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=== Mkaysi is now known as Guest52829
rb2kHey, is there a way to see the build script that a repo on launchpad uses?10:48
rb2k(e.g. the configure arguments)10:48
dobeyrb2k: what do you mean by repo exactly? different projects use different build systems12:59
rb2kI think I figured my problem out13:00
rb2kI wanted to see how launchpad.net/~semiosis/+archive/ubuntu-glusterfs-3.3/ compiles the packages13:00
dobeyyou'll have to look at the build logs, or the source packages. a source package branch would also be something to look at if that person is using one. but you'd have to ask that person, not #launchpad, for the answer to that last one.13:03
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psusicould an lp admin fix the preload project?  it says it's upstream connection is neverwinter nights integration.19:07
psusipreload in ubuntu that is19:08
dobeyi wonder who did that19:12
dobeyanyway, it's unlinked now19:12
psusiwtf indeed ;)19:18
psusidobey: could you create the preload project to link it to?19:24
dobeypsusi: you can if you want19:29
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac____
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
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