
ahoneybunhello all03:20
ahoneybunvalorie: have we thought about how we are going to describe how to install steam/04:00
valorieahoneybun: no clue, because I've never used it04:39
ahoneybunthis helped me04:40
valoriewell, his method looks overly complicated to me04:42
valorieis it really true that it's only available through the ubuntu software center?04:42
valorieI hate that pile of *^*&%04:43
ahoneybunyea well you can get the deb file from the steam website04:44
ScottKIf it's available through the software center, JontheEchidna ought to be able to figure out how to get it into Muon SC too.04:47
valoriethat's worth writing to the -devel list about, i think04:48
valorieour users should not have to install something or dl the .deb04:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you see bug 1186376 - seems like something we ought to have U/I for too.04:49
ubottubug 1186376 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "should support setting of whether or not to include phased updates" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118637604:49
valorieor you can file a bug, ahoneybun04:49
ahoneybunyea agreed04:49
valorieprobably the best idea04:49
ahoneybunwhere is muon hosted? bugs.kde.org?04:50
valorielaunchpad should be fine, right?04:51
valoriethis is a kubuntu issue04:51
ScottKvalorie: It's on bugs.kde.org and it's not like it's use for anything else.04:51
ScottKI guess wherever JontheEchidna prefers.04:51
valorieah, boo04:51
ahoneybunI see that it is on bugs.kde.org04:51
valorieI was hoping it would be more widely used04:51
ScottKIt's almost in Debian.04:52
ahoneybunit is for debian04:52
ahoneybunwell for debian and those based04:52
valorieit at least gets it more used, more tested, more known04:52
ahoneybunvalorie: ScottK https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/muon04:53
ahoneybunit is not just muon though04:53
ahoneybunyou can not find it in the repos with apt-cache search04:54
valoriethat's bizarre04:54
valorieperhaps there is a special repository04:54
ahoneybunlike it is not even in the iso at all but somehow is added with the install of USC04:54
ahoneybundarn beshell is so confusing04:55
ahoneybunvalorie: I found why05:02
ahoneybunit is a deeper Kubuntu thing05:03
valoriewell, I think that this would be a good problem for us to solve05:09
valorieour linux gamers want steam05:09
ahoneybunUSC added a ppa05:11
ahoneybunvalorie: hey I'm going to be host at denny's now05:14
ahoneybuna host05:14
ahoneybunI just got 4.10.405:14
ahoneybunsome parts it seems05:14
valoriegrrr, our users shouldn't have to add a ppa either05:18
valoriethere should be a partners repository, at least05:19
ahoneybunI know05:19
ahoneybunvalorie: any news about the development subpage05:22
valorienot sure; just got home05:22
valoriehaven't checked email yet05:22
ahoneybunoh ok05:24
ahoneybunI got a email from littlegirl05:24
valorieno one has edited the page05:25
valoriecool, I got one reply05:27
ahoneybunlordievader has been making great changes to the basic and getting involved pages05:27
lordievaderWhoo I'm being praised :D05:28
lordievaderGood morning everyone.05:28
ahoneybunlordievader: good morning lol05:28
valorieI'll look at stuff in a few mins05:28
valoriegotta get something to eat first05:29
ahoneybunlordievader: yes I like the changes a lot05:31
soeegood morning05:40
ahoneybunsoee: good morning05:40
lordievaderHey soee 05:41
ahoneybunaway I go 05:49
* Riddell wonders how grantlee ended up in universe09:16
shadeslayerxnox: so, turns out if I change line 506 in ./ubiquity/plugins/ubi-language.py to : if self.combobox.count() > 0 : self.combobox.clear() it doesn't give me the bug anymore09:37
shadeslayerRiddell: can you check if you can reproduce bug 118776209:43
ubottubug 1187762 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[ubiquity-frontend-kde] language drop down list closes on first click" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118776209:43
Riddellshadeslayer: ok, give me 20 mins09:46
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shadeslayerRiddell: any luck?10:10
danttido you guys know that usb-boot-creator is broken to install kubuntu images on usb right?10:19
BluesKajHI all10:22
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jussidantti: since when? 10:22
jussidantti: you are getting the "boot:" prompt? 10:23
jussidantti: if so, use a larger usb - that was the issue for me10:23
danttijussi: I have 13.04 installed, whenever I try to "burn" an iso of kubuntu to a pen drive it fails saying Gnu/version is not right (something like that...)10:24
danttithe pen drive has 8gb and installs fine with unetbootin10:25
danttithe issue happens with the gnome version too, so either the iso has something different or just that the usb-creator-core got broken10:25
jussistrange, Ive not had that issue.10:26
jussiand I made a usb just 2 days ago10:26
danttiI tried 13.10 iso and got the same issue btw10:29
danttidon't think I tried the Ubuntu iso10:29
yofeldantti: can you share your ~/.cache/usb-creator.log ? (If it's still at that place)10:40
danttiI think it is, let me look10:41
danttiyofel: ValueError: Invalid version string 'GNU/Linux'  http://paste.opensuse.org/9447679910:46
danttiyofel: the full file has 2.4 mb10:47
danttithere you have the py trace10:47
shadeslayerI've always used dd11:02
shadeslayerxnox: can you point me to where ubiquity caches things?11:02
xnoxshadeslayer: debconf database, /var/lib/partman, /var/lib/ubiquity, just widgets in your toolkit preserving state..... what do you mean?11:04
Riddellshadeslayer: I don't think I can recreate it11:04
shadeslayerRiddell: odd, are you running this on actual hardware?11:05
shadeslayerbecause I can't reproduce it on VBox and KVM11:05
shadeslayerbut can reproduce on actual hardware11:05
shadeslayerxnox: widgets ....11:05
xnoxshadeslayer: hmm... i never touched kde-qt frontend so no idea. in gtk all pages are actually pages of the notebook, and if the widget is never destroyed "going back" to previous page, will show everything as it was.11:06
shadeslayerI see11:06
shadeslayer( FWIW my count fix does not work, I was falsely led into thinking it works by my VM )11:07
Riddellshadeslayer: yes on a live image from last week where kwin doesn't work properly, doing a dist-upgrade now11:07
Riddelllive hardware11:07
shadeslayerso when you click the drop down list for the very first time in the live session it shows you the list11:08
Riddellshadeslayer: yes11:08
danttifunny creating the disk with the i386 image worked :/11:12
shadeslayerRiddell: I can reliably reproduce it 11:14
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Peace-dantti: ?? 11:19
yofeldantti: I'll take a look once I'm back from work, thanks for the trace in any case11:20
danttiyofel: ok, np :) sadly I'm having a hard time to reinstall it on my macbook :P11:21
yofelI usually use dd so haven't tried usb-creator in quite a while11:21
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Riddellusb-creator is quite badly maintained generally :(11:28
shadeslayerxnox: so I started ubiquity with -d and added some self.debug and print calls in ubi-language.py , but I don't see anything on the console11:32
leandrosansilvaHello to all. It seems there's a bug in older than 4.8.4 Qt with makes kdevelop crashes due a problem in libQTScript11:47
leandrosansilvaI'm using the kubuntu-ppa and the qt version in 12.04 is 4.8.211:47
leandrosansilvakdevelop almost doesn't keep running for a few minutes due this bugs11:48
leandrosansilvaIs there a repository for kubuntu 12.04 with a packaged qt 4.8.4?11:48
leandrosansilvaI'm using the backports11:49
Riddellug, qtscript, our nemesis11:52
Riddellyofel did an update for that for amarok no?11:52
yofelRiddell: I didn't get to it yet... 11:53
yofelit's only fixed in saucy so far, and I could copy the ppa package for raring, but everything else is still TODO11:53
leandrosansilvaAnd is there any "easy" way to package qt 4.8.4 manually for precise?11:56
leandrosansilvaany scripts?11:57
Riddellleandrosansilva: is this easily reproducable?11:57
Riddellcos updating kdevelop is on my todo after calligra (which I'm onto now)11:58
leandrosansilvaRiddell, yes, it is. Currently even I compiling kdevelop with dbg support, it generates useless backtraces because the thread which crashes does this due qtscript. I'm installing dbg support in qt right know (it takes a long time, internet in Brazil is really slow). But as soon I get a valid backtrace I'll report you12:00
leandrosansilvaI recompile kdevelop from master branch almost every week12:01
leandrosansilvawith -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug12:01
leandrosansilvaand the problem always happens outside its code12:02
leandrosansilvaRiddell, here's a backtrace showing something happening in kate+libqtscript12:05
Riddellleandrosansilva: so this is kdevelop in master?12:08
* Riddell out to hot desking12:08
* shadeslayer waves fist at ubiquity12:10
yofelleandrosansilva: how did you get that kate crash?12:10
leandrosansilvaRiddell. yes, it's kdevelop from master. In fact its from last week. I haven't updated in the current week, but that errors have been happening for a long time12:11
leandrosansilvayofel, I've just installed *.dbg stuffs from qt.  as kdevelop crashed in the middle of the update, it may have cought something from kate (I think). I'm trying to crash kdevelop again here to get a valid backtrace 12:13
leandrosansilvaBut it doesn't want to crach anymore. Maybe becuse I'm running it inside gdb...12:16
shadeslayerthis makes no sense at all -.-13:02
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1188590] old version of Qt 4.8 causes crashes in various Qt applications @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1188590 (by Sven B.)13:17
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lordievaderGood afternoon.13:42
menaceHi, will be KDE 4.11[.x] imported into the kubuntu-backports for 12.04?13:43
lordievaderIs lightdm in Saucy broken? Since today I can no longer login normally, must say that I have enabled the ninja ppa yesterday.13:46
yofelmenace: yet to be determined, but it looks possible so far13:47
menace"possible" sounds like 50:50 chance :D13:47
yofelwell, the dev branch still builds for precise in project neon, so it's not impossible. But nobody took a closer look at how well it works yet13:49
yofellordievader: probably the same issue BluesKaj had I guess?13:50
lordievaderNot sure, might be. BluesKaj you around?13:51
BluesKajyofel, lordievader yeah , I still have the login issue ...lord did you lose your permissions for alsa , i had to re-add my username to the audio group 13:51
lordievaderAll I see is the blue/purple background and after a while I get "There was a system error" message (or something along those lines)13:51
lordievaderBluesKaj: With permission for alsa you mean if I'm still in the audio group?13:52
BluesKajI don't get an error at login , lightdm just doesn'r do anything13:52
lordievaderThat might be Unity related then.13:52
BluesKajlordievader, yes check your audio group13:53
lordievaderI'm still in the audio group, BluesKaj 13:53
BluesKajok lordievader thanks ...maybe just an anomaly here , but it seems odd13:54
BluesKajanyway i have my audio cards setup and working 13:56
lordievaderBluesKaj: Is there a bug-report on this?13:56
BluesKajI reported the login issue here , i didn't bother filing a bug since I seemed to be the only user affected at the time13:57
BluesKajmy logs are showing apport errors again 13:59
BluesKajfor eg ERROR: apport (pid 16497) Wed Jun  5 08:57:33 2013: is_closing_session(): no DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS in environment14:02
yofelhm, do you still have that upstart user session thing enabled?14:02
lordievaderyofel: I think I do, what file was that again?14:03
yofelI forgot, lets see if I find that in the backlog14:03
BluesKaj File "/usr/share/apport/apport", line 54, in drop_privileges14:03
BluesKaj    stat = os.stat('/proc/' + pid)14:03
BluesKajoops . my apologies14:05
yofellordievader: /etc/upstart-xsessions14:06
lordievaderyofel: Ah thank you, yes kde-plasma is still in there. I'll test if removing it fixes the problem.14:06
lordievaderThank you yofel, removing the line fixed the problem. BluesKaj perhaps this works for you too.14:10
lordievaderSo the upstart thingie is broken?14:10
yofelit does look so if disabling it fixed your session14:11
yofelRiddell: ^ if you could take a look. I probably won't before Sunday14:11
lordievaderyofel: What is actually the advantage of using upstart here instead of, euhmm, doing it the normal way?14:12
yofelI believe it allows better isolation of individual sessions. I didn't have time to look much at it yet14:13
yofelit's supposed to allow removal of ubiquity-dm which would make the session management on the live disk easier14:13
BluesKajok , removed it ...brb 14:14
Riddelllordievader: what's up?14:15
debfxlordievader: it allows you to use upstart session jobs. for example you can define jobs that run an application when you plug in a specific usb device.14:16
lordievaderThat is neat :D Too bad it doesn't seem to work :(14:16
lordievaderRiddell: Well since today if the "kde-plasma" line is present in the /etc/upstart-xsession file I cannot login to the KDE desktop.14:17
* yofel notes that this is with 4.10.4 from the PPA14:18
BluesKajyup, kde-plasma removal works ..logged in fine 14:18
Riddellmm, we've got a of couple of weeks before that gets made default so it'll need looked into14:18
Riddellneed to see if it's something in the merged packages of 4.10.4 that makes the difference or something external14:19
lordievaderYes, ninja ppa is activated.14:19
BluesKajoh yeah , meant to ask , where can i find the  GPG key for yofel ninja ppa ?14:23
BluesKajtired of looking at the erors14:23
yofelBluesKaj: gpg key?14:23
yofelBluesKaj: you mean the deb line for the apt sources?14:23
yofelBluesKaj: I'll pm you mine. For private PPA's every person with access gets a personal access key from launchpad.14:24
BluesKajhmm, not working for me , still erroring and complaining about GPG key for your ppa , yofel , if drop the deb off the URL I get your login but then it 404s14:35
yofelBluesKaj: meh, it's friday and I'm tired. You're getting an untrusted warning because the gpg key is missing?14:35
* Quintasan fails at greeting14:36
BluesKajyofel, well , let's not get hung up on it ..it's no biggie 14:36
QuintasanThat said I somehow managed to pass two subjects14:36
yofelBluesKaj: can you pastebin the warning please? I'll tell you how to fix it then14:37
yofelQuintasan: \o/14:37
yofelQuintasan: and it looks like we're both glad it's friday :P14:37
QuintasanHow did I do that is a mystery to me14:37
lordievaderBluesKaj: Are you looking for this: http://systembash.com/content/apt-get-update-gpg-key-errors-and-fix/14:37
Quintasanyofel: I'm not, calculus 2 next Tuesday14:37
Quintasanand as much as I don't like it I don't think I will pass that14:38
yofelyeah, that page is essentially right, though I always wonder why people go an extra way when adding keys batching commands together14:39
yofeljust 'sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key>' is enough14:39
BluesKajyofel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5742093/14:41
yofelBluesKaj: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com B2C30B9A0945A8E214:41
yofelafter that run update again14:41
BluesKajlordievader, i tried that app before and stopped working so i haven't bothered with it lately14:42
yofelas for the backports, those have nothing for saucy yet that's why they 40414:42
BluesKajyofel, doh!14:42
* BluesKaj facepalms14:43
BluesKajyeah i commented them already14:43
BluesKajguess my short term memory is getting shorter14:45
yofelwell, I would like launchpad to simply do a blank initialization of every PPA sometimes too :/14:46
yofelwould make my sources management easier...14:46
BluesKajmuon is a pita , the changes made in the sources.list aren't reflected there after an update , have to edit it manually14:50
BluesKajit's been like that for a while 14:52
ahoneybunvalorie: check out the steam page15:21
lordievaderahoneybun: Have you changed it? Did you read my comment, btw?15:23
ahoneybunlordievader: I read and commented back, I added a ss15:23
Riddelltariq: not e-mailed yet?15:34
QuintasanRiddell: While I'm at reminding you to mail me the tablet someday. I just got back the damn tshirt from post office15:55
QuintasanDarkwing: Still want the Kubuntu tshirt?15:55
RiddellQuintasan: t-shirt?15:57
RiddellQuintasan: tablet is in the post15:57
QuintasanRiddell: Good, tshirt, polo, whatever you call it15:57
QuintasanYou gave me two at UDS and I was supposed to send one to Darkwing, I did but he said he doesn't have it and they didn't return it either15:58
QuintasanBut now I found a ticket in postbox saying like "bro we have your package back"15:58
QuintasanI wonder how the hell did they manage to do that.15:59
Riddellnot improbable, I remember sending a box of kubuntu CDs to freeflyi1g and getting it back some months later16:01
QuintasanWell, that said if Darkwing gives me his new address I will send him one of those.16:02
ahoneybunQuintasan: tshirt!16:02
Quintasanahoneybun: Hm?16:03
ahoneybunI would love a kubuntu tshirt show my pride!16:03
BluesKajunfortunately most T's don't come in my size ...but I can live without a kubuntu T , since ppl would be asking incessant questions about kubuntu, which will eventually bore me to tears16:05
QuintasanSorry, I've got only two of those and I want one for myself :P16:05
ahoneybunQuintasan: that's ok I just would like a official one sometime16:05
ahoneybunjust in general16:07
ahoneybunlordievader: you there?16:07
ahoneybunRiddell: have you see the progress16:07
Riddellahoneybun: you can order some business cards if you want something official16:07
Riddellahoneybun: nope, what's new?16:07
ahoneybunRiddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDocs16:07
BluesKajquestion , what's kubuntu ? Answer , It's a computer operating system , Question what's a computer opersting system , ad nauseum ...blah blah16:08
BluesKajmade the mistake of wearing a "cranky Geeks" T-shirt to a gig ...big mistake :(16:09
Quintasanahoneybun: Can I edit those right away if I see something wrong or you want me to report that?16:09
ahoneybunQuintasan: edit just make a comment somewhere16:09
QuintasanI see.16:09
Riddellahoneybun: how is working on the wiki?16:10
ahoneybunRiddell: how is it going or how do I like using the wiki?16:10
Riddellahoneybun: how do you like?16:11
ahoneybunRiddell: I like the wiki it16:11
ahoneybunit's pretty easy to me but I have some more to learn from lordievader16:11
Riddellhah, you say that and now I'm getting "Internal Server Error" from the wiki16:12
yofelsame here16:13
ahoneybunRiddell: that seems to happen a bit when a lot of people are trying to view/edit it I think16:14
yofelnow it works16:14
ahoneybunRiddell: have you read the kubuntu-devel list16:15
Riddellahoneybun: valorie's request for devel docs review is still in my unread box alas16:17
* yofel notes that software-properties-kde can handle 'ppa:foo/bar' URL's too16:18
yofeleven if the UI itself doesn't say so16:19
ahoneybunoh ok16:21
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QuintasanScottK: Did you get around to signing my key?16:31
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lordievaderahoneybun: Back, you know the whole Moin wiki is new to me too ;)17:24
ahoneybunlordievader: quick learner then17:37
lordievaderahoneybun: I read man/help pages ;)17:38
ahoneybunwhat is the diffence between the 64-bit and the MAC 64-bit images?18:17
ahoneybunvalorie: I believe that we should have a video meeting again to look at what we have so far and brainstorm for more content.18:57
ScottKahoneybun: There are some specific Mac variants that won't boot the normal image.  IIRC shadeslayer knows which ones.18:58
ahoneybunoh ok my MacBook boots the normal 64 bit one18:59
ScottKIt's only a few specific ones that don't.19:01
sheytanhey guys20:53
sheytanany iso with 13.10 and kernel 3.9?20:53
sheytani would like to test the OPTIMUS driver stuff20:54
yofelsheytan: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ - no guarantee that it works20:55
sheytanyofel: thanks! :)21:03
Hubert-01Is there life out there? 21:19
Hubert-01It's so quiet here21:27
valorieare you kidding? I finally finished reading the backlog, lol21:28
geniiHubert-01: Sometimes they get to the yelling and screaming when there's a problem :) Just not right now.21:28
valorietoo busy!21:28
Hubert-01oh, I've got no problem 21:30
ahoneybunvalorie: what?22:17
valorieI just finished working more on the steam page, and gave some feedback on trello22:19
valoriedidn't ping you in particular though22:19
ahoneybunyea I know22:34
Riddellvalorie: is steam easy to get working?22:36
valorieno idea22:36
valoriebut i know it's popular22:37
valorietherefore we should mention it in our docs22:37
valoriealso: we should make it easier22:37
ahoneybunRiddell: you need a private ppa to get it that is added when you install USC22:39
RiddellUSC being ubuntu software centre?22:46
RiddellI thought we didn't allow adding PPAs automatically22:46
ahoneybunit said it was added22:46
ahoneybunadded by software center22:47
ahoneybunRiddell: yes automatically22:49
yofelahoneybun: USC or steam?22:58
RiddellScottK: isn't there a policy against packages doing that?22:58
yofelI know steam adds a repository for itself, but USC should't be allowed to do that22:58
yofelthough steam is trivial to install really22:58
ahoneybunIf I installed USC then steam though it22:59
ahoneybunyofel: not to a new user22:59
yofelahoneybun: installing the downloaded .deb doesn't work?22:59
yofelit did for me22:59
ahoneybunyofel: I'm not saying it did not work, just not installable though Muon23:00
valorieas I understand it, humble bundles are available ONLY through the USC23:00
valorienot even cli23:00
yofelyeah, that doesn't have the 3rd party section USC has23:01
valoriesucks that they force the pile of *^*^% on everyone for that23:01
ahoneybunyofel: maybe when steam is installed then it adds the repo23:01
yofelahoneybun: right, it does add one so I guess that's the one you mean23:02
ScottKDoing which?23:02
ahoneybunvalorie: you can use the deb files23:02
ahoneybunyofel: I think so23:02
valoriefor humble bundle?23:02
ahoneybunbut for some reason you can't see steam to install without USC23:02
ahoneybunvalorie: yea on the download page23:02
valorieok, then that should be added to the steam page23:03
valorieI have wrong /incomplete info23:03
ahoneybunvalorie: that's what I do23:05
ahoneybunok so even with the repo I can't see steam in muon 23:07
* valorie is working on internet page atm23:07
ahoneybunmuon package manager can see the launcher, muon software center sees nothing23:09
ahoneybunand cli can see it all23:10
ahoneybunso maybe the ppa does not do the work23:11
ScottKMSC, by design, only sees things that are applications that users may want to install directly.  It doesn't show libraries and "technical things".23:13
ScottKThere's a package with a list of what's an application, but I don't recall it's name.23:13
ScottKMSC doesn't internally decide.23:13
yofelit decides from app-install-data, no?23:14
ScottKYes.  or apt-xapian-index, if that's not the same thing.23:14
yofelsteam certainly isn't part of app-install-data as it's 3rd party, even if it ships a steam.desktop23:15
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valorieahoneybun: I don't have time today to fix that steam page, so I hope you can do so23:42
valorieanother busy night tonight23:42
utusanis 4.11 in for saucy?23:44
yofelutusan: there is no 4.11 for another 5 days when we *start* working on it. Might be in for alpha1 (due 21st I think)23:45
utusanyofel: Thanks, I can wait bec looks like there's a ton of 4.10.3 updates when 4.10.4 is out already23:47
yofelutusan: do you mean 4.10.4 or 4.11? .4 was uploaded to saucy yesterday23:48
utusankubuntu has this annoying habit  of dumping updates of the prev version when a newer version is out23:48
yofelif it's not fully available yet then it's probably stuck in the build queue23:48
utusanyeah it's .3 still23:49
yofelutusan: uh, we do have .4 in the PPA's for 12.04-13.04 though23:50
yofelsaucy just had the lowest priority23:50
utusanBTW congrats yofel 23:51
yofelthanks ^^23:52
yofelutusan: yep, most of .4 for saucy is stuck in -proposed because armhf and powerpc are a bit slow. Should be mostly done tomorrow I would say23:54
utusanI'll just wait for 4.1123:57

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