[10:41] setting nofile limit in /etc/security/limits.conf has no effect on a server started by upstart? [10:51] bencc: Upstart doesn't support PAM directly (although it does support rlimits and OOM limits), but you can trigger it to be used if you wish using su/sudo/etc. See http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#changing-user. [10:53] jodh: I increased nofile limit in limits.conf but checking /proc//limits show it still has 1024 limit [10:53] when adding this to my upstart script the limits are raised limit nofile 30000 30000 [10:53] is this specific to upstart or do I need to do the same for init.d script as well? [10:57] bencc: the "limit" stanza is upstart-specific, but you can easily convert it to the shells ulimit syntax. [10:59] jodh: do I put it inside the script ... end script block? [10:59] or in the main block? [11:01] bencc: ? [11:03] jodh: is this how I use "limit" ? http://dpaste.com/1210781/ [11:04] or do I need to put it between lines 20 and 25? [11:07] bencc: it's an upstart stanza, so it does needs to go outside any script stanza as the shell won't understand it. it's fine on line 11 as shown. I thought you already said you had that working?? [11:09] jodh: until 10 minutes ago I only used /etc/security/limits.conf [11:09] now I'm trying to understand if I need to do the same for nginx in /etc/init.d/nginx === JanC__ is now known as JanC === JanC is now known as Guest45370 === Guest45370 is now known as JanC === chras_ is now known as chras === SpamapS_ is now known as SpamapS