=== micahg_ is now known as micahg | ||
alexandros_c | good night everyone, does anyone if lxde cpufreq frontend does anything other than display the frequency and the governor? If so, how do you get it to accomplish this? | 00:37 |
Unit193 | alexandros_c: What package name? | 00:41 |
alexandros_c | Unit193: it name is CPUFreq frontend | 00:42 |
alexandros_c | it is a lxde panel item | 00:42 |
Unit193 | Yeah, it should be able to change them. | 00:44 |
alexandros_c | what package I need to install to get it to work? | 00:45 |
alexandros_c | it just shows a checkbox to remember setting and that is it | 00:46 |
Unit193 | I've never used it, I only have a desktop install of Lubuntu/LXDE. I'd assume you have cpufreq? | 00:46 |
alexandros_c | utils or d? | 00:46 |
Unit193 | utils. | 00:47 |
alexandros_c | I have cpufrequtils install | 00:47 |
alexandros_c | but it still not showing any settings | 00:47 |
Unit193 | Start by seeing if you can change it from there. | 00:47 |
alexandros_c | oh ok I will have to research that | 00:47 |
Unit193 | dpkg -L cpufrequtils | grep bin and you can look at the manpages for whatever binaries it pulls up. | 00:48 |
alexandros_c | Unit193: I am about to set and view the information | 00:54 |
alexandros_c | from the commandline | 00:55 |
* robertzaccour is loving Lubuntu :) | 02:38 | |
=== sangeet is now known as SangeetKhatri | ||
sangeet | anyone to help? My resolution is stuck in 1024x768 and also the performance of the whole UI has been degraded | 07:04 |
Redouane | Hello every body | 07:17 |
Redouane | I'm a new user of Linux I get installed Lubuntu on my machine | 07:18 |
Redouane | all seems well except one thing I can't get connected to th WIFI | 07:18 |
Redouane | Under windows My WIFI CARD appears to be a braodcome 802.11G | 07:19 |
Forp | hi | 09:49 |
Forp | any here? | 09:49 |
Forp | hey? | 09:49 |
Forp | #ubuntu | 09:49 |
sdfa | hi any here? | 13:23 |
sdfa | hey? | 13:24 |
sdfa | where all? | 13:24 |
saintlulu | hello | 13:24 |
sdfa | hi | 13:25 |
sdfa | u developer? | 13:25 |
saintlulu | nope | 13:25 |
sdfa | u guru? | 13:25 |
saintlulu | lol nope | 13:25 |
sdfa | then u cant help me | 13:25 |
saintlulu | nope | 13:25 |
saintlulu | sorry | 13:25 |
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=== ashams is now known as Guest15032 | ||
z121231211 | Hello? | 15:34 |
=== daker_ is now known as daker | ||
=== Kamilio- is now known as Kamilion | ||
=== daker_ is now known as daker | ||
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malaphus | part | 17:57 |
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zerger | guys... that's a PERFECT job on this new release of lubuntu | 20:16 |
zerger | I've used Linux for couple of years but... I'm too lazy to configure it myself - I just booted up Lubuntu from USB and... everything is working - audacious is playing my wavpack audio files, pidgin is working with my im provider very well, chromium, lxde looks great... | 20:17 |
zerger | doing backup now and I will perform clean install | 20:18 |
zerger | THANK YOU. | 20:39 |
normanclegg | Is there a simple way to rotate a screen 45 degrees in lubuntu? | 20:54 |
=== pavel989 is now known as pvl1 | ||
=== Micah_Alden_ is now known as kancerman | ||
n-iCe | hello | 21:49 |
pvl1 | hello! | 21:52 |
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein |
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