
=== saidinesh is now known as saidinesh5
zequenceOvenWerks: I'm going to repackge jack2 to separate jackdbus and jackd, and add a postinstall script asking the user if wanting to keep the other one, if installed04:28
zequencegreat, PA was just updated for 12.04 and 12.1004:29
OvenWerksI would suggest a tutorial on starting jackdbus and inputting it's settings from command line :)04:30
zequenceyou can still use qjackctl to control it04:31
zequenceand a bunch of other apps04:31
zequenceit would be good to do video tutorials on jack usage04:32
OvenWerkszequence: I understand qjackctl can be used, but there are people who use jackd because all the CL instructions are based on jackd not jackdbus.05:23
OvenWerksSo if someone is getting help, they will most likely be told how to start jack from the command line.05:24
OvenWerksThis is another way of saying we have  to retrain holstein ;)05:25
OvenWerksBut seriously, almost all the trouble shooting tips on LAU are commandline... what did you get kinds of things05:26
zequenceIf the user does a jackd command, he will notice quickly it is not installed05:28
zequenceand when installing, he'll come to the point where the post install script tells him to choose between the two05:29
zequenceor, pre install might be better even05:29
zequenceone which also includes a cancel option05:29
zequencewe just need to make sure our users know that things have changed after 13.1005:30
zequenceand in any Debian derived distro05:30
OvenWerksHow about a wrapper script called jackd that translates a jackd CL into jack_control commands05:33
zequenceI'm not sure what problem you are trying to solve05:34
zequencejackdbus is not jackd05:34
OvenWerksall the documentation deals with jackd05:34
zequenceThe whole purpose of separating them is to make it so people only use one of them at the time05:34
zequenceMaking them think they are using jackd would only confuse the situation even more05:35
zequencefor most users, using the command line is not needed. or, it should not be05:35
OvenWerksSo because all I have read is about jackd that is what I install, now pa - jack bridging doesn't work.05:35
OvenWerksThis is why documentation is important05:36
zequencethe second step I'm taking is to make sure any jack app could potentially start jack, if not already running05:37
zequencethe default setup should be easy as pie05:38
zequencethen, if someone wants to get advanced, they can05:38
zequenceI think probably there is need for a toggle option for starting jack by default. Have to look more into that05:38
zequencebut, by default, I think jack apps should always start jack05:39
zequenceand PA should autoconnect to it seemlessly05:39
zequencethen, if people don't like that, they can unset stuff like that05:39
OvenWerksTry KDE. the way they have the sound server is more seemless05:40
zequenceit's pulseaudio, is it not?05:40
zequenceis't the same module, is it not?05:40
zequencewhat is more seemless?05:40
OvenWerksYes but plus kmix05:40
zequencea popup?05:40
OvenWerksNo, it auto changes the default device to jacksink05:41
zequencethey all do05:41
zequencebut, not if the stream is already running05:41
OvenWerksThen that is new05:41
OvenWerksI'll have to try that05:41
zequenceI mean, what are you suggesting is controlling things besides PA itself, and the module?05:42
zequenceare you suggesting KDE adds a way to change stuff for the jack module specifically, that no other DE does?05:42
zequenceweird grammar there, sorry05:43
OvenWerkskmix is a replacement for pavucontrol. It also runs as a pannel or tray app05:43
OvenWerksIt seems to monitor changes in pa and adapt05:43
zequenceit's a software mixer. are you suggesting it has a mind of its own? Isn't it just a control interface for PA, like all other mixers?05:44
OvenWerksit is not like the other alsa mixers, it is a PA interface like pavucontrol05:45
zequenceI didn't say ALSA mixers05:45
OvenWerksIt has all the same controls as pavucontrol plus some05:45
zequencewhy don't you find out first what really is going on, and then decide if kmix actually has anything to do with it05:46
zequencefrom what it seems to me, something in KDE, maybe kmix is sending messages to the notify thing05:47
zequenceso, you get popups05:47
OvenWerksIt is not notify only, it chna05:47
OvenWerkschanges the connections05:48
zequencewhat does?05:48
OvenWerksif not kmix then something else in kde05:48
OvenWerksoutputs get switched from the device to jack on the fly05:50
OvenWerkseven though jack has not been set as default and does not show up as default in the settings05:51
OvenWerkspavucontrol _could_ do the same thing, but leaves that as a manual change05:52
zequenceAFAIK, pavucontrol is not a process running in the packground. It's a software mixer interface, that doesn't have any automatic functions in itself05:52
zequenceyou just set PA options and levels with it05:53
zequenceSo, I'm not sure what you mean really05:53
zequencethat's why I'm asking, why don't you find out what is really causing that effect, and whether kmix has anything to do with it05:53
OvenWerksbut it is aware when jack is started and shows it rightaway. there is no reason it could not also switch routing at that time05:54
zequencewhat is aware?05:55
zequenceIt might be a module that does that05:57
zequenceOvenWerks: Probably phonon stuff06:01
zequenceWell, it seems that what can do that are applets06:06
zequencepavumixer is not an applet, so it doesn't count06:07
zequenceit's not a process running all the time06:07
zequencebut, the volume applet is06:07
zequenceKDE probably has more stuff going on there, compared to XFCE06:07
zequenceas might other DEs06:08
zequenceor the applets used06:08
zequence..with those DEs06:08
OvenWerksyup, 06:11
zequenceI think Gnome probably does that too06:12
zequenceor, the applet used with gnome-shell06:12
zequencemight be the same thing with Unity06:12
OvenWerkscould be.06:12
OvenWerksIt is on the wish list to be included in PA itself06:14
zequenceaccording to a person in #pulseaudio, it's not something that pulseaudio does by itself. maybe they prefer a separate process to do that, all though, it wouldn't hurt to create a module that did that06:21
zequencebut, then, it would need to cooperate with the applet06:21
zequencewould be bad if two processes were doing the same thing, and in some cases, in conflict with each other06:21
zequencewould be simplest if it was a configurable option in PA, and all PA controlling processes were adapted to support that feature06:23
OvenWerksyes, what I suggested was that if module-jackdbus-detect was loaded, then jacksink/source should appear just like a device to PA. To be configed to mono, stereo or surround or off. To be made default even when jack is not running, but with a fall over to another device06:41
OvenWerksI guess KDE had the same idea...06:42
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
zequenceDarkEra: did you try the latest Gnome on saucy?14:24
zequenceseems to work ok now14:24
zequenceNot sure how we'll deal with multiple DE support right now. I think maybe we need to reconsider how we support them with our installer14:25
zequenceah, wonder if what I wrote appeared or not14:25
DarkErazequence, hi. No, i didn't try it yet14:28
DarkErai'll have another look at it this evening14:29
zequenceI'm thinking if it might be enough we are able to add our default settings to existing DEs, and artwork14:29
zequencebut, I need to have a closer look at how that would work first14:29
zequencea bit busy atm14:29
zequencebut, I'll do something about that this week14:29
zequenceOvenWerks has done some work on getting the menu working on all DEs14:30
DarkErano problem, i'm busy myself too with some other things :)14:30
DarkEraoh, that's cool14:30
DarkErathe guy i a machine, always busy working on things14:31
zequenceOvenWerks: Does the menu work on non Ubuntu Studio sessions, or how does that work? Just installing the files makes it avilable?14:31
DarkErazequence, the package, is it still in your testing ppa?14:33
DarkErajust asking because you wanted to move it if i remember correct14:34
DarkErawelcome NickG 14:44
zequenceHi NickG 14:45
zequenceWell, there might be stuff that you could do for the website, sure14:45
zequenceEspecially for the 14.04 release14:46
zequencewhich is almost a year away now14:46
NickGI like the release schedule of Ubuntu lol14:46
DarkErai so want to Fast Forward to 14.0414:46
NickGWhats big with 14.04?14:47
zequenceI have a staging site, where it is meant we do changes before release, at http://ubuntustudio.mousike.me14:47
zequenceIt's the next LTS release14:47
DarkEraexactly :)14:48
NickGso that site is a blank template kind of thing where you work in and then update the main site?14:48
holsteinNickG: AFAIK, its a testing ground14:52
NickGgood stuff14:53
zequenceNickG: my connection is a bit bad, so I might have missed if you said something before15:00
zequenceI was asking you if you had done any Wordpress theming before :)15:00
NickGYeah, actually I've been doing PHP5 and MySQL (the foundation of wordpress) for about a year, and had played around with Wordpress a few times15:02
NickGRight now I'm working on a portfolio/blog/multi purpose website that I'm actually building in Wordpress: http://nickgermaine.ca15:03
holsteinzequence: you gotta get a shell account15:09
holsteinzequence: i have a free VPS.. you want me to set you up a user?15:10
holsteinthe one i mostly use is nicnac project freeshell15:10
zequencethat's ok. I really don't understand why I'm having such a problem right now15:11
holsteini put thelonius the bot over on this freeVPS when i noticed the terms of nic nac were "no bots"15:11
zequenceI probably just need to do a renew on my IP or something15:11
zequencejust been to lazy to fix it, plus I'm always interrupting someones internet connection, if I start messing with it15:12
zequenceonly with irc that I notice it15:12
holsteinzequence: i just keep IRC in screen/irssi on there. if you are interested in trying that... let me know15:13
zequenceevery 15 min or so15:13
holsteinzequence: im not doing anything but the bot on the server im talking about15:13
zequenceholstein: Thanks. If this thing doesn't get sorted out, I might take you up on that offer :)15:13
zequencebut, I'm sure it'll go away soon15:13
zequenceNickG: Here's the wordpress theme https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-website/ubuntustudio-resources/website-wordpress15:14
zequenceNickG: in order to get it, install bzr15:14
zequencesudo apt-get install bzr15:14
zequencethen, to get the source15:14
zequencebzr branch lp:~ubuntustudio-website/ubuntustudio-resources/website-wordpress15:14
zequenceor, if you want..15:14
zequencebzr branch lp:~ubuntustudio-website/ubuntustudio-resources/website-wordpress ubuntustudio-wp15:14
zequenceNickG: Feel free to mess around with it15:15
NickGYeah if you could set me up as a user that would be good, sorry I got up to make a coffee and have a smoke15:24
NickGI have hosting15:26
NickGCan I just do an additional wordpress isntallation and then install the theme?15:26
zequenceNickG: I think to begin with, if you just want to play around yourself, maybe you only need a local WP instalation to mess around with the theme15:49
NickGI haven't managed to get apache working correctly.  I mean I can set it up and isntall webmin (the control panel) but PHP doesn't work even after I install it.  I can't figure that one out.15:50
DarkErazequence, i was able to log in on the VB install but that's about it17:01
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DarkErazequence, i guess i'm going to try and install it on another partition. VB just doesn't load the desktops20:56
OvenWerksYou missed him :)20:57
OvenWerksI am going to have to download the ISO and try that too.20:57
DarkErahis internet started to play up again20:58
OvenWerksI've had that from time to time as well though not since I started using screen on my server.20:59
DarkEraOvenWerks, you mean the mini iso?21:01
OvenWerksNot the ubuntu gnome21:01
* OvenWerks can't type today21:02
DarkEraand my brain is trying to wake up21:02
DarkErathat's what i'm planning to do though cli install and then add the package from zequence's testing repo21:03
OvenWerksI'm working from the other end21:03
DarkEraneed to wake up first, i fell asleep on the sofa earlier... LOL21:03
DarkEraso you're going for a full install first and then rip out and add parts?21:06
OvenWerksI do the install then add our menu, kernel and some metas.21:07
DarkErai see :)21:07
OvenWerksWe will see if that is easier and works or if it is better adding a DE meta.21:08
DarkErabrb, i need a coffee21:08
DarkEraright, got ya21:08
OvenWerksEverything is experimental just now.21:09
NickGSo, developmental question here.  I program in PHP and I'm learning Ruby.  What are Ubuntu programs written in?  If I program something in Ruby, will Ubuntu be able to launch it?  Or is it a different language?21:57
holsteinNickG: nothing about ubuntu is preventing you from writing an application it can "run"21:59
holsteinNickG: programs are written in what they are written in, and to over simplify things.. the packages get put in the repos, and they pull in what they need22:00
OvenWerksNickG: if you are looking to learn a scripting language, most scripts are writen in python these days22:01
OvenWerksPython has libs that will do a GUI in either GTK or QT.22:02
OvenWerksWe already pull in both libs as far as I know22:03
holsteinyup. should just work22:03
OvenWerksI have not Looked up if we have ruby installed or not. I am not on the right partition just now :)22:03
holsteinits in the repos for sure22:04
holstein!info ruby22:04
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 4.9 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 31 kB22:04
OvenWerksBut the ruby libs are available in ubuntu22:04
NickGI was just wondering.22:04
NickGI got caught up trying to help someone in #ubuntu it is crazy over there22:04
NickGI did install a QT maker program, but it doesn't show me the code or anything.  I will learn python then22:05
OvenWerksThere are some good tutorials available if you look around.22:05
NickGGood stuff22:06
NickGI'll put off Ruby then22:06
OvenWerksI am just starting on that myself, I have been using tk/tcl for years.22:06
holsteinpython is a decent place to start22:06

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