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lifelesshmm bug 520413 triaged -> confirmed, really annoys me ;(04:17
ubot5bug 520413 in Launchpad itself "All changes by user must be revertable" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52041304:17
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czajkowskilifeless: it is a bit ironic a spammer spamming that question alright04:34
lifelessczajkowski: zigactly04:57
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herpmcderpif anyone could help me with trying to find a package that was on launchpad but isn't there anymore i'd greatly appreciate it10:10
herpmcderpits no longer in the directory where it keeps trying to link me to10:11
wgrantherpmcderp: The owner of the PPA deleted it.10:12
herpmcderpdamn... i don't know why he would do that10:13
herpmcderphe has it in a .tar.bz2 on his website but i need a deb package10:13
wgrantYou'll need to ask him.10:14
herpmcderpthis makes me very sad...10:14
czajkowskiwell it's his package he can :)10:15
herpmcderpI'm still fairly inexperienced as far as some of this goes... can someone explain what I'm about to paste to me?10:16
herpmcderp- Starting with version 0.60 WebcamStudio uses dkms(8) to build the    modules automatically. The dkms package recommends the linux-headers    package needed to build modules for the current distribution kernel. If this    for whatever reason does not work or you are using a non-distribution kernel    please make sure the right set of kernel headers is installed.10:17
herpmcderpIf I'm understanding correctly dkms would allow you to upgrade an application's files selectively without a full upgrade of the program entirely?10:20
herpmcderpidk if I'm understanding what dkms does correctly10:21
menesisherpmcderp: dkms builds a module for the kernel when the kernel is upgraded10:42
stokachuhas anything changed with the api that woud cause an 'unsupported authentication scheme 'oauth'' when attempting to grant access to a user over oauth1.0a12:33
dobeystokachu: did your Authentication: header start with 'oauth' instead of 'OAuth' ?12:55
stokachudobey: ah i believe it is all lowercase12:59
dobeystokachu: it must be properly capitalized i think13:06
stokachudobey: ok thank you ill retry with it capitalized13:17
stokachuso this is my authorization header routine http://paste.ubuntu.com/5732572/13:18
stokachuit looks like it is using OAuth realm properly13:19
wgrant  _content => "Request token has not yet been reviewed. Try again later.",13:19
stokachuwgrant: yea im not sure what that particular error means13:20
stokachuand this is against staging13:20
wgrantstokachu: You haven't authorised the token in your web browser yet.13:20
dobeyoh, you're doing it in perl13:20
stokachuwgrant: ah ill add a timer in there and see if that works13:21
stokachucool it needed a timer13:24
wgrantNot a timer so much as a wait until you actually approve the token13:25
stokachuah ok, yea im using some perl module open_browser so ill need to investigate that more13:25
wgrantstokachu: What are you trying to do? You'd usually request a new token only the first time you run the app on a new system.13:26
wgrantIt's not a common part of the workflow13:26
stokachuyea i created a new vm that i wanted to authorize against an account i created13:26
stokachua new account13:27
wgrantNormally you'd just open it in your local browser13:27
wgrantRather than giving your SSO password to some random VM13:27
stokachuyea thats what im doing and then copying the credentials into a config file13:27
wgrantProbably not much point using anything like open_browser, then13:28
wgrantI'd just print the URL and wait for a key to be pressed13:28
stokachuwgrant: yea that does sound simpler i think ill do that instead13:29
stokachuthanks for your help13:29
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dobeyVai: not related14:00
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aboudreaultis there any way to revert  a mass delete?14:43
aboudreaultsomeone in the team remove accidentaly all the packages from a distro.14:43
aboudreaultbah nvm. we'll live with it.14:45
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GrueMasterAnyone know how to delete a recipe?  I keep getting people hijacking my Windows project and creating ppa daily builds recipes on old bzr branches.  This wastes resources, and my time in policing these.16:06
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thopiekarGrueMaster: If you remove the branch hosting the packaging files it also removes the recipe or check the recipe details, there should be a possibility to remove a recipe16:24
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GrueMasterI tried deleting the branch, but it wouldn't let me as it had a recipe assigned to it that I can't change/delete.16:37
GrueMasterThis is one of my frustrations with Launchpad.  I am the project admin, but the only thing I can really change is who has upload rights.  Anyone can come along and post bogus merge requests or generate bogus recipes.16:38
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dobeyGrueMaster: why do you feel you need to police them? You can set the status of a branch to abanonded if you don't want to deal with it any more. it'll still be there for people to look at it, but it won't display by default in the code page, so less likely for people to propose to it. you're going to have that problem anywhere though, if it's not clear what branch is the one to use.17:20
GrueMasterAh, ok.  I have set the affected ones to abandonded.  Just hope no one tries to create a recipe on the trunk.17:32
dobeyis it a win-only thing?17:33
dobeymaybe just add a note to the branch on LP, or in README that says "Please do not create recipe builds of this branch on LaunchPad. It is a project for use on Windows only, not Ubuntu." or something17:34
GrueMasterIt is a Windows only tool.  Win32ImageWriter.17:36
GrueMasterAnd the people that keep making recipe's and merge requests from static branches have new accounts and no karma.17:37
GrueMasterThese are things that should be limited to people in the developers only team.  If someone makes their own branch, makes changes, and proposes a merge, that is fine.  It is actually the criteria for getting developer access to the main trunk.17:39
dobeyi wonder why it's an issue with that project though17:40
dobeyi mean, i have plenty of high profile projects to deal with, and don't have that problem on any of them really. main problem i have is people reporting bugs in the wrong places, asking questions on lp answers, or creating arbitrary/random blueprints on projects17:42
GrueMasterYea, I have those issues too.17:43
dobeyit would be nice if there was a flag one could enable on a project's main branches, to say "don't allow recipe builds of this branch"17:43
dobeyit's probably not a common enough case to do it though17:44
GrueMasterTrue.  Actually, I am migrating my project to Sourceforge anyways.  Only thing I use LP for now is bug tracking (which bzr is good enough to update from my git tree on sf).17:45
GrueMasterI hope to shut down the lanuchpad project entirely in the next year.  Low priority though.17:45
VaiM4SONIC, you bring to us a nice music ^^17:46
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dobeyVai: not sure why you're discussing that in here. this channel has nothing to do with Ableton. it's a channel for https://launchpad.net/17:47
Vaii know, i just noticed him!17:48
GrueMasterGah!  Just found 3 recipes for my trunk branch (which is a clone of my git tree on SF).17:59
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thopiekarwhat was the command to get a list of tags? tried "bzr tags lp:kivy", but something is missing18:17
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dobeythopiekar: "bzr tags -d lp:foo" if it's a remote branch you want to run it on18:19
thopiekardobey: thanks18:27
thopiekardo you know reasons why a git tag might be not imported?18:27
dobeyno clue18:28
thopiekardobey: ok, thanks18:30
thopiekarit seems that there is a tag missing :(18:30
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thopiekardobey: I get a question-mark on the needed tag :/ http://pastebin.com/a3cr9iFp18:33
dobeythopiekar: i don't know. perhaps the referenced revision for the tag couldn't be found on import18:33
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