=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam === wgrant_ is now known as wgrant [05:56] good morning folks [06:32] good morning all [06:47] hi zsombi, a quick question: I was trying to create a dialog following the example on http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components-popups0-dialog.html - but I couldn't find a way to set the 'text' and 'title' properties of the 'dialogue' component in that example. Is it possible to set those properties before displaying the dialog? [06:58] dpm: ping [06:58] hi bzoltan [07:21] dpm: I don't get it... you want to set the text and title of the object created with PopupUtils.open() I guess, right? [07:22] zsombi, yeah, I wanted to set the text and title and then call PopUtils.open() [07:25] dpm: well, the dialogue in that example is a template (Component) so it has instance only after you call open(). You either set up the dialog in this way with all the info you have, or you set these after you call open() (through the object returned by open) or you define the dialog leaving out the caging Component{}, and then you can set the text/title before calling open [07:26] dpm: but if you do it like that, you don't use anymore the PopupUtils.open() but the Dialog's show() [07:28] aha [07:28] * dpm hadn't noticed the show() method [07:29] * dpm re-reads API docs [07:29] gusch: hey, would you be up for a quick review? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/suggestions-always-rich-text/+merge/167350 [07:29] thanks zsombi! [07:29] dpm: we also need to find a way to have a link to the components derived from [07:29] oSoMoN: sure [07:29] thx [07:30] gusch: I’m on your mammoth MR [07:30] dpm: that's why you don't see the show() function because that is in PopupBase [07:30] oSoMoN: get used to it - more to come ;) [07:31] zsombi, I'll see if I can get that to work, thanks! [07:32] dpm: the funny thing is that all deriving components are listed in the superclass doc, but not in the deriveds... so the backlink is missing... [07:34] zsombi, ah, I see what you mean, I noticed that a while ago. Is this a qdoc issue, or a missing parameter in the apidoc comments in the code used to generate the docs? [07:35] dpm: good question [07:35] oSoMoN, translators are a bit confused by these type of strings in the apps, I think we should probably add translator comments for them. Could you give me some context on the rules to translate them? As in: what are they? Does the semicolon need to be preserved? Are they verbs (actions)? Can more be added? https://translations.launchpad.net/mediaplayer-app/trunk/+pots/mediaplayer-app/zh_CN/+translate?start=0&batch=10&show=untranslated&field.altern [07:35] ative_language=&field.alternative_language-empty-marker=1&old_show=all [07:36] dpm: agreed, we should add translators comments, those are keywords for the HUD actions [07:38] oSoMoN, ah, great, that's what I figured. What about the rules to translate them? We want to make sure translations respect the syntax and don't break the app [07:40] oSoMoN: I can't see a difference, but it looks ok [07:40] dpm: afaik, they are free-form keywords or sequences of words, separated by semi-colons [07:40] gusch: there’s a bug report linked to the MR, if you follow the steps listed there, you should be able to reproduce it before applying the patch, and verify that the patch fixes it [07:42] thanks oSoMoN [07:42] dpm: wanna send out an e-mail to the team requesting to add translators comments for all those keywords? I can do it for the browser now [07:42] oSoMoN, sure. What's the best address to reach the whole team? [07:43] oSoMoN: ah - I see - works now - I did not top approve because of the jenkins error ... [07:43] gusch: yeah, there’s a problem with jenkins, builds time out after 60min, mmrazik is aware of the issue, I’ll top-approve myself when it’s fixed, thanks [07:44] dpm: unfortunately we don’t have a ML for the team that I know of [07:44] oSoMoN, no worries. I'll find a way :) [07:45] dpm: that would be gusch, renato, boiko, nerochiaro, me [07:45] perfect [07:46] oSoMoN dpm I'm not sure, but did pmcgowan__ create an apps list? [07:47] dunno [07:47] gusch, oSoMoN we created the core apps list, and I think it might be the best place: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps [07:47] good idea [08:02] dpm: would this be good enough? https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/hud-keywords-translators/+merge/167476 [08:09] oSoMoN, will look in a minute, LP hasn't updated the diff yet [08:10] oSoMoN, nm, I looked on loggerhead. That looks perfect. [08:11] dpm: cool, feel free to approve then [08:29] zsombi: please ping me when you have some time [08:29] nerochiaro: ping [08:32] zsombi: hey, yesterday timp tested the IMA test application and he agrees that the taps are very erratic, and don't behave like taps on buttons or other components [08:33] zsombi: i am thinking what's the best way to open a but with some concrete way to repro the bug [08:33] nerochiaro: we just tested it with bzoltan on the phone, and we can also confirm that on the phone, but I cannot confirm that on the tablet [08:34] nerochiaro: so, this is either our touch handling in IMA, or hybris problem on the phone [08:35] zsombi: for now the phone is our main target, so it needs some fixing, though not sure what exactly. In any case, do you think it is better to use a workaround for now (replace IMA with something else, like a few mouseareas positioned outside of the note ? [08:36] nerochiaro: perhaps... in any case one MA covering the entire IMA sensing would be enough... [08:39] nerochiaro: hmm... I use TouchPoint::pos() and not the normalizedPos()... perhaps if I switch to that it would solve the idea... though I don't have the phone in my hand... [08:40] nerochiaro: need to leave now, bbl === zsombi is now known as zsombi|afk [08:40] zsombi|afk: I can help with testing [08:41] nerochiaro: this issue is weird... bigger area you tap on the IMA less likely it takes the event. But if you just use the tip of your finger then it works fine ... === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away [08:49] nerochiaro: bzoltan: you could try to replace all point.point() occurences in inversemouseareatype.cpp to point.normalizedPoint(), rebuild SDK and try with that [08:49] * zsombi|afk gotta go now [08:55] bzoltan: zsombi|afk: i won't have time to mess around with this myself, unless we decide i should go with the workaround. cut certainly can't be trying things in the SDK, sorry [08:55] zsombi|afk: bzoltan: so should I file a bug for this ? [09:01] gusch: approved, feel free to top-approve once jenkins has run CI [09:01] oSoMoN: cool thx [09:05] nerochiaro: zsombi|afk:I think this issue has little if anything to do with the SDK. I am positive that we just captured a hybris/driver problem. [09:19] bzoltan: well, either way i would like to know where to file the bug, of if you can file it better than me since you seem to know where it might come from [09:20] Hi all [09:22] I have a question, I'm starting now developing app on ubuntu platform, I have a 3 years background of developing app on Android devices [09:22] now I started following the tutorial on how to develop an appp on ubuntu, but I have an error building the app: [09:24] in the second page of the tutorial I have to create a component (popover) and i have an error on a line: Cannot assign to non-existent property "text" [09:24] this is the code sample: [09:24] Component { id: currencySelector Popover { Column { anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left right: parent.right } height: pageLayout.height Header { id: header text: i18n.tr("S [09:25] can anyone help me [09:25] ? [09:25] Macphisto1983: can't help you right away, but as a suggestion in general please use pastebin.ubuntu.com to paste long-ish text snippets [09:26] ok sorry [09:28] Macphisto1983: also somewhere on developer.ubuntu.com there should be the API documentation for all the classes, like Header. it might be that the text property has been removed, and if so you will see it there. (but if the tutorial is broken it needs to be fixed) [09:28] dpm: ^ [09:28] ok thanks [09:28] i'll try to find my answer [09:28] if you could take a look [09:28] here is the code [09:28] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5735232/ [09:36] Macphisto1983, let me have a look [09:38] dpm thanks [09:39] Hello - dpm. I am free to talk in about 20 mins. BTW, are there other qreator guys here on IRC now? [09:39] hey me4oslav, thanks. It's only me atm [09:40] kk [09:41] oSoMoN: do you think the history model should be part of the Browser component or should it be separate ? [09:41] oSoMoN: and part ofthe app [09:43] nerochiaro: it should be part of the component, actually I have a task to move it to the plugin and make it instantiatable from QML [09:43] Macphisto1983, I've just followed the tutorial up until page 2 and I cannot reproduce your error. Does your code look like this? -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5735260/ [09:43] oSoMoN: for now I think i'll just make it part of the plugin but still exposed as a context property [09:44] timp, I think you are the best person to talk about tabs in the team. Would you have a few minutes for a question on tabs and nested pagestacks, now or later on? [09:44] nerochiaro: sounds good [09:45] dpm: you can ask now [09:45] cool [09:45] dpm: I implemented the tabs and pagestack. Nesting needs to work in the future, but I haven't had time to really test that yet. [09:46] dpm, ok thank you, i make an error pasting some snippet of code [09:46] timp, so I've got an app with 2 tabs, and one of them contains a pagestack with a root page with a list to select items, which take you to other pages. [09:47] timp, from each "leaf" page you can go back to the root page through the "Back" action in the toolbar [09:47] timp, so for this tab with the nested pagestack the workflow is as follows: [09:47] 1) The root page with the list is shown: http://ubuntuone.com/0wwMoVfCULgMy7sfRBuw99 [09:47] 2) I then click on e.g. URL and the URL page is shown: http://ubuntuone.com/7bteNl5DJHERVkTf8iUtcm [09:48] 3) I use the back action on the toolbar to return to 1) [09:48] ok, sounds logical [09:48] timp, yeah, so far so good. Until I read the app design guides :) [09:49] timp, the design guides tell me that I shouldn't be using tabbed and page (i.e. toolbar) navigation on the same view. Unfortunately, that's exactly what I'm doing in 2) [09:50] Calum tells me that on 2) the header should be the name of the current page, rather than the name of the tab [09:50] hmm [09:50] But although I've defined the page title in the code, it keeps showing the tab's title, instead of the page's title [09:51] I would expect it the way it is implemented now. So navigate between pages using tabs, and the pagestack is just one of those pages [09:51] So I'm wondering if there is something I'm not getting or doing wrong [09:51] you are not doing something wrong, when you have tabs active, that overrides the header contents to show the tab selector [09:52] dpm: do you have a link to the design guidelines that say it should be different? [09:52] yeah, just a sec [09:53] timp, see the bottom of the page at http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/global-patterns/navigation#deep [09:54] dpm: it doesn't say *how* to do the combination, it says *not* to combine the two [09:55] dpm: thank you, I finally get it right. [09:55] timp, yeah, but I'm actually combining them in 2) I can either use tabbed navigation by tapping on the header or page navigation using the toolbar [09:55] dpm: perhaps we need more feedback from design here [09:56] dpm: so according to those guidelines you should change the navigation structure of your app [09:56] timp, yeah, but I don't really know how. I thought the way I did it fitted quite nicely with the components we have. I'll follow up with Calum, thanks! [09:57] dpm: if the combination should be possible, please ask calum to write guidelines for that, and file a bug so it is clear how we should implement it [09:57] ok, thanks! [09:58] Macphisto1983, cool, glad to hear that! [10:01] dpm: I hope to be helpful as soon as possible, now I'll take a look at the documentation and I'll start developin'... thanks again. [10:01] Macphisto1983, awesome! I'm sure you can put your Android development experience to good use in Ubuntu! [10:17] * me4oslav whatces dpm video [10:18] ok [10:18] we need to talk [10:20] dpm: so, did I got it correct that this is to replace the Desktop version? [10:22] me4oslav, indeed. It already runs on desktop and phone (in fact, I shot the video on my desktop), but we'll now be focusing on getting it to work right on the phone [10:25] dpm: right. The working bit is not the one that worries me (it does work). The look and feel bit is the problematic one. I don't mind the phablet SDK, it's great for mobile stuff [10:25] however [10:26] this desktop app != mobile app [10:26] like imagine what would happen if [10:26] Firefox on the desktop had the same UI as on Android [10:27] me4oslav, I understand, but I'm not too worried about convergence yet, and for that, the desktop version. The plan is to rather focus on the phone version for now. [10:29] dpm: so, what I'm saying is keep the desktop version and develop a touch version too [10:29] because the current touch version is good for touch, but I don't wanna see "a la Friends" situation [10:29] me4oslav, yeah, that's actually what I'm doing. I'm not going to remove the current desktop-only version. That's in maintenance mode and still available [10:30] in fact, we've been doing quite a lot of releases lately [10:30] where a mobile app (Friends) is stick on a desktop :/ [10:30] so, let me check the current desktop one [10:30] and give me a link to the wireframes [10:31] me4oslav, https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/qreator/grid [10:32] you can get the latest desktop version from https://launchpad.net/qreator [10:32] dpm: ok, that's mobile only I need to look at desktop [10:32] e.g. will install it [10:32] but I need access to balsamiq [10:32] to create wireframes for desktop too [10:33] me4oslav, sure, if you pm me the e-mail you want to use for balsamiq access, I can add you [10:36] dpm: I haz access. Will look at it today and possibly do some stuff [10:36] me4oslav, that sounds brilliant, thanks! [10:37] you totally went British on me ... :> [10:37] well, I'm closer to the UK than to the US :) [10:37] btw, if you're doing wireframes, you'll find icons for gestures and QR codes in the "Project asset" tab [10:38] well duh, Britain is in Europe, USA is not :D Even in tthe Balkan countries it's next to impossible to find somebody to teach you USA English [11:06] https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1z3OtBp0L0upjo85khfaF8HSp4tMYI_-thnnM53RZ8UU/edit# [11:24] dpm: I want to make new icon for the app ... Ubuntu Touch style. Fancy one? [11:28] me4oslav, that'd be awesome [11:30] great [11:30] * me4oslav gets on it [11:34] dpm: do you want to keep the ubuntu branding on it? e.g. having it orange or purple coloured. [11:35] me4oslav, for the icon it's not necessary. For the app, the SDK should take care of the Ubuntu look [11:35] dpm: awesome. I was planning on having it green (the icon) [11:36] ok :) [11:40] timp: do you have a mumble sec? [11:42] y [11:43] Kaleo: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1GVw0jQfvdhG-xkL6HAb7EJdpQlb32Q2-JlBLy2slsF4/edit#heading=h.1w7t2rskl458 [11:53] dpm: http://i.imgur.com/QegC8Rz.png [11:53] tell me if anything bugs you [11:55] me4oslav, nice! I'd like to show it to the other dev and add some comments. Do you have some place where you usually share your designs and comments can be posted? Would that dribble thing work for that? [11:57] dpm: I don't even have dribble, but I can make one. I will make a fully squared one for uTouch too, as there Unity crops the shape automatically [11:58] me4oslav, whatever works best for you. You don't need to create one just for this. I think I'd like to make the QR code a bit bigger and the circle less prominent, but I won't have much time to review properly until this evening [11:58] kk, will fix those two, make the uTouch version and upload it somewhere [12:12] dpm: check g+ [12:16] me4oslav, cool, thanks. Could you share the post with Stefan as well? I'm not sure it's automatically shared if I just mention him on a comment [12:17] dpm: that works :) he will see it too, 101% sure [12:17] me4oslav, great, let's take it from there, thanks! [12:17] kk [12:18] * me4oslav goes back to study-ing ASP [12:30] oSoMoN: any specific reason why the HUD is instantiated inside Browser.qml instead of inside the main webbrowser app qml file ? [12:41] nerochiaro: no specific reason [12:41] oSoMoN: ok, it will need to be moved back to the main app later [13:17] om26er: can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-more-robust-autopilot-tests/+merge/167531 [13:17] gusch, sure, looking [13:22] dpm, maybe you can have another look at https://code.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/navi/+merge/165617 there's no more "modules" so I think it solves the inconsistencies [13:24] kalikiana, cool, I'll see if I can manage this evening to build the new docs online and check it out. Otherwise this might have to wait until Tuesday unfortunately, as I'll be away for a couple of days. [13:24] gusch, approved, btw nice approach with the _retry [13:24] dpm, k, thanks for the heads-up [13:24] om26er: thx [13:25] om26er: maybe we should put the _retry functions in a more generic place [13:25] om26er: so more projects can use it [13:25] om26er: any maybe use a better name ;) [13:26] gusch, yes, that would turn out to be handy, especially for the cases where tests fail on one platform and pass on the other [13:27] om26er: but it's up to you QA guys to do that [13:27] Kaleo: greyback: timp: have any of you had the time to look at the layouts MR yet? [13:28] gusch, I'll make a merge proposal for autopilot and try to get feedback from thomi on it. [13:28] om26er: the more Loader Items are in use, the more this "retry" is needed [13:28] zsombi|afk: so sorry, but not yet === zsombi|afk is now known as zsombi [13:28] ok [13:30] zsombi: nope, sorry === daker_ is now known as daker === hatchetation_ is now known as hatchetation === jono is now known as Guest19882 === ashams is now known as Guest15032 [14:02] gotta love mumble for not connecting === Guest19882 is now known as jono === jono is now known as Guest85454 === daker_ is now known as daker === ken_ is now known as Guest1980 [16:04] gusch: here is the Tabs MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/tabsmodel/+merge/167580 [16:04] oSoMoN: ok - on it ... [16:05] gusch: thanks, and good luck! [16:05] ;) === daker_ is now known as daker [16:12] dpm: in other news me and stefan settled for the icon design, it's all up to your feedback now :) === Guest1980 is now known as kenvandine [17:02] Kaleo: still around ? [17:03] Kaleo: I'm trying to figure out how to run autopilot tests on the device for the plugin, since they won't work without a proper desktop-file-hint, but thre's no desktop file for the library === tiagoscd is now known as Guest15290 === Guest15290 is now known as tiagoscd [17:45] How to take ownership over an existing Ubuntu Software Center app? | http://askubuntu.com/q/304481 [18:10] om26er: you around ? [18:10] nerochiaro, hey, yes [18:12] om26er: i am trying to setup autopilot tests for a QML plugin library. i'm not really sure how to make them work on the device since to launch any app i need to pass --desktop-file-hint but my little test app i use only for the autopilot tests dosn't have a desktop file [18:13] nerochiaro, you would need to stop the shell for that I guess [18:14] om26er: how can i do that from an autopilot test ? [18:14] nerochiaro, if you use phablet-test-run -n it will kill the shell for you [18:16] nerochiaro, so that would make it, "phablet-test-run -n your_test_suite" from your desktop [18:18] nerochiaro, also if you want to do what the phablet-test-run does to stop the shell, look here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/phablet-tools/trunk/view/head:/phablet-test-run#L94 [18:35] om26er: i will probably need to call phablet-test-run on the device, in the test setup [18:35] om26er: do you know of any other app that does that ? [18:35] om26er: i would like to use it as an example [18:40] nerochiaro, no, I am not sure if any other app does that [18:40] om26er: ok, i'll play around with it. does it pass to the application any cmd line args that you pass to it ? [18:41] nerochiaro, yeah, the app actually starts its just behind the shell so every argument should be passed === francisco is now known as Guest71674