
jrgiffordOFTC is where I think I'll be having out.01:32
skellatjrgifford: Well, seeing the Scott Kitterman and Jonathan Riddell talking that way too relative to shifting the kubuntu-devel channel is what prompted said e-mail above.02:54
jrgiffordI'm in #ubuntu-expats02:55
skellatFor better or worse, I want to at least stay within the Ubuntu tent until it isn't quite doable anymore.02:56
skellatIt isn't time for expatriates quite just yet02:56
skellatBut, then again, I use a flavor instead of the mainline Ubuntu so my views may be off-kilter02:57
Unit193jrgifford: I'm not. :P02:57
skellatThe e-mail only has 3 fairly easy questions02:58
skellatResponses would be nice02:58
skellatEven if it were to say that there is nothing to worry about and stop thinking about IRC as being as reliable as the PSTN is02:59
skellat(PSTN: Public Switched Telephone Network)03:00
Unit193Stop worrying so much, about the LoCo and Xubuntu, it'll be good.  IRC is as reliable as we need it to be.03:00
* skellat is still frazzled from the rather quite nasty meeting he had to observe about "county reform" earlier tonight where there were a ton of disgruntled people out for 'change'03:01
jrgiffordskellat: Ew.03:01
skellatSome folks want to adopt a county charter like Cuyahoga and Summit have03:02
skellatThey already had a blown start to signature gathering03:02
skellatLotta angry people there tonight having to start from scratch03:02
skellatThey've got 23 days to get 4k signatures gathered and turned in to get on the ballot03:02
skellatThe odds are VERY against them to the point of they would have a better chance of hitting Powerball03:03
skellatA few angry folks wanted to move to Athenian style direct democracy for everything.  As a poll judge, that scares the crap out of me just from cost.03:04
skellatThe others are finding all sorts of nastiness03:04
skellatIncluding that, apparently, our county commissioners were supplying second salaries to employees of the local daily newspaper03:05
skellatHistorically speaking, it took Cuyahoga County only 98 years to adopt a charter after such was first authorized in the state constitution amendments in 1912.  Summit County got their charter adopted in 1986.03:06
skellatIn Cuyahoga County there were 6 tries over those 98 years.03:06
skellatI left the meeting wondering if charges should be proferred instead under ORC 3.07-3.10 (See: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/gp3 ) to remove the current commissioners instead of what is being proposed as I think paying a local newspaper editor supplemental to his newspaper salary is kinda not kosher.03:08
skellatjrgifford: It isn't Dimora-level crap but how does that sound to you?03:10
* skellat goes to hit the shower as he is still disgusted at finding that the state of rot locally is even deeper than he previously knew03:14
=== ISO8601 is now known as yano
skellat{tpbofrf yjomhd fpm20:29
skellatProvided things don't get screwed up too badly there should be a special Burning Circle tonight20:29
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Welcome to the IRC home of Ubuntu Ohio! | Check us out at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-ohio/ | Current podcast episode: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/149 Speex Version: https://archive.org/download/BC115/BC-115.spx | SIP Voicemail 1580@sip.sdf.org | PSTN Voicemail 206-299-2120 Extension 1580
Unit193canthus13: Got ident now.21:15
canthus13Unit193: I have no idea how either. I gave up fighting with that weeks ago.21:17
jandruskI have yet to experience the DoD on Freenode.22:09
jandruskYes, typo.22:10
Unit193Looks like your client was logged in yesterday 1300 when it hit.22:10
Unit193Just gets rather netsplit-y22:13
Unit193"[Global Notice] Welcome to Splitville, Population: Shrinking -- as you may have noticed the network is suffering under the strain of yet another DDoS attack, we are working with our sponsors to try curb what we can and apologise for the inconvenience."  Kind of funny.22:14
jandruskIs it a specific IRC DDOS or just hitting freenode.net with HTTP requests?22:17
Unit193jandrusk: Oh, it's hitting IRC.22:38
jandruskWell, if they had an IPS in front of the site they could write a custom rule possibly...22:40
skellatIt has been getting interesting watching my ZNC bouncer getting kicked out and trying to log itself back in.22:47
Unit193I haven't reconnected to the server, so this server is stable, but not always connected to other servers. :P22:50

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