
infinityzequence: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lowlatency/+bug/118723003:19
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1187230 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]03:19
infinityikepanhc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-armadaxp/+bug/118722903:19
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1187229 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-armadaxp: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]03:20
ikepanhcinfinity: for precise? you will have it today03:20
infinityikepanhc: \o/03:20
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Guest85775Dear All,07:36
Guest85775I have a question about adding a new wireless command to 07:37
Guest85775kernel 07:37
Guest85775specifically one of depreciated commands07:37
Guest85775What is the safest way to do this?07:38
apwi don't think we know what you mean by a 'deprecated wireless command'07:39
Guest85775I mean iwspy07:40
Guest85775I can not get any outputs other than errors07:42
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Guest85775the errors: http://pastebin.com/krdNpPqJ07:44
apwGuest85775, when did it last work07:54
Guest85775This morning 07:55
Guest85775oo sorry 07:56
Guest85775it does not work yet07:56
Guest85775and I realized that is has been removed from the kernel07:56
apwwell it is not removed from raring's kernel, which kernel did it last work for you07:57
Guest85775see above link07:59
Guest85775uname -a out put is 3.8.0-19-generic07:59
apwoh then that is even dumber as they removed the 'connection' to ispy but the rest of the code is there08:00
apwso ... that implies the numbers wern't valid anyhow, so i don't suppose connecting08:00
apwit back up is going to help any, what number are you trying to find with ispy08:00
Guest85775I have several nodes in adhoc mode 08:01
Guest85775I got their mac addresses with ifconfig -a 08:01
Guest85775when I type iwspy eth1 + 0c:1c:6c:0c:3c:8608:02
Guest85775with one of MAC add.s or IP adress 08:02
Guest85775it generates errors08:02
apwwhat did it do before08:02
Guest85775nothing same errors 08:03
apwwhen it worked, in older releases, what did give you08:03
apwwhat infoirmation are you running it for08:03
Guest85775ok. 08:03
Guest85775I find a forum post to see its output 08:03
apwas the upstream wireless people are saying it was producing rubbish08:03
Guest85775There is a out put for this command and I am trying to get similar outputs08:04
Guest85775to be more specific I need signal levels of each nodes in the ad hoc network08:06
apwhmm, well iwspy on mac80211 devices has been gone so long you have near no hope of restoring that, we don't support a kernel old enough to even have it still08:07
apwit was removed in 200808:08
Guest85775OK. So is there any way to get similar output by any bash commands ?08:08
apwthat i know of, sorry i have no idea, i have never setup an adhoc network08:09
apwthough do they not appear in iwlist <interface> scanning08:10
apwas you can see ad hoc networks in network manager08:10
Guest85775I have found 08:10
Guest85775sudo iw dev eth1 scan08:10
Guest85775command yet it behaves strange 08:11
Guest85775since it collects completely diffent mac addresses, I mean other than our machines08:11
apwpresumably it is seeing everything in your area08:14
Guest85775anyway, based on my first question, is there a way to integrate iwpsy command to my current kernel?08:14
Guest85775if yes how?08:15
apwthat functionality was declared dead and unsupported for the majority of cards back in 2008, i think that is a dead end08:15
apwand they did that saying in 2008 that it wasn't working for a long time08:16
Guest85775ouch, it really hurts08:16
Guest85775apw, thanks for your answers.08:19
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infinityppisati: You have two new rebases awaiting your attention, BTW.09:00
infinityppisati: #1186475 and #118722809:00
infinitysmb: And #1186479 for you, if you missed it. :)09:01
smbinfinity, maybe you noticed the additional version number :)09:02
infinitysmb: Oh, hah, that was only 40m ago, the workflow report hadn't picked up the title change yet.  Ignore me.09:03
smbinfinity, Oh well it was only a tad ago... Btw, the saucy xen update to 4.2.2 would not need tech-board involvement, yet... lalala09:04
* smb looks sadly at the smoke cloud which is now in the place infinity was just seconds ago...09:07
infinitysmb: I got distracted by a lively conversation on #debian-devel09:10
infinitysmb: Remind me about Xen at your EOD (which should be vaguely when I'm getting up)09:10
infinitysmb: s/Remind/Pester/09:10
smbinfinity, Its just what usually happens when you mention reviewing Xen packages to anybody. Just was abusing you a bit.09:11
smbinfinity, Will try to remember... sometimes hard after sitting through irc meetings :--P09:12
infinitysmb: I found the best way to deal with that was to transfer to a team that doesn't have IRC meetings.09:13
ppisatiinfinity: i did a rebase last week, but i was never 'imported'09:13
smbThere is such a thing?09:13
infinityppisati: Yeah, we skipped your update from last week, as we guaged the impact on omap4 to be not worth the process.  This week's is new. :)09:14
smbGuess I need to think about begging to move to release...09:14
smbActually our own team meeting is just noticeable by the irc window getting hot (if open) from the friction09:15
infinityYou rub your IRC window?09:15
smbinfinity, More the text rushing by rubs against it. ;)09:16
infinityAlso kinky.  I think?09:16
infinityIf you're into that sort of thing.09:16
infinityAnyhow.  I should wander off and try to nap.09:17
smbI would not be completely sure either... Have a good nap!09:17
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* apw giggles at infinity10:05
apwdefault_host_main = UNKNOWN12:01
apwsmb, ^^ i have that at the top of my .dput.rc12:01
infinitycking: Can you verify your SRU for bug #1180394 ?12:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1180394 in linux-nexus4 (Ubuntu Raring) "ubuntu-nexus4, lttng-modules-dkms won't build with current kernel" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118039412:54
ckinginfinity, sure will do12:56
infinitycking: Shiny, thanks.12:56
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ckinginfinity, after some wrestling with the N4, it's verified 14:39
infinitycking: Danke.14:39
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jsalisbury** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:40
jsalisbury## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes16:55
jsalisbury## Meeting starting now17:00
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=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues June 11th, 2013 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
bjfNumber of commits applied since release -  lucid : 3362; precise : 3173; quantal : 2014; raring : 31717:16
smbbjf, I think I see kamal work to "improve" the r-numbers... :)17:19
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* apw manages to get -rc4 to boot ... yay19:35
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zequenceinfinity: precise is uploaded to PPA and seems to be building fine20:49
zequenceI'm still using this same machine for building, but will set up another soon20:50
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