
AskUbuntuHow is Ubuntu/Canonical organized? | http://askubuntu.com/q/30462201:01
dholbachgood morning06:30
benonsoftwareAfternoon dholbach06:39
dholbachhey benonsoftware06:41
bkerensajcastro: when you come to PDX you should make an effort to go to The Art of Shaving Store :) http://retail.theartofshaving.com/retail/locations/pioneer-courthouse-square07:56
bkerensajcastro: if your a shaving geek its right up your alley07:56
bkerensajcastro: Portland General Store also has a nice selection of Creams, Jellies, Brushes and Blades :)07:57
dakermhall119: so the G+ hangout is weekly ?12:27
jcastrobkerensa: I've been to AoS before12:50
jcastroit's decent stuff, but too expensive, there's much better cheaper stuff in other places12:51
jcastrothe General Store sounds like my kind of place though12:51
bkerensajcastro: yeah there are also some places in Alberta and Hawthorne in PDX that specialize in shaving or even growing of nice lumberjack size beards13:30
bkerensabeard oil is popular here13:30
mhall119daker: yeah, we'll have weekly catchups14:02
jcastrodaker: can you have your friend mail me and I'll get him in touch with the mirror folks?14:04
dakerjcastro: ok14:14
dakeryour mail jcastro at u.c ?14:14
dakerjcastro: he just told that problem was with the "internet connection", so it's OK :)14:19
dakermhall119: the G+ hangout in ?16:02
jonomhall119, http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1fsqda/core_apps_update_calculator/16:14
mhall119daker: yeah, sorry16:14
mhall119daker: ^^16:15
mhall119thanks jono16:15
jcastroballoons: whose idea was to use the autopilot guy from Airplane in your blog posts?16:51
balloonsjcastro, the autopilot team adopted him.. check out this page about halfway down: http://unity.ubuntu.com/autopilot/tutorial/getting_started.html16:52
jcastrothat is absolutely brilliant16:52
balloonspretty funny :-)16:53
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakeri am also getting this bug #118661117:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1186611 in webbrowser-app "Cannot mix incompatible Qt libraries" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118661117:57
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
jonomhall119, mind redditing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q566IGyVB0o ?22:22
jonoto r/Ubuntu22:22
jonoI will do it to r/Linux22:22
mhall119jono: it's already posted23:02
mhall119but I upvoted it23:02

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