
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:07
SamuraialbaJust ordered my Dell :)12:08
SamuraialbaR200 Dual Quad Core Xeon x333012:08
* waltman *YAWNS*12:31
SamuraialbaDell R200 shipped!13:41
=== [1]Samuraialba is now known as Samuraialba
* InHisName ordered replacement gas tank & tranmission kit for his John Deere walkbehind.14:22
InHisNameI think the Dell is LOTS more fun to play with, though.14:22
SamuraialbaInHisName, aye14:45
* ChinnoDog yawns15:40
MutantTu1keyI'm enjoying the new Daft Punk Album16:11
ChinnoDogThe cat has learned how to turn on the bathroom sink. This is very bad news.16:24
MutantTu1keywish my roommates cat would get with the program16:36
ChinnoDogNo, MutantTu1key. You do not want this. Now the cat is going to turn on the water whenever it feel like taking a drink but it is not going to turn it off.16:43
ChinnoDogThe cat does not understand the concept of conserving water.16:43
MutantTu1keyteach a cat how to drink and it will never be thirsty16:47
MutantTu1keyyou just are afraid of Cats superceeding the Dog.16:47
ChinnoDogWhen the cat gets a job and can pay the water bill he can run the faucett all he likes.16:59
=== [1]Samuraialba is now known as Samuraialba
waltmanhttps://twitter.com/walt_man/status/341988310509551618 # lunch today in Austin18:44
=== waltman_ is now known as waltman
ChinnoDogA restaurant named Bacon...19:13
JonathanSBacon wrapped Bacon.19:13
JonathanSFried in bacon.19:13
pleia2and waltman had a salad19:16
JonathanSa bacon salad?19:17
JonathanSfreenode stop breaking!19:17
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
pleia2JonathanD: fix your network19:18
pleia2I am trying to work over here :)19:18
=== InHisName1 is now known as InHisName
=== InHisName is now known as Guest38510

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