xubuntu371 | when i install the xubunut,what should i do next ? | 05:00 |
boogheeMon | hey why is my internet being used when Ubunut 13.04 is idle? is it bluetooth ? i disabled that and it has persisted. is there a way to see what's going on ? is it the Ubuntu Cloud symbol thing Ubuntu One ? how do I deable that all together ? | 06:18 |
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep | ||
xubuntu842 | I witnessed how ubuntu stops working itself, from nothing | 08:26 |
xubuntu842 | I had multiple sessions, everything clean, and then logging in the kde session, made xserver to fail | 08:27 |
xubuntu842 | and now I am waiting on sudo ecryptfs-recover-private | 08:27 |
xubuntu842 | to get my files | 08:27 |
xubuntu842 | this could also be, because, no more space was left on ubuntu 41 gb partition, installation made | 08:28 |
xubuntu842 | (things got complicated when kubuntu installation made another partition this large, before) | 08:29 |
Sysi | if your root partition goes 100% full, lightdm won't start | 08:30 |
xubuntu842 | that is sad | 08:30 |
Sysi | yeah, took some time to debug too | 08:30 |
TheSheep | it also stops working when you set it on fire | 08:30 |
TheSheep | "doctor, it hurts me whan I do this" "then don't do this" | 08:31 |
xubuntu842 | I have been full ubuntu system type user for year, and even I never driver issues, or stability problems, system is easy to go down | 08:31 |
xubuntu842 | I seriously start to feel, that putting files on windows partition could be safer at the moment | 08:32 |
xubuntu842 | The folder ".backup" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it.\ | 08:37 |
xubuntu842 | damn it] | 08:37 |
xubuntu842 | I will loose files if it can't copy from encrypted shitty partition | 08:39 |
TheSheep | !language | xubuntu842 | 08:39 |
ubottu | xubuntu842: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 08:39 |
xubuntu842 | nothing works today, my skype accaunt wasn't aveable | 08:44 |
xubuntu842 | ubuntu broke | 08:44 |
TheSheep | do you have any specific questions we can help you with? | 08:44 |
xubuntu842 | no, I am glad you asked | 08:45 |
TheSheep | if you do, plase don't hesitate to ask | 08:46 |
Name141 | how do you "safley remove" a USB device with XFCE as the default GUI | 09:09 |
Name141 | is it the same as eject? | 09:09 |
bazhang | if thats the only option there, then yes | 09:11 |
xubuntu842 | I like win 7 user interface, I find xfce lacking of eye candy, any other distro that could satisfy my needs? | 09:14 |
TheSheep | maybe try at #compiz | 09:15 |
Name141 | Original Ubuntu? Kubuntu ? | 09:16 |
xubuntu842 | have tried both | 09:16 |
Name141 | Mint with Cinnamon ? | 09:16 |
* Name141 shrugs | 09:16 | |
TheSheep | xubuntu842: enlightenement perhaps? :) | 09:16 |
xubuntu842 | cinnamon feels like xp and I even like xp better.. | 09:16 |
Sysi | kubuntu has tons more of eycandy than windows, though all of it isn't enabled by default | 09:17 |
xubuntu842 | but kubuntu seems to take resources as windows 7, and eye candy is pretty arguable, I find some parts of it ugly | 09:17 |
Sysi | well, features tend to use resources | 09:18 |
xubuntu842 | I will probably have to go with ubuntu, again, after huge file transferring I am doing today | 09:18 |
Sysi | compiz on xubuntu could be lighter | 09:18 |
xubuntu842 | today, overloading partition caused me to not go to school | 09:22 |
xubuntu842 | tommorow kernel error will cause city's to loose electricity | 09:23 |
xubuntu842 | but I guess it's gui | 09:23 |
xubuntu921 | Good morning all | 09:25 |
xubuntu921 | Question (if I may) | 09:25 |
xubuntu921 | Installed 13 Ubuntu Server and ontop Xubuntu desktop | 09:25 |
xubuntu921 | All in VMware (Fussion) | 09:26 |
xubuntu921 | Runs and starts ok | 09:26 |
xubuntu921 | But when entering desktop (login) and changing resolution via settings->display | 09:26 |
xubuntu921 | It bombs out to login | 09:26 |
xubuntu921 | and the only way to return functionality is to delete all .config/xfce and .cache files | 09:26 |
xubuntu921 | Any idea how to get it working in higher res perm? | 09:27 |
xubuntu842 | server needs resolution? | 09:27 |
xubuntu921 | I need desktop on server to help noob user manage some stuff | 09:27 |
xubuntu842 | I guess you can't cause wm doesn't have gpu capabilities | 09:27 |
xubuntu921 | Normal ubuntu-desktop works though | 09:28 |
xubuntu921 | Maybe I am missing something | 09:28 |
xubuntu921 | It switches to high res but then I cant relogin - something weird and I read a bug on this but its old | 09:29 |
xubuntu921 | Trying Kubuntu now - to ensure its a Xubuntu issue as I have successfully installed Ubuntu desktop without issues | 09:30 |
xubuntu921 | brb | 09:30 |
xubuntu842 | maybe document the process xubunturandom user | 09:31 |
xubuntu921 | (pm me if you have alternative suggestions - thanks) | 09:31 |
Sysi | xubuntu921: guest additions installed? graphics driver is available in repositories I think | 09:32 |
xubuntu921 | No - vmware tools tried to install but having issues. | 09:33 |
xubuntu921 | It's ok - I thought it was a know issue and possibly I would have a quick fix here (probably wrong) | 09:34 |
Sysi | when I tried vmware fusion, even if I got the additions installed, never got fullscreen with right resolution, switched to virtualbox | 09:34 |
xubuntu921 | LoL - fair enough | 09:34 |
Sysi | it should work on real hardware, if it's a srver I'd try 12.04 | 09:34 |
xubuntu921 | 13 is flacky? | 09:35 |
xubuntu842 | 12.04 is supposed to be stable | 09:35 |
xubuntu921 | In reality want to have desktop remotely (not locally) so VNC is final goal ... | 09:35 |
xubuntu842 | btw how hard is to remove ubuntu partitions from windows? | 09:35 |
xubuntu921 | (ok will try 12.04 instead - thanks!) | 09:35 |
Sysi | 13.04 is so new that (free) vmware might not be up to running it properly | 09:36 |
xubuntu921 | Good man/woman Sysi - thanks | 09:37 |
xubuntu921 | :P | 09:37 |
Sysi | sir sysi :P you're welcome | 09:38 |
Starcraftmazter | hi | 12:11 |
Starcraftmazter | after installing fglrx i get this | 12:11 |
Starcraftmazter | Unable to open /etc/ati/control, please reinstall the driver. | 12:11 |
Starcraftmazter | when trying to run aticonfig | 12:11 |
Starcraftmazter | which is also not in PATH | 12:11 |
Starcraftmazter | i kind of feel like something wasnt done, ive done this literally a week ago on another computer and it worked fine | 12:11 |
Starcraftmazter | anyone know whats up? | 12:11 |
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Guest39430 | my asus laptop after trying to fix MRB failes to boot | 13:12 |
Guest39430 | pls give me link to microsoft irc | 13:12 |
SonikkuAmerica | ##windows | 13:12 |
SonikkuAmerica | Start there... | 13:13 |
Guest39430 | tnx | 13:17 |
Guest39430 | I tried this http://neosmart.net/EasyBCD/ | 13:17 |
Guest39430 | can't start laptop now, nothing shows after asus intel logo | 13:17 |
Guest39430 | I needed to remove ubuntu partitions and fix MRB, | 13:18 |
cfhowlett | Guest39430, you're dual booting? windows 8? | 13:20 |
Guest39430 | I was dualbooting with 7 | 13:24 |
Guest39430 | tried to delete unneded partitions | 13:25 |
Guest39430 | in windows 7 | 13:25 |
cfhowlett | Guest39430, reinstall win7, format the disk. then install ubuntu | 13:25 |
Starcraftmazter | has there been an update to the fglrx driver recently? | 13:26 |
Starcraftmazter | the install process is completely broken | 13:26 |
ztxgpsman | [off topic] does anyone know if undernet is down? | 13:31 |
SonikkuAmerica2 | !ot | 13:32 |
ubottu | #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 13:32 |
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ztxgpsman | SonikkuAmerica, wasn't aware of the ot channel! tks | 13:34 |
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mikubuntu | wondering can i load more than one booting .iso onto a usb stik? | 13:43 |
cfhowlett | mikubuntu, yes you can | 13:44 |
mikubuntu | cfhowlett: so how will it behave -- i have ubuntu on the stik, but i also want to add xubuntu and lubuntu, particularly over the 'pae' issue --- when i insert it to a target, will it give me the opportunity to choose which iso to install? | 13:45 |
cfhowlett | mikubuntu, umm, ok. multiboot linux ubuntu usb is what you're looking for. as far as multiple distros, I advise a different approach. Install a *buntu. then install the alternate desktop environments. pick and choose then install the corresponding distro. | 13:48 |
cfhowlett | mikubuntu, for example, install ubuntu. then install xfce4 and lxde to see what xubuntu and lubuntu would look like. | 13:48 |
koegs | http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-via-grub2-using-linux/ | 13:49 |
cfhowlett | !cookie|koegs, | 13:49 |
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ubottu | koegs,: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 13:49 |
koegs | i have followed that instructions basically, but you might want to adapt the grub.cfg to your likings | 13:50 |
mikubuntu | oh, well the two laptops i pickd up at a garage sale won't accept ubuntu -- 'system requires pae' -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1959675 | 13:50 |
cfhowlett | mikubuntu, xubuntu and lubuntu are optimized for older/low spec machines. | 13:51 |
mikubuntu | cfhowlett: yeah, thats why i want to install them -- but i just have the one stick available -- maybe i should just erase and rewrite over the ubuntu iso for simplicity sake | 13:52 |
cfhowlett | mikubuntu, sounds like a plan | 13:55 |
cfhowlett | you can still try the other desktop environment once you've installed | 13:56 |
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m1chael | does Redo Backup work for Windows8/efi partitions? I performed a backup image with it, but I am nervous about actually having to use it if I have to | 16:14 |
bazhang | m1chael, how does that relate to ubuntu support | 16:18 |
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nikolam | I tried to map out 2 portions of RAM not to be used by kernel. An I mistakenly ended up with only 116MB RAM usable by xubuntu. | 17:26 |
nikolam | It actually booted up rather fine, considering swapping and low ram situation :P | 17:27 |
Luke___ | hi | 17:43 |
Luke___ | I've googled but couldn't find ... | 17:44 |
Luke___ | I'm going to install xubuntu (to avoid Unity ;) ) | 17:44 |
Luke___ | I'm using live xubuntu (usb stick) | 17:44 |
Luke___ | I would like to use/enable custom mount option before I will go on with the installation | 17:45 |
Luke___ | do you have any idea how can I do that? since as far as I remember installer starts his work imediatelly after assigning partitions to the mount points | 17:46 |
Luke___ | (via partman I believe) | 17:46 |
bazhang | such as what | 17:46 |
bazhang | separate /home? | 17:47 |
bazhang | /boot ? | 17:47 |
Luke___ | you mean what mount options I would like to enable? | 17:47 |
bazhang | yep | 17:47 |
Luke___ | it's for laptop so I thought to create two partition: / and /home | 17:48 |
Guest40767 | my monitor is saying can't display in this mode after i switched from a newer larger display to an older smaller display | 17:48 |
Guest40767 | can i fix this via the command line? | 17:48 |
Luke___ | / would be btrfs and /home would be ext4 | 17:48 |
bazhang | Luke___, that makes a lot of sense | 17:48 |
bazhang | Guest40767, with xrandr ? | 17:49 |
Luke___ | I would like to enable compression for / (btrfs) and some SSD friendly options for both | 17:49 |
Guest40767 | bazhang: i dont know man | 17:49 |
bazhang | Guest40767, did you try it? | 17:49 |
koegs | Luke___: the installer allows to configure custom partitioning | 17:49 |
koegs | mount options, you might have to edit later in /etc/fstab | 17:50 |
Guest40767 | bazhang: no i have no idea what that is so thats why i asked | 17:50 |
Luke___ | koegs: yep, but if it is possible I thought to enable it before the installation and to have it enabled during the installation | 17:51 |
bazhang | Guest40767, its a command | 17:51 |
Luke___ | if I i.e. will mount sda5 (/) under /target/ and sda6 (/home) under /target/home .... do you think it will be pickedup by the installer? | 17:52 |
Guest40767 | bazhang: oh ok so i just type that into my terminal | 17:53 |
koegs | Luke___: why do you want to do it that way? | 17:53 |
Guest40767 | bazhang: im booting into recovery mode to hopefully see the command prompt | 17:53 |
Luke___ | koegs: you mean, why am I pushing to do it before installation? | 17:54 |
=== ArchBeOS is now known as ArchBeOS|AWAY | ||
Guest40767 | bazhang: it says cannot open display | 17:54 |
koegs | during installation say "something else", then either create the partitions or use existing partitions, so say sda5 should be ext4 mounted as / and sda6 should be used as btrfs as /home | 17:54 |
koegs | Luke___: yes, you do not need to mount them before the installation | 17:55 |
David-A | Luke___: you can partition and format everything (with e.g. gparted in the live system) and during install tell what partitions to use and not to format them. (I not tested with btrf or compression, if that would foil this plan). (the installer may format swap anyway, i i r c) | 17:55 |
Luke___ | koegs: yes, but then the installer will mount them for me without the mount options I would like to have enabled | 17:55 |
Guest40767 | damn it didn't work | 17:55 |
koegs | hm, ok, i see the point, you want compression to be enabled during installation? | 17:56 |
Luke___ | David-A: thanks, do you mean that I could set some reasonable "mount default options" as part of fs configuration (I don't know how much of them could be set up during mkfs and then picked up as default) | 17:58 |
Luke___ | koegs: yes, exactly | 17:58 |
Luke___ | I've read that it is possibe to force compression later, but I could enable some other mount options as well (i.e. ssd) | 17:58 |
koegs | Luke___: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6197/trick-installer-to-use-btrfs-root-with-compression | 17:59 |
koegs | or this: http://kyofel.wordpress.com/2011/05/15/btrfs-in-natty/ | 17:59 |
shankstaBytes | i plugged my desktop into an older monitor and it says "Cannot Display This Video Mode" how can i fix it via the recovery prompt i am running xubuntu? | 18:02 |
shankstaBytes | i was the guest guy a second ago | 18:02 |
Luke___ | (reading...) | 18:02 |
koegs | Luke___: http://askubuntu.com/questions/6197/trick-installer-to-use-btrfs-root-with-compression/6372#6372 | 18:02 |
koegs | i think this might do the trick | 18:03 |
Sysi | editing the install script seems easiest, though you may still need to edit fstab later | 18:04 |
Luke___ | koegs: yes, thanks a lot | 18:04 |
Luke___ | I think I can figure something out base on that examples | 18:04 |
koegs | Luke___: at leat i was able to remount with compress,ssd during installation, tested that in a virtualbox | 18:06 |
Luke___ | so you did it shortly after partitioning was done, installation has begun (some files were copied without i.e. compression) and then you remount and majority of the installation went having the mount options enabled, right? | 18:08 |
Luke___ | koegs: btw. what's your opinion about filesystems for SSD? do you think about btrfs+compression for / and ext4 for /home (more stable, then better protection for data ... assuming that most important data are under /home)? does it make sense? | 18:09 |
koegs | i just use ext4 with noatime,relatime,discard for ssds | 18:10 |
Sysi | I wonder how compress affects performance on ssd | 18:10 |
shankstaBytes | i plugged my desktop into an older monitor and it says "Cannot Display This Video Mode" how can i fix it via the recovery prompt i am running xubuntu? | 18:11 |
shankstaBytes | im looking at my xorg.conf and it is so confusing | 18:11 |
Luke___ | koegs: ok, and what is your opinion? how it works? ssd still alive? ;) ... what about i.e. commit=600 ? | 18:12 |
Luke___ | Sysi: you mean read/write performance? or ssd lifetime (write cycles)? | 18:13 |
koegs | Luke___: no problem with several pcs/notebooks and different ssds | 18:13 |
Luke___ | koegs: cool ... for curiosity, whats the lifetime of those machines? | 18:14 |
Luke___ | did you resigned from commit=xxx by purpose? | 18:14 |
koegs | i think the longest one was 2 years with some ocz ssd | 18:15 |
koegs | but even an really old 32gb ocz ssd had no problem running for years | 18:15 |
Luke___ | Sysi: if you ment read/write performance I think I can take this kind of performance degradation | 18:16 |
Luke___ | koegs: then seems like my panic is not really required here ;) | 18:16 |
Luke___ | is there any reason why you didn't picked up btrfs for less critical data? | 18:17 |
koegs | Luke___: i think so, also i assume you always have a backup of your important file :) | 18:17 |
koegs | Luke___: i never use btrfs, i just tested it for you in a virtualbox | 18:17 |
Luke___ | I have to say that since harddisk grow up to around +640GB in laptops ... I have no place to make a backup ;) | 18:19 |
Luke___ | but to be more serious I probably should buy some external hdd | 18:19 |
Luke___ | koegs: thanks a lot | 18:19 |
Luke___ | do you have some blog or other place you can be find? | 18:20 |
koegs | nope, just #ubuntu-de and #xubuntu :) | 18:20 |
Luke___ | dam, I just visit IRC once-twice per year ... and it would be good to know at least a little of each other | 18:21 |
Luke___ | but to be honest ... I don't have blog neither ... nof fb ;) | 18:22 |
Luke___ | nof -> nor | 18:22 |
Luke___ | have to run, thanks again | 18:22 |
koegs | Luke___: have fun, installation is done, you just have to keep in mind to edit /etc/fstab afterwards :) | 18:24 |
uatever | hey | 18:25 |
mikubuntu | on the xubuntu.org website, can anybody tell me how to find version 12.04, or give me a link? (please) | 18:26 |
uatever | can someone help with mounting a media hd at startup? | 18:26 |
=== aperson is now known as aperson_ | ||
uatever | i used this method https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 18:26 |
uatever | but its not working | 18:26 |
uatever | still not mounted once i restarted | 18:26 |
=== aperson_ is now known as aperson | ||
koegs | uatever: which kind of file system? | 18:27 |
Unit193 | mikubuntu: http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ | 18:27 |
uatever | ntfs | 18:27 |
koegs | and what are your mount options in /etc/fstab? | 18:27 |
mikubuntu | ty, Unit193 | 18:28 |
uatever | i used the uuid method | 18:28 |
uatever | described in that page | 18:28 |
koegs | uatever: maybe this is easier for you http://xflinux.blogspot.de/2011/01/mount-ntfs-volumes-automatically-in.html | 18:29 |
mikubuntu | Unit193: i prefer to download direct rather than through torrent, but i don't see direct download option | 18:31 |
koegs | mikubuntu: just check the "mirror downloads" for your country | 18:32 |
Unit193 | It's right below it. | 18:32 |
mikubuntu | ok thx guys | 18:33 |
uatever | koegs thanks, I'm goint to try now | 18:35 |
uatever | restarting brb | 18:35 |
nikolam | Just to mention , if passing kernel parameter includes "$" it needs "\" before it , to be passed to kernel on boot by GRUB2 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/448413) | 18:37 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 448413 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub2 parses kernel parameters with $ as shell variables" [Medium,Fix released] | 18:37 |
nikolam | It helped me passign 2 Bad RAM memory ranges to kernel. | 18:37 |
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nikolam | with memmap= | 18:37 |
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shankstaBytes | so anyone know how to autodetect monitor settings so i dont need to manually configure my xorg file? | 18:38 |
TheSheep | shankstaBytes: it does it by default when there is no xorg.conf | 18:39 |
TheSheep | shankstaBytes: also, you can try 'xrandr --output=VGA --auto' | 18:40 |
uatever | koegs thanks | 18:42 |
uatever | worked | 18:42 |
uatever | now for some reason the icon for sound is gone from my bar :X | 18:44 |
psamim | is compiz available in xfce desktop? | 18:45 |
TheSheep | psamim: you can install and use it in place of the xfce's default window manager | 18:47 |
TheSheep | !compiz | psamim | 18:47 |
ubottu | psamim: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz | 18:47 |
psamim | thanks ubottu , i will check that | 18:48 |
shankstaBytes | TheSheep: xrandr --ouput=VGA --auto didn't work | 18:49 |
TheSheep | !doesn't work | 18:49 |
ubottu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 18:49 |
shankstaBytes | and i can change the xorg.conf because it is a Read only | 18:49 |
shankstaBytes | TheSheep: it did nothing | 18:49 |
uatever | can someone tell me how to replace the pulseaudio icon on my panel? | 18:49 |
shankstaBytes | it did not give the intended result | 18:49 |
TheSheep | shankstaBytes: well, no errors? | 18:50 |
shankstaBytes | nope | 18:50 |
TheSheep | shankstaBytes: you can also try to set the mode explicitly | 18:50 |
TheSheep | shankstaBytes: it will list all your modes if you run xrandr without parameters | 18:50 |
TheSheep | shankstaBytes: then you can use --mode=800x600 for example, instead of --auto | 18:50 |
shankstaBytes | it is outputting options like a man page | 18:51 |
shankstaBytes | i think it isn't in the correct format | 18:51 |
TheSheep | xrandr --output=VGA --mode=800x600 | 18:52 |
shankstaBytes | ya same thing | 18:52 |
shankstaBytes | i am doing this in the recovery console if that makes a difference | 18:52 |
TheSheep | ah, replace the - with spaces | 18:53 |
TheSheep | the = | 18:53 |
TheSheep | sorry | 18:53 |
TheSheep | xrandr --output VGA --mode 800x600 | 18:53 |
shankstaBytes | ahh there we go but now it says "Can | 18:54 |
shankstaBytes | "Can't Open display" | 18:54 |
TheSheep | shankstaBytes: ok, then try: DISPLAY=:0.0 xrandr --output VGA --mode 800x600 | 18:54 |
TheSheep | provided that X is running | 18:55 |
shankstaBytes | same thing | 18:56 |
shankstaBytes | i tried to start x but it wouldn't start | 18:58 |
shankstaBytes | maybe this cant be done from the recovery console? | 19:00 |
TheSheep | it's how you change your display settings with X already running | 19:00 |
shankstaBytes | TheSheep: alright buddy i got it working | 19:07 |
shankstaBytes | TheSheep: i plugged in a different monitor and said screw that one haha | 19:07 |
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shankstaBytes | thank you | 19:08 |
TheSheep | ... | 19:08 |
TheSheep | whatever works for you, I guess | 19:08 |
shankstaBytes | it was a super old display | 19:09 |
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mikubuntu | arrrrrrggggghhh .... trying to erase a usb stick with startup disk creator, and it won't erase --- says 'there is not enough space for this image' | 19:36 |
Sysi | if you really want to erase it (and it's actually big enough) use gparted, create new partition table | 19:37 |
mikubuntu | ok, sysi, will try that | 19:38 |
mikubuntu | sysi, can't find gparted, can you tell me the command to install w term? | 19:39 |
Sysi | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gparted | 19:40 |
mikubuntu | ty Sysi | 19:40 |
mikubuntu | Sysi, ok, i have gparted open, i think i don't know how to proceed :( | 19:47 |
Sysi | select device, unmount, and somewhere in menu is "create new partition table" | 19:47 |
Sysi | be sure to select the right device | 19:48 |
zyngawow | How can I run a bash script on startup? | 19:49 |
mikubuntu | Sysi, omg i think i just deleted my OS | 19:49 |
mikubuntu | Sysi -- just kidding | 19:49 |
mikubuntu | k, lemme try disk creator again | 19:50 |
David-A | zyngawow: the system run a script when system has booted, or you run a script when you logged in? | 19:50 |
zyngawow | David-A: when the user logs in, so I can use the ~ operand | 19:51 |
Sysi | zyngawow: settings -> sessions and startup -Z autostart | 19:51 |
Sysi | s/-Z/-> | 19:51 |
zyngawow | Sysi: So... Settings -> Sessions and Startup > Autostart and set the script there? | 19:52 |
Sysi | yup | 19:52 |
Sysi | there's a list and a plus-button | 19:53 |
Sysi | do I need to have ports opened in firewall if I run 2 apps on localhost that would "normally" require them being open | 20:00 |
TheSheep | Sysi: if you didn't close off anything, then no | 20:01 |
TheSheep | Sysi: actually, I don't think any sane configuration would have loopback firewalled | 20:02 |
Sysi | TheSheep: okay, then what about other users, I guess I can't use port that's used for something external? | 20:03 |
TheSheep | Sysi: localhost is only available internally | 20:04 |
TheSheep | Sysi: but yeah, your application will refuse to start if another application is running on the port it tries to open | 20:05 |
TheSheep | Sysi: that's why they usually use named sockets for this kind of stuff | 20:05 |
Sysi | hmm, I may need to look into that | 20:06 |
itz__ | is it worth upgrading to 13.04? I'm unconvinced | 20:17 |
TheSheep | nobody forces you | 20:18 |
TheSheep | I always say, if there is no new feature that you need, why upgrade? | 20:18 |
Sysi | (except when release goes EOL) | 20:19 |
TheSheep | well, I consider 'being supported' an important feature :) | 20:20 |
Sysi | yeah :D | 20:20 |
mikubuntu | OMG. tried googling for the bios setup for compaq hp8000 and cannot find -- tried using del key and all the f's -- anybody familiar with this machine? | 20:26 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: I know that some compaqs had their setup program on a special disquette | 20:28 |
TheSheep | mikubuntu: you would basically boot them from it | 20:28 |
mikubuntu | thesheep, no i saw the guy enter bios at the garagesale i bought it at, and i asked him what key but we got sidetrackd in conversation -- so i know its a key | 20:29 |
TheSheep | can be anything, really, esc, shift, ctrl | 20:30 |
TheSheep | or a combination | 20:30 |
TheSheep | I guess it's more googling for you, sorry | 20:30 |
mikubuntu | ty TheSheep, i guess so | 20:31 |
mikubuntu | TheSheep, got in w f10 which i tried and tried before -- all of a sudden it went in. boot order doesnt display a usb option even tho it has two usb ports, i guess that means i need to get a cd? | 20:36 |
Sysi | older machines often don't boot from usb even if they have ports | 20:38 |
mikubuntu | ok, can't believe i don't have any blank cds ... arrrrgh | 20:38 |
=== Micah_Alden_ is now known as kancerman | ||
amerigena | I was going to install Google Earth using dpkg -i and then decided not to. Exited terminal. Now the update manager is constantly informing me that I have broken packages. | 22:14 |
amerigena | Tried using apt-get purge. Fixed the problem for about ten minutes. | 22:14 |
amerigena | Do not want to install Google Earth. No desire to. | 22:22 |
Unit193 | amerigena: sudo apt-get install -f pull up anything? | 22:42 |
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein | ||
mikubuntu | can't figure out why this dell latitude 600 keeps getting hung up on setup for installation -- keep getting a page about the device in the system modular bay (the cd/dvd driver??) cannot be identified. it may not be completely inserted or may have some other problem. | 23:32 |
mikubuntu | and i guess it wont boot from the usb either -- how can i workaround no usb installer option and no cd installer option? | 23:35 |
David-A | mikubuntu: can you move its harddisk to another computer, install it there, and then move back harddisk into the laptop? | 23:50 |
mikubuntu | David-A: i'm not so handy. are cd drives interchangeable between manufacturers? i got past that screen by taking the cd drive completely out -- i wonder if i can put another drive in there and see if it recognises it. | 23:52 |
amerigena | apt-get install -f installs Google Earth | 23:54 |
amerigena | what I want to do is get rid of the (cached?) apt-get info that thinks that I still want to install it. | 23:55 |
amerigena | I'm not interested in satisfying Google Earth's dependencies : I just want to be rid of it. | 23:55 |
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