
RudeViper|USA|Good Evening00:18
RudeViper|USA|I wonder if anyone here can answer my question - every time I try to access one of my hd's I get this error: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda3 is already mounted on /media/disc01? What amd I doing wrong?03:43
JoseeAntonioRRudeViper|USA|: have you tried going to /media/disc01?04:10
spammerhey niggerfags05:02
p7ank5te7Anyone familiar with MPG123 in here?05:58
Unit193In what way?06:03
p7ank5te7I have a bunch of music, eg. /Share/Music/Linkin Park/Collision Course/3. NumbEncore.mp3 and every time I try to play it via mpg123 it fails. I'm trying to use it in asterisk, but even at cli it seems to do the same06:10
p7ank5te7is there a restriction where it can't use spaces?06:11
p7ank5te7I can play a file if it's in a directory without spaces and name is without spaces. eg. /Share/NumbEncore.mp3 ..06:12
Unit193Please don't crosspost, but you'll need to escape or quote the thing "My name/file.mp3" or My\ name/file.mp306:13
Unit193As skreech_ just pointed out, tab works too.06:14
p7ank5te7Unit193: Sorry. So just escape each space or special character? like Collision\ Course/3.\ NumbEncore.mp3 ?06:17
Unit193p7ank5te7: Use tab, Coll<tab>06:24
p7ank5te7Unit193: It's failing in asterisk only now. It seems to work when in CLI.06:24
RudeViper|USA|ooops missed that reply08:22
RudeViper|USA|I wonder if anyone here can answer my question - every time I try to access one of my hd's I get this error: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda3 is already mounted on /media/disc01? What amd I doing wrong?08:22
RudeViper|USA|and yes I tried going there - whenever I try to access it via the servers file manage I get that error - I haven't been able to configure samba shares yet - this is local right now08:24
geirhaRudeViper|USA|: so you're sure it's not really mounted at /media/disc01? does `cat /proc/mounts` show that it's mounted?08:26
RudeViper|USA|geirha - yes it shows on process list - trying to find a way to paste it - it's on the server and I am using my windows machine08:30
geirhahow about    df /media/disc01/08:31
geirhadoes it show /dev/sda3 ?08:31
RudeViper|USA|geirhayes - it shows both drives - I can access one but not the other08:33
RudeViper|USA|have to step away for a few minutes but will be right back08:34
geirhaRudeViper|USA|: it's ext3, so you probably just haven't set up permissions and/or ownership08:34
RudeViper|USA|ok I'll look that up and let you know if I cam't fix that08:40
geirhaRudeViper|USA|: ls -ld /media/disk0108:41
RudeViper|USA|drw-rw-re- 3 root root 4096 june 2 2013 20:28 /media/disc0108:43
geirhaOuch, those are not good permissions08:44
geirhaRudeViper|USA|: Is it only meant to be accessed by you?08:44
RudeViper|USA|no - I need that partition to be available to all08:45
geirhaRudeViper|USA|: writable to all? or just readable, but writable to a few?08:45
RudeViper|USA|readable and writeable to all - I'm setting up an nas - but I don't have samba configured yet08:46
RudeViper|USA|all of this is from ubuntu desktop - I am using 12.04 server and regular desktop for remote access from windows machines08:47
geirhaRudeViper|USA|: I strongly recommend against making it world writable. Instead, make it writable to all human users.08:48
geirhaYou do that by creating a group for the purpose. Add all human users to that group, then give that group full access to the directory, but leave the "other" bits at read-only or no access08:49
RudeViper|USA|the other drive that I can access show ups as drwx------ 1 chuck chuck 196608 june 02 2013 /media/Storage08:49
geirhathat one only chuck can access08:49
RudeViper|USA|even if I have something like jdownloader writing files to it?08:49
geirhaAnyway, if you create a group, let's say you call it share, then you do:  sudo chown chuck:share /media/disk01 && sudo chmod 775 /media/disk0108:50
geirhaNow you and all members of the group share, will have write access to it.08:50
geirhaOh wait, you'll also want the setgid bit08:50
geirhasudo chmod 2775 /media/disk0108:50
geirhaIf you want to learn how permissions in linux work, I recommend reading http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions08:51
RudeViper|USA|wish the instructions I had been given for this had been step by step - lol - but as usual they weren't written for beginners08:53
RudeViper|USA|is there a tutorial that goes step by step for adding a hd or directory or whatever?08:54
geirhaI don't know. Might be one, or one that is close enough, at the ubuntu wiki08:56
RudeViper|USA|ok - now disc01 has dissappeared from the file manager -09:01
RudeViper|USA|but I can manually navigate to /media/disc01 and acess it - before I couldn't09:01
RudeViper|USA|ok geirha - I've got it - can access both drives via the file manager and navigate through them - thanks - now off to set up shares!!!09:15
lapalunew to ubuntu phone?09:52
RudeViperI am running ubuntu server 12.04 and gnome desktop manager and trying to set up samba shares - I see in a lot of the instructions that you should set the server up on a static ip address13:45
RudeViperbut when I do that I lose Internet connection to the server13:45
RudeViperI know in windows you can set up an alternate connection to accomplish this - how can I do the same thing on the server?13:46
RudeViperwow - when I try to get connection information it says no connection found - lol but I am on the internet13:58
geirhaRudeViper: Then you've probably set it up in /etc/network/interfaces14:08
geirhanetwork manager ignores those14:09
RudeViperok looking geirha14:34
RudeVipergeirha, that's where I tried it first and lost internet and network - this is what I have right now and you can see what I had before when it failed too - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5732787/14:38
RudeViperaccording to the instructions I need to have the server set up for a static ip on the internal network...Don't know if it is true or not - but if I follow their instructions it shuts down the network.14:39
RudeVipermaybe I have something set wrong there14:40
RudeViperbrb - going to reboot and see if this works14:43
RudeViper|USA|well I didn't lose network or internet but the ip is different than I specified14:50
RudeViper|USA|trying again14:56
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