
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest50062
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lubotu3directhex called the ops in #ubuntu-uk ()14:25
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hggdhcan I have the same mask of ubotu-br for ubotu-br` ?20:30
Unit193hggdh: Group them.20:36
=== hggdh is now known as ubotu-br
=== ubotu-br is now known as ubotu-br`
=== ubotu-br` is now known as hggdh
Unit193...Well I suppose technically that works.20:42
hggdhUnit193: checking it now -- I thought I already had it grouped20:43
hggdhbut -- going thru the motions again, it seems I did not have it really grouped (perhaps it was just a dream I had...)20:44
hggdhso I will wait for the next netsplit20:47
Unit193Don't have SASL setup?20:48
hggdhnot for ubotu-br, still to look at it20:49
hggdhand sasl does not protect against collision after a netsplit, anyway20:50
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
Priceyhggdh: sasl will ensure you identify to an account irrespective of what nickname you connect with. Collisions shouldn't matter?21:05
hggdhPricey: collisions do not matter in general, but the bot runs on some restricted channeld21:13
Priceyhggdh: How do you mean?21:14
PriceyIs something going on that should be being solved with "+I $a:accountname" ?21:14
hggdhcurrently some channels are invite-only. The bot runs on it and, on a nick change, loses access21:15
* hggdh goes to the chanserv docs21:15
* Unit193 hopes it isn't +I ubotu-br!*@*21:16
hggdhno, it is not21:17
Priceyhggdh: Ok well you should /mode +I $a:accountname21:19
hggdhbah, the +I is correctly set, all I was missing was the group21:19
Priceyhggdh: That means that as long as it identifies with sasl while connecting it'll get into the channel.21:19
Priceyhggdh: The group?21:19
hggdhPricey: actually, setting SASL is the first priority right now21:20
hggdhPricey: since the bot had not grouped the possible nicks, I was not getting the cloak (so, a different issue)21:20
Priceyhggdh: No.... that's wrong.21:20
Priceyhggdh: You do not need to be using a nickname grouped to the account in order to identify.21:20
hggdhyes, I know, if I use SASL21:21
Priceythere are other options too21:21
Priceycertfp... server passwords, even a correctly formatted "/msg nickserv identify" can identify you to an account even if you'r enot using a grouped nickname21:21
Priceyhttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml#identify - the server password can be "accountname:password"21:22
PriceyThat's probably far easier to set up than sasl in a bot that doesn't do sasl.21:22
Unit193This is for a supybot, so certfp is out.21:22
Unit193(Mine does SASL at least.)21:23
PriceyUbottu clone?21:23
ubottuPricey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
hggdhPricey: indeed. But it seems that the supybot branch is not really up-to-date21:23
Priceysasl/server passwords and "+I $a:accountname" will ensure the bot can get in.21:24
hggdhack, will work on it21:25
Unit193Pricey: But yes.21:25
hggdhyeah, supibot seems to be failing auth when using an alternate nick. Will look at it21:31
hggdhsupybot, even21:31
Priceyhggdh: How are you getting it to identify?21:38
hggdhPricey: I was just using supybot config, will have to look and find what it does22:01
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein

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