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shadeslayerogra: can you spin one more Nexus 7 Kubuntu Active image? or give me the scripts to do that?12:16
ograa) the scripts wont help you and b) there is no desktop kernel for the nexus7 anymore in saucy12:16
shadeslayerI have access to a N7 now and can investigate why things are going wrong on the desktop image12:16
ograyou could change your seeds to use the ubuntu touch kernel, but would then end up without touchscreen support12:17
shadeslayerogra: mostly it seems like the OEM thingy doesn't run post boot12:17
shadeslayerwait, isn't the kernel image separate from the one that's flashed to the data partition?12:18
shadeslayerso why can't we use the kernel image that's already there + a different rootfs12:18
shadeslayerhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-preinstalled/current/raring-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+nexus7.bootimg < isn't that the kernel + initramfs?12:18
ograwell, the kernel would be, but the installl updates the initrd which in turn updates the kernel from /boot12:18
ograbut you need to re-roll the initrd after first boot12:19
shadeslayerI see12:19
shadeslayerogra: can we bring the desktop kernel back? How much of a headache would it be to maintain it?12:21
shadeslayersince the one in raring already works, would it need much work to get it to boot saucy?12:22
ograyou could use the linux-grouper tree with a different config and patches added to make touch input work12:22
ograask the kernel team, i dont know how much work it is ...12:23
shadeslayeroh okay12:23
shadeslayerogra: oh, one more question, why would the touch not work with the ubuntu touch kernel?12:25
ograbecause it needs a hack to the touchscreen driver (which breaks it on touch)12:26
ograand indeed a completely different config12:26
ogratouch uses all the android bits12:26
shadeslayerI see12:27
hrwogra: does Ubuntu has working installer for any ARM device?13:14
ograand if you want d-i/ubiquity ... pandaboard13:15
hrwogra: where I can read about it?13:15
xnoxwiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity ?!13:16
ograhrw, about what specifically ?13:16
hrwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/TEGRA/AC100 found13:16
ograd-i or preinstalled ?13:16
xnoxfor pandaboard it's bog-standard ubiquity just like on the desktop. For ac100, it's pre-installed system running in oem-config mode.13:16
hrwogra: thinking of a way to get more usable installer for chromebook than JayLee script13:17
ograpreinstalled uses the ac100-tarball-nstaller package ... i guess yu need to read the source, it doesnt have any additional docu13:17
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doomlord_Does ubuntu arm run on the MK908 quadcore23:16
FreezingColdWould you say Ubuntu ARM is suitable for a production system or not yet?23:35
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