
mhall119hey SergioMeneses00:02
SergioMenesesMr mhall119 ! how's everything? :)00:03
jcastroSergioMeneses: looks like my mike conked out00:05
jcastroI'll re-record it first thing tomorrow00:05
mhall119SergioMeneses: doing alright00:08
mhall119taking on the world, one day at a atime00:08
SergioMenesesjcastro, ok perfect! :)00:08
SergioMenesesmhall119, jajaja like all us00:09
SergioMenesesok guys! it's all see you later00:19
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
dpmgood morning all05:51
dholbachgood morning07:05
dholbachhey jono14:58
jonodholbach, hey15:01
jonoon my way15:01
jcastrohey mhall119 or jono15:13
jcastroany idea when design is going to land the desktopy SDK stuff?15:13
jcastroI really want some of these mobile apps in desktop mode15:13
jcastrothat new browser looks sweet15:13
mhall119jcastro: I wouldn't expect anything substantial until after 13.1015:14
* jcastro nods15:14
mhall119jcastro: though the SDK itself will be getting dynamic layout support in a the next couple of months, and I'll be kicking off an effort to get common phone->tablet->desktop layouts defined for reuse15:15
balloonsdholbach, btw I didn't see how to update the community website.. the code doesn't seem to have any content15:15
balloonsis there an admin page?15:15
jcastromhall119: oh ok, so the functionality will be there, it'll just be ugly?15:15
mhall119jcastro: yeah, I like the tab support, I suggested he work with the webbrowser-app guys too15:15
jcastrothat's fine15:15
balloonsjust thought I'd leave this note so I don't forget15:15
balloonsty for fixing things :-)15:16
mhall119jcastro: not so much ugly, but we won't have anything telling us the "proper" way to convert an app, from a UX perspective15:16
jcastrooh ok, so there won't be a way to say "I am currently on a desktop, show this UI"?15:16
mhall119so, for example, we can expand a Pagestack to put pages side-by-side, but we don't know what to do with the toolbars that swipe up from the bottom15:16
mhall119jcastro: that's all we'll have, is "swho this UI", what we won't have is "this is how your desktop UI should look and behave"15:17
dholbachballoons, community.ubuntu.com/wp-admin15:17
jcastromhall119: got it!15:18
balloonsdholbach, I figured as much, ty15:19
balloonsdholbach, indeed verified I can get in15:19
dholbachballoons, made you an admin15:20
jonodholbach, sorry, line got laggy at the end15:27
dholbachno worries15:27
jonojcastro, we are going to have a campaign to fix bugs in the SDK to ensure that apps run better on the desktop15:27
jcastroI admit I didn't care much at first15:28
jcastrobut now I am seeing all these new apps15:28
jcastroAnd now I WANT.15:28
jonodpm, on my way15:31
dpmjono, np, I'm there alreay15:32
jonoballoons, dpm just showed me the planning doc for the autopilot campaign - really nice work planning that out :-)15:44
jonolooks perfect!15:44
balloonsjono, :-) thanks.. notice how dpm has but one task :-)15:44
jonoballoons, wise :-)15:45
balloonshe's the expert15:45
balloons<3 dpm15:45
* dpm hugs balloons15:45
dholbachall rightie - I call it a day - see you tomorrow!15:56
jonomhall119, hey16:33
jonosee my email about app dev recipes16:33
jonoI want to action this fairly soon16:34
jonobut it needs some knowledge of the StackExchange API16:34
jonomhall119, https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuappdevelopers/16:44
jonomhall119, can you keep an eye on that on a daily basis as with the G+ group16:44
mhall119jono: ok16:46
jonomhall119, damn, it seems groups changed16:46
jonoyou have to approve everyone who joins :/16:46
=== DanChapman_ is now known as DanChapman
mhall119I thought it was always that way16:50
mhall119pages are the open-to-anybody way on Facebook16:50
mhall119jono: is there a "Manage group" option somewhere?17:26
mhall119I'd like to give it custom icon if possible17:26
jonomhall119, there is a little cog on there17:27
jonomhall119, all set for the call?17:29
mhall119jono: I'm lost you17:58
jcastrojono: I'm in the hangout18:01
jonojcastro, call running over18:01
jonowont be long18:01
jcastrono worries18:01
* jcastro stares out the window instead18:01
mhall119jcastro: sorry, I was hogging him to myself18:04
mhall119jono: would you mind reddit'ing http://mhall119.com/2013/06/core-apps-update-clock/18:13
jonomhall119, http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1fnzgq/core_apps_update_clock/18:13
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=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
=== dpniel is now known as DanChapman
jonomhall119, you are a smart cookie22:37
jonoI like the fact we don't need to use the recipe tag approach22:37
mhall119jono: as long as we can manage the list by hand22:40
mhall119I may look at making that easier with extra tooling22:40
jonomhall119, manage it by hand?22:40
mhall119marcoceppi_ got me started with a simple script that we can build from: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/ubuntudeveloperportal/askubuntu-scripts22:40
mhall119jono: for now just comparing the output list to what's already on the site22:41
jonomhall119, ahhh I see, maintaining the list of questions22:41
jonomhall119, awesome22:41
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum

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