
tohuwDoes anyone have a working SOGo implementation who can shed light on how they configured Postfix and Dovecot? I am unclear on how much and what configuration needs to be done in the respective configuration files to allow SOGo to use them.00:14
patdk-lapoh, no more than the normal minimal setup required00:36
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sarnoldwow, this sogo actually looks tolerable :)00:40
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hallynzul: virsh -c qemu:///session list hangs in 1.0.601:02
hallyn(keeps trying to access /run/user/1000/libvirt/libvirt-sock01:03
tohuwpatdk-lap: Can you elaborate a bit? Do I need to configure Dovecot and Postfix to look to LDAP, for example?01:13
tohuwpatdk-lap: Right now, I can send mail, but not save drafts (because no mail folders exist and it can't seem to create them), and I can't receive mail… I am unclear on what configuration I need to provide postfix and dovecot. Telnet mail tests to the server on 25 returns "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table"01:15
sarnoldtohuw: are there any errors in the logs?01:16
tohuwsarnold: Yes, sorry, should have mentioned that. One moment...01:16
sarnoldyay errors in logs are a concrete thing to work with :)01:17
zulhallyn:  shit01:18
tohuwsarnold: In sogo.log I get several entries like: Jun 03 20:01:44 sogod [7677]: [ERROR] <0x0x7f49b9099e90[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed: host=localhost, user=tohuw, pwd=yes url=imap://tohuw@localhost/ base=(null) base-class=(null)) = <0x0x7f49b91d4a40[NGImap4Client]: login=tohuw(pwd) socket=<NGActiveSocket[0x0x7f49b8b86990]: mode=rw address=<0x0x7f49b8b86a30[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=isaac.tohuw.net port=59137>01:18
tohuwconnectedTo=<0x0x7f49b91d4ba0[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=localhost port=143>>>01:18
tohuwI find it odd it would try "tohuw@localhost", as I set a public domain for the server when I installed postfix, and configured this same domain in sogo.conf01:19
sarnoldtohuw: did your imap client know about the domain?01:20
tohuwsarnold: meaning dovecot? That's a good question01:20
sarnoldtohuw: well, I meant mutt or thunderbird or whatever..01:20
tohuwsarnold: You, mean just try to set up an IMAP account with a client and see what happens?01:21
sarnoldtohuw: ah. I thought that's what you'd done so far.01:21
sarnoldI mean, 'tohuw' got in the logs somehow.. :)01:21
tohuwOh, that's sogo trying to connect me because I logged into the web interface, I expect.01:22
sarnoldaha :)01:22
cppCzarIf I installed the Dynamic updater from noip after registering on noip, how do I make my server sshable from across the internet?01:49
hallynzul: though it's possible i'm having kernel issues...01:50
zulill double check tomorrow but the tests paast01:51
hallynzul: lp:qa-regression-testing scripts/test-libvirt.py passed?02:06
zulhavent ran that one yet02:06
hallynif so then yeah must be my kernel.  i'll set up a new vm02:06
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SyriaHello, I have a problem with apache service, please see this link http://paste.ubuntu.com/5731767/07:03
Tex_NickSyria : if you don't get an answer here, you might ask in #httpd07:17
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tohuwCan anyone with a working SOGo implementation shed some light on how they configured Dovecot or Cyrus? I am receiving errors like "sogod [15890]: [ERROR] <0x0x7fe1825f18d0[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:*07:55
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Senorwhat is the node for usb device?09:31
Senorunder /dev09:31
rbasakDepends on the type of device. Not all USB devices necessarily have nodes in /dev09:32
xlairehello good morning09:41
Senorrbasak:How can I look the files in usb device ?09:42
MrQuistSenor, you mean view?09:42
RoyKSenor: what sort of usb device is this?09:42
xlairewhat are difference between ubuntu server and the ubuntu cloud09:42
MrQuistthe one is a server the other is a cloud09:43
xlaireok still don't understand09:45
MrQuistA 'cloud' is a lot of servers combined09:45
RoyKcloud is more foggy, obviously09:45
MrQuista 'server' is a stand-alone machine09:45
MrQuistCheck out SkyNet, Matrix. That's all cloud-based.09:46
MrQuistRain is cloudbased as well.09:46
xlairei think i understand it now09:46
MrQuistAlso, google helps a lot.09:46
xlairek thx MrQuist09:47
MrQuistxlaire, http://goo.gl/CBvR009:47
SenorRoyK:removable parallel usb10:17
yolandazul, jamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/quantum/havana/+merge/16723010:19
RoyKSenor: parallel usb?!?10:20
Senorparallel bus10:20
bicyushello everyone!10:25
Davieyadam_g: If the publish isn't done in a few hours, i will10:56
Davieyhallyn: Does sgabios still need review?10:56
bicyusHi! has any of you get to deploy OpenStack with MAAS+JuJu on 12.04 ? i'm getting mad!11:21
gray--hi all, a few chaps from here recommended i use maas for deployment, so giving that a go today (roaksoax, you here? :) ).  I've come across this error on a vanilla 13.04 server install, with an 'apt-get install maas maas-dns maas-dhcp'11:54
gray--reproducable via 'dpkg  --configure maas-region-controller'11:55
gray--but sadly, no more debug is given by -D200011:55
gray--any suggestions? :)11:55
gray--(or smoser, if you're around pal?)11:57
jamespageadam_g, did you poke any SRU folks about the folsom and grizzly sru's pending?12:09
jamespage(before I go nag as well)12:09
hallynDaviey: i don't think so.  it's in debian NEW, just waiting at this point12:16
smosergray--, here now.12:22
gray--hey, how's it going?12:22
smoserits a wonderful day.12:23
gray--sure is!12:23
smoserlet me look at that real quick. i suspect something in the configure script is confused by your network setup12:23
gray--doesn't happen very often in lonon!12:23
gray--london even12:23
gray--i had hoped there'd be enough debug to tell me what was calling that script… but alas, none12:24
gray--i''m actually reinstalling the server to make sure nothing funky happened first time round12:25
bicyusgray--: "dpkg-reconfigure maas-region-controller"  ?12:40
gray--hey bicyus, 2 mins, just reinstalling to see if it comes back12:41
bicyusi've tryed maas+juju on 12.04 with PPAs...12:43
bicyusinstalling a fress 13.04 now...12:43
jamespagebicyus, what problems are you having?12:59
LargePrimeDear server Gurus13:15
LargePrimei have ssh to my server13:15
LargePrimeI want to ftp or rsync a dir on a SECOND remote server to My server13:16
LargePrimeactualy the dir and all the sub dir13:16
gray--rsync -avP -e 'ssh -c blowfish' user@remotepc:/dir/ /var/tmp/localdir13:17
gray--blowfish, because it's lightweight13:17
patdk-wkgray--, only if you using OLD cpu's13:17
patdk-wkaes is so much faster13:17
gray--well there ya go :)13:17
LargePrime1) i dont want -a cause all perms are changing13:17
gray--smoser: next error….  mod_wsgi (pid=9561): Target WSGI script '/usr/share/maas/wsgi.py' cannot be loaded as Python module.13:18
patdk-wkman rsync?13:18
gray--pesky, pesky maas13:19
gray--(at the bottom of the stack trace: DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)13:19
LargePrimeok um sorry and i thank you all i think i no read good13:19
LargePrimeyes a man rsync as it is a one of13:19
rbasakLargePrime: you might find the "A Better Way" section on http://sshmenu.sourceforge.net/articles/transparent-mulithop.html helpful. Then you can get to the far host via ssh in a simple way, at which point rsync becomes trivial.13:20
LargePrimei only have ftp credentials for the far host13:20
LargePrimerbasak:  reading now13:20
patdk-wkif your stuck with ftp, then you will just have to do ftp then13:21
LargePrimersync cant use ftp?13:21
LargePrimeon the close host i have proper ssh13:22
patdk-wkrsync can only use rsync13:22
patdk-wkssh can only use ssh, scp can only use scp, sftp can only use sftp13:22
LargePrimeso i have rsync on the close host.  i thought rsync could use the ftp credentals to do its magic13:23
LargePrimeso i have rsync on the close host.  i thought rsync could use the ftp credentials for the far host  to do its magic13:23
LargePrimeis that incorrect13:24
patdk-wkis there anywhere in the rsync manual that says, supports ftp13:24
smosergray--, shoot. sorry. forgot about you.13:24
smoserlet me look at that first one again.13:24
smosersh -c 'while read Iface Destination Gateway Flags RefCnt Use Metric Mask MTU Window IRTT; do [ "$Mask" = "00000000" ] && break; done < /proc/net/route ; echo iface="$Iface"'13:26
smoserwhat does that show for you?13:26
smoseri suspect 'iface=""'13:26
smoserin which case i will also ask for your 'cat /proc/net/route'13:27
smoserLargePrime, i dont hink that rsync can use ftp . it can go over ssh though.13:28
smoserrsync user@host:/path/1/ ./target-dir/13:29
smosergray--, i'll ask you to hop into #maas also. and continue this there.13:29
gray--smoser: sure, iface=rth013:29
gray--eth0 even13:29
AtuMHi! I'm trying to set up an access point.. I think I'm having issues with driver - I'm using ralink's rt2870 firmware with rt5572sta driver compiled from source.. "iw list" shows nothing at all, whereas "iwlist scan" shows some SSID info on ra0 interface..13:45
yolandazul, any idea why ceilometer dbsync isn't working on testbed? i just install ceilometer-common, but ceilometer-dbsync doesn't create the sqlite database13:47
yolandarunning it from a saucy chroot works13:47
zulyolanda:  nope13:47
yolandai tried running ceilometer-dbsync manually and it seems to connect to database, but it doesn't execute the queries13:48
LargePrimeok so let me back up.  I need to get a directory, recursivly from a ftp server to my local server.  what is best practice.  I have ssh to my dedicated, but my connection my interupt13:48
LargePrimemay inturupt13:49
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smoserLargePrime, i might try lftp and its 'mirror'13:51
smoserthere are ftp mirror programs13:51
bicyusgray--: after a fresh install of MAAS while installing from CD13:52
bicyusit seems there is some python wsgi package missing.13:52
* zul grumbles13:57
zulsmoser:  people still use ftp/13:57
lunaphyte_failed transfer protocol13:58
zuljamespage:  yay we need a newer subunit13:59
jamespagezul, unsurprised14:00
yolandazul: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5732671/14:00
yolandarunning ceilometer-collector14:00
zulyolanda:  looks like it needs a new dep14:00
smoserbicyus, you can reproduce that ?14:00
smoserroaksoax, ^14:01
yolandado you want me to handle this?14:01
zulyolanda:  please im fighting regressions right now14:01
bicyussmoser: actualy i'm trying to fix it... isn't working14:01
smoserroaksoax, ^14:02
zuljamespage:  luckily debian has the one we need14:03
roaksoaxsmoser: what do you wnt me to take care of?14:06
jamespageadam_g, roaksoax: I think that aside from rabbitmq-server all the HA work is now landed14:08
jamespage(nice work guys!)14:08
roaksoaxbicyus: what wsgi python package again? there's no wsig python package14:08
roaksoaxjamespage: awesome!14:08
smoserroaksoax, bicyus and gray-- seem to be having issues with installing maas.14:08
bicyusroaksoax: there is a error related to mod_wsig14:09
bicyusi'm trying to determine what is it14:09
LargePrimesmoser: I cant find a good lftp guide.  what should i google14:09
roaksoaxbicyus: check if the wsgi module has been enabled in apache214:10
roaksoaxthat might be the issue14:10
bicyusi've "sudo apt-get install --reinstall  maas-region-controller"14:10
bicyusgoing to check mod enable14:10
smoserLargePrime, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/lftp-mirror-example/14:10
LargePrimethank you sir14:11
roaksoaxbicyus: is this raring?14:12
bicyusfresh 13.0414:12
bicyusmaas install from cd instalation process14:12
roaksoaxlet's see14:13
roaksoaxinstalled from CD right?14:13
bicyuswoops again14:15
bicyusdo you know any copy&Paste webpage?14:16
bicyuscan't remenber any14:16
bicyusto paste apache error log14:17
bicyus[error] mod_wsgi (pid=3671): Target WSGI script '/usr/share/maas/wsgi.py' cannot be loaded as Python module.14:17
roaksoaxbicyus: that might be an error with apache2 other than maas14:17
roaksoaxbicyus: did you check that mod_wsgi was enabled in apache2?14:17
bicyusyes it is14:18
roaksoaxbicyus: paste.ubuntu.com14:18
roaksoaxrvba: ^^14:18
roaksoaxrvba: [error] mod_wsgi (pid=3671): Target WSGI script '/usr/share/maas/wsgi.py' cannot be loaded as Python module.14:18
rvbabicyus: can you please make sure dbus is started and then restart it? sudo service dbus restart14:20
roaksoaxyeah that seems to be dbus14:20
bicyussudo service dbus status14:21
bicyusdbus stop/waiting14:21
roaksoaxbutchlugrobithat's the reason then14:21
roaksoaxbicyuthat's the reason then14:21
roaksoaxthe log says it right rhthere :)14:21
smoserbicyus, just fyi, 'pastebin' is a wonderful program.14:21
smoser pastebinit /some/file14:22
smoser some-command | pastebinit14:22
LargePrimesmoser:  can i bug you14:22
bicyussmoser: now your a bug! ;-)14:22
smoserLargePrime, i'm sorry, i dont really have time to help you with general lftp usage. I've used it at times in the past. probalby not in the past couple years though.14:23
bicyusnew error after dbus service start, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5732755/14:24
bicyusrvba: it's working after a reboot, but it's weird dbus had stopped. loking at my command history, i've restarted networking with diferent IPs... maybe that caused the problem ;-14:31
ccssnethi all. quick question, will the 701mb iso burn to a cd? or am i stuck using a dvd14:31
ccssneti suppose ill just edit the iso with isomaster and remove 1mb of crap14:35
ccssnetby all14:35
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enragedDoes anyone have OpenSSH 6.2 for Ubuntu 12.04?15:18
henkjanenraged: i have 6.1 packaged for precise15:28
enragedty, I'll give it a look15:29
henkjanyou could also try to install a deb from http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/15:31
enragedHekjan: Thankyou for this but could you clairfy; This isn't the repositories, so what am I looking at?15:34
enragedHenkjan *15:35
henkjanenraged: 6.2 is packaged for new releases. i guess you can download the debs and dpkg -i them15:36
enragedHenkjan: I meant, what is this storage for/called? Just packages ready for future versions of Ubuntu?15:38
adam_gjamespage, i have not pinged anyone re openstack SRU yet16:08
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jamespageadam_g, okay16:32
jamespagesmoser, sorry missed the meeting - power went off for 30 mins16:32
jamespagesmoser, indeed16:32
smoser:). i'll email you your ACTION items.16:33
dayacan we debootstrap ubuntu amd64 10.0416:38
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enragedI want to install OpenSSH 6.2 on a server I ssh to running Ubuntu 12.04. Can anyone help me identify which of these packages is appropriate? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssh/17:28
sarnoldenraged: why do you need a specific version?17:29
enragedWhat do you mean a specific version?17:30
enragedSarnold - I just need sshd which I understand has client dependencies, so I want to know which package will work.17:30
mdeslaurenraged: the only version that's appropriate is 5.9p1 that came with 12.0417:30
sarnoldenraged: what's wrong with the version you get with "apt-get install openssh-server" ?17:31
enragedSarnold: Oh, I see what you mean; I want 6.2 for it's new authenticationmethods configuration option.17:31
enragedSarnold: Right now I'm just trying to figure out which of these packages/tarballs is appropriate for my server.17:32
parallel21I've updated the path variable in /etc/environment to include an additional path and I've restarted the machine, but I'm still not seeing the path variable being updated17:33
enragedSarnold: Since sshd has the client dependency, I'm guessing I have to install both client and server versions, but then I am not sure if it's openssh_6.2.... or ssh_6.2... I need.17:34
henkjanenraged: obit.bit.nl is the repo from my employer :)17:34
sarnoldenraged: hrm, that configuration option does not seem particularly useful on a PAM-based system.. couldn't you configure the same thing with /etc/pam.d/sshd ?17:34
enragedI use ssh keys to login; keys bypass pam.17:35
sarnoldenraged: for 12.04 LTS, only 5.9p1 is supported; you could try recompiling saucy's 6.2p2 version, but it wouldn't be supported..17:36
enragedCould you explain to me what the hell the numbers after the p represent?17:37
enragedI never understood this17:37
enragedBecause there's an openssh_6.2p2-3 and an openssh_6.2.p217:38
sarnoldenraged: the 'p' versions are 'portable' -- all the stuff needed for non-openbsd (e.g. pam support) -- I believe the versions after the p are which release the 'portable' people have made17:38
sarnoldenraged: .. the -3 represents the third version of the package from Debian -- though there's nothing that says -1 or -2 were released..17:38
enragedSarnold: Ah, thankyou very much17:39
enragedsarnold: So to be absolutely clear, I'm after openssh or ssh from this pool?17:42
enragedsarnold: And yeah, as you have pointed out, I almost never download unsupported, non repository software, which is why I am annoying you so much with this.17:43
sarnoldenraged: perhaps the thing to do is ask the backports team to prepare a backport of 6.2 for 12.04 LTS; that'd get you the archive and the version.. though it might be a while, I understand they have some backlog..17:44
rbasakjamespage: is there a bug on the golang armhf FTBFS?17:45
jamespagerbasak, nope17:46
rbasakOK. I'll create one in the morning with details.17:46
rbasakWe need a dpkg task.17:46
parallel21How does one update the global path variable on the machine and not just locally. I've updated /etc/environment but the change does not seem to be taking17:48
sarnoldparallel21: a fair number of shell startup scripts may override what is set by pam_env; check /etc/*rc /etc/*profile* and ~/.*rc ~/.*profile and so on...17:49
yolandazul, found one of the problems with ceilometer, config settings have changed, now connection is under a [database] section17:51
yolandadep-8-tests rocks!17:51
yolandai can take care of it tomorow17:51
parallel21sarnold: I've been running /bin/sh sudo'd as a user with no home folder and then echoing out the PATH variable. That should allow me to get around any startup scripts and view just generally inherited global variables, right?17:53
adam_gjamespage, just noticed some of the security bugs we referenced in our rebase might be throwing off SRU tracking of the openstack stuff for nova + keystone in quantal.  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html17:55
adam_gjamespage, i added ubuntu tasks to those bugs and closed them, hopefully that'll drop em from the tracker17:56
sarnoldparallel21: depends upon how you started the shell that you used to start your sudo command17:57
parallel21sarnold: shucks… how do I know what global variables are set?17:57
adam_gzul, http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/folsom/python-keystoneclient_0.2.3-0ubuntu2.2~cloud0/17:59
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jamespageroaksoax, is there a good way to see the hardware data that maas collects?18:13
jamespagesome of my tags are not working as expected for larger nodes18:13
roaksoaxjamespage: i guess check in the DB18:14
roaksoaxjamespage: it's one of the plans to get this info easily readeable18:14
roaksoaxrvba: i don't take you are still around?18:14
Nolar2anybody else having issues with ubuntu ec2 natty apt repo?18:15
Nolar2ec2-54-224-245-242.compute-1.amazonaws.com W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty-security/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]18:16
Nolar2ec2-54-224-245-242.compute-1.amazonaws.com W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty-security/universe/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]18:16
Nolar2ec2-54-224-245-242.compute-1.amazonaws.com W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty-security/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]18:16
Nolar2ec2-54-224-245-242.compute-1.amazonaws.com W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty-security/universe/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]18:16
Nolar2Err http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libgomp1 amd64 4.5.2-8ubuntu418:16
Nolar2ec2-54-224-245-242.compute-1.amazonaws.com   403  Forbidden18:16
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Nolar2Failed to fetch http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-4.5/libgomp1_4.5.2-8ubuntu4_amd64.deb  403  Forbidden18:18
sarnoldNolar2: natty was end-of-lifed six months ago. natty's replacement was end-of-lifed one month ago. Time to upgrade. :)   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases18:18
Nolar2ya, doesnt mean the repo is deleted18:19
Nolar2was working fine yesterday18:19
sarnoldNolar2: perhaps the space has finally been reclaimed..18:19
smosersarnold, yeah, you need to upgrade. i'm surprised it worked yesterday.18:21
zuladam_g:  +118:21
smoserhttp://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ is your friend.18:21
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zulrbasak:  still with us?18:33
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keithzgWhy are all my machines that I've upgraded to 13.04 still telling me I should update to 13.04? That seems . . . sloppy.19:04
sarnoldkeithzg: I think I saw a bug for that..19:05
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keithzgAha, yeah: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/117320919:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1173209 in ubuntu-release-upgrader "Prompted about New Release for 13.04 again after dist-upgrade and a restart" [Low,Fix committed]19:06
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bitbytehey random question19:08
bitbyteany of you guys work in a datacenter19:08
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patdk-wksomeone working in a datacenter wouldn't be in this channel19:09
patdk-wkthe last thing they would worry about is ubuntu, more concerned with physical security, power, routing19:10
sarnoldand hearing protection? :)19:10
bitbyte\just asking19:11
bitbyteI'm applying for a job and have phone interview and was wondering what theirs might have been like :)19:11
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pmatulis_i wouldn't say that the average person in this channel is "worried" about ubuntu.  anyone can be in here, no matter what their job is19:31
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oblivianI want apache2 to be default restrictive so I added <Directory /> deny from all... etc. in httpd.conf. That's the correct file if I want the directive to be global for alle vhosts, etc?20:09
oblivianAlso Options None in the same directive.20:10
oblivianI see the default server config file has the same directive, but I am not 100% sure that will propagate to all vhosts since it's in a VirtualHost directive.20:11
oblivianI'd rather allow access and options on vhost basis and deny all and everything by default.20:13
SpamapSoblivian: if you put it outside the vhost it is a "server config"20:13
SpamapSoblivian: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#directory20:13
oblivianWell, I want it to be a "server default". Where do I put the directive to make in "global"?20:15
oblivianI've put it in httpd.conf for now. But it also in the default server config file. But it is in a VirtualHost directive, so I am not sure it will propagate to additional vhosts as default...20:16
=== eshlox_ is now known as eshlox
=== iarp_ is now known as iarp
oblivianOK, I read the link. From what I gather httpd.conf is the place to put the directive to make it a global default.20:20
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
=== bradm_ is now known as bradm

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