
Unit193Derath-Srvr: Welcome back.01:02
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Welcome to the IRC home of Ubuntu Ohio! | Check us out at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-ohio/ | Current podcast episode: http://tx0.org/60a Speex Version: http://tx0.org/609 | SIP Voicemail 1580@sip.sdf.org | PSTN Voicemail 206-299-2120 Extension 1580 | TMBG "Call Connected Through the NSA": http://tx0.org/608
skellatYeesh, the more I'm reading about PRISM and the lovely findings the Guardian made (however incomplete they are)...praise the Lord we've got the FSF helping encourage freedom as well as open network services04:04
yanodon't forget the EFF04:06
skellatTrue, they work on the legal side of things04:08
skellatFSF does help encourage the building of stuff04:08
paultagEFF is great12:50
paultagFSF is also great12:50
canthus13I'm soooo confused.  Why is ident suddenly working?? I did nothing to fix it!18:07
Unit193Because, you stopped messing with it and gave up, thus it works.18:16
thafreakwhy are you using ident?21:21
Unit193To get more connections to Freenode.21:42

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