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OvenWerkszequence: I will try gnome3. Is it an ISO or from mini.iso?02:35
zequenceOvenWerks: Either use the Ubuntu Gnome installer, or the mini.iso02:35
OvenWerksI understand That there are many places a menu is not used. KDE also has modes that don't use a menu.02:36
zequenceBut it needs to be a current one, if you want to get Gnome 3.802:36
OvenWerksThat shouldn't be a problem as I have to download anyway.02:36
OvenWerksI am finding out why the menuediting tools don't work.02:36
OvenWerksThere is a bug in the default xfce menu style (ours included)02:37
OvenWerksThe merge is done at the top of the file and should be done at the bottom.02:37
OvenWerksMakes a big difference.02:37
OvenWerksThe bug seems to be in Xubuntu, xfce and lubuntu.02:40
OvenWerksAs well as studio...02:41
OvenWerksKDE seems to be ok, I am not sure if it is because the menu file is right or they just use a different parser.02:41
zequenceOvenWerks: So, you know of a workaround?02:43
OvenWerksYa, just move one line from the top of the file to the bottom02:44
OvenWerksAs it is in the KDE file (just looked)02:44
zequenceOvenWerks: So this will make the menu work for all DEs?02:44
OvenWerksThe problem is the DE file is what is broken. So I have to do a bug report for all of the broken ones.02:45
OvenWerksIt is not just our menu, but the menu editors need it to work right02:45
zequenceQuestion is, which way should it be?02:46
zequencetop or bottom02:46
zequenceAnd maybe both should work?02:46
OvenWerksBottom acording to opendesktop02:46
OvenWerksThe merge should go below the stock one because the lowset setting is the one that works.02:46
zequenceThe bug should go to the DE itself. XFCE and LXDE in this case02:47
OvenWerksI read the XDG page on merges a few times to figure out what was going on02:47
zequenceThe bug report, I mean02:47
OvenWerksYup, Studio too.02:47
zequenceAnd, it would be good to do it both in Ubuntu and with the upstream developers02:48
zequenceWell, Studio is not a DE02:48
zequenceBut if you mean, you need to fix a setting file, well ok02:48
OvenWerks no but we use our own menu file. So it has to be right02:48
OvenWerksSame with xubuntu02:49
OvenWerksI think lubuntu as well, but I will have to check02:49
OvenWerksI am not sure but I think lxde uses the xfce pannel, so fixing xfce may fix that02:50
zequenceIn either case, the most important fix is upstream02:50
OvenWerksI will have to check cinnamon and gnome3 classic02:50
OvenWerksI need to find out which file in the xfce DE contains the stock menu file.02:51
OvenWerksWhich package.02:51
zequenceI've started a discussion on pkg-multimedia-maintainers list about separating jackd from jackdbus, but is seems someone is of the opinion they should not conflict with each other02:51
zequenceat least, I'm going to try separate them into different packages this cycle02:52
zequenceIt's really wrong to have three versions of the same thing, with no real upside to it02:53
OvenWerksAren't they buiolt from the same src?02:53
zequenceYes, jack2 source02:53
OvenWerksCan you set the target for just one?02:53
zequenceYou can build one source into multiple packages02:53
zequencejack2 is actually in multiple packages02:54
zequencejackd2 jackd2-firewire, etc02:54
zequencebut not jackdbus02:54
zequenceAnother thing that bugs me is that from a user point of view, you don't see why you need three kinds of jacks. I mean, you know why you need jackdbus, but not why you need the others02:55
zequenceSo, the arguments are on such a technical level, that it has nothing to do with users02:55
OvenWerksFor studio, dbus is best02:56
zequencesome apps require it02:56
zequenceand from what I understand, all jack apps support it02:56
OvenWerksbut if you are going to unload pulse or the bridge, then jackd might be fine02:56
OvenWerksBut to work right with pulse requires dbus02:57
zequenceActually, not sure if you can do everything with jackd2 as you can with jackdbus02:57
zequenceother than getting the PA module auto create sink and source02:58
OvenWerksThe more important thing is getting pulse to release the port02:59
OvenWerksWithout that pule and jack on the same system is broken02:59
zequenceWell, that does happen with both jackd(2) and jackdbus02:59
OvenWerksI was pretty sure it was a dbus function03:00
zequenceNo, it's something that works for jack2 in general03:00
zequencejack1 doesn't have that code though03:00
zequencefor jack1, we'd need to add a wrapper script. Maybe one that looks for if pulse is using the same card, suspend it, then start jackd03:01
zequenceit is a dbus thing03:01
zequencebut jackd(2) does dbus too03:01
zequenceBut, I'm not sure at this point if some apps require jackdbus, like ladish03:02
OvenWerksOk, then why jackd? Or is jackd the same code as jackdbus called different?03:03
OvenWerksOr does jackdbus control jackd?03:03
zequenceThis is the problem. It's on a technical level, that requires one to understand the application quite well in order to make an opinion of why one should be used over the other03:03
OvenWerksDo any of the jackd2 devs use jackd over jackdbus?03:04
zequenceI just know that from a user point of view, it's stupid03:04
zequenceI know that las has very strong opinions about certain things03:04
zequenceand it seems different people are controlling different sources03:05
OvenWerksOr is it just there to satisfy old scripts?03:05
zequenceno, I think some people prefer jackd over jackdbus03:05
OvenWerksJack3 anyone?03:05
zequenceor just jack03:06
OvenWerksI wish gcdmaster had such supporters.03:07
zequenceSo far I had one response, from Rogin Gareus, who likes to use both during development, so that in my view is not something we need to support in packaging - since a developer could just build one of them locally03:07
zequenceBut, he also mentioned he likes to use many instances of jack with separate cards03:08
zequencehowever, I just think that why not just use jackd when doing multiple03:08
zequencebut, also, I need to look more into what you can do with jack. which apps support what, and so on03:08
OvenWerksI think that is for testing03:08
zequencerunning multiple instances can be good sometimes. but it should be easy to overlook, and control from a user point of view03:09
zequenceI never have the need for multiple jacks myself though03:09
zequenceI can see the point in running jack with one card, and PA with another03:09
zequenceand even ALSA with a third03:09
zequenceAnd sure, being able to run more than one jackd won't harm anyone03:10
zequencebut, why running both jackdbus and jackd?03:10
OvenWerksI don't know if it is possible to run two jackdbus servers03:10
zequenceme neither. I suspect not03:10
OvenWerksso that would be the point of jackd then?03:11
zequenceWell, actually, I wasn't able to run two jackd's just now03:11
zequenceso, not sure how Gareus does it03:12
OvenWerksYou have to give each server a unique name.03:12
zequence"`default' server already active03:12
zequenceFailed to open server"03:12
OvenWerksYa default is the default server name03:12
OvenWerksI learned that running netjack03:13
zequenceyeah, now it worked03:13
OvenWerksNetjack works as jackdbus too BTW03:14
OvenWerksEasier too.03:14
OvenWerkszequence: OK now you have two jacks, how does the application decide which to graph to?03:20
zequenceOvenWerks: No idea :)03:21
zequenceI was also able to run both jackd and jackdbus, but I think that's a bug03:21
OvenWerksIf they are both unique names it should be ok.03:25
zequenceOvenWerks: start patchage - it'll start jackd automatically. start qjackct - jack is running. stop jack with qjackctl - appears to be stopped, but isn't. start jack with qjackctl - now both jackd and jackdbus are running03:43
zequencewhen restarting jack with qjackctl, it appears it starts jackdbus, but shows connections for jack, and probably, jackdbus is only running in the background, not dealing with audio at all03:44
OvenWerksFun fun.04:15
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zequenceanother round of kernels about to be released soon05:48
zequencethis time, one of my builds was corrupted05:49
zequenceprobably due to faulty RAM05:49
zequencethe error didn't appear until LP tried to build the package05:49
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cubzequence, in the video player conversation you mentioned that there are blueprints for each workflow, are they available online?07:24
zequencecub: Yeah, just a sec07:25
zequencecub: Here's an overview of all of them https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Blueprints07:25
zequenceThe actual blueprints exist at Launchpad https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-saucy-flavor-ubuntustudio07:26
zequenceif you scroll down, you'll see a tree of bubbles07:26
zequenceeach "bubble" is a blueprint07:26
zequencehover your mouse over them, and you'll see what they are for07:26
zequenceThis is the meta blueprints, which contains all the workflows https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntustudio-s-meta07:27
cubAh they are clickable. :)07:29
zequencecub: Yes, each blueprint includes workitems. That's the actual work that we do07:43
zequenceanyone could basically just grab a workitem and start working on it07:43
zequencebut, we prefer that people first go through a bit of a process with setting up their machines for development, and get an overview of how things work first07:44
cubYes, right now I'm trying to learn the process, what is workflow what does it look like and so on07:48
zequencejust becoming aware of the blueprints is a major step into the right direction07:49
zequencewell, workflows aren't really that specific07:49
zequenceI mean, it's just a way to split things up07:49
zequencefrom a use case point of view that is07:49
cubyes I thought it would be more like a user story07:49
zequencethe idea came from our previous project lead, Scott Lavender. He really wanted to push for simplifying user interaction07:49
zequenceAnd to do that, you'd categorize things according to use cases, instead of according to more technical terms07:50
zequenceSo, workflows are basically that. From the user point of view07:50
cubmakes sense07:50
zequenceThere's been talk of creating a workflow application. A side bar that would enable you to keep track of all the stuff you need for your workflow. And who knows, but we don't have any developers working on that. And not really anyone designing it either07:52
zequenceSo, for now, workflows are more about the metas that we have: ubuntustudio-audio, -video, etc. And our custom menu, which uses the same logic07:52
zequenceIf we could get more people working on things, they could work on one area alone, and not mind so much about what someone else was doing07:53
zequenceSo, if one works on video, they don't need to worry about audio07:54
zequenceThat's another reason to split things up07:54
zequenceright now, the few people we have do a bit of this and that07:54
zequencethere's no time to go into detail07:54
zequenceat least not with everything07:55
cubQuite interesting. I have been using US for so long but never had any thought I could actually help out in some way until now08:00
zequencedoesn't need to be a big deal either. Some people of course needs to get deep into it, as the whole thing is quite a lot to keep track of. but, you can also just pick something that interests you, anything, and work at it for a couple of weeks, and then leave it08:05
zequenceI'm here cause I hate when things don't work, and realized I could do something about it08:07
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cfhowlettzequence, is the new art head still on the team?  I sent an email yesterday but no reply ....13:29
zequencecfhowlett: He is. What about? I'm sure he's just busy13:29
cfhowlettI offered some suggestions and contact info for the 14.04 wallpaper.  13:30
zequenceok. I'm sure he'll get back to you13:31
cfhowlettzequence, fair enough.  thank.13:31
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zequenceI'm getting some resistance in making jackdbus and jackd conflict17:52
zequencebut, should be no problem separating them into their own packages17:52
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OvenWerkszequence: there may be some use caes where you might run both at once. (d and dbus)23:35

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