=== tdr112_ is now known as tdr112 | ||
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan | ||
SlutsInGlitter | are there peeps in here? | 10:17 |
SlutsInGlitter | hello? | 10:17 |
SlutsInGlitter | HOWYA? | 10:17 |
SlutsInGlitter | DA FUQ | 10:17 |
DefConPedoBear | lol | 10:17 |
DefConPedoBear | Hello | 10:17 |
SlutsInGlitter | IS ANYONE ALIVE IN HERE? | 10:18 |
ebel | o_O | 10:24 |
ebel | what the hell? | 10:24 |
SlutsInGlitter | AGREED. | 10:24 |
ebel | *ahem*, your nick is, potentially problematic | 10:25 |
slashbel | just kickban, there doesn't need to be a discussion | 10:25 |
ebel | !coc | 10:26 |
lubotu3 | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv | 10:26 |
ebel | SlutsInGlitter: yeah, change your nick, or leave this channel. | 10:26 |
SlutsInGlitter | oh wowwwwwww. kbye how funny | 10:26 |
=== ebel_ is now known as ebel | ||
=== ebel_ is now known as ebel | ||
=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3 | ||
tdr112 | airurando: hey | 17:15 |
airurando | hi tdr112 | 17:18 |
airurando | are you enjoying the sunny weather | 17:18 |
tdr112 | I am , at home today as I was up most of the night trying to meet a deadline | 17:18 |
tdr112 | airurando: hows the form with you . | 17:19 |
tdr112 | back on your own feet yet ? | 17:19 |
airurando | yes indeed. | 17:20 |
airurando | nowhere near full strength yet but getting there | 17:20 |
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski | ||
tdr112 | are you back working in your daily routine | 17:21 |
airurando | went back to work on 15 Apr 13 on days | 17:22 |
airurando | wend back on shift on 20 May 13 | 17:23 |
airurando | found both steps tough | 17:23 |
airurando | but getting there | 17:23 |
airurando | note to all: ubuntu (uk) podcast is live tonight at 20:30 | 17:25 |
airurando | http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/live/ | 17:25 |
tdr112 | hmm its clear we havnt chatted in too long , | 17:26 |
tdr112 | good to hear you made it back | 17:26 |
airurando | it will happen soon. I hope | 17:27 |
airurando | are you around 6th,7th,8th July? | 17:27 |
tdr112 | noting on at the moment, I should be able to meet them | 17:41 |
airurando | cool, just thinking about arranging an ubuntu hour to meet up with amber graner that weekend. | 17:49 |
tdr112 | are you thinking day-time or evening | 17:57 |
airurando | let me check | 18:00 |
airurando | right | 18:06 |
airurando | I'm working that weekend | 18:06 |
airurando | I had suggested Sat 7th which or course is wrong. Sat 6th of July in the evening would be the right date. | 18:07 |
airurando | Amber arrives in Ireland on Sat 6th and if that is Ok with her I'd suggest that date to meet up. | 18:09 |
airurando | she might be too tired on the 6th so the 7th would be an alternative. | 18:09 |
tdr112 | airurando: would you still come in if your working | 18:13 |
airurando | yeah, but I wouldn't get in till 20:00 ish | 18:15 |
* airurando just sent a clarification mail to the list regarding dates. | 18:15 | |
czajkowski | aloha | 18:16 |
airurando | evening czajkowski | 18:17 |
=== zmoylan is now known as angryearthling | ||
airurando | just came across this: | 19:48 |
airurando | http://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/04/opinion/sam-muirhead-year-open-source/index.html?hpt=hp_c5 | 19:48 |
czajkowski | c | 20:19 |
=== delcoyot1 is now known as delcoyote |
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