[03:15] hi eveybody! [03:15] jcastro, did you record the juju video again? [06:29] good morning [06:33] morning dholbach [06:33] morning all [06:33] hey dpm === inetpro_ is now known as inetpro === nigelb_ is now known as nigelb === cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt [12:59] mhall119: Mr Hall, are you about? [13:02] jussi: I am [13:02] mhall119: Ill pm, ok? [13:03] ok [13:04] MEH, NOTICED THE TOUCH HOUR, ASKED THERE [13:04] oops [13:04] caps :D [13:07] mhall119: hey is the touch hour a developer thing or a general touch thing? [13:10] jcastro: anything touch related [13:17] * jussi prods at jcastro [13:33] dpm, do you have 5m of time for a quick call or are you busy? === daker_ is now known as daker [13:34] dholbach, I'm trying to get something done before the next call, but I can jump on the phone if that helps [13:34] yeah, it'd be really really quick [13:35] dpm, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/5d38f91424459560d831434880ac7a44cf32e057?hl=de === jono is now known as Guest19882 === ashams is now known as Guest15032 [14:24] mhall119, http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1fq073/core_apps_update_calendar/ [14:24] thanks Guest19882! === Guest19882 is now known as jono === jono is now known as Guest85454 [15:29] dholbach: around? [15:29] JoseeAntonioR, yes [15:30] dholbach: around? [15:30] JoseeAntonioR, yes [15:30] (sorry for the double, irccloud failing) [15:30] mind a quick PM? [15:30] not at all - please go ahead [15:33] jono_: around? === daker_ is now known as daker === dpniel_ is now known as DanChapman [15:55] got to run! see you! :) === daker_ is now known as daker === vibhav is now known as Guest25742 === tiagoscd is now known as Guest15290 === Guest15290 is now known as tiagoscd [17:24] mhall119: FYI i didn't get any invite! [17:37] daker @ubuntu.com [17:37] right? [17:37] yep [17:39] jcastro: someone i know is complaining about the server version (iso) is corrupted [17:41] jcastro: he told me that he tried to download the iso from two different mirrors, the checksum is not same. [17:47] daker: I removed you and re-added you, that should send the invite again [17:48] mhall119: got nothing [17:48] ah yes [17:49] i don't know why they are hidden :( [17:50] mhall119: they were hidden in this NEW "Categories" section :( [17:50] mhall119: sorry about that [17:51] daker: no worries, as long as you've got it [17:59] mhall119, I am therenow [17:59] there now [18:00] ok, joining === cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt [18:49] hey JoseeAntonioR [18:50] sorry mad morning [18:50] all ready to go for my Q+A [18:51] today is insane! === inetpro_ is now known as inetpro [18:52] morning jono [18:53] its still morning right? :) [18:53] bkerensa, indeed :-) [18:53] he's metal [18:53] it's: "Good mourning." [18:53] \m/ [19:14] balloons, join #ubuntu-on-air [19:32] marcoceppi: where can I get the actual text of a question from the API? [19:32] mhall119: if you're using that same URL, you can use this filter: [19:32] mhall119: !9hnGsreuM so replace filter=default with filter=!9hnGsreuM and you'll get a "body" key in the results [19:32] If you just need to API one question, there's a seperate URL you can use [19:33] marcoceppi: does the /question/{id} API take the same filter? [19:33] mhall119: the filters are "unversal" as far as using a custom one. the default I think changes depending on the endpoint url [19:33] so you can use that filter for all things, though using it against "tags" would be fruitless [19:33] ok [19:33] mhall119: jk, the default filter is the same across the board. You can use that one against any endpoint. If it returns a "questions" object it'll include the body key in the results [19:33] thanks === vibhav is now known as Guest78086 [19:34] mhall119: you can customize the filter using this drop down on any of the doc pages for api.stackexchange.com http://i.imgur.com/sjod5tr.png [19:39] thanks marcoceppi === s1aden is now known as sladen [19:59] jono: this grave digger stuff isn't bad [20:04] jcastro, :-) [20:04] I love those guys [20:06] the maiden cover is good [20:06] they do Running Free [20:17] balloons, hey [20:17] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Testing doesn't really tell me much [20:17] I think you might want to list the tests there that we have and the tests we need [20:19] jono, yes this is what I was working with mhall119 to get [20:20] balloons, can you get this fixed ASAP? [20:20] so we ensure everyone has the right info [20:20] I wanted bug reports for everything, but it sounds like mhall119 is going to get that infor tomorrow and friday [20:25] mhall119: you probably saw by now google is reversing on caldav and documenting carddav, this should make it easier for us to have an awesome sync story [20:37] jono: whoa! Liferay out of nowhere! === hggdh is now known as ubotu-br === ubotu-br is now known as ubotu-br` === ubotu-br` is now known as hggdh [21:02] jcastro, awesome [22:34] jono: hey, sorry, was busy with school, just wanted to know what's the state on the Q&A localization thing [22:36] JoseeAntonioR, sorry, I was out for a week so I have been behind [22:36] I will take a look over the next few days for sure [22:36] apologies for the delay [22:36] no worries :) [23:10] JoseeAntonioR: did you got my proposal ? bug #1187930 [23:10] Launchpad bug 1187930 in Ubuntu On Air "Youtube organisation proposal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1187930 [23:10] daker: yep, I'm in the middle of writing a reply right now [23:11] ok [23:15] just replied :) [23:18] JoseeAntonioR: where the "'other feeds" page will be, on youtube ? [23:18] daker: nope, it'll be another webpage on the instance [23:18] where people can submit their videos and get them added [23:20] i see [23:21] "we need to try to keep doing all videos (or most of them) from the UbuntuOnAir account" you mean for monetisation ? [23:21] JoseeAntonioR: ^ [23:22] daker: for partnership, which gives us some more tools [23:22] and monetization is part of partnership [23:22] JoseeAntonioR: like ? [23:22] 1-person hangouts in HD, or editing toold [23:22] tools* [23:25] JoseeAntonioR: did you applied ? [23:25] not yet [23:25] we *will* be applying soon, but someone else will have to do it (I'm under 18) [23:26] ok [23:44] mhall119, any more progress on the script? [23:49] jono: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/askubuntu.html is the current output I'm playing with [23:49] I've added the ability to exclude tags from the list, like gtk and python [23:50] also getting the rest of the question text, so we can use that to decide whether to keep it or not [23:51] man [23:51] those turned out way better than I was expecting [23:51] that's only using application-development tag [23:52] if I filtered on ubuntu-sdk too, it would only have like 6 questions [23:59] omg, best ever [23:59] jono: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmzity2UgAg