
xubuntu262Does anyone know how to get Xubuntu to suspend from the login screen when the laptop lid closes?  Currently it just blanks the screen.  The settings on my personal account don't seem to affect this.00:44
SonikkuAmericaxubuntu262: Why do you need to suspend it?00:53
xubuntu262SonikkuAmerica, whenever I log out of my account but don't wish to shut the computer down, I would like it to suspend when I close the lid.00:55
SonikkuAmericaxubuntu262: It might be something inside the lightdm config you can edit... one sec01:00
SonikkuAmerica!bug 99088701:29
ubottubug 990887 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "LightDM does not suspend when lid is closed" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99088701:29
xubuntu262Thanks for the help.01:33
goddardok so i managed to get my board to be setup to have dual monitors04:11
goddardbut my second monitor is connected to the onboard video and the other is connected to my pci-e card04:12
goddardthe one connected to my onboard monitor is just a black screen04:12
xubuntu066So I just got xubuntu yesterday, and Everytime I download something it downloads at 300kb/s but yet on speedtest.net I'm getting 8MB/s what gives?04:25
Unit193For one thing, sites may very well be limiting you.  Are you sure both are bytes rather than bits?04:30
xubuntu066Yes I changed speedtest.net to MB and on the download it's measured in KB04:31
xubuntu066But I'm downloading the world of warcraft installer.04:31
Unit193Try downloading xubuntu via a torrent, see how fast that goes.  (Torrents aren't typically throttleing, while many sites do.)  Also depends on how close you are to the server.04:32
xubuntu066How come I cannot get the World Of Warcraft Setup to start?05:10
cfhowlett!wine|xubuntu066, because WoW doesn't run natively on linux.05:11
ubottuxubuntu066, because WoW doesn't run natively on linux.: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:11
xubuntu066I'm using wine05:12
xubuntu066I use wine World-of-Warcraft-Setup-enUS.exe  but it just gives a bunch of errors and never starts05:13
cfhowlettxubuntu066, see the winehq site for installation details05:13
xubuntu066I couldn't find the installation details on the site05:13
cfhowlettxubuntu066, "bunch of errors" tells us nothing ... details matter05:13
xubuntu066err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 1003605:13
xubuntu066And  fixme:wininet:CommitUrlCacheEntryInternal entry already in cache - don't know what to do!05:14
xubuntu066And fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0xeee304,0xeee904): stub05:14
Sysithose aren't really errors05:15
Sysitry to find something that says FATAL or ERROR or WARNING probably in caps05:15
xubuntu066It always ends with05:16
xubuntu066"Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed"05:16
xubuntu066That's exactly what I'm following, all it says is to run wine World-of-Warcraft-Setup-enUS.exe05:20
xubuntu066Doesn't give any trobleshooting steps05:20
xubuntu066If I let the terminal sit there long enough, it does the proccess again.05:22
TeoHello all. I've an old pc with 12.04 but I would like to install 13.04. New iso does not fit in a CD but I do not have DVD nor boot from USB. Is there an minimal iso with download from the net of the other packages missing in the iso06:32
ubottuTeo,: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:33
Teook. Thanks. I'll look for the minimal CD image. No matter if it is without graphic. Tks guys06:46
cfhowlettTeo, best of luck06:46
Teocan you confirm that tehre is a minimal cd image also for Xubuntu?06:47
cfhowlettTeo, the mini image lacks a Desktop Environment IIRC.  you'd want to add xfce4 ... or whatever your preferred flavor is06:48
Teoauch.. :)  Tks06:49
urist_Hello folks, I'm trying to remove a conky config to replace it with something else and I can't seem to get rid of this one config... I've tried removing and reinstalling conky12:13
urist_also this conky config always gives me streams of errors on the terminal when I start conky12:13
zephyr28When logging off or rebooting my system, at the login screen, the background is always a screenshot of whatever was displaying when I logged off.  Why and how can I fix this?14:38
telscherHow can i use multimedia keys in Xubuntu 13.04?14:51
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TheSheepby pressing them14:52
TheSheepyou can bind various things to them in the keyboard settings14:52
telscherFunny answer. Hahaha. But how?14:53
TheSheepby going to the keyboard settins in the settings manager and setting them there14:53
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telscherOnce i got Ubuntu and there it was no necessary. It worked so.14:55
Sysiyou may need to set them to be used in appliactions own settings14:55
telscherHmm. I haven't understand that.14:56
Sysivlc has own settings, for gmusicbrowser thereäs gmusicbrowser-cmd or something and many players support mpris that might work trough xfc4-volumed14:57
telscher#I use guayadeque.14:57
telscherWhat is mpris?14:58
Sysidbus interface14:59
telscherMpris is a package?14:59
Sysino, it's a feature15:00
telscherAha, and how can i start or control that. With terminal?15:01
Sysihttp://guayadeque.org/forums/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/10/#Comment_10 you can put these comands to hotkeys in keyboard settings15:01
telscherOh, wow, thanks. I will study this.15:01
ur0plwhat makes xubuntu better than lubuntu or kubuntu?15:52
knome!best | ur0pl15:55
ubottuur0pl: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.15:55
ruslanИз России/СНГ есть кто?17:27
holstein!ru | ruslan17:27
ubotturuslan: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:27
Plingelingi have a question17:33
PlingelingWhy do i get screen tearing when i play a flash video? i have xubuntu 13.0417:35
holsteinPlingeling: i would troubleshoot your flash version, web browser, and graphics card driver17:35
holsteinwhen on ati or nvidia, i usually suggest trying the open and closed source drivers17:36
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:36
holsteinthe actual google chrome browser (not chromium) is a great way to test the most recent version of flash in linux... even if you plan to never use chrome17:37
Plingelingi have a Nividia card and i tried all the drivers17:37
Plingelingand i prefer Firefox17:37
holsteinPlingeling: sure.. and again, as i implied above, im not stating preference, or suggesting you switch.. chrome has the lastest version of flash.. ubuntu nor firefox has it17:38
Plingelingokay... i have always had that problem with flash on linux17:39
holsteinPlingeling: sure.. flash doesnt support linux, as you can see with the chart above17:39
holsteinPlingeling: you can try youtube via html5 here http://www.youtube.com/html517:39
PlingelingBut i get loads of screen tearing on SVT-Play17:44
holsteinPlingeling: http://www.svtplay.se/ ?17:45
holsteinPlingeling: how about in chrome? with the most current versoin of flash?17:45
holsteinPlingeling: how about in normal youtube vs html5 youtube?17:46
adelhello i have screen brightness in xubuntu13.0417:46
adelbrightness problem17:47
Plingelinghtml5 Tube seems fine but normal Tube works better in Windows17:47
holsteinPlingeling: sure.. and windows is supported by adobe, as you can see in the chart i linked.. so its not relevant to compare the windows support17:48
Plingelingbut in the link it said that linux was supported17:48
holsteinPlingeling: sure.. *older* versions.. you can see, chrome is the only one that is current17:49
holsteinPlingeling: have you tried in chrome on your hardware?17:49
holsteinPlingeling: that is the only way i know for you to test the most recent version of flash with that site on your hardware under linux17:49
Plingelingjust downloaded it17:49
Plingelingsorry for my bad english17:51
holsteinPlingeling: no worries17:51
Plingelingokay tried Chrome and it's less screen tearing but now the audio has more noise17:54
Plingelingthanks anyway17:56
holsteinPlingeling: either way, i think you can see the issue is flash17:56
holsteinPlingeling: let them know you are having issues with it.. the site, and adobe17:56
holsteinPlingeling: again, im not trying to get you to use chrome.. its just an easy way to test a different and current flash version17:56
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alex_alexis anybody here from the developers team?19:57
alex_alexi'd loke to describe a bug19:58
alex_alexon xubuntu 13.04 i have the same bug described here https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=15852119:58
alex_alexmaybe, someone can check it19:59
Unit193Did you read through it?  What theme are you using?20:04
alex_alexgreybird yes20:12
alex_alexi wonder is it a theme dependent bug?20:13
Unit193That's what they thought, try changing to Albatorss for a little.20:13
Sysialex_alex: what panel applets do you have?20:14
SysiI'd try cleaning config and adding plugins one by one20:14
Unit193Could try to nuke ~/.cache/20:15
Sysimy friend had some way corrupted setup, panel crashed if he moved to workspace without any windows20:15
alex_alexstandard volume weather time network keyboard layout and session applets20:17
alex_alexis it safe to clean /cache?20:20
alex_alexas you advice?20:20
Unit193There is no /cache, there is a /var/cache/, but I was talking about ~/.cache/ and it's pretty much fine.20:21
alex_alexyes, i mean  ~/.cache/20:22
alex_alexokay, i'll try to clean the cache and switch to another theme for a while20:23
alex_alexlets see what will happen20:23
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IndustrialWhen I log in from gdm to xfce my screen goes black. I just did a normal shutdown. How do I make a backup of my (virtual machine) home directory (that's encrypted) ?20:31
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SonikkuAmericachoco-xubuntu: Hello!21:34
choco-xubuntuhi =)21:34
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:36
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sketch_ok so i want to make a live usb what program is good for that? looking for opinions...22:04
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:05

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