=== chuck_ is now known as zul === wgrant_ is now known as wgrant [06:22] mwhudson: we never had that chat. Remind me in the morning! [06:45] bigjools: will try [06:46] mwhudson: in other news, I will be at the Reds vs Lions game on Saturday \o/ [06:46] bigjools: nice [06:47] bigjools: going to watch state of origin tonight? [06:47] mwhudson: not if I can help it [06:47] heh [06:47] it you're going to watch one league game, it should be origin i think [06:48] that's one too many? [06:48] heh === rbasak_ is now known as rbasak [14:02] how do you add a file to file storage via maas-cli? [14:02] I keep doing 'maas-cli maas files add filename=x file=y' and getting 'File not supplied' [14:03] looking at http post request, it sends multipart request with filename and file components (not file data) [14:49] bbcmicrocomputer: I don't know off the top of my head what maas-cli does about file uploads... they're a very different thing from how we construct the rest of the requests. [14:49] bbcmicrocomputer: ISTR it can do it, but don't remember how. I've asked allenap, who may be able to help. [14:50] jtv: ok, thanks [14:56] bbcmicrocomputer: I can't remember off the top of my head. Istr that it's a little ugly right now. I'm looking it up. [14:57] allenap: I'm not finding anything... maybe it's not something we ever got around to building after all. :( [14:58] allenap: k, thanks [15:11] bbcmicrocomputer: It's not possible with maas-cli, which sucks. I'm filing a bug about that. We never got round to it during the last phase of work on MAAS, but we will this time. Sorry about that. I'm finding a workaround for you. [15:12] allenap: ok, thanks! [16:14] bbcmicrocomputer: Here's a script that'll work for now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5736203/ [16:15] bbcmicrocomputer: Use it like: upload.py http://example.com/MAAS/api/1.0/ my:api:key: my_filename < my_file [16:16] allenap: ah, awesome.. thanks! [16:16] bbcmicrocomputer: No problem. I'm really sorry you didn't Just Work before. [16:16] s/you/ :) [16:18] allenap: :) [16:30] allenap: works perfectly, thanks [16:31] allenap: although oddly, maas-cli get and get-by-key always add an extra line break on stdout of the file [16:31] bbcmicrocomputer: I'll file a but about that. [16:31] allenap: cool, thanks [16:34] bbcmicrocomputer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1187851 [16:34] Launchpad bug 1187851 in MAAS "Newline added to end of files obtained with maas-cli" [High,Triaged] [16:35] allenap: cool, thanks for all your help [16:36] bbcmicrocomputer: You're very welcome. === jamespag` is now known as jamespage [17:51] does maas work in lxc? [17:53] i run into a dbus/avahi issue w/ packages ootb on raring.. trying to access maas ui.. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5736459/ [18:09] hazmat: yeah we saw that yesterday too, is dbus running? [18:10] roaksoax, i just disabled it from starutp and moved on.. avahi-daemon is installed.. [18:10] roaksoax, yes dbus is running [18:11] hazmat: try restarting dbus and/or avahi-daemon [18:11] that seems to be the issue [18:12] k.. i'lll try that.. context switched already.. but i assume its just for advertising itself for the server installer [18:12] yeah [18:58] roaksoax running into an odd issue with maas [18:58] its got 30 machines registered, but bootstrap says.. no matching node available [18:59] roaksoax, Campbell is running into this [19:02] hazmat: i'd need to see logs (maas.log for now) [19:04] Campbell, could you send over the maas.log .. email or pastebin' [19:04] ok [19:05] pastebin much easier :) [19:05] OK [19:11] http://pastebin.com/FfJ63G3K [19:11] there you go [19:14] Campbell: where you able to bootstrap? [19:16] Campbell: what are the nodes specs? [19:25] Nodes are Poweredge M620s [19:25] no bootstrap [19:25] openstack@openstack-maas-test:~$ juju bootstrap 2013-06-05 12:25:15,813 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'maas' (origin: ppa type: maas)... 2013-06-05 12:25:16,350 ERROR No matching node is available. openstack@openstack-maas-test:~$ [19:34] Campbell: go to the webui and see if the nodes are in Ready status and tell me what does it say there about CPU, RAM, etc [19:35] I'm maybe doing something wrong [19:35] CPU count and Memory [19:35] the nodes are all in declared state [19:36] Campbell: ah that's the reason the [19:36] Do I need to commission them [19:36] :) [19:36] Campbell: you need to "Accept & COmmission" all the nodes [19:36] I figured juju would do that, my bad [19:36] OK [19:36] and lay them down with precise? [19:36] Campbell: once the nodes are in 'Ready' state they will be availablefor juju [19:37] Campbell: once you do juju bootstra, it will install precise and start settings things wup [19:37] Mint. I'll get on it [19:37] Campbell: this overview will help you understand a bit btter how maas works: http://www.roaksoax.com/2013/05/getting-started-with-maas-and-juju [19:38] Thanks [20:03] roaksoax, he's not able to bootstrap in a juju sense hence the error, the nodes are beefy blades [20:10] hazmat: yeah the nodes were in 'Declared' state, which is why there were no available nodes [20:27] I'm good and bootstrapped [20:27] All the nodes are available and I've bootstrapped them [20:28] Question: can juju handle the .local FQDNs? I'm getting an error wrt SSH when I try and do a juju status [20:32] Hmm, maybe need to leave it a while before this will work, just rememebred that the bootstrap can take quite a while :) [21:32] put the IPs in the hosts. Working. Really should have configured DNS :) [21:46] Campbell: yeah maas manages DNS/DHCP [21:47] we arleady had a DHCP server in the environment so wanted to use that [21:49] i'm still in the bootstrap. taking a while but I guess that can happen