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jbichapitti: argyll doesn't really need to recommend consolekit right?02:48
RAOFYay unbumped SONAMEs.03:14
pittiGood morning03:53
pittisil2100_: pong03:53
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pittirobert_ancell: hey Robert, how are you?04:47
robert_ancellpitti,  hello04:47
pittirobert_ancell: I have a question about https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-lightdm/04:48
pittirobert_ancell: the package currently defines no tests (debian/tests/control is commented out), but has an XS-Testsuite: header04:48
pittirobert_ancell: do you plan to re-add/fix the autopkgtest soon? If not, could we drop XS-Testsuite: for now, to avoid the noise?04:49
robert_ancellpitti, I'm just fixing (hopefully) the last bug so the tests should work. The last but is due to your guest session wrapper patch :)04:49
pittioh, sweet04:49
pittirobert_ancell: what's broken with that one?04:49
robert_ancellpitti, I don't know what the XS-Testsuite thing is supposed to do though04:49
pittirobert_ancell: it effectively signals jenkins "I have autopkgtests, please run me"04:50
robert_ancellpitti, it tries to run the wrapper from the installed location, but of course it's not installed at build time04:50
robert_ancellwhich = make check for autotools?04:50
pittirobert_ancell: err, autopkgtests are supposed to run the installed version04:50
robert_ancellno, I don't have any of those04:50
pittirobert_ancell: right, my question is about the autopkgtest, not the upstream test04:51
pittii. e. not the "make check" one run during package build04:51
robert_ancellI don't know who added that line04:51
robert_ancellso feel free to remove it04:52
pittithere's also a debian/tests/control with commented-out tests04:52
pittirobert_ancell: do you use a packaging branch, or just apt-get source or lp:ubuntu/lightdm ?04:52
robert_ancellthe latter04:52
pittiack, thanks04:52
pittiPackaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE04:53
robert_ancellthough for jenkins we are using lp:~lightdm-team/lightdm/trunk-packaging04:53
robert_ancellso not sure which one you are referring to there04:53
pittiwell, whichever you use to do saucy uploads04:53
pittiMost recent Ubuntu version: 1.7.0-0ubuntu404:53
pittiPackaging branch version: 1.6.0-0ubuntu2.104:53
pittithat's broken04:54
pittiso I guess apt-get source it is :)04:54
robert_ancellwhere are you looking at that gives you that?04:54
pittirobert_ancell: "bzr branch ubuntu:lightdm"04:55
robert_ancelland that's different from lp:ubuntu/lightdm?04:55
pittino, it's just a shorter alias04:56
robert_ancellisn't that supposed to automerge from dputs?04:56
pittiyes, but UDD is behind/broken really often :/04:56
pittii. e. if people consistently use it and push first, then upload, it's fine of course04:56
pittibut the auto-imports are quite buggy04:57
pittiduring my last sponsoring shift, about a third of them were out of date04:57
pittirobert_ancell: so do you mind if I do an upload to drop XS-Testsuite: ?04:57
pittior are you going to do an upload soon anyway?04:57
robert_ancellnot super soon04:59
pittiok, done; thanks!04:59
RAOFpitti: Oh, colord 1.0.0 is going to wait until I know how the ABI break is going to be resolved.05:03
pittiRAOF: oh, changing ABI without bumping soname?05:11
didrocksthanks pitti!05:14
didrocksand good morning :)05:14
pittibonjour didrocks05:14
pittididrocks: thanks for what?05:14
didrockspitti: I'll retry a gdrive build once published05:14
didrocksthe vala cherry-pick :)05:15
pittioh, vala?05:15
didrocksoh, it FTBFS05:15
pittithis annoys me to no end05:15
pittiyeah, it was building fine in sbuild and locally05:15
pittiI uploaded https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala-0.18/0.18.1-0ubuntu605:15
pittiand now I see it fails again; wtf05:15
didrockspitti: see mhr3's magic? He already did that to me!05:15
pittiI guess my file system has subsecond resolution, but the buildd's doesn't05:15
didrocksI see there is some magic on his patches :)05:15
didrockspitti: do we build vala in parallel?05:16
pittiwell, whenever we patch the .vala source, we also must patch the corresponding .c source and then ensure it is newer05:16
pittiright now the build on the buildd is trying to call vala to regenerate them05:17
didrockspitti: yeah, I always ended up that way when having vala lenses05:17
didrockspatching both :/05:17
pittifor vala lenses you should/could just have a valac build pde05:17
pittibut for vala itself that's nasty05:17
didrockspitti: I agree it shouldn't be needed, but in practice (warning, it was 3 years ago), the timestamp wasn't rechecked and we didn't get a reliable behavior to rebuild the .c files while patching a .vala file05:18
pittiright, same problem05:19
pittivala-0.18 ubuntu7; third time's the charm!05:28
didrockspitti: great! as soon as it migrates to the release pocket, I'll trigger a gdrive rebuild05:46
pittistill waiting for arm to finish05:46
Mirvdidrocks: are the automatic daily builds stopped btw and you're running stacks manually, or are things just delayed from the normal schedule?05:47
didrocksMirv: yeah, see my email yesterday on ubuntu-devel, everything is in manual mode and daily release blocked05:54
didrocksMirv: I want that we publish to saucy a known good state :)05:54
didrocksMirv: btw, the ppa (apart from google drive scope) should be fine05:54
didrocksMirv: mind updating from the daily-build ppa?05:55
didrocksthe more testing we have, the better we'll be :)05:55
Mirvright, I read that, must re-read :)05:58
* Mirv updates05:58
didrocksMirv: thanks! restart your session if you can and yell if anything ugly happens :)05:59
didrocksMirv: btw, I've relaunch the hud stack for your libcolumbus patch :)05:59
jibelgood morning06:21
didrockssalut jibel, ça va?06:29
jibelsalut didrocks , ça va et toi, bien reposé ?06:30
didrocksjibel: ça va bien, prêt pour aujourd'hui! ça s'annonce pas trop mal pour l'instant :)06:32
jibeldidrocks, great, I reran OIF and indicators yesterady evening but indicators failed again06:33
didrocksjibel: yeah, but it's on the testing side06:33
jibeldidrocks, yes06:33
didrocksjibel: I rerun indicators with videos to have a better view06:34
didrocksI rerun HUD as well, rebuild some components…06:34
didrockswe are really close!06:34
didrocksjibel: do you know why the container couldn't start?06:34
Mirvso far so good (daily-build)06:34
didrocksMirv: have you restarted your session?06:35
Mirvdidrocks: yes06:35
jibeldidrocks, because aufs directory didn't umount cleanly. It leaked 2 loop devices and broke the mountpoint rootfs/06:35
didrocksMirv: let's continue crossing fingers! :)06:35
didrocksjibel: interesting, I noticed nothing in the previous run06:35
jibeldidrocks, in that case the only solution is to create a new container or reboot the machine06:35
didrockswell, we have the setup job, so good enough IMHO if this reproduce again06:36
jibeldidrocks, you can check if you're in this situation by simply doing an "ls  rootfs/" and it fails with a message like "Stale NFS filesystem"06:36
didrocksjibel: yeah, maybe we can try that as a first jenkins job step?06:37
didrocksand show an according message?06:37
jibeldidrocks, yes, that's what I planned to do but I'd like to understand why it happens in the first place06:55
pittiRAOF: hm, is ssh://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/colord.git still the correct VCS for colord?06:57
pittiRAOF: this has 0.1.31, I thought 1.0.x was in git already06:57
pittiRAOF: i. e. if I were to commit the autopkgtest fixes, where would I do that?06:58
RAOFpitti: Looks right, but I very definitely pushed 1.0.0 (but without any changelog) to alioth06:58
pittiooh, no changelog06:58
pittiack, thanks06:58
pittiand you already pushed the two autopkgtest fixes, thanks06:59
pittialthough bf787c2417572bc2fb4a5502a5d09b6c0f2661b1 looks odd, that patches inline, not by debian/patches06:59
pittiRAOF: I took the liberty to fix the Depends: syntax (being collab-maint and a trivial patch)07:03
RAOFpitti: You're welcome.07:04
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pittihey Laney, how are you?08:15
pittivalac-0.18 | 0.18.1-0ubuntu7 |         saucy | amd64, armhf, i386, powerpc08:15
pittididrocks: ^ FYI08:15
Laneynot so bad thanks pitti!08:16
Laneyand yourself?08:16
didrockspitti: yeah, we are already on it! Big thanks :)08:16
* didrocks hugs pitti08:16
didrockshey Laney!08:16
* pitti hugs didrocks back08:16
pittiLaney: quite fine, thanks!08:16
didrocksok, the other "urgency" crash has just been dealt08:16
didrocksjust the gdrive scope one linked to this new vala is left to check :)08:16
pittisome minor bumps from yesterday's Taekwondo, but nothing serious08:16
seb128good morning desktoper (I was there earlier but I don't think I said hi ;-)08:46
didrocksseb128: you were slacking! admit it :-)08:53
* didrocks hugs seb12808:53
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* seb128 hugs didrocks, you know me sir :p08:59
didrockspitti: ok, something is weird, mhr3_ applied the patch himself manually and it worked for him09:29
didrocksmhr3_: you mean, the vala file is needed as well? I think pitti embeeded it in his first try09:29
pittibut not with the archive's vala package?09:29
didrockspitti: yeah, we still get the segfault09:30
didrocks(with libunity rebuilt against it)09:30
pittiyes, ubuntu7 only ships the updated .c file, it doesn't apply the .vala patch09:30
didrockspitti: maybe some parts are overwritten during the build process, I wonder09:30
pittiI tried that 5 times, it always FTBFSes on teh buildds09:30
didrockspitti: I used to ship both09:30
mhr3_pitti, it needs both, scouring the buildlog shows it builds the from the .vala files too09:30
mhr3_after the compiler builds09:30
pittididrocks: vala-0.18 doesn't have vala installed, so it can't update the .c file09:31
pittiah, it does a two-pass build?09:31
didrocksthat's that's… horrible09:31
pittihm, I guess then we need some kind of "sleep 1.5; touch girblabla.c" hack in debian/rules09:31
mhr3_that's a compiler :)09:32
didrockspitti: IIRC, at some point, we made vala build-dep against vala (but not proud of it)09:32
pittididrocks: well, it's standard practice to bootstrap compilers with itself09:32
seb128can't you build with valac 0.20?09:32
pittididrocks: yes, that's what I was trying to avoid09:32
seb128is the bug fixed in that version?09:32
pittiok, I'll re-add the .vala patches and instead touch the changed files in debian/rules09:32
didrockspitti: sounds "good"09:32
pitti*grumle* *mumble* *effing unreproducible in sbuild* *mumble*09:33
Laneytouch -t might be better than sleep?09:33
seb128what about using a newer vala?09:33
Laneyor that ...09:33
didrocksseb128: not sure we want to pile up another transition on top of what we have TBH, but I guess it's more for mhr3_ to answer09:33
LaneyI've been vaguely hoping to sync up with Debian on that; they default to 0.20 and removed 0.1809:34
seb128didrocks, that's not really a transition, if it builds with 0.2009:34
Laneybut that's something which can be done later09:34
mhr3_seb128, no, there are other issues with 0.2009:34
seb128ignore that then09:34
mhr3_pitti, quick test that the patching works - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5738265/09:39
pittimhr3_: thanks, that's helpful09:39
seb128Laney, pitti: one of you on intel with the unity stack from saucy who can affort to close your session?09:41
Laneynvidia, sorry09:41
seb128Laney, pitti: starting software-center makes Xorg abort() here pretty regularly09:41
pittiyes/yes/can do09:41
seb128didrocks just confirmed09:41
seb128can you try if that happens to you as well?09:41
Laneymlankhost might be a better person to try that :P09:42
pittianything I need to do in s-c?09:42
Laneywith correct spelling09:42
pittiI started it 5 times without a problem, and clicked through the top buttons09:42
seb128Laney, I'm asking on #ubuntu-x as well09:42
seb128pitti, no, just starting it there is enough, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/5738268/09:42
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seb128pitti, thanks for testing09:43
seb128bah, got it again, I can reproduce quite easy in a guest session09:47
seb128pitti, can you try to start a guest session, click on most of the icons in the launcher (s-c, u1, firefox) and use the unity dash with letting stuff open09:47
seb128like type "london" or something in the dash09:48
pitti(sec, doing vala testing)09:50
seb128pitti, no hurry09:50
pittidput vala-0.18_0.18.1-0ubuntu8_source.changes09:50
seb128pitti, vala first, we need to unblock didrocks&co09:50
pittimhr3_: ^ passes your test, thanks09:50
pittinow let's hope the "sleep 2; touch" trick is enough for our buildds09:50
mhr3_pitti, coolio, sil2100 ^ libunity needs to be built with that09:53
didrockspitti: mind pushing it to the ubuntu-unity/daily-build ppa? (not sure you can though, I will just pick it, sign back and dput)09:54
sil2100mhr3_: what was the problem that it didn't work before?09:55
mhr3_sil2100, the patch wasn't really applied09:55
pittididrocks: it's already building; shouldn't we let it build and then copy with binaries?09:55
didrockswill do that09:55
pittididrocks: if you want to copy the source only, sure09:55
pittididrocks: is that much faster than just letting it publish in saucy?09:56
didrockspitti: not sure, the migration to the release pocket delayed by one hour on the previous run09:56
pittiyes, the arm build missed the publisher by 4 minutes09:57
didrocksmhr3_: then, only libunity needs to be rebuilt, not all the scopes?09:57
mhr3_didrocks, right09:57
pittilet's see whether it builds on amd64/i386, and if so, you can copy it including the binaries?09:57
mhr3_didrocks, it affects just python, and that is dynamic enough :)09:57
didrockspitti: yeah, I'll do that :)09:58
didrocksmhr3_: static building, no shared library seems the safest! :-)09:59
mhr3_but it's desrt's fault, he likes to change glib to throw crashes at us instead of nice warnings :P09:59
pittiF***! FTBFS09:59
didrocksit's always the fault of the desert :p09:59
seb128/bin/bash: valac: command not found10:00
seb128just make it build-depends on itself to get it to build?10:00
pittiseb128: I tried really hard to avoid that, but *shrug*10:00
pittiit's not like we have another architecture to bootstrap anytime soon10:01
mhr3_pitti, i guess patching the .vala invalidates the .c files10:01
pittimhr3_: well, I patch the corresponding .c file also10:01
mhr3_you'd need to patch the .stamp file too10:01
mhr3_eh, touch10:01
pitti./codegen/codegen.vala.stamp ?10:02
mhr3_pitti, eh, ./codegen/valac.vala.stamp10:05
mhr3_no, nevermind me10:06
pittiI don't have thaht10:06
mhr3_yours is correct10:06
pittiI did a find *.stamp10:06
pittilocal test build finished10:06
mhr3_compiler and codegen is too similar :)10:06
pittilocal test success10:07
pittiseb128: I do notice some screen corruption every now and then though, particularly in firefox10:10
pittihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala-0.18/0.18.1-0ubuntu9, feed the hamsters10:10
pittiseb128: doing the guest session test now; what should I watch out for, crashes?10:10
seb128pitti, your session closing :p10:11
pittihm, guest session doesn't even start10:12
seb128pitti, doing that Xorg abort() easily here10:12
seb128pitti, :-(10:12
seb128pitti, test user session?10:12
pittilightdm doesn't seem to play along; let me reboot10:13
pittiseb128: confirmed, whoopsying ATM10:19
seb128pitti, thanks10:19
seb128didrocks, ^ not the new unity stack then10:19
pittididrocks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala-0.18/0.18.1-0ubuntu910:20
didrocksshould we wait for the driver fix?10:20
didrockspitti: \o/10:20
* didrocks hugs pitti10:20
pittididrocks: so feel free to copy whatever now10:20
seb128didrocks, no, the driver bug is already in saucy, I guess it's not that common if you don't use s-c10:20
didrockspitti: yeah, doing that10:20
didrocksseb128: I didn't get it yet10:20
didrockswithout s-c10:20
davidcallepitti, didrocks, mhr3_ : issue fixed, segfault gone10:20
seb128same here10:20
seb128didrocks, and I'm building a test package with an -intel patch10:21
seb128didrocks, don't worry about that one, I'm handling it10:21
didrocksthanks seb128 :)10:21
didrocksdavidcalle: great!10:21
mhr3_davidcalle, great, thx for testing, and thx pitti for fixing :)10:21
davidcallesil2100 ^10:22
pittimhr3_: no worries, thanks for the actual fix10:23
seb128pitti, why is that touch needed btw? wouldn't be listing the .c after the .vala in the patch be enough to have it updated after and have a newer timestamp?10:23
pittiseb128: yeah, I forgot to take it out; it's a leftover from the "sleep 2" that I added and now removed again10:26
pittiseb128: before that I thought the patches were applied too fast, and make didn't see the .c as newer than the .vala one10:26
pittiseb128: bug 118812310:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1188123 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in OsAbort()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118812310:29
pitti(I just filed it)10:29
seb128pitti, thanks10:31
seb128tjaalton, mlankhorst: ^10:31
seb128tjaalton, ok, I backported the patch you pointed10:32
seb128so the other one would apply10:33
seb128tjaalton, that seems to fix the issue ... do you want me to upload with those 2? or do you plan to update the driver later today anyway?10:33
* pitti hugs seb128, our new X maintainer10:33
tjaaltonseb128: thanks for testing, yeah we'll just push 2.21.9 once it's released10:33
* seb128 runs away from pitti10:33
seb128pitti, following that logic Laney maintains libreoffice10:34
seb128I guess I can deal with -intel if that's the case :p10:34
LaneyRM: libreoffice -- RoM: full of bees10:34
pittihm, apport retraced it, but the stack trace is worthless10:35
pitti(not really apport's faul this time)10:35
seb128Laney, speaking of packages long to build, I was going to look at the new webkit (seems like ricotz and jbicha got in ready in a ppa) ... or did you want to do that?10:35
Laneyno, feel free10:35
Laneypochu was working on it in debian too10:35
seb128Laney, right, I think they worked together10:36
seb128I will throw it to the desktop team ppa for testing10:36
mlankhorstwell, laney always looked like a libreoffice maintainer to me10:37
seb128pitti, no worry for the stacktrace, I got one locally and confirmed that it's fixed upstream by one of the commit the intel guys pointed as a potential fix10:38
Laneymlankhorst: :(10:38
LaneyI use LaTeX for documents :P10:38
didrocksI used LaTeX for books :-)10:41
* seb128 used latex at school10:41
seb128didn't since10:41
seb128but I didn't really write documents since10:42
didrocksseb128: that's why you can't even spell it! :-)10:42
didrocksit's a shame :p10:42
seb128I mostly write emails and tomboy notes :p10:42
seb128didrocks, roh10:42
* seb128 looks at the calendar, not friday yet!10:42
didrocksunity landing soon10:42
didrockstouch landing soon10:42
didrocksI'll consider then being on Friday :p10:42
mlankhorstseb128: work 4 days a week :D10:43
seb128didrocks, well, I guess if you count the work hours you did, it's saturday morning for you and you are still working :p10:43
didrocksseb128: yeah, maybe afternoon even! :)10:43
didrocksso I'll start working back on my Monday on Friday evening10:43
didrockswaow, the week-end went so fast! :)10:43
mlankhorstthere's been enough proof that working >40 hours a week is counter productive though10:51
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desrtmhr3_: what's my fault this time? :)13:17
kenvandinedidrocks, good morning... have you noticed that gir1.2-dee-1.0 is broken?13:17
kenvandinei'm wondering if your latest commit to dee was an attempt to fix the gi.overrides13:17
kenvandinebut even with your commit Dee.py is getting installed to the wrong place13:17
seb128Laney, pitti: did you get the evolution-calendar-factory segfault reported/debugged? seems like I get it as well13:18
mhr3_desrt, same old, same old, everything is :)13:21
desrtmhr3_: glad to hear, i guess13:21
mhr3_yesterday i saw the patch that moves the private data to the beginning.. scary stuff13:22
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pittiseb128: reported, yes; debugged, no13:24
pittibug 115482213:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1154822 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu) "evolution-calendar-factory crashed with SIGABRT: double free or corruption" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115482213:24
* pitti back in 30 mins13:25
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seb128pitti, ok, same issue here13:34
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tedgseb128, Is there a way to turn of the UOA integration in Evolution?13:44
seb128tedg, ask mardy on #ubuntu-devel, he did that work13:45
seb128tedg, or at list looked at it13:45
LaneyI suppose it would be possible to put that stuff in a separate package13:46
tedgK, I'm surprised it's not in the plugin list.13:46
Laneyit needs to ship a desktop file for it13:46
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seb128Laney, cyphermox, didrocks, ...: settings metting?14:01
Laneycoming, 1s, need to fetch yubikey14:01
didrocksLaney: argh, new glib :(14:23
didrocksLaney: and new deprecations14:23
didrocksdee is failing14:23
didrockskenvandine: ^14:23
didrocksLaney: we should really coordinate when we have big landing to avoid that to happen and have more issues to fix14:24
seb128didrocks, you guys .. what desrt said14:25
didrocksdesrt: it's all your fault!14:25
didrocksseb128: well, tell that upstream14:25
didrocksnot me14:25
seb128mhr3_, ^14:25
didrocksI'm just suffering from it14:25
desrtit's your friend14:25
desrtuse it14:25
kenvandinethe automake changes turned out to be what was killing me last week14:26
didrockskenvandine: ahah :)14:27
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didrockskenvandine: hum14:29
mhr3_seb128, easy fix, let's revert to stable glib :P14:29
didrocksbuilding right now doesn't have python 3.3 directory14:29
didrocksmhr3_: +114:29
didrocksbut let's not start this discussion :p14:29
didrockskenvandine: if you remove the 3.3 dir14:30
didrockskenvandine: should be fine, right?14:31
didrocksas I'm seeing that we have only a python3 dir if I do rebuild locally14:31
kenvandinedidrocks, when i rebuilt it locally it got installed in the 3.3 dir14:31
kenvandineat least it did last night :)14:31
didrocksinteresting, not here14:31
didrockskenvandine: let me give you a branch14:32
kenvandinei think that's the problem14:32
kenvandineall the others are in python314:32
kenvandineand this one is going in python3.314:32
sil2100mterry: ping14:32
didrockskenvandine: lp:~didrocks/dee/move_override_3.314:32
kenvandinemv: cannot stat ‘debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages’: No such file or directory14:35
kenvandinelast night it was putting it there...14:35
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didrockskenvandine: same here14:38
didrockskenvandine: ok, let's remove it14:39
mhr3_seb128, and i was wrong, not even kazam works on saucy... yey14:39
kenvandinedidrocks, ok... i think a rebuild of trunk with the deprecations change works now...14:39
didrockskenvandine: yeah, I'm going to propose for review after rebuilding14:39
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didrockskenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/dee/move_override_3.3/+merge/16777214:44
didrockskenvandine: I'll rebuild dee with this14:44
kenvandinei'm looking now14:46
mhr3_seb128, uh oh gsd crashed on standard raring :(14:47
seb128mhr3_, :-(14:47
pittic'est l'heure du glace ! à bientôt14:50
seb128pitti, bonne glace14:52
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thotzHello Desktop-Team! Can anyone help me with bug #1153934. I don't know if the developers of gvfs have the full information and on the other side many people are affected by this bug since Ubuntu Raring and also in Saucy.15:25
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1153934 in gvfs "Some radio streams which used to play OK don't play after updating to rhythmbox 2.98 or higher due a gvfs bug" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115393415:25
kenvandineseb128, didrocks: tomorrow mardy is going to rename the settings panel for accounts, which is part of the settings stack.  after he does that i'll get the stack published in saucy15:29
kenvandineso probably late tomorrow15:29
didrocksok :)15:29
kenvandineit's ready for saucy, just don't want to land a package that needs a rename15:29
kenvandineuoa-setup-touch is a terrible name...15:30
thotzsomeone from ubuntu-bugs told me to ask here.15:30
seb128kenvandine, great15:30
kenvandinedidrocks, once your dee branch lands, mind if i kick off a build for just that in the unity stack?15:31
kenvandineonce it is built in the PPA i should be able to get the friends CI builds to pass again15:31
kenvandineso we can merge Laney's eds branch... which is what has been holding up the stack15:32
didrockskenvandine: I'll do it, no worry :)15:32
kenvandinedidrocks, ok... thanks :)15:32
kenvandinecan you ping me when you do?15:32
didrockskenvandine: I'm playing a trick for having it running without having the full integration tests running15:32
didrockskenvandine: sure15:33
kenvandineLaney, the good news is your branches passes with saucy... just now with the PPA :)15:33
Laneyas long as it's not my fault :-)15:33
kenvandinedidrocks, thanks... once that is done i should be able to get the friends stack unclogged15:33
kenvandineLaney, nope... it's all dee's fault :)15:33
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didrocksgreat :)15:34
didrockskenvandine: we are not going to publish it today though15:34
didrockskenvandine: tomorrow morning (european time)15:34
kenvandinedidrocks, that is fine, the stack works with what is in saucy, it's just the broken dee in daily-build breaks current CI15:38
kenvandineso all i care about the is the PPA for today :)15:38
didrockskenvandine: ok :)15:39
didrockskenvandine: dee building in the ppa!15:53
kenvandinedidrocks, thanks15:53
* kenvandine watches15:53
kenvandineactually... i'll go to lunch and assume it'll be done when i get back :)15:53
* kenvandine waves15:53
didrockskenvandine: enjoy!15:55
Laneywhat PPA is the system settings container app in?15:59
didrocksLaney: should be in the next ppa16:00
didrocksLaney: ~ubuntu-unity/next16:00
Laneydidrocks: thanks16:00
Laneybah, saucy only16:03
seb128Laney, it's easy enough to build16:03
seb128Laney, bzr branch lp:ubuntu-system-settings16:04
Laneyyeah, I did it on my desktop16:04
seb128bzr bd16:04
Laneyless easy than a PPA though :P16:04
didrocksLaney: not using saucy?16:34
Laneynot on the n716:34
didrocksit's coming! :)16:34
Laneyso I hear16:34
Laneythen I'll report / work on these weird bugs :P16:37
Laneylike searching for 't' in the applications lens launches a random icon16:37
didrocksLaney: because it guessed the one you wanted! :)16:38
Laneyyeah I *totally* wanted the camera and not the terminal ;-)16:38
didrockssee… it works!16:38
didrocksit's a "recommendation" :)16:39
Laneyubuntu hacked my mind :o16:39
didrocksquick quick, a post on $random_blog16:39
* Laney decides to do this on the desktop instead16:39
Laneypoor old maliit is quite buggy there too16:40
didrockscyphermox: btw, it seems the indicator stack on raring is stuck (libappindicator), did you ping anyone on soyuz to kill the build?16:42
didrockscyphermox: and free the daily build job meanwhile :p16:42
cyphermoxI did not, I'm still fighting this polkit mess with NM on the phone16:43
pittididrocks: is that a PPA build, or distro builder? I can kill the former16:53
didrockspitti: it's a distro builder16:55
cyphermoxdidrocks: build killed17:03
didrockscyphermox: thanks!17:03
noodlecan anyone tell me where to go to get help with Lucid Grub rescue unknown filesystem error after a update?17:11
* didrocks waves good evening17:20
kenvandineLaney, can you please merge this branch into your eds branch and push it?18:07
kenvandinenow the merger is failing because of the libaccounts-glib vapi file rename...18:08
kenvandinei won't be able to get my branch through the merger because of the eds changes needed :)18:08
kenvandineso lets suck that into your branch and then the merger will work18:08
Laneykenvandine: ok, push0rized18:25
kenvandineLaney, thanks!18:26
kenvandineLaney, i don't know if the saying "going postal" means anything outside of the US... but i am about to go postal!18:41
kenvandineLaney, surely not your fault :)18:41
kenvandinegetting shit merged has been killing me... for 2 weeks now... failures all over the place18:41
kenvandineso now your eds branch failed because it didn't like the dee version18:42
kenvandineor rather it had the broken dee version... which just simply shouldn't be the case...18:42
bcurtiswxgoing postal sounds western european.. im surprised it's US created18:53
kenvandinedude... the package built in the daily-build PPA has the same breakage as before didrock's fix18:57
jbichakenvandine: does the daily build ppa build against -proposed ?19:02
kenvandinei was just looking at that :)19:03
kenvandineit doesn't19:03
kenvandineis there a fix for that site-packages dir in -proposed?19:03
jbichaperhaps https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+edit-dependencies19:04
kenvandinei'll see if that fixes dee19:07
kenvandinemaybe python-defaults19:07
kenvandinejbicha, that made no difference... wtf19:34
kenvandinepbuilder build puts it in python3.3 dir too19:36
jbichakenvandine: no I didn't know of a fix in -proposed19:39
kenvandinejbicha, what do you have in /usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/gi/overrides/19:39
kenvandinewell, this can't just be something broken on my box... because it breaks the CI and autolanding too19:40
kenvandinethe Dee override is just installed in the wrong place19:40
jbichaI don't have a /usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/ but I get enough PPA fun out of the GNOME3 PPAs so I don't have Unity 7 here (until tomorrow :) )19:42
kenvandinei have to be losing my mind... a local build from lp:~didrocks/dee/move_override_3.3 works19:42
kenvandineit installs in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/overrides/Dee.py19:42
kenvandinebut a local build from trunk19:42
kenvandineputs it in /usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/gi/overrides/19:43
kenvandinehowever... a bzr diff --old lp:dee19:43
kenvandinesays they are the same19:43
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jbichakenvandine: I get /usr/lib/python3.3/site-packages/ for both of those branches20:14
kenvandinei've figured it out20:14
kenvandineit needs build depends for python3-gi20:14
kenvandinethe check for the overrides fails so it falls back to that20:15
kenvandinethat was so annoying...  no idea why this wasn't broken before20:18
kenvandineah, i know why it worked before20:22
kenvandinethe fallback was correct before20:22
kenvandinenow the fallback has changed20:22
kenvandineso it always failed... we were just lucky it worked :)20:22
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jbichakenvandine: what is autopilot-desktop? (from gnome-control-center-signon-autopilot)20:32
kenvandinethe desktop version of autopilot20:32
kenvandinethere is also autopilot-touch20:32
kenvandinefor the touch apps20:33
jbichaoh I see, that's quite a changelog in the ppa for it20:34
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