
snap-lFinished off an interview with the band Cryogen02:07
snap-lHoping to get that up on the site tonight. :)02:07
snap-lyeah, should be a good one02:09
snap-lthey've got a really tight sound02:09
snap-land they have a kickstarter going on02:10
snap-lso hoping to get more folks involved with that.02:10
snap-lGood mornig12:58
jrwren_good morning13:06
snap-lI <3 it when people say they'll stick to IRC because of the NSA17:17
snap-las if logging bots aren't a thing. :)17:17
snap-lor even relay servers. ;)17:17
snap-lHere's your new and improved all-digital tin-foil hat. Enjoy.17:18
brouschrun your own server17:28
greg-gWMF is probably going to throw up a Freenode server :)17:29
greg-gpending legal approval17:29
snap-lgreg-g: Awesome.17:39
jrwren_cryptocat FTW18:38
rick_h__jrwren_: who are you working for now? /me keeps mixing it up18:48
rick_h__jrwren_: nvm, see arbor networks now. I keep mising them and baracuda networks up18:51
snap-lTIL: there is a blorple.com19:37
snap-l(no, I don't know what it is outside of a DNS lookup)19:37
greg-gso, a tricky question to ask someone: "Have you heard of this story that you don't really want to hear?"  .... if I answer yes, I lie. If I answer no, I get to hear the story I don't want to hear. I have to then say "no, but I don't want to hear it" and sound like an ass. :/20:14
greg-gthere's this one person who does this all the time, which is really annoying20:16
snap-lgreg-g: The problem is you've limited yourself to either/or dichotomy20:17
greg-gRight, it's how the question was asked!20:17
snap-lThere's more than a yes/no answer, along with the associated guilt / endurance20:17
greg-ghow would you answer to get out of it?20:17
brouschPunch him in the groin and run away20:17
snap-lOther answers include:20:17
snap-l1) Answer: MUP! and then walk away.20:17
greg-gbrousch: it's a she, but also a coworker, so a no go ;)20:17
brouschMore fun for you then!20:18
greg-gsnap-l: I'm being ambushed at my desk!20:18
brousch"I would love to hear it, but I really need to <work thing> right now"20:18
snap-l2) Yell "CAPTCHA" and then show her a hand-drawn squiggle on a piece of paper.20:18
greg-gbrousch: yep, that's it.20:20
greg-gsnap-l: though this gets an honorable mention20:20
snap-lgreg-g: say plainly "I need 30 minutes of uniterrupted focus for this project. Please come back, and I'll be with you then20:21
snap-lgenerally speaking folks won't return20:22
snap-land if she doesn't get the hint, ask her for the number of words that have been written about all Marvel properties because Disney wants a cut.20:24
wolfgergreg-g: I vote for "no, but I don't want to hear it". I'm ok with being an ass when it comes to those situations.20:52

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