10:13
Riddelldoh, yeah please add them back10:14
shadeslayeryep, compiling it now with the deps10:14
shadeslayerboost issues10:18
shadeslayerRiddell: IIRC we had a discussion about having network-manager-vpnc on the ISO right>10:23
Riddellshadeslayer: IIRC we did10:24
shadeslayerany ideas why did we refuse it on the CD?10:24
shadeslayerwe didn't conclude anything, I went to the nm session at UDS10:29
shadeslayerthe conclusion via private email was that kde nm needs patchery to use dbus  + packagekit to figure out what's installed10:29
shadeslayerbut there's also the issue that different distros might name the package differently10:29
shadeslayerRiddell: you also dropped libqjson-dev and some other things in kdepim-runtime :(10:36
Riddellug, sorry10:36
shadeslayernp, shit happens10:37
shadeslayerRiddell: can we just ship vpnc on the ISO? :P10:37
Riddellshadeslayer: was it a main vs universe issue?10:38
Riddellin which case that's no longer an issue10:38
shadeslayerFrom what I can tell it adds 354 kb to the CD10:38
Riddellcyphermox: any reason not to?10:38
shadeslayerdidn't we move to universe in raring?10:38
Riddellwe did10:38
shadeslayerI have to head out for a bit, cya in a bit10:41
yofelmarkey: you can find qt in https://launchpad.net/~yofel/+archive/staging1/+packages10:59
yofelplease remove the ppa after updating10:59
RiddellScottK: security issue bug 1179380 in progress now I hope11:26
ubottubug 1179380 in kdeplasma-addons (Ubuntu Saucy) "paste widget "password" generator uses (very) insecure randomness" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117938011:26
Riddellspot the problem http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/saucy.png11:34
shadeslayerRiddell: the activities button?11:43
soeeuhm during printer configuration 2-3 times i had crash report11:52
Riddellshadeslayer: missing kde-window-manager-common package11:54
Riddellalso akonaditray is running for some reason11:55
soeeonly 3 files didn't build in 4.10.4 ?12:11
shadeslayerwell, working on kdepim-runtime12:12
Riddellwe'll need to make sure any changes I've uploaded since yesterday get synced in the packaging12:14
Riddellwell s/we/I/ to be fair :)12:15
ScottKakonaditray should be running, but hidden.12:19
ScottKRiddell: Excellent.12:19
BluesKajHey folks12:31
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shadeslayerW: libnepomukcore4abi1: description-synopsis-starts-with-article12:40
shadeslayerso verbose ^_^12:40
shadeslayerRiddell: E: nepomuk-core-runtime: postinst-must-call-ldconfig usr/lib/libnepomukextractor.so12:41
shadeslayerwhat do you think of that ^^12:41
shadeslayerokie, only blinken left AFAICT12:42
shadeslayeroh and oxygen-icons and kajongg since no one seems to have looked at those12:45
shadeslayerRiddell: uhm why the need for generate-icons here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/blinken/revision/71#debian/rules12:57
shadeslayerand it's not even called12:57
shadeslayerand I don't see it in debian : http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-kde/kde-sc/blinken.git;a=blob;f=debian/rules;h=244905ccaaeae8b9ddfe2a9efd0358cd789ad68d;hb=HEAD12:57
shadeslayerno icon-list as well12:58
shadeslayerhmm, debian installs to usr/bin/blinken13:00
yofelshadeslayer: you're looking at the wrong debian branch....13:01
Riddellmm, are you sure debian doesn't have it?13:01
Riddellthat doesn't look like something we'd add13:01
yofeldebian has it13:02
Riddellshadeslayer: you talking about 4.10.4?13:02
yofelRiddell: also, please commit your changes to bzr the moment you upload them (better: generate the package from bzr)13:04
yofelIf it was you, then I overwrote your kdepim upload yesterday evening13:04
yofelwe even have bzr-buildpackage-ppa which makes the building trivial13:05
RiddellI don't think I know bzr-buildpackage-ppa13:06
shadeslayeryofel: I was probably on the wrong branch I guess13:07
yofelRiddell: it's (a bit misplaced) part of the kubuntu-automation repo13:07
yofelshadeslayer: right ;)13:07
shadeslayerbecause only blinken has a 4.10 branch :P13:07
yofelRiddell: used by kubuntu-initial upload to set ppa version and release in the changelog and generate the package13:07
yofelthat way you can leave bzr always set to ".4) UNRELEASED" and just run bzr-buildpackage-ppa -s <num>13:08
shadeslayerso, anyone looking at blinken then ? e13:08
cyphermoxRiddell: shadeslayer: as I recall the security team wasn't especially happy with vpnc when we did the MIR for it13:41
cyphermoxit's something to revisit13:41
* Riddell syncs mplayerthumbs13:43
* Riddell gets onto blinken in 4.10.413:52
soeeanyone using mysql workbench ?13:55
RiddellScottK: can I move 4.10.3 to raring-updates?14:22
markeyyofel: for that Qt package, what is the apt-add-repository line?14:53
yofelmarkey: ppa:yofel/staging114:53
markeyyofel: is there any risk with installing this package? can I revert it if things go south? cause this is my production machine14:55
yofelmarkey: hm, it has only that one patch removed so should be safe, reverting might be tricky as you would have to downgrade all qt libs but if something happens I can upload a rebuild of the offical raring package with a higher version14:56
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markeyok cool, I'll do it14:56
yofelmarkey: only remember to disable the ppa after updating please14:57
markeyyofel: I have very good preliminary results: the package appears to fix the QtScript crashing with Amarok :))15:17
starbuck1Riddell: any update on 4.10.3 in public repos?15:21
starbuck14.10.4 just around the corner15:22
Riddellstarbuck1: it's in the -proposed, it's all tested so I was waiting on an sru person to move it to -updates15:23
Riddellstarbuck1: I think I can just do that myself but need to check the protocol15:23
starbuck1thanks that be great15:23
starbuck1then its available for all people even without any PPA?15:23
Riddellstarbuck1: yep15:24
yofelRiddell: will you upload .4 for raring then? If not ping me once .3 is out and I'll do it15:24
Riddellyofel: into kubuntu-ninjas?15:25
Riddellmight have to run off before I get a chance to do that15:27
Riddellwill ping if so15:27
markeyyofel: will the fixed Qt packaged be pushed downstream, after some more testing?15:28
markeyI think that would be good15:28
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1176686] qtchooser does not properly work with multiarch @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1176686 (by Harald Sitter)15:29
yofelmarkey: if you say it works I'll file a SRU for it. Saucy is fixed so only raring is left.15:29
markeyyofel: let me test it some more, and tomorrow I'll give you the final results, ok?15:30
markeyjust to be sure15:30
markeyrdieter: big thanks again for pointing us to this QtScript issue! you've saved us a big headache :)15:31
markeywith that issue fixed, and the other fix from Amarok 2.7.1, Amarok should now be really stable again. before it was a crashfest15:33
yofelmarkey: what's the status of that issue on quantal and precise btw.? There we have 2.7.1 together with qt 4.8.3 and 4.8.2. 15:33
yofel(in the backports)15:33
markeyyofel: the same problem then15:34
yofelhmkay, I'll look at it15:34
markeythe QtScript bug has affected all Amarok versions in the last two years...15:34
jessieWhich explains why so much crashing.15:35
markeyindeed 15:35
markeyfor us this fix means a lot, as you can imagine. it sucks if your application crashes without it being your fault15:35
yofelhm... if this has been happing the last 2 years we'll have a few amarok/qt combinations to fix (2.7.1/4.8.4, 2.7.1/4.8.3, 2.7.1/4.8.2, 2.6.0/4.8.3, 2.5.0/4.8.2)15:36
markeythe original Amarok bug was reported on 2011-01-02: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26183915:37
ubottuKDE bug 261839 in Playback "Crash in [QTWTF::HashTable<QTJSC::UStringImpl*, ...] (was: AmarokDownloadHelper::resultString doesn't follow redirects and returns empty string)" [Crash,Reopened]15:37
markeythat said... it doesn't shine a positive light on Qt, having such an atrocious bug around for years15:40
debfxRiddell: where does pbuilder need aptitude outside the chroot?15:42
Riddellyofel, starbuck1: no .3 in yet, needs ScottK to do it15:43
Riddelldebfx: pbuilder-satisfydepends15:43
Riddelldebfx: I'm forever installing pbuilder, running pbuilder-satisfydepends and getting grumpy cos it breaks without aptitude15:43
debfxRiddell: yeah but that's run inside the chroot15:44
Riddelldebfx: I run it manually15:44
starbuck1Riddell: when is that about to be in with Scottk?15:44
debfxI'd say that's a very uncommon use case15:44
Riddellstarbuck1: whenever he has some spare minutes to do it15:45
yofelRiddell: aptitude is just the default as it works best, you could use pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic without aptitude15:45
Riddelldebfx: if I run debuild it tells me to run pbuilder-satisfydepends15:45
Riddellyofel: I could, but debuild doesn't tell me to do that15:45
yofeldebuild tells to use pbuilder-satisfydepends o.O?15:46
debfxwhat does debuild have to do with pbuilder?15:46
Riddellonly that it recommends pbuilder-satisfydepends if you have missing build-depends15:46
debfxah, so you're using debuild-pbuilder15:54
starbuck1ScottK: can you spare a few minutes according to Riddell to get the .3 release in the open, that would be faboulous!15:57
Riddellyofel: are you able to do a bzr update on kubuntu-automation for build_status_4.10.4_saucy.html ?16:01
RiddellI've added various ignores16:01
yofelsure, sec16:01
yofelRiddell: done16:04
Riddelluh oh16:05
yofelhmm... somethign went wrong16:05
RiddellI broke it :(16:05
Riddellyofel: fixed16:06
Riddellshadeslayer: is there a kdesc-packages-saucy.txt ?16:07
Riddellyofel: sorry got to go16:07
shadeslayerRiddell: uh, I just copied kdesc-packages-raring.txt16:07
shadeslayerthough that's not pushed to bzr yet16:08
yofelhm, not quite fixed16:08
Riddelldoes it object to a trailing comma?16:09
Riddellyofel: updated16:09
* Riddell skedaddles16:09
yofelok, I think I fixed everything now16:16
yofelyou don't want to fix dep5 issues? ^^16:18
* yofel wonders if a package should be red when there' lintian *Error*'s16:19
shadeslayerwait what16:54
shadeslayerUTAH is being replaced?16:54
shadeslayerwith something called otto16:54
yofelshadeslayer: fun17:19
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ahoneybunpalasso: hey19:39
palassoahoneybun, hey ;)19:39
ahoneybunwhats u[p19:39
palassonothing much19:39
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jessieWhy is my Kontact crashing saying, "Failed to fetch the resource collection."20:00
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ScottKRiddell: On it.22:10
ScottKstarbuck11: It's done now.  It should hit mirrors starting in about an hour.22:26
yofelthanks ScottK!22:28
* yofel runs the script for raring22:28
starbuck11ScottK: thanks a lot!22:40
* yofel removes mplayerthumbs from raring package list again...23:07
yofeladded some error handling too while at it23:10

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