
barrydkGood morning all05:23
Kilosmorning all06:13
barrydkHelo kilos. Hoe gaan dit met die verkoue?06:14
Kilossleg weer vandag dankie barrydk 06:15
Kilosander memeer griep die06:15
Kilosmaar darem goed geslaap06:15
Kilosit will wear off dont worry06:16
barrydkja if you treat it yourself it will take 14 days and if you see the dr it only take 2 weeks06:22
Kiloswll said06:23
Kiloshi Vince-0 06:23
magespawngood morning all06:28
Kiloshi magespawn 06:28
magespawngood morning06:35
magespawngood morning06:39
Kiloswell good morning already06:40
Kilosstuttering today magespawn 06:40
magespawnhow so Kilos ?06:40
Kilosoh dont you see the repeat good mornings?06:41
Kiloshi Squirm 06:41
magespawnno lol, that is why i did it again06:41
Kiloslol or you getting forgetful06:41
nlsthzn*sigh* for all its awesomeness even the latest Cinnamon seems to become unstable in my hands...06:49
* nlsthzn thinks devs should hire me for testing... I break anything06:50
nlsthznI decided to forgo Windows as all I was doing was playing games all day and install Linux and get other things done... so obviously I spend the whole day setting up linux to play games >.< and using Wine and breaking stuff... what is that saying about it not being guns that kill people... :p06:51
Kilosi had same probs whenever i installed wine06:52
Kilossomething would crash06:52
Kilossooner or later06:52
nlsthznoops I did it again :'(07:06
Kilosyou getting worse than me07:07
nlsthznproblem I am having with g+ ... I upload a photo, now how do I share a link to that specific photo or post :/07:08
Kilosask Vince-0 07:08
Kiloshes the g+ guy07:08
Kilosthe pro is too busy to help07:08
Kilosmôre inetpro plustwo Mzolisto 07:09
Kilosmagespawn, tell the fly it seems he dropped hawkeyes in very deep07:10
magespawnhow so? has hawkies not been on recently07:11
Kilosnot since the fly went on hols07:11
Kilosoh magespawn have you tried that tmux on kde07:13
Kilosai! you a quassel okey07:13
magespawnfor now yes07:14
nlsthznmornign magespawn 07:14
nlsthzn*morning even07:14
Kiloshi charl_ mazal 07:14
mazalMorning all07:14
Kiloseek you like the black background nlsthzn ?07:16
magespawnhey nlsthzn 07:17
nlsthznKilos: black? darkish grey and it works well with the white of the bottom bar... played around with many wallpapers and this one works very well imo07:18
Kilosim spoiled with ubuntu purple07:19
Kilosor whatever colour it is07:19
Kiloseasy on the eye07:19
nlsthznah ok :)07:22
magespawnnlsthzn: i like it, looks cool07:25
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:31
nlsthznmagespawn: thanks :)08:01
maiatodayhi Kilos08:05
Kiloshi Xethron 10:15
charl_good afternoon10:26
charl_hi Kilos 10:26
charl_how's it going with the fly10:26
Kiloslol feels worse today charl_ 10:27
Kilosits going well with the fly, he is on holiday10:27
KilosMaaz, coffee on10:28
* Maaz washes some mugs10:28
charl_Kilos: sorry to hear that!10:29
charl_sorry made a typo, the y and the u are next to each other10:30
charl_but good to hear it's going well with him too :)10:30
charl_Maaz: coffee on10:30
Maazcharl_: There's already a pot on. If you ask nicely, maybe you can have a cup10:30
charl_Maaz: coffee please10:30
Maazcharl_: Alrighty10:30
charl_i wonder if maaz serves this: http://i.imgur.com/rFYi4gC.jpg10:30
charl_i would prefer a regular coffee, not coffee annan10:31
Kilosna man he servers boere troos10:32
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and charl_!10:32
KilosMaaz, danke10:32
Kilosperculated coffee10:32
charl_Kilos: dankeschön10:32
charl_Maaz: dankeschön10:32
Maazcharl_: dankeschön is Bitteschön10:32
charl_Maaz: you dumb10:32
Maazcharl_: Excuse me?10:32
charl_Kilos: sorry i need more coffee first :P10:33
charl_the other day i walked past a coffee shop in amsterdam and thought of this: http://i.imgur.com/qFZaIe8.jpg11:03
charl_good embroidery http://i.imgur.com/gneenFy.jpg11:03
mazalHow is the alliance score calculated ?12:31
mazalSorry sorry , wrong window12:32
mazalAnybody here like text based games ?12:33
mazalRather enjoy this one: www.ruinsofchaos.com12:34
barrydkYea its cool12:36
Kilosarent you guys late today mazal barrydk 12:39
mazalNot yet12:40
barrydkNo Kilos weve been here since 6:3012:41
Kilosarent you normally knocked off by now12:43
mazalNo 3pm oom Kilos 12:43
Kilosah sorry12:43
mazalThis is close that we start to pack up and shut down though yes12:43
barrydkThanks for reminding us to go home12:44
mazalBut not me today :-(12:44
mazalThis 2 weeks I have different hours12:45
barrydkGood nite all. Kilos  hope you feel better tomorrow12:48
charl_mazal: is the site down? seems to be down right now12:50
mazalNope I was in just now12:50
mazalI think it must be without the www12:50
charl_mazal: i used to play trivia games on irc when i was a teenager but don't have the time/interest anymore12:51
charl_yeah this confirms it: http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ruinsofchaos.com12:51
charl_somehow i can't get to it12:51
mazalI am currently in it12:51
mazalIs working12:51
charl_ah i can't resolve it, seems to be dns-related12:52
charl_yup definitely dns related, i can resolve it if i do a dig ruinsofchaos.com @
mazalBye everyone , enjoy your evening13:28
Vince-0heey! My client at home was open all day15:36
Kilosnow you can read the logs15:36
Vince-0G+ photos have a right-click menu option to copy photo URL15:45
Kilosnlsthzn, you hear?15:46
nlsthznVince-0: doh, thanks ... I knew I had done it before but couldn't remember15:46
nlsthznyes thanks uncle Kilos :)15:46
nlsthznoh, just booked my daughters plane ticket to come stay here... she is flying the 13th!!1111!!!1!!!!!1one!!11!!15:47
nlsthzn:/ oh well I will just be excited enough for everyone... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee15:52
Kilosthats lekker nlsthzn 15:52
Kilosim happy for you15:53
Kilosgood to have family close by15:53
nlsthznthanks uncle Kilos ...15:53
inetproMaaz: coffee on17:15
* Maaz flips the salt-timer17:15
inetproKilos: good evening17:15
inetproand good evening everyone else17:15
Kiloshi inetpro 17:16
KilosMaaz, coffee please17:16
MaazKilos: Righto17:16
KilosMaaz, large17:16
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos17:16
inetproKilos: jy al beter?17:16
Kilosnee man erger vandag17:16
inetproKilos: het jy heuning en suurlemoene in die huis?17:18
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!17:19
inetproMaaz: dankeschön17:19
MaazBitteschön inetpro17:19
Kilosniks heuning17:19
KilosMaaz, ty17:19
MaazYou are welcome Kilos17:19
inetprodie beste heuning is uit jou eie omgewing17:19
Kilosmaar ek sal dit wen17:19
* inetpro wbb17:20
=== ThatGraemeGuy_ is now known as ThatGraemeGuy
Kiloshi kbmonkey 18:15
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
Vince-0surp durp18:42
Tonberry_does 8ta do something evil to dns?19:07
inetproTonberry_: why?19:15
Tonberry_im seeing a LOT of dns queries going unanswered19:16
Tonberry_to the servers 8ta give out and to the google dns servers19:17
inetprocan you give an example?19:17
Tonberry_nslookup something and it just times out19:17
Tonberry_do it again and it works19:17
inetpromine works19:17
inetprohaven't noticed unanswered queries19:18
Tonberry_line seems fine otherwise, low packetloss, ok speed19:19
Tonberry_i would usually just blame packet loss...19:19
inetprohmm... that's the next thing I wanted to ask19:19
inetproTonberry_: have you traced to the actual dns servers?19:20
Tonberry_unless they are giving icpm higher priority than dns for some reason19:20
Tonberry_not that there is any sane reason for that19:20
inetproTonberry_: what dns servers are you pointing to?19:21
inetpromine are and
Tonberry_at the moment i'm seeing this on
Tonberry_needs more ','19:22
Tonberry_seems they changed address since i set up openwrt19:23
inetpromaybe those servers are just very busy?19:24
Tonberry_but still this should not affect 19:24
Tonberry_same thing on the ones you are using19:25
inetprohmm... where are you located?19:26
inetproI see no problem from Pretoria19:26
* Tonberry_ shrugs19:28
Tonberry_new form of congestion control maybe?19:28
inetproTonberry_: call them at 081 18019:30
inetproor send a tweet to @8tada19:31
Tonberry_not really in the mood for call centers right now. Will see how things go tomorrow19:31
inetproTonberry_: not that it should matter, but what modem are you using?19:32
Tonberry_huawei b68319:32
inetprohave you tried a cold reboot?19:33
Tonberry_not recently, worth a shot i guess19:33
inetproI don't know why but I have seen funny things happen with these modems19:34
inetprosometimes as if they hold wrong DNS values in memory for too long19:36
inetprowb Tonberry_19:36
Tonberryno change...19:36
inetprooh well, hope they can sort it for you soon19:37
* Squirm looks around21:18

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