
=== danmackay is now known as HD_AUDIO
okabiWho do I tell when software in the repository needs updating?01:41
Unit193You may be able to file a bug and request it be updated, but what application?01:42
Unit193Is it updated in Debian testing or unstable?  Are there some additional features you requre?01:42
okabiI would like Claws-Mail to be updated to the latest version is all.01:43
Unit193Are there any additional features or bug fixes that would be of help?01:43
okabiYes. I'm unable to install plugins with the current version because they're all made for the latest version.01:44
okabiMight it be possible to upgrade my version of the software to the latest through command line?01:46
Unit193okabi: Ok, so Debian has 3.9.1  (http://packages.qa.debian.org/c/claws-mail.html) and Ubuntu only has 3.8.1 (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/claws-mail), since there is no cruft in the Ubuntu version, it should in theory auto-sync to Ubuntu Saucy.  I'm guessing waiting for the next release isn't preferred?01:48
ubottuHelpful information for filing a sync request can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess01:50
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:50
okabiThe debian and ubuntu repositories are tied to eachother?01:53
Unit193Yeah, Ubuntu pulls packages from Debian, it's based on Debian.01:54
okabiSo, how long is the wait before it updates according to changes in Debian's?01:56
phillwokabi: it is marked as low priority01:56
Unit193Debian testing has it, so in theory it should just sync.01:56
phillwit will need someone from debian to sponsor the upgrade01:57
okabiMmm. Well, thanks for all the replies, but I must be going now.01:57
okabiAnd Unit193 said it was already the latest version.01:58
phillwokabi: Ok, so Debian has 3.9.1  (http://packages.qa.debian.org/c/claws-mail.html) and Ubuntu only has 3.8.101:58
phillwdid he???01:58
okabiTerminator: ILL BE BACK01:59
phillwUnit193: I take it, you mean sid? http://packages.debian.org/sid/claws-mail02:03
Unit193I mean it how?02:04
phillwwhich debian has 3.9.1 :)02:04
Unit193Look http://packages.qa.debian.org/c/claws-mail.html and you'll see testing and unstable.02:05
n-iCeSystem:    Host ubuntu Kernel 3.8.0-24-generic x86_64 (64 bit)02:06
n-iCe           Desktop LXDE (Openbox 3.5.0) Distro Ubuntu 13.04 raring02:06
n-iCeMachine:   System Sony product VGN-CS170FJ version R563261302:06
n-iCe           Mobo Sony model VAIO Bios INSYDE version R0260Q2 date 09/19/200802:06
n-iCeCPU:       Dual core Intel Core2 Duo CPU P8400 (-MCP-) cache 3072 KB flags (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 ssse3 vmx)02:06
n-iCe           Clock Speeds: 1: 800.00 MHz 2: 2267.00 MHz02:06
n-iCeGraphics:  Card: Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller02:06
n-iCe           X.Org 1.13.3 drivers intel (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) Resolution 1280x800@60.0hz02:06
n-iCe           GLX Renderer Mesa DRI Mobile Intel GM45 Express Chipset GLX Version 2.1 Mesa 9.1.102:06
n-iCeAudio:     Card: Intel 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller driver snd_hda_intel02:06
n-iCe           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ver k3.8.0-24-generic02:07
n-iCeNetwork:   Card-1: Intel WiFi Link 5100 driver iwlwifi02:07
n-iCe           IF: wlan0 state up mac <filter>02:07
phillwUnit193: so, testing and unstable are the same set. If some one sponsors it to stable, then it can be added to ubuntu repos.02:07
n-iCe           Card-2: Marvell 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller driver sky202:07
n-iCe           IF: eth0 state down mac <filter>02:07
n-iCeDrives:    HDD Total Size: 320.1GB (6.5% used) 1: id /dev/sda model TOSHIBA_MK3252GS size 320.1GB02:07
n-iCePartition: ID: / size 290G used 20G (8%) fs ext4 ID: swap-1 size 4.15GB used 0.00GB (0%) fs swap02:07
n-iCeRAID:      No RAID devices detected - /proc/mdstat and md_mod kernel raid module present02:07
n-iCeSensors:   System Temperatures: cpu 49.0C mobo N/A02:07
Unit193n-iCe: Don't spam.02:07
n-iCe           Fan Speeds (in rpm): cpu N/A02:07
n-iCeInfo:      Processes 164 Uptime 3:18 Memory 906.5/3823.7MB Client Irssi 0.8.15 inxi 1.8.402:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:07
phillw!flood | n-iCe02:07
ubottun-iCe: please see above02:07
n-iCeDamn, wrong channel!!!02:07
* n-iCe kills hiself02:07
n-iCewas the damn inxi, sorry02:07
Unit193Your inxi is outdated.02:07
* n-iCe cries02:07
Unit193phillw: No, you may want to read up on the process.02:08
phillwUnit193: I'm not too worried about about claws. I was only saying that the version in testing & unstable need a sponsor top have a sponsor to have it moved from there to 'stable'/02:10
Unit193phillw: No.02:10
phillwoh?? well, I learn something new, usually contradictary, every time I ask about debian repos and ubuntu ones.02:11
Unit193(Not exactly, but meh.)02:11
phillwUnit193: the basics I was told was a new a version would be expected to be in the debian stable area before ubuntu would consider an update to theirs.02:13
phillwI can ask for a bug fix to be pulled in, provided I have a darn good reason. An upgrade of functions and new version number are pretty much exempt from my getting that approved unless it was proven to be a urgent / critical bug.02:15
phillwI do not see it worth my asking for such an exemption of a new version of claws that is still in debian-unstable and debian-testing. It is better to allow debian to follow through the testing cycle.02:18
phillwUnit193: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule date is 20th June. Unless there is a flavour who really require it as a freeze exception, the chances of being accepted are very low.02:26
Unit193I'm not really interested...02:27
Unit193And as far as I know not exactly...02:27
Unit193But this is all rather non-related to support.02:28
phillwUnit193: it was only FYI, I'm happy to explain it to the OP. But If I'm not about, you have the links to explain his question02:28
Unit193But it's not quite right, ANYWAY...02:29
phillwUnit193: I'm always willing to learn :)02:30
cerebrateany traces of lxle's lxle dev.?03:58
phillwcerebrate: I do chat to him, you can contact him via the site. Is there an immediate problem with the last release?04:18
Unit193You update your inxi? ;)05:58
n-iCelast version06:00
n-iCeaccording to https://code.google.com/p/inxi/06:00
Unit1931.9.7, yep.06:00
n-iCewhat was mine?06:00
n-iCeWhere did you get the new inxi Unit19306:04
Unit193From there.  (Then uploaded to ppa and personal repo. :P )06:05
Unit193You should be able to inxi -U it, though.06:05
n-iCeawesome! Successfully updated to svn server version: 1.9.706:06
phillwwb n-iCe :)06:07
n-iCethanks, that was easy.06:07
phillwI'm on offtopic :)06:07
n-iCephillw: #lubuntu-offtopic ?06:45
phillwn-iCe: yup06:48
RedouaneHello, I want to use Linux on my machine and I need an advice witch distribution should I use07:54
RedouaneI'v an acer Aspire 5715 Z and I don't now which is better Ubuntu or Lubuntu07:55
RedouaneTake note that its the first time I use Linux07:55
n-iCelubuntu is lighter07:56
n-iCeUbuntu 13.04 Review: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZin1_iPv0E07:57
n-iCeLubuntu 13.04 Review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcWHQncUeV407:57
Redouaneso does this affect in any case the use of  my laptop07:57
n-iCewe just say ubuntu is heavier07:58
n-iCelubuntu use lxde which is a lighter desktop environment07:58
RedouaneSorry but which one do you advice me to use?08:03
Redouanemy laptop is an acer aspire 5715 Z08:03
mikael_salut a tous09:34
mikael_FR  ?09:34
woshtywxl: Ok, took a look at the bug reporting link you posted yesterday. Did you post that to tell me how to post a bug to get that "System program problem detected" dialog to be more usable? Or for me to understand what it wants to report?13:04
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wxlwoshty: if you just proceed there will be an option to show more detail.16:25
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joosseehey guys wondering if anyone has a second to answer a question aboutencrypted boot stick? Installer exits afteer trying to create swappartitionin encrypted /mapper/ device?19:28
joosseealso if anyone has a new spacebar that would be great19:28
joosseethe error is 'error security hole, swap partition is not encrypted and your data may not be protected, exiting installer'19:29
holsteina new spacebar?19:30
joosseeya this one is notverygood :)19:31
holsteinjoossee: i dont see that as an error.. thats just saying the swap is not encrypted19:31
holsteinwhat are you trying to do?19:31
joosseeya but i am spcifically creating the swap partition in the "physically encrypted volume|19:31
holsteinsure.. why?19:31
holsteinwhat are you trying to do?19:31
joosseeshort aqnswer: encrypted bootstick19:31
Unit193And it's not an option to create a normal one with a trucrypt "volume" to store the files that need encrypted?19:32
joosseeinsufficient formy purposes19:32
holsteinthats what i have always done.. the truecrpyt thing19:33
joosseeim running off lubuntu 12 in the exact same config. 13.04  is different19:33
Unit193holstein: Their .bin?19:33
holsteini would look at something made for that purpose19:33
Unit193Ah, well that's annoying.19:33
joosseehow bout we just answerlubuntu questions instead of plugging (awesome) third party software lololol19:34
holsteinjoossee: sure.. enjoy! and good luck :)19:34
joosseefudge it ill go give it another go. just annoying19:34
holsteinjoossee: might want to try #ubuntu or a security channel.. nothing about lubuntu is specifically designed to meet the needs you have, though, im sure you can get it working with a little patience19:34
holsteinjoossee: this was choosing full disk encryption from the installer? or was that an option?19:38
joosseei chose the manual partitioning option and then laid out all the necessary ones, plus /boot. now i need to encrypt system / and swap19:48
joosseebut g2g thx for helpbbl19:49
=== TheDrums_ is now known as TheDrums
n-iCeguys I have .mp3 I use braser otu burn a data cd for mp3 music cd20:33
n-iCebut nothing recognize it any idea?20:33
holsteinn-iCe: mp3 music CD's are tricky20:33
holsteinn-iCe: in theory, any mp3 cd player like that should just read it if you make a data CD and fill it with mp3's20:34
n-iCeI did20:34
n-iCeand does not work20:34
n-iCenot even the pc recognize the cds now20:34
holsteinn-iCe: doesnt have to work that way, and it would be *anything*20:34
holsteinn-iCe: seems like a nice plausible place for you to start is the media20:34
holsteinthe burnable discs20:34
n-iCewhat do you mean20:35
holsteinsounds like thay are bad.. or not getting burned properly20:35
n-iCeyeah, but why20:35
holsteinn-iCe: again.. could be anything20:35
n-iCecds are ok, since I have burned normal music cds20:35
holsteini would start by trying another CD20:35
holsteinn-iCe: try burning an audio cd with the same media20:35
n-iCetried 4 now20:35
n-iCeI did as a cd media20:35
n-iCenot data20:35
holsteinn-iCe: 4 audio cd's? or mp3 data cd?20:35
n-iCeand worked20:35
n-iCeholstein: 4 mp3s one audio cd20:36
holsteinn-iCe: ok.. so do *any* data cd's you make show up? on the computer?20:36
n-iCeis like I don't insert it20:36
holsteinn-iCe: id say its something to do with the way you are making the disc.. not closing it.. or "finalizing"20:37
holsteini would just try other methods20:37
holsteinit'll be matter of trial and error to some degree, til you make something that everything can mount20:37
n-iCewhere can I mount the cd20:37
n-iCe/media/cdrom ?20:37
holsteinn-iCe: literally anywhere you like.. but you know thats not the issue, correct?20:37
holsteinn-iCe: when you put in other data cd's, they just mount, correct?20:38
holsteinn-iCe: so, its not an issue of "computer not mounting properly made data CD"20:38
holsteinits mre likely "improperly mae data CD not mounting due to being made improperly"20:38
n-iCenice@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom/ /mnt/nice20:38
n-iCemount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only20:38
holsteini would assume the later, and work from there20:38
n-iCethe music is in there20:39
n-iCein the cd20:39
n-iCejust did ls20:39
holsteinn-iCe: so, you can mount it now?20:39
n-iCeusing mount, yes20:39
holsteinok.. still, i would look at the method you are makind the disc20:39
n-iCeusign brasero20:39
holsteinthe players dont have to read the disc you make20:39
holsteinn-iCe: sure.. use different settings there.. use something different than brasero20:40
holsteinleave the session open.. close it.. finalize it.. etc.. experiment20:40
n-iCebut what can I make with those cs20:40
holsteinn-iCe: i would try brasero, exploring the options.. then move on to xfburn.. i like k3b a lot, and usually just install it first thing20:41
n-iCebut, can I change the cd properties or somethign to make it readable in a mp3 player?20:43
holsteinn-iCe: thats the idea20:44
holsteinn-iCe: what settings and media the player need are really on a case by case basis20:44
n-iCeI think I don't understand, I have already the CD's cds have the music mp3 files inside, I just can play them.20:45
holsteinn-iCe: the player.. its proprietary, and uses what it'll use.. what works for me in my car might not work for you player20:45
holsteinn-iCe: what the computer can read/mount may not be readable in any of them20:45
holsteinn-iCe: the media can be not readable my your specific player20:46
holsteinthe specific media type you have20:46
holsteinyou can try different options in the burning process.. i would try closing the data session..20:46
holstein"allow no more writing"20:47
holsteintry leaving it open...20:47
holsteintry different types of cdr's20:47
=== wxl_ is now known as wxl
n-iCethat sucks20:47
ValDuarehey guys I'm running an ubuntu base install with just xorg and open box pretty much. Im trying to use xset to stop the display from turning off etc. but it says xset unable to open display21:02
ValDuarewhat other options do I have for keeping the display on21:02
Unit193Unable to open display?  Can you give the output of echo $DISPLAY ?21:03
Unit193ps aux | grep auth | sed -n 's/.*X\ \(.*\)\ -core.*/\1/p'   too if you're using lightdm.21:03
ValDuare[1] 118821:04
ValDuareatm I just have open box and xorg pretty much installed on a ubuntu base21:04
ValDuareno lubuntu or anything21:04
=== luserLU is now known as cerebrate
Unit193That's the output from what?  Anywho, seems like the display env var may be off.  You can try xfce4-power-manager I'd think.21:05
ValDuarei just tried setterm -blank 0 | setterm -powerdown 0 | setterm -powersave off21:07
ValDuarewe'll see how that works21:07
Unit193Aha, alright.21:09
ValDuareif it works I guess add it to autostart.sh?21:10
ValDuareor do you know if setterm is persistent?21:10
billkdI'm trying to set up Gnu/Linux on a low hard disk storage and low memory system(512MB RAM and 80GB HDD). Is Lubuntu a good choice here, or would I be better off with Debian? The machine should run a lightweight DE, support HP printers, and be pretty fast. It will be used for web browsing, email, printing, and light word processing tasks. Any ideas?21:42
billkdI'm trying to set up Gnu/Linux on a low hard disk storage and low memory system(512MB RAM and 80GB HDD). Is Lubuntu a good choice here, or would I be better off with Debian? The machine should run a lightweight DE, support HP printers, and be pretty fast. It will be used for web browsing, email, printing, and light word processing tasks. Any ideas?21:43
SonikkuAmericabillkd: Are you there? You just left #ubuntu21:43
Unit193!repeat | billkd21:43
ubottubillkd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:43
SonikkuAmerica!crosspost | Better this one21:43
ubottuBetter this one: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.21:43
Unit193billkd: What's the processor?21:43
SonikkuAmericaLubuntu is probably a good choice; Xubuntu is good too21:43
Unit193Lubuntu would do better with that RAM.21:44
SonikkuAmericaUnit193: You're prob right.21:44
SonikkuAmericaAt least in this day and age21:44
billkdpentium 421:44
SonikkuAmericaYes, Lubuntu then.21:44
Unit193More ram would be very good, buuut...21:44
SonikkuAmericaAlthough Debian with LXDE... maybe...?21:44
billkdI use arch on my main laptop(this one) with gnome 3.8, and it runs pretty well, but I think gnome would be too much for that hardware.21:45
SonikkuAmericabillkd: Ohhhhh yes it would21:45
Unit193SonikkuAmerica: If I'm going with Debian, it'd be Openbox or fluxbox.21:45
billkdso... hmmmm... xfce4 or lxde?21:46
SonikkuAmericabillkd: Probably LXDE, as XFCE is a bit on the heavy side now...21:46
Unit193Not really, just not quite as lightweight.21:46
SonikkuAmericaGTK+ 2 tool kit and all... I hear LXDE is moving to Qt... any ring o' truth to that?21:47
billkdHow do I add icons to the lxde desktop? Do I need to do that gnome-panel hack? Remember, we're trying to be light on resources/packages.21:47
Unit193SonikkuAmerica: Eh, just looking at the options.21:48
Unit193billkd: No, pcmanfm is the desktop manager, just drag and drop (IIRC.)21:48
billkdNo, for running custom commands.21:48
billkdNevermind, you can use lxshortcut or whatever it's called.21:49
SonikkuAmericaOr just create an empty file, name it "whatever.desktop" and write in a desktop entry... aww dang he left21:52
n-iCeOK, I'm back22:15
n-iCeBought 5 CD's22:15
n-iCewho was helping me?22:15
SonikkuAmerican-iCe: Me. What's up?22:15
SonikkuAmerican-iCe: No I wasnt'22:16
SonikkuAmericaBut if you're doing what I think you're doin' I think I can help22:16
n-iCeI want to create a mp3 which my mp3 car player can read it and play.22:16
SonikkuAmerican-iCe: I forgot whether there was a sound recording program in Lubuntu.22:17
SonikkuAmerican-iCe: I'm familiar with the GNOME one, which'll record excellent quality MP3s.22:18
n-iCeSonikkuAmerica: what do you use22:27
SonikkuAmericaIt's called Sound Recorder... but because I'm in OpenIndiana (OpenSolaris) right now I couldn't say what it's really called?22:28
=== woshty_ is now known as woshty
n-iCeSolved it22:52
n-iCeK3B and some packages did the job22:53
n-iCeNow I can play mp3 in my car22:53
SonikkuAmericaOh good.22:53
n-iCeI know22:53
* n-iCe cries22:53
n-iCefuck brasero, it sucks22:53
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:54

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