
hatchbcsaller: back00:00
bcsallerhatch: let me push what I have but I know its your EOD00:01
hatchcool - I'm just about to make some supper then I can take a longer look at it00:01
bcsallerhatch: lp:~bcsaller/juju-gui/service_inspector behind :flags:/serviceInspector/00:07
* bcsaller takes a break00:07
hatchbcsaller: I think I have c9 setup but need someone to try it out with....00:56
bcsallerhatch: got a link on what I need to do?01:02
hatchwell you need to sign up01:02
hatchwhich is very easy01:02
hatchthen I need your username to grant you permissions01:02
bcsallerhatch: its bcsaller01:03
hatchok now to find out how to add you01:03
hatchthere is the url01:03
hatchok granted you read/write access01:04
hatchopen the COPYING file01:05
bcsallerseems to be working though I don't seem to have an indicator of what you have open and are editing01:06
hatchI Just typed under Preamble in COPYING01:07
hatchI just highlighted the to paragraph of the COPYING file....can you see that?01:09
hatchaccording to the vids this should 'just work'01:09
bcsallerhatch: doesn't seem to be showing edits01:09
hatchwell that's lame01:10
bcsallerdoes the chat work on the right?01:10
bcsaller going to get back to debugging the rendering01:18
bcsalleryou know we could easily parse data-bind="name" out of rendered DOM, but we'd lose the easy programatic config01:19
bcsallerwell, not lose, be at odds with01:19
hatchyeah I had that in one of my refactors01:19
hatchbut I was torn01:19
hatchand reverted :)01:19
* hatch goes to delete the c9 account01:20
hatchthx for the help01:22
gary_posterbac, looks like we have some stats.  now the question is. how do we read them :-)12:15
gary_postermysql-bac has average value of 14.72, mysql-x has average of 7.56, service (?) has average of 7.3912:16
gary_posterbac, looks like we have some stats.  now the question is. how do we read them :-) mysql-bac has average value of 14.72, mysql-x has average of 7.56, service (?) has average of 7.3912:16
bacoh interesting.12:17
bacgary_poster: sadly i'm not a good scientist as for this round i didn't keep records.  i recall setting one to 15 units, so that would correspond with mysql-bac12:17
bacgary_poster: and there was the simulator perturbing the data12:18
gary_posterrogpeppe, hi.  I'd like to get your replies to the "Juju GUI API addresses handling" email thread (William said you had some plans in that regard) and to the "Juju core tasks for GUI project" thread (William and I both would like your thoughts on a reasonable way forward with the restricted mode that I mentioned and you prototyped.  Do you have a chance of replying to those this afternoon?  If not, np.  Those two ar12:40
gary_postere not immediately pressing, though I want us to agree on our way forward. I have a "ping Roger" to do item that I can fire off again next week sometime to try and get your thoughts :-)12:40
rogpeppegary_poster: yes, i should be able to do that12:41
gary_posterthanks rogpeppe :-)12:41
gary_posterfwereade__, thank you very much for your replies to us about the gui needs.  The set unit work would would ideally be implemented first of our juju core bits, but did I understand correctly that, even were we to decide to try to implement it ourselves, we need to wait for the same changes (a major version upgrade mechanism and/or moving the DB entirely behind API) that core would be waiting on?  that is, it is not m12:44
gary_postererely a matter of bandwidth but also technological infrastucture?12:44
bacteknico: ping (or are you gone today?)12:44
bacgary_poster: ^^ ??12:45
fwereade__gary_poster, I'd like to chat to someone about that12:45
fwereade__gary_poster, I had a suggestion that might not involve a schema change, and might make for a useful model12:45
gary_posterinvolving SetMinimumUnits?12:45
fwereade__gary_poster, yeah12:45
gary_posterbac I think he is here today.  out wednesday this week only12:46
bacno rush12:46
fwereade__gary_poster, can't chat today though, I'm afraid, just driving by12:46
gary_posterfwereade__, ok, maybe I can try to get a meeting with you, me, and frankban sometime next week?  I'll propose on calendar?12:46
fwereade__gary_poster, perfect, early monday is fine by me, I'm really keen to unblock you12:47
gary_posterfantastic, thanks fwereade__ .  ttyl12:47
fwereade__gary_poster, but whenever works :)12:47
fwereade__gary_poster, cheers12:47
gary_posterfrankban, do you mind helping out with analysis of the concurrent set unit discussion Monday at 1430 UTC?  It might lead to you leading that implementation eventually, so be warned. :-)12:51
frankbangary_poster: I am definitely interested :-)12:53
gary_postercool thanks frankban :-)12:53
rick_h__jcsackett: morning, I'm still working on getting tests into the branch, but if you get a second can you QA it and make sure it does solve the black bar problem you saw? https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/juju-gui/details-double-dispatch/+merge/16805313:07
rick_h__jcsackett: I don't see it, but I want to make sure I'm doing the exact steps you did to find the issue.13:08
jcsackettrick_h__: looking.13:09
jcsackettrick_h__: it doesn't.13:10
teknicobac: I'm back from lunch, what's up?13:10
jcsackettrick_h__: going to this url http://jujugui.local:8888/fullscreen/search/precise/juju-gui-61/:flags:/browser_enabled/?series=precise&text=gui&type=approved still causes black bar horror.13:11
bacteknico: not much, i was just wondering about the spelling for the config setting to disable GA.  i'm writing some docs13:11
bacteknico: and my thoughts about exposing it in the charm were truly cracktastic.  please ignore.13:12
jcsackettrick_h__: oddly though, if i move the ":flags:" bit to be the first bit (which i think is correct) no black bar.13:12
teknicobac: the idea was to use "use-analytics: true|false"13:12
jcsackettrick_h__: the latter url was the one i was actually using yesterday. so partial success at least. the flags thing may not be an issue, since i think flags are supposed to be the first component of a url anyway?13:13
bacteknico: ok.  that works13:13
rick_h__jcsackett: k, looking13:16
gary_posterhey sinzui, I went to http://tinyurl.com/orange-standup but hangouts said the party was over.  what's the new daily url?13:21
rick_h__gary_poster: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/cf491220dfb7736cee2876baf29110eeb52f5997?authuser=113:23
gary_posterthank you rick_h__ 13:24
sinzuiI think that old URL is from deryck's days time with orange.13:25
* sinzui deletes the url13:25
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
bacgary_poster: who is that hairy man kissing karen on facebook?13:50
gary_posterbac, I dunno, but he's in some big trouble.13:50
benjigary_poster: so, zooming in and out should be on the basis of a service, eh?13:50
bacgary_poster: h.a.13:50
gary_posterbenji, something like that, yeah.  Maybe scrolling should be on the basis of the center of the viewport instead?13:53
gary_posterbenji, goal is to handle case of services way  out from to pleft origin13:53
gary_posterbenji, current zoom is always from top left13:53
gary_posterwhich doesn't work well in some cases13:54
benjigary_poster: it has always felt wierd to me that zooming wasn't centered on the mouse cursor13:54
gary_posterbenji, I suggest having a pre-imp with Makyo when he is available, if you want to tackle it13:54
benjigary_poster: ok (the card said you or Ben, and he out timezone-manuvered you)13:55
benji[I need to learn to spell one day.]13:55
gary_posterbenji, heh, you talked with me to get the goal of the card (make env work better in that case, which is what happens with silly people on uistage13:55
jcsacketthey hatch, do you recall where/what causes the second dispatch?13:56
hatchevery time a delta comes in it will dispatch13:57
benjiMakyo: yo13:57
jcsackettso if i just load '/', there's always a second dispatch. where in the code might i find the event handler (or whatever) that is doing the delta dispatching?13:58
hatchgrep for dispatch14:00
hatchits in a method called on_delta_something_something14:00
hatchit's similar to the "something_something_dark_side" method14:00
* jcsackett laughs14:01
hatch:D np14:01
rick_h__alejandraobregon: ping, any chance your around and available?14:05
alejandraobregonhey rick, soo sorry, been flat out!14:07
alejandraobregonrick_h__: will ping you when am out of my meetings14:07
rick_h__alejandraobregon: np, I'd be great if we can just schedule something? 14:07
rick_h__alejandraobregon: ok, yea just want to let sinzui know what time table I'm looking at on the branch. 14:07
rick_h__alejandraobregon: have fun with your meetings :)14:07
Makyobenji, yo.14:08
benjiMakyo: hi, can we have a pre-imp call about the "zooming in and out should be on the basis of a service" card14:09
Makyobenji, sure, guichat's free.14:10
benjisounds good14:10
teknicoMakyo: ping me when you're done?14:18
Makyoteknico, ping. :)14:18
benjigary_poster: it seems that zooming happens relative to the mouse cursor already so Makyo and I are not able to determine what the card is about (there is a bug that means that if the cursor is over a service no zooming happens, I could work on that) 14:19
teknicoMakyo: guichat?14:19
Makyoteknico, yep14:19
frankbangary_poster: could you please review my juju-test branch? https://codereview.appspot.com/987405014:20
gary_posterbenji frankban on call will ping14:20
frankbangary_poster: ok thanks14:20
gary_posterbenji, Makyo, what happens if you use the zoom controls on the bottom of the page?14:32
benjigood question; trying now14:32
jcsackettrick_h__: is it valid for a url to have both '#' and '?'14:33
jcsackettand if so, is ordering of those two important/specified?14:33
jcsacketthoping you can save me a trip to URI specification docs. :-P14:33
rick_h__jcsackett: yes14:34
rick_h__jcsackett: no, I think usually the ? is first ,the # is second. JS makes location.hash available for the # part14:34
jcsackettrick_h__: cool. thanks.14:34
rick_h__jcsackett: sorry, other way aroud on the order14:35
Makyogary_poster, that's set to zoom around (0, 0), zooming around the center of the current view would be easier, but would rely on code from my branch.14:35
jcsackettrick_h__: yeah, was just writing a sample url the wrong way and thought, "this doesn't seem right". :-P14:35
gary_posterMakyo, cool, thought it was 0,0.  +1 on zooming around center of current view.  Is that something you should slip into your current branch, ir that benji should work on as a follow on to your branch, or...?14:37
Makyogary_poster, I can do that in my branch, once I get the scale stuff working properly.  There's still the issue of zoom events not bubbling14:38
gary_posterMakyo, ok thanks.  benji ^^ s'ok with you?14:38
gary_posterthanks benji.  Makyo, benji, I'll combine text of benji's card with Makyo's and then delete card. :-P14:39
benjiMakyo: it shure looks like it zooms around the center when using the zoom slider14:39
teknicoMakyo: deleting all cookies wasn't a great idea :-)14:39
Makyoteknico, oops :)14:40
Makyoteknico, I found you can delete them from the console in the resources tab.14:40
gary_posterbenji, on uistage, zoom out.  drag canvas to left so services are just to the left of where you can see them.  zoom in.14:41
bcsallerhatch: around?14:41
hatchyou bet14:41
hatchjust reading your branch14:41
bcsallerhatch: and you got those emails last night?14:41
bcsallerfrom last night :)14:42
bcsallerok cool14:42
gary_posterfrankban, fwiw, I don't have a lot of time.  I will review code but will not have time for qa till later today or Monday14:43
gary_posterlet me know how much you want me to do14:43
benjigary_poster: (ui stage isn't working for me, but I used a local server) I'm not sure what that is supposed to prove.  If it zooms to the center of the visible part of the canvas (the current behavior and a good one, IMO) then if you follow those steps you will not be able to see any services, but that's not unexpected14:43
gary_posterbenji, want me to show you on guichat? :-)14:44
benjigary_poster: sure14:44
gary_posterbenji oops it is busy14:44
gary_poster1 sec14:44
benjiheh, yeah I just noticed14:45
hatchbcsaller: yeah I see the issue here14:45
hatchwe can get together after the calls14:46
bcsallerhatch: sounds good14:46
hatchwe definitely need a flag to stop people from opening multiple of the same inspector14:46
bcsallerhatch: we can do that with the tracking map in the env view, but I think we might want a better fix than just that 14:48
frankbangary_poster: code review would be great, but please don't worry if you don't have time.14:54
gary_posterjujugui call in 614:54
gary_posterkanban now14:55
* benji opens up the branch start check list.14:55
gary_posterjujgui call in 114:59
rick_h__jcsackett: ok, try to break please lp:~rharding/juju-gui/details-double-dispatch :)15:00
jcsackettrick_h__: works!15:02
rick_h__jcsackett: party, now how the $#@#@ to test it all...15:03
rick_h__hah, all existing tests pass...just lp-submit now in a hurry :P15:03
alejandraobregonrick_h__: hi!15:28
alejandraobregonrick_h__: so sorry, crazy day!15:28
alejandraobregonhang out now?15:28
rick_h__alejandraobregon: give me 3min (hopefully) in the middle of submitting another branch before I can switch over to dmeo15:29
alejandraobregonrick_h__: no problem15:29
jcastrorick_h__: do you have a live thing like uisearch but with trunk handy?15:30
rick_h__jcastro: http://uistage.jujucharms.com/:flags:/browser_enabled/ ?15:31
rick_h__alejandraobregon: invite coming in a sec15:32
rick_h__alejandraobregon: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/129fd072762c185e15013cb63d854c7e87c68cd4?hl=en 15:35
alejandraobregonrick_h__: sorry couldn't understand what you were saying...15:38
alejandraobregonrick_h__: i have to leave shortly to pick up my 1YO from nursery...15:43
alejandraobregonrick_h__: can we cover it in ten mins?15:43
rick_h__alejandraobregon: yep, moved to my home connection sorry15:47
rick_h__alejandraobregon: starting up a quick hangout, should take just a couple of min15:47
alejandraobregonrick_h__: ah, there you are!15:47
rick_h__sinzui: gary_poster so we have the ok to land the quality tab changes for now with agreement to re-evaluate/discuss it with luca upon his return.16:02
sinzuirick_h__, +116:02
rick_h__sinzui: gary_poster and if there's a meeting I'd be happy to sit in and present what we did and why I think it makes sense.16:02
gary_posteryay, rick_h__ .  thank you to you and alejandraobregon .  rick_h__ would it be relatively quick to write up an email to juju-gui with the reasoning?  then we can see if we can luca agrees with basic idea without a meeting?16:03
rick_h__gary_poster: I can, is everyone on that list then?16:04
gary_posterrick_h__, yeah pretty sure.  cc luca and ale just to be sure16:04
rick_h__gary_poster: do you have a direct list then? /me does't see ~juju-gui with a list16:04
gary_posteroh!  yeah16:05
gary_posterpretty sure you are on it but could be wrong16:05
gary_posterrick_h__, Juju GUI Developer List <juju-gui@lists.ubuntu.com>16:05
* rick_h__ checks list membership16:05
gary_posterrick_h__, it is an Ubuntu-style list, not LP16:05
rick_h__gary_poster: ah, gotcha. 16:06
hatchteknico: in guichat16:07
rick_h__jcsackett: sinzui hatch bcsaller or anyone else that's intersted, can I get a couple reviews to defeat the great tabs-induced black bar of doom once and for all? https://codereview.appspot.com/10086045 referring to bug #117501916:13
_mup_Bug #1175019: staging has issue with black bar at top of fullscreen charm details <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:In Progress by rharding> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1175019>16:13
benjijsPlumb looks pretty cool16:13
jcsackettrick_h__: looking.16:14
bcsallerrick_h__: looking as well16:15
rick_h__thanks guys16:15
* rick_h__ fetches remote food for lunch today16:25
hatchtrunk is broken with make prod16:33
hatchoh wait16:41
hatchignore me :)16:42
Makyohatch, Done and done.16:42
MakyoI kid, I kid :)16:42
hatchbcsaller:  shall we chat?16:42
bcsallerhatch: joining16:43
frankbangary_poster: thanks for the review!16:51
rogpeppegary_poster: aargh, i realise i totally haven't replied to your request and i've reached eod. i will try to do it monday morning - please hit me over the head if i don't!17:19
hatchgary_poster: do we have our call in 9?17:21
gary_posterrogpeppe, :-) np thanks.  have a good weekend17:22
gary_posterhatch yes17:22
hatchgreat I didn't forget this time :)17:25
sinzuiabentley, rick_h__, the charmworld deploy script does not get the current charmworld charm, and since it is tainting the charm, the versions will never be synced. I am working to get the correct version of the charm installed now17:36
rick_h__sinzui: interesting. So we need a long term solution for this then as we update the charm?17:41
sinzuiwe do17:42
sinzuiI am currentl;y discussing branch tags to compare version17:43
rick_h__gary_poster: email away to the list now that uistage is updated. 17:44
gary_posteryay thanks rick_h__ 17:44
rick_h__gary_poster: also heads up that the black bar issue is closing up. Should hopefully unblock some.17:44
bcsallerhatch: currently we are not limited to a single panel, we should think about how we want to handle that. I'm tempted to add the YUI drag handler to the panels on creation so we can just move them around for testing17:46
gary_posteryay rick_h__ !  ripping out charmbrowser flag today or next week?17:48
rick_h__gary_poster: not sure, I don't know what the current checklist is for that. 17:48
rick_h__jcsackett: ping, how goes it? Want to chat now that I've got this stuff landed?17:49
gary_posterrick_h__, I think the checklist has been checked.  black bar, bad typing experience of -, and quality tab17:49
rick_h__" bad typing experience of -" ?17:49
jcsackettrick_h__: we can chat. i found the problem just before grabbing food.17:50
rick_h__jcsackett: k17:50
jcsackettrick_h__: but i would love to chat about best solution. :-P17:50
rick_h__jcsackett: why don't you invite away 17:50
hatchbcsaller: yeah I see no issue in that, you should be able to just add it to the view-container template17:54
sinzuirick_h__, I think your dash bug is fixed in production: https://manage.jujucharms.com/api/1/charms?categories=app-servers&series=precise&text=&type=approved17:56
hatchbcsaller: mind if I grab some lunch and then we can get back at it?17:59
bcsallerhatch: go for it17:59
hatchcool - i'll be here so just ping if ya need17:59
Makyojujugui Is uistage's improv down again?18:03
gary_posterMakyo, not for me18:03
Makyogary_poster, Huh, will try again.  Getting "websocket is closed before connection is establised"18:04
Makyoonly spelled right.18:04
hazmatlooks okay on the server18:04
bcsallerMakyo: w/o the :8080 wfm, the objects are off the canvas by default18:04
Makyobcsaller, oh, derp.  Forgot we removed the :808018:04
gary_poster8080 wfm too18:04
Makyogary_poster, I get the error only on :8080.18:05
gary_poster<shrug> wfm.  just did a hard reload18:05
jcsacketthatch: need to grab you for a quick chat when you're back from lunch.18:06
rick_h__sinzui: yay!18:06
rick_h__sinzui: so maybe you can get with gary_poster on the un-feature flagging of the browser. 18:06
rick_h__sinzui: sounds like we're darn close and might be able to monday or tues.18:06
rick_h__sinzui: I'll add a card to the board to remind me to bring it up monday then. Should be a short 3 or 4 line change18:07
rick_h__sinzui: so jcsackett is working through our routing/url dropping QS and #xxx issues. I'm giong to move on to api2 then for now and wait for his work to fall through if that's ok18:08
sinzui+1 rick_h__18:09
bcsallerhatch: give it a try when you get back, you can have multiple open bound draggable panels now18:38
hatchwill do18:50
hatchbcsaller: awesomer18:53
bcsallerhatch: what do you think about adding tabs for the viewlets next and then a second one?18:54
hatchsure - just for prototype though right? UX will probably have something specific in mind18:55
hatch""Regenerated Templates"" haha friggen finally!19:10
hatchI don't think I have EVER seen that before - that must have been broken forever19:10
hatchbcsaller: w00t tabs work :)19:19
hatchthat was easy....19:19
hatchmesa thinks all that planning made the coding a lot easier :)19:19
jcsacketthatch: skip on needing to chat; can you look at https://codereview.appspot.com/1011904319:22
hatchjcsackett: we needed to chat?19:22
hatchoops sorry :) I missed the ping19:22
jcsacketti pinged you earlier about talking when you got back from lunch. it's all good. :-)19:22
jcsacketti'm not sure we actually needed to.19:23
hatchjcsackett: guichat?19:27
bcsallerhatch: you have a branch link I can merge?19:30
hatchbcsaller: is this good enough? can bzr 'apply' diffs? https://gist.github.com/hatched/4bedc5bd0e9dceb96f3219:32
bcsallerhatch: bzr push lp:~hatch/juju-gui/service_inspector and then I can merge it19:33
hatchcool one sec19:33
hatchbcsaller: done19:35
hatchjcsackett: lgtm'd with comment as per the hangout19:36
bcsallerhatch: cool, thanks19:36
hatchbcsaller: I used data-attrs for the tabs as you can see - figured i'd follow the same convention as with the mappings19:38
bcsallerhatch: yes, I think that makes sense 19:40
bcsallerI improved the styling, changed it to inline-block19:41
hatchyeah I just hacked some inline css in there haha19:42
hatchso next step is to add some inputs to see if we can get the updating to work19:43
bcsallerhatch:  should work out of the box19:43
bcsallerbut I can change the template now19:43
hatchsorry I meant with the units side19:44
bcsallerhatch: chat?19:45
abentleyorangesquad: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/hide-same-series/+merge/168167 ?19:46
* sinzui looks19:46
jcsackettbcsaller: can you look at https://codereview.appspot.com/10119043/ ?19:59
abentleyorangesquad: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/migrations-tests/+merge/168170 ?20:05
jcsackettabentley: sure.20:05
sinzuiabentley, jcsackett sorry, it was r=me20:05
abentleysinzui: No, that's a second branch that jcsackett agreed to review.20:06
sinzuioh, sorry. nm20:06
jcsackettabentley: r=me.20:07
abentleyjcsackett: Thanks.20:07
arosalesfolks saw ubuntu.com today right :-)20:20
hatchOOoooo look at that20:26
gary_posterhah!  cool :-)20:26
hatchgary_poster: is there a reason why we don't have units as part of a service model?20:27
hatchjust wondering if there was a big architectural reason I'm missing20:27
gary_posterhatch, probably because that's how they are modeled in juju.  Probably also because it is a bit relational-db-like the way it is.  Maybe because there's no guarantee that we will hear about a service before we hear about one of its units?  Maybe there is a guarantee like that.... Anyway, it was a decision from before my time, but I don't have an argument against it.  Do you?  :-)20:30
hatchI do! :)20:30
hatchbut I think I have a workaround20:31
hatchjust an issue we are running into with the bindings20:31
gary_posterfeel free to send an email or make a card20:31
hatchyeah will wait to run my idea past ben when he gets back20:31
hatch*I will20:32
bcsallerjcsackett: it seems like you could just put that code on nsRouter.split and it should work, no? I assume you tried that and hit an issue?20:34
bcsallerhatch: back, btw20:35
hatchthat was quick20:35
* gary_poster running20:43
gary_posterhave a great weekend20:43
hatchyou too cya!20:43
jcsackettbcsaller: it's more that .split is implicated in more places and i'm cautious about what i modify without any understanding of this code.20:47
BradCrittendenok, benji your sphinx checks have bitten me trying to propose my branch.  hope you're happy.  :)21:01
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac____
hatchbcsaller: the events object in the view container should probably be user defined21:14
hatchor....do we want people to subclass view-container instead of init directly?21:14
hatchevents and       var viewletContainer = container.one('.viewlet-container'); should be user defined IMHO so that it can match the templates21:15
hatchand view-container can then be a general use wrapper21:15
bcsallerhatch: are events even used/needed here?21:15
hatchwell it's the view container which houses the navigation21:15
hatchso we should really be subclassing the view-container21:17
hatchwhich is probably overkill :)21:17
bcsallerhatch: agreed, at this time I dont' see the need either. The controller should configure that layer I think21:20
hatchok so I should make the events object user configurable?21:22
hatchand the viewlet-container element21:22
rick_h__hatch: I'd think the container element should be ok to be hard coded. Provides consistancy and you can always drop in your own node inside of it. 21:23
rick_h__hatch: nvm, I was reading that as the container itself, but you're talking about the node inside the container already21:24
bcsallerhatch: it works and its pretty cool, pushing.21:34
hatchawesome - I'm just finishing up my changes to view-container and it's tests21:34
bcsallerall pushed21:36
bcsalleryou can watch the inspectors of multiple panels update the unit viewlets with the simulator running21:36
hatchexcellent - lp:~hatch/juju-gui/service_inspector was updated21:37
hatchso you can pull those changes21:38
hatchI think my simulator is broken21:41
hatchoh nm there it goes21:41
hatchright on21:41
hatchthis is pretty damn cool21:42
bcsallerlike I want other people to see this already :)21:43
* hatch ships a bunch of redbul to UX21:43
hatchexcellent I'm glad that idea worked out21:44
bcsalleryeah, I thought you meant creating them on the fly at first and I was opposed, but I keep them up to date in the delta stream21:45
bcsallerextended process_delta to be able to handle this case21:45
bcsallerI'd get rid of the global list now :)21:46
hatchI wasn't sure if that was being used anywhere21:46
bcsalleronly to select the subset by service21:46
bcsallerwe need a close button on these inspectors 21:47
hatchI can do that21:48
hatchdid you merge in my changes?21:48
hatchok I'll blow this branch out and pull down a new one21:49
hatchand then add that21:49
bcsalleryou can just merge mine back in and keep going21:49
hatchahh ok that'll be faster21:50
bcsalleryeah, just pushed again21:51
hatchcool - this is going to take a few minutes21:54
hatchthen I'll write the tests for it21:54
hatchalmost done22:06
bcsalleraggregated status is computed and doesn't fire a change event. might make sense to aggregate as status_error: {Number}, etc so the binding will work with it22:07
bcsallerdirectly on the service as attrs I mean22:07
hatchbcsaller: lp:~hatch/juju-gui/service_inspector22:08
hatchclose button - I am pretty sure I removed it from the collection object properly22:08
hatchfeel free to modify22:08
bcsallerhatch: I think it will be ok, setPanel should clean up in the overwrite case so for now this might leave an inspector in the env view index w/o a DOM unless I'm not seeing something else you did 22:12
bcsallerhatch: did you merge back my changes as well?22:13
bcsallerhatch: I think next I'd like to make the overview viewlet interactive in the sense that it applies mutation. To do that I think it would be good to take the exposed toggle slider and embed it, see how well things handle that 22:14
hatchI haven't merged your changes yet22:18
hatchI modified the setInspector method to add a remove functionality22:18
hatchdid you see that?22:18
hatchand modified the show_service method in topology/service.js22:18
hatch"exposed toggle slider" ?22:19
bcsallerhatch: yeah, found it later22:24
bcsallerhatch: on the normal service view there is a toggle for exposed22:24
bcsallerhatch: I think you can see it w/o the feature flag22:25
bcsallerhatch: top right22:25
hatchohh right right22:26
hatchso is there anything I should be doing right now wrt the panels or shall I keep on the docs?22:31
bcsallerhatch: I think the docs are going to be very valuable 22:38

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