[19:22] morning === ibeardsl1e is now known as ibeardslee [20:34] morning [21:11] morning [21:11] mwhudson: linked in says it is your 11 year anniversary at zope corp, congrats :) [21:11] thumper: um [21:13] thumper: now it's saying "Does Tim Penhey know about Ubuntu?" [21:13] haha [21:13] "knows about" is kinda vague [21:13] actually these are all pretty good [21:13] "Does Jono Bacon know about Open Source?" [21:13] heh [21:13] "Does Jonathan Lange know about Python?" [21:14] thumper: the zope corp thing makes no sense though [21:14] perhaps no finish date? [21:14] i've been a psf member for 11 years apparently [21:14] i've never worked for zope :) [21:14] getting endorsed by non-technical people about things they have no knowledge about is a bit odd [21:15] ajmitch: getting endorsed by technical people for things *I* know nothing about is a bit odd too [21:15] i got endorsed for mongodb and rails [21:15] hah [21:16] :) [21:16] mwhudson: I got endorsed for Java and PHP in the same day ... I think someone was trolling me [21:17] chilts: :) [21:17] most of my endorsements are sort of legitimate, I think [21:23] morning [21:23] afternoon [21:23] * olly_ got endorsed for speeding [21:23] cool [21:23] * ajmitch should endorse thumper for go [21:23] hmm... [21:24] olly_: haha [21:27] Linked in is kinda silly. [21:27] morning === hads_ is now known as hads [21:42] morning [22:46] 'kinda' ?