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CaptainShinerCan anybody recommend a fast/stable RDP client for Ubuntu?00:21
sarnoldCaptainShiner: 'remmina' is in main, that's gotta count for something, but there's a handful of questions like this at askubuntu.com, so perhaps it isn't best for everything :)  http://askubuntu.com/questions/148159/remmina-remoteapp-over-rdp00:26
CaptainShinerThanks for your help sarnold00:31
CaptainShinerI did try it, wasn't impressed with performance. I'm forcing myself to use ONLY  Ubuntu to become more familiar, but I still have to connect to some Windows VM's and whatnot00:32
CaptainShinerI'll live though. Isn't 'unuseable', just not as buttery smooth as the native RDP in Windows.00:32
keithzgCaptainShiner: Personally I quite like KRDC, but then again, I run KDE :)00:35
* keithzg may be biased...never entirely like GNOME-style apps. Of course, the upside of Linux is that you can run whatever app you want in whatever desktop environment you want, and the worst that's likely to happen is it might look a bit ugly ;)00:47
cheese1756How to I run the btsync Ubuntu server package as a non-root user?01:44
sarnoldI can't find any information about btsync in any supported ubuntu distribution..01:45
cheese1756The packages are only unofficial for now01:46
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sarnoldcheese1756: you'd need to set the listening port to something above 102401:49
sarnoldcheese1756: and store the pidfile someplace you have write privileges01:50
cheese1756sarnold, Ah, thank you01:50
sarnoldreminds me a bit of tahoe-lafs .. wonder how well it'll work out01:50
SenorHow can i install vedio card for ubuntu-server version 12.0401:54
SenorHow can i install vedio card driver for ubuntu-server version 12.0401:55
PryMar56Senor, my ubuntu-server uses uvesafb02:05
SenorPryMar56: I need dowload uvesafb from somewhere ,then install it ?02:11
SenorPryMar56:Is it for text command line mode?02:12
PryMar56Senor, install ubuntu-server, then run tasksel and choose one of the desktops02:12
PryMar56if you want a full GUI02:12
PryMar56Senor, ubuntu-server runs very sweet and stable in text mode with 300-500 packages02:14
SenorI do not want a GUI,just command line is ok02:19
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SenorPryMar56:Is there manual for that?02:50
PryMar56Senor, did you start with the ISO called ubuntu-server? its a very easy install02:51
PryMar56I think I put `text` on my grub cmdline02:51
PryMar56yea, `cat /proc/cmdline ` shows that02:52
SenorPryMar56:yes,I have installed it use ubuntu-server iso02:54
SenorPryMar56:If I only need command mode ,no gui, need I install driver for vedio card ?02:55
PryMar56Senor, no driver needed.. it will use a frame buffer driver which is provided02:56
SenorPryMar56: well02:56
sarnoldSenor: try adding vga=ask to your kernel command line, if the framebuffer stuff doesn't work02:57
SenorPryMar56 : the problem is my command line is in disorder ,not regular02:57
Senorsarnold:it just put the command line at the middle of one line?03:04
sarnoldSenor: somewhere in the kernel command line where it cannot be mis-parsed.. middle, beginning, end, whatever :)03:04
sarnoldjust be careful where you put..03:04
SenorI mean the shell command line ,not kenel boot command line03:15
zipperI suppose this is less of an Ubuntu-specific question, but it couldn't hurt to ask if someone here knows. If I have a dial-out modem on my computer, would it be possible, in theory, to use it to extract caller-ID data from my home phone line?03:31
xlaireis ubuntu server can be installed on usb?03:33
zipperYes, but it might require some tinkering if your computer's BIOS doesn't support booting from a USB device03:35
xlaireit does support03:35
xlairety for answering my question03:35
Senorcontinue with my topic03:36
zipperxlaire: A quick search on Google will bring up some guides on how to "burn" an .iso file to a flash drive03:38
xlaireno install the OS ubuntu server on USB instead on a hard drive03:39
zipperOh, I see03:40
zipperJust a moment, I'll find a link for you03:40
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zipperxlaire: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-installing-ubuntu-linux-on-a-usb-pendrive/03:42
zipperNot a problem03:45
xlairehow come to find this and i didnt find03:45
xlairelol again ty03:45
zipperI can find things on Google better than most03:49
Senorwhy it  now prompt at the middle of one line?03:51
Senorlike this :                                              localhost~:03:51
xlairetry clear screen03:55
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broken_stackhaving trouble installing lampp stack on 13.04 desktop: http://pastebin.com/XvTDqktZ04:21
SpamapSbroken_stack: do you have a web proxy between you and the archive?04:40
SpamapSWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! libaio1 mysql-server-core-5.5 mysql-server-5.5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-gd php5-mysql php5-xsl apache204:41
mike00im going to be deploying a few ubuntu servers on different networks behind customer firewalls without access to port forward. what are some says I can get access to these machines to trouble shoot remotely?04:52
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ruben231hi guys i have mount nfs manually and set it on my fstba, but during reboot my nfs mount disappear, any idea..05:25
sarnoldruben231: did you ever add 'defaults' to your fstab?05:42
broken_stackmike00: no i just have something wrong with my gpg keys for a few of the offificial repos. no ones been able to help me with that beyound "remove PPAs and any other sources you have added" i have added nothing. it has errored out on apt-get update since fresh install05:43
mike00wrong person05:43
broken_stackmike00: Remote Desktop Viewer should work (or other apps like teamviewer)05:44
mike00im not using X05:44
broken_stackSpamapS: no i just have something wrong with my gpg keys for a few of the offificial repos. no ones been able to help me with that beyound "remove PPAs and any other sources you have added" i have added nothing. it has errored out on apt-get update since fresh install05:45
ruben231sarnold: ..?05:46
sarnoldruben231: you still don't have the correct fourth field in your fstab... check man 5 fstab for details.05:46
AtuMHi! Can anyone tell me how to check if my usb wifi adapter can perform as access point?06:06
broken_stacki cant imagine why it couldnt06:06
sarnold'cause wireless is annoying at best :)06:07
dayaI am preparing lucid live CD from scratch using debootstrap, is it possible to use kernel 3.0 for it?06:22
Senorwhy commnd line prompt at the middle of one line?07:30
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jamespag`roaksoax, smoser: I see this bug alot in the HP lab - bug 118770409:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1187704 in maas "Juju/MAAS provider interaction fails with "ERROR Nonce already used"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118770409:47
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yolandajamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/ceilometer/refresh-db-patch/+merge/16749309:58
bicyus;-) hello hello!10:03
hackeronhey, I have this in my /etc/init/myserver.conf file < http://pastie.org/8009349 - but for some reason, when I run service myserver stop it says stopped but the puma process remains running. Any ideas?10:12
rbasakjamespag`: I've filed bug 1187722.10:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1187722 in golang "dpkg-shlibdeps fails on armhf ELF binaries that do not define architecture specific information" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118772210:30
jamespag`rbasak, thanks for investigating that issue10:31
jamespag`had me stumped10:31
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Senormy wireless nic is not lighting ,is this due to no driver found for it?11:32
rbasakI'm not sure server people will really be able to help you with wireless NICs. Try #ubuntu?11:33
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yolandazul, we are having a problem with ceilometer and kombu, our kombu version is updated, and makes ceilometer crash, should we refresh the kombu package?12:50
zulyolanda:  whats the problem first?12:50
yolandazul, take a look at openstack-metering, conversation there12:50
zulyolanda:  er...ok ill have a look12:52
yolandai did a fix also for connection, they changed the database parameter in config12:52
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bicyusguys, have MAAS server on 13.04 and 5 nodes ready to be deployed with 12.04.13:48
bicyusif i want to use Ubuntu Cloud Archive on these nodes, do i need to ssh in and add the repository manualy?13:48
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zulbicyus:  yes for now13:52
bicyusi thought maybe it was done with  "source: 'cloud:precise-updates/grizzly'" on juju openstack.conf13:55
bicyusthanks zul ;-)13:55
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Psi|4wardanyone have apache 2.4 running on 13.04?13:59
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yolandajamespage, zul: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/glance/havana/+merge/16755514:40
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hXmafter a apt-get upgrade it says i should reboot15:06
hXmwhat can happen if i dont?15:06
PicihXm: You normally see that after a kernel upgrade. If you don't reboot you'll just be running on the older kernel.15:07
hXmelse updated packages will be run up to date?15:07
hXmah, i have fear of reboot15:08
hXmis a dedicated server and not sure if it will run again15:09
hXmself paranoia15:09
PiciThats a lot of paranoia.15:09
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hXmhaha yes :)15:11
* genii ponders ksplice15:19
RoyKhXm: if glibc is updated, it should be rebooted as well. see /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs15:25
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mgriffindid someone see sinnernyx asking about unattended install of mysql-server-5.5 packages? the problem was he didn't set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive16:19
jamespag`smoser, are you aware of any odd issues with cloud-config not running on raring?16:21
jamespag`I've just seen it happen on 5 nodes out of 616:22
jamespag`all big hardware16:22
jamespag`the 12 virtual machines worked just fine16:22
smoserjamespag`, no.16:23
jamespag`smoser, logging into the machine and running start cloud-config fixed it up16:23
smosercan i see a failed system ?16:23
jamespag`smoser, yes16:25
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smoserjamespage, it seems to me that this just has to be a upstart bug17:16
smosercloud-config just isn't starting17:17
smoserand it is:17:17
smoserstart on (filesystem and started rsyslog)17:17
smoserand rsyslog is : rsyslog start/spawned, process 165617:18
smoserand rsyslog upstart job is: start on filesystem17:18
smoserso if rsyslog is running, then 'filesystem' has to have occurred, and rsyslog is 'started'17:19
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jamespagesmoser, bah humbug17:20
jamespageit sometimes starts17:20
jamespageseems OK on smaller hardware (maybe less race potential)17:20
smoseri'm asking slangasek17:24
smoserin ubuntu-devel17:24
smoserbut that little snippet above seems logic-error free to me17:24
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smoserjamespage, well, we found the root of the issue (i think)17:45
railsmagnetIf my server has more than 1 IP address available .... do I need to those IP addresses to the network interface ... to be able to use them ?18:03
RoyKrailsmagnet: why more IPs?18:05
railsmagnetmulti IP hosting .... I have multiple rails app running18:06
railsmagnetfor example myapp.com  points to an IP18:06
railsmagnetand my anotherapp.com points to 2nd IP18:07
RoyKif it's just web, you can use virtualhosts in apache18:07
RoyKotherwise, just assign multiple IPs to the same NIC18:07
RoyK"up ip addr add x.x.x.x/y dev eth0"18:08
RoyKin the interfaces file18:08
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sarnoldrailsmagnet: that's mostly useful if you're hosting TLS secured sites..18:09
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RoyKsarnold: TLS/SSL traffic can be used over same-ip connections as well with HTTP18:09
railsmagnetoh okay. so should I just add the line  "up ip addr add x.x.x.x/y dev eth0"  to the interfaces file18:10
railsmagnetand then do ifup -a ?18:11
sarnoldRoyK: yeah, but SNI support isn't ubiquitous (yet)18:12
RoyKafaik it works on most stuff except elderly IE versions18:14
RoyKrailsmagnet: no, just run the command as written without the "up"18:14
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railsmagnetwhat is Y ? netmask ?18:17
jcastroroaksoax: hi! http://askubuntu.com/questions/288681/juju-with-maas-error-file-provider-state-not-found18:20
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railsmagnetRoyK, I had 2 NIC on the machine so I add the additional IP to eth118:28
railsmagnetis that a bad idea ?18:28
RoyKshould work18:28
RoyKbut no need to complicate things if the bandwidth on eth0 is sufficient to handle the load18:29
RoyKy is the number of bits in the netmask, as for, y=2418:29
railsmagnetah okay. thanks18:29
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roaksoaxjcastro: done18:39
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SpamapSutlemming: most annoying thing about automated cloud image updates it that they are _WAY_ too frequent.18:41
SpamapSutlemming: I am downloading a new cloud image every 3 days. :p18:42
utlemmingSpamapS: that's a better problem than six months for a new image18:43
SpamapSutlemming: agree that up to date automated images are good. Not sure if 3 days is the right interval tho. :-P18:44
SpamapSit would help if my connection to cloud-images.ubuntu.com wasn't suffering 91% packet loss18:44
jcastroI thought it was ~3 weeks not 3 days18:45
jcastrofollowing the kernel releases no?18:45
utlemmingSpamapS: it shouldn't be three days...last week was an anomoly. There was a bug in the testing framework that I fixed which caused a set to be promoted and then the set that happend this week. That shouldn't happen again. What was happening is that one of the tests was time out waiting on EC2 to fire up 40 instances.18:45
utlemmingjcastro: that is correct, it should be about ~3 weeks. This set is an anonomoly.18:46
SpamapSutlemming: I have been seeing them every few days for a few weeks now... certainly once per week.18:46
SpamapSperhaps pass that along to IS? seems quite unhealthy.18:47
jcastrohey lodgeit!18:47
jcastrowe have a charm for that!18:47
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utlemmingSpamapS: done18:48
SpamapSjcastro: do you have your IRC client programmed to do that?18:49
* SpamapS tests18:49
jcastrohey! We have a charm for that!18:49
jcastroSpamapS: this will make you laugh. IS updated the nyancat charm to include the tarball instead of pulling from git.18:49
SpamapSjcastro: well it has to be stable!18:49
jcastrothat thing needs to be _predictable_!18:49
SpamapSwe can't just run rough shod over the pillars of good system administration18:50
utlemmingSpamapS: IS says that Level3 treats ICMP traffic as unimportant, so your packet loss isn't trust-worthy.18:50
SpamapSmakes sense18:50
SpamapSutlemming: well I got about 600kbit and I have 20Mbit available here.18:51
SpamapSthats kBps so ignore me18:51
SpamapS  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current18:52
SpamapS                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed18:52
SpamapS100  189M  100  189M    0     0   441k      0  0:07:19  0:07:19 --:--:--  637k18:52
utlemmingSpamapS: I have 20MB and I am getting 1.5-2.5MB/s18:52
SpamapSI've always had shoddy access to the london hosted things18:53
utlemmingSpamapS: you must have comcast or some other shady ISP that does traffic shaping.18:53
SpamapSutlemming: time warner, and sometimes I download the cloud images in 60s18:53
TechIsCoolHey everyone I am trying to get iperf to work with -r and I can't seem to get it to work. Anyone know why it just crashes the server or timesout18:54
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Broken_Stackhelp? I have installed lamp_server and apparently curl is installed but the php script i am trying to run says "curl library not enabled"21:33
sarnoldBroken_Stack: did you install php5-curl, too?21:35
Broken_Stackapparently not21:37
Broken_Stackyup that fixed it. thanx sarnold21:39
sarnoldBroken_Stack: woot. :)21:39
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