
=== steffen is now known as Guest29780
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murthyhello everyone06:36
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lordievaderGood morning.07:11
lordievaderHey manenbu, how are you?07:13
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nascentmindHi. I want to improve my fonts in kubuntu. The present font which I am using has a lot of washed away look at the edges. How can I fix this.08:18
nascentmindI want a consistent thick font.08:19
murthynascentmind: have to tweaked the anti-aliasing settings?08:34
nascentmindmurthy, done.08:35
nascentmindmurthy, the fonts are thin.08:35
murthynascentmind: you mean you tried already?08:35
nascentmindits not thick and crisp at the edges.08:35
nascentmindits already enabled.08:35
lordievadernascentmind: I think I have the same problem on my desktop, haven't found the fix yet :(08:35
nascentmindsince the font is thin i can see patches of background color in between the fonts.08:36
murthynascentmind: whats the font that you are using?08:36
nascentmindFrom inconsolata to monospace same problem.08:36
nascentmindbecause of the patches the white foreground does not appear bright..08:37
murthynascentmind: can you give me your anti-aliasing settings ?08:37
nascentmindanti alias settings are enabled.08:37
murthynascentmind: i mean the values you see when you press the configure button08:38
nascentmindI have disabled exclude range.08:39
nascentmindI use sub pixel rendering hinting style full RGB.08:39
murthymine is exclude range is disabled, sub-pixel rendering is enabled and it is set to rgb and hinting is set to slight08:39
murthyI am using ubuntu font08:40
murthylordievader: Is there a possiblity that graphics card setting can override the anti-aliasing settings of the apps, I think I have seen something like this for geforce08:42
lordievadermurthy: Might be yes. Where can I find these anti-aliasing settings?08:42
murthylordievader: you mean the graphic card's?08:43
nascentmindmurthy, did it make a difference? Mine doesn't08:43
murthynascentmind: do you restart the application when ever you make a change to see the change?08:43
lordievadermurthy: Oh well never mind, in the nvidia x config you can override application settings.08:44
lordievadernascentmind: Do you use an nVidia card?08:44
murthylordievader: right08:44
lordievadernascentmind: With the closed source driver?08:44
nascentmindlordievader, I have a intel card.08:44
murthynascentmind: can you change the subpixel rendering to slight and try to re-login and see if it works?08:45
lordievaderOh I thought you mean: yes, I have an nvidia card.08:45
murthyme too, nvidia08:46
lordievadermurthy: Ah that subpixel rendering was the one I was looking for.08:46
nascentmindMy amd card screwed up recently. and with it too I have the same problem.08:46
murthymine is set to rgb with slight hinting08:46
nascentminddoes this effect gtk rendering too? I use a lot of gtk apps.08:47
murthynascentmind: ya, chromium will look screwed08:47
lordievaderNice murthy, that subpixel thing seems to fix it for me :)08:50
murthylordievader: nice :)08:54
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RTracerI need some help10:16
RTracerI've tried searching the net already so put your lmgtfy.com tabs away10:17
murthyRTracer: hi, may i try?10:18
RTracerSo whats going on is after a recent update LightDM will not work10:18
RTracerWhen I try Alt+F1 and starting it manually, it throws some GLib errors and..10:19
RTracerI forgot what its called10:19
RTracerBut it core dumbs10:19
RTracersegmentation error10:20
RTracerThats it10:20
murthyRTracer: does it work for a guest user?10:20
RTracerHow do you login as a guest in terminal?10:20
RTracerjust Guest in the username?10:21
murthyRTracer: so you can't even see the greeter :(10:21
murthyRTracer: I need you to paste a file, can you do that?10:21
RTracerI dont think so, how will I upload the file?10:22
murthyRTracer: use paste.kde.org10:22
RTracerI'm on my laptop right now, isnt there a terminal based web browser or something10:22
Artakhalinks is newer iirc10:23
Artakhacould be wrong tho10:23
murthyRTracer: I need to see this file "/var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log"10:24
RTracerI'll see if I can grab it10:25
murthyRTracer: you need to use sudo to access this "/var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log"10:25
murthyRTracer: Also I need to see this file "/var/log/lightdm/x-0-greeter.log"10:27
RTracerI cant even figure out how to submit the file to paste.kde.org10:31
murthyRTracer: use a pen drive to get the file to the other system10:32
murthyRTracer: I guess you are familiar with mounting a drive?10:33
RTracerJust need to format it because10:35
RTracerI dd'd an ISO to it, so its not reconized as a proper drive10:36
RTracerSorry its taking a while, Windows cant reconize a10:47
RTracerUSB drive after i've formatted it in Linux10:47
murthyRTracer: that happends10:49
murthyRTracer: *happens10:49
RTracerYeah, its fucked10:51
RTracerWell, i'll log into Kubuntu on my laptop, grab the files and come back10:51
RTracerWho was it that was helping me?10:59
RTracerHere's the first link: http://paste.kde.org/762206/10:59
RTracerSecond link: http://paste.kde.org/762212/11:00
Artakha[+66489.44s] DEBUG: Got signal 15 from process 111:04
Artakhax crash maybe?11:04
RTracerWell, incase it helps, I have an ATI graphics card11:05
murthyRTracer: have you tried after deleting the .Xauthority file in home dir?11:05
murthytry that11:05
RTracerAlright, brb11:05
murthysudo killall lightdm11:05
murthyrm -rf  .Xauthority11:06
murthysudo lightdm11:06
=== G4MBY is now known as PaulW2U
armoshello )))))))))))))))))))11:08
murthyarmos: hi11:09
RTracermurthy: still doesnt work11:14
murthyRTracer: can you try reinstalling your graphics driver?11:15
RTracerI already tried that11:16
RTracerBoth through apt and via the .run file provided by AMD11:16
murthyRTracer: can you give me one last file?11:17
murthyRTracer: this file ".xsession-errors" in the home directory11:18
RTracerAlright, brb11:18
RTracerRekonq is unstable as shit in Kubuntu 12.1011:25
RTracermurthy:  http://paste.kde.org/762224/11:26
murthyRTracer: run this command in the system that has the issue and tell me what it gives "grep "user-session=" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"11:26
murthythe command is "grep "user-session=" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"11:27
murthygrep "user-session=" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf11:27
murthyRTracer: the above is the command11:27
murthyi am checking the file that you gave me now11:28
RTracerI reckon, in 100 years, our medical reseach and cures will allow us to live until 25011:30
RTracerAlthough, coming to think about it, all the dumbasses in the world will keep life expentancy down a bit11:31
RTracerWoops, I tend to wonder about with my thoughts, sorry11:31
RTracermurthy: how's it going?11:40
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lordievaderHey tux_13:29
tux_how are you?13:29
lordievadertux_: Doing good, how about you?13:30
tux_where are you from?13:30
lordievadertux_: Hang around long enough and you'll find out ;)13:31
murthyRTracer: are you there?13:31
murthyRTracer: have you solved the problem?13:32
RTracerNah, I gave up13:32
murthyRTracer: what to try?13:32
RTracerI thought I did13:32
murthyRTracer: *want to try?13:32
RTracerFound anything interesting in the last link I sent you>13:33
murthyRTracer: run the following command and try13:33
murthyRTracer: sudo dpkg --reconfigure lightdm13:34
RTracerI tried thata already13:34
RTracerDidnt work13:34
RTracerOh wait13:34
RTracerShould it work if .Xathority is deleted?13:35
murthyRTracer: you didn't already try that?13:37
RTracerI did delete .Xathorirt13:40
RTracerBut that didnt work13:40
RTracerNow it says something about Plymouth13:42
murthyRTracer: so did you try the command that i gave you now?13:43
RTracerPlymouth command failed13:44
RTracerand Disconnected from Plymouth13:44
RTracermurthy ^13:44
RTracerOh and everytime I run "start lightdm" it doesnt start the first time13:45
murthyRTracer: what is error that you see in the terminal?13:46
RTracerShould I just launch it using "lightdm"13:47
murthysudo lightdm13:47
RTracerOh I see13:47
RTracerThose GLib errors again13:48
murthytell me13:48
RTracerGLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2720: You forgot to call g_type_init()13:49
RTracerGLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion 'result != 0' failed13:50
murthyRTracer: can you try to login with kdm?13:51
RTracerGLib-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion 'G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed13:51
RTracerI'll have to get it13:51
RTracerI tried gdm and that didnt work13:51
RTracerI'll try kdm13:51
RTracerbtw, that's all the errors13:52
RTraceraha! KDM works!13:52
RTracerWow, I'm acturally at my desktop13:53
RTracerThanks murthy13:53
murthyRTracer: :)13:53
murthyRTracer: yw13:53
RTracerI notice there's a game I like to play that doesnt work with a GTK+ theme13:53
RTracerMaybe the same sorta thing is going on13:53
RTracerBecuase I get simular errors when I try to launch that game with a GTK+ theme13:54
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murthyRTracer: if you still want to try? we can13:57
RTracerWhy would LightDM do that murthy?13:57
RTracerany ideas?13:57
murthyRTracer: two things you could try13:58
RTracerI guess it'd be nice to play in a GTK theme13:58
murthyRTracer: 1. do a disk check13:58
murthyRTracer: 2. check for broken packages13:58
RTracerI like KDM, it warns me if i'm logged in via TTY13:58
RTracerif I reboot or shutdown13:59
RTracerAlright, i'll try those, thanks13:59
DarthFrogHi folks.  I've got a head-scratcher with easy tag.  Maybe it's just me. :-)  Anyway, when I launch easytag (from the command line), nothing happens: no feedback, no new line and no program launch.  Nuttin'.  Any ideas?14:00
murthyDarthFrog: try to see if you get something when you run "strace easytag"14:01
DarthFrogmurthy:  Did that.  Nothing that makes sense to me.14:01
RTracerHow do I do a disk check btw>14:01
murthyRTracer: sudo touch ./forcefsck14:02
DarthFrogmurthy:  it seems to sit in a polling state.14:02
murthyRTracer: after that restart the system, the disk check will be done during boot14:02
RTracerWait up, which directory is forcefsck in?14:03
murthyDarthFrog: is the debug enabled for easytag?14:03
murthyRTracer: root14:03
murthyRTracer: sorry14:04
RTracerWhich root14:04
murthyRTracer: sudo touch /forcefsck14:04
murthyRTracer: thats the correct one14:04
RTracerOh I see, thanks14:04
DarthFrogmurthy:  how would I do that?14:05
murthyDarthFrog: run debugdialog14:05
murthyDarthFrog: wait14:05
murthyDarthFrog: its kdebugdialog14:06
murthyDarthFrog: untick disable all debug output in that dialog and see if the one for easytag is checked14:07
FloodBotK1tux_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:10
DarthFrogmurthy:  easytag isn't a KDE programme.  But there is kid3 and that's working.  I'll use it instead.  Thanks.14:11
murthyDarthFrog: I have used it since it was available for windows , its a good one14:12
tux_i know14:12
BluesKajHi folks14:21
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przemekhello mates , how to create dos iso more then 2.88mb? i need update the bios which have 8mb15:06
przemekk3b? any ideas? :)15:07
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bodomHi there. How can i disbale guest account in KDM?17:10
BluesKajbodom, system settings>login screen>generaltab, uncheck "allow guest login ", apply17:13
bodomBluesKaj: isn't System Settings -> login screen to configure LightDM?17:13
BluesKajwell, I thought kdm would be the same17:14
bodomBluesKaj: ok, i'm gonna try anyway, thank you17:15
BluesKajwhy are you using kdm ,are you on an older release?17:15
bodomis there any special reason why kubuntu-desktop depends on lightdm?17:46
OerHeksboth ubuntu and kubuntu use lightdm nowadays17:53
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bodomOerHeks: yep, but this way one can't uninstall lightdm without uninstalling also kubuntu-desktop18:03
bodomso, what if i want to use kdm?18:07
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BluesKajbodom,  have you seen this ? ..it might give some clues18:09
bodomBluesKaj: i think i don't understand how it can be helpful18:13
BluesKajbodom, ok nm then18:13
BluesKajyou obviously want to stick with kdm18:14
tsimpsonBluesKaj: you can use kdm if you want18:15
tsimpsonthere's no reason you can't have both installed18:15
tsimpsonoops, bodom not BluesKaj18:16
BluesKajI have no need to use kdm , I use a single monitor18:16
tsimpsonecho `which kdm`|sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager18:16
tsimpson^ will select KDM as the default display manager18:16
bodomtsimpson: Yes, i have kdm installed and it's already set up as default VM, but i would like to uninstall lightdm without breaking kubuntu18:17
tsimpsonbodom: so just remove it and kubuntu-desktop, it shouldn't remove anything else by default18:29
bodomyep, but i'll no longer get new kubuntu software18:30
tsimpsonsure you do, just no packages that are added to the default seed18:31
tsimpsonwhich is mostly not a problem, until you want to upgrade to the next kubuntu version18:32
Key-RealiHi, is it possible to use shared folders of Oracle VM VM VirtualBox under kubuntu?18:58
WalexKey-Real: probably, but is may be simpler to just use NFS for that.19:21
|kiraI use sshfs19:32
=== yaos is now known as kenami
puffIn the old kubuntu terminal I could use ctrl pgup/pgdwn to move between tabs.  In Konsole that doesn't seem to work.20:17
|kiraI think you can change the binds for that20:19
puffAh, found shift-right and shift-left do that.20:21
puffI gotta say, part of why I switched to kubuntu was not just Unity's slowness, but the gratuitous rearranging of the GUI.  I'm not really happy to see the same nonsense happening with kubuntu's GUI.20:22
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|kiraYou can change kde a lot more than unity/gnome320:22
puffYeah, but I don't want to :-).20:23
|kiraI use KDE and XFCE, XFCE is a lot like gnome3 and kde is a lot better than it was20:23
puffI want it to just stay the same, so I can get work done instead of frittering away the hours fiddling with the GUI, just to get it back to the way it used to be.20:23
|kiraMate is a dead end project, and Cinnamon is buggy20:23
puffHm, I think I was using XFCE before, maybe that's my mistake.  I thought xfce was the default kubuntu UI?20:24
puffHow do I check?20:24
|kiraxubuntu is xfce... kubuntu kde, gnome-ubuntu is gnome 3... ubuntu is unity...20:24
puffAh... okay, maybe that's where I messed up.20:25
|kiralubuntu is lxde which is really small but too far20:25
|kirakde and xfce are the best offical ubuntus.... cinnamon is really nice but there's no cinnabuntu20:25
puffI seem to have set my kde wallet password somewhere along the way, but now I can't remember it.  This install is only a few days old, how do I reset it?20:26
|kiraI should make cinnabuntu...20:26
puffWhat's cinnamon?20:26
|kiracinnamon is gnome 3 made to be more 2-like, Linux Mint uses it an there's an ubuntu ppa20:26
|kirait's buggy still20:27
puffI have a lot to do... I just instaleld a 256GB MSATA SSD (which is listing as 238GB, sigh).  I need to revise/reconfigure/reinstall everything.20:27
puffI want to set up multiple boot partitions. Sadly this includes windows (I haven't booted windows on my personal laptop in 6+ years).20:28
|kirawell linux installs are tiny compared to windows, you could jsut get every livecd and try them all20:28
puffBut I need to support some stuff that means I may need  to occasionally boot into windows.20:28
|kirause kvm or xen or virtualbox20:28
puffNah, I need at least three boots.20:28
|kirakvm supports 1024 machines and 2048 cores and 32TB of ram...20:29
puffMy every day boot, probably kubuntu or xubuntu.  A boot for the latest bleeding-edge ubuntu so I can test it against my hardware (things *always* seem to break).  A centos boot for a particular project involving commercial software that is only available for centos.  And a windows boot.20:29
|kiraMy host os is kubuntu, have xubuntu in a vm and windows xp and 7 in a vm too...20:30
puffAnd most of them involve wacky graphics driver issues, so I can't run them under a virtual server.20:30
|kiracent is bad lol20:30
puffYeah, but it's become something of a standard in the 3D graphics industry.20:30
puffActually I think RHEL is the standard, but CentOS is the open source/free equivalent.20:31
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|kirawhat software? blender works perfectly on every major distro20:31
puff(as far as the industry cares)20:31
|kirafedora is open redhat, cent is... related20:31
|kiracent is like 5 guys, fedora is 300....20:31
|kiramint is 3 guys, ubuntu is... 400?20:32
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|kiraubuntu is pretty much a compilation os series, not much work done, debian is the true mothership distro20:32
|kiraso much is debian based20:32
|kiraDebian testing is more stable than most distros, stable is old, unstable breaks20:33
ospi3hello:) how do i backup all emails as simple text files (one email one file)?20:35
ospi3somebody help me please...20:36
|kirawith what program?20:36
ospi3|kira: thank you... any email client. do you know one that does that?20:37
ospi3what i want is to have one (readable) text file for each email20:38
|kiramost backup as xml, which can be broken apart20:38
|kirathundebird and such20:38
ospi3so one big xml file. and how do you break it apart into many little files (one per email)? will these then be readable in a simple text editor?20:39
|kiraany simple programming language, go, python, read the xml, spit out the text as seperate files names however20:40
ospi3also how will these files be named? can you get for example the object of the email to be the name of the file?20:41
|kiracan ame them however you want20:41
ospi3can a newbie (like me) do this easily? i dont know how to program20:42
|kirai'm about to make a program that does that20:42
ospi3super... thank you20:42
|kirai'll be developing it tonight, i have thunderbird emails i want to blow up to seperate files too20:43
ospi3i still dont understand why thunderbird does not give us this option...20:43
|kirai think there is a way, but nothing as simple as "here's backup dump mails as text fies"20:44
ospi3will you make it available to everybody?20:45
ospi3or just me? :)20:46
|kiraopen source project20:46
ospi3so where will i find it?20:46
|kiradunno, github probally20:46
ospi3so tell me what to do.... should i go look for it in github tomorrow?20:47
|kirai'm on irc every day, just bug me once in a while20:47
ospi3ok so i will come bug you tomorrow :) always in this channel (kubuntu)?20:48
BluesKaj_really |kira , must be a lurker20:51
|kirai'm maximum lurker20:53
|kirai lurk 50 channels20:53
ospi3what is lurker?20:53
|kirahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lurker very old word lol20:54
ospi3 a member of an online community who observes, but does not actively participate20:54
ospi3but you participate dont you?20:55
|kirawhen i have reason lol20:55
ospi3what time will be connected tomorrow?20:56
puffospi3: Where is the email coming from?20:59
puff5pm already, where did the day go?20:59
|kiraI think I'll call it "Thunderbird Backup Exploder"20:59
puffospi3: Maildir is a standard mailbox format that puts the messages in individual files in a subdirectory.21:00
|kiraI forgot about that... although i have all of these json emmail backups...21:01
ospi3could you make it that the name of the file comes out as 20130526 News from Alaska (YYYYMMDD EMAILOBJECT) ? (hopefully im not being rude in making these requests) :)21:03
ospi3the name sounds good...21:03
|kiraI'll probably name the files like this: YY/MM/DD/HH/MM/SS/Title/from/to21:06
|kiraknow of the Go programming language?21:07
ospi3i know of "go" as in "I go to work" :)21:08
|kiraI'll be making it with that http://golang.org/ you can apt-get golang21:08
ospi3can you make it so user-friendly that even my grandmother will be able to use it?21:09
|kirayou can "go make" it into a simple binary people can run21:10
puff|kira: How is go for quickie scriptnig stuff?21:12
|kirago is a full blown programing language, but it's even easier than most scripting languages21:12
puff|kira: I've been curious about,  haven't managed to make time to try it out.  Hell, I've barely made time to try out more practical languages that have long been on my to-do list, like python and ruby.21:12
puff|kira: Really?21:12
|kirayou can elarn go pretty quick21:12
ospi3ok kira .... glad i bumped on you.... be back tomorrow then ... good night (for me time) :)21:13
|kirakate in kde support go syntax21:13
|kiraand golang is a standard package you and apt-get21:14
puffNeat tour.21:15
madconquerorNiklaus Wirth had dinner in the same restaurant tonight as me. I think. At least, there was a lonely man with a beard and a lonely man with a dog on that terrace. You could have just told me Kubuntu is only mimicking dual monitor support. It would have been okay. Now I choose a different distro.21:19
|kiraI'm using multimonitor... you can have separate desktops or 1 big one made of multiple monitors... just depends on how your screens are set21:20
ospi3why not have four digits for the year (YYYY)? it will work better for the century turns dont you think?21:20
puffI've jsut *barely* gotten my external video working (dang nvidia).21:21
|kiraamdcccle or nvidia's... something, lets you set that, intel has a thing too21:21
|kiranvidia on a laptop?21:21
puffBut what I *really* want is to use multiple monitors when docked, and when I undock, have each monitor be a workspace.21:21
puffYea,h thinkpad t52p with nvidia.21:21
puffTurns out there are some really annoying aspects to nvidia on the thinkpad t520 - the external video port is just dead if you don't use nvidia mode.21:22
|kiraIf you use nvidia for laptops... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVpOyKCNZYw21:22
puff|kira: Yeah, I think of that scene often.21:22
|kiraFunny how ATi was bad on Linux, but AMD really improved things21:23
puffThis was a good read: http://tech.t9i.in/2013/01/why-program-in-go/21:26
puffYeah, re: ATI.21:26
|kiraATi's divers are slow, a bit buggy... but I haven't really had any big problems... steam games all work, blender, other linux games, lots of wine games21:27
ospi3|kira: do you read me? did i do something wrong? is it for go? didn't mean to be unpolite or anything.....21:27
|kiraoh, missed your comment, uhh, i'll probably have several file name options, it's easy changing21:28
ospi3ok... good... night :)21:29
|kiraI have to much crap open I need a double bar tray, good thing there's sutohide...21:55
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== moistcherry is now known as hoverboard
|kiraospi3: Hmm... https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/importexporttools/ found plugin to handle my emails... suddenly lost urge to so it myself...23:58
|kirahmm, he's gone, oh well23:59

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