
bjfcyphermox, it's sooo much nicer to make those kinds of requests to the mailing list00:05
bjfcyphermox, just more likely for the right person to see it and less likely that it gets missed or forgotten00:08
cyphermoxbjf: you're totally right00:08
cyphermoxI'll send it shortly :)00:08
cyphermoxbjf: sent it, sorry; I was multitasking -- it should have been my first action :)00:14
=== bkcherry is now known as BlackCherry
infinityzequence: World respun, again.  If you want to do a few quick rebases. :/07:18
infinityzequence: bug #1188461 bug #1188495 and bug #118846607:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1188461 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118846107:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1188495 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118849507:19
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1188466 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118846607:19
ppisatidid we respin P?08:14
infinityppisati: P, Q, and R, even.08:14
ppisatiinfinity: i mean tonight08:15
infinityppisati: iwlwifi-specific, so it doesn't really affect ARM, but since your branch hasn't been uploaded yet anyway, may as well rebase.08:15
infinityppisati: Yeah, we respun all three today.08:15
infinityppisati: bug #1188464 and bug #118849208:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1188464 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-ti-omap4: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118846408:16
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1188492 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-ti-omap4: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118849208:16
ppisatii see onlyne one respin to be done:08:17
infinityppisati: The quantal bug was just made, the workflow report is behind.  Hence my linking it for you. :)08:18
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
ppisatiinfinity: can you publish to the ckt ppa the unpubblished Q/omap4 kernel? i need 09:45
ppisatiinfinity: it for kteam-tools ABI script09:46
apwcyphermox, yo ... CONFIG_BT_HCISMD do you want =y or =m there?11:40
apwcyphermox, also, this option does exist for mako, but never did for maguro11:40
apwcyphermox, ok replied in email11:42
ograroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# uname -r11:54
ograroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# zgrep DEVTMPFS /proc/config.gz 11:54
ogra# CONFIG_DEVTMPFS_MOUNT is not set11:54
ograhmpf 11:54
ogracould we fix that for all ubuntu touch kernels ?11:54
apwogra, yep11:54
ograthx 11:54
apwogra, though our standard tooling does cope with it normally11:54
ograi might also have an additional grouper change 11:55
ograyeah, i know but it slows down booting if the script has to kick in11:55
ogra(minor but it does)11:55
* ogra sighs about grouper ... 11:55
ograwhile it is so easy for desktops it is a pain with android ... 11:55
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apwogra, ok those have already been fixed across the board in rtg's next kernels11:59
ograawesome !12:00
ogrartg_, rocks :)12:00
rtg_ogra, um, what did I do ?12:00
ografixing that 12:01
ogra(on the touch kernels)12:01
rtg_ogra, now I'm struggling with perf. kind of a PITA to get built.12:01
ograwell, i'm fighting with a non booting grouper over here ... it is the only arch having massive probs with the container flip12:02
* henrix -> lunch12:08
rtg_apw, linux_3.10.0-0.2_source.changes rejected, PPA exceeded its size limit (16472.00 of 16384.00 MiB).12:19
brendandanyone have details for this respin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kernel-sru-workflow/+bug/118627112:25
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1187926 in Kernel SRU Workflow verification-testing "duplicate for #1186271 linux: 3.5.0-34.55 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]12:25
rtg_apw, nm. I see you uploaded to a different PPA12:25
rtg_brendand, you'll have to wait for sconklin or infinity 12:25
henrixbrendand: there was a regression in iwlwifi driver12:28
henrixbrendand: this bug #118693212:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1186932 in linux (Ubuntu) "Regression: kernel 3.8.0-24 breaks WPA enterprise auth [iwlwifi]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118693212:29
apwrtg_, yeah i am waiting for the PPA to register that i have deleted everything in it12:29
apwrtg_, then i am going to pocket copy it out of the /ppa PPA when it is built12:29
brendandhenrix, i wonder can we have a convention to post details of the respin on the tracking bug, to reduce the level of mystery :/12:29
henrixbrendand: :) that would probably make sense12:30
henrixbrendand: i believe bjf was discussing something along those lines yesterday, but not sure about the details12:30
apwsmb, you have a lucid box i think, could you test something for me13:08
apwsmb, specifically can you see if the following oopses it for me13:08
apw  $ cd /sys/kernel/debug/tracing13:08
apw  $ echo 1234 | sudo tee -a set_ftrace_pid13:08
smbapw, If it does not have to be real hw...13:08
apwoh good point i have VMs13:08
* apw goes boot op something13:09
smbapw, Yeah, I would not be sure whether I still got something bare-metal on L13:09
apwsmb, no i was thinking of your precise machine ... getting my OLD lts' mixed up13:10
smbapw, Oh yeah, I know _that_ feeling. :)13:10
apwi suspect i am going senile13:10
smbAnd then there is the whole 2.6.32 vs 3.2 confusion13:11
apwheh ... i only have a server install for L thats how old it feels13:11
apwmust get those isos down and build some L desktops ...13:11
smbgood point... 13:11
smbI think I don't have one of those either13:12
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* apw installs both anyhow13:21
sconklinbrendand: was that enough of an answer that you got earlier?13:52
brendandsconklin, yes13:53
smbapw, I seem not to get an oops14:12
apwsmb, great, me either, that confirms my analysis that that release is not affected14:12
rtg_apw, I'll pick up mako CONFIG_BT_HCISMD when I enable perf.14:17
apwrtg_, ack14:21
argesrtg_: hi14:44
rtg_arges, yo14:45
argesrtg_: looking at your iptables patch here: http://git.netfilter.org/iptables/commit/?id=79ddbf202a06e6f018e087a328c2ca91e65a846314:45
rtg_arges, don't fear the reaper14:45
argesi'm trying to merge 1.4.18, and i noticed that some of the stuff in your debian patch didn't make it into that commit 14:45
rtg_arges, really ? like what ?14:46
argesrtg_: these were the changes that were in the 9002- patch but not in that commit: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5742113/14:46
argesNot sure if they are necessary, or can be dropped. or if there is a good way to test (try --reap with --seconds etc)14:46
rtg_arges, that one seems kind of important IIRC14:47
rtg_arges, the reaper needs a periodic cycle time14:47
argesrtg_: ok well those changs aren't in the lastest iptables git. so maybe it needs to be resubmitted14:48
rtg_arges, feel free to hassle him14:49
argesok : )14:49
rtg_there doesn't seem to be any obvious reason why that bit would not have been included14:49
* apw revs up to calling it a day16:37
* rtg_ -> lunch17:29
infinityzequence: You around?17:55
infinityzequence: The current respins of P/Q/R are fairly important for x86 users (so, lowlatency counts there), as they fix a nasty regression in iwl wifi.17:57
infinityzequence: Should be a dirt simple rebase, it's a 1-line fix.17:57
zequenceinfinity: alright. I'll get right to it18:05
infinityzequence: Thanks.  You're a champion.18:07
zequenceI will be if my bits stay in order :P18:10
infinitydebdiff before you upload. :)18:10
infinityIdeally against the one from -proposed, not against what's on your hard drive. :P18:10
zequenceinfinity: Oh, so that will error if there's an error?18:11
infinityzequence: No, but it'll tell you if some random file you didn't mean to change got changed.18:11
infinitydebdiff old.dsc new.dsc > foo.diff && lsdiff foo.diff (or just read the diff)18:11
zequenceinfinity: ok, thanks18:13
ppisati"omap4 3.2.0-1433.43 failed to build"19:17
bjfstill showing "currently building" for me19:19
ppisatigot an email sayign "failed to build blablabla"19:20
* rtg_ -> EOW20:40
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zequenceinfinity: I can't get the packages built today. Something is not right. I really need to crash, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow22:36
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