micahg_ | bluesabre: neither mr_pouit nor I are DDs, also, I think you can reuse versions on mentors (not 100% sure), the Debian Python Apps team would be the team to join to get review/sponsoring, it's kept in their VCS | 00:01 |
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Unit193 | micahg: Yes, you can. | 00:02 |
pleia2 | need to reply to Joan's proposal, but my brain is full lately | 00:03 |
Unit193 | knome: Did you see that Gmail does video now too? | 00:12 |
knome | Unit193, no | 00:13 |
knome | Unit193, i was thinking about getting rid of one or two gmail accounts the other day ;) | 00:13 |
Unit193 | Nuke 'em all! :P | 00:13 |
knome | eventually maybe | 00:14 |
knome | i still have four free google apps for domain | 00:14 |
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bluesabre | ah, micahg, I thought one of you was a DD, I'll check with the Python Apps team | 09:18 |
bluesabre | Unit193: when are those lintian errors displayed? | 09:19 |
ochosi | hm, plymouth could really use some multi-monitor scaling improvements... | 12:15 |
ochosi | rowboatnick: ^ :) | 12:35 |
ochosi | rowboatnick: and don't change your _nick_ so often! | 12:35 |
rowboatnick | :( | 12:36 |
rowboatnick | ochosi: ye, im not entirely sure it gives you 2 screens to work on | 12:37 |
rowboatnick | i will look tho | 12:37 |
ochosi | well from what i can say now is that i get plymouth on both screens (vga,dvi) but none of the two has the correct resolution or is even fullscreen :) | 12:38 |
ochosi | i could try to test ubuntu's plymouth theme and see whether theirs works | 12:38 |
rowboatnick | perhaps it uses the combined width? | 12:38 |
rowboatnick | I will see if the screen functions can be indexed | 12:39 |
rowboatnick | bug #572155 | 12:41 |
ubottu | bug 572155 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Splash image wrong size when two displays connected" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/572155 | 12:41 |
ochosi | that'd be nice | 12:42 |
rowboatnick | ochosi: are your monitors using the same resolution? | 12:47 |
ochosi | nope | 12:48 |
rowboatnick | good, then my question for them is valid | 12:48 |
ochosi | 1280x1024 + 1680x1050 | 12:48 |
rowboatnick | ochosi: I get back to you as soon as I get an answer | 12:49 |
ochosi | rowboatnick: okie, thanks | 12:50 |
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rowboatnick | ochosi: | 14:34 |
rowboatnick | ochosi: I did get repsonses from the plymouth guys, and yes. One can now get the measurement from each screen | 14:35 |
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Unit193 | bluesabre: When I run lintian? Source ones are checked on dpkg-buildpackage/debuild/etc -S, binary is checked on the resulting .changes file after it's built. | 16:05 |
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