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zirpu | is there a way to recover from a bootstrap node going away? any HA for that? docs? | 00:01 |
SpamapS | zirpu: in the upcoming 2.0 HA will be built in via mongodb magic. | 01:24 |
SpamapS | zirpu: for 0.x You can make the Zookeeper HA but you have to do it manually. | 01:24 |
SpamapS | zirpu: and if the IP goes away you have to have a way to get to every box and update the IP. | 01:24 |
zirpu | SpamapS: thanks. | 02:11 |
zirpu | i'm using 1.11.x currently and was just trying to work out how to make it more resiliant to losing the bootstrap node. | 02:12 |
zirpu | seems to me a zookeeper cluster of >3 nodes would be more resilient than mongodb. i'll search the docs and 2.0 code. | 02:15 |
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Campbell | Has anyone seen this error when trying to run juju bootstrap on a MAAS environment? error: file 'provider-state' not found | 15:16 |
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Campbell | http://askubuntu.com/questions/288681/juju-with-maas-error-file-provider-state-not-found | 15:22 |
Campbell | not the only person with this problem | 15:23 |
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jcastro | charm meeting in 10 minutes folks! | 15:50 |
jcastro | Campbell: I tacked a bounty on it | 15:50 |
jcastro | For anyone who wants to join in on the Google Hangout for today's charm meeting: | 15:57 |
jcastro | https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/9db7982e06dd26d8c4690d33f54e230382f094dd?authuser=0&hl=en | 15:57 |
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jcastro | or you can just follow along on http://ubuntuonair.com | 15:58 |
arosales_ | jcastro, thanks | 15:58 |
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arosales_ | Pad and more info @ https://juju.ubuntu.com/community/weekly-charm-meeting/ | 15:59 |
arosales_ | pad @ http://pad.ubuntu.com/7mf2jvKXNa | 16:00 |
rick_h__ | ouch, nickroughing things up | 16:10 |
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arosales_ | evilnickveitch, be nice to have a juju version selection like this in the docs | 16:30 |
arosales_ | http://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html | 16:30 |
arosales_ | so you get the recent up front, but you can select which version and see the same page be updated. | 16:30 |
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evilnickveitch | arosales, yes, that would be nice! | 16:31 |
arosales | perhaps marcoceppi has some hints on how to accomplish this | 16:31 |
marcoceppi | arosales: evilnickveitch could seed it during the "build" process | 16:32 |
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hazmat | Hi Campbell | 16:58 |
Campbell | Hello | 16:59 |
marcoceppi | evilnickveitch: where's the latest docs branch? | 16:59 |
* marcoceppi wants to get redirects ready | 16:59 | |
evilnickveitch | marcoceppi, it should be on ~evilnick/juju/go-juju-docs | 17:06 |
marcoceppi | evilnickveitch: thanks | 17:06 |
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jcastro | m_3: heya | 20:38 |
jcastro | the liferay guys just pinged me out of the blue | 20:38 |
jcastro | they made a charm and want to know how to submit it, I mailed them the instructions | 20:38 |
jhf | jcastro: hey this is me (James) from Liferay :) | 20:39 |
jhf | gonna submit it asap | 20:40 |
jhf | it was ridiculously easy to create, I should have done this months ago. | 20:40 |
jcastro | no worries, we can review it no problem. | 20:40 |
jcastro | I'll work up on a blog post too that we can run on planet and on the website | 20:41 |
jhf | I also installed juju-gui and 'shopped up a marketing pic | 20:41 |
jhf | http://twitpic.com/cvgtj1 | 20:41 |
jhf | :) | 20:41 |
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jcastro | yeah! | 20:42 |
jcastro | hey did you try sticking an haproxy on the front and adding liferay units? | 20:42 |
jhf | nope.. but I can try.. this is using lxc, will that blow up my machine (a mac running 13.04 via virtual box) :) | 20:43 |
jcastro | you don't want to go over a few. | 20:43 |
jcastro | but maybe m_3 can fire up more when he reviews it. | 20:43 |
jcastro | we'd like to have a juju vagrant backend at some point so you can do a container-like experience on OSX | 20:43 |
jhf | yeah that would be cool.. | 20:44 |
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jhf | btw jcastro I just pushed the liferay charm | 22:38 |
jhf | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~james-falkner/charms/precise/liferay/trunk/files | 22:39 |
jhf | hope I didn't f it all up | 22:39 |
sarnold | jhf: some thoughts from the peanut gallery :) .. 'start' doesn't start it, but the db-relation-changed hook starts it; and since it uses a shell script, it looks like it won't restart automatically on host reboots? | 22:41 |
sarnold | jhf: .. and install doesn't do any verification of what it downloads; are there gpg signatures that you can check? (if not, can there be? :) | 22:42 |
jhf | sarnold: ya I was wondering about that - I am a very new juju charm developer, and was just following the example (which also uses an empty start hook (!)) | 22:43 |
sarnold | jhf: oh :) hehe | 22:43 |
jhf | and no, it won't restart automatically on host reboot. my plan there is to link this to tomcat eventually with a relation, so that tomcat can manage it. | 22:43 |
jhf | which is kinda weird, because now juju and tomcat manage the lifecyle of the charm. | 22:43 |
jhf | also nope; no downloads. I could check the signature.. would it be proper to bake the expected signature into the charm? that seems wrong because it would likely change often, as new releases come out. | 22:44 |
jhf | err.. that should have been "also nope; no signature checking on download" :) | 22:45 |
sarnold | jhf: baking in an sha1 sum of the tarball probably wouldn't be ideal, but if there's a small group of people who do releases, you could bake in their gpg keyids.. | 22:46 |
jhf | on the lifecycle thing: it's weird because tomcat could "stop" or undeploy a web app, and juju wouldn't "know" that this happened, so it would think that the web app (potentially representing a juju service) was still running. | 22:46 |
sarnold | (incidentally, this is an area where I think the juju team could provide some Very Useful little utilities to do simple things like check gpg sigs on tarballs.. I'd even like to help make it happen, but with what time, you know? :) | 22:47 |
sarnold | jhf: that is a bit awkward. | 22:47 |
sarnold | jhf: but I think the juju user would probably want juju to manage tomcat. | 22:47 |
jhf | the other issue I was wondering.. reconfiguring a db relation is not exactly a lightweight thing most of the time. in Liferay's case, if you reconfigure it, and it triggers the db-relation-changed hook, I would have to stop and restart liferay for it to 'take effect' which is a pretty major lifecycle operation for a web app. this is another reason why I didn't know what to do with the 'start' hook. you can 'start' Liferay without configuring a db (it will | 22:50 |
jhf | default to an embedded hsql db). But my concern is that if I put "real" start code into the start hook, that juju would install liferay, start it, then an admin would add the db relation, and juju would invoke the charm's db-relation-changed hook while Liferay was still initializing, and all hell would break loose. | 22:50 |
jhf | I mean, if Liferay takes 60s to come up, what if 3 db-relation-changed events occur during that time? do I have to pepper my hooks with "if you're busy, then queue and/or ignore this event" ? | 22:52 |
sarnold | jhf: aha :) that's what makes this cool -- you know that, and you design to make it work well. :) I'd have screwed that up, and people would have grumbled at me. :) | 22:52 |
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